FROM {{ base_image }} # Shared environment variables ENV POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_PATH=/openhands/poetry \ MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX=/openhands/micromamba \ LANG=C.UTF-8 \ LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 \ EDITOR=code \ VISUAL=code \ GIT_EDITOR="code --wait" \ OPENVSCODE_SERVER_ROOT=/openhands/.openvscode-server {% macro setup_base_system() %} # Install base system dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ wget curl sudo apt-utils git jq tmux \ {%- if 'ubuntu' in base_image and (base_image.endswith(':latest') or base_image.endswith(':24.04')) -%} libgl1 \ {%- else %} libgl1-mesa-glx \ {% endif -%} libasound2-plugins libatomic1 && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Remove UID 1000 if it's called pn--this fixes the nikolaik image for ubuntu users RUN if getent passwd 1000 | grep -q pn; then userdel pn; fi # Create necessary directories RUN mkdir -p /openhands && \ mkdir -p /openhands/logs && \ mkdir -p /openhands/poetry {% endmacro %} {% macro setup_vscode_server() %} # Reference: # 1. # 2. # Setup VSCode Server ARG RELEASE_TAG="openvscode-server-v1.94.2" ARG RELEASE_ORG="gitpod-io" # ARG USERNAME=openvscode-server # ARG USER_UID=1000 # ARG USER_GID=1000 RUN if [ -z "${RELEASE_TAG}" ]; then \ echo "The RELEASE_TAG build arg must be set." >&2 && \ exit 1; \ fi && \ arch=$(uname -m) && \ if [ "${arch}" = "x86_64" ]; then \ arch="x64"; \ elif [ "${arch}" = "aarch64" ]; then \ arch="arm64"; \ elif [ "${arch}" = "armv7l" ]; then \ arch="armhf"; \ fi && \ wget${RELEASE_ORG}/openvscode-server/releases/download/${RELEASE_TAG}/${RELEASE_TAG}-linux-${arch}.tar.gz && \ tar -xzf ${RELEASE_TAG}-linux-${arch}.tar.gz && \ mv -f ${RELEASE_TAG}-linux-${arch} ${OPENVSCODE_SERVER_ROOT} && \ cp ${OPENVSCODE_SERVER_ROOT}/bin/remote-cli/openvscode-server ${OPENVSCODE_SERVER_ROOT}/bin/remote-cli/code && \ rm -f ${RELEASE_TAG}-linux-${arch}.tar.gz {% endmacro %} {% macro install_dependencies() %} # Install all dependencies WORKDIR /openhands/code RUN \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba config set changeps1 False && \ # Configure Poetry and create virtual environment /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba run -n openhands poetry config virtualenvs.path /openhands/poetry && \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba run -n openhands poetry env use python3.12 && \ # Install project dependencies /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba run -n openhands poetry install --only main,runtime --no-interaction --no-root && \ # Update and install additional tools apt-get update && \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba run -n openhands poetry run pip install playwright && \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba run -n openhands poetry run playwright install --with-deps chromium && \ # Set environment variables echo "OH_INTERPRETER_PATH=$(/openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba run -n openhands poetry run python -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)")" >> /etc/environment && \ # Clear caches /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba run -n openhands poetry cache clear --all . && \ # Set permissions chmod -R g+rws /openhands/poetry && \ mkdir -p /openhands/workspace && chmod -R g+rws,o+rw /openhands/workspace && \ # Clean up apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* && \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba clean --all {% endmacro %} {% if build_from_scratch %} # ================================================================ # START: Build Runtime Image from Scratch # ================================================================ # This is used in cases where the base image is something more generic like nikolaik/python-nodejs # rather than the current OpenHands release {{ setup_base_system() }} {{ setup_vscode_server() }} # Install micromamba RUN mkdir -p /openhands/micromamba/bin && \ /bin/bash -c "PREFIX_LOCATION=/openhands/micromamba BIN_FOLDER=/openhands/micromamba/bin INIT_YES=no CONDA_FORGE_YES=yes $(curl -L" && \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba config remove channels defaults && \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba config list # Create the openhands virtual environment and install poetry and python RUN /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba create -n openhands -y && \ /openhands/micromamba/bin/micromamba install -n openhands -c conda-forge poetry python=3.12 -y # Create a clean openhands directory including only the pyproject.toml, poetry.lock and openhands/ RUN \ if [ -d /openhands/code ]; then rm -rf /openhands/code; fi && \ mkdir -p /openhands/code/openhands && \ touch /openhands/code/openhands/ COPY ./code/pyproject.toml ./code/poetry.lock /openhands/code/ {{ install_dependencies() }} # ================================================================ # END: Build Runtime Image from Scratch # ================================================================ {% endif %} # ================================================================ # Copy Project source files # ================================================================ RUN if [ -d /openhands/code/openhands ]; then rm -rf /openhands/code/openhands; fi COPY ./code/pyproject.toml ./code/poetry.lock /openhands/code/ COPY ./code/openhands /openhands/code/openhands RUN chmod a+rwx /openhands/code/openhands/ # ================================================================ # END: Build from versioned image # ================================================================ {% if build_from_versioned %} {{ install_dependencies() }} {% endif %} # Install extra dependencies if specified {% if extra_deps %}RUN {{ extra_deps }} {% endif %}