import keras |
import sklearn.model_selection |
import numpy |
import os |
from tensorflow.python.framework.ops import disable_eager_execution |
disable_eager_execution() |
import tensorflow as tf |
sess = tf.compat.v1.Session() |
from keras import backend as K |
K.set_session(sess) |
def load_data(): |
curves = numpy.load('data_curves.npz')['curves'] |
geometry = numpy.load('data_geometry.npz')['geometry'] |
constants = numpy.load('constants.npz') |
S = constants['S'] |
N = constants['N'] |
D = constants['D'] |
F = constants['F'] |
G = constants['G'] |
new_curves = numpy.zeros((S*N, D * F)) |
for i, curveset in enumerate(curves): |
new_curves[i, :] = curveset.T.flatten() / 1000000 |
new_geometry = numpy.zeros((S*N, G * G * G)) |
for i, geometryset in enumerate(geometry): |
new_geometry[i, :] = geometryset.T.flatten() |
return curves, geometry, S, N, D, F, G, new_curves, new_geometry |
import gradio |
import pandas |
class Network(object): |
def __init__(self, structure, weights): |
self.curves = 0 |
self.new_curves = 0 |
self.geometry = 0 |
self.new_geometry = 0 |
self.S = 0 |
self.N = 0 |
self.D = 0 |
self.F = 0 |
self.G = 0 |
with open(structure, 'r') as file: |
self.network = keras.models.model_from_json(file.read()) |
self.network.load_weights(weights) |
self._load_data() |
def _load_data(self): |
self.curves, self.geometry, self.S, self.N, self.D, self.F, self.G, self.new_curves, self.new_geometry = load_data() |
def analysis(self, idx=None): |
print(idx) |
if idx is None: |
idx = numpy.random.randint(1, self.S * self.N) |
else: |
idx = int(idx) |
data_input = self.new_geometry[idx:(idx+1), :] |
other_data_input = data_input.reshape((self.G, self.G, self.G), order='F') |
predicted_output = self.network.predict(data_input) |
true_output = self.new_curves[idx].reshape((3, self.F)) |
predicted_output = predicted_output.reshape((3, self.F)) |
f = numpy.linspace(0.05, 2.0, 64) |
fd = pandas.DataFrame(f).rename(columns={0: "Frequency"}) |
df_pred = pandas.DataFrame(predicted_output.transpose()).rename(columns={0: "Surge", 1: "Heave", 2: "Pitch"}) |
df_true = pandas.DataFrame(true_output.transpose()).rename(columns={0: "Surge", 1: "Heave", 2: "Pitch"}) |
return pandas.concat([fd, df_pred], axis=1), pandas.concat([fd, df_true], axis=1) |
def synthesis(self, idx=None): |
print(idx) |
if idx is None: |
idx = numpy.random.randint(1, self.S * self.N) |
else: |
idx = int(idx) |
data_input = self.new_curves[idx:(idx+1), :] |
other_data_input = data_input.reshape((3, self.F)) |
predicted_output = self.network.predict(data_input) |
true_output = self.new_geometry[idx].reshape((self.G, self.G, self.G), order='F') |
predicted_output = predicted_output.reshape((self.G, self.G, self.G), order='F') |
return predicted_output, true_output |
def get_geometry(self, idx=None): |
if idx is None: |
idx = numpy.random.randint(1, self.S * self.N) |
else: |
idx = int(idx) |
idx = int(idx) |
data_input = self.new_geometry[idx:(idx+1), :] |
other_data_input = data_input.reshape((self.G, self.G, self.G), order='F') |
return other_data_input |
def get_performance(self, idx=None): |
if idx is None: |
idx = numpy.random.randint(1, self.S * self.N) |
else: |
idx = int(idx) |
idx = int(idx) |
data_input = self.new_curves[idx:(idx+1), :] |
other_data_input = data_input.reshape((3, self.F)) |
f = numpy.linspace(0.05, 2.0, 64) |
fd = pandas.DataFrame(f).rename(columns={0: "Frequency"}) |
df_pred = pandas.DataFrame(other_data_input.transpose()).rename(columns={0: "Surge", 1: "Heave", 2: "Pitch"}) |
table = pandas.concat([fd, df_pred], axis=1) |
return table |
def simple_analysis(index): |
net = Network("16forward_structure.json", "16forward_weights.h5") |
return net.analysis(index) |
def simple_synthesis(index): |
net = Network("16inverse_structure.json", "16inverse_weights.h5") |
pred, true = net.synthesis(index) |
return plotly_fig(pred), plotly_fig(true) |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
import numpy as np |
def performance(index): |
net = Network("16forward_structure.json", "16forward_weights.h5") |
return net.get_performance(index) |
def geometry(index): |
net = Network("16forward_structure.json", "16forward_weights.h5") |
values = net.get_geometry(index) |
return plotly_fig(values) |
def plotly_fig(values): |
X, Y, Z = np.mgrid[0:1:32j, 0:1:32j, 0:1:32j] |
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Volume( |
x=X.flatten(), |
y=Y.flatten(), |
z=Z.flatten(), |
value=values.flatten(), |
isomin=-0.1, |
isomax=0.8, |
opacity=0.1, |
surface_count=21, |
)) |
return fig |
with gradio.Blocks() as analysis_demo: |
with gradio.Row(): |
with gradio.Column(): |
num = gradio.Number(42, label="data index") |
btn1 = gradio.Button("Select") |
with gradio.Column(): |
geo = gradio.Plot(label="Geometry") |
with gradio.Row(): |
btn2 = gradio.Button("Estimate Spectrum") |
with gradio.Row(): |
with gradio.Column(): |
pred = gradio.Timeseries(x="Frequency", y=['Surge', 'Heave', 'Pitch'], label="Predicted") |
with gradio.Column(): |
true = gradio.Timeseries(x="Frequency", y=['Surge', 'Heave', 'Pitch'], label="True") |
btn1.click(fn=geometry, inputs=[num], outputs=[geo]) |
btn2.click(fn=simple_analysis, inputs=[num], outputs=[pred, true]) |
with gradio.Blocks() as synthesis_demo: |
with gradio.Row(): |
with gradio.Column(): |
num = gradio.Number(42, label="data index") |
btn1 = gradio.Button("Select") |
with gradio.Column(): |
perf = gradio.Timeseries(x="Frequency", y=['Surge', 'Heave', 'Pitch'], label="Performance") |
with gradio.Row(): |
btn2 = gradio.Button("Synthesize Geometry") |
with gradio.Row(): |
with gradio.Column(): |
pred = gradio.Plot(label="Predicted") |
with gradio.Column(): |
true = gradio.Plot(label="True") |
btn1.click(fn=performance, inputs=[num], outputs=[perf]) |
btn2.click(fn=simple_synthesis, inputs=[num], outputs=[pred, true]) |
all_synthesis_demos = gradio.TabbedInterface([synthesis_demo], ["Random Spectrum from Data"]) |
all_analysis_demos = gradio.TabbedInterface([analysis_demo], ["Random Geometry from Data"]) |
demo = gradio.TabbedInterface([all_analysis_demos, all_synthesis_demos], ["Analysis", "Synthesis"]) |
demo.launch() |