codeql-jupyter / tests /codeql_db /db-python /semmlecode.python.dbscheme
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* This dbscheme is auto-generated by 'semmle/'.
* WARNING: Any modifications to this file will be lost.
* Relations can be changed by modifying or
* by adding rules to dbscheme.template
/* This is a dummy line to alter the dbscheme, so we can make a database upgrade
* without actually changing any of the dbscheme predicates. It contains a date
* to allow for such updates in the future as well.
* 2020-07-02
* DO NOT remove this comment carelessly, since it can revert the dbscheme back to a
* previously seen state (matching a previously seen SHA), which would make the upgrade
* mechanism not work properly.
* External artifacts
unique int id : @externalDefect,
varchar(900) queryPath : string ref,
int location : @location ref,
varchar(900) message : string ref,
float severity : float ref
unique int id : @externalMetric,
varchar(900) queryPath : string ref,
int location : @location ref,
float value : float ref
int id : @externalDataElement,
varchar(900) queryPath : string ref,
int column: int ref,
varchar(900) data : string ref
snapshotDate(unique date snapshotDate : date ref);
sourceLocationPrefix(varchar(900) prefix : string ref);
* Duplicate code
unique int id : @duplication,
varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
int equivClass : int ref);
unique int id : @similarity,
varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
int equivClass : int ref);
@duplication_or_similarity = @duplication | @similarity
int id : @duplication_or_similarity ref,
int offset : int ref,
int beginLine : int ref,
int beginColumn : int ref,
int endLine : int ref,
int endColumn : int ref);
* Line metrics
py_codelines(int id : @py_scope ref,
int count : int ref);
py_commentlines(int id : @py_scope ref,
int count : int ref);
py_docstringlines(int id : @py_scope ref,
int count : int ref);
py_alllines(int id : @py_scope ref,
int count : int ref);
* Version history
int id : @svnentry,
varchar(500) revision : string ref,
varchar(500) author : string ref,
date revisionDate : date ref,
int changeSize : int ref
int id : @svnentry ref,
int file : @file ref,
varchar(500) action : string ref
int id : @svnentry ref,
varchar(500) message : string ref
int commit : @svnentry ref,
int file : @file ref,
int addedLines : int ref,
int deletedLines : int ref
Python dbscheme
files(unique int id: @file,
varchar(900) name: string ref);
folders(unique int id: @folder,
varchar(900) name: string ref);
@container = @folder | @file;
containerparent(int parent: @container ref,
unique int child: @container ref);
@sourceline = @file | @py_Module | @xmllocatable;
numlines(int element_id: @sourceline ref,
int num_lines: int ref,
int num_code: int ref,
int num_comment: int ref
@location = @location_ast | @location_default ;
locations_default(unique int id: @location_default,
int file: @file ref,
int beginLine: int ref,
int beginColumn: int ref,
int endLine: int ref,
int endColumn: int ref);
locations_ast(unique int id: @location_ast,
int module: @py_Module ref,
int beginLine: int ref,
int beginColumn: int ref,
int endLine: int ref,
int endColumn: int ref);
file_contents(unique int file: @file ref, string contents: string ref);
py_module_path(int module: @py_Module ref, int file: @container ref);
variable(unique int id : @py_variable,
int scope : @py_scope ref,
varchar(1) name : string ref);
py_line_lengths(unique int id : @py_line,
int file: @py_Module ref,
int line : int ref,
int length : int ref);
py_extracted_version(int module : @py_Module ref,
varchar(1) version : string ref);
/* <Field> AnnAssign.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> AnnAssign.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> AnnAssign.annotation = 2, expr */
/* <Field> = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Assert.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Assert.test = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Assert.msg = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Assign.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Assign.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Assign.targets = 2, expr_list */
/* <Field> AssignExpr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> AssignExpr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> AssignExpr.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Attribute.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Attribute.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Attribute.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Attribute.attr = 3, str */
