from dataclasses import asdict from datetime import datetime from pydantic import BaseModel from import Event, EventSource from import Observation from import action_from_dict from import observation_from_dict from import remove_fields from import ToolCallMetadata # TODO: move `content` into `extras` TOP_KEYS = [ 'id', 'timestamp', 'source', 'message', 'cause', 'action', 'observation', 'tool_call_metadata', ] UNDERSCORE_KEYS = ['id', 'timestamp', 'source', 'cause', 'tool_call_metadata'] DELETE_FROM_TRAJECTORY_EXTRAS = { 'screenshot', 'dom_object', 'axtree_object', 'active_page_index', 'last_browser_action', 'last_browser_action_error', 'focused_element_bid', 'extra_element_properties', } DELETE_FROM_MEMORY_EXTRAS = DELETE_FROM_TRAJECTORY_EXTRAS | {'open_pages_urls'} def event_from_dict(data) -> 'Event': evt: Event if 'action' in data: evt = action_from_dict(data) elif 'observation' in data: evt = observation_from_dict(data) else: raise ValueError('Unknown event type: ' + data) for key in UNDERSCORE_KEYS: if key in data: value = data[key] if key == 'timestamp' and isinstance(value, datetime): value = value.isoformat() if key == 'source': value = EventSource(value) if key == 'tool_call_metadata': value = ToolCallMetadata(**value) setattr(evt, '_' + key, value) return evt def _convert_pydantic_to_dict(obj: BaseModel | dict) -> dict: if isinstance(obj, BaseModel): return obj.model_dump() return obj def event_to_dict(event: 'Event') -> dict: props = asdict(event) d = {} for key in TOP_KEYS: if hasattr(event, key) and getattr(event, key) is not None: d[key] = getattr(event, key) elif hasattr(event, f'_{key}') and getattr(event, f'_{key}') is not None: d[key] = getattr(event, f'_{key}') if key == 'id' and d.get('id') == -1: d.pop('id', None) if key == 'timestamp' and 'timestamp' in d: if isinstance(d['timestamp'], datetime): d['timestamp'] = d['timestamp'].isoformat() if key == 'source' and 'source' in d: d['source'] = d['source'].value if key == 'tool_call_metadata' and 'tool_call_metadata' in d: d['tool_call_metadata'] = d['tool_call_metadata'].model_dump() props.pop(key, None) if 'security_risk' in props and props['security_risk'] is None: props.pop('security_risk') if 'action' in d: d['args'] = props if event.timeout is not None: d['timeout'] = event.timeout elif 'observation' in d: d['content'] = props.pop('content', '') # props is a dict whose values can include a complex object like an instance of a BaseModel subclass # such as CmdOutputMetadata # we serialize it along with the rest d['extras'] = {k: _convert_pydantic_to_dict(v) for k, v in props.items()} # Include success field for CmdOutputObservation if hasattr(event, 'success'): d['success'] = event.success else: raise ValueError('Event must be either action or observation') return d def event_to_trajectory(event: 'Event') -> dict: d = event_to_dict(event) if 'extras' in d: remove_fields(d['extras'], DELETE_FROM_TRAJECTORY_EXTRAS) return d def event_to_memory(event: 'Event', max_message_chars: int) -> dict: d = event_to_dict(event) d.pop('id', None) d.pop('cause', None) d.pop('timestamp', None) d.pop('message', None) d.pop('image_urls', None) # runnable actions have some extra fields used in the BE/FE, which should not be sent to the LLM if 'args' in d: d['args'].pop('blocking', None) d['args'].pop('confirmation_state', None) if 'extras' in d: remove_fields(d['extras'], DELETE_FROM_MEMORY_EXTRAS) if isinstance(event, Observation) and 'content' in d: d['content'] = truncate_content(d['content'], max_message_chars) return d def truncate_content(content: str, max_chars: int) -> str: """Truncate the middle of the observation content if it is too long.""" if len(content) <= max_chars or max_chars == -1: return content # truncate the middle and include a message to the LLM about it half = max_chars // 2 return ( content[:half] + '\n[... Observation truncated due to length ...]\n' + content[-half:] )