from vocab import Vocab | |
from noise import SynthesizeData | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import ray | |
import re | |
import time | |
from datetime import datetime as dt | |
sys.path.append("..") | |
import numpy as np | |
from utils.logger import get_logger | |
from viet_text_tools import normalize_diacritics | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer | |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("vinai/bartpho-word-base", use_fast=False) | |
logger = get_logger("./log/prepare_data.log") | |
class PrepareActor(object): | |
def __init__(self, id, lang, data_root='../data', corpus="binhbq") -> None: | |
self.data_root, self.lang, self.corpus = data_root, lang, corpus | | = id | |
self.data_dir = f'{data_root}/{corpus}' | |
def open_files(self): | |
self.train_noise_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.train.noise' + str( | |
self.train_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.train' + str( | |
self.train_onehot_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.onehot.train' + str( | |
self.train_length_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.length.train' + str( | |
self.train_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.train_file_name | |
self.train_noise_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.train_noise_file_name | |
self.train_onehot_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.train_onehot_file_name | |
self.train_length_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.train_length_file_name | |
self.train_file = open(self.train_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.train_noise_file = open(self.train_noise_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.train_onehot_file = open(self.train_onehot_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.train_length_file = open(self.train_length_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.valid_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.valid' + str( | |
self.valid_noise_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.valid.noise' + str( | |
self.valid_onehot_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.onehot.valid' + str( | |
self.valid_length_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.length.valid' + str( | |
self.valid_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.valid_file_name | |
self.valid_noise_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.valid_noise_file_name | |
self.valid_onehot_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.valid_onehot_file_name | |
self.valid_length_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.valid_length_file_name | |
self.valid_file = open(self.valid_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.valid_noise_file = open(self.valid_noise_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.valid_onehot_file = open(self.valid_onehot_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.valid_length_file = open(self.valid_length_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.test_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.test' + str( | |
self.test_noise_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.test.noise' + str( | |
self.test_onehot_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.onehot.test' + str( | |
self.test_length_file_name = f'{self.corpus}.length.test' + str( | |
self.test_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.test_file_name | |
self.test_noise_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.test_noise_file_name | |
self.test_onehot_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.test_onehot_file_name | |
self.test_length_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.test_length_file_name | |
self.test_file = open(self.test_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.test_noise_file = open(self.test_noise_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.test_onehot_file = open(self.test_onehot_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
self.test_length_file = open(self.test_length_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') | |
def close_files(self): | |
if self.train_noise_file: | |
self.train_noise_file.close() | |
if self.train_onehot_file: | |
self.train_onehot_file.close() | |
if self.train_length_file: | |
self.train_length_file.close() | |
if self.train_file: | |
self.train_file.close() | |
if self.test_noise_file: | |
self.test_noise_file.close() | |
if self.test_onehot_file: | |
self.test_onehot_file.close() | |
if self.test_length_file: | |
self.test_length_file.close() | |
if self.test_file: | |
self.test_file.close() | |
if self.valid_noise_file: | |
self.valid_noise_file.close() | |
if self.valid_onehot_file: | |
self.valid_onehot_file.close() | |
if self.valid_length_file: | |
self.valid_length_file.close() | |
if self.valid_file: | |
self.valid_file.close() | |
def prepare_subword_sents_and_vocab(self, lines: | |
vocab = Vocab(self.lang) | |
self.subword_sents = [] | |
print(f"{} PrepareActor[{}].prepare_sublist_and_vocab() BEGIN...") | |
for line in lines.iter_rows(): | |
line = line['item'].strip("\n") | |
words = line.split(" ") | |
### | |
if len(words) > 150: | |
splited_lines = re.split("[.;]+", line) | |
for splited_line in splited_lines: | |
words = splited_line.split(" ") | |
if len(words) < 10 or len(words) > 150: | |
continue | |
words = [normalize_diacritics(word) for word in words] | |
vocab.update_subword_freq(words) | |
splited_line = " ".join(words) | |
self.subword_sents.append(splited_line) | |
continue | |
### | |
if len(words) < 10: | |
continue | |
words = [normalize_diacritics(word) for word in words] | |
line = " ".join(words) | |
vocab.update_subword_freq(words) | |
self.subword_sents.append(line) | |
print(f"{} PrepareActor[{}].prepare_sublist_and_vocab() COMPLETED...") | |
return vocab | |
def gen_noised_and_onehot(self, noiser:SynthesizeData = None): | |
print(f"{} PrepareActor[{}].gen_training_data() BEGIN...") | |
self.open_files() | |
logger = get_logger(f"log/prepare_data_worker{}.log") | |
assert noiser != None | |
self.noiser = noiser | |
np.random.seed(2001) | |
np.random.shuffle(self.subword_sents) | |
train_examples = 0 | |