/* <Field> Attribute.ctx = 4, expr_context */
/* <Field> AugAssign.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> AugAssign.operation = 1, BinOp */
/* <Field> Await.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Await.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Await.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> BinaryExpr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> BinaryExpr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> BinaryExpr.left = 2, expr */
/* <Field> BinaryExpr.op = 3, operator */
/* <Field> BinaryExpr.right = 4, expr */
/* <Parent> BinaryExpr = AugAssign */
/* <Field> BoolExpr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> BoolExpr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> BoolExpr.op = 2, boolop */
/* <Field> BoolExpr.values = 3, expr_list */
/* <Field> Break.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Bytes.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Bytes.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Bytes.s = 2, bytes */
/* <Field> Bytes.prefix = 3, bytes */
/* <Field> Bytes.implicitly_concatenated_parts = 4, StringPart_list */
/* <Field> Call.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Call.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Call.func = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Call.positional_args = 3, expr_list */
/* <Field> Call.named_args = 4, dict_item_list */
/* <Field> Case.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Case.pattern = 1, pattern */
/* <Field> Case.guard = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Case.body = 3, stmt_list */
/* <Field> = 0, str */
/* <Field> Class.body = 1, stmt_list */
/* <Parent> Class = ClassExpr */
/* <Field> ClassExpr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> ClassExpr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> = 2, str */
/* <Field> ClassExpr.bases = 3, expr_list */
/* <Field> ClassExpr.keywords = 4, dict_item_list */
/* <Field> ClassExpr.inner_scope = 5, Class */
/* <Field> Compare.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Compare.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Compare.left = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Compare.ops = 3, cmpop_list */
/* <Field> Compare.comparators = 4, expr_list */
/* <Field> Continue.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Delete.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Delete.targets = 1, expr_list */
/* <Field> Dict.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Dict.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Dict.items = 2, dict_item_list */
/* <Field> DictComp.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> DictComp.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> DictComp.function = 2, Function */
/* <Field> DictComp.iterable = 3, expr */
/* <Field> DictUnpacking.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> DictUnpacking.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Ellipsis.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Ellipsis.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> ExceptStmt.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> ExceptStmt.type = 1, expr */
/* <Field> = 2, expr */
/* <Field> ExceptStmt.body = 3, stmt_list */
/* <Field> Exec.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Exec.body = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Exec.globals = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Exec.locals = 3, expr */
/* <Field> ExprStmt.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> ExprStmt.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Filter.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Filter.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Filter.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Filter.filter = 3, expr */
/* <Field> For.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> = 1, expr */
/* <Field> For.iter = 2, expr */
/* <Field> For.body = 3, stmt_list */
/* <Field> For.orelse = 4, stmt_list */
/* <Field> For.is_async = 5, bool */
/* <Field> FormattedValue.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> FormattedValue.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> FormattedValue.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> FormattedValue.conversion = 3, str */
