Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 20,608 Bytes
c11f284 543198a c11f284 543198a c11f284 543198a c11f284 543198a c11f284 543198a c11f284 bfe18ee c11f284 bfe18ee 543198a c11f284 fa4751a c11f284 549c099 c11f284 549c099 c11f284 549c099 c11f284 bda9bfa c11f284 c3a703b c11f284 c942045 bda9bfa c942045 c11f284 81c6a1c c11f284 bda9bfa c11f284 57ac80c c11f284 c942045 07c352f c942045 c11f284 b5a705a a6b8551 fa4751a c11f284 b5a705a c11f284 81c6a1c c11f284 be6a548 c11f284 0448b5a 6d49eb0 0448b5a c942045 c11f284 6d49eb0 c11f284 c942045 c11f284 6d9a37c |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 |
# Importing required modules
import pandas as pd # for manipulating financial statements in dataframes
import numpy as np
import as px # for visualizing results in interactive plots
# To extract and parse fundamental data like beta and growth estimates from finviz website's HTML
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
# For parsing financial statements data from financialmodelingprep api
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
def get_jsonparsed_data(url):
response = urlopen(url)
data ="utf-8")
return json.loads(data)
# For Gradio App
import gradio as gr
# To read the environment variable to use in API requests later
import os
apiKey = os.environ['FMP_API_KEY'] # the environment variable is set in HuggingFace Spaces directly
# Financialmodelingprep api url
base_url = ""
# get financial statements using financial modelling prep API
def get_financial_statements(ticker):
# quarterly cash flow statements for calculating latest trailing twelve months (TTM) free cash flow
columns_drop = ['acceptedDate', 'period', 'symbol', 'reportedCurrency', 'cik', 'fillingDate', 'depreciationAndAmortization', 'link', 'finalLink']
q_cash_flow_statement = pd.DataFrame(get_jsonparsed_data(base_url+'cash-flow-statement/' + ticker + '?period=quarter' + '&apikey=' + apiKey))
q_cash_flow_statement = q_cash_flow_statement.set_index('date').drop(columns_drop, axis=1).iloc[:4] # extract for last 4 quarters
latest_year = int(q_cash_flow_statement.iloc[0]['calendarYear'])
# annual cash flow statements
cash_flow_statement = pd.DataFrame(get_jsonparsed_data(base_url+'cash-flow-statement/' + ticker + '?apikey=' + apiKey))
cash_flow_statement = cash_flow_statement.set_index('date').drop(columns_drop, axis=1)
# combine annual and latest TTM cash flow statements
ttm_cash_flow_statement = q_cash_flow_statement.sum() # sum up last 4 quarters to get TTM cash flow
cash_flow_statement = cash_flow_statement[::-1].append(ttm_cash_flow_statement.rename('TTM')).drop(['netIncome'], axis=1)
final_cash_flow_statement = cash_flow_statement[::-1] # reverse list to show most recent ones first
# quarterly balance sheet statements
columns_drop = ['acceptedDate', 'calendarYear', 'period', 'symbol', 'reportedCurrency', 'cik', 'fillingDate', 'link', 'finalLink']
q_balance_statement = pd.DataFrame(get_jsonparsed_data(base_url+'balance-sheet-statement/' + ticker + '?period=quarter' + '&apikey=' + apiKey))
q_balance_statement = q_balance_statement.set_index('date').drop(columns_drop, axis=1)
q_balance_statement = q_balance_statement.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
return q_cash_flow_statement, cash_flow_statement, final_cash_flow_statement, q_balance_statement, latest_year
# check stability of cash flows
def plot_cash_flow(ticker, cash_flow_statement):
# DCF model works best only if the free cash flows are POSITIVE, STABLE and STEADILY INCREASING.
# So let's plot the graph and verify if this is the case.
fig_cash_flow = , y='freeCashFlow', title=ticker + ' Free Cash Flows')
fig_cash_flow.update_xaxes(type='category', tickangle=270, title='Date')
fig_cash_flow.update_yaxes(title='Free Cash Flows')
return fig_cash_flow
# get ttm cash flow, most recent total debt and cash & short term investment data from statements
def get_statements_data(final_cash_flow_statement, q_balance_statement):
cash_flow = final_cash_flow_statement.iloc[0]['freeCashFlow'] # ttm cash flow
total_debt = q_balance_statement.iloc[0]['totalDebt']
cash_and_ST_investments = q_balance_statement.iloc[0]['cashAndShortTermInvestments']
return cash_flow, total_debt, cash_and_ST_investments
# Price, EPS next Y/5Y, Beta, Number of Shares Outstanding
# Extract (using requests.get) and Parse (using Beautiful Soup) data from Finviz table in the Finviz website (see screenshot above), needed to calculate intrinsic value of stock.
