AnimeIns_CPU / animeinsseg /
ljsabc's picture
Initial commit.
history blame
28.3 kB
import mmcv, torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from einops import rearrange
import os
import os.path as osp
import cv2
import gc
import math
from .anime_instances import AnimeInstances
import numpy as np
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Optional, Callable
from mmengine import Config
from mmengine.model.utils import revert_sync_batchnorm
from mmdet.utils import register_all_modules, get_test_pipeline_cfg
from mmdet.apis import init_detector
from mmdet.registry import MODELS
from mmdet.structures import DetDataSample, SampleList
from mmdet.structures.bbox.transforms import scale_boxes, get_box_wh
from mmdet.models.dense_heads.rtmdet_ins_head import RTMDetInsHead
from pycocotools.coco import COCO
from mmcv.transforms import Compose
from mmdet.models.detectors.single_stage import SingleStageDetector
from utils.logger import LOGGER
from utils.io_utils import square_pad_resize, find_all_imgs, imglist2grid, mask2rle, dict2json, scaledown_maxsize, resize_pad
from utils.constants import DEFAULT_DEVICE, CATEGORIES
from utils.booru_tagger import Tagger
from .models.animeseg_refine import AnimeSegmentation, load_refinenet, get_mask
from .models.rtmdet_inshead_custom import RTMDetInsSepBNHeadCustom
from torchvision.ops.boxes import box_iou
import torch.nn.functional as F
def prepare_refine_batch(segmentations: np.ndarray, img: np.ndarray, max_batch_size: int = 4, device: str = 'cpu', input_size: int = 720):
img, (pt, pb, pl, pr) = resize_pad(img, input_size, pad_value=(0, 0, 0))
img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1)).astype(np.float32) / 255.
batch = []
num_seg = len(segmentations)
for ii, seg in enumerate(segmentations):
seg, _ = resize_pad(seg, input_size, 0)
seg = seg[None, ...]
batch.append(np.concatenate((img, seg)))
if ii == num_seg - 1:
yield torch.from_numpy(np.array(batch)).to(device), (pt, pb, pl, pr)
elif len(batch) >= max_batch_size:
yield torch.from_numpy(np.array(batch)).to(device), (pt, pb, pl, pr)
batch = []
VALID_REFINEMETHODS = {'animeseg', 'none'}
def single_image_preprocess(img: Union[str, np.ndarray], pipeline: Compose):
if isinstance(img, str):
img = mmcv.imread(img)
elif not isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
raise NotImplementedError
# img = square_pad_resize(img, 1024)[0]
data_ = dict(img=img, img_id=0)
data_ = pipeline(data_)
data_['inputs'] = [data_['inputs']]
data_['data_samples'] = [data_['data_samples']]
return data_, img
def animeseg_refine(det_pred: DetDataSample, img: np.ndarray, net: AnimeSegmentation, to_rgb=True, input_size: int = 1024):
num_pred = len(det_pred.pred_instances)
if num_pred < 1:
with torch.no_grad():
if to_rgb:
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
seg_thr = 0.5
mask = get_mask(net, img, s=input_size)[..., 0]
mask = (mask > seg_thr)
ins_masks = det_pred.pred_instances.masks
if isinstance(ins_masks, torch.Tensor):
tensor_device = ins_masks.device
tensor_dtype = ins_masks.dtype
to_tensor = True
ins_masks = ins_masks.cpu().numpy()
area_original = np.sum(ins_masks, axis=(1, 2))
masks_refined = np.bitwise_and(ins_masks, mask[None, ...])