/* <Field> FormattedValue.format_spec = 4, JoinedStr */
/* <Field> = 0, str */
/* <Field> Function.args = 1, parameter_list */
/* <Field> Function.vararg = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Function.kwonlyargs = 3, expr_list */
/* <Field> Function.kwarg = 4, expr */
/* <Field> Function.body = 5, stmt_list */
/* <Field> Function.is_async = 6, bool */
/* <Parent> Function = FunctionParent */
/* <Field> FunctionExpr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> FunctionExpr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> = 2, str */
/* <Field> FunctionExpr.args = 3, arguments */
/* <Field> FunctionExpr.returns = 4, expr */
/* <Field> FunctionExpr.inner_scope = 5, Function */
/* <Field> GeneratorExp.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> GeneratorExp.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> GeneratorExp.function = 2, Function */
/* <Field> GeneratorExp.iterable = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Global.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Global.names = 1, str_list */
/* <Field> Guard.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Guard.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Guard.test = 2, expr */
/* <Field> If.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> If.test = 1, expr */
/* <Field> If.body = 2, stmt_list */
/* <Field> If.orelse = 3, stmt_list */
/* <Field> IfExp.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> IfExp.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> IfExp.test = 2, expr */
/* <Field> IfExp.body = 3, expr */
/* <Field> IfExp.orelse = 4, expr */
/* <Field> Import.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Import.names = 1, alias_list */
/* <Field> ImportExpr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> ImportExpr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> ImportExpr.level = 2, int */
/* <Field> = 3, str */
/* <Field> = 4, bool */
/* <Field> ImportStar.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> ImportStar.module = 1, expr */
/* <Field> ImportMember.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> ImportMember.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> ImportMember.module = 2, expr */
/* <Field> = 3, str */
/* <Field> Fstring.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Fstring.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Fstring.values = 2, expr_list */
/* <Parent> Fstring = FormattedValue */
/* <Field> KeyValuePair.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> KeyValuePair.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> KeyValuePair.key = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Lambda.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Lambda.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Lambda.args = 2, arguments */
/* <Field> Lambda.inner_scope = 3, Function */
/* <Field> List.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> List.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> List.elts = 2, expr_list */
/* <Field> List.ctx = 3, expr_context */
/* <Field> ListComp.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> ListComp.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> ListComp.function = 2, Function */
/* <Field> ListComp.iterable = 3, expr */
/* <Field> ListComp.generators = 4, comprehension_list */
/* <Field> ListComp.elt = 5, expr */
/* <Field> MatchStmt.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchStmt.subject = 1, expr */
/* <Field> MatchStmt.cases = 2, stmt_list */
/* <Field> MatchAsPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchAsPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchAsPattern.pattern = 2, pattern */
/* <Field> MatchAsPattern.alias = 3, expr */
/* <Field> MatchCapturePattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchCapturePattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchCapturePattern.variable = 2, expr */
/* <Field> MatchClassPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchClassPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchClassPattern.class = 2, expr */
/* <Field> MatchClassPattern.class_name = 3, expr */
/* <Field> MatchClassPattern.positional = 4, pattern_list */
/* <Field> MatchClassPattern.keyword = 5, pattern_list */
/* <Field> MatchDoubleStarPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchDoubleStarPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> = 2, pattern */
