import subprocess import re from typing import List, Tuple, Optional # Define the command to be executed command = ["python", "", "build_ext", "--inplace"] # Execute the command result =, capture_output=True, text=True) # Print the output and error (if any) print("Output:\n", result.stdout) print("Errors:\n", result.stderr) # Check if the command was successful if result.returncode == 0: print("Command executed successfully.") else: print("Command failed with return code:", result.returncode) import gradio as gr from datetime import datetime import os os.environ["TORCH_CUDNN_SDPA_ENABLED"] = "1" import torch import numpy as np import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image, ImageFilter from sam2.build_sam import build_sam2_video_predictor from moviepy.editor import ImageSequenceClip def get_video_properties(video_path): # Open the video file cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) if not cap.isOpened(): print("Error: Could not open video.") return None # Get the FPS of the video fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) # Get the width and height of the video width = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) height = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) # Release the video capture object cap.release() return fps, width, height def clear_points(image): # we clean all return [ image, # first_frame_path gr.State([]), # tracking_points gr.State([]), # trackings_input_label image, # points_map #gr.State() # stored_inference_state ] def preprocess_video_in(video_path): # Generate a unique ID based on the current date and time unique_id ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') # Set directory with this ID to store video frames extracted_frames_output_dir = f'frames_{unique_id}' # Create the output directory os.makedirs(extracted_frames_output_dir, exist_ok=True) ### Process video frames ### # Open the video file cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) if not cap.isOpened(): print("Error: Could not open video.") return None # Get the frames per second (FPS) of the video fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) # Calculate the number of frames to process (10 seconds of video) max_frames = int(fps * 10) frame_number = 0 first_frame = None while True: ret, frame = if not ret or frame_number >= max_frames: break # Format the frame filename as '00000.jpg' frame_filename = os.path.join(extracted_frames_output_dir, f'{frame_number:05d}.jpg') # Save the frame as a JPEG file cv2.imwrite(frame_filename, frame) # Store the first frame if frame_number == 0: first_frame = frame_filename frame_number += 1 # Release the video capture object cap.release() # scan all the JPEG frame names in this directory scanned_frames = [ p for p in os.listdir(extracted_frames_output_dir) if os.path.splitext(p)[-1] in [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".JPG", ".JPEG"] ] scanned_frames.sort(key=lambda p: int(os.path.splitext(p)[0])) # print(f"SCANNED_FRAMES: {scanned_frames}") return [ first_frame, # first_frame_path gr.State([]), # tracking_points gr.State([]), # trackings_input_label first_frame, # input_first_frame_image first_frame, # points_map extracted_frames_output_dir, # video_frames_dir scanned_frames, # scanned_frames None, # stored_inference_state None, # stored_frame_names gr.update(open=False) # video_in_drawer ] def get_point(point_type, tracking_points, trackings_input_label, input_first_frame_image, evt: gr.SelectData): print(f"You selected {evt.value} at {evt.index} from {}") tracking_points.value.append(evt.index) print(f"TRACKING POINT: {tracking_points.value}") if point_type == "include": trackings_input_label.value.append(1) elif point_type == "exclude": trackings_input_label.value.append(0) print(f"TRACKING INPUT LABEL: {trackings_input_label.value}") # Open the image and get its dimensions transparent_background ='RGBA') w, h = transparent_background.size # Define the circle radius as a fraction of the smaller dimension fraction = 0.02 # You can adjust this value as needed radius = int(fraction * min(w, h)) # Create a transparent layer to draw on transparent_layer = np.zeros((h, w, 4), dtype=np.uint8) for index, track in enumerate(tracking_points.value): if trackings_input_label.value[index] == 1:, track, radius, (0, 255, 0, 255), -1) else:, track, radius, (255, 0, 0, 255), -1) # Convert the transparent layer back to an image transparent_layer = Image.fromarray(transparent_layer, 'RGBA') selected_point_map = Image.alpha_composite(transparent_background, transparent_layer) return tracking_points, trackings_input_label, selected_point_map # use bfloat16 for the entire notebook torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.bfloat16).