area_refined = np.sum(masks_refined, axis=(1, 2))
for ii in range(num_pred):
if area_refined[ii] / area_original[ii] > 0.3:
ins_masks[ii] = masks_refined[ii]
ins_masks = np.ascontiguousarray(ins_masks)
# for ii, insm in enumerate(ins_masks):
# cv2.imwrite(f'{ii}.png', insm.astype(np.uint8) * 255)
if to_tensor:
ins_masks = torch.from_numpy(ins_masks).to(dtype=tensor_dtype).to(device=tensor_device)
det_pred.pred_instances.masks = ins_masks
# rst = np.concatenate((mask * img + 1 - mask, mask * 255), axis=2).astype(np.uint8)
# cv2.imwrite('rst.png', rst)
# def refinenet_forward(det_pred: DetDataSample, img: np.ndarray, net: AnimeSegmentation, to_rgb=True, input_size: int = 1024):
# num_pred = len(det_pred.pred_instances)
# if num_pred < 1:
# return
# with torch.no_grad():
# if to_rgb:
# img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# seg_thr = 0.5
# h0, w0 = h, w = img.shape[0], img.shape[1]
# if h > w:
# h, w = input_size, int(input_size * w / h)
# else:
# h, w = int(input_size * h / w), input_size
# ph, pw = input_size - h, input_size - w
# tmpImg = np.zeros([s, s, 3], dtype=np.float32)
# tmpImg[ph // 2:ph // 2 + h, pw // 2:pw // 2 + w] = cv2.resize(input_img, (w, h)) / 255
# tmpImg = tmpImg.transpose((2, 0, 1))
# tmpImg = torch.from_numpy(tmpImg).unsqueeze(0).type(torch.FloatTensor).to(model.device)
# with torch.no_grad():
# if use_amp:
# with amp.autocast():
# pred = model(tmpImg)
# pred =
# else:
# pred = model(tmpImg)
# pred = pred[0, :, ph // 2:ph // 2 + h, pw // 2:pw // 2 + w]
# pred = cv2.resize(pred.cpu().numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0)), (w0, h0))[:, :, np.newaxis]
# return pred
# mask = (mask > seg_thr)
# ins_masks = det_pred.pred_instances.masks
# if isinstance(ins_masks, torch.Tensor):
# tensor_device = ins_masks.device
# tensor_dtype = ins_masks.dtype
# to_tensor = True
# ins_masks = ins_masks.cpu().numpy()
# area_original = np.sum(ins_masks, axis=(1, 2))
# masks_refined = np.bitwise_and(ins_masks, mask[None, ...])
# area_refined = np.sum(masks_refined, axis=(1, 2))
# for ii in range(num_pred):
# if area_refined[ii] / area_original[ii] > 0.3:
# ins_masks[ii] = masks_refined[ii]
# ins_masks = np.ascontiguousarray(ins_masks)
# # for ii, insm in enumerate(ins_masks):
# # cv2.imwrite(f'{ii}.png', insm.astype(np.uint8) * 255)
# if to_tensor:
# ins_masks = torch.from_numpy(ins_masks).to(dtype=tensor_dtype).to(device=tensor_device)
# det_pred.pred_instances.masks = ins_masks
def read_imglst_from_txt(filep) -> List[str]:
with open(filep, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
lines =
return lines
class AnimeInsSeg:
def __init__(self, ckpt: str, default_det_size: int = 640, device: str = None,
refine_kwargs: dict = {'refine_method': 'refinenet_isnet'},
tagger_path: str = 'models/wd-v1-4-swinv2-tagger-v2/model.onnx', mask_thr=0.3) -> None:
self.ckpt = ckpt
self.default_det_size = default_det_size
self.device = DEFAULT_DEVICE if device is None else device
# init detector in mmdet's way
ckpt = torch.load(ckpt, map_location='cpu')
cfg = Config.fromstring(ckpt['meta']['cfg'].replace('file_client_args', 'backend_args'), file_format='.py')
cfg.visualizer = []
cfg.vis_backends = {}
# self.model: SingleStageDetector = init_detector(cfg, checkpoint=None, device='cpu')
model =
model = revert_sync_batchnorm(model)
self.model =
self.model.load_state_dict(ckpt['state_dict'], strict=False)
self.model =
self.cfg = cfg.copy()
test_pipeline = get_test_pipeline_cfg(self.cfg.copy())
test_pipeline[0].type = 'mmdet.LoadImageFromNDArray'
test_pipeline = Compose(test_pipeline)
self.default_data_pipeline = test_pipeline
self.refinenet = None
self.refinenet_animeseg: AnimeSegmentation = None
self.postprocess_refine: Callable = None
if refine_kwargs is not None:
self.tagger = None
self.tagger_path = tagger_path
self.mask_thr = mask_thr
def init_tagger(self, tagger_path: str = None):
tagger_path = self.tagger_path if tagger_path is None else tagger_path
self.tagger = Tagger(self.tagger_path)