/* <Field> MatchKeyValuePattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchKeyValuePattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchKeyValuePattern.key = 2, pattern */
/* <Field> MatchKeyValuePattern.value = 3, pattern */
/* <Field> MatchKeywordPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchKeywordPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchKeywordPattern.attribute = 2, expr */
/* <Field> MatchKeywordPattern.value = 3, pattern */
/* <Field> MatchLiteralPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchLiteralPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchLiteralPattern.literal = 2, expr */
/* <Field> MatchMappingPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchMappingPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchMappingPattern.mappings = 2, pattern_list */
/* <Field> MatchOrPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchOrPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchOrPattern.patterns = 2, pattern_list */
/* <Field> MatchSequencePattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchSequencePattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchSequencePattern.patterns = 2, pattern_list */
/* <Field> MatchStarPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchStarPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> = 2, pattern */
/* <Field> MatchValuePattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchValuePattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> MatchValuePattern.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> MatchWildcardPattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> MatchWildcardPattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> = 0, str */
/* <Field> Module.hash = 1, str */
/* <Field> Module.body = 2, stmt_list */
/* <Field> Module.kind = 3, str */
/* <Field> Name.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Name.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Name.variable = 2, variable */
/* <Field> Name.ctx = 3, expr_context */
/* <Parent> Name = ParameterList */
/* <Field> Nonlocal.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Nonlocal.names = 1, str_list */
/* <Field> Num.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Num.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Num.n = 2, number */
/* <Field> Num.text = 3, number */
/* <Field> Pass.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> PlaceHolder.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> PlaceHolder.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> PlaceHolder.variable = 2, variable */
/* <Field> PlaceHolder.ctx = 3, expr_context */
/* <Field> Print.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Print.dest = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Print.values = 2, expr_list */
/* <Field> = 3, bool */
/* <Field> Raise.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Raise.exc = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Raise.cause = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Raise.type = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Raise.inst = 4, expr */
/* <Field> Raise.tback = 5, expr */
/* <Field> Repr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Repr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Repr.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Return.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Return.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Set.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Set.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Set.elts = 2, expr_list */
/* <Field> SetComp.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> SetComp.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> SetComp.function = 2, Function */
/* <Field> SetComp.iterable = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Slice.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Slice.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Slice.start = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Slice.stop = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Slice.step = 4, expr */
/* <Field> SpecialOperation.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> SpecialOperation.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> = 2, str */
/* <Field> SpecialOperation.arguments = 3, expr_list */
/* <Field> Starred.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Starred.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Starred.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Starred.ctx = 3, expr_context */