__enter__() if torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0).major >= 8: # turn on tfloat32 for Ampere GPUs ( torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True def show_mask(mask, ax, obj_id=None, random_color=False): if random_color: color = np.concatenate([np.random.random(3), np.array([0.6])], axis=0) else: cmap = plt.get_cmap("tab10") cmap_idx = 0 if obj_id is None else obj_id color = np.array([*cmap(cmap_idx)[:3], 0.6]) h, w = mask.shape[-2:] mask_image = mask.reshape(h, w, 1) * color.reshape(1, 1, -1) ax.imshow(mask_image) def show_white_mask(mask, ax): # Ensure mask is binary (values 0 or 1) mask = (mask > 0).astype(float) # Convert to binary mask h, w = mask.shape[-2:] # Create a white mask (RGBA: [1, 1, 1, alpha]) alpha = 1.0 # Fully opaque color = np.array([1, 1, 1, alpha]) mask_image = mask.reshape(h, w, 1) * color.reshape(1, 1, -1) # Display black background ax.imshow(np.zeros((h, w, 3), dtype=float)) # Black background ax.imshow(mask_image) # Overlay white mask def show_points(coords, labels, ax, marker_size=200): pos_points = coords[labels==1] neg_points = coords[labels==0] ax.scatter(pos_points[:, 0], pos_points[:, 1], color='green', marker='*', s=marker_size, edgecolor='white', linewidth=1.25) ax.scatter(neg_points[:, 0], neg_points[:, 1], color='red', marker='*', s=marker_size, edgecolor='white', linewidth=1.25) def show_box(box, ax): x0, y0 = box[0], box[1] w, h = box[2] - box[0], box[3] - box[1] ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((x0, y0), w, h, edgecolor='green', facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0), lw=2)) def load_model(checkpoint): # Load model accordingly to user's choice if checkpoint == "tiny": sam2_checkpoint = "./checkpoints/" model_cfg = "sam2_hiera_t.yaml" return [sam2_checkpoint, model_cfg] elif checkpoint == "samll": sam2_checkpoint = "./checkpoints/" model_cfg = "sam2_hiera_s.yaml" return [sam2_checkpoint, model_cfg] elif checkpoint == "base-plus": sam2_checkpoint = "./checkpoints/" model_cfg = "sam2_hiera_b+.yaml" return [sam2_checkpoint, model_cfg] elif checkpoint == "large": sam2_checkpoint = "./checkpoints/" model_cfg = "sam2_hiera_l.yaml" return [sam2_checkpoint, model_cfg] def get_mask_sam_process( stored_inference_state, input_first_frame_image, checkpoint, tracking_points, trackings_input_label, video_frames_dir, # extracted_frames_output_dir defined in 'preprocess_video_in' function scanned_frames, working_frame: str = None, # current frame being added points available_frames_to_check: List[str] = [], # progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True) ): # get model and model config paths print(f"USER CHOSEN CHECKPOINT: {checkpoint}") sam2_checkpoint, model_cfg = load_model(checkpoint) print("MODEL LOADED") # set predictor predictor = build_sam2_video_predictor(model_cfg, sam2_checkpoint) print("PREDICTOR READY") # `video_dir` a directory of JPEG frames with filenames like `.jpg` # print(f"STATE FRAME OUTPUT DIRECTORY: {video_frames_dir}") video_dir = video_frames_dir # scan all the JPEG frame names in this directory frame_names = scanned_frames # print(f"STORED INFERENCE STEP: {stored_inference_state}") if stored_inference_state is None: # Init SAM2 inference_state inference_state = predictor.init_state(video_path=video_dir) print("NEW INFERENCE_STATE INITIATED") else: inference_state = stored_inference_state # segment and track one object # predictor.reset_state(inference_state) # if any previous tracking, reset ### HANDLING WORKING FRAME # new_working_frame = None # Add new point if working_frame is None: ann_frame_idx = 0 # the frame index we interact with, 0 if it is the first frame working_frame = "frame_0.jpg" else: # Use a regular