tweet_id,safe_text 00BHHHP1," ... & 4 a vaccine given 2 healthy peeps, FDA think just not worth the AE risk unfortunately." 00UNMD0E,Students starting school without whooping cough vaccinations #scpick 01AXPTJF,"I'm kinda over every ep of being ""ripped from the headlines."" Measles? Let's get back to crime. #SVU" 01HOEQJW,How many innocent children die for lack of vaccination each year? Around 1.5 million. Too bad all their parents couldn't be here. #SB277 01JUKMAO,"CDC eyeing bird flu vaccine for humans, though risk is low: Federal officials said Wednesday they're taking steps… " 01V1X8XW,I think that active duty soldiers should get vaccines first then anyone who has served then civilians in a disease out break. 01VCVYR0,"New Choices For Seasonal Flu Vaccines: WebMD Health NewsBy Brenda Goodman, MAReviewed by Michael W. Smith,... " 01VO7KBO,"As if the vaccination scares weren't enough, thank you for using scare tactics to further your own cause. " 020SYHIL,Vaccines are Key to Good Health via 02CQIJUI,"Mom: ""do you feel sick in any other way? A fever? Maybe a cough? Pink eye is a symptom of Measles, I looked it up"" 😑" 02OLGGYV, : I have built up immunity to those disease ridden kids! Ha 02VDQ7JT, Study of 1.3 Million Kids Reveals Vaccines Aren't Associated with Autism 03VDEOFZ,Vaccines :-0 (@ Cherokee County Health Department) 03W32GF1, Are you sure you want to come back to a measles outbreak? 0415LSAN,Oh well An 18-month-old who had not been vaccinated against measles has died of the virus. 047IZEE1,"KCMO Health Depart:If you want a nasal flu vaccine, get it today! They're down to a few doses. 500 shots available.Details on " 04BA7VQ9,A stipulation on Jay's contract should be that like 40$ goes towards vaccinating his damn children. 04Q6QMSI,"If you do not vaccinate your children, let me know so I can find where you live and beat the stupid out of you." 04UJ9Q31,Currently at the health department waiting for vaccines for law school. Whoever decided this is where I had to get vaccinated is an idiot. 04W0XJEJ," and again, they do have mandates - w/ criminal penalty. Though not for MMR." 05277SI4,Disney parks-linked measles outbreak grows to 70 cases 05OKQQBU,#hatemondays#fml#immunization#health#mmr#vaccine 😭💉 @ NYC Department of Education 05PUPGUS,This made me think of you. Seattle Kings Of Leon fans may have been exposed to measles 0749FDXA,"This is how infectious diseases start, thx for the measles unvaccinated crazies of SF" 078BED1W,8 out of 12 patents admitted children developed autism after MMR vaccine. Safe? Vaccines cause illness. Lifetime damage. (@ Rosen... 07B3FVUX,"Almighty Jesus, Nobody Gave Me Nothing But The MotherFxckin Measles!" 07SO3YBG,#SB277 is bullshit and a crime against all humanity. My child won't be vaccinated !! 07VBSV9R,I've come to realize that there are very few things that make my blood boil more than the decision to not immunize your children. 07VRJ7KY,On the Health dept side getting my Grandson's immunizations. :-( (@ Brazoria County WIC office Clute) 07ZUS2DD,My poor baby needs his vaccines :( (at Pet Hospital) 08DJ5XND,Where are my parents?? I need the truck. I need to go to school and get my vaccine shot. ; p 08HY52OR,“Why measles in the U.S. may just be getting started 08ZVZMNA,Getting immunizations for South America. Happy valentines day! (@ Aurora Health Care - Occupational Health) 09D4JMNJ,Early Childhood Education is the 'education-vaccine' & dont forget to educate parents #InvestEarly 09DSYIQ7,Safe to say NyQuil has no more sleepy affects on me anymore 😞 #immunity 09O38XEV,"Bigger than a swamp possum with the measles laid out in the sun. ::: shit Oklahoma ppl say" 0A21KQ6M, he has like some rare form of the measles :/ 0A5K6EBZ,Measles found in Tarrant County: A parent and child were diagnosed with the disease and officials are searching... 0AKC7N18,"If you opt to not get your children vaccinated you are not only putting them at risk for infectious diseases, but you're helping to prevent" 0AVGJKYZ,"Measles cases in California soar: Last Wednesday, the number was 59. Nine days later, there are 91 cases of measles… " 0BJTMHMU,Got my MMR in Dota 2. 2081. I disgust myself. A miserable plebe. 25th percentile. Barely. Blech. 0BLHVV1M,"MMR Magazine recognizes Hailun as a Legacy Product, completely dominating the… " 0C4IZ2NQ, I believe they have bad info and have never seen death triggered by measles or whooping cough. Children will die. 0C5GV66O,RT How #vaccinations stopped the spread of #measles in US - great #vaccineswork 0CBOHX9M,Sad reality: 100s of kids in USA have died of completely preventable diseases in past 10yrs. Do you really need more reason to vaccinate? 