def infer_tags(self, instances: AnimeInstances, img: np.ndarray, infer_grey: bool = False):
if self.tagger is None:
if infer_grey:
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)[..., None][..., [0, 0, 0]]
num_ins = len(instances)
for ii in range(num_ins):
bbox = instances.bboxes[ii]
mask = instances.masks[ii]
if isinstance(bbox, torch.Tensor):
bbox = bbox.cpu().numpy()
mask = mask.cpu().numpy()
bbox = bbox.astype(np.int32)
crop = img[bbox[1]: bbox[3] + bbox[1], bbox[0]: bbox[2] + bbox[0]].copy()
mask = mask[bbox[1]: bbox[3] + bbox[1], bbox[0]: bbox[2] + bbox[0]]
crop[mask == 0] = 255
tags, character_tags = self.tagger.label_cv2_bgr(crop)
exclude_tags = ['simple_background', 'white_background']
valid_tags = []
for tag in tags:
if tag in exclude_tags:
instances.tags[ii] = ' '.join(valid_tags)
instances.character_tags[ii] = character_tags
def infer_embeddings(self, imgs, det_size = None):
def hijack_bbox_mask_post_process(
rescale: bool = False,
with_nms: bool = True,
img_meta: Optional[dict] = None):
stride = self.prior_generator.strides[0][0]
if rescale:
assert img_meta.get('scale_factor') is not None
scale_factor = [1 / s for s in img_meta['scale_factor']]
results.bboxes = scale_boxes(results.bboxes, scale_factor)
if hasattr(results, 'score_factors'):
# TODO: Add sqrt operation in order to be consistent with
# the paper.
score_factors = results.pop('score_factors')
results.scores = results.scores * score_factors
# filter small size bboxes
if cfg.get('min_bbox_size', -1) >= 0:
w, h = get_box_wh(results.bboxes)
valid_mask = (w > cfg.min_bbox_size) & (h > cfg.min_bbox_size)
if not valid_mask.all():
results = results[valid_mask]
# results.mask_feat = mask_feat
return results, mask_feat
def hijack_detector_predict(self: SingleStageDetector,
batch_inputs: torch.Tensor,
batch_data_samples: SampleList,
rescale: bool = True) -> SampleList:
x = self.extract_feat(batch_inputs)
bbox_head: RTMDetInsSepBNHeadCustom = self.bbox_head
old_postprocess = RTMDetInsSepBNHeadCustom._bbox_mask_post_process
RTMDetInsSepBNHeadCustom._bbox_mask_post_process = hijack_bbox_mask_post_process
# results_list = bbox_head.predict(
# x, batch_data_samples, rescale=rescale)
batch_img_metas = [
data_samples.metainfo for data_samples in batch_data_samples
outs = bbox_head(x)
results_list = bbox_head.predict_by_feat(
*outs, batch_img_metas=batch_img_metas, rescale=rescale)
# batch_data_samples = self.add_pred_to_datasample(
# batch_data_samples, results_list)
RTMDetInsSepBNHeadCustom._bbox_mask_post_process = old_postprocess
return results_list
old_predict = SingleStageDetector.predict
SingleStageDetector.predict = hijack_detector_predict
test_pipeline, imgs, _ = self.prepare_data_pipeline(imgs, det_size)
if len(imgs) > 1:
imgs = tqdm(imgs)
model = self.model
img = imgs[0]
data_, img = test_pipeline(img)
data = model.data_preprocessor(data_, False)
instance_data, mask_feat = model(**data, mode='predict')[0]
SingleStageDetector.predict = old_predict
# print((instance_data.scores > 0.9).sum())
return img, instance_data, mask_feat
def segment_with_bboxes(self, img, bboxes: torch.Tensor, instance_data, mask_feat: torch.Tensor):
# instance_data.bboxes: x1, y1, x2, y2
maxidx = torch.argmax(instance_data.scores)
bbox = instance_data.bboxes[maxidx].cpu().numpy()
p1, p2 = (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[2]), int(bbox[3]))
tgt_bboxes = instance_data.bboxes
im_h, im_w = img.shape[:2]
long_side = max(im_h, im_w)
bbox_head: RTMDetInsSepBNHeadCustom = self.model.bbox_head
priors, kernels = instance_data.priors, instance_data.kernels
stride = bbox_head.prior_generator.strides[0][0]
ins_bboxes, ins_segs, scores = [], [], []
for bbox in bboxes:
bbox = torch.from_numpy(np.array([bbox])).to(tgt_bboxes.dtype).to(tgt_bboxes.device)
ioulst = box_iou(bbox, tgt_bboxes).squeeze()
matched_idx = torch.argmax(ioulst)
mask_logits = bbox_head._mask_predict_by_feat_single(
mask_feat, kernels[matched_idx][None, ...], priors[matched_idx][None, ...])