expression to find the integer match ='frame_(\d+)', working_frame) if match: # Extract the integer from the match frame_number = int( ann_frame_idx = frame_number print(f"NEW_WORKING_FRAME PATH: {working_frame}") ann_obj_id = 1 # give a unique id to each object we interact with (it can be any integers) # Let's add a positive click at (x, y) = (210, 350) to get started points = np.array(tracking_points.value, dtype=np.float32) # for labels, `1` means positive click and `0` means negative click labels = np.array(trackings_input_label.value, np.int32) _, out_obj_ids, out_mask_logits = predictor.add_new_points( inference_state=inference_state, frame_idx=ann_frame_idx, obj_id=ann_obj_id, points=points, labels=labels, ) # Create the plot plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.title(f"frame {ann_frame_idx}") plt.imshow(, frame_names[ann_frame_idx]))) show_points(points, labels, plt.gca()) show_mask((out_mask_logits[0] > 0.0).cpu().numpy(), plt.gca(), obj_id=out_obj_ids[0]) # Save the plot as a JPG file first_frame_output_filename = "output_first_frame.jpg" plt.savefig(first_frame_output_filename, format='jpg') plt.close() torch.cuda.empty_cache() # Assuming available_frames_to_check.value is a list if working_frame not in available_frames_to_check: available_frames_to_check.append(working_frame) print(available_frames_to_check) return gr.update(visible=True), "output_first_frame.jpg", frame_names, predictor, inference_state, gr.update(choices=available_frames_to_check, value=working_frame, visible=True) def propagate_to_all(video_in, checkpoint, stored_inference_state, stored_frame_names, video_frames_dir, vis_frame_type, available_frames_to_check, working_frame, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): #### PROPAGATION #### sam2_checkpoint, model_cfg = load_model(checkpoint) predictor = build_sam2_video_predictor(model_cfg, sam2_checkpoint) inference_state = stored_inference_state frame_names = stored_frame_names video_dir = video_frames_dir # Define a directory to save the JPEG images frames_output_dir = "frames_output_images" os.makedirs(frames_output_dir, exist_ok=True) mask_frames_output_dir = "mask_frames_output_images" os.makedirs(mask_frames_output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Initialize a list to store file paths of saved images jpeg_images = [] masks_images = [] # run propagation throughout the video and collect the results in a dict video_segments = {} # video_segments contains the per-frame segmentation results for out_frame_idx, out_obj_ids, out_mask_logits in predictor.propagate_in_video(inference_state): video_segments[out_frame_idx] = { out_obj_id: (out_mask_logits[i] > 0.0).cpu().numpy() for i, out_obj_id in enumerate(out_obj_ids) } # render the segmentation results every few frames if vis_frame_type == "check": vis_frame_stride = 15 elif vis_frame_type == "render": vis_frame_stride = 1 plt.close("all") for out_frame_idx in range(0, len(frame_names), vis_frame_stride): plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) plt.title(f"frame {out_frame_idx}") plt.imshow(, frame_names[out_frame_idx]))) for out_obj_id, out_mask in video_segments[out_frame_idx].items(): show_mask(out_mask, plt.gca(), obj_id=out_obj_id) # Define the output filename and save the figure as a JPEG file output_filename = os.path.join(frames_output_dir, f"frame_{out_frame_idx}.jpg") plt.savefig(output_filename, format='jpg') # Close the plot plt.close() # Append the file path to the list jpeg_images.append(output_filename) if f"frame_{out_frame_idx}.jpg" not in available_frames_to_check: available_frames_to_check.append(f"frame_{out_frame_idx}.jpg") # Step 2: Create and store a black-and-white mask image using show_white_mask # Create a figure without displaying it for the white mask fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) ax.axis("off") # Remove axes for a clean mask # Overlay each mask as white on a black background for out_mask in video_segments[out_frame_idx].values(): show_white_mask(out_mask, ax) # Save the white mask figure to an image in memory mask_filename = os.path.join(mask_frames_output_dir, f"mask_{out_frame_idx}.jpg") fig.savefig(mask_filename, format='jpg', bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0) plt.close(fig) # Add