import gradio as gr |
from PIL import Image |
import random |
from io import BytesIO |
def enhance_contrast(img): |
return img |
def get_dominant_colors(image, n_colors=6): |
image = image.resize((150, 150)) |
result = image.convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=n_colors) |
result = result.convert('RGB') |
colors = result.getcolors(150 * 150) |
colors = sorted(colors, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0])[:n_colors] |
return [color[1] for color in colors] |
def rgb_to_hex(color): |
return '#%02x%02x%02x' % color |
def generate_harmonies(colors): |
harmonies = {} |
for color in colors: |
r, g, b = color |
comp_color = (255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b) |
analogous1 = ((r + 30) % 255, (g + 30) % 255, (b + 30) % 255) |
analogous2 = ((r - 30) % 255, (g - 30) % 255, (b - 30) % 255) |
harmonies[rgb_to_hex(color)] = { |
'complementary': rgb_to_hex(comp_color), |
'analogous': (rgb_to_hex(analogous1), rgb_to_hex(analogous2)) |
} |
return harmonies |
def create_palette_description(colors): |
descriptions = [ |
"A vibrant palette for branding and marketing.", |
"A calming and trustworthy color scheme for professional use.", |
"Bold and energetic colors, perfect for grabbing attention.", |
"Soft and neutral tones, ideal for elegant branding." |
] |
chosen_description = random.choice(descriptions) |
palette_html = f"<h4>{chosen_description}</h4><div style='display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap;'>" |
for color in colors: |
hex_color = rgb_to_hex(color) |
palette_html += f"<div style='width: 100px; height: 50px; background-color: {hex_color}; margin: 5px;'></div>" |
palette_html += f"<div style='padding: 15px;'>HEX: {hex_color}</div>" |
palette_html += "</div>" |
return palette_html |
def generate_palette_image(colors): |
img_width = 500 |
img_height = 100 |
palette_img = Image.new('RGB', (img_width, img_height)) |
color_width = img_width // len(colors) |
for i, color in enumerate(colors): |
img = Image.new('RGB', (color_width, img_height), color) |
palette_img.paste(img, (i * color_width, 0)) |
return palette_img |
def generate_css_code(colors): |
css_code = "/* Color Palette CSS */\n" |
for i, color in enumerate(colors): |
hex_color = rgb_to_hex(color) |
css_code += f".color-{i} {{ background-color: {hex_color}; }}\n" |
return css_code |
def generate_palette(image_path): |
img = Image.open(image_path) |
img = enhance_contrast(img) |
n_colors = 6 |
colors = get_dominant_colors(img, n_colors) |
palette_html = create_palette_description(colors) |
palette_img = generate_palette_image(colors) |
css_code = generate_css_code(colors) |
return palette_html, palette_img, css_code |
def gradio_interface(image_path): |
palette_html, palette_img, css_code = generate_palette(image_path) |
return palette_html, palette_img, css_code |
with gr.Blocks() as interface: |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(): |
image_input = gr.Image(type="filepath", label="Upload Image") |
submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit", elem_id="submit_btn") |
clear_btn = gr.Button("Clear", elem_id="clear_btn") |
with gr.Column(): |
palette_output = gr.HTML(label="Generated Color Palette") |
palette_image_output = gr.Image(label="Downloadable Palette Image", type="pil") |
css_code_output = gr.Textbox(label="Generated CSS Code", lines=6) |
submit_btn.click(gradio_interface, inputs=[image_input], outputs=[ |
palette_output, palette_image_output, css_code_output]) |
clear_btn.click(lambda: [None, None, None, None], inputs=[], outputs=[ |
image_input, palette_output, palette_image_output, css_code_output]) |
interface.launch() |