import asyncio import json import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Protocol import openhands.agenthub # noqa F401 (we import this to get the agents registered) from openhands.controller.agent import Agent from openhands.controller.state.state import State from openhands.core.config import ( AppConfig, parse_arguments, setup_config_from_args, ) from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from openhands.core.loop import run_agent_until_done from openhands.core.schema import AgentState from openhands.core.setup import ( create_agent, create_controller, create_runtime, generate_sid, ) from import EventSource, EventStreamSubscriber from import MessageAction, NullAction from import Action from import Event from import AgentStateChangedObservation from import event_from_dict from import event_to_trajectory from openhands.runtime.base import Runtime class FakeUserResponseFunc(Protocol): def __call__( self, state: State, encapsulate_solution: bool = False, try_parse: Callable[[Action | None], str] | None = None, ) -> str: ... def read_task_from_file(file_path: str) -> str: """Read task from the specified file.""" with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: return def read_task_from_stdin() -> str: """Read task from stdin.""" return def read_input(config: AppConfig) -> str: """Read input from user based on config settings.""" if config.cli_multiline_input: print('Enter your message (enter "/exit" on a new line to finish):') lines = [] while True: line = input('>> ').rstrip() if line == '/exit': # finish input break lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) else: return input('>> ').rstrip() async def run_controller( config: AppConfig, initial_user_action: Action, sid: str | None = None, runtime: Runtime | None = None, agent: Agent | None = None, exit_on_message: bool = False, fake_user_response_fn: FakeUserResponseFunc | None = None, headless_mode: bool = True, ) -> State | None: """Main coroutine to run the agent controller with task input flexibility. It's only used when you launch openhands backend directly via cmdline. Args: config: The app config. initial_user_action: An Action object containing initial user input sid: (optional) The session id. IMPORTANT: please don't set this unless you know what you're doing. Set it to incompatible value will cause unexpected behavior on RemoteRuntime. runtime: (optional) A runtime for the agent to run on. agent: (optional) A agent to run. exit_on_message: quit if agent asks for a message from user (optional) fake_user_response_fn: An optional function that receives the current state (could be None) and returns a fake user response. headless_mode: Whether the agent is run in headless mode. """ sid = sid or generate_sid(config) if runtime is None: runtime = create_runtime(config, sid=sid, headless_mode=headless_mode) await runtime.connect() event_stream = runtime.event_stream if agent is None: agent = create_agent(runtime, config) replay_events: list[Event] | None = None if config.replay_trajectory_path:'Trajectory replay is enabled') assert isinstance(initial_user_action, NullAction) replay_events, initial_user_action = load_replay_log( config.replay_trajectory_path ) controller, initial_state = create_controller( agent, runtime, config, replay_events=replay_events ) assert isinstance( initial_user_action, Action ), f'initial user actions must be an Action, got {type(initial_user_action)}' # Logging logger.debug( f'Agent Controller Initialized: Running agent {}, model ' f'{agent.llm.config.model}, with actions: {initial_user_action}' ) # start event is a MessageAction with the task, either resumed or new if initial_state is not None: # we're resuming the previous session event_stream.add_event( MessageAction( content=( "Let's get back on track. If you experienced errors before, do " 'NOT resume your task. Ask me about it.' ), ), EventSource.USER, ) else: # init with the provided actions event_stream.add_event(initial_user_action, EventSource.USER) def on_event(event: Event): if isinstance(event, AgentStateChangedObservation): if event.agent_state == AgentState.AWAITING_USER_INPUT: if exit_on_message: message = '/exit' elif fake_user_response_fn is None: message = read_input(config) else: message = fake_user_response_fn(controller.get_state()) action = MessageAction(content=message) event_stream.add_event(action, EventSource.USER) event_stream.subscribe(EventStreamSubscriber.MAIN, on_event, sid) end_states = [ AgentState.FINISHED, AgentState.REJECTED, AgentState.ERROR, AgentState.PAUSED, AgentState.STOPPED, ] try: await run_agent_until_done(controller, runtime, end_states) except Exception as e: logger.error(f'Exception in main loop: {e}') # save session when we're about to close if config.file_store is not None and config.file_store != 'memory': end_state = controller.get_state() # NOTE: the saved state does not include delegates events end_state.save_to_session(event_stream.sid, event_stream.file_store) state = controller.get_state() # save trajectories if applicable if config.save_trajectory_path is not None: # if save_trajectory_path is a folder, use session id as file name if os.path.isdir(config.save_trajectory_path): file_path = os.path.join(config.save_trajectory_path, sid + '.json') else: file_path = config.save_trajectory_path os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) histories = [event_to_trajectory(event) for event in state.history] with open(file_path, 'w') as f: json.dump(histories, f) return state def auto_continue_response( state: State, encapsulate_solution: bool = False, try_parse: Callable[[Action | None], str] | None = None, ) -> str: """Default function to generate user responses. Tell the agent to proceed without asking for more input, or finish the interaction. """ message = ( 'Please continue on whatever approach you think is suitable.\n' 'If you think you have solved the task, please finish the interaction.\n' 'IMPORTANT: YOU SHOULD NEVER ASK FOR HUMAN RESPONSE.\n' ) return message def load_replay_log(trajectory_path: str) -> tuple[list[Event] | None, Action]: """ Load trajectory from given path, serialize it to a list of events, and return two things: 1) A list of events except the first action 2) First action (user message, a.k.a. initial task) """ try: path = Path(trajectory_path).resolve() if not path.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Trajectory file not found: {path}') if not path.is_file(): raise ValueError(f'Trajectory path is a directory, not a file: {path}') with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: data = json.load(file) if not isinstance(data, list): raise ValueError( f'Expected a list in {path}, got {type(data).__name__}' ) events = [] for item in data: event = event_from_dict(item) # cannot add an event with _id to event stream event._id = None # type: ignore[attr-defined] events.append(event) assert isinstance(events[0], MessageAction) return events[1:], events[0] except json.JSONDecodeError as e: raise ValueError(f'Invalid JSON format in {trajectory_path}: {e}') if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_arguments() config = setup_config_from_args(args) # Determine the task task_str = '' if args.file: task_str = read_task_from_file(args.file) elif args.task: task_str = args.task elif not sys.stdin.isatty(): task_str = read_task_from_stdin() initial_user_action: Action = NullAction() if config.replay_trajectory_path: if task_str: raise ValueError( 'User-specified task is not supported under trajectory replay mode' ) elif task_str: initial_user_action = MessageAction(content=task_str) else: raise ValueError('No task provided. Please specify a task through -t, -f.') # Set session name session_name = sid = generate_sid(config, session_name) run_controller( config=config, initial_user_action=initial_user_action, sid=sid, fake_user_response_fn=None if args.no_auto_continue else auto_continue_response, ) )