import streamlit as st import numpy as np import pickle import random import os # Function to load the model def load_model(): try: # Get the absolute path to the .pkl file model_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "clfmodel.pkl") model = pickle.load(open(model_path, 'rb')) st.write("Model loaded successfully.") return model except Exception as e: st.write("Something went wrong while loading the model.") st.write(e) return None # Function to make prediction @st.cache_data def make_prediction(_model, features): try: predicted_label = _model.predict(features) return predicted_label except Exception as e: st.write("Something went wrong while making prediction.") st.write(e) return None # Main function to run the app def main(): st.title("Custom Grocery App Predictor in Hungary") st.write("This app predicts the preferable grocery app based on user characteristics.") # Load the model clf_model = load_model() if clf_model: # Sidebar inputs st.sidebar.header('User Input Features') gender ='Gender', ('Male', 'Female')) education = st.sidebar.selectbox('Education Level', ('Under Diploma and Diploma', 'Associate', 'Bachelor', 'Master', 'PhD')) age = st.sidebar.slider('Age', 18, 100, 30) exp_online = st.sidebar.slider('Years of Online Experience', 0, 50, 5) exp_app = st.sidebar.slider('Years of App Experience', 0, 20, 1) gender_code = 1 if gender == 'Male' else 2 education_code = ['Under Diploma and Diploma', 'Associate', 'Bachelor', 'Master', 'PhD'].index(education) + 1 # Make prediction predicted_label = make_prediction(clf_model, np.array([[gender_code, education_code, age, exp_online, exp_app]])) if predicted_label is not None: class_App_names = ['FoodPanda', 'Wolt', 'Spar', 'Tesco online', 'myLidl'] predicted_App_class = class_App_names[predicted_label[0] - 1] # Generate a random color random_color = "#{:06x}".format(random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)) # Render the output with only the predicted_App_class colored and bigger font size st.write(f"In Hungary, for a {gender}, with education level of {education}, age of {age}, with online experience of {exp_online} years, and shopping experience from online Apps {exp_app} years, It seems that the preferable Grocery App is: ", end="") st.markdown(f"{predicted_App_class}.", unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.write("Failed to load the model.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()