the saved mask image to the masks_images array masks_images.append(mask_filename) torch.cuda.empty_cache() print(f"JPEG_IMAGES: {jpeg_images}") if vis_frame_type == "check": return gr.update(value=jpeg_images), gr.update(value=None), gr.update(choices=available_frames_to_check, value=working_frame, visible=True), available_frames_to_check, gr.update(visible=True), None elif vis_frame_type == "render": # Create a video clip from the image sequence original_fps, o_width, o_height = get_video_properties(video_in) fps = original_fps # Frames per second total_frames = len(jpeg_images) clip = ImageSequenceClip(jpeg_images, fps=fps) # Write the result to a file final_vid_output_path = "output_video.mp4" # Write the result to a file clip.write_videofile( final_vid_output_path, codec='libx264' ) print("MAKING MASK VIDEO ...") # Create a video from the masks_images array mask_video_filename = "final_masks_video.mp4" # Define the video writer with the original video's dimensions fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"mp4v") video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(mask_video_filename, fourcc, fps, (o_width, o_height)) # Write each mask image to the video for mask_path in masks_images: # Read the mask frame frame = cv2.imread(mask_path) # Resize the mask frame to the original video's dimensions frame_resized = cv2.resize(frame, (o_width, o_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) # Write the resized frame to the video video_writer.write(frame_resized) # Release the video writer video_writer.release() print(f"Mask Video saved at {mask_video_filename}") return gr.update(value=None), gr.update(value=final_vid_output_path), working_frame, available_frames_to_check, gr.update(visible=True), mask_video_filename def update_ui(vis_frame_type): if vis_frame_type == "check": return gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=False) elif vis_frame_type == "render": return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=True) def switch_working_frame(working_frame, scanned_frames, video_frames_dir): new_working_frame = None if working_frame == None: new_working_frame = os.path.join(video_frames_dir, scanned_frames[0]) else: # Use a regular expression to find the integer match ='frame_(\d+)', working_frame) if match: # Extract the integer from the match frame_number = int( ann_frame_idx = frame_number new_working_frame = os.path.join(video_frames_dir, scanned_frames[ann_frame_idx]) return gr.State([]), gr.State([]), new_working_frame, new_working_frame def reset_propagation(first_frame_path, predictor, stored_inference_state): predictor.reset_state(stored_inference_state) # print(f"RESET State: {stored_inference_state} ") return first_frame_path, gr.State([]), gr.State([]), gr.update(value=None, visible=False), stored_inference_state, None, ["frame_0.jpg"], first_frame_path, "frame_0.jpg", gr.update(visible=False) css=""" div#component-18, div#component-25, div#component-35, div#component-41{ align-items: stretch!important; } """ with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: first_frame_path = gr.State() tracking_points = gr.State([]) trackings_input_label = gr.State([]) video_frames_dir = gr.State() scanned_frames = gr.State() loaded_predictor = gr.State() stored_inference_state = gr.State() stored_frame_names = gr.State() available_frames_to_check = gr.State([]) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("# SAM2 Video Predictor") gr.Markdown("This is a simple demo for video segmentation with SAM2.") gr.Markdown("""Instructions: (read the instructions) 1. Upload your video [MP4-24fps] 2. With 'include' point type selected, Click on the object to mask on first frame 3. Switch to 'exclude' point type if you want to specify an area to avoid 4. Get Mask ! 5. Check Propagation every 15 frames 6. Add point on corresponding frame number if any mask needs to be refined 7. If propagation seems ok on every 15 frames, propagate with "render" to render final masked video ! 