import unittest import numpy as np import tempfile import os import shutil from os.path import join as pjoin from psbody.mesh.mesh import Mesh from psbody.mesh.errors import MeshError, SerializationError from .unittest_extensions import ExtendedTest from . import test_data_folder class TestMesh(ExtendedTest): def setUp(self): self.box_v = np.array([[0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, -0.5]]).T self.box_f = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1], [0, 2, 4], [6, 4, 2], [0, 4, 1], [5, 1, 4], [7, 5, 6], [4, 6, 5], [7, 6, 3], [2, 3, 6], [7, 3, 5], [1, 5, 3]]) self.box_segm = {'a': np.array(range(6), dtype=np.uint32), 'b': np.array([6, 10, 11], dtype=np.uint32), 'c': np.array([7, 8, 9], dtype=np.uint32)} self.landm = {'pospospos': 0, 'negnegneg': 7} self.landm_xyz = {'pospospos': np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), 'negnegneg': np.array([-0.5, -0.5, -0.5])} self.test_obj_path = pjoin(test_data_folder, "test_box.obj") self.test_ply_path = pjoin(test_data_folder, "test_box.ply") self.test_bin_ply_path = pjoin(test_data_folder, "test_box_le.ply") self.test_bad_ply_path = pjoin(test_data_folder, "test_ascii_bad_endings.ply") self.test_pp_path = pjoin(test_data_folder, "test_box.pp") self.test_sphere_path = pjoin(test_data_folder, "sphere.ply") def test_load_obj(self): m = Mesh(filename=self.test_obj_path) self.assertTrue((m.v == self.box_v).all()) self.assertTrue((m.f == self.box_f).all()) self.assertDictOfArraysEqual(m.segm, self.box_segm) self.assertEqual(m.landm, self.landm) self.assertDictOfArraysEqual(m.landm_xyz, self.landm_xyz) def test_load_ply(self): m = Mesh(filename=self.test_ply_path, ppfilename=self.test_pp_path) self.assertTrue((m.v == self.box_v).all()) self.assertTrue((m.f == self.box_f).all()) self.assertTrue(m.landm == self.landm) def test_ascii_bad_ply(self): """Ensure that the proper exception is raised when a file fails to be read.""" with self.assertRaisesRegex(SerializationError, 'Failed to open PLY file\.'): Mesh(filename=self.test_bad_ply_path) # The next two tests are unnecessary, # just demonstrating the exception hierarchy: with self.assertRaises(MeshError): Mesh(filename=self.test_bad_ply_path) with self.assertRaises(Exception): Mesh(filename=self.test_bad_ply_path) def test_raw_initialization(self): m = Mesh(v=self.box_v, f=self.box_f) self.assertTrue((m.v == self.box_v).all()) self.assertTrue((m.f == self.box_f).all()) def test_writing_ascii_ply(self): m = Mesh(filename=self.test_ply_path) (handle, tempname) = tempfile.mkstemp() m.write_ply(tempname, ascii=True) with open(tempname, 'r') as f: candidate = os.close(handle) os.remove(tempname) with open(self.test_ply_path, 'r') as f: truth = self.assertEqual(candidate, truth) def test_writing_bin_ply(self): m = Mesh(filename=self.test_ply_path) (handle, tempname) = tempfile.mkstemp() m.write_ply(tempname) with open(tempname, 'rb') as f: candidate = os.close(handle) os.remove(tempname) with open(self.test_bin_ply_path, 'rb') as f: truth = self.assertEqual(candidate, truth) def test_aabb_tree(self): v_src = np.array([[-36, 37, 8], [5, -36, 35], [12, -15, 1], [-10, -42, -26], [-38, -32, -26], [-8, -45, 40], [44, -1, -1], [-16, 40, -13], [-39, 28, -11], [-26, -10, -40], [-37, 44, 46], [8, -44, -27], [-15, 32, -48], [-46, -33, 15], [23, 15, -5], [5, -20, 24], [-31, 19, -32], [-13, 13, 28], [-42, 43, 28], [-1, -6, -5]]) f_src = np.array([[12, 16, 17], [5, 10, 1], [13, 19, 7], [13, 1, 5], [14, 8, 16], [9, 2, 8], [1, 19, 18], [4, 0, 