package cli |
import ( |
"encoding/json" |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"github.com/rs/zerolog/log" |
cliContext "github.com/mudler/LocalAI/core/cli/context" |
"github.com/mudler/LocalAI/core/config" |
"github.com/mudler/LocalAI/core/gallery" |
"github.com/mudler/LocalAI/pkg/downloader" |
gguf "github.com/thxcode/gguf-parser-go" |
) |
type UtilCMD struct { |
GGUFInfo GGUFInfoCMD `cmd:"" name:"gguf-info" help:"Get information about a GGUF file"` |
HFScan HFScanCMD `cmd:"" name:"hf-scan" help:"Checks installed models for known security issues. WARNING: this is a best-effort feature and may not catch everything!"` |
} |
type GGUFInfoCMD struct { |
Args []string `arg:"" optional:"" name:"args" help:"Arguments to pass to the utility command"` |
Header bool `optional:"" default:"false" name:"header" help:"Show header information"` |
} |
type HFScanCMD struct { |
ModelsPath string `env:"LOCALAI_MODELS_PATH,MODELS_PATH" type:"path" default:"${basepath}/models" help:"Path containing models used for inferencing" group:"storage"` |
Galleries string `env:"LOCALAI_GALLERIES,GALLERIES" help:"JSON list of galleries" group:"models" default:"${galleries}"` |
ToScan []string `arg:""` |
} |
func (u *GGUFInfoCMD) Run(ctx *cliContext.Context) error { |
if u.Args == nil || len(u.Args) == 0 { |
return fmt.Errorf("no GGUF file provided") |
} |
f, err := gguf.ParseGGUFFile(u.Args[0]) |
if err != nil { |
log.Error().Msgf("guessDefaultsFromFile: %s", "not a GGUF file") |
return err |
} |
log.Info(). |
Any("eosTokenID", f.Tokenizer().EOSTokenID). |
Any("bosTokenID", f.Tokenizer().BOSTokenID). |
Any("modelName", f.Model().Name). |
Any("architecture", f.Architecture().Architecture).Msgf("GGUF file loaded: %s", u.Args[0]) |
log.Info().Any("tokenizer", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", f.Tokenizer())).Msg("Tokenizer") |
log.Info().Any("architecture", fmt.Sprintf("%+v", f.Architecture())).Msg("Architecture") |
v, exists := f.Header.MetadataKV.Get("tokenizer.chat_template") |
if exists { |
log.Info().Msgf("chat_template: %s", v.ValueString()) |
} |
if u.Header { |
for _, metadata := range f.Header.MetadataKV { |
log.Info().Msgf("%s: %+v", metadata.Key, metadata.Value) |
} |
} |
return nil |
} |
func (hfscmd *HFScanCMD) Run(ctx *cliContext.Context) error { |
log.Info().Msg("LocalAI Security Scanner - This is BEST EFFORT functionality! Currently limited to huggingface models!") |
if len(hfscmd.ToScan) == 0 { |
log.Info().Msg("Checking all installed models against galleries") |
var galleries []config.Gallery |
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(hfscmd.Galleries), &galleries); err != nil { |
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("unable to load galleries") |
} |
err := gallery.SafetyScanGalleryModels(galleries, hfscmd.ModelsPath) |
if err == nil { |
log.Info().Msg("No security warnings were detected for your installed models. Please note that this is a BEST EFFORT tool, and all issues may not be detected.") |
} else { |
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("! WARNING ! A known-vulnerable model is installed!") |
} |
return err |
} else { |
var errs error = nil |
for _, uri := range hfscmd.ToScan { |
log.Info().Str("uri", uri).Msg("scanning specific uri") |
scanResults, err := downloader.HuggingFaceScan(downloader.URI(uri)) |
if err != nil && errors.Is(err, downloader.ErrUnsafeFilesFound) { |
log.Error().Err(err).Strs("clamAV", scanResults.ClamAVInfectedFiles).Strs("pickles", scanResults.DangerousPickles).Msg("! WARNING ! A known-vulnerable model is included in this repo!") |
errs = errors.Join(errs, err) |
} |
} |
if errs != nil { |
return errs |
} |
log.Info().Msg("No security warnings were detected for your installed models. Please note that this is a BEST EFFORT tool, and all issues may not be detected.") |
return nil |
} |
} |