import streamlit as st |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import tensorflow as tf |
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler |
import tensorflow_probability as tfp |
tfd = tfp.distributions |
from pickle import dump |
from pickle import load |
scaler = MinMaxScaler() |
tf.random.set_seed(42) |
np.random.seed(42) |
st.markdown("<body style ='color:#E2E0D9;'></body>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown("<h4 style='text-align: center; color: #1B9E91;'>House Price Prediction in Ames,Iowa</h4>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
st.markdown("<h5 style='text-align: center; color: #1B9E91;'>A multi-step process is used to estimate the range of house prices based on your selection. The modeling process is done using the data found on Kaggle(link at left bottom corner of page)</h5>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
name_list = ['MSSubClass', |
'OverallQual', |
'YearBuilt', |
'YearRemodAdd', |
'BsmtUnfSF', |
'TotalBsmtSF', |
'FstFlrSF', |
'SndFlrSF', |
'GrLivArea', |
'FullBath', |
'HalfBath', |
'TotRmsAbvGrd', |
'Fireplaces', |
'GarageCars', |
'GarageArea', |
'MoSold', |
'YrSold'] |
name_list_train = ['MSSubClass', |
'OverallQual', |
'YearBuilt', |
'YearRemodAdd', |
'BsmtUnfSF', |
'TotalBsmtSF', |
'1stFlrSF', |
'2ndFlrSF', |
'GrLivArea', |
'FullBath', |
'HalfBath', |
'TotRmsAbvGrd', |
'Fireplaces', |
'GarageCars', |
'GarageArea', |
'MoSold', |
'YrSold'] |
data = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer = 'train.csv', on_bad_lines = 'skip') |
data = data[name_list_train].values |
scaler.fit(data) |
description_list = [ |
'What is the building class?', |
'What is the Overall material and finish quality?', |
'In which year was the Original construction date?', |
'In which year was it remodelled?', |
'What is the Unfinished square feet of basement area?', |
'What is the Total square feet of basement area?', |
'What is the First Floor square feet?', |
'What is the Second floor square feet?', |
'What is the Above grade (ground) living area square feet?', |
'What is the number of full bathrooms?', |
'What is the number of Half baths?', |
'What is the number of Total rooms above grade (does not include bathrooms)?', |
'What is the number of fireplaces?', |
'What is the garage capacity in car sizes?', |
'What is the size of garage in square feet?', |
'In which month was it sold?', |
'In which year was it sold?' |
] |
min_list = [20.0,1.0,1872.0, |
1950.0, |
0.0, |
0.0, |
334.0, |
0.0, |
334.0, |
0.0, |
0.0, |
2.0, |
0.0, |
0.0, |
0.0, |
1.0, |
2006.0] |
max_list = [190.0, |
10.0, |
2010.0, |
2010.0, |
2336.0, |
6110.0, |
4692.0, |
2065.0, |
5642.0, |
3.0, |
2.0, |
14.0, |
3.0, |
4.0, |
1418.0, |
12.0, |
2010.0] |
count = 0 |
with st.sidebar: |
for i in range(len(name_list)): |
variable_name = name_list[i] |
globals()[variable_name] = st.slider(description_list[i] ,min_value=int(min_list[i]), max_value =int(max_list[i]),step=1) |
st.write("[Kaggle Link to Data Set](https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques)") |
data_df = { |
'MSSubClass': [MSSubClass], |
'OverallQual': [OverallQual], |
'YearBuilt': [YearBuilt], |
'YearRemodAdd': [YearRemodAdd], |
'BsmtUnfSF': [BsmtUnfSF], |
'TotalBsmtSF': [TotalBsmtSF], |
'1stFlrSF': [FstFlrSF], |
'2ndFlrSF': [SndFlrSF], |
'GrLivArea':[GrLivArea], |
'FullBath': [FullBath], |
'HalfBath': [HalfBath], |
'TotRmsAbvGrd':[TotRmsAbvGrd], |
'Fireplaces': [Fireplaces], |
'GarageCars': [GarageCars], |
'GarageArea':[GarageArea], |
'MoSold': [MoSold], |
'YrSold' : [YrSold] |
} |
negloglik = lambda y, p_y: -p_y.log_prob(y) |
model1 = tf.keras.models.load_model('model_files/my_keras_model1.h5') |
model1 = tf.keras.models.Sequential(model1.layers[:5]) |
data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_df) |
data_df_normal = scaler.transform(data_df) |
latent_var = model1.predict(data_df_normal) |
model2 = tf.keras.models.load_model('model_files/keras_2.h5',compile=False) |
yhat = model2(latent_var) |
col1, col2, col3 , col4, col5 = st.columns(5) |
with col1: |
pass |
with col2: |
pass |
with col4: |
pass |
with col5: |
pass |
with col3 : |
center_button = st.button('Calculate range of house price') |
if center_button: |
import time |
with st.spinner('Calculating....'): |
time.sleep(2) |
st.markdown("<h5 style='text-align: center; color: #1B9E91;'>The price range of your house is between:</h5>", unsafe_allow_html=True) |
col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 3]) |
lower_number = "{:,.2f}".format(int(yhat.mean().numpy()-1.95*yhat.stddev().numpy())) |
higher_number = "{:,.2f}".format(int(yhat.mean().numpy()+1.95*yhat.stddev().numpy())) |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) |
with col1: |
st.write("") |
with col2: |
st.subheader("USD "+ str(lower_number)) |
st.subheader(" AND ") |
st.subheader(" USD "+str(higher_number)) |
with col3: |
st.write("") |
import base64 |
file_ = open("kramer_gif.gif", "rb") |
contents = file_.read() |
data_url = base64.b64encode(contents).decode("utf-8") |
file_.close() |
st.markdown( |
f'<center><img src="data:image/gif;base64,{data_url}" alt="cat gif"></center>', |
unsafe_allow_html=True, |
) |