code,repo_name,path,language,license,size "/* { dg-do compile } */ /* { dg-options ""-mavx512f -O2 -masm=att"" } */ /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times ""vmovss\[ \\t\]+\\(%\[a-z0-9,]*\\), %xmm\[0-9\]+\{%k\[1-7\]\}(?:\n|\[ \\t\]+#)"" 1 } } */ /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times ""vmovss\[ \\t\]+\\(%\[a-z0-9,]*\\), %xmm\[0-9\]+\{%k\[1-7\]\}\{z\}(?:\n|\[ \\t\]+#)"" 1 } } */ /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times ""vmovss\[ \\t\]+%xmm\[0-9\]+, %xmm\[0-9\]+, %xmm\[0-9\]+\{%k\[1-7\]\}(?:\n|\[ \\t\]+#)"" 1 } } */ /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times ""vmovss\[ \\t\]+%xmm\[0-9\]+, %xmm\[0-9\]+, %xmm\[0-9\]+\{%k\[1-7\]\}\{z\}(?:\n|\[ \\t\]+#)"" 1 } } */ /* { dg-final { scan-assembler-times ""vmovss\[ \\t\]+%xmm\[0-9\]+, \\(%\[a-z0-9,]*\\)\{%k\[1-7\]\}(?:\n|\[ \\t\]+#)"" 1 } } */ #include <immintrin.h> volatile __m128 x1, x2, x3; volatile __mmask8 m; float *volatile p; void extern avx512f_test (void) { x1 = _mm_mask_load_ss (x1, m, p); x1 = _mm_maskz_load_ss (m, p); x1 = _mm_mask_move_ss (x1, m, x2, x3); x1 = _mm_maskz_move_ss (m, x2, x3); _mm_mask_store_ss (p, m, x1); } ",Gurgel100/gcc,gcc/testsuite/,C,gpl-2.0,1037 "from virtTrinity import picker from virtTrinity.providers.virsh_cmd import data from virtTrinity.providers.virsh_cmd.utils import virsh from virtTrinity.providers.virsh_cmd.picker.command import CmdPicker class OptSetPicker(picker.PickerBase): depends_on = CmdPicker data_type = data.VirshOptSet() types = { ""positive"": { ""patterns"": None, ""data_type"": data.OptSet(), }, ""miss_dep"": { ""patterns"": r""command '.*' requires .* option"", ""data_type"": data.MissingDepOptSet(), }, ""other"": { ""patterns"": [ r""command '.*' doesn't support option --.*"", # r""command or command group '.*' doesn't exist"", ] }, } def prerequisite(self): return self.test.cmd in virsh.commands def apply(self, result): self.test.options = result ",Hao-Liu/virt-trinity,virtTrinity/providers/virsh_cmd/picker/,Python,gpl-2.0,913 "package com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.Abilities.Spells; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Vector; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.Abilities.interfaces.Ability; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.Common.interfaces.CMMsg; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.Items.interfaces.Item; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.Items.interfaces.Wearable; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.Locales.interfaces.Room; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.MOBS.interfaces.MOB; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.core.CMClass; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.core.CMLib; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.core.CMStrings; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.core.interfaces.Environmental; import com.suscipio_solutions.consecro_mud.core.interfaces.Physical; @SuppressWarnings(""rawtypes"") public class Spell_SpyingStone extends Spell { @Override public String ID() { return ""Spell_SpyingStone""; } private final static String localizedName = CMLib.lang().L(""Spying Stone""); @Override public String name() { return localizedName; } private final static String localizedStaticDisplay = CMLib.lang().L(""(Spying Stone)""); @Override public String displayText() { return localizedStaticDisplay; } @Override protected int canAffectCode(){return CAN_ITEMS;} @Override protected int canTargetCode(){return Ability.CAN_ITEMS;} @Override public int classificationCode(){return Ability.ACODE_SPELL|Ability.DOMAIN_DIVINATION;} @Override public int abstractQuality(){ return Ability.QUALITY_INDIFFERENT;} protected LinkedList<String> msgs=new LinkedList<String>(); @Override public void executeMsg(final Environmental myHost, final CMMsg msg) { super.executeMsg(myHost, msg); if((msg.targetMinor()==CMMsg.TYP_SPEAK) &&((msg.source()==invoker()) ||((invoker()!=null) && msg.source().Name().equalsIgnoreCase(invoker().Name()))) &&( &&(msg.sourceMessage().toUpperCase().indexOf(""SPEAK"")>=0)) { final Room; if(room!=null) { final StringBuilder str=new StringBuilder(""""); for(final String m : msgs) str.append(m).append(""\n\r""); if(str.length()==0) str.append(L(""Nothing!"")); room.showHappens(CMMsg.MSG_SPEAK, affected,L(""^S<S-NAME> grow(s) a mouth and say(s) '^N@x1^S'^N"",str.toString())); msgs.clear(); } } else if((msg.othersCode()!=CMMsg.NO_EFFECT) &&(msg.othersMessage()!