8. Hit Reset button if you want to refresh and start again. * Input video will be processed over 10 seconds only for demo purpose :) """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(): with gr.Group(): with gr.Row(): point_type = gr.Radio(label="point type", choices=["include", "exclude"], value="include", scale=2) clear_points_btn = gr.Button("Clear Points", scale=1) input_first_frame_image = gr.Image(label="input image", interactive=False, type="filepath", visible=False) points_map = gr.Image( label="Point n Click map", type="filepath", interactive=False ) with gr.Group(): with gr.Row(): checkpoint = gr.Dropdown(label="Checkpoint", choices=["tiny", "small", "base-plus", "large"], value="tiny") submit_btn = gr.Button("Get Mask", size="lg") with gr.Accordion("Your video IN", open=True) as video_in_drawer: video_in = gr.Video(label="Video IN", format="mp4") with gr.Group(): with gr.Group(): with gr.Row(): working_frame = gr.Dropdown(label="working frame ID", choices=[""], value=None, visible=False, allow_custom_value=False, interactive=True) change_current = gr.Button("change current", visible=False) output_result = gr.Image(label="current working mask ref") with gr.Group(): with gr.Row(): vis_frame_type = gr.Radio(label="Propagation level", choices=["check", "render"], value="check", scale=2) propagate_btn = gr.Button("Propagate", scale=1) reset_prpgt_brn = gr.Button("Reset", visible=False) gr.HTML(""" Duplicate this Space to skip queue and avoid OOM errors from heavy public load """) with gr.Column(): output_propagated = gr.Gallery(label="Propagated Mask samples gallery", columns=4, visible=False) output_video = gr.Video(visible=False) mask_final_output = gr.Video(label="Mask Video") # output_result_mask = gr.Image() # When new video is uploaded video_in.upload( fn = preprocess_video_in, inputs = [video_in], outputs = [ first_frame_path, tracking_points, # update Tracking Points in the gr.State([]) object trackings_input_label, # update Tracking Labels in the gr.State([]) object input_first_frame_image, # hidden component used as ref when clearing points points_map, # Image component where we add new tracking points video_frames_dir, # Array where frames from video_in are deep stored scanned_frames, # Scanned frames by SAM2 stored_inference_state, # Sam2 inference state stored_frame_names, # video_in_drawer, # Accordion to hide uploaded video player ], queue = False ) # triggered when we click on image to add new points fn = get_point, inputs = [ point_type, # "include" or "exclude" tracking_points, # get tracking_points values trackings_input_label, # get tracking label values input_first_frame_image, # gr.State() first frame path ], outputs = [ tracking_points, # updated with new points trackings_input_label, # updated with corresponding labels points_map, # updated image with points ], queue = False ) # Clear every points clicked and added to the map fn = clear_points, inputs = input_first_frame_image, # we get the untouched hidden image outputs = [ first_frame_path, tracking_points, trackings_input_label, points_map, #stored_inference_state, ], queue=False ) fn = switch_working_frame, inputs = [working_frame, scanned_frames, video_frames_dir], outputs = [tracking_points, trackings_input_label, input_first_frame_image, points_map], queue=False ) fn = get_mask_sam_process, inputs = [ stored_inference_state, input_first_frame_image, checkpoint, tracking_points, trackings_input_label, video_frames_dir, scanned_frames, working_frame, available_frames_to_check, ], outputs = [ change_current, output_result, stored_frame_names, loaded_predictor, stored_inference_state, working_frame, ], queue=False ) fn = reset_propagation, inputs = [first_frame_path, loaded_predictor, stored_inference_state], outputs = [points_map, tracking_points, trackings_input_label, output_propagated, stored_inference_state, output_result, available_frames_to_check, input_first_frame_image, working_frame, reset_prpgt_brn], queue=False ) fn = update_ui, inputs = [vis_frame_type], outputs = [output_propagated, output_video], queue=False ).then( fn = propagate_to_all, inputs = [video_in, checkpoint, stored_inference_state, stored_frame_names, video_frames_dir, vis_frame_type, available_frames_to_check, working_frame], outputs = [output_propagated, output_video, working_frame, available_frames_to_check, reset_prpgt_brn, mask_final_output] ) demo.launch(show_api=False, show_error=True)