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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2013 Max Planck Society. All rights reserved.
# Created by Matthew Loper on 2013-02-20.
Mesh processing backend
import numpy as np
def reset_normals(self, face_to_verts_sparse_matrix=None, reset_face_normals=False):
self.vn = self.estimate_vertex_normals(face_to_verts_sparse_matrix=None)
if reset_face_normals:
self.fn = self.f.copy()
return self
def reset_face_normals(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'vn'):
self.fn = self.f
return self
def uniquified_mesh(self):
"""This function returns a copy of the mesh in which vertices are copied such that
each vertex appears in only one face, and hence has only one texture"""
from mesh import Mesh
new_mesh = Mesh(v=self.v[self.f.flatten()], f=np.array(range(len(self.f.flatten()))).reshape(-1, 3))
if not hasattr(self, 'vn'):
new_mesh.vn = self.vn[self.f.flatten()]
if hasattr(self, 'vt'):
new_mesh.vt = self.vt[self.ft.flatten()]
new_mesh.ft = new_mesh.f.copy()
return new_mesh
def keep_vertices(self, keep_list):
trans = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(keep_list))
trans_f = np.array([trans[v] if v in trans else -1 for row in self.f for v in row], dtype=np.uint32).reshape(-1, 3)
if hasattr(self, 'vn') and self.vn.shape[0] == self.vn.shape[0]:
self.vn = self.vn.reshape(-1, 3)[keep_list]
if hasattr(self, 'vc') and self.vc.shape[0] == self.v.shape[0]:
self.vc = self.vc.reshape(-1, 3)[keep_list]
if hasattr(self, 'landm_raw_xyz'):
self.v = self.v.reshape(-1, 3)[keep_list]
self.f = trans_f[(trans_f != np.uint32(-1)).all(axis=1)]
return self
def point_cloud(self):
from .mesh import Mesh
return Mesh(v=self.v, f=[], vc=self.vc) if hasattr(self, 'vc') else Mesh(v=self.v, f=[])
def remove_faces(self, face_indices_to_remove):
def arr_replace(arr_in, lookup_dict):
arr_out = arr_in.copy()
for k, v in lookup_dict.iteritems():
arr_out[arr_in == k] = v
return arr_out
f = np.delete(self.f, face_indices_to_remove, 0)
v2keep = np.unique(f)
self.v = self.v[v2keep]
self.f = arr_replace(f, dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(v2keep)))
if hasattr(self, 'fc'):
self.fc = np.delete(self.fc, face_indices_to_remove, 0)
if hasattr(self, 'vn') and self.vn.shape[0] == self.vn.shape[0]:
self.vn = self.vn.reshape(-1, 3)[v2keep]
if hasattr(self, 'vc') and self.vc.shape[0] == self.v.shape[0]:
self.vc = self.vc.reshape(-1, 3)[v2keep]
if hasattr(self, 'landm_raw_xyz'):
if hasattr(self, 'ft'):
ft = np.delete(self.ft, face_indices_to_remove, 0)
vt2keep = np.unique(ft)
self.vt = self.vt[vt2keep]
self.ft = arr_replace(ft, dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(vt2keep)))
return self
def flip_faces(self):
self.f = self.f.copy()
for i in range(len(self.f)):
self.f[i] = self.f[i][::-1]
if hasattr(self, 'ft'):
for i in range(len(self.f)):
self.ft[i] = self.ft[i][::-1]
return self
def scale_vertices(self, scale_factor):
self.v *= scale_factor
return self
def rotate_vertices(self, rotation_matrix):
import cv2
rotation_matrix = np.matrix(cv2.Rodrigues(np.array(rotation_matrix))[0] if (np.array(rotation_matrix).shape != (3, 3)) else rotation_matrix)
self.v = np.array(self.v * rotation_matrix.T)
return self
def translate_vertices(self, translation):
self.v += translation
return self
def subdivide_triangles(self):
new_faces = []
new_vertices = self.v.copy()
for face in self.f:
face_vertices = np.array([self.v[face[0], :], self.v[face[1], :], self.v[face[2], :]])
new_vertex = np.mean(face_vertices, axis=0)
new_vertices = np.vstack([new_vertices, new_vertex])
new_vertex_index = len(new_vertices) - 1
if len(new_faces):
new_faces = np.vstack([new_faces, [face[0], face[1], new_vertex_index], [face[1], face[2], new_vertex_index], [face[2], face[0], new_vertex_index]])
new_faces = np.array([[face[0], face[1], new_vertex_index], [face[1], face[2], new_vertex_index], [face[2], face[0], new_vertex_index]])
self.v = new_vertices
self.f = new_faces
if hasattr(self, 'vt'):
new_ft = []
new_texture_coordinates = self.vt.copy()
for face_texture in self.ft:
face_texture_coordinates = np.array([self.vt[face_texture[0], :], self.vt[face_texture[1], :], self.vt[face_texture[2], :]])
new_texture_coordinate = np.mean(face_texture_coordinates, axis=0)
new_texture_coordinates = np.vstack([new_texture_coordinates, new_texture_coordinate])
new_texture_index = len(new_texture_coordinates) - 1
if len(new_ft):
new_ft = np.vstack([new_ft, [face_texture[0], face_texture[1], new_texture_index], [face_texture[1], face_texture[2], new_texture_index], [face_texture[2], face_texture[0], new_texture_index]])
new_ft = np.array([[face_texture[0], face_texture[1], new_texture_index], [face_texture[1], face_texture[2], new_texture_index], [face_texture[2], face_texture[0], new_texture_index]])
self.vt = new_texture_coordinates
self.ft = new_ft
return self
def concatenate_mesh(self, mesh):
if len(self.v) == 0:
self.f = mesh.f.copy()
self.v = mesh.v.copy()
self.vc = mesh.vc.copy() if hasattr(mesh, 'vc') else None
elif len(mesh.v):
self.f = np.concatenate([self.f, mesh.f.copy() + len(self.v)])
self.v = np.concatenate([self.v, mesh.v])
self.vc = np.concatenate([self.vc, mesh.vc]) if (hasattr(mesh, 'vc') and hasattr(self, 'vc')) else None
return self
# new_ordering specifies the new index of each vertex. If new_ordering[i] = j,
# vertex i should now be the j^th vertex. As such, each entry in new_ordering should be unique.
def reorder_vertices(self, new_ordering, new_normal_ordering=None):
if new_normal_ordering is None:
new_normal_ordering = new_ordering
inverse_ordering = np.zeros(len(new_ordering), dtype=int)
for i, j in enumerate(new_ordering):
inverse_ordering[j] = i
inverse_normal_ordering = np.zeros(len(new_normal_ordering), dtype=int)
for i, j in enumerate(new_normal_ordering):
inverse_normal_ordering[j] = i
self.v = self.v[inverse_ordering]
if hasattr(self, 'vn'):
self.vn = self.vn[inverse_normal_ordering]
for i in range(len(self.f)):
self.f[i] = np.array([new_ordering[vertex_index] for vertex_index in self.f[i]])
if hasattr(self, 'fn'):
self.fn[i] = np.array([new_normal_ordering[normal_index] for normal_index in self.fn[i]])