/* <Field> Str.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Str.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Str.s = 2, str */
/* <Field> Str.prefix = 3, str */
/* <Field> Str.implicitly_concatenated_parts = 4, StringPart_list */
/* <Field> StringPart.text = 0, str */
/* <Field> StringPart.location = 1, location */
/* <Parent> StringPart = StringPartList */
/* <Parent> StringPartList = BytesOrStr */
/* <Field> Subscript.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Subscript.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Subscript.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Subscript.index = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Subscript.ctx = 4, expr_context */
/* <Field> TemplateDottedNotation.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> TemplateDottedNotation.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> TemplateDottedNotation.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> TemplateDottedNotation.attr = 3, str */
/* <Field> TemplateDottedNotation.ctx = 4, expr_context */
/* <Field> TemplateWrite.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> TemplateWrite.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Try.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Try.body = 1, stmt_list */
/* <Field> Try.orelse = 2, stmt_list */
/* <Field> Try.handlers = 3, stmt_list */
/* <Field> Try.finalbody = 4, stmt_list */
/* <Field> Tuple.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Tuple.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Tuple.elts = 2, expr_list */
/* <Field> Tuple.ctx = 3, expr_context */
/* <Parent> Tuple = ParameterList */
/* <Field> UnaryExpr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> UnaryExpr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> UnaryExpr.op = 2, unaryop */
/* <Field> UnaryExpr.operand = 3, expr */
/* <Field> While.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> While.test = 1, expr */
/* <Field> While.body = 2, stmt_list */
/* <Field> While.orelse = 3, stmt_list */
/* <Field> With.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> With.context_expr = 1, expr */
/* <Field> With.optional_vars = 2, expr */
/* <Field> With.body = 3, stmt_list */
/* <Field> With.is_async = 4, bool */
/* <Field> Yield.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Yield.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> Yield.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> YieldFrom.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> YieldFrom.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Field> YieldFrom.value = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Alias.value = 0, expr */
/* <Field> Alias.asname = 1, expr */
/* <Parent> Alias = AliasList */
/* <Parent> AliasList = Import */
/* <Field> Arguments.kw_defaults = 0, expr_list */
/* <Field> Arguments.defaults = 1, expr_list */
/* <Field> Arguments.annotations = 2, expr_list */
/* <Field> Arguments.varargannotation = 3, expr */
/* <Field> Arguments.kwargannotation = 4, expr */
/* <Field> Arguments.kw_annotations = 5, expr_list */
/* <Parent> Arguments = ArgumentsParent */
/* <Parent> boolean = BoolParent */
/* <Parent> Boolop = BoolExpr */
/* <Parent> string = Bytes */
/* <Parent> Cmpop = CmpopList */
/* <Parent> CmpopList = Compare */
/* <Field> Comprehension.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Comprehension.iter = 1, expr */
/* <Field> = 2, expr */
/* <Field> Comprehension.ifs = 3, expr_list */
/* <Parent> Comprehension = ComprehensionList */
/* <Parent> ComprehensionList = ListComp */
/* <Parent> DictItem = DictItemList */
/* <Parent> DictItemList = DictItemListParent */
/* <Field> Expr.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Expr.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Parent> Expr = ExprParent */
/* <Parent> ExprContext = ExprContextParent */
/* <Parent> ExprList = ExprListParent */
/* <Parent> int = ImportExpr */
/* <Field> Keyword.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Keyword.value = 1, expr */
/* <Field> Keyword.arg = 2, str */
/* <Parent> Location = LocationParent */
/* <Parent> string = Num */
/* <Parent> Operator = BinaryExpr */
/* <Parent> ParameterList = Function */
/* <Field> Pattern.location = 0, location */
/* <Field> Pattern.parenthesised = 1, bool */
/* <Parent> Pattern = PatternParent */
/* <Parent> PatternList = PatternListParent */
/* <Field> Stmt.location = 0, location */
/* <Parent> Stmt = StmtList */