0CCJ1SMQ,I had to send in a waver to my school that I didn't want to get a vaccination due to religious blah blah but I'm actually just lazy. 0CGQFX6F, no - most high schools have immunity 0CQ3QSYS,My job is offering FREE vaccination shots . Some of my co workers aren't getting them because they're scared if needles #StupidChoices 0CXVNB4Q,Children's Museum of Houston to Offer Free Vaccinations 0D33P1WR,#WakeUpAmeirca if your child is vaccinated how can a child who is not vaccinated be a danger to them. I'm vaccinated so I can't get it. 0D3W2EG9,I still think the Rhogam shot and the overload of vaccinations containing mercury are the reason Olivia is so mentally unstable... 0D7OGTTQ,A High Number Of California Child-Care Centers Have Low Vaccination Rates 0DCGQEQD,"Calling all young adults: 18-40, from the MMR area! Check us out on Facebook at… " 0DFIQMAV, I well remember when I got measles. I was in 3rd grade & my sister had them at same time. #idchat 0DOD5YV1, Ridiculous! Vaccinate your children! I've watched these kids die preventable diseases!! 0DSEXSUT,Great article. Vaccinate your kids!!! RT Some very real reasons to vaccinate your kids: 0E5E5VOC,Travis County Health department offers meningitis vaccine; Input sought for Round Rock summer reading program:... 0EILVR8Z,getting this work done b4 I make this next move #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG @ The Westin Charlotte 0ELNXTUQ,"Austerity is not a Vaccine to Crisis... It is a Parasite with Pandemic Potential! It Drains Life, Killing Slowly! #OccupyBoston" 0F36Y853,“ cases in USA hit 20-year high years ago reports were measles almost extinct! 0FCA4MPB,There's a huge outbreak of measles in Illinois. Thank god I live in Chicago and NOT Illinois. 0FKEWN0K,"“ 23 February 1954: The first mass inoculation of children against polio with the Salk vaccine began. It's says April 19, 1955" 0FOBE3OZ," are you sure this is a measles image? Looks like skin cell under magnification ? " 0FX9QJAS,SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS EVERYBODY! #gingershots #wheatgrass #flushots #vegan #chicago #raw #cafe #immunity #health #cleanse 0G18CCZX,"2011 Supreme Court changed language of the Vaccine Act freeing big pharma of ALL liability, reasoning that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe”" 0G3S14B8, #BlackLivesMatter #CDCWhistleblower African American Boys 3x more Likely to get Autism from Vaccines #MINE 0G5WK2AZ," So when you have something intelligent to say on the subject and/or have a relative injured by vaccines, get back to me ok? Thanks!" 0GB1F2Q5,THIS IS A MUST READ! I Rolled My Eyes at Parents Who Said Vaccines Caused Their Kids’ Autism #CDCwhistleblower 0GBJQZB7,State Senate votes to end 'philosophical' vaccine exemption: The state Senate voted Wednesday to end the… 0GG5Y3LI,So #UTMB has had an #Ebola vaccine for 9+ yrs but there wasn't enough demand. 900+ deaths worldwide but now 3 US cases & it's an epidemic... 0GOLHGV0,Inovio ($INO) just presented its cancer and infectious disease vaccine pipeline. Next up at #OneMedForum are $DMPI $DRIO $PBIO 0H40XA1I,"Well, perhaps you guys might want to attend this month's MMR? (I'm leading!)" 0HAAKCTM," are you against the measles vaccination? I thought that was the past, when they didn't know but thought maybe? Even rocks" 0HZWVJSU,Vaccine-preventable diseases are back! But are they here to stay?: As the number of measles cases in California… 0HZZT3VB, has Great info on #LA's anti-vaccination movement that puts kids at risk 0I1SE7QS,Is it true the secret ingredient to the Ebola vaccine is nicotine? 0I6TQSZE,MMR sighting in Deerfield and its only 8:30. Kids these days. 0IBBENNY,These two #azkids kindly ask you to keep them safe. Stop the insanity! #VaccinateYourKids 0INHGQUR,This shot they have me yesterday made me wake up feeling like crap 😷😩 #sick #mmr #wahhh 0IRU7WSZ,I'm WAY underdressed for my immunization shots. I didn't know. (@ Passport Health LA) 0J1KH6IR,"#goingbackwards remember #drwakefield? "" Remembering How to Fight Measles " 0JFPL4WS,"Toddler dies of measles in Berlin, 1st death in outbreak: An 18-month-old boy has died of measles amid an outbreak… " 0JOKLM2W,Woman Who Refused to Lie About Vaccines and was Kicked out of Nursing School Fights Back with Lawsuit via 0JRF3UU6,Summer a great time to get kids immunized: Metro Health reminds parents to make vaccinations a top priority when... 0JWZZYP6," Where did you get that info? If you catch the disease and your body fights it off, you acquire natural immunity" 0K600HFK,Washington woman’s measles death is first in US since 2003: Washington state health officials say measles caused… 0KIQZZ55,More baby vaccines. This kid may not be a happy camper tonight. (@ Garden Grove Hospital & Medical Center) 0KTRZU3F,Children are the vaccine to baby fever. Go hang with one for a day. 0L5FPE0M," now there is a strategy I can get behind, let's send them the measles" 0LJU7D73,Measles takes a political turn as lawmakers wade into vaccine debate via 0M5P9LC5,"Basic disease control: if you don't vaccinate one individual, he can be a risk to the whole community. Common sense? Not to all. #USA #cough" 0M738I3J," also I'm pro vaccinations, all the research from credible scientist say benefits outweigh the risks." 