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<p class="c34 title" id="h.m1jppgo2l757"><span class="c35">DATA PROVIDER-HOST AGREEMENT</span></p> |
<p class="c5 c15"><span class="c31"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c27">v0.1</span></p> |
<p class="c5 c15"><span class="c31"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c27">Download as <a |
href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigscience/data_host_provider_agreement/raw/main/data_host_provider_agreement.txt" |
download> .txt </a>, |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigscience/data_host_provider_agreement/raw/main/data_host_provider_agreement.pdf" |
download> .pdf </a>, |
<a href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigscience/data_host_provider_agreement/raw/main/data_host_provider_agreement.docx" |
download> .docx </a>, |
or <a |
href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigscience/data_host_provider_agreement/raw/main/data_host_provider_agreement.html" |
download> |
.html</a></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0 start" start="1"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>PREAMBLE</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c18 c4"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c18 c4">BigScience is an open research collaboration involving over 1000 participants |
from 60 countries, focusing its collaborative research efforts in the study and development of natural |
language processing systems (hereinafter NLP). </span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c18 c4"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c18 c4">The project is motivated by recent evolutions in the field brought about by the |
growing capabilities, popularity, size and cost of Large Language Model-based methods. The computational |
resources and data needed to develop LLMs are affordable by a handful of institutions, who often conduct |
this research behind closed doors despite its significant impact on society. </span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c18 c4"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c4">Thanks to the support of a large compute grant on the French </span><span |
class="c4"><a class="c29" |
href="https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.idris.fr/eng/jean-zay/jean-zay-presentation-eng.html&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1653494561013669&usg=AOvVaw3if3lBppSk72iVlS5BVsGD">Jean |
Zay public super-computer</a></span><span class="c4">, the participants of BigScience can instead |
collaborate across a range of academic institutions and organizations to </span><span class="c4">create an |
openly accessible Large Language Model (LLM), available for the general public. This can be used to |
fuel research, governance, regulation, and future technology.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c18 c4"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c4">In particular, the choice and governance of the D</span><span |
class="c4">ata</span><span class="c4"> used to develop these technologies are of paramount importance. |
Previous </span><span class="c4">work has</span><span class="c4"> mainly relied on text obtained |
from snapshots of the Internet, due to </span><span class="c4">the large amount of Data and |
availability</span><span class="c18 c4">. Unfortunately, this convenience choice raises multiple ethical and |
legal issues and leads the technology to amplify harmful biases in its deployed applications.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c18 c4"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c4">BigScience takes an alternative approach of identifying Data sources for a training |
corpus. Specifically, our participants built an annotated catalog of high-quality language resources to |
cover the diversity of languages and social contexts that should make up such a training corpus. There are |
two essential parties in charge of making this data available, under the auspices of BigScience: First, the |
</span><span class="c4 c11">Data Providers</span><span class="c4">, any institution willing to license datasets |
of interest purely for research purposes on a royalty free basis; and Second, the </span><span |
class="c4 c11">Data Hosts</span><span class="c4">, institutions willing to contribute their technical |
capabilities in order to host the data provided, enabling society to access it. These are the </span><span |
class="c18 c4">champions of data sharing and openness in research. </span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c33"><span>This License governs the use of Data as</span><span> informed by the BigScience Ethical |
Charter</span><span> and the values set forth in the BigScience workshop. These establish the |
perspective informing this license that text and language are above all human-centric data. This means that |
data subjects have inherent rights and protections, and interests that exist outside of its Machine Learning |
context, and which we also need to account for.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">Although the BigScience community does not aim to impose its values on potential |
users of the Data, it is determined to take tangible steps towards protecting the community from |
inappropriate uses of the work being developed by BigScience.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c18 c4"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c18 c4">Consequently, the main objective of this Data Provider Agreement (the Agreement) |
is to serve as the core instrument enabling and governing the sharing of data between the interested |
parties, for the benefit of open research. Both parties strive to serve this goal by entering into this |
Agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c18 c4"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c20 c36"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="2"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>DEFINITIONS</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5 c17"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c11">“Agreement</span><span>” means this Agreement including all its |
Exhibits.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4">“</span><span class="c4 c11">Confidential</span><span |
class="c4"> </span><span class="c4 c11">Information</span><span class="c18 c4">” means |
information that one Party discloses to the other Party under this Agreement and that is marked as |