/* <Parent> StmtList = StmtListParent */
/* <Parent> string = StrParent */
/* <Parent> StringList = StrListParent */
/* <Parent> Unaryop = UnaryExpr */
/* <Parent> Variable = VariableParent */
py_Classes(unique int id : @py_Class,
unique int parent : @py_ClassExpr ref);
py_Functions(unique int id : @py_Function,
unique int parent : @py_Function_parent ref);
py_Modules(unique int id : @py_Module);
py_StringParts(unique int id : @py_StringPart,
int parent : @py_StringPart_list ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_StringPart_lists(unique int id : @py_StringPart_list,
unique int parent : @py_Bytes_or_Str ref);
py_aliases(unique int id : @py_alias,
int parent : @py_alias_list ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_alias_lists(unique int id : @py_alias_list,
unique int parent : @py_Import ref);
py_arguments(unique int id : @py_arguments,
unique int parent : @py_arguments_parent ref);
py_bools(int parent : @py_bool_parent ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_boolops(unique int id : @py_boolop,
int kind: int ref,
unique int parent : @py_BoolExpr ref);
py_bytes(varchar(1) id : string ref,
int parent : @py_Bytes ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_cmpops(unique int id : @py_cmpop,
int kind: int ref,
int parent : @py_cmpop_list ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_cmpop_lists(unique int id : @py_cmpop_list,
unique int parent : @py_Compare ref);
py_comprehensions(unique int id : @py_comprehension,
int parent : @py_comprehension_list ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_comprehension_lists(unique int id : @py_comprehension_list,
unique int parent : @py_ListComp ref);
py_dict_items(unique int id : @py_dict_item,
int kind: int ref,
int parent : @py_dict_item_list ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_dict_item_lists(unique int id : @py_dict_item_list,
unique int parent : @py_dict_item_list_parent ref);
py_exprs(unique int id : @py_expr,
int kind: int ref,
int parent : @py_expr_parent ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_expr_contexts(unique int id : @py_expr_context,
int kind: int ref,
unique int parent : @py_expr_context_parent ref);
py_expr_lists(unique int id : @py_expr_list,
int parent : @py_expr_list_parent ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_ints(int id : int ref,
unique int parent : @py_ImportExpr ref);
py_locations(unique int id : @location ref,
unique int parent : @py_location_parent ref);
py_numbers(varchar(1) id : string ref,
int parent : @py_Num ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_operators(unique int id : @py_operator,
int kind: int ref,
unique int parent : @py_BinaryExpr ref);
py_parameter_lists(unique int id : @py_parameter_list,
unique int parent : @py_Function ref);
py_patterns(unique int id : @py_pattern,
int kind: int ref,
int parent : @py_pattern_parent ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_pattern_lists(unique int id : @py_pattern_list,
int parent : @py_pattern_list_parent ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_stmts(unique int id : @py_stmt,
int kind: int ref,
int parent : @py_stmt_list ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_stmt_lists(unique int id : @py_stmt_list,
int parent : @py_stmt_list_parent ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_strs(varchar(1) id : string ref,
int parent : @py_str_parent ref,
int idx : int ref);
py_str_lists(unique int id : @py_str_list,
unique int parent : @py_str_list_parent ref);
py_unaryops(unique int id : @py_unaryop,
int kind: int ref,
unique int parent : @py_UnaryExpr ref);
py_variables(int id : @py_variable ref,
unique int parent : @py_variable_parent ref);
case @py_boolop.kind of
0 = @py_And
| 1 = @py_Or;
case @py_cmpop.kind of
0 = @py_Eq
| 1 = @py_Gt
| 2 = @py_GtE
| 3 = @py_In
| 4 = @py_Is
| 5 = @py_IsNot
| 6 = @py_Lt
| 7 = @py_LtE
| 8 = @py_NotEq
| 9 = @py_NotIn;
case @py_dict_item.kind of
0 = @py_DictUnpacking
| 1 = @py_KeyValuePair
| 2 = @py_keyword;
case @py_expr.kind of
0 = @py_Attribute
| 1 = @py_BinaryExpr
| 2 = @py_BoolExpr
| 3 = @py_Bytes
| 4 = @py_Call
| 5 = @py_ClassExpr
| 6 = @py_Compare
| 7 = @py_Dict
| 8 = @py_DictComp
| 9 = @py_Ellipsis
| 10 = @py_FunctionExpr
| 11 = @py_GeneratorExp
| 12 = @py_IfExp
| 13 = @py_ImportExpr
| 14 = @py_ImportMember
| 15 = @py_Lambda
| 16 = @py_List
| 17 = @py_ListComp
| 18 = @py_Guard
| 19 = @py_Name
| 20 = @py_Num
| 21 = @py_Repr
| 22 = @py_Set
| 23 = @py_SetComp
| 24 = @py_Slice
| 25 = @py_Starred
| 26 = @py_Str
