from pixrender.learning.experiments import get_training_content import torch from pixrender.learning.utils import prepare_dataset from config import RENDERED_DIR, TRAINING_DIR from import (SCENE, DEVICE, TRAIN, VALIDATION, METRIC_PSNR, LOSS, LOSS_MSE, NB_EPOCHS, LR, RATIO_TRAIN, PSEUDO_COLOR_DIMENSION, NB_POINTS, SCALE_LIST, MULTISCALE_SUPERVISION ) from tqdm import tqdm from experiments_definition import get_experiment_from_id from pathlib import Path from pixrender.learning.loss import compute_loss from pixrender.learning.metrics import compute_metrics import wandb import json from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import ReduceLROnPlateau from pixrender.learning.dataloader import get_data_loader from pixrender.rendering.splatting import splat_points from pixrender.rendering.forward_project import project_3d_to_2d from shared_parser import get_shared_parser from typing import List from pixrender.learning.utils import save_model from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def infer_function(point_cloud, cam_int, cam_ext, wc_normals, colors, w, h, scale=0, no_grad=False): wc_normals = proj_point_cloud, depth, cc_normals = project_3d_to_2d(point_cloud, cam_int, cam_ext, wc_normals, no_grad=True) img = splat_points( proj_point_cloud, colors, depth, w, h, cam_int, cc_normals, no_grad=no_grad, scale=scale, normal_culling_flag=True # !WARNING ONLY DISABLE NORMAL CULLING TO MATCH BLENDER FOR OPEN OBJECTS! ) return img def training_loop( model, optimizer, wc_points, wc_normals, color_pred, dl_dict: dict, config: dict, scheduler=None, device: str = DEVICE, wandb_flag: bool = False, output_dir: Path = None ): best_accuracy = 0 scales_list = config[SCALE_LIST] multiscale_supervision = config.get(MULTISCALE_SUPERVISION, True) for n_epoch in tqdm(range(config[NB_EPOCHS])): current_metrics = { TRAIN: 0., VALIDATION: 0., LR: optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'], METRIC_PSNR: 0., } for phase in [TRAIN, VALIDATION]: for scale in scales_list: current_metrics[f"{phase}_MSE_{scale}"] = 0. for phase in [TRAIN, VALIDATION]: if phase == TRAIN: model.train() else: model.eval() for target_view, cam_int, cam_ext in tqdm(dl_dict[phase], desc=f"{phase} - Epoch {n_epoch}"): target_view = h, w = target_view.shape[-2:] optimizer.zero_grad() with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == TRAIN): loss = 0 multiscale_batches = [] for scale in scales_list: batch_splat = [] for img_index in range(cam_int.shape[0]): img_splat = infer_function( wc_points, cam_int[img_index], cam_ext[img_index], wc_normals, color_pred, w, h, scale=scale ) batch_splat.append(img_splat.permute(2, 0, 1)) batch_splat = torch.stack(batch_splat) multiscale_batches.append(batch_splat) image_pred = model(multiscale_batches) img_target = [torch.nn.functional.avg_pool2d( target_view, 2**sc) if sc > 0 else target_view for sc in scales_list] # plt.imshow(img_target[0][0].permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) # # plt.imshow(img_target[1][0].permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy()) # # >>> Multiscale supervision <<< for scale_idx, scale in enumerate(scales_list): per_scale_loss = compute_loss(image_pred[scale_idx], img_target[scale_idx], mode=config.get(LOSS, LOSS_MSE)) # print(f"Loss at scale {scale} is {per_scale_loss}") if not multiscale_supervision and scale_idx == 0: loss += per_scale_loss current_metrics[f"{phase}_MSE_{scale}"] += per_scale_loss.item() # if phase == VALIDATION and n_epoch % 10 == 0: if n_epoch % 20 == 0 and phase == VALIDATION: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) n_img = img_target[scale_idx].shape[0] for img_idx in range(n_img): plt.subplot(n_img, 2, img_idx*2+1) plt.imshow(img_target[scale_idx][img_idx].permute(1, 2, 0).clip(0, 1).cpu().numpy()) plt.subplot(n_img, 2, img_idx*2+2) plt.imshow(image_pred[scale_idx][img_idx].permute( 1, 2, 0).clip(0, 1).cpu().detach().numpy()) plt.savefig(output_dir/f"{phase}_{n_epoch:05d}_scale_{scale}.png") plt.close() if torch.isnan(loss): print(f"Loss is NaN at epoch {n_epoch} and phase {phase}!") continue if phase == TRAIN: loss.backward() optimizer.step() current_metrics[phase] += loss.item() if phase == VALIDATION: metrics_on_batch = compute_metrics(image_pred[0], img_target[0]) for k, v in metrics_on_batch.items(): current_metrics[k] += v current_metrics[phase] /= (len(dl_dict[phase])) if phase == VALIDATION: for k, v in metrics_on_batch.items(): current_metrics[k] /= (len(dl_dict[phase])) try: current_metrics[k] = current_metrics[k].item() except AttributeError: pass for phase in [TRAIN, VALIDATION]: debug_print = f"{phase}: Epoch {n_epoch} - Loss: {current_metrics[phase]:.3e} " for k, v in current_metrics.items(): if phase not in k and k not in [TRAIN, VALIDATION, LR]: debug_print += f"{k}: {v:.3} |" print(debug_print) if scheduler is not None and isinstance(scheduler, ReduceLROnPlateau): scheduler.step(current_metrics[VALIDATION]) if output_dir is not None: with open(output_dir/f"metrics_{n_epoch}.json", "w") as f: json.dump(current_metrics, f) if wandb_flag: wandb.log(current_metrics) if best_accuracy < current_metrics[METRIC_PSNR]: best_accuracy = current_metrics[METRIC_PSNR] if output_dir is not None: print("new best model saved!") #, output_dir/"") save_model(model, wc_points, wc_normals, color_pred, output_dir/"") # save_model(model, wc_points, wc_normals, color_pred, output_dir/f"point_cloud_checkpoint_{n_epoch:05d}.pt") if output_dir is not None: #, output_dir/"") save_model(model, wc_points, wc_normals, color_pred, output_dir/"") return model def main(exp: int, out_root=RENDERED_DIR, device=DEVICE): config = get_experiment_from_id(exp) num_samples = config[NB_POINTS] pseudo_color_dim = config[PSEUDO_COLOR_DIMENSION] name = config[SCENE] train_material, valid_material, (w, h), point_cloud_material = prepare_dataset( out_root, name, num_samples=num_samples, ratio_train=config.get(RATIO_TRAIN, 0.8) ) # Move training data to GPU wc_points, wc_normals = point_cloud_material wc_points = wc_normals = dl_dict = get_data_loader(config, train_material, valid_material) rendered_view_train, camera_intrinsics_train, camera_extrinsics_train = train_material rendered_view_train = camera_intrinsics_train = camera_extrinsics_train = # Validation images can remain on CPU rendered_view_valid, camera_intrinsics_valid, camera_extrinsics_valid = valid_material rendered_view_valid = rendered_view_valid.cpu() color_pred = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn((num_samples, 1, pseudo_color_dim), requires_grad=True, device=device)) model, optim = get_training_content(config, training_mode=True, extra_params=[color_pred]) out_dir_train = TRAINING_DIR/f"__{exp:04d}" out_dir_train.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) training_loop( model, optim, wc_points, wc_normals, color_pred, dl_dict, config, device=device, output_dir=out_dir_train, wandb_flag=False ) def loop_over_experiments(exp_list: List[int]): for exp in exp_list: main(exp=exp) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = get_shared_parser(description="Neural point based rendering training") args = parser.parse_args() loop_over_experiments(args.experiment)