confidential or would normally be considered confidential.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4">“</span><span class="c4 c11">Data</span><span class="c4">”</span><span |
class="c4"> means </span><span class="c4">machine-readable </span><span class="c4">informational |
content</span><span class="c4"> (individually or as a whole i.e., collection of Datasets) made |
</span><span class="c4">available</span><span class="c4"> by the Data Provider</span><span |
class="c4">.</span><span class="c18 c4"> </span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4 c11">“Meta-Data”</span><span class="c4"> means supplementary |
information of the Data, for example, summaries or visualizations of the data, restricted excerpts, |
authorship information and high-level statistics (i.e. word counts))</span><span class="c18 c4">.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4">“</span><span class="c4 c11">Dataset</span><span class="c4">”</span><span |
class="c18 c4"> means one specific collection of Data that the Data Provider has the necessary rights |
for sharing under this agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4 c11">“Processed Dataset”</span><span class="c4"> </span><span |
class="c4">is a </span><span class="c4">Dataset</span><span class="c4"> that is further processed via |
Data transformations, including additional modifications to one dataset (e.g., personal information removal, |
additional annotations, extracted text, subsetting by language, removal of individual data points), dataset |
combinations, etc.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4">“</span><span class="c4 c11">Data</span><span class="c4"> </span><span |
class="c4 c11">Host</span><span class="c4">”</span><span class="c4"> means a </span><span |
class="c4">legal entity</span><span class="c18 c4"> permitted to process, prepare, and manage |
subsequent 3rd party access to the Data of the Data Provider under the scope of this agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4">“</span><span class="c4 c11">Data</span><span class="c4"> </span><span |
class="c4 c11">Provider</span><span class="c4">”</span><span class="c4"> means the individual or |
legal entity granting permission to the Data Host to access and further </span><span class="c4">manage |
the</span><span class="c4"> </span><span class="c4">Data</span><span class="c18 c4"> for the |
purpose of this Agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4 c11">“</span><span class="c4 c11">Derived Work</span><span |
class="c4 c11">”</span><span class="c4"> means any artifact created using Data covered by this |
Agreement. </span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span>“</span><span class="c11">Parties</span><span>” means any individual or entity |
</span><span>entering into this Agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4">“</span><span class="c4 c11">Third Parties</span><span class="c18 c4">” |
means individuals or legal entities that are not controlled by any of the involved parties in this |
Agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4 c11 c20">“User”</span><span class="c4 c20"> means individual and/or |
legal entity having access to the data provided by the Data Provider and hosted by the Data Host for the |
purpose of this Agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c9 c5 c19"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="3"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">PURPOSE, RIGHTS GRANTED & SCOPE</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span>The Data Provider grants to the Data Host a non-exclusive, </span><span>non-transferable, |
non-sublicensable, irrevocable</span><span>, perpetual, royalty-free and worldwide license to use (that is |
access, store, prepare, </span><span>process</span><span>, label and/or share) the agreed upon Data (see |
List of Datasets in Exhibit A) in accordance with</span><span> </span><span>the use case scenarios and |
further (re)distribution policy, as stated in </span><span>Annex III (see below)</span><span>.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="4"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>DATA PROVIDER RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS</span></li> |
</ol> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-1 start" start="1"> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">The Data Provider warrants that it is the owner of the Data or |
has the necessary rights to enter into this Agreement regarding the Data listed in the Dataset section |
(see Exhibit A).</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">The Data Provider will provide Data Host with valid contact |
information in order to settle any queries or issues related to the Data.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Provider will provide the Data Host access to the Data in |
</span><span class="c1">a suitable format agreed upon by both parties. </span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">The Data Provider shall not be subject to any damages or |
liabilities for any malfunction, error or omission in the Data. In case the Data Provider becomes aware |
of, it will diligently inform the Data Host in order to implement the proper modifications. From its |
side, the Data Host will do the same.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>In case the Data Provider is informed about the application of restrictions |
of any kind the Data Provider will notify the Data Host.</span><span> For instance, i</span><span>n |
case of becoming knowledgeable of any actual or suspected intellectual property rights infringement, |
damages or claims associated with the Dataset the Data Provider promptly notifies the Data Host such |
that the further infringing usage of the Dataset can be stopped.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">The Data Provider acknowledges that the Data does not contain |
any malicious source-code that adversely affect, alter, damage or destroy the proper functioning of any |
software, operating system and/or hardware this may include but is not limited to viruses, trojan horses |
ransomware, back doors and spy software.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Provider shall inform the Data Host in case the Data Provider |
becomes aware that </span><span>the </span><span>dataset </span><span>does not comply with relevant |
regulations and laws, such as personal data-related regulations.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Provider hereby disclaims any representations and warranties of |
any kind, express or implied, including without limitation any warranties of fitness for the purpose set |