| 27 = @py_Subscript
| 28 = @py_Tuple
| 29 = @py_UnaryExpr
| 30 = @py_Yield
| 31 = @py_YieldFrom
| 32 = @py_TemplateDottedNotation
| 33 = @py_Filter
| 34 = @py_PlaceHolder
| 35 = @py_Await
| 36 = @py_Fstring
| 37 = @py_FormattedValue
| 38 = @py_AssignExpr
| 39 = @py_SpecialOperation;
case @py_expr_context.kind of
0 = @py_AugLoad
| 1 = @py_AugStore
| 2 = @py_Del
| 3 = @py_Load
| 4 = @py_Param
| 5 = @py_Store;
case @py_operator.kind of
0 = @py_Add
| 1 = @py_BitAnd
| 2 = @py_BitOr
| 3 = @py_BitXor
| 4 = @py_Div
| 5 = @py_FloorDiv
| 6 = @py_LShift
| 7 = @py_Mod
| 8 = @py_Mult
| 9 = @py_Pow
| 10 = @py_RShift
| 11 = @py_Sub
| 12 = @py_MatMult;
case @py_pattern.kind of
0 = @py_MatchAsPattern
| 1 = @py_MatchOrPattern
| 2 = @py_MatchLiteralPattern
| 3 = @py_MatchCapturePattern
| 4 = @py_MatchWildcardPattern
| 5 = @py_MatchValuePattern
| 6 = @py_MatchSequencePattern
| 7 = @py_MatchStarPattern
| 8 = @py_MatchMappingPattern
| 9 = @py_MatchDoubleStarPattern
| 10 = @py_MatchKeyValuePattern
| 11 = @py_MatchClassPattern
| 12 = @py_MatchKeywordPattern;
case @py_stmt.kind of
0 = @py_Assert
| 1 = @py_Assign
| 2 = @py_AugAssign
| 3 = @py_Break
| 4 = @py_Continue
| 5 = @py_Delete
| 6 = @py_ExceptStmt
| 7 = @py_Exec
| 8 = @py_Expr_stmt
| 9 = @py_For
| 10 = @py_Global
| 11 = @py_If
| 12 = @py_Import
| 13 = @py_ImportStar
| 14 = @py_MatchStmt
| 15 = @py_Case
| 16 = @py_Nonlocal
| 17 = @py_Pass
| 18 = @py_Print
| 19 = @py_Raise
| 20 = @py_Return
| 21 = @py_Try
| 22 = @py_While
| 23 = @py_With
| 24 = @py_TemplateWrite
| 25 = @py_AnnAssign;
case @py_unaryop.kind of
0 = @py_Invert
| 1 = @py_Not
| 2 = @py_UAdd
| 3 = @py_USub;
@py_Bytes_or_Str = @py_Bytes | @py_Str;
@py_Function_parent = @py_DictComp | @py_FunctionExpr | @py_GeneratorExp | @py_Lambda | @py_ListComp | @py_SetComp;
@py_arguments_parent = @py_FunctionExpr | @py_Lambda;
@py_ast_node = @py_Class | @py_Function | @py_Module | @py_StringPart | @py_comprehension | @py_dict_item | @py_expr | @py_pattern | @py_stmt;
@py_bool_parent = @py_For | @py_Function | @py_Print | @py_With | @py_expr | @py_pattern;
@py_dict_item_list_parent = @py_Call | @py_ClassExpr | @py_Dict;
@py_expr_context_parent = @py_Attribute | @py_List | @py_Name | @py_PlaceHolder | @py_Starred | @py_Subscript | @py_TemplateDottedNotation | @py_Tuple;
@py_expr_list_parent = @py_Assign | @py_BoolExpr | @py_Call | @py_ClassExpr | @py_Compare | @py_Delete | @py_Fstring | @py_Function | @py_List | @py_Print | @py_Set | @py_SpecialOperation | @py_Tuple | @py_arguments | @py_comprehension;
@py_expr_or_stmt = @py_expr | @py_stmt;
@py_expr_parent = @py_AnnAssign | @py_Assert | @py_Assign | @py_AssignExpr | @py_Attribute | @py_AugAssign | @py_Await | @py_BinaryExpr | @py_Call | @py_Case | @py_Compare | @py_DictComp | @py_DictUnpacking | @py_ExceptStmt | @py_Exec | @py_Expr_stmt | @py_Filter | @py_For | @py_FormattedValue | @py_Function | @py_FunctionExpr | @py_GeneratorExp | @py_Guard | @py_If | @py_IfExp | @py_ImportMember | @py_ImportStar | @py_KeyValuePair | @py_ListComp | @py_MatchAsPattern | @py_MatchCapturePattern | @py_MatchClassPattern | @py_MatchKeywordPattern | @py_MatchLiteralPattern | @py_MatchStmt | @py_MatchValuePattern | @py_Print | @py_Raise | @py_Repr | @py_Return | @py_SetComp | @py_Slice | @py_Starred | @py_Subscript | @py_TemplateDottedNotation | @py_TemplateWrite | @py_UnaryExpr | @py_While | @py_With | @py_Yield | @py_YieldFrom | @py_alias | @py_arguments | @py_comprehension | @py_expr_list | @py_keyword | @py_parameter_list;
@py_location_parent = @py_DictUnpacking | @py_KeyValuePair | @py_StringPart | @py_comprehension | @py_expr | @py_keyword | @py_pattern | @py_stmt;
@py_parameter = @py_Name | @py_Tuple;
@py_pattern_list_parent = @py_MatchClassPattern | @py_MatchMappingPattern | @py_MatchOrPattern | @py_MatchSequencePattern;
@py_pattern_parent = @py_Case | @py_MatchAsPattern | @py_MatchDoubleStarPattern | @py_MatchKeyValuePattern | @py_MatchKeywordPattern | @py_MatchStarPattern | @py_pattern_list;
@py_scope = @py_Class | @py_Function | @py_Module;
@py_stmt_list_parent = @py_Case | @py_Class | @py_ExceptStmt | @py_For | @py_Function | @py_If | @py_MatchStmt | @py_Module | @py_Try | @py_While | @py_With;
@py_str_list_parent = @py_Global | @py_Nonlocal;
@py_str_parent = @py_Attribute | @py_Class | @py_ClassExpr | @py_FormattedValue | @py_Function | @py_FunctionExpr | @py_ImportExpr | @py_ImportMember | @py_Module | @py_SpecialOperation | @py_Str | @py_StringPart | @py_TemplateDottedNotation | @py_keyword | @py_str_list;
