zzz / openhands /runtime /utils /runtime_init.py
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import subprocess
from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger
def init_user_and_working_directory(
username: str, user_id: int, initial_cwd: str
) -> int | None:
"""Create working directory and user if not exists.
It performs the following steps effectively:
* Creates the Working Directory:
- Uses mkdir -p to create the directory.
- Sets ownership to username:root.
- Adjusts permissions to be readable and writable by group and others.
* User Verification and Creation:
- Checks if the user exists using id -u.
- If the user exists with the correct UID, it skips creation.
- If the UID differs, it logs a warning and return an updated user_id.
- If the user doesn't exist, it proceeds to create the user.
* Sudo Configuration:
- Appends %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL to /etc/sudoers to grant
passwordless sudo access to the sudo group.
- Adds the user to the sudo group with the useradd command, handling
UID conflicts by incrementing the UID if necessary.
username (str): The username to create.
user_id (int): The user ID to assign to the user.
initial_cwd (str): The initial working directory to create.
int | None: The user ID if it was updated, None otherwise.
# First create the working directory, independent of the user
logger.debug(f'Client working directory: {initial_cwd}')
command = f'umask 002; mkdir -p {initial_cwd}'
output = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, capture_output=True)
out_str = output.stdout.decode()
command = f'chown -R {username}:root {initial_cwd}'
output = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, capture_output=True)
out_str += output.stdout.decode()
command = f'chmod g+rw {initial_cwd}'
output = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, capture_output=True)
out_str += output.stdout.decode()
logger.debug(f'Created working directory. Output: [{out_str}]')
# Skip root since it is already created
if username == 'root':
return None
# Check if the username already exists
existing_user_id = -1
result = subprocess.run(
f'id -u {username}', shell=True, check=True, capture_output=True
existing_user_id = int(result.stdout.decode().strip())
# The user ID already exists, skip setup
if existing_user_id == user_id:
f'User `{username}` already has the provided UID {user_id}. Skipping user setup.'
f'User `{username}` already exists with UID {existing_user_id}. Skipping user setup.'
return existing_user_id
return None
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Returncode 1 indicates, that the user does not exist yet
if e.returncode == 1:
f'User `{username}` does not exist. Proceeding with user creation.'
logger.error(f'Error checking user `{username}`, skipping setup:\n{e}\n')
# Add sudoer
sudoer_line = r"echo '%sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"
output = subprocess.run(sudoer_line, shell=True, capture_output=True)
if output.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(f'Failed to add sudoer: {output.stderr.decode()}')
logger.debug(f'Added sudoer successfully. Output: [{output.stdout.decode()}]')
command = (
f'useradd -rm -d /home/{username} -s /bin/bash '
f'-g root -G sudo -u {user_id} {username}'
output = subprocess.run(command, shell=True, capture_output=True)
if output.returncode == 0:
f'Added user `{username}` successfully with UID {user_id}. Output: [{output.stdout.decode()}]'
raise RuntimeError(
f'Failed to create user `{username}` with UID {user_id}. Output: [{output.stderr.decode()}]'
return None