out in this Agreement or beyond regarding the Data. The Data Provider does not guarantee the accuracy, |
adequacy or completeness of the Da</span><span>ta.</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="5"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">DATA HOST RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS</span></li> |
</ol> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-1 start" start="1"> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">No rights are granted to the Data Host with respect to the Data |
other than those stipulated in this Agreement, except any exceptions or limitations provided by |
law.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">The Data Host will hold harmless the Data Provider against any |
claims, demands, suits or damages arising from the use of the Data in accordance with the purpose set |
out in this Agreement. </span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Host acknowledges and agrees that the following disclaimers apply |
to all End-Users and other entities who have access to the Data The Data is provided |
“</span><span>as-is”</span><span class="c1">. </span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>In case of becoming knowledgeable of any actual or suspected intellectual |
property rights infringement, damages or claims associated with the Data the Data Host will promptly |
</span><span>notify</span><span class="c1"> the Data Provider and stop the further usage of the Data |
until the issue in question can be resolved.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Host will not </span><span>assert rights</span><span |
class="c1"> over any Data (excluding Meta-Data) made available by way of this Agreement.</span> |
</li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Host will undertake </span><span>commercially |
reasonable</span><span class="c1"> efforts to appropriately attribute the Data Provider as the |
source of the Data.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Host is allowed to create and publish research (including |
benchmarks, performance indicators and/or scientific insights) gained using the data under this |
agreement</span><span class="c1">, for the purposes of BigScience’s research scope.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The Data Host will undertake commercially reasonable efforts to remove |
personal data and information from the Dataset before using the |
Dataset</span><span> Notwithstanding the latter undertaking, the Data Provider should, under |
Section 4(j) of this agreement, inform the Data Host in case the former is aware of the existence of |
personal data under the licensed dataset(s).</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="6"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>LIMITATIONS</span></li> |
</ol> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-1 start" start="1"> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">This agreement grants access to the Data exclusively for the |
purpose and chosen Data Access Policy (see Exhibit A) stated in this Agreement and does not extend to |
any other purpose nor does it apply to any other data not listed in the Dataset section (see Exhibit |
A).</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>If the Data Provider complies to the data management plan </span><span |
class="c1">the Data Provider holds the Data Host free and harmless of any action, recourse or claims |
made by any third party due to the non-observance by the Data Provider of its obligations under this |
Agreement and intellectual property and/or personal data related 3rd party claims. </span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>Both Data Provider and Data Host will not be liable for any processing |
activities of the Data under this agreement by any User having access to it under the framework of |
BigScience. </span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="7"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>FEES </span><span class="c1">AND COSTS</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">Neither party will charge any fees, royalties or costs associated with implementing |
this Agreement. All accruing costs or expenses of any party in relation to this Agreement are solely to be |
carried by the responsible party alone.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="8"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>SECURITY</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span>The Data Provider shall make reasonable efforts to provide the Data to the Data Host using |
up-to-date security standards (this may include but is not limited to data transmission via secure transport |
protocols, storage on secured servers as well as secure data processing). In case the data is made |
accessible via authentication the Data Host ensures that the used authentication method |
</span><span>meets</span><span class="c1"> up-to-date standards.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="9"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>TERM AND </span><span>TERMINATION</span></li> |
</ol> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-1 start" start="1"> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">This Agreement is valid from the date the involved parties |
agree, or by default, from the moment it is signed by all the involved parties.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>The term of this Agreement shall be from the Agreement Date until the last |
to expire of the Data Provider’s intellectual property rights or any related rights on the |
licensed Dataset, strictly for the purpose of this Agreement.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">This Agreement can be terminated by either party immediately in |
case the other party breaches this Agreement upon due notice of it and the breach is not remediated |
within 30 days.</span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span>In case either party would like to voluntarily terminate the Agreement, it |
shall act in good faith and provide the other party with (i) a reasoned statement justifying the |
decision; (ii) a 60 days pre-advice; (iii) and, give the other party the |
</span><span>opportunity</span><span> to negotiate any new terms and conditions for the sake of the |
Agreement’s continuity, and beyond, for the sake of BigScience’s research goals.</span><span |
class="c1"> </span></li> |
<li class="c6 c16 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, the Data Host |