0MKZBCYV,Fuck people who don't vaccinate their children 0MQ7K6CC, threatening public health. #fail #dontflydelta RT Delta Air Lines goes anti-vaccine 0NEYSYJE,Everyone's all stressed about unvaccinated kids and measles. They should chill out and let Darwin do his thing. 0NM97TFK,Here at the Capitol to tell our lawmakers we are passionate about global childhood immunization… 0NYFVKVR,“ GOP Congressman Falsely Accuses Immigrants of Carrying Diseases – Opposed Mandatory Vaccinations in U.S. 0OGKWRB6,"tht bitch face swole like she got the measles , 😂😂" 0P0F7Z28, if he's had his measles mumps and rubella shot then you're safe. That's how vaccines work lol 0P1W9RZV,1 unvaccinated child was patient 0 in measles epidemic. If you're anti- #vaccines please don't have children. #health 0PKQN5ZH,"Benefits of music: - Stress relief - Boost immunity - Reduce heart disease - Enhances emotional strength - Boost self esteem" 0Q269J05,"Risk of transmission is low but state will be offering vaccine. No final number for exposure window, but could be as high as 600 to 1000" 0QAJE1TS, what was your MMR around? after playing wih gold/plats its so hardbto play with silver kids. I'd play with u but other ppl r dumb 0QP8BFOL,"If you don't vaccinate your children, you should look in the mirror and say the words ""I am a complete moron and am unfit to be a parent""." 0QPJGR5L, them off cuz it's designed for people to climb if they deserve it. One win is worth like 2-3 losses if ur MMR is decent 0QY53C2D, Am glad to see this because in spite of 2 MMRs I have no immunity to measles. 0RBILGAY,FFS --> RT Congressman: Measles outbreak may be caused by ‘illegal aliens’ 0RLELG5C,Measles! Am I at risk? Do I need measles vaccine? 0RPFLABS,"New rotavirus vaccines seem safer, studies find: By MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP Chief Medical Writer Newer vaccines... " 0S7CQ4NM,Checkup & vaccines.. Baby is about to be a sad baby. :-/ (@ Kaiser Permanente HB) 0S94ZK8X, CHICKEN LITTLE because of disgusting fear mongers like you childhood diseases once controlled by immunization R on the rise.. 0SKCHVYQ, true....just think/research real immunity and how ur body produces it vs. vax induced...vax dont cause harm until they do 0SPN656F,"Autism and vaccinations. Is there a connection? Some parents say yes. What docs say, on air now " 0SYVQUV3,Today in 1954: Kids receive first polio vaccine in Pittsburgh 0T9M01HO,Waiting for a measles shot....waiting.... (@ Okubo Medical And Dental Complex) 0TD9MYE7,Italian court rules mercury and aluminum in vaccines cause autism: US media continues total b… via 0TVVGK0Y, truth on vaccines: 0U5K9354,School Kids And Vaccines: New Numbers Show More California Students Are Not Getting Their Shots: The number of... 0UAS9KZ8, so you are suggesting business as usual? That only strengthens the school and gives them immunity. 0UU0K2M9, That is 100% true! They r now trying to come up with a law that would force all parents to immunize their kids. No exceptions! 0V0E36KX,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " 0VJRIRF2,"Reminder: Jay Cutler thinks this is good parenting, but thinks vaccinating your kids is child abuse. " 0VPWA7OP," well, I don't know where the conspiracy reference comes from, but GMOs are delicious and vaccines..." 0VZZVO8K,Balt. urges vaccinations before back-to-school: Health Commissioner Leana Wen joined Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake… 0WJ49YKS,"Boys can get vaccine, too. RT“ Facing resistance, health officials want more girls to get HPV vaccinations: " 0WRP7CRH,"Vaccinate. Your. Kids. "" 26 measles cases reported w ties to Disney theme parks " 0WT10TDJ,"You see this is what we are talking about, get #vaccinated: Anti-vaxxers give diseases a 2nd life via " 0X5OKEGG,Measles might be about 35 miles from my house. 0X5XXYXV,Philly leads nation with rate of HPV vaccination: Last week federal health officials said too few teenagers are… 0X7XSWH8,Rand Paul said vaccinations for children should be the choice of parents. When I asked about the measles outbreak he skirted the question. 0X9NOJIT,"Philippines measles outbreak increases by 30,000 cases since June there have been 47,000 this year already - wow!" 0XA3P7K9,I bet our culture and society do more to induce autism than what some people claim vaccines do. 0XES42U3,State officials say 15th case of measles reported in Cook County: The 15th case of measles has been confirmed in… 0XG1BZYN,Nancy Hansell and Steve from MMR @ Bates Motel & Haunted Hayride 0XKCZLPF,Protecting Babies Against Measles 0XLA0FDU," U.N. agencies shocked and saddened by the vaccination deaths deaths in Syria." 