# List of data we want to extract from Finviz Table
# Price is the current stock price
# EPS next Y is the estimated earnings growth for next year
# EPS next 5Y is the estimated earnings growth for next 5 years (if this is not present on finviz, we will use EPS next Y instead)
# Beta captures the volatility of the stock, used for estimating discount rate later
# Shs Outstand is the number of shares present in the market
metric = ['Price', 'EPS next Y', 'EPS next 5Y', 'Beta', 'Shs Outstand']
def fundamental_metric(soup, metric):
# the table which stores the data in Finviz has html table attribute class of 'snapshot-td2'
return soup.find_all(text = metric)[-1].find_next(class_='snapshot-td2').text
# get above metrics from finviz and store as a dict
def get_finviz_data(ticker):
url = ("" + ticker.lower())
soup = bs(requests.get(url,headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0'}).content)
dict_finviz = {}
for m in metric:
dict_finviz[m] = fundamental_metric(soup,m)
for key, value in dict_finviz.items():
# replace percentages
if (value[-1]=='%'):
dict_finviz[key] = value[:-1]
dict_finviz[key] = float(dict_finviz[key])
# billion
if (value[-1]=='B'):
dict_finviz[key] = value[:-1]
dict_finviz[key] = float(dict_finviz[key])*1000000000
# million
if (value[-1]=='M'):
dict_finviz[key] = value[:-1]
dict_finviz[key] = float(dict_finviz[key])*1000000
dict_finviz[key] = float(dict_finviz[key])
except Exception as e:
print (e)
print ('Not successful parsing ' + ticker + ' data.')
return dict_finviz
def parse_finviz_dict(finviz_dict):
EPS_growth_5Y = finviz_dict['EPS next 5Y']
# sometimes EPS next 5Y is empty and shows as a '-' string, in this case use EPS next Y
if isinstance(EPS_growth_5Y, str):
if not EPS_growth_5Y.isdigit():
EPS_growth_5Y = finviz_dict['EPS next Y']
EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y = EPS_growth_5Y/2 # Half the previous growth rate, conservative estimate
# Long term = previous growth rate or around long term inflation rate, whichever is lower to be conservative estimate
long_term_growth_rate = np.minimum(EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, 3)
shares_outstanding = finviz_dict['Shs Outstand']
beta = finviz_dict['Beta']
current_price = finviz_dict['Price']
return EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate, beta, shares_outstanding, current_price
## Estimate Discount Rate from Beta
def estimate_discount_rate(beta):
# Beta shows the volatility of the stock,
# the higher the beta, we want to be more conservative by increasing the discount rate also.
discount_rate = 7
discount_rate = 5
elif(beta>=0.80 and beta<1):
discount_rate = 6
elif(beta>=1 and beta<1.1):
discount_rate = 6.5
elif(beta>=1.1 and beta<1.2):
discount_rate = 7
elif(beta>=1.2 and beta<1.3):
discount_rate = 7.5
elif(beta>=1.3 and beta<1.4):
discount_rate = 8
elif(beta>=1.4 and beta<1.6):
discount_rate = 8.5
discount_rate = 9
return discount_rate
## Calculate Intrinsic Value
# 1. First Project Cash Flows from Year 1 to Year 10 using Present (TTM) Free Cash Flow
# 2. Discount the Cash Flows to Present Value
# 3. Calculate the Terminal Value after Year 10 (Discounted to Present Value) Assuming the Company will Grow at a Constant Steady Rate Forever (
# 4. Add the Cash Flows and the Terminal Value Up
# 5. Then Account for the Cash + Short Term Investments and Subtract Total Debt
# 6. Divide by Total Number of Shares Outstanding
def calculate_intrinsic_value(latest_year, cash_flow, total_debt, cash_and_ST_investments,
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate,
shares_outstanding, discount_rate, current_price):
# Convert all percentages to decmials
EPS_growth_5Y_d = EPS_growth_5Y/100
EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y_d = EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y/100
long_term_growth_rate_d = long_term_growth_rate/100
discount_rate_d = discount_rate/100
# print("Discounted Cash Flows\n")
# Lists of projected cash flows from year 1 to year 20
cash_flow_list = []
cash_flow_discounted_list = []
year_list = []
# 1. First Project Cash Flows from Year 1 to Year 10 using Present (TTM) Free Cash Flow
# 2. Discount Each of the Cash Flows to Present Value
# Years 1 to 5
for year in range(1, 6):
year_list.append(year + latest_year)
cash_flow*=(1 + EPS_growth_5Y_d)
cash_flow_discounted = cash_flow/((1 + discount_rate_d)**year)