and Data Provider cease to use the Data and Processed Datasets and for the purposes set out in |
this Agreement within 14 days and upon that delete the Data and Processed Datasets immediately |
(respecting any holding periods or processing information storage required by the law) . This does not |
affect already completed or created Derived Work before the termination of this Agreement.</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="10"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">FORCE MAJEURE</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">Neither party shall be liable to the other for a failure of performance undertaken in |
this Agreement if prevented from doing so by any circumstances beyond its reasonable control (such as but |
not limited to fire, flood, drought, war, explosion, terrorism, computer hacking and viruses, acts of any |
government body, perils of the sea and air).</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="11"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">CONFIDENTIALITY</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span>Each party shall treat this Agreement and all information and/or business practices of the other |
party it </span><span>aquires</span><span class="c1"> or becomes knowledgeable of as confidential. |
Confidential information does not include any public or generally available information or any information |
independently obtained or available prior to entering this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either |
party is allowed to reveal confidential information if it is required by law to do so.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="12"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">ENTIRE AGREEMENT</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">This Agreement including its exhibits and attachments constitute the entirety of the |
Agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior negotiations or understanding.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="13"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">MODIFICATION AND AMENDMENT</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">This Agreement can be amended or modified by mutual consent at any time. The |
amendment and/or modification must be put forth in writing.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="14"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span>DISPUTE RESOLUTION</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c9"><span class="c4">Any dispute that may arise from the breach of this Agreement will be first subject to |
an alternative dispute resolution phase under the auspices of the BigScience Community.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="15"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">SURVIVAL</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">The provisions set forth in section 6(b) (Limits of Liability), 10 (Term and |
Termination), 12 (Confidentiality), 15 (Governing Law), 16 (Survival) and Exhibit A (Section Restrictions of |
Use in the Dataset section) shall survive the termination of this agreement and continue to bind both |
parties.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="16"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">SEVERABILITY</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, |
the remaining provisions shall be unaffected thereby and remain valid as if such provision had not been set |
forth herein. The parties agree to substitute such a provision with a valid provision most closely |
resembling the intent of such severed provision.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="17"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">NO ADDITIONAL TERMS</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">Unless and to the extent expressly agreed to in writing between the Data Host and the |
Data Provider no other terms and conditions shall be binding to either party.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_4t5rj2ymaawc-0" start="18"> |
<li class="c6 c13"><span class="c1">FULL UNDERSTANDING</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">The parties acknowledge that they fully understand and agree to all of their rights |
and obligations under this Agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1">DATA |
HOST</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2"><span |
class="c1">…………………………………. ………………………………….</span> |
</p> |
<p class="c2"><span |
class="c1">Name Name</span> |
</p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2"><span |
class="c1">…………………………………. ………………………………….</span> |
</p> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1">Date and |
Location Date |
and Location</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<hr style="page-break-before:always;display:none;"> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<h1 class="c26" id="h.jvts60i5swq4"><span class="c22">Annex </span></h1> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c24 c11"></span></p> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c24 c11">DATA PROVIDER SCHEDULE (EXHIBIT A)</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_aux6bb4ckrxp-0 start" start="1"> |
<li class="c6 c10 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">Data Provider Information</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.1aebe24dda1b56316fca09844ec7bf63e4290b0d"></a><a id="t.0"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1"> Data Provider Name</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.c06f5ae8823510bc7bdc98a6ebb4d663986381f0"></a><a id="t.1"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1"> Data Address</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.c06f5ae8823510bc7bdc98a6ebb4d663986381f0"></a><a id="t.2"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1"> Data Provider Contact |
Information</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.1aebe24dda1b56316fca09844ec7bf63e4290b0d"></a><a id="t.3"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1"> Data Provider Name</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.1aebe24dda1b56316fca09844ec7bf63e4290b0d"></a><a id="t.4"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span> Special Conditions (</span><span class="c30">if |
applicable</span><span class="c1">)</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.1aebe24dda1b56316fca09844ec7bf63e4290b0d"></a><a id="t.5"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span> D</span><span>ata Management Plan</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_aux6bb4ckrxp-0" start="2"> |
