import os |
import time |
import subprocess |
from multiprocessing import Process |
import uvicorn |
from fastapi import FastAPI, Response |
app = FastAPI() |
video_file = "iarec.mp4" |
hls_output = "stream.m3u8" |
hls_segment_prefix = "stream" |
ffmpeg_command = [ |
'./ffmpeg', |
'-re', |
'-stream_loop', '-1', |
'-i', video_file, |
'-vf', 'fps=24', |
'-c:v', 'libx264', |
'-c:a', 'copy', |
'-crf', '32', |
'-preset', 'fast', |
'-bsf:a', 'aac_adtstoasc', |
'-f', 'hls', |
'-hls_time', '15', |
'-hls_list_size', '15', |
'-hls_flags', 'append_list+omit_endlist', |
'-hls_segment_filename', f'{hls_segment_prefix}%03d.ts', |
hls_output |
] |
def make_ffmpeg_executable(): |
try: |
subprocess.run(["chmod", "+x", "./ffmpeg"], check=True) |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: |
print(f"Error al cambiar permisos de FFmpeg: {e}") |
def stream_video(): |
try: |
process = subprocess.Popen(ffmpeg_command) |
process.wait() |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error al ejecutar FFmpeg: {e}") |
@app.on_event("startup") |
async def startup_event(): |
make_ffmpeg_executable() |
while not os.path.exists(hls_output): |
print("Esperando a que se genere el archivo M3U8...") |
time.sleep(1) |
print("Archivo M3U8 generado. Servidor listo para recibir solicitudes.") |
@app.get("/") |
async def read_root(): |
return {"message": "Training IA"} |
@app.get("/stream.m3u8") |
def get_m3u8(): |
with open(hls_output, "rb") as f: |
m3u8_content = f.read() |
return Response(content=m3u8_content, media_type="application/vnd.apple.mpegurl") |
@app.get("/stream{segment}.ts") |
def get_segment(segment: int): |
segment_file = f"{hls_segment_prefix}{segment:03d}.ts" |
if os.path.exists(segment_file): |
with open(segment_file, "rb") as f: |
segment_content = f.read() |
return Response(content=segment_content, media_type="video/mp2t") |
else: |
return Response(status_code=404, content="Segment not found") |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
make_ffmpeg_executable() |
video_process = Process(target=stream_video) |
video_process.start() |
uvicorn.run(app, host="", port=7860) |