3], [18, 15, 5], [3, 16, 2]]) m = Mesh(v=v_src, f=f_src) t = m.compute_aabb_tree() v_query = np.array([[-19, 1, 1], [32, 29, 14], [-12, 31, 3], [-15, 44, 38], [5, 12, 9]]) v_expected = np.array([[-19.678178, 0.364208, -1.384218], [23.000000, 15.000000, -5.000000], [-13.729523, 19.930467, 0.278131], [-31.869765, 34.228123, 44.656367], [7.794764, 18.188195, -6.471474]]) f_expected = np.array([2, 4, 0, 1, 4]) f_est, v_est = t.nearest(v_query) diff1 = abs(f_est - f_expected) diff2 = abs(v_est - v_expected) self.assertTrue(max(diff1.flatten()) < 1e-6) self.assertTrue(max(diff2.flatten()) < 1e-6) def test_estimate_vertex_normals(self): # normals of a sphere should be scaled versions of the vertices m = Mesh(filename=self.test_sphere_path) m.v -= np.mean(m.v, axis=0) rad = np.linalg.norm(m.v[0]) vn = np.array(m.estimate_vertex_normals()) mse = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum((vn - m.v / rad) ** 2, axis=1))) self.assertTrue(mse < 0.05) @unittest.skipIf( not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(test_data_folder, 'textured_mean_scape_female.obj')), 'No data file.') def test_landmark_loader(self): scan_fname = pjoin(test_data_folder, 'csr0001a.ply') scan_lmrk = pjoin(test_data_folder, 'csr0001a.lmrk') template_fname = pjoin(test_data_folder, 'textured_mean_scape_female.obj') template_pp = pjoin(test_data_folder, 'template_caesar_picked_points.pp') scan = Mesh(filename=scan_fname, lmrkfilename=scan_lmrk) template = Mesh(filename=template_fname, ppfilename=template_pp) # Detecting CAESAR lmrk files: m = Mesh(filename=scan_fname, landmarks=scan_lmrk) self.assertEqual(m.landm, scan.landm) self.assertDictOfArraysEqual(m.landm_xyz, scan.landm_xyz) # Detecting Meshlab pp file m = Mesh(filename=template_fname, landmarks=template_pp) self.assertEqual(m.landm, template.landm) self.assertDictOfArraysAlmostEqual(m.landm_xyz, template.landm_xyz) del template.landm_regressors def test(landmarks): m = Mesh(filename=template_fname, landmarks=landmarks) self.assertEqual(m.landm, template.landm) self.assertDictOfArraysAlmostEqual(m.landm_xyz, template.landm_xyz) import json import yaml import pickle tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('bodylabs-test') test_files = [ (yaml, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'landmarks.yaml'), 'w'), (yaml, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'landmarks.yml'), 'w'), (json, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'landmarks.json'), 'w'), (pickle, os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'landmarks.pkl'), 'wb'), ] test_data_ind = dict((n, int(v)) for n, v in template.landm.items()) test_data_xyz = dict((n, v.tolist()) for n, v in template.landm_xyz.items()) for loader, filename, mode in test_files: with open(filename, mode) as fd: loader.dump(test_data_ind, fd) test(filename) with open(filename, mode) as fd: loader.dump(test_data_xyz, fd) test(filename) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True) test(template.landm) test(template.landm_xyz) m = Mesh(filename=template_fname, landmarks=[0, 1, 2]) self.assertEqual(m.landm, {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2}) m = Mesh(filename=template_fname, landmarks=[template.v[0], template.v[7]]) self.assertDictOfArraysAlmostEqual(m.landm_xyz, {'0': template.v[0], '1': template.v[7]}) m = Mesh(filename=template_fname, landmarks=[template.v[0].tolist(), template.v[7].tolist()]) self.assertDictOfArraysAlmostEqual(m.landm_xyz, {'0': template.v[0], '1': template.v[7]})