mask_logits = F.interpolate(
mask_logits.unsqueeze(0), scale_factor=stride, mode='bilinear')
mask_logits = F.interpolate(
size=[long_side, long_side],
align_corners=False)[..., :im_h, :im_w]
mask = mask_logits.sigmoid().squeeze()
mask = mask > 0.5
mask = mask.cpu().numpy()
matched_iou_score = ioulst[matched_idx]
matched_score = instance_data.scores[matched_idx]
matched_bbox = tgt_bboxes[matched_idx]
# p1, p2 = (int(matched_bbox[0]), int(matched_bbox[1])), (int(matched_bbox[2]), int(matched_bbox[3]))
if len(ins_bboxes) > 0:
ins_bboxes = np.array(ins_bboxes).astype(np.int32)
ins_bboxes[:, 2:] -= ins_bboxes[:, :2]
ins_segs = np.array(ins_segs)
instances = AnimeInstances(ins_segs, ins_bboxes, scores)
self._postprocess_refine(instances, img)
drawed = instances.draw_instances(img)
# cv2.imshow('drawed', drawed)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
return instances
def set_detect_size(self, det_size: Union[int, Tuple]):
if isinstance(det_size, int):
det_size = (det_size, det_size)
self.default_data_pipeline.transforms[1].scale = det_size
self.default_data_pipeline.transforms[2].size = det_size
def infer(self, imgs: Union[List, str, np.ndarray],
pred_score_thr: float = 0.3,
refine_kwargs: dict = None,
output_type: str="tensor",
det_size: int = None,
save_dir: str = '',
save_visualization: bool = False,
save_annotation: str = '',
infer_tags: bool = False,
obj_id_start: int = -1,
img_id_start: int = -1,
verbose: bool = False,
infer_grey: bool = False,
save_mask_only: bool = False,
max_instances: int = 100,
**kwargs) -> Union[List[AnimeInstances], AnimeInstances, None]:
imgs (str, ndarray, Sequence[str/ndarray]):
Either image files or loaded images.
:obj:`AnimeInstances` or list[:obj:`AnimeInstances`]:
If save_annotation or save_annotation, return None.