# print("Year " + str(year + latest_year) + ": $" + str(cash_flow_discounted)) ## Print out the projected discounted cash flows
# Years 6 to 10
for year in range(6, 11):
year_list.append(year + latest_year)
cash_flow*=(1 + EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y_d)
cash_flow_discounted = cash_flow/((1 + discount_rate_d)**year)
# print("Year " + str(year + latest_year) + ": $" + str(cash_flow_discounted)) ## Print out the projected discounted cash flows
# Store all forecasted cash flows in dataframe
forecast_cash_flows_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Year': year_list, 'Cash Flow': cash_flow_list, 'Discounted Cash Flow': cash_flow_discounted_list})
forecast_cash_flows_df = forecast_cash_flows_df.set_index('Year')
# 3. Calculate the Terminal Value after Year 10 (Discounted to Present Value)
# These are All Future Cash Flows Summed Up
# Assuming the Company will Grow at a Constant Steady Rate Forever (
# Growth in Perpuity Approach
cashflow_10Y = cash_flow_discounted_list[-1]
# Formula to Calculate:
terminal_value = cashflow_10Y*(1+long_term_growth_rate_d)/(discount_rate_d-long_term_growth_rate_d)
# 4. Add the Cash Flows and the Terminal Value Up
# 5. Then Account for the Cash + Short Term Investments and Subtract Total Debt
# 6. Divide by Total Number of Shares Outstanding
intrinsic_value = (sum(cash_flow_discounted_list) + terminal_value - total_debt + cash_and_ST_investments)/shares_outstanding
margin_of_safety = (1-current_price/intrinsic_value)*100
return forecast_cash_flows_df, terminal_value, intrinsic_value, margin_of_safety
# Discount rate and long term growth rate can change intrinsic value significantly
# So we estimate the intrinsic values for the different discount rates and long term growth rates below and store them in a DataFrame
def calculate_multiple_intrinsic_values(latest_year, cash_flow, total_debt, cash_and_ST_investments,
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate,
shares_outstanding, discount_rate, current_price):
discount_rates = [discount_rate-2, discount_rate-1.5,
discount_rate-1, discount_rate-0.5,
discount_rate+0.5, discount_rate+1,
discount_rate+1.5, discount_rate+2]
long_term_growth_rates = [long_term_growth_rate-1, long_term_growth_rate-0.5,
long_term_growth_rate+0.5, long_term_growth_rate+1]
intrinsic_values = {}
for dr in discount_rates:
intrinsic_values[dr] = {}
for lr in long_term_growth_rates:
_, _, intrinsic_value, _ = calculate_intrinsic_value(latest_year, cash_flow, total_debt, cash_and_ST_investments,
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, lr,
shares_outstanding, dr, current_price)
intrinsic_values[dr][lr] = intrinsic_value
df_intrinsic_values = pd.DataFrame(intrinsic_values).T = 'Discount Rates'
df_intrinsic_values = df_intrinsic_values.reset_index()
return df_intrinsic_values
# Plot forecasted cash flows from years 1 to 10, as well as the discounted cash flows
def plot_forecasted_cash_flows(ticker, forecast_cash_flows_df):
fig_cash_forecast =, barmode='group', title=ticker + ' Projected Free Cash Flows')
fig_cash_forecast.update_xaxes(type='category', tickangle=270)
fig_cash_forecast.update_xaxes(tickangle=270, title='Forecasted Year')
fig_cash_forecast.update_yaxes(title='Free Cash Flows')
return fig_cash_forecast
# chain all the steps from the functions above together
def run_all_steps(ticker):
ticker = ticker.upper() # make sure ticker is caps
q_cash_flow_statement, cash_flow_statement, final_cash_flow_statement, q_balance_statement, latest_year = get_financial_statements(ticker)
fig_cash_flow = plot_cash_flow(ticker, cash_flow_statement)
cash_flow, total_debt, cash_and_ST_investments = get_statements_data(final_cash_flow_statement, q_balance_statement)
finviz_dict = get_finviz_data(ticker)
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate, beta, shares_outstanding, current_price = parse_finviz_dict(finviz_dict)
discount_rate = estimate_discount_rate(beta)
forecast_cash_flows_df, terminal_value, intrinsic_value, margin_of_safety = calculate_intrinsic_value(latest_year, cash_flow, total_debt, cash_and_ST_investments,
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate,
shares_outstanding, discount_rate, current_price)
fig_cash_forecast = plot_forecasted_cash_flows(ticker, forecast_cash_flows_df)