0XYD76FK,Measles cases turn attention to bounty of childhood vaccines 0Y09E8RV,In what normal way of the world can you possibly feed and vaccinate a child in #Africa for a day on 30 cents #TelevisionCommercials 0YDK8S9C,AIDS N : Could mimicking infants' immune response produce a faster-acting HIV vaccine? 0YIZRXBP,S/o to my fellow unvaccinated folks. Hope we don't get the measles #prayforus 0YJTCA8W,CDC Vaccine Price List Update 0YNM4HVC,SB1376 [NEW] Schools; providing certain immunity for administering corporal punishment; providing for plans of i... 0YTZPELQ,Only thing left to do now is get my immunization sheets done for college. Then everything will be complete for school in the fall. 😁👏🙏👍👌💚 0Z2MDPDT,Fuck a bunch of measles outbreak at Disneyland 😣😣😣 0Z2RHQDH,Getting my tetanus vaccine for working with finches this summer (at Campus Health Center) 102U0YX3,"At Emeryville YMCA preschool, touts bill to require #vaccines for all kids in HeadStart. #measles " 107C2L0T,Not vaccinating your children for fear of Autism is the stupidest thing ever 107DHDBX,"Taking for her vaccinations. Poor, scared pup. (@ Collins Memorial Animal Hospital) " 10BYCU8A, well I've decided no MMR vac for Noah ...he is immune to measles so no more damage to brain! 10HEMN9C,Measles 10VK7LE1, first thought because I turn on tv and Manilow song is on..turn on 'mmr and they have an advert for Joel concert! #ridgeandbone 10YYE0DC,My morning #motivation Bomb the shit out of #ISIS #vaccinate your germ spreading kids and #spay or #neuter your horny animals! I have #NOD 10YZV5WC,Baby Tested Positive For Measles At Santa Monica High Toddler Center 10ZG51MZ,...Yeah you remember this... madhatterdc #mmr #areyouafraidofthedark #classic #madhatterdc… 110TCSFM,Finished my last vaccinations & final TB-Test reading today. 1 step closer to starting my #ChildLifeInternship #AmandaandLolaTakeMissouri 😊 11GUK2S1,Montgomery County Public Health Clinic may have administered ineffective vaccines 11HBNHBZ, measles side effect 11IVYVX2,Getting my shots for our Africa trip this month. #BTCEthiopia @ Passport Health-Immunization & Travel… 12L8FLPV, calling autism damage is disgusting & insulting to autistics #vaccinesdontcauseautism #vaccinesNOVA 12NODYFQ,“Mandate CDC do double blind study /autism rates of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated control groups. #CDCwhistleblower 12SDZ9RH,"HPV Vaccination: A Public Health Opportunity, a Public Responsibility Preventing cancer with knowledge #empowerwomen " 1389W54H,Officials: 'More cases' expected in measles cluster at Palatine day care center - 13BVQ17H,"So, the Bears chose an uncoachable QB who refuses to vaccinate his kids as their ""man of the year?"" What a franchise!" 13IDRQ2L,Evangelism is like measles... You just catch it. Then you give it to others. - Robert Coleman #mbc2013 13O16XLW,"AIDS : County gets funding for HIV/AIDS treatment, children's vaccines " 13P6K8QY," As you well know, Rene, ""advanced immune compromise"" mandates isolation. Risk of measles should be ""zeroed"" by contacts' vaccination" 13UO9VDI,US measles count rises to 121; most linked to Disneyland: Health officials say the number of measles cases in the… 145PEZAA,bouta get some mmr 146NWQHN,With learning how to be safe with vaccines #safetygurus 146W4L0B,"So scared of ebola, I'm going for a vaccine 😳" 14NPKO0I,Mandie & I probably have measles tbh 💅 14VKGQMD,I'm surprised I haven't got the measles. 156RKJ4J,9 measles cases linked to Disney theme parks in California: Seven Californians and two people in Utah have… 15LXW89U," I think it's generally progressive medical policy to frame things as ""risk reductive."" Certainly my vaccine trial clinicians do." 15T435VZ,Crochet or vaccinate fat kids OR eat fried chicken and put ur uggs back on??? #ScandalABC 🍗💉 15ZDGMGZ,Money #mmr #dj #dc #dupontcircle #madhatterdc #live #mixmasterrod #photoshop #djflyer #flyer #promote… 16CSK3VX," literally, if you’re not vaporizing lavender then morgellons will vaccinate your children and they’ll become evil it’s a fact" 16GABXU4,#followdatbag djhpnotiq #MMR #FDB SPINNING THOSE 1 & 2's @ I-95 Bronx… 16M3GQBL,"Goodnight America, vaccinate your kids or wake up as an actual trash bag tomorrow." 16QKOG7D,“ Why isn't #cancer trending? They cured fucking cancer.” #measles 16UV84RZ," hate kills. If we can get a vaccine for that and stupid, we'd save the planet from the worst contagious diseases." 16X4WWOG,Govt tells us what we can eat? Whether we have to be vaccinated? What kind of school we go to? What medical care we get? #WakeUpAmerica 17CA2RAB, whut. There are measles parties? What! 17U0TZP0,WOW! Young Turks Says Get Your Kids Vaccinated At DISNEYLAND! #MeaslesHoax: fuck you! 17V45OQY,"AIDS N : Many youth with HIV may be susceptible to measles, mumps and rubella " 17YJ5XC7,HPV vaccine: 1 of only areas that poverty improves ur health outcomes with better vaccine rates. #vaccinessavelives #aapworktodo 1810S3I5, me and the old man just halved a bottle of woodford. Happy give native Americans measles day Joe! 18F24KHJ,They need to be developing a vaccine around the clock for Ebola. We do not have a natural immunity to the disease 18FGTXCX,Do Canadians not get vaccinated for MMR or something? 18GHH8L1,"Austerity is not a Vaccine to Crisis... It is a Parasite with Pandemic Potential! It Drains Life, Killing Slowly! #OccupyOakland" 18JWONSH,Muslim Science #12 It was Muslims vaccinating Turkish children against smallpox that passed the technique on to Jenner & Pasteur in Europe 18KLKSIM,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " 18LR28MW,Paranoia Video Drops Tomorrow #jennifair #mmr 18X8NIYZ,"To all those idiots who refuse to vaccinate their kids because some ""celebrity"" is telling you not to, #FuckingKillYourself" 18YOVFEQ,At the vet my baby is getting a vaccination awwwww poor baby :-( 195JQFF4,NYE AT CLUB POUYAS ! WE'RE OPEN TO 6AM & WE #LITT 💥💥💥 #MMR #TheCAMPAIGN @ NEW YEARS EVE 🎉🎊🎈 1960TJV9,"This madness needs to stop Measles cases climb to 7 in Minnesota -- 3 are unvaccinated kids, 3 ... " 19A3XHW0, MMR Man 19OCHYUN,CDC importing meningitis vaccine to fight Princeton outbreak: Federal health officials have agreed to import a... 19OQCFPQ,The generation that benefitted the most from vaccines now denying them to their children. 19R1ZAK4,Texas Republican Calls For Limiting Vaccine Exemptions: A Texas Republican is taking aim at a provision in state… 19RFNUPU,The most tragic child death is one that is avoidable. #vaccine #vaccineswork #vaccinations 19TXSZ4C,"Cmon, please Ellen???? I never win anything! I couldn't win the measles#ellen8million" 1A5329KK,Person with measles visited airport Sun.: Indiana health officials have confirmed a case of measles in southern... 1AEQBETN, How do U explain (away ) 26% #measles infection among vaccinated? 1AGLX0FE, psst it means your mmr is incredibly high and you'll skip divisions on your climb through plat 1AW8QSL4,"“ Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.” Unfortunately, not a genius on that line if thought." 1AYJQ9EZ,Two things I'm sick of hearing about.... Measles and Tom Brady. 1AYVYRYQ,"“ Measles cases in the US *triple* in 2013. Why? Unvaccinated people. Yes, it’s that simple. " 1BHJM0RW,"Rabies??! Measles??! People, vaccinate those in your care." 1CDZ2D2P,Thank you unvaccinated morons for bringing the gift of measles back to the US. #outbreak 1CQEHL9J," as the email signup sheet gets passed to us: ""and that's how you get measles..."" #TheMysteryHour" 1CVJMZDF,Immunizations (@ Gwinnett Co Health Services w/ 1CW7IG3S,>>>>After getting vaccine shots ..but they can still catch the measles & the flu like many pro vaccinaters have. 1D290KFF,AB508 [NEW] Providing immunity from civil and criminal liability to certain health care providers for performing ... 1D89C1XQ,"Super TEN Spray has ingredients to help enhance vitality, immunity, and mental clarity. Use (D-Power)Vitamin D3 ... " 1DAIX0MA,#parenting #health #vaccinations “ 6 terrifying facts about #measles 1DNX3VRF," Day School, do you care to comment on this article about vaccination rates? #לאתעמודעלדםרעך #MeaslesOutbreak" 1E9EBK5B, Whats absurd about it? I have a relative who was injured permanently by vaccines. A prominent pediatrician diagnosed the injuries 1ENRJ53J,Need 92-95% vaccinated to stop disease outbreaks - approaching that threshold with anti-vaccine movements #vaccinessavelives 1EYYTF6R,"Meningitis Vaccine, mission complete! (@ Rockford Health Physicians Perryville And Convenient Care) " 1FDILM4A,Possible Measles Exposure Puts Two Counties on High Alert 1FELHUNC,. is doing awesome explaining vaccines and false causalities of developmental/health issues. #vaccinesafety #vaccineswork 1FQVXJOG,SB48 [NEW] Schools; providing immunity from liability for offering certain elective course. Effective date. Emerg... 1FTFR0JD,Corey smoked and had to call the mmr 1FUDDMOH," MT Arizona health officials are monitoring 1,000 who may have measles: " 1FY7SVW4," one got sick she piled all 7 in same room. Measles, mumps, chicken pox, influenza it made no difference - she was not serial nursing." 1G3BKVPH,"Have you heard? Both the measles and ""the mumps"" are back!! Thanks Jenny McCarthy! (et al.) Must warm heart of anti-vaccine ignoramuses." 1GLR8XRG,"New Spot Alert 💥💥💥440 Lounge ""This Saturday"" Be there celebrate your bday for Free #MMR @ 440 Lounge " 1GNA8599,Vaccinate your kids. So I can stop hearing about vaccinating your kids. 1GPSS9KB, Right now I'm all confused about abortion and disability rights due to German measles book. 1GUGJUDU,The only safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used. 1GVYL74K,Colorado: Easy State To Opt Out Of Vaccinations: As the Measles outbreak continues to grow in the U.S. with cases… 1H0CHYJV,Michelle Bachman is a moron. If she gets the HPV vaccine banned she is killing thousands of women. 1H6D8SIO, and measles vaccine is one of the safest things out there you can do for your kids.. after they are old enough…. 1H6UCU0F, It's not about parental choice. It's about decreasing th risk your poor choices place on our community. #vaccineswork 1HLZCWBS,Measles have been Confirmed in Stillwater. 1HN5499Q," -talk about stupid-vaccine free-no vaccines, no public school-period!" 1HVDMB2S,"“ Got my flu vaccine today, hopefully I don't start developing autism” I'll keep my fingers crossed for you." 1I5Y44LR,"And I agree. Always get your kids vaccinated. If you don't, you're putting them and others in DEADLY harm" 1IK7LJZZ,Disney used to be the happiest place on earth... Until it started spreading measles 1J3NCJOO, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF 1JBC356U, I was in drag opening night of & I saw Harvey Weinstein he looked like I was Ebola measles & bird flu 1JGHA5DB,"Measles in Stillwater! Vaccinate yo kids, fools, or kindly remove yourselves from my life. ✌️" 1JGOLI11, Please sign and retweet the petition to have the FRAUDULENT MMR Vaccine Study rescinded. #autism #Aspbergers 1JO6NQRU,"I'm at MMR Constructors Group (Baton Rouge, LA) " 1JQ4RLYU, meet my vaccine injured child and you'll only need one reason. God bless him #CDCwhistleblower 1JV441U6,"Bill injects emotions into vaccine debate: Some focus on health risk of low vaccine rates, while others fear… " 1JVVJ2L3,Taking our babies for their vaccinations! #BigProject #PoorBabies @ Animal Samaritans Vet Clinic 1K7KJ3EM,"Does Your Child Attend A Measles Factory? A School-By-School Breakdown Of Immunization Rates: Nationally, Colorado… " 1KAPDGBL,When you go to a networking presentation and you end up discussing the spread of measles at Disneyland...?? 1KIXM6E7,I got my MMR BBQ tickets 1KJKYS09,Health experts say almost everyone 6 months and older should get flu vaccine: Of the 107 children who died of... 1L3TVUTI," i have a friend whose sister died, probably from SIDS, but the mom blamed vaccination & no other kids were vaccinated" 1LI7YTGK, I worry about my son who is barely a year old. He couldn't have the MMR until recently. 1LIR621Y,Don't know why this pisses me off but Disneyland getting the blame for the measles outbreak is wrong. VACCINATE YOUR EFFING KIDS! 1LJP0Q2T,“ Free vaccinations offered to Chicago students heading back to school ME TOO?!? 1LLXXFMT," How many aren't vaccinating kids in your state? Misinformed & Selfish" 1LM2659Q,Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles 1LMPYA19,What is it with people and being anti vaccine?! Vaccinate your kids! It doesn't make them autistic!! #FuckingMorons 1LWISJYN, personally I'm excited she's snarking on purple hair. That my kid & I have for lupus awareness #vaccineswork 1M3MUGT7,""" Several Studies Report that Unvaccinated Children are Healthier than Vaccinated - #VaxTruth" 1M848CXN,One hour away from hearing why one mom won't vaccinate her kids. has the story on #ARnews 1M8M8LWY,Can't wait for the #mmr*b*q but first going to see at the giant may is gonna be a awesome month 1MF8IRNZ,"No immunity for disease that is mental illness " 1MGE219Q,SFUSD board may update vaccination policy: by Laura DudnickThe San Francisco Unified School District is considering… 1MVXNBML," 😘 my face when parents say they don't believe in vaccinating their kids " 1MXZDT81,"These vaccines hurt, I'm such a tender lil baby😥" 1N5ELR4B,"[Positive thinking] ""Can improve your immunity"" ... ""Is good for your health""! Go Kendra! " 1NL1IDBL,Adoption kitties were feral babies that were rescued late last year. They're super friendly but need vaccines and spaying/neutering. 1NR57QVC,"I don't feel so special anymore "" 800 children in Europe develop narcolepsy after swine flu vaccine " 1O66DLEX,nasa thinks we'll see aliens in the next 10 years but u still dont have to vaccinate children who go to california public schools 1OG5E44N,"Thank you Safeway. Should I need a vaccination for shingles, you will be my first choice. " 1OLF5CES,""" How are babies exposed to alum? mom takes antacids, breast milk if mom uses alum deodorant, formula & vax"" #VaxTruth" 1OTCEUTB,I'm over this vaccination debate. We are gonna have to split the population into safe and possibly sick. 1OV397YI, I've loved you as long as I can remember. Keep telling the truth about vaccines. You've paid dearly for the right to speak. 1P5OSMZS,Croatia passed a law requiring all children to be vaccinated Reasoning being a parents political views do not trump a child's right to live 1PDXT443,"Flu Shot, Got. #Vaccinated #FluShot #DiseasePrevention #VaccinesWork #FluZone #Target… " 1PHQGV1K,"Still can't believe that close to 30% of children attending school in Ashland, Or haven't been fully vaccinated #vaccinewar" 1Q4973P1,#faceoff they had me scared I thought they were going to get rid of Sasha. Thank goodness for the immunity! !!! 1QHADUQ8, offhand I would say measles. Measles is considered one of the most highly contagious viruses. #idchat 1QZZ632C,"How Worried Should We Be? The Details On Measles, Mers & Whooping Cough: With the recent US outbreaks of Measles,... " 1R10AD1G,People be all scared of #Ebola and won't vaccinate their damn kids. 1R8LM9Q9,Disneyland Measles Outbreak... #ArcaMax 1RJECTL1,"Why we can't have nice things// "" Poor progress in increasing #measles vax coverage has resulted in large outbreaks""" 1RT2S3G6,"Measles symptoms according to Dr. Richard Besser: Fever Runny Nose Cough Pink Eyes u can this up on your own, online" 1RVCUR4K,the measles outbreak was engineered by Russia to test how quickly it would spread paving the way for a smallpox attack #RejectTomClancyPlots 1RWQDVG6," if Obama says the vaccines are safe, it must be true. He wouldn't lie. #nobama" 1S3AYP18,"Stretch of the millennium: How the Hobby Lobby ruling could help the Taliban deny kids polio vaccine LIBERAL LUNACY!" 1S3S29J1,CDC: #Measles cases on fastest pace since 1996 - Seattle Times 1S49M49N, I remember having measles. #GetVaccinated 1SG2X4ZU,"Dear Ultra-hip West Coasters,You know what happens when your kid doesn't get the mumps vaccine? They get the mumps! YOU got your kid sick!" 1SIX8HLK,Measles is one virus that's stable so the vaccine is very effective. 1SKCA8EP,Measles takes a political turn as lawmakers wade into vaccine debate via 1SLHV5XF," As to vaccines, hard-pressed national health services in other countries pay for it because it's a cheap, effective way to save lives" 1SNNQTIP, Hopefully Rodgers is telling him to fucking vaccinate his kid. 1SVQLHHM,“ Bad bitches never want to pay for shit” #truth they think they got immunity... lol 1T0C0J5I,I don't think parents realize their kids WILL have to get vaccinated if they ever want to live in a dorm. #dontbestupid 1TE8URRE," they have one here in del mar, California. I just vaccinated a dog that goes to libraries and the underprivileged kids read to him" 1THKW1AH,""" On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health."" #ohword" 1TYDTNXF,California governor signs strict school vaccine legislation: The governor of California has signed a contentious… 1UD6PS78,Please immunize your children and don't be stupid 1V79BWMO," The infection rate for all ages is 90% tho. The complications are more serious in the young, and no newborns are vaccinated 1/" 1V8WAUGK,5 vaccine shots for Venice... Wawa baby 😥 1VF6PHC1,Anti-vaccine mom changes stance after family medical scare - her story in BigTalkers on Action News at 4 1VS5SVNH," hey nonvaccine freak. Not only is there a measles outbreak, pertussis is on the as well, a life threatening illness in kids!" 1VTEVYH5,Karen Bishop from TCHD talking to school nurses about new immunizations requirements for 2014-15. 1VYN1VPT,I am in the book! #Malaria #vaccines #facesofhope #Seattle #research @ Center for Infectious Disease… 1WJ55D2G,"Thanks, Anti-Vaxxers. You Just Brought Back Measles in NYC. via Dumbshits.." 1WRK9FR2,"Here is Penn & Teller’s graphic illustration of #vaccine safety (beware, some graphic language). " 1WU05CCZ,"Seriously tho i think i caught the beadles measles again *that shit sounds so bad 😂 *" 1WV6C4G3,RT“ Student Suspended And Assaulted For Handing Out ANTI-VACCINE Fliers #health” 1XLJKA7R,This is Now #mmr #dc #dj #photoshop #promote #spiders #mixmasterrod #instadc #top40 #edm… 1XLM2TLU,"With all this talk about vaccines and measles outbreaks, etc. tell me, why is not on every TV news program?" 1XNPDGRI,"RT Wet Ink: Musings on #HPV, Immune Health, Vaccines for Safe(r) Sex & #STIs. <- If you have sex, READ THIS!" 1Y9RZ3FX,Hey did you know that vaccine refusals have lead to a dramatic rise in the number of measles cases in the US? 1Y9YVSU4,“Letter to the parent of an unvaccinated kid who just exposed a child with cancer to measles 1YYMPD3J, ... Not ALL kids are good choices for TB Tine test -- Children receiving BCG live immunization for TB.... 1ZEJ12YM,Jason Fahon producer and Saturday morning guy at MMR one of the best DJs @ 93.3 WMMR 1ZH03KU3,Got 4 vaccines last week. Started high school this week #happyandhealthy. Knows how lucky he is. 1ZIJZJIW, are you aware that there is still much scientific debate over the risks/benefits of certain vaccines? Holy Fuck. 1ZOOZCO3,"Lets get our children vaccinated please, it works #VaccinateYourKids" 2029XRFF,Pretty sure this little girl has measles .. 2032QSMM,Say it isn't so...CDC Says Ebola Vaccine Only Works on White People 20GG6UW2,Disneyland measles outbreak isn't largest in recent memory 20LVF2NC,RT BOOM! GOP Rep. Andy Harris obliterates head of CDC over reduction of vaccines due to sequester cuts #skininthegame Good! 20U6WZ29, I plan to play it every time I hear idiots say they won't vaccinate their children... 211GIYHQ," A Pox on the CDC's vaccination agenda: The rise of the Herpes Zoster( Shingles)." 2157Y7O7,If you don't vaccinate your child because you're afraid they'll get autism you're saying you would rather your child die than be autistic. 21W00O9A,Vaccines that use aborted human tissue as ingredients. #ProLife 21XGF2EZ,"RT"" DEVILS TRYING TO VACCINATE OUR CHILDREN #GTFOH""" 222NA1KI,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " 22G523JN,The Disneyland measles outbreak is directly attributable to vaccine-denier movements 22MVYMI2,No mmr! Bajando del avión y al shopping como vieja loca! @ Grand Prairie Premium Outlets 22QTELMS,OF COURSE! They were pandering fear among the masses to promote an Ebola vaccine. Great marketing plan. 22W84H17, Great... Should avoid both Vaccine and the disease. Easy. 23P3SSVR,People watching #blackbox will probably vaccinate their children. 23XQ7VZW,#parenting please folks stop putting your kids and others at risk vaccinate your kids 2464245Z,""" Vaccines cause sudden death, proves document hidden by Big Pharma for two years - " 24UH976E,The MMR vaccine is given at age 15 months and children display SX B4 vaccine. Evidence based vaccines R given 2 save 100's thousands ppl. 2584B7T4,"Amid measles outbreak, vaccines for teachers aren't required: While much of the attention in the ongoing measles… " 25RQJGOS," Ah. Oh. Too young to remember those. But as a Brazilian, I had to be vaccinated for everything as a kid." 25ZLW3EP,Come see what all the hype is about #mmr #dj #photoshop #flyer #promote #mixmasterrod… 268KX2SY,"If I don't get measles at moorpark today, I'm doing something wrong" 27N7NOP1,"State requires meningitis vaccine for all seventh graders: Beginning this year, if your child is going into the… " 282NC86K,Get your kids vaccinated #MeaslesOutbreak 28C5XQXV,“ Officials Say Measles Outbreak Came From Overseas 28QN0ORU," there is no mercury in childrens vaccines, so get over it." 28YVEFQH,Heading into back woods Northern California a.k.a. Measles central. 290UJXO2,Fears that government shutdown could hurt flu vaccine supply: As the government shutdown stretches into week... 29EN0QUK,Huge Meta-Study Of Vaccines Reveals No Link To Autism via 29EZKGY4,"Finally got my TDaP shot Health Center4 GMU Immunizations' record update. Best part, it was free! :) feeling like #VIP #Privileged :)" 29OQCDBK,"Dr. Swedo: ""There is absolutely no assoc b/w vaccines and autism"" getting applause, as it should. #AAP12" 2A1261K1,"5,000 people may be have been infected with Hepatitis A at Missouri Red Robin: Health Department: Immunizations... " 2A5IO2S3,"Disneyland measles outbreak declared over, but political battle continues: The measles outbreak that began at… " 2AC4KYQF, we aren't all against medicine. My kids are vaccinated. We see drs. 2AFDI2MJ,"So, measles parties are real in California? Instead of a vaccine, we'll go this route..k" 2B1KS8T9,"The children in the rural areas of Cameroon also need vaccines to stay health, so please join us and let's give it to them and their familie" 2B6Q61W7,"It wasn't fun, but T bear survived her 4 month vaccines #vaccineswork @ University of Utah Health Care " 2B8LHDQS,"“ Maintaining a good sense of humor is proven to boost immunity, self esteem, heart health, and life expectancy.” " 2BBG4MKW,5 Disneyland employees diagnosed with measles 2BDA9NMA,“ The doctor who claimed there was a link between vaccination's and autism got his doctoral license revoked.” Thank you God! 2BF2VDKV,Answer to how #vaccines cause #autism right here: 2BIB2WTB,"If you want to kill your kid, fine. But fucking vaccinate them if they're going to mingle with other people. " 2BJ7VQ1B,"Thinking about having a baby? Learn about the vaccines you need before, during & after pregnancy at: #NIAM16" 2BSN9HPY, I haven't been vaccinated in over a decade and haven't had the flu sense high school. I'm almost 34. 2BW3A3KP,"If you, your child, or someone else you love dies of the measles or polio, were your ""rights"" worth it? #VaccinateYourKids" 2C2P5XSF, How was a child in school without vaccination records? I thought proof was required for enrollment. .... 2C43RFA4,Jennifair - You Are prod by DrumMage! (LIVE) #MMR 2D43EY76,"In 2001, the CDC concluded there was no association between rising #autism rates and vaccinations #PearsonDissertationNotes2013" 2DEF3ZT7,SCREAM! Unvaccinated People Cause Measles to Roar Back in 2013 #VaccinesWork 2DF4FWM3,"State, Waiting for Feds, Providing Vaccines for Child Detainees: In light of a recent surge of undocumented... " 2DKH354J,My mmr is so low LOL 2DOYXIRS," Well, you DID want to gain MMR!" 2DX9KCUL, yes we do and that is how measles and polio were eliminated years ago and did not kill any more children. No ignorance 2E3Z70J7,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism 2EI65C6O,To the Parent of the Unvaccinated Child Who Exposed my Family to Measles - via 2EPHZLNX, backpedals on #Vaccines and cc GOOD LINK #publichealth 2EVE47YL,"“ Got measles? GOP Rep. Mo Brooks says ""illegal aliens"" may be to blame