#### Train 0.89 Valid 0.01 Test 0.10 | |
max_train_examples = int(0.89 * len(self.subword_sents)) | |
max_valid_examples = int(0.90 * len(self.subword_sents)) | |
for line in self.subword_sents: | |
train_examples += 1 | |
if train_examples < max_train_examples: | |
data_for = "train" | |
elif train_examples < max_valid_examples: | |
data_for = "valid" | |
else: | |
data_for = "test" | |
if len(line) > (CHAR_TRANSFORMER_MAX_SEQ_LEN - 2): | |
continue | |
normal_noise, normal_onehot = self.noiser.add_normal_noise( | |
line, percent_err=PERCENT_NOISE) | |
split_merge_noise, split_merge_onehot = self.noiser.add_split_merge_noise( | |
line, percent_err=PERCENT_NOISE, percent_normal_err=PERCENT_NOISE) | |
la = len(normal_noise) | |
lb = len(split_merge_noise) | |
logger.log(f"INFO: Noised longer than Transformer's max limit (NORMAL NOISE).") | |
logger.log(f"TEXT: {normal_noise}") | |
continue | |
logger.log(f"INFO: Noised longer than Transformer's max limit (SPLIT MERGE NOISE).") | |
logger.log(f"TEXT: {split_merge_noise}") | |
continue | |
if data_for == "train": | |
self.train_noise_file.write(normal_noise + '\n') | |
self.train_noise_file.write(split_merge_noise + '\n') | |
self.train_onehot_file.write(normal_onehot + '\n') | |
self.train_onehot_file.write(split_merge_onehot + '\n') | |
self.train_file.write(line + "\n") | |
self.train_length_file.write(str(la) + "\n") | |
self.train_length_file.write(str(lb) + "\n") | |
elif data_for == "test": | |
self.test_noise_file.write(normal_noise + '\n') | |
self.test_noise_file.write(split_merge_noise + '\n') | |
self.test_onehot_file.write(normal_onehot + '\n') | |
self.test_onehot_file.write(split_merge_onehot + '\n') | |
self.test_file.write(line + "\n") | |
self.test_length_file.write(str(la) + "\n") | |
self.test_length_file.write(str(lb) + "\n") | |
else: | |
self.valid_noise_file.write(normal_noise + '\n') | |
self.valid_noise_file.write(split_merge_noise + '\n') | |
self.valid_onehot_file.write(normal_onehot + '\n') | |
self.valid_onehot_file.write(split_merge_onehot + '\n') | |
self.valid_file.write(line + "\n") | |
self.valid_length_file.write(str(la) + "\n") | |
self.valid_length_file.write(str(lb) + "\n") | |
print(f"{} PrepareActor[{}].gen_training_data() COMPLETED...") | |
self.close_files() | |
class PrepareDataset: | |
def __init__(self, data_root='../data', lang='vi', corpus='binhvq'): | |
self.data_root, self.lang, self.corpus = data_root, lang, corpus | |
self.data_dir = f'{data_root}/{corpus}' | |
self.vocab = Vocab(self.lang) | |
# Number of CPUS | |
self.MAX_CPUS = 12 | |
self.NUM_CPUS = NUM_CPUS if NUM_CPUS < self.MAX_CPUS else self.MAX_CPUS | |
ray.init(num_cpus=NUM_CPUS) | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset: Initiating {NUM_PROCESSES} PrepareActor") | |
self.actors = [PrepareActor.remote(i, lang, self.data_root, self.corpus) for i in range(NUM_PROCESSES)] | |
self.vocab_pickle_name = f'{self.corpus}.vocab.pkl' | |
self.vocab_pickle_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.vocab_pickle_name | |
self.vocab_dict_name = f'{self.corpus}.dict.txt' | |
self.vocab_dict_path = self.data_dir + '/' + self.vocab_dict_name | |
def build_vocab_and_subwords(self, ray_ds: | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.build_vocab_and_subwords()") | |
shards = ray_ds.split(n = NUM_PROCESSES) | |
subword_and_vocab_refs = [actor.prepare_subword_sents_and_vocab.remote( | |
shard) for actor, shard in zip(self.actors, shards)] | |
subwords_and_vocabs = ray.get(subword_and_vocab_refs) | |
# Return results is vocab | |
for i in range(NUM_PROCESSES): | |
self.vocab.merge_sub_vocabs(subwords_and_vocabs[i]) | |
def build_noised_and_onehot(self): | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.build_noised_and_onehot.remote() BEGIN...") | |
noiser = SynthesizeData(self.vocab) | |
noised_and_onehot_refs = [actor.gen_noised_and_onehot.remote(noiser) \ | |
for actor in self.actors] | |
_ = ray.get(noised_and_onehot_refs) | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.build_noised_and_onehot.remote() COMPLETE !!!") | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.build_noised_and_onehot(): Writing to noised and onehot files!!!") | |
def prepare_data(self, in_file_name=''): | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.prepare_data(): open_files()") | |
self.in_file_path = self.data_dir + '/' + in_file_name | |
if not os.path.exists(self.in_file_path): | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.prepare_data(): Cannot find input file!!!") | |
print(f'File path: {self.in_file_path}') | |
return | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.prepare_data(): Processing file part by part ...") | |
with open(self.in_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile: | |
lines = ifile.readlines() | |
ray_ds = | |
del lines | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.prepare_data(): Building Vocabulary...") | |
self.build_vocab_and_subwords(ray_ds) | |
self.vocab.build_vocab(topk=100000) | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.prepare_data(): Writing Vocabulary to text file...") | |
self.vocab.save_dict_text(self.vocab_dict_path) | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.prepare_data(): Writing Vocabulary to pickle file...") | |
self.vocab.save_vocab_dict(self.vocab_pickle_path) | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset.prepare_data(): Gen train noised and onehot...") | |
self.build_noised_and_onehot() | |
print(f"{} PrepareDataset - Complete preparing dataset!!!") | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
import argparse | |
description = ''' | | | |
Usage: python --dataset vi_wiki --file --test False | |
''' | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) | |
parser.add_argument('--file', type=str, default='sentences.txt') | |
parser.add_argument('--corpus', type=str, default='binhvq') | |
parser.add_argument('--data_root', type=str, default="../data") | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
creater = PrepareDataset(data_root = args.data_root, corpus=args.corpus) | |
start_time = time.time() | |
creater.prepare_data(args.file) | |
end_time = time.time() | |
print(f"Time consumed for generate data: {end_time - start_time}") | |