File size: 5,809 Bytes
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package startup
import (
// InstallModels will preload models from the given list of URLs and galleries
// It will download the model if it is not already present in the model path
// It will also try to resolve if the model is an embedded model YAML configuration
func InstallModels(galleries []config.Gallery, modelLibraryURL string, modelPath string, enforceScan bool, downloadStatus func(string, string, string, float64), models ...string) error {
// create an error that groups all errors
var err error
lib, _ := embedded.GetRemoteLibraryShorteners(modelLibraryURL, modelPath)
for _, url := range models {
// As a best effort, try to resolve the model from the remote library
// if it's not resolved we try with the other method below
if modelLibraryURL != "" {
if lib[url] != "" {
log.Debug().Msgf("[startup] model configuration is defined remotely: %s (%s)", url, lib[url])
url = lib[url]
url = embedded.ModelShortURL(url)
uri := downloader.URI(url)
switch {
case embedded.ExistsInModelsLibrary(url):
modelYAML, e := embedded.ResolveContent(url)
// If we resolve something, just save it to disk and continue
if e != nil {
log.Error().Err(e).Msg("error resolving model content")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
log.Debug().Msgf("[startup] resolved embedded model: %s", url)
md5Name := utils.MD5(url)
modelDefinitionFilePath := filepath.Join(modelPath, md5Name) + ".yaml"
if e := os.WriteFile(modelDefinitionFilePath, modelYAML, 0600); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(e).Str("filepath", modelDefinitionFilePath).Msg("error writing model definition")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
case uri.LooksLikeOCI():
log.Debug().Msgf("[startup] resolved OCI model to download: %s", url)
// convert OCI image name to a file name.
ociName := strings.TrimPrefix(url, downloader.OCIPrefix)
ociName = strings.TrimPrefix(ociName, downloader.OllamaPrefix)
ociName = strings.ReplaceAll(ociName, "/", "__")
ociName = strings.ReplaceAll(ociName, ":", "__")
// check if file exists
if _, e := os.Stat(filepath.Join(modelPath, ociName)); errors.Is(e, os.ErrNotExist) {
modelDefinitionFilePath := filepath.Join(modelPath, ociName)
e := uri.DownloadFile(modelDefinitionFilePath, "", 0, 0, func(fileName, current, total string, percent float64) {
utils.DisplayDownloadFunction(fileName, current, total, percent)
if e != nil {
log.Error().Err(e).Str("url", url).Str("filepath", modelDefinitionFilePath).Msg("error downloading model")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
log.Info().Msgf("[startup] installed model from OCI repository: %s", ociName)
case uri.LooksLikeURL():
log.Debug().Msgf("[startup] downloading %s", url)
// Extract filename from URL
fileName, e := uri.FilenameFromUrl()
if e != nil {
log.Warn().Err(e).Str("url", url).Msg("error extracting filename from URL")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
modelPath := filepath.Join(modelPath, fileName)
if e := utils.VerifyPath(fileName, modelPath); e != nil {
log.Error().Err(e).Str("filepath", modelPath).Msg("error verifying path")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
// check if file exists
if _, e := os.Stat(modelPath); errors.Is(e, os.ErrNotExist) {
e := uri.DownloadFile(modelPath, "", 0, 0, func(fileName, current, total string, percent float64) {
utils.DisplayDownloadFunction(fileName, current, total, percent)
if e != nil {
log.Error().Err(e).Str("url", url).Str("filepath", modelPath).Msg("error downloading model")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
if _, e := os.Stat(url); e == nil {
log.Debug().Msgf("[startup] resolved local model: %s", url)
// copy to modelPath
md5Name := utils.MD5(url)
modelYAML, e := os.ReadFile(url)
if e != nil {
log.Error().Err(e).Str("filepath", url).Msg("error reading model definition")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
modelDefinitionFilePath := filepath.Join(modelPath, md5Name) + ".yaml"
if e := os.WriteFile(modelDefinitionFilePath, modelYAML, 0600); e != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Str("filepath", modelDefinitionFilePath).Msg("error loading model: %s")
err = errors.Join(err, e)
} else {
// Check if it's a model gallery, or print a warning
e, found := installModel(galleries, url, modelPath, downloadStatus, enforceScan)
if e != nil && found {
log.Error().Err(err).Msgf("[startup] failed installing model '%s'", url)
err = errors.Join(err, e)
} else if !found {
log.Warn().Msgf("[startup] failed resolving model '%s'", url)
err = errors.Join(err, fmt.Errorf("failed resolving model '%s'", url))
return err
func installModel(galleries []config.Gallery, modelName, modelPath string, downloadStatus func(string, string, string, float64), enforceScan bool) (error, bool) {
models, err := gallery.AvailableGalleryModels(galleries, modelPath)
if err != nil {
return err, false
model := gallery.FindModel(models, modelName, modelPath)
if model == nil {
return err, false
if downloadStatus == nil {
downloadStatus = utils.DisplayDownloadFunction
log.Info().Str("model", modelName).Str("license", model.License).Msg("installing model")
err = gallery.InstallModelFromGallery(galleries, modelName, modelPath, gallery.GalleryModel{}, downloadStatus, enforceScan)
if err != nil {
return err, true
return nil, true