localAi / pkg /downloader /progress.go
eder0782's picture
package downloader
import "hash"
type progressWriter struct {
fileName string
total int64
fileNo int
totalFiles int
written int64
downloadStatus func(string, string, string, float64)
hash hash.Hash
func (pw *progressWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = pw.hash.Write(p)
pw.written += int64(n)
if pw.total > 0 {
percentage := float64(pw.written) / float64(pw.total) * 100
if pw.totalFiles > 1 {
// This is a multi-file download
// so we need to adjust the percentage
// to reflect the progress of the whole download
// This is the file pw.fileNo of pw.totalFiles files. We assume that
// the files before successfully downloaded.
percentage = percentage / float64(pw.totalFiles)
if pw.fileNo > 1 {
percentage += float64(pw.fileNo-1) * 100 / float64(pw.totalFiles)
//log.Debug().Msgf("Downloading %s: %s/%s (%.2f%%)", pw.fileName, formatBytes(pw.written), formatBytes(pw.total), percentage)
pw.downloadStatus(pw.fileName, formatBytes(pw.written), formatBytes(pw.total), percentage)
} else {
pw.downloadStatus(pw.fileName, formatBytes(pw.written), "", 0)