@py_variable_parent = @py_Name | @py_PlaceHolder;
* End of auto-generated part
/* Map relative names to absolute names for imports */
py_absolute_names(int module : @py_Module ref,
varchar(1) relname : string ref,
varchar(1) absname : string ref);
py_exports(int id : @py_Module ref,
varchar(1) name : string ref);
/* Successor information */
py_successors(int predecessor : @py_flow_node ref,
int successor : @py_flow_node ref);
py_true_successors(int predecessor : @py_flow_node ref,
int successor : @py_flow_node ref);
py_exception_successors(int predecessor : @py_flow_node ref,
int successor : @py_flow_node ref);
py_false_successors(int predecessor : @py_flow_node ref,
int successor : @py_flow_node ref);
py_flow_bb_node(unique int flownode : @py_flow_node,
int realnode : @py_ast_node ref,
int basicblock : @py_flow_node ref,
int index : int ref);
py_scope_flow(int flow : @py_flow_node ref,
int scope : @py_scope ref,
int kind : int ref);
py_idoms(unique int node : @py_flow_node ref,
int immediate_dominator : @py_flow_node ref);
py_ssa_phi(int phi : @py_ssa_var ref,
int arg: @py_ssa_var ref);
py_ssa_var(unique int id : @py_ssa_var,
int var : @py_variable ref);
py_ssa_use(int node: @py_flow_node ref,
int var : @py_ssa_var ref);
py_ssa_defn(unique int id : @py_ssa_var ref,
int node: @py_flow_node ref);
@py_base_var = @py_variable | @py_ssa_var;
py_scopes(unique int node : @py_expr_or_stmt ref,
int scope : @py_scope ref);
py_scope_location(unique int id : @location ref,
unique int scope : @py_scope ref);
py_flags_versioned(varchar(1) name : string ref,
varchar(1) value : string ref,
varchar(1) version : string ref);
py_syntax_error_versioned(unique int id : @location ref,
varchar(1) message : string ref,
varchar(1) version : string ref);
py_comments(unique int id : @py_comment,
varchar(1) text : string ref,
unique int location : @location ref);
/* Type information support */
py_cobjects(unique int obj : @py_cobject);
py_cobjecttypes(unique int obj : @py_cobject ref,
int typeof : @py_cobject ref);
py_cobjectnames(unique int obj : @py_cobject ref,
varchar(1) name : string ref);
/* Kind should be 0 for introspection, > 0 from source, as follows:
1 from C extension source
py_cobject_sources(int obj : @py_cobject ref,
int kind : int ref);
py_cmembers_versioned(int object : @py_cobject ref,
varchar(1) name : string ref,
int member : @py_cobject ref,
varchar(1) version : string ref);
py_citems(int object : @py_cobject ref,
int index : int ref,
int member : @py_cobject ref);
ext_argtype(int funcid : @py_object ref,
int arg : int ref,
int typeid : @py_object ref);
ext_rettype(int funcid : @py_object ref,
int typeid : @py_object ref);
ext_proptype(int propid : @py_object ref,
int typeid : @py_object ref);
ext_argreturn(int funcid : @py_object ref,
int arg : int ref);
py_special_objects(unique int obj : @py_cobject ref,
unique varchar(1) name : string ref);
py_decorated_object(int object : @py_object ref,
int level: int ref);
@py_object = @py_cobject | @py_flow_node;
@py_source_element = @py_ast_node | @container;
/* XML Files */
xmlEncoding (unique int id: @file ref, varchar(900) encoding: string ref);
xmlDTDs (unique int id: @xmldtd,
varchar(900) root: string ref,
varchar(900) publicId: string ref,
varchar(900) systemId: string ref,
int fileid: @file ref);
xmlElements (unique int id: @xmlelement,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int idx: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref);
xmlAttrs (unique int id: @xmlattribute,
int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
varchar(900) name: string ref,
varchar(3600) value: string ref,
int idx: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref);
xmlNs (int id: @xmlnamespace,
varchar(900) prefixName: string ref,
varchar(900) URI: string ref,
int fileid: @file ref);
xmlHasNs (int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
int fileid: @file ref);
xmlComments (unique int id: @xmlcomment,
varchar(3600) text: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int fileid: @file ref);
xmlChars (unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
varchar(3600) text: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int idx: int ref,
int isCDATA: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref);
@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
xmllocations(int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
int location: @location_default ref);
@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;