if det_size is not None:
if refine_kwargs is not None:
if isinstance(imgs, str):
if imgs.endswith('.txt'):
imgs = read_imglst_from_txt(imgs)
if save_annotation or save_visualization:
return self._infer_save_annotations(imgs, pred_score_thr, det_size, save_dir, save_visualization, \
save_annotation, infer_tags, obj_id_start, img_id_start, val_dir=val_dir)
return self._infer_simple(imgs, pred_score_thr, det_size, output_type, infer_tags, verbose=verbose, infer_grey=infer_grey)
def _det_forward(self, img, test_pipeline, pred_score_thr: float = 0.3) -> Tuple[AnimeInstances, np.ndarray]:
data_, img = test_pipeline(img)
with torch.no_grad():
results: DetDataSample = self.model.test_step(data_)[0]
pred_instances = results.pred_instances
pred_instances = pred_instances[pred_instances.scores > pred_score_thr]
if len(pred_instances) < 1:
return AnimeInstances(), img
del data_
bboxes =
bboxes[:, 2:] -= bboxes[:, :2]
masks = pred_instances.masks
scores = pred_instances.scores
return AnimeInstances(masks, bboxes, scores), img
def _infer_simple(self, imgs: Union[List, str, np.ndarray],
pred_score_thr: float = 0.3,
det_size: int = None,
output_type: str = "tensor",
infer_tags: bool = False,
infer_grey: bool = False,
verbose: bool = False) -> Union[DetDataSample, List[DetDataSample]]:
if isinstance(imgs, List):
return_list = True
return_list = False
assert output_type in {'tensor', 'numpy'}
test_pipeline, imgs, _ = self.prepare_data_pipeline(imgs, det_size)
predictions = []
if len(imgs) > 1:
imgs = tqdm(imgs)
for img in imgs:
instances, img = self._det_forward(img, test_pipeline, pred_score_thr)
# drawed = instances.draw_instances(img)
# cv2.imwrite('drawed.jpg', drawed)
self.postprocess_results(instances, img)
# drawed = instances.draw_instances(img)
# cv2.imwrite('drawed_post.jpg', drawed)
if infer_tags:
self.infer_tags(instances, img, infer_grey)
if output_type == 'numpy':
if return_list:
return predictions
return predictions[0]
def _infer_save_annotations(self, imgs: Union[List, str, np.ndarray],
pred_score_thr: float = 0.3,
det_size: int = None,
save_dir: str = '',
save_visualization: bool = False,
save_annotation: str = '',
infer_tags: bool = False,
obj_id_start: int = 100000000000,
img_id_start: int = 100000000000,
save_mask_only: bool = False,
val_dir = None,
**kwargs) -> None:
coco_api = None
if isinstance(imgs, str) and imgs.endswith('.json'):
coco_api = COCO(imgs)
if val_dir is None:
val_dir = osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(imgs)), 'val')
imgs = coco_api.getImgIds()
imgp2ids = {}
imgps, coco_imgmetas = [], []
for imgid in imgs:
imeta = coco_api.loadImgs(imgid)[0]
imgname = imeta['file_name']
imgp = osp.join(val_dir, imgname)
imgp2ids[imgp] = imgid
imgs = imgps
test_pipeline, imgs, target_dir = self.prepare_data_pipeline(imgs, det_size)
if save_dir == '':
save_dir = osp.join(target_dir, \
osp.basename(self.ckpt).replace('.ckpt', '').replace('.pth', '').replace('.pt', ''))
if not osp.exists(save_dir):
det_annotations = []
image_meta = []
obj_id = obj_id_start + 1
image_id = img_id_start + 1
for ii, img in enumerate(tqdm(imgs)):
# prepare data
if isinstance(img, str):
img_name = osp.basename(img)
img_name = f'{ii}'.zfill(12) + '.jpg'
if coco_api is not None:
image_id = imgp2ids[img]
instances, img = self._det_forward(img, test_pipeline, pred_score_thr)
except Exception as e:
raise e
if isinstance(e, torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError):
instances, img = self._det_forward(img, test_pipeline, pred_score_thr)
LOGGER.warning(f'cuda out of memory: {img_name}')
if isinstance(img, str):
img = cv2.imread(img)
instances = None
if instances is not None:
self.postprocess_results(instances, img)
if infer_tags:
self.infer_tags(instances, img)
if save_visualization:
out_file = osp.join(save_dir, img_name)
self.save_visualization(out_file, img, instances)
if save_annotation:
im_h, im_w = img.shape[:2]
"id": image_id,"height": im_h,"width": im_w,
"file_name": img_name, "id": image_id