=null) &&(msg.othersMessage().length()>0)) msgs.add(CMLib.coffeeFilter().fullOutFilter(null, null, msg.source(),, msg.tool(), CMStrings.removeColors(msg.othersMessage()), false)); } @Override public boolean invoke(MOB mob, Vector commands, Physical givenTarget, boolean auto, int asLevel) { final Physical target=getTarget(mob,mob.location(),givenTarget,commands,Wearable.FILTER_ANY); if(target==null) return false; if(!(target instanceof Item)) { mob.tell(L(""You can't cast this spell on that."")); return false; } if(target.fetchEffect(this.ID())!=null) { mob.tell(L(""@x1 is already a spying stone!"",; return false; } if(!super.invoke(mob,commands,givenTarget,auto,asLevel)) return false; final boolean success=proficiencyCheck(mob,0,auto); if(success) { final CMMsg msg=CMClass.getMsg(mob,target,this,verbalCastCode(mob,target,auto),auto?"""":L(""^S<S-NAME> point(s) <S-HIS-HER> finger at <T-NAMESELF>, incanting.^?"")); if(mob.location().okMessage(mob,msg)) { mob.location().send(mob,msg); beneficialAffect(mob,target,asLevel,0); mob.location().show(mob,target,CMMsg.MSG_OK_VISUAL,L(""<T-NAME> open(s) a pair of strange eyes, which become transluscent."")); } } else beneficialWordsFizzle(mob,target,L(""<S-NAME> point(s) at <T-NAMESELF>, incanting, but nothing happens."")); // return whether it worked return success; } } ",ConsecroMUD/ConsecroMUD,com/suscipio_solutions/consecro_mud/Abilities/Spells/,Java,apache-2.0,3919 "# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' HubbleStack Nebula-to-Splunk returner Deliver HubbleStack Nebula query data into Splunk using the HTTP event collector. Required config/pillar settings: .. code-block:: yaml hubblestack: returner: splunk: - token: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX indexer: splunk-indexer.domain.tld index: hubble sourcetype_nebula: hubble_osquery You can also add a `custom_fields` argument which is a list of keys to add to events with using the results of config.get(<custom_field>). These new keys will be prefixed with 'custom_' to prevent conflicts. The values of these keys should be strings or lists (will be sent as CSV string), do not choose grains or pillar values with complex values or they will be skipped. Additionally, you can define a fallback_indexer which will be used if a default gateway is not defined. .. code-block:: yaml hubblestack: returner: splunk: - token: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX indexer: splunk-indexer.domain.tld index: hubble sourcetype_nebula: hubble_osquery fallback_indexer: splunk-indexer.loc.domain.tld custom_fields: - site - product_group ''' import socket # Imports for http event forwarder import requests import json import time from datetime import datetime from hubblestack.hec import http_event_collector, get_splunk_options, make_hec_args import logging _max_content_bytes = 100000 http_event_collector_debug = False RETRY = False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def returner(ret): try: opts_list = get_splunk_options( sourcetype_nebula='hubble_osquery', add_query_to_sourcetype=True, _nick={'sourcetype_nebula': 'sourcetype'}) for opts in opts_list: logging.debug('Options: %s' % json.dumps(opts)) custom_fields = opts['custom_fields'] # Set up the fields to be extracted at index time. The field values must be strings. # Note that these fields will also still be available in the event data index_extracted_fields = [] try: index_extracted_fields.extend(__opts__.get('splunk_index_extracted_fields', [])) except TypeError: pass # Set up the collector args, kwargs = make_hec_args(opts) hec = http_event_collector(*args, **kwargs) # st = 'salt:hubble:nova' data = ret['return'] minion_id = ret['id'] jid = ret['jid'] global RETRY RETRY = ret['retry'] master = __grains__['master'] fqdn = __grains__['fqdn'] # Sometimes fqdn is blank. If it is, replace it with minion_id fqdn = fqdn if fqdn else minion_id try: fqdn_ip4 = __grains__.get('local_ip4') if not fqdn_ip4: fqdn_ip4 = __grains__['fqdn_ip4'][0] except IndexError: try: fqdn_ip4 = __grains__['ipv4'][0] except IndexError: raise Exception('No ipv4 grains found. Is net-tools installed?') if fqdn_ip4.startswith('127.'): for ip4_addr in __grains__['ipv4']: if ip4_addr and not ip4_addr.startswith('127.'): fqdn_ip4 = ip4_addr break local_fqdn = __grains__.get('local_fqdn', __grains__['fqdn']) # Sometimes fqdn reports a value of localhost. If that happens, try another method. bad_fqdns = ['localhost', 'localhost.localdomain', 'localhost6.localdomain6'] if fqdn in bad_fqdns: new_fqdn = socket.gethostname() if '.' not in new_fqdn or new_fqdn in bad_fqdns: new_fqdn = fqdn_ip4 fqdn = new_fqdn # Get cloud details cloud_details = __grains__.get('cloud_details', {}) if not data: return else: for query in data: for query_name, query_results in query.iteritems(): if 'data' not in query_results: query_results['data'] = [{'error': 'result missing'}] for query_result in query_results['data']: event = {} payload = {} event.update(query_result) event.update({'query': query_name}) event.update({'job_id': jid}) event.update({'master': master}) event.update({'minion_id': minion_id}) event.update({'dest_host': fqdn}) event.update({'dest_ip': fqdn_ip4}) event.update({'dest_fqdn': local_fqdn}) event.update({'system_uuid': __grains__.get('system_uuid')}) event.update(cloud_details) for custom_field in custom_fields: custom_field_name = 'custom_' + custom_field custom_field_value = __salt__['config.get'](custom_field, '') if isinstance(custom_field_value, (str, unicode)): event.update({custom_field_name: custom_field_value}) elif isinstance(custom_field_value, list): custom_field_value = ','.join(custom_field_value) event.update({custom_field_name: custom_field_value}) payload.update({'host': fqdn}) payload.update({'index': opts['index']}) if opts['add_query_to_sourcetype']: payload.update({'sourcetype': ""%s_%s"" % (opts['sourcetype'], query_name)}) else: payload.update({'sourcetype': opts['sourcetype']}) # Remove any empty fields from the event payload remove_keys = [k for k in event if event[k] == """"] for k in remove_keys: del event[k] payload.update({'event': event}) # Potentially add metadata fields: fields = {} for item in index_extracted_fields: if item in payload['event'] and not isinstance(payload['event'][item], (list, dict, tuple)): fields[""meta_%s"" % item] = str(payload['event'][item]) if fields: payload.update({'fields': fields}) # If the osquery query includes a field called 'time' it will be checked. # If it's within the last year, it will be used as the eventtime. event_time = query_result.get('time', '') try: if (datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()) - datetime.fromtimestamp(float(event_time))).days > 365: event_time = '' except Exception: event_time = '' finally: hec.batchEvent(payload, eventtime=event_time) hec.flushBatch() except Exception: log.exception('Error ocurred in splunk_nebula_return') return ",basepi/hubble,hubblestack/extmods/returners/,Python,apache-2.0,7889 "// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_UI_VIEWS_TAB_ICON_VIEW_MODEL_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_UI_VIEWS_TAB_ICON_VIEW_MODEL_H_ namespace ui { class ImageModel; } // namespace ui // Classes implement this interface to provide state for the TabIconView. class TabIconViewModel { public: // Returns true if the TabIconView should show a loading animation. virtual bool ShouldTabIconViewAnimate() const = 0; // Returns the favicon to display in the icon view virtual ui::ImageModel GetFaviconForTabIconView() = 0; protected: virtual ~TabIconViewModel() {} }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_UI_VIEWS_TAB_ICON_VIEW_MODEL_H_ ",ric2b/Vivaldi-browser,chromium/chrome/browser/ui/views/tab_icon_view_model.h,C,bsd-3-clause,784 "// // HealthKit.h // HealthKit // // Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // #import <HealthKit/HKActivitySummary.h> #import <HealthKit/HKActivitySummaryQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKAnchoredObjectQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKCategorySample.h> #import <HealthKit/HKCorrelation.h> #import <HealthKit/HKCorrelationQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKDefines.h> #import <HealthKit/HKDeletedObject.h> #import <HealthKit/HKDevice.h> #import <HealthKit/HKHealthStore.h> #import <HealthKit/HKMetadata.h> #import <HealthKit/HKObject.h> #import <HealthKit/HKObjectType.h> #import <HealthKit/HKObserverQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKQuantity.h> #import <HealthKit/HKQuantitySample.h> #import <HealthKit/HKQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKSample.h> #import <HealthKit/HKSampleQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKSource.h> #import <HealthKit/HKSourceQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKSourceRevision.h> #import <HealthKit/HKStatistics.h> #import <HealthKit/HKStatisticsCollectionQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKStatisticsQuery.h> #import <HealthKit/HKTypeIdentifiers.h> #import <HealthKit/HKUnit.h> #import <HealthKit/HKWorkout.h> #import <HealthKit/HKWorkoutSession.h> ",rweichler/cylinder,deps/iPhoneOS9.3.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/HealthKit.framework/Headers/HealthKit.h,C,mit,1159