regen_tokens initial commit
history blame
7.46 kB
import os
from literalai import AsyncLiteralClient
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from modules.config.constants import COOLDOWN_TIME, TOKENS_LEFT, REGEN_TIME
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
import tiktoken
from typing import Any, Generic, List, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, Union
Field = TypeVar("Field")
Operators = TypeVar("Operators")
Value = TypeVar("Value")
BOOLEAN_OPERATORS = Literal["is", "nis"]
STRING_OPERATORS = Literal["eq", "neq", "ilike", "nilike"]
NUMBER_OPERATORS = Literal["eq", "neq", "gt", "gte", "lt", "lte"]
STRING_LIST_OPERATORS = Literal["in", "nin"]
DATETIME_OPERATORS = Literal["gte", "lte", "gt", "lt"]
class Filter(Generic[Field], TypedDict, total=False):
field: Field
operator: OPERATORS
value: Any
path: Optional[str]
class OrderBy(Generic[Field], TypedDict):
column: Field
direction: Literal["ASC", "DESC"]
threads_filterable_fields = Literal[
threads_orderable_fields = Literal["createdAt", "tokenCount"]
threads_filters = List[Filter[threads_filterable_fields]]
threads_order_by = OrderBy[threads_orderable_fields]
steps_filterable_fields = Literal[
steps_orderable_fields = Literal["createdAt"]
steps_filters = List[Filter[steps_filterable_fields]]
steps_order_by = OrderBy[steps_orderable_fields]
users_filterable_fields = Literal[
users_filters = List[Filter[users_filterable_fields]]
scores_filterable_fields = Literal[
scores_orderable_fields = Literal["createdAt"]
scores_filters = List[Filter[scores_filterable_fields]]
scores_order_by = OrderBy[scores_orderable_fields]
generation_filterable_fields = Literal[
generation_orderable_fields = Literal[
generations_filters = List[Filter[generation_filterable_fields]]
generations_order_by = OrderBy[generation_orderable_fields]
literal_client = AsyncLiteralClient(api_key=os.getenv("LITERAL_API_KEY_LOGGING"))
# For consistency, use dictionary for user_info
def convert_to_dict(user_info):
# if already a dictionary, return as is
if isinstance(user_info, dict):
return user_info
if hasattr(user_info, "__dict__"):
user_info = user_info.__dict__
return user_info
def get_time():
return datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat()
async def get_user_details(user_email_id):
user_info = await literal_client.api.get_or_create_user(identifier=user_email_id)
return user_info
async def update_user_info(user_info):
# if object type, convert to dictionary
user_info = convert_to_dict(user_info)
await literal_client.api.update_user(
async def check_user_cooldown(user_info, current_time):
# # Check if no tokens left
tokens_left = user_info.metadata.get("tokens_left", 0)
if tokens_left > 0 and not user_info.metadata.get("in_cooldown", False):
return False, None
user_info = convert_to_dict(user_info)
last_message_time_str = user_info["metadata"].get("last_message_time")
# Convert from ISO format string to datetime object and ensure UTC timezone
last_message_time = datetime.fromisoformat(last_message_time_str).replace(
current_time = datetime.fromisoformat(current_time).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# Calculate the elapsed time
elapsed_time = current_time - last_message_time
elapsed_time_in_seconds = elapsed_time.total_seconds()
# Calculate when the cooldown period ends
cooldown_end_time = last_message_time + timedelta(seconds=COOLDOWN_TIME)
cooldown_end_time_iso = cooldown_end_time.isoformat()
# Debug: Print the cooldown end time
print(f"Cooldown end time (ISO): {cooldown_end_time_iso}")
# Check if the user is still in cooldown
if elapsed_time_in_seconds < COOLDOWN_TIME:
return True, cooldown_end_time_iso # Return in ISO 8601 format
user.metadata["in_cooldown"] = False
# If not in cooldown, regenerate tokens
await reset_tokens_for_user(user_info)
return False, None
async def reset_tokens_for_user(user_info):
user_info = convert_to_dict(user_info)
last_message_time_str = user_info["metadata"].get("last_message_time")
last_message_time = datetime.fromisoformat(last_message_time_str).replace(
current_time = datetime.fromisoformat(get_time()).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# Calculate the elapsed time since the last message
elapsed_time_in_seconds = (current_time - last_message_time).total_seconds()
# Current token count (can be negative)
current_tokens = user_info["metadata"].get("tokens_left", 0)
# Maximum tokens that can be regenerated
max_tokens = user_info["metadata"].get("max_tokens", TOKENS_LEFT)
# Calculate how many tokens should have been regenerated proportionally
if current_tokens < max_tokens:
# Determine the time required to fully regenerate tokens from current state
if current_tokens < 0:
time_to_full_regen = REGEN_TIME * (1 + abs(current_tokens) / max_tokens) # more time to regenerate if tokens left is negative
time_to_full_regen = REGEN_TIME * (1 - current_tokens / max_tokens) # less time to regenerate if tokens left is positive
# Calculate the proportion of this time that has elapsed
proportion_of_time_elapsed = min(elapsed_time_in_seconds / time_to_full_regen, 1.0)
# Calculate the tokens to regenerate based on the elapsed proportion
tokens_to_regenerate = int(proportion_of_time_elapsed * (max_tokens - current_tokens))
# Ensure tokens_to_regenerate is positive and doesn't exceed the maximum
if tokens_to_regenerate > 0:
new_token_count = min(current_tokens + tokens_to_regenerate, max_tokens)
print(f"\n\n Adding {tokens_to_regenerate} tokens to the user, Time left for full credits: {time_to_full_regen - elapsed_time_in_seconds} \n\n")
# Update the user's token count
user_info["metadata"]["tokens_left"] = new_token_count
await update_user_info(user_info)
async def get_thread_step_info(thread_id):
step = await literal_client.api.get_step(thread_id)
return step
def get_num_tokens(text, model):
encoding = tiktoken.encoding_for_model(model)
tokens = encoding.encode(text)
return len(tokens)