#### Column names for Fixation Dataframe Some features were adapted from the popEye R package ([github](https://github.com/sascha2schroeder/popEye)) The if the column depend on a line assignment then a _ALGORITHM_NAME will be at the end of the name. - subject: Subject name or ID - trial_id: Trial ID - item: Item ID - condition: Condition (if applicable) - fixation_number: Index of fixation - start_uncorrected: Starting timestamp of event as recorded by EyeLink - stop_uncorrected: End timestamp of event as recorded by EyeLink - start_time: Start time (in ms since start of the trial) - end_time: End time (in ms since start of the trial) - corrected_start_time: Start time of the event measured from to the first fixation - corrected_end_time: End time of the event measured from to the first fixation - x: Raw x position (in pixel) - y: Raw y position (in pixel) - pupil_size: Size of pupil as recorded by EyeLink - distance_in_char_widths: Horizontal distance to previous fixation in number of character widths - y_ALGORITHM: Corrected y position (in pixel), i.e. after line assignment - y_ALGORITHM_correction: Difference between corrected and raw y position (in pixel) - duration: Duration (in ms) - sac_in: Incoming saccade length (in letters) - sac_out: Outgoing saccade length (in letters) - type: Whether fixation is an outlier fixation ("out"), i.e. located outside the text area (see assign.outlier and assign.outlier.dist arguments) - blink: Whether a blink occured directly before or after the fixation - run: Number of run the fixation was assigned to (if applicable) - linerun: Number of run on the line the fixation was assigned to (if applicable) - line_num: Number of line the fixation was assigned to - line_change: Difference between the line of the current and the last fixation - line_let: Number of letter on line - line_word: Number of word on line - letternum: Number of letter in trial - letter: Name of Letter - on_word_number: Number of word in trial - on_word: Name of Word - ianum: Number of IA in trial - ia: Name of IA - on_sentence_num: Number of sentence in trial - on_sentence: Sentence text - sentence_nwords: Number of words in sentence - trial: Name trial (abbreviated) - trial_nwords: Number of words in trial - word_fix: Number of fixation on word - word_run: Number of run the word the word was read - word_runid: Number of the word run, the fixation belongs to - word_run_fix: Number of fixation within the run - word_firstskip: Whether word has been skipped during first-pass reading - word_refix: Whether word has been refixated with current fixation - word_launch: Launch site distance from the beginning of the word - word_land: Landing position with word - word_cland: Centered landing position (e.g., calculated from the center of the word) - word_reg_out: Whether a regression was made out of the word - word_reg_in: Whether a regression was made into the word - sentence_word: Number of word in sentence - sentence_fix: Number of fixation on sentence - sentence_run: Number of run on sentence - sentence_runid: Number of the sentence run, the fixation belongs to - sentence_firstskip: Whether the sentence has been skipped during first-pass reading - sentence_refix: Whether sentence was refixated wither current fixation - sentence_reg_out: Whether a regression was made out the sentence - sentence_reg_in: Whether a regression was made into the sentence - sac_in_ALGORITHM_NAME: Incoming saccade length (in letters) - sac_out_ALGORITHM_NAME: Outgoing saccade length (in letters) - blink_before: Whether a blink was recorded before the event - blink_after: Whether a blink was recorded after the event - blink: Whether a blink was recorded before or after the event - duration: Duration of the event - line_change_ALGORITHM_NAME: Difference between the line of the current and the previous fixation - on_word_number_ALGORITHM_NAME: Index of word that the fixation has been assigned to - num_words_in_sentence_ALGORITHM_NAME: Number of words in sentence to which fixation has been assigned - word_land_ALGORITHM_NAME: Landing position of fixation within word in number of letters - line_let_ALGORITHM_NAME: Index of letter on line - line_let_from_last_letter_ALGORITHM_NAME: Letter number on line counted from last letter of line - line_word_ALGORITHM_NAME: Number of word on line - sentence_word_ALGORITHM_NAME: Number of word in sentence - is_far_out_of_text_uncorrected: Indicates if a fixation is far outside the stimulus area as determined by the vertical and horizontal margins - line_let_previous_ALGORITHM_NAME: Index of letter on line for previous fixations - line_let_next_ALGORITHM_NAME: Index of letter on line for next fixations - sentence_reg_out_to_ALGORITHM_NAME: Whether a regression was made out of the sentence - sentence_reg_in_from_ALGORITHM_NAME: Whether a regression was made into the sentence - word_reg_in_from_ALGORITHM_NAME: Whether a regression was made out of the word - word_reg_out_to_ALGORITHM_NAME: Whether a regression was made into the word - word_firstskip_ALGORITHM_NAME: Whether word has been skipped during first-pass reading - sentence_firstskip_ALGORITHM_NAME: Whether the sentence has been skipped during first-pass reading - sentence_runid_ALGORITHM_NAME: Number of the sentence run, the fixation belongs to - sentence_run_fix_ALGORITHM_NAME: - angle_incoming: Angle based on position of previous fixation - angle_outgoing: Angle based on position of next fixation