import unittest import copy import numpy as np from psbody.mesh.arcball import Matrix3fT, Matrix4fT, ArcBallT, \ Point2fT, Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f, Matrix3fMulMatrix3f, Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f from numpy import double class TestArcball(unittest.TestCase): def test_arcball(self): # Unit testing of the ArcBall class and the real math behind it. # Simulates a click and drag followed by another click and drag. Transform = Matrix4fT() ThisRot = Matrix3fT() ArcBall = ArcBallT(640, 480) # First click LastRot = copy.copy(ThisRot) mouse_pt = Point2fT(500, 250) # First drag mouse_pt = Point2fT(475, 275) ThisQuat = ArcBall.drag(mouse_pt) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ThisQuat, [0.08438914, -0.08534209, -0.06240178, 0.99080837]) # ThisRot = Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(ThisQuat) # Linear Algebra matrix multiplication A = old, B = New : C = A * B ThisRot = Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(LastRot, ThisRot) Transform = Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(Transform, ThisRot) first_transform_gt = np.array([[0.97764552, -0.1380603, 0.15858325, 0.], [0.10925253, 0.97796899, 0.17787792, 0.], [-0.17964739, -0.15657592, 0.97119039, 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1., ]], dtype=np.double) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Transform, first_transform_gt) # Done with first drag # second click LastRot = copy.copy(ThisRot) lastrot_gt = np.array([[0.97764552, -0.1380603, 0.15858325], [0.10925253, 0.97796899, 0.17787792], [-0.17964739, -0.15657592, 0.97119039]], dtype=double) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(LastRot, lastrot_gt) mouse_pt = Point2fT(350, 260) # second drag mouse_pt = Point2fT(450, 260) ThisQuat = ArcBall.drag(mouse_pt) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(ThisQuat, [0.00710336, 0.31832787, 0.02679029, 0.94757545]) ThisRot = Matrix3fSetRotationFromQuat4f(ThisQuat) ThisRot = Matrix3fMulMatrix3f(LastRot, ThisRot) # print ThisRot Transform = Matrix4fSetRotationFromMatrix3f(Transform, ThisRot) second_transform_gt = np.array([[0.88022292, -0.08322023, -0.46720669, 0.], [0.14910145, 0.98314685, 0.10578787, 0.], [0.45052907, -0.16277808, 0.8777966, 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.00000001]], dtype=double) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Transform, second_transform_gt)