import os from typing import Callable, Optional from urllib.parse import urlparse import requests import tenacity from openhands.core.config import AppConfig from openhands.core.exceptions import ( AgentRuntimeDisconnectedError, AgentRuntimeError, AgentRuntimeNotFoundError, AgentRuntimeNotReadyError, AgentRuntimeUnavailableError, ) from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from import EventStream from openhands.runtime.builder.remote import RemoteRuntimeBuilder from openhands.runtime.impl.action_execution.action_execution_client import ( ActionExecutionClient, ) from openhands.runtime.plugins import PluginRequirement from openhands.runtime.utils.command import get_action_execution_server_startup_command from openhands.runtime.utils.request import send_request from openhands.runtime.utils.runtime_build import build_runtime_image from openhands.utils.async_utils import call_sync_from_async from openhands.utils.tenacity_stop import stop_if_should_exit class RemoteRuntime(ActionExecutionClient): """This runtime will connect to a remote oh-runtime-client.""" port: int = 60000 # default port for the remote runtime client def __init__( self, config: AppConfig, event_stream: EventStream, sid: str = 'default', plugins: list[PluginRequirement] | None = None, env_vars: dict[str, str] | None = None, status_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, attach_to_existing: bool = False, headless_mode: bool = True, ): super().__init__( config, event_stream, sid, plugins, env_vars, status_callback, attach_to_existing, headless_mode, ) if self.config.sandbox.api_key is None: raise ValueError( 'API key is required to use the remote runtime. ' 'Please set the API key in the config (config.toml) or as an environment variable (SANDBOX_API_KEY).' ) self.session.headers.update({'X-API-Key': self.config.sandbox.api_key}) if self.config.workspace_base is not None: self.log( 'debug', 'Setting workspace_base is not supported in the remote runtime.', ) self.runtime_builder = RemoteRuntimeBuilder( self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url, self.config.sandbox.api_key, self.session, ) self.runtime_id: str | None = None self.runtime_url: str | None = None self.available_hosts: dict[str, int] = {} self._runtime_initialized: bool = False def log(self, level: str, message: str) -> None: message = f'[runtime session_id={self.sid} runtime_id={self.runtime_id or "unknown"}] {message}' getattr(logger, level)(message, stacklevel=2) def _get_action_execution_server_host(self): return self.runtime_url async def connect(self): try: await call_sync_from_async(self._start_or_attach_to_runtime) except AgentRuntimeNotReadyError: self.log('error', 'Runtime failed to start, timed out before ready') raise await call_sync_from_async(self.setup_initial_env) self._runtime_initialized = True def _start_or_attach_to_runtime(self): existing_runtime = self._check_existing_runtime() if existing_runtime: self.log('debug', f'Using existing runtime with ID: {self.runtime_id}') elif self.attach_to_existing: raise AgentRuntimeNotFoundError( f'Could not find existing runtime for SID: {self.sid}' ) else: self.send_status_message('STATUS$STARTING_CONTAINER') if self.config.sandbox.runtime_container_image is None: self.log( 'info', f'Building remote runtime with base image: {self.config.sandbox.base_container_image}', ) self._build_runtime() else: self.log( 'info', f'Starting remote runtime with image: {self.config.sandbox.runtime_container_image}', ) self.container_image = self.config.sandbox.runtime_container_image self._start_runtime() assert ( self.runtime_id is not None ), 'Runtime ID is not set. This should never happen.' assert ( self.runtime_url is not None ), 'Runtime URL is not set. This should never happen.' self.send_status_message('STATUS$WAITING_FOR_CLIENT') if not self.attach_to_existing: self.log('info', 'Waiting for runtime to be alive...') self._wait_until_alive() if not self.attach_to_existing: self.log('info', 'Runtime is ready.') self.send_status_message(' ') def _check_existing_runtime(self) -> bool: try: with self._send_runtime_api_request( 'GET', f'{self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url}/sessions/{self.sid}', ) as response: data = response.json() status = data.get('status') if status == 'running' or status == 'paused': self._parse_runtime_response(response) except requests.