import json import os import re from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Any, ClassVar import jinja2 import requests from openhands.core.config import LLMConfig from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from import Event from openhands.llm.llm import LLM from openhands.resolver.github_issue import GithubIssue, ReviewThread class IssueHandlerInterface(ABC): issue_type: ClassVar[str] llm: LLM @abstractmethod def get_converted_issues( self, issue_numbers: list[int] | None = None, comment_id: int | None = None ) -> list[GithubIssue]: """Download issues from GitHub.""" pass @abstractmethod def get_instruction( self, issue: GithubIssue, prompt_template: str, repo_instruction: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[str, list[str]]: """Generate instruction and image urls for the agent.""" pass @abstractmethod def guess_success( self, issue: GithubIssue, history: list[Event], git_patch: str | None = None ) -> tuple[bool, list[bool] | None, str]: """Guess if the issue has been resolved based on the agent's output and git patch.""" pass class IssueHandler(IssueHandlerInterface): issue_type: ClassVar[str] = 'issue' default_git_patch: ClassVar[str] = 'No changes made yet' def __init__(self, owner: str, repo: str, token: str, llm_config: LLMConfig): self.download_url = '{}/{}/issues' self.owner = owner self.repo = repo self.token = token self.llm = LLM(llm_config) def _download_issues_from_github(self) -> list[Any]: url = self.download_url.format(self.owner, self.repo) headers = { 'Authorization': f'token {self.token}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', } params: dict[str, int | str] = {'state': 'open', 'per_page': 100, 'page': 1} all_issues = [] # Get issues, page by page while True: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) response.raise_for_status() issues = response.json() # No more issues, break the loop if not issues: break # Sanity check - the response is a list of dictionaries if not isinstance(issues, list) or any( [not isinstance(issue, dict) for issue in issues] ): raise ValueError('Expected list of dictionaries from Github API.') # Add the issues to the final list all_issues.extend(issues) assert isinstance(params['page'], int) params['page'] += 1 return all_issues def _extract_image_urls(self, issue_body: str) -> list[str]: # Regular expression to match Markdown image syntax ![alt text](image_url) image_pattern = r'!\[.*?\]\((https?://[^\s)]+)\)' return re.findall(image_pattern, issue_body) def _extract_issue_references(self, body: str) -> list[int]: # First, remove code blocks as they may contain false positives body = re.sub(r'```.*?```', '', body, flags=re.DOTALL) # Remove inline code body = re.sub(r'`[^`]*`', '', body) # Remove URLs that contain hash symbols body = re.sub(r'https?://[^\s)]*#\d+[^\s)]*', '', body) # Now extract issue numbers, making sure they're not part of other text # The pattern matches #number that: # 1. Is at the start of text or after whitespace/punctuation # 2. Is followed by whitespace, punctuation, or end of text # 3. Is not part of a URL pattern = r'(?:^|[\s\[({]|[^\w#])#(\d+)(?=[\s,.\])}]|$)' return [int(match) for match in re.findall(pattern, body)] def _get_issue_comments( self, issue_number: int, comment_id: int | None = None ) -> list[str] | None: """Retrieve comments for a specific issue from Github. Args: issue_number: The ID of the issue to get comments for comment_id: The ID of a single comment, if provided, otherwise all comments """ url = f'{self.owner}/{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}/comments' headers = { 'Authorization': f'token {self.token}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', } params = {'per_page': 100, 'page': 1} all_comments = [] # Get comments, page by page while True: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) response.raise_for_status() comments = response.json() if not comments: break # If a single comment ID is provided, return only that comment if comment_id: matching_comment = next( ( comment['body'] for comment in comments if comment['id'] == comment_id ), None, ) if matching_comment: return [matching_comment] else: # Otherwise, return all comments all_comments.extend([comment['body'] for comment in comments]) params['page'] += 1 return all_comments if all_comments else None def get_converted_issues( self, issue_numbers: list[int] | None = None, comment_id: int | None = None ) -> list[GithubIssue]: """Download issues from Github. Args: issue_numbers: The numbers of the issues to download comment_id: The ID of a single comment, if provided, otherwise all comments Returns: List of Github issues. """ if not issue_numbers: raise ValueError('Unspecified issue number') all_issues = self._download_issues_from_github()'Limiting resolving to issues {issue_numbers}.') all_issues = [ issue for issue in all_issues if issue['number'] in issue_numbers and 'pull_request' not in issue ] if len(issue_numbers) == 1 and not all_issues: raise ValueError(f'Issue {issue_numbers[0]} not found') converted_issues = [] for issue in all_issues: # Check for required fields (number and title) if any([issue.get(key) is None for key in ['number', 'title']]): logger.warning( f'Skipping issue {issue} as it is missing number or title.' ) continue # Handle empty body by using empty string if issue.get('body') is None: issue['body'] = '' # Get issue thread comments thread_comments = self._get_issue_comments( issue['number'], comment_id=comment_id ) # Convert empty lists to None for optional fields issue_details = GithubIssue( owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo, number=issue['number'], title=issue['title'], body=issue['body'], thread_comments=thread_comments, review_comments=None, # Initialize review comments as None for regular issues ) converted_issues.append(issue_details) return converted_issues def get_instruction( self, issue: GithubIssue, prompt_template: str, repo_instruction: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[str, list[str]]: """Generate instruction for the agent. Args: issue: The issue to generate instruction for prompt_template: The prompt template to use repo_instruction: The repository instruction if it exists """ # Format thread comments if they exist thread_context = '' if issue.thread_comments: thread_context = '\n\nIssue Thread Comments:\n' + '\n---\n'.join( issue.thread_comments ) # Extract image URLs from the issue body and thread comments images = [] images.extend(self._extract_image_urls(issue.body)) images.extend(self._extract_image_urls(thread_context)) template = jinja2.Template(prompt_template) return ( template.render( body=issue.title + '\n\n' + issue.body + thread_context, repo_instruction=repo_instruction, ), images, ) def guess_success( self, issue: GithubIssue, history: list[Event], git_patch: str | None = None ) -> tuple[bool, None | list[bool], str]: """Guess if the issue is fixed based on the history and the issue description. Args: issue: The issue to check history: The agent's history git_patch: Optional git patch showing the changes made """ last_message = history[-1].message # Include thread comments in the prompt if they exist issue_context = issue.body if issue.thread_comments: issue_context += '\n\nIssue Thread Comments:\n' + '\n---\n'.join( issue.thread_comments ) # Prepare the prompt with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'prompts/guess_success/issue-success-check.jinja', ), 'r', ) as f: template = jinja2.Template( prompt = template.render( issue_context=issue_context, last_message=last_message, git_patch=git_patch or self.default_git_patch, ) # Get the LLM response and check for 'success' and 'explanation' in the answer response = self.llm.completion(messages=[{'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}]) answer = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() pattern = r'--- success\n*(true|false)\n*--- explanation*\n((?:.|\n)*)' match =, answer) if match: return == 'true', None, return False, None, f'Failed to decode answer from LLM response: {answer}' class PRHandler(IssueHandler): issue_type: ClassVar[str] = 'pr' def __init__(self, owner: str, repo: str, token: str, llm_config: LLMConfig): super().__init__(owner, repo, token, llm_config) self.download_url = '{}/{}/pulls' def __download_pr_metadata( self, pull_number: int, comment_id: int | None = None ) -> tuple[list[str], list[int], list[str], list[ReviewThread], list[str]]: """Run a GraphQL query against the GitHub API for information. Retrieves information about: 1. unresolved review comments 2. referenced issues the pull request would close Args: pull_number: The number of the pull request to query. comment_id: Optional ID of a specific comment to focus on. query: The GraphQL query as a string. variables: A dictionary of variables for the query. token: Your GitHub personal access token. Returns: The JSON response from the GitHub API. """ # Using graphql as REST API doesn't indicate resolved status for review comments # TODO: grabbing the first 10 issues, 100 review threads, and 100 coments; add pagination to retrieve all query = """ query($owner: String!, $repo: String!, $pr: Int!) { repository(owner: $owner, name: $repo) { pullRequest(number: $pr) { closingIssuesReferences(first: 10) { edges { node { body number } } } url reviews(first: 100) { nodes { body state fullDatabaseId } } reviewThreads(first: 100) { edges{ node{ id isResolved comments(first: 100) { totalCount nodes { body path fullDatabaseId } } } } } } } } """ variables = {'owner': self.owner, 'repo': self.repo, 'pr': pull_number} # Run the query url = '' headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = url, json={'query': query, 'variables': variables}, headers=headers ) response.raise_for_status() response_json = response.json() # Parse the response to get closing issue references and unresolved review comments pr_data = ( response_json.get('data', {}).get('repository', {}).get('pullRequest', {}) ) # Get closing issues closing_issues = pr_data.get('closingIssuesReferences', {}).get('edges', []) closing_issues_bodies = [issue['node']['body'] for issue in closing_issues] closing_issue_numbers = [ issue['node']['number'] for issue in closing_issues ] # Extract issue numbers # Get review comments reviews = pr_data.get('reviews', {}).get('nodes', []) if comment_id is not None: reviews = [ review for review in reviews if int(review['fullDatabaseId']) == comment_id ] review_bodies = [review['body'] for review in reviews] # Get unresolved review threads review_threads = [] thread_ids = [] # Store thread IDs; agent replies to the thread raw_review_threads = pr_data.get('reviewThreads', {}).get('edges', []) for thread in raw_review_threads: node = thread.get('node', {}) if not node.get( 'isResolved', True ): # Check if the review thread is unresolved id = node.get('id') thread_contains_comment_id = False my_review_threads = node.get('comments', {}).get('nodes', []) message = '' files = [] for i, review_thread in enumerate(my_review_threads): if ( comment_id is not None and int(review_thread['fullDatabaseId']) == comment_id ): thread_contains_comment_id = True if ( i == len(my_review_threads) - 1 ): # Check if it's the last thread in the thread if len(my_review_threads) > 1: message += '---\n' # Add "---" before the last message if there's more than one thread message += 'latest feedback:\n' + review_thread['body'] + '\n' else: message += ( review_thread['body'] + '\n' ) # Add each thread in a new line # Source files on which the comments were made file = review_thread.get('path') if file and file not in files: files.append(file) # If the comment ID is not provided or the thread contains the comment ID, add the thread to the list if comment_id is None or thread_contains_comment_id: unresolved_thread = ReviewThread(comment=message, files=files) review_threads.append(unresolved_thread) thread_ids.append(id) return ( closing_issues_bodies, closing_issue_numbers, review_bodies, review_threads, thread_ids, ) # Override processing of downloaded issues def _get_pr_comments( self, pr_number: int, comment_id: int | None = None ) -> list[str] | None: """Download comments for a specific pull request from Github.""" url = f'{self.owner}/{self.repo}/issues/{pr_number}/comments' headers = { 'Authorization': f'token {self.token}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', } params = {'per_page': 100, 'page': 1} all_comments = [] while True: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params) response.raise_for_status() comments = response.json() if not comments: break if comment_id is not None: matching_comment = next( ( comment['body'] for comment in comments if comment['id'] == comment_id ), None, ) if matching_comment: return [matching_comment] else: all_comments.extend([comment['body'] for comment in comments]) params['page'] += 1 return all_comments if all_comments else None def __get_context_from_external_issues_references( self, closing_issues: list[str], closing_issue_numbers: list[int], issue_body: str, review_comments: list[str], review_threads: list[ReviewThread], thread_comments: list[str] | None, ): new_issue_references = [] if issue_body: new_issue_references.extend(self._extract_issue_references(issue_body)) if review_comments: for comment in review_comments: new_issue_references.extend(self._extract_issue_references(comment)) if review_threads: for review_thread in review_threads: new_issue_references.extend( self._extract_issue_references(review_thread.comment) ) if thread_comments: for thread_comment in thread_comments: new_issue_references.extend( self._extract_issue_references(thread_comment) ) non_duplicate_references = set(new_issue_references) unique_issue_references = non_duplicate_references.difference( closing_issue_numbers ) for issue_number in unique_issue_references: try: url = f'{self.owner}/{self.repo}/issues/{issue_number}' headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.token}', 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() issue_data = response.json() issue_body = issue_data.get('body', '') if issue_body: closing_issues.append(issue_body) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.warning(f'Failed to fetch issue {issue_number}: {str(e)}') return closing_issues def get_converted_issues( self, issue_numbers: list[int] | None = None, comment_id: int | None = None ) -> list[GithubIssue]: if not issue_numbers: raise ValueError('Unspecified issue numbers') all_issues = self._download_issues_from_github()'Limiting resolving to issues {issue_numbers}.') all_issues = [issue for issue in all_issues if issue['number'] in issue_numbers] converted_issues = [] for issue in all_issues: # For PRs, body can be None if any([issue.get(key) is None for key in ['number', 'title']]): logger.warning(f'Skipping #{issue} as it is missing number or title.') continue # Handle None body for PRs body = issue.get('body') if issue.get('body') is not None else '' ( closing_issues, closing_issues_numbers, review_comments, review_threads, thread_ids, ) = self.__download_pr_metadata(issue['number'], comment_id=comment_id) head_branch = issue['head']['ref'] # Get PR thread comments thread_comments = self._get_pr_comments( issue['number'], comment_id=comment_id ) closing_issues = self.__get_context_from_external_issues_references( closing_issues, closing_issues_numbers, body, review_comments, review_threads, thread_comments, ) issue_details = GithubIssue( owner=self.owner, repo=self.repo, number=issue['number'], title=issue['title'], body=body, closing_issues=closing_issues, review_comments=review_comments, review_threads=review_threads, thread_ids=thread_ids, head_branch=head_branch, thread_comments=thread_comments, ) converted_issues.append(issue_details) return converted_issues def get_instruction( self, issue: GithubIssue, prompt_template: str, repo_instruction: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[str, list[str]]: """Generate instruction for the agent.""" template = jinja2.Template(prompt_template) images = [] issues_str = None if issue.closing_issues: issues_str = json.dumps(issue.closing_issues, indent=4) images.extend(self._extract_image_urls(issues_str)) # Handle PRs with review comments review_comments_str = None if issue.review_comments: review_comments_str = json.dumps(issue.review_comments, indent=4) images.extend(self._extract_image_urls(review_comments_str)) # Handle PRs with file-specific review comments review_thread_str = None review_thread_file_str = None if issue.review_threads: review_threads = [ review_thread.comment for review_thread in issue.review_threads ] review_thread_files = [] for review_thread in issue.review_threads: review_thread_files.extend(review_thread.files) review_thread_str = json.dumps(review_threads, indent=4) review_thread_file_str = json.dumps(review_thread_files, indent=4) images.extend(self._extract_image_urls(review_thread_str)) # Format thread comments if they exist thread_context = '' if issue.thread_comments: thread_context = '\n---\n'.join(issue.thread_comments) images.extend(self._extract_image_urls(thread_context)) instruction = template.render( issues=issues_str, review_comments=review_comments_str, review_threads=review_thread_str, files=review_thread_file_str, thread_context=thread_context, repo_instruction=repo_instruction, ) return instruction, images def _check_feedback_with_llm(self, prompt: str) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Helper function to check feedback with LLM and parse response.""" response = self.llm.completion(messages=[{'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}]) answer = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() pattern = r'--- success\n*(true|false)\n*--- explanation*\n((?:.|\n)*)' match =, answer) if match: return == 'true', return False, f'Failed to decode answer from LLM response: {answer}' def _check_review_thread( self, review_thread: ReviewThread, issues_context: str, last_message: str, git_patch: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if a review thread's feedback has been addressed.""" files_context = json.dumps(review_thread.files, indent=4) with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'prompts/guess_success/pr-feedback-check.jinja', ), 'r', ) as f: template = jinja2.Template( prompt = template.render( issue_context=issues_context, feedback=review_thread.comment, files_context=files_context, last_message=last_message, git_patch=git_patch or self.default_git_patch, ) return self._check_feedback_with_llm(prompt) def _check_thread_comments( self, thread_comments: list[str], issues_context: str, last_message: str, git_patch: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if thread comments feedback has been addressed.""" thread_context = '\n---\n'.join(thread_comments) with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'prompts/guess_success/pr-thread-check.jinja' ), 'r', ) as f: template = jinja2.Template( prompt = template.render( issue_context=issues_context, thread_context=thread_context, last_message=last_message, git_patch=git_patch or self.default_git_patch, ) return self._check_feedback_with_llm(prompt) def _check_review_comments( self, review_comments: list[str], issues_context: str, last_message: str, git_patch: str | None = None, ) -> tuple[bool, str]: """Check if review comments feedback has been addressed.""" review_context = '\n---\n'.join(review_comments) with open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'prompts/guess_success/pr-review-check.jinja' ), 'r', ) as f: template = jinja2.Template( prompt = template.render( issue_context=issues_context, review_context=review_context, last_message=last_message, git_patch=git_patch or self.default_git_patch, ) return self._check_feedback_with_llm(prompt) def guess_success( self, issue: GithubIssue, history: list[Event], git_patch: str | None = None ) -> tuple[bool, None | list[bool], str]: """Guess if the issue is fixed based on the history, issue description and git patch.""" last_message = history[-1].message issues_context = json.dumps(issue.closing_issues, indent=4) success_list = [] explanation_list = [] # Handle PRs with file-specific review comments if issue.review_threads: for review_thread in issue.review_threads: if issues_context and last_message: success, explanation = self._check_review_thread( review_thread, issues_context, last_message, git_patch ) else: success, explanation = False, 'Missing context or message' success_list.append(success) explanation_list.append(explanation) # Handle PRs with only thread comments (no file-specific review comments) elif issue.thread_comments: if issue.thread_comments and issues_context and last_message: success, explanation = self._check_thread_comments( issue.thread_comments, issues_context, last_message, git_patch ) else: success, explanation = ( False, 'Missing thread comments, context or message', ) success_list.append(success) explanation_list.append(explanation) elif issue.review_comments: # Handle PRs with only review comments (no file-specific review comments or thread comments) if issue.review_comments and issues_context and last_message: success, explanation = self._check_review_comments( issue.review_comments, issues_context, last_message, git_patch ) else: success, explanation = ( False, 'Missing review comments, context or message', ) success_list.append(success) explanation_list.append(explanation) else: # No review comments, thread comments, or file-level review comments found return False, None, 'No feedback was found to process' # Return overall success (all must be true) and explanations if not success_list: return False, None, 'No feedback was processed' return all(success_list), success_list, json.dumps(explanation_list)