<li class="c6 c10 li-bullet-0"><span>Datasets</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.240e3e31feb831c8b0d6526779ad9e3796c7176c"></a><a id="t.6"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1"> List of Datasets</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.c06f5ae8823510bc7bdc98a6ebb4d663986381f0"></a><a id="t.7"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c5 c7"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span> License of Datasets (</span><span class="c30">if |
more than one, please assign in List of Datasets</span><span class="c1">)</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p><a id="t.c06f5ae8823510bc7bdc98a6ebb4d663986381f0"></a><a id="t.8"></a> |
<table class="c3"> |
<tr class="c0"> |
<td class="c23" colspan="1" rowspan="1"> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c7 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c1"> Restrictions - Please indicate of any |
restrictions apply to any of the above listed datasets</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_aux6bb4ckrxp-0" start="3"> |
<li class="c6 c10 li-bullet-0"><span class="c1">Field of Use</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">Scope / use cases:</span></p> |
<p class="c5 c6"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span>▯ under condition: openly released models, results, and artifacts</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span class="c1">▯under condition: use RAIL license for ML artifacts (has to be |
attached)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span>▯under condition: value alignment (determined by data host)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span>▯under condition: value alignment (data modelers sign click-through form)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<ol class="c14 lst-kix_aux6bb4ckrxp-0" start="4"> |
<li class="c6 c10 li-bullet-0"><span>Data </span><span>Distribution Policy</span></li> |
</ol> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span>Acknowledging </span><span>the immense value and benefits that your datasets may provide, and |
</span><span> being conscious and respectful towards the different economic interests that you may have, |
this Agreement offers the Data Provider a flexible set of optional frameworks for the use, re-use, and |
distribution of data:</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span>▯</span><span>The Data Provider permits the Data Host to use the Data for the purpose |
set out in this Agreement. The Data Host is </span><span class="c11">not </span><span>allowed to make the |
</span><span>Data</span><span> publicly available outside of the remits of this license </span><span>(this |
does not include Meta Data)</span><span>.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span class="c1">▯The Data Provider permits the Data Host to make the Data (as a whole or in |
parts or processed) available to downstream users upon signing a non-dissemination agreement.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span>▯The Data Provider permits the Data Host to make the Data (as a whole or in parts or |
processed) available to downstream users using a system that supports authentication/synchronization</span> |
</p> |
<p class="c6 c8 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span>▯The Data Provider permits the Data Host to make the Data </span><span>(as a whole or |
in parts or processed) </span><span>available with modifications such as anonymizing personal and/or |
sensitive information about individuals.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c8"><span>▯</span><span>The </span><span>Data </span><span>Provider permits the Data |
Host</span><span class="c1"> to use the Data for the purpose set out in this Agreement. Additionally, |
the Data Host is allowed to make the Data publicly available under the Data license (select one) provided by |
the Data Provider. </span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ CC BY 4.0 (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ CC BY-SA 3.0 (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ CC BY-SA 4.0 (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ CC-BY-NC 4.0 (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span class="c1">▯ Microsoft Research Data License Agreement (Link)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span>▯custom license agreement (see Attachment if applicable)</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span>▯ </span><span class="c1">Linux Foundation CDLA Permissive</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12"><span>▯ </span><span class="c1">Linux Foundation CDLA Restrictive</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c12 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<hr style="page-break-before:always;display:none;"> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2"><span class="c11 c24">RAIL Model License (EXHIBIT B)</span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c2 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c33 c37"><span>Find here: </span><span class="c32"><a class="c29" |
href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/bigscience/license">BLOOM RAIL License v1.0</a></span><span |
class="c1"> </span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<hr style="page-break-before:always;display:none;"> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">Potential further clauses:</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">X. CONFLICT RESOLUTION</span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">In the case of any dispute, the parties shall attempt to resolve the issue by |
negotiation first.</span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">In the case such negotiations cannot resolve the issue within six months either party |
may bring the issue to the applicable court of law.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">X. NO WAIVER</span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">The failure of the Data Host or Data Provider to enforce or execute any right or |
provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.</span></p> |
<p class="c6 c5"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">X TITLES</span></p> |
<p class="c6"><span class="c1">Headings and Section titles in this Agreement are only for convenience and are not to |
be considered in construing this Agreement.</span></p> |
<div> |
<p class="c5 c28"><span class="c1"></span></p> |
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