import asyncio import logging import sys from uuid import uuid4 from termcolor import colored import openhands.agenthub # noqa F401 (we import this to get the agents registered) from openhands.core.config import ( AppConfig, parse_arguments, setup_config_from_args, ) from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from openhands.core.loop import run_agent_until_done from openhands.core.schema import AgentState from openhands.core.setup import create_agent, create_controller, create_runtime from import EventSource, EventStreamSubscriber from import ( Action, ActionConfirmationStatus, ChangeAgentStateAction, CmdRunAction, FileEditAction, MessageAction, ) from import Event from import ( AgentStateChangedObservation, CmdOutputObservation, FileEditObservation, NullObservation, ) def display_message(message: str): print(colored('🤖 ' + message + '\n', 'yellow')) def display_command(command: str): print('❯ ' + colored(command + '\n', 'green')) def display_confirmation(confirmation_state: ActionConfirmationStatus): if confirmation_state == ActionConfirmationStatus.CONFIRMED: print(colored('✅ ' + confirmation_state + '\n', 'green')) elif confirmation_state == ActionConfirmationStatus.REJECTED: print(colored('❌ ' + confirmation_state + '\n', 'red')) else: print(colored('⏳ ' + confirmation_state + '\n', 'yellow')) def display_command_output(output: str): lines = output.split('\n') for line in lines: if line.startswith('[Python Interpreter') or line.startswith('openhands@'): # TODO: clean this up once we clean up terminal output continue print(colored(line, 'blue')) print('\n') def display_file_edit(event: FileEditAction | FileEditObservation): print(colored(str(event), 'green')) def display_event(event: Event, config: AppConfig): if isinstance(event, Action): if hasattr(event, 'thought'): display_message(event.thought) if isinstance(event, MessageAction): if event.source == EventSource.AGENT: display_message(event.content) if isinstance(event, CmdRunAction): display_command(event.command) if isinstance(event, CmdOutputObservation): display_command_output(event.content) if isinstance(event, FileEditAction): display_file_edit(event) if isinstance(event, FileEditObservation): display_file_edit(event) if hasattr(event, 'confirmation_state') and display_confirmation(event.confirmation_state) def read_input(config: AppConfig) -> str: """Read input from user based on config settings.""" if config.cli_multiline_input: print('Enter your message (enter "/exit" on a new line to finish):') lines = [] while True: line = input('>> ').rstrip() if line == '/exit': # finish input break lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) else: return input('>> ').rstrip() async def main(loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): """Runs the agent in CLI mode""" args = parse_arguments() logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) config = setup_config_from_args(args) sid = str(uuid4()) runtime = create_runtime(config, sid=sid, headless_mode=True) await runtime.connect() agent = create_agent(runtime, config) controller, _ = create_controller(agent, runtime, config) event_stream = runtime.event_stream async def prompt_for_next_task(): # Run input() in a thread pool to avoid blocking the event loop next_message = await loop.run_in_executor(None, read_input, config) if not next_message.strip(): await prompt_for_next_task() if next_message == 'exit': event_stream.add_event( ChangeAgentStateAction(AgentState.STOPPED), EventSource.ENVIRONMENT ) return action = MessageAction(content=next_message) event_stream.add_event(action, EventSource.USER) async def prompt_for_user_confirmation(): user_confirmation = await loop.run_in_executor( None, lambda: input('Confirm action (possible security risk)? (y/n) >> ') ) return user_confirmation.lower() == 'y' async def on_event_async(event: Event): display_event(event, config) if isinstance(event, AgentStateChangedObservation): if event.agent_state in [ AgentState.AWAITING_USER_INPUT, AgentState.FINISHED, ]: await prompt_for_next_task() if ( isinstance(event, NullObservation) and controller.state.agent_state == AgentState.AWAITING_USER_CONFIRMATION ): user_confirmed = await prompt_for_user_confirmation() if user_confirmed: event_stream.add_event( ChangeAgentStateAction(AgentState.USER_CONFIRMED), EventSource.USER ) else: event_stream.add_event( ChangeAgentStateAction(AgentState.USER_REJECTED), EventSource.USER ) def on_event(event: Event) -> None: loop.create_task(on_event_async(event)) event_stream.subscribe(EventStreamSubscriber.MAIN, on_event, str(uuid4())) await runtime.connect() asyncio.create_task(prompt_for_next_task()) await run_agent_until_done( controller, runtime, [AgentState.STOPPED, AgentState.ERROR] ) if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) try: loop.run_until_complete(main(loop)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Received keyboard interrupt, shutting down...') except ConnectionRefusedError as e: print(f'Connection refused: {e}') sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print(f'An error occurred: {e}') sys.exit(1) finally: try: # Cancel all running tasks pending = asyncio.all_tasks(loop) for task in pending: task.cancel() # Wait for all tasks to complete with a timeout loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(*pending, return_exceptions=True)) loop.close() except Exception as e: print(f'Error during cleanup: {e}') sys.exit(1)