df_intrinsic_values = calculate_multiple_intrinsic_values(latest_year, cash_flow, total_debt, cash_and_ST_investments,
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate,
shares_outstanding, discount_rate, current_price)
return q_cash_flow_statement.reset_index(), final_cash_flow_statement.reset_index(), q_balance_statement.reset_index(), fig_cash_flow, \
str(EPS_growth_5Y) + '%', str(EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y) + '%', str(long_term_growth_rate) + '%', \
beta, shares_outstanding, current_price, \
str(discount_rate) + '%', forecast_cash_flows_df.reset_index(), terminal_value, intrinsic_value, fig_cash_forecast, str(margin_of_safety) + '%', df_intrinsic_values
# Gradio App and UI
with gr.Blocks() as app:
with gr.Row():
gr.HTML("<h1>Bohmian's Stock Intrinsic Value Calculator</h1>")
with gr.Row():
ticker = gr.Textbox("AAPL", label='Enter stock ticker to calculate its intrinsic value e.g. "AAPL"')
btn = gr.Button("Calculate Intrinsic Value")
# Show intrinsic value calculation results
with gr.Row():
gr.HTML("<h2>Calculated Intrinsic Value</h2>")
with gr.Row():
intrinsic_value = gr.Text(label="Intrinsic Value (if this value is negative, it means current cash flow may be negative and this model WOULD NOT WORK, scroll down to check)")
current_price = gr.Text(label="Actual Stock Price")
margin_of_safety = gr.Text(label="Margin of Safety")
# Discount rate and long term growth rate can change intrinsic value significantly, so we show all of the estimates here
with gr.Row():
gr.HTML("<h2>Intrinsic Values with Different Discount Rates (Each Row) Long Term Growth Rates (Each Column)</h2>")
with gr.Row():
df_intrinsic_values = gr.DataFrame(label="Intrinsic Values with Different Discount Rates/Long Term Growth Rates")
# Show metrics obtained and estimated from FinViz website that were essential for calculations
with gr.Row():
gr.HTML("<h2>Metrics Obtained (and Estimated) from FinViz Website</h2>")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Row():
EPS_growth_5Y = gr.Text(label="EPS Next 5Y (estimated EPS growth for next 5 years)")
EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y = gr.Text(label="EPS growth for 6th to 10th year (estimated as half of 5Y rate)")
long_term_growth_rate = gr.Text(label="Long Term Growth Rate (estimated as the above or 3%, whichever is lower)")
with gr.Row():
beta = gr.Text(label="Beta (measures volatility of stock)")
discount_rate = gr.Text(label="Discount Rate (estimated from beta)")
shares_outstanding = gr.Text(label="Shares Outstanding")
# Show detailed actual historical financial statements
with gr.Row():
gr.HTML("<h2>Actual Historical Financial Statements Data from Financial Modelling Prep API</h2>")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Row():
gr.HTML("<h3>IMPORTANT NOTE: DCF model works best only if the free cash flows are POSITIVE, STABLE and STEADILY INCREASING. Check if this is the case.</h3>")
with gr.Row():
fig_cash_flow = gr.Plot(label="Historical Cash Flows")
with gr.Row():
q_cash_flow_statement = gr.DataFrame(label="Last 4 Quarterly Cash Flow Statements")
with gr.Row():
final_cash_flow_statement = gr.DataFrame(label="TTM + Annual Cash Flow Statements")
with gr.Row():
q_balance_statement = gr.DataFrame(label="Quarterly Balance Statements")
# Show forecasted cash flows and terminal value
with gr.Row():
gr.HTML("<h2>Forecasted Cash Flows for Next 10 Years</h2>")
with gr.Row():
fig_cash_forecast = gr.Plot(label="Forecasted Cash Flows")
with gr.Row():
forecast_cash_flows_df = gr.DataFrame(label="Forecasted Cash Flows")
with gr.Row():
terminal_value = gr.Text(label="Terminal Value (after 10th year)"), inputs=[ticker],
outputs=[q_cash_flow_statement, final_cash_flow_statement, q_balance_statement, fig_cash_flow, \
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate, beta, shares_outstanding, current_price, \
discount_rate, forecast_cash_flows_df, terminal_value, intrinsic_value, fig_cash_forecast, margin_of_safety, df_intrinsic_values])
ticker.submit(fn=run_all_steps, inputs=[ticker],
outputs=[q_cash_flow_statement, final_cash_flow_statement, q_balance_statement, fig_cash_flow, \
EPS_growth_5Y, EPS_growth_6Y_to_10Y, long_term_growth_rate, beta, shares_outstanding, current_price, \
discount_rate, forecast_cash_flows_df, terminal_value, intrinsic_value, fig_cash_forecast, margin_of_safety, df_intrinsic_values])
app.launch() |