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: return False self.log('debug', f'Error while looking for remote runtime: {e}') raise if status == 'running': return True elif status == 'stopped': self.log('debug', 'Found existing remote runtime, but it is stopped') return False elif status == 'paused': self.log('debug', 'Found existing remote runtime, but it is paused') self._resume_runtime() return True else: self.log('error', f'Invalid response from runtime API: {data}') return False def _build_runtime(self): self.log('debug', f'Building RemoteRuntime config:\n{self.config}') with self._send_runtime_api_request( 'GET', f'{self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url}/registry_prefix', ) as response: response_json = response.json() registry_prefix = response_json['registry_prefix'] os.environ['OH_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_IMAGE_REPO'] = ( registry_prefix.rstrip('/') + '/runtime' ) self.log( 'debug', f'Runtime image repo: {os.environ["OH_RUNTIME_RUNTIME_IMAGE_REPO"]}', ) if self.config.sandbox.runtime_extra_deps: self.log( 'debug', f'Installing extra user-provided dependencies in the runtime image: {self.config.sandbox.runtime_extra_deps}', ) # Build the container image self.container_image = build_runtime_image( self.config.sandbox.base_container_image, self.runtime_builder, platform=self.config.sandbox.platform, extra_deps=self.config.sandbox.runtime_extra_deps, force_rebuild=self.config.sandbox.force_rebuild_runtime, ) with self._send_runtime_api_request( 'GET', f'{self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url}/image_exists', params={'image': self.container_image}, ) as response: if not response.json()['exists']: raise AgentRuntimeError( f'Container image {self.container_image} does not exist' ) def _start_runtime(self): # Prepare the request body for the /start endpoint command = get_action_execution_server_startup_command( server_port=self.port, plugins=self.plugins, app_config=self.config, ) start_request = { 'image': self.container_image, 'command': command, 'working_dir': '/openhands/code/', 'environment': {'DEBUG': 'true'} if self.config.debug or os.environ.get('DEBUG', 'false').lower() == 'true' else {}, 'session_id': self.sid, 'resource_factor': self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_resource_factor, } # Start the sandbox using the /start endpoint try: with self._send_runtime_api_request( 'POST', f'{self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url}/start', json=start_request, ) as response: self._parse_runtime_response(response) self.log( 'debug', f'Runtime started. URL: {self.runtime_url}', ) except requests.HTTPError as e: self.log('error', f'Unable to start runtime: {str(e)}') raise AgentRuntimeUnavailableError() from e def _resume_runtime(self): """ 1. Show status update that runtime is being started. 2. Send the runtime API a /resume request 3. Poll for the runtime to be ready 4. Update env vars """ self.send_status_message('STATUS$STARTING_RUNTIME') with self._send_runtime_api_request( 'POST', f'{self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url}/resume', json={'runtime_id': self.runtime_id}, ): pass self._wait_until_alive() self.setup_initial_env() self.log('debug', 'Runtime resumed.') def _parse_runtime_response(self, response: requests.Response): start_response = response.json() self.runtime_id = start_response['runtime_id'] self.runtime_url = start_response['url'] self.available_hosts = start_response.get('work_hosts', {}) if 'session_api_key' in start_response: self.session.headers.update( {'X-Session-API-Key': start_response['session_api_key']} ) @property def vscode_url(self) -> str | None: token = super().get_vscode_token() if not token: return None _parsed_url = urlparse(self.runtime_url) assert isinstance(_parsed_url.scheme, str) and isinstance( _parsed_url.netloc, str ) vscode_url = f'{_parsed_url.scheme}://vscode-{_parsed_url.netloc}/?tkn={token}&folder={self.config.workspace_mount_path_in_sandbox}' self.log( 'debug', f'VSCode URL: {vscode_url}', ) return vscode_url @property def web_hosts(self) -> dict[str, int]: return self.available_hosts def _wait_until_alive(self): retry_decorator = tenacity.retry( stop=tenacity.stop_after_delay( self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_init_timeout ) | stop_if_should_exit(), reraise=True, retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(AgentRuntimeNotReadyError), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(2), ) return retry_decorator(self._wait_until_alive_impl)() def _wait_until_alive_impl(self): self.log('debug', f'Waiting for runtime to be alive at url: {self.runtime_url}') with self._send_runtime_api_request( 'GET', f'{self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url}/sessions/{self.sid}', ) as runtime_info_response: runtime_data = runtime_info_response.json() assert 'runtime_id' in runtime_data assert runtime_data['runtime_id'] == self.runtime_id assert 'pod_status' in runtime_data pod_status = runtime_data['pod_status'].lower() self.log('debug', f'Pod status: {pod_status}') # FIXME: We should fix it at the backend of /start endpoint, make sure # the pod is created before returning the response. # Retry a period of time to give the cluster time to start the pod if pod_status == 'ready': try: self.check_if_alive() except requests.HTTPError as e: self.log( 'warning', f"Runtime /alive failed, but pod says it's ready: {str(e)}", ) raise AgentRuntimeNotReadyError( f'Runtime /alive failed to respond with 200: {str(e)}' ) return elif ( pod_status == 'not found' or pod_status == 'pending' or pod_status == 'running' ): # nb: Running is not yet Ready raise AgentRuntimeNotReadyError( f'Runtime (ID={self.runtime_id}) is not yet ready. Status: {pod_status}' ) elif pod_status in ('failed', 'unknown', 'crashloopbackoff'): # clean up the runtime self.close() if pod_status == 'crashloopbackoff': raise AgentRuntimeUnavailableError( 'Runtime crashed and is being restarted, potentially due to memory usage. Please try again.' ) else: raise AgentRuntimeUnavailableError( f'Runtime is unavailable (status: {pod_status}). Please try again.' ) else: # Maybe this should be a hard failure, but passing through in case the API changes self.log('warning', f'Unknown pod status: {pod_status}') self.log( 'debug', f'Waiting for runtime pod to be active. Current status: {pod_status}', ) raise AgentRuntimeNotReadyError() def close(self): if self.config.sandbox.keep_runtime_alive or self.attach_to_existing: super().close() return try: if not self._runtime_closed: with self._send_runtime_api_request( 'POST', f'{self.config.sandbox.remote_runtime_api_url}/stop', json={'runtime_id': self.runtime_id}, ): self.log('debug', 'Runtime stopped.') except Exception as e: self.log('error', f'Unable to stop runtime: {str(e)}') raise e finally: super().close() def _send_runtime_api_request(self, method, url, **kwargs): try: return send_request(self.session, method, url, **kwargs) except requests.Timeout: self.log( 'error', f'No response received within the timeout period for url: {url}', ) raise @tenacity.retry( retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(ConnectionError), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(3) | stop_if_should_exit(), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=4, max=60), ) def _send_action_server_request(self, method, url, **kwargs): try: return super()._send_action_server_request(method, url, **kwargs) except requests.Timeout: self.log( 'error', f'No response received within the timeout period for url: {url}', ) raise except requests.HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code in (404, 502, 504): if e.response.status_code == 404: raise AgentRuntimeDisconnectedError( f'Runtime is not responding. This may be temporary, please try again. Original error: {e}' ) from e else: # 502, 504 raise AgentRuntimeDisconnectedError( f'Runtime is temporarily unavailable. This may be due to a restart or network issue, please try again. Original error: {e}' ) from e elif e.response.status_code == 503: self.log('warning', 'Runtime appears to be paused. Resuming...') self._resume_runtime() return super()._send_action_server_request(method, url, **kwargs) else: raise e