if instances is not None:
for ii in range(len(instances)):
segmentation = instances.masks[ii].squeeze().cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
area = segmentation.sum()
segmentation *= 255
if save_mask_only:
cv2.imwrite(osp.join(save_dir, 'mask_' + str(ii).zfill(3) + '_' +img_name+'.png'), segmentation)
score = instances.scores[ii]
if isinstance(score, torch.Tensor):
score = score.item()
score = float(score)
bbox = instances.bboxes[ii].cpu().numpy()
bbox = bbox.astype(np.float32).tolist()
segmentation = mask2rle(segmentation)
tag_string = instances.tags[ii]
tag_string_character = instances.character_tags[ii]
det_annotations.append({'id': obj_id, 'category_id': 0, 'iscrowd': 0, 'score': score,
'segmentation': segmentation, 'image_id': image_id, 'area': area,
'tag_string': tag_string, 'tag_string_character': tag_string_character, 'bbox': bbox
obj_id += 1
image_id += 1
if save_annotation != '' and not save_mask_only:
det_meta = {"info": {},"licenses": [], "images": image_meta,
"annotations": det_annotations, "categories": CATEGORIES}
detp = save_annotation
dict2json(det_meta, detp)'annotations saved to {detp}')
def set_refine_method(self, refine_method: str = 'none', refine_size: int = 720):
if refine_method == 'none':
self.postprocess_refine = None
elif refine_method == 'animeseg':
if self.refinenet_animeseg is None:
self.refinenet_animeseg = load_refinenet(refine_method)
self.postprocess_refine = lambda det_pred, img: \
animeseg_refine(det_pred, img, self.refinenet_animeseg, True, refine_size)
elif refine_method == 'refinenet_isnet':
if self.refinenet is None:
self.refinenet = load_refinenet(refine_method)
self.postprocess_refine = self._postprocess_refine
raise NotImplementedError(f'Invalid refine method: {refine_method}')
def _postprocess_refine(self, instances: AnimeInstances, img: np.ndarray, refine_size: int = 720, max_refine_batch: int = 4, **kwargs):
if instances.is_empty:
segs = instances.masks
is_tensor = instances.is_tensor
if is_tensor:
segs = segs.cpu().numpy()
segs = segs.astype(np.float32)
im_h, im_w = img.shape[:2]
masks = []
with torch.no_grad():
for batch, (pt, pb, pl, pr) in prepare_refine_batch(segs, img, max_refine_batch, self.device, refine_size):
preds = self.refinenet(batch)[0][0].sigmoid()
if pb == 0:
pb = -im_h
if pr == 0:
pr = -im_w
preds = preds[..., pt: -pb, pl: -pr]
preds = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(preds, (im_h, im_w), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
masks.append(preds.cpu()[:, 0])
masks = (torch.concat(masks, dim=0) > self.mask_thr).to(self.device)
if not is_tensor:
masks = masks.cpu().numpy()
instances.masks = masks
def prepare_data_pipeline(self, imgs: Union[str, np.ndarray, List], det_size: int) -> Tuple[Compose, List, str]:
if det_size is None:
det_size = self.default_det_size
target_dir = './workspace/output'
# cast imgs to a list of np.ndarray or image_file_path if necessary
if isinstance(imgs, str):
if osp.isdir(imgs):
target_dir = imgs
imgs = find_all_imgs(imgs, abs_path=True)
elif osp.isfile(imgs):
target_dir = osp.dirname(imgs)
imgs = [imgs]
elif isinstance(imgs, np.ndarray) or isinstance(imgs, str):
imgs = [imgs]
elif isinstance(imgs, List):
if len(imgs) > 0:
if isinstance(imgs[0], np.ndarray) or isinstance(imgs[0], str):
raise NotImplementedError
raise NotImplementedError
test_pipeline = lambda img: single_image_preprocess(img, pipeline=self.default_data_pipeline)
return test_pipeline, imgs, target_dir
def save_visualization(self, out_file: str, img: np.ndarray, instances: AnimeInstances):
drawed = instances.draw_instances(img)
mmcv.imwrite(drawed, out_file)
def postprocess_results(self, results: DetDataSample, img: np.ndarray) -> None:
if self.postprocess_refine is not None:
self.postprocess_refine(results, img)
def set_mask_threshold(self, mask_thr: float):
self.model.bbox_head.test_cfg['mask_thr_binary'] = mask_thr
def set_max_instance(self, num_ins):
self.model.bbox_head.test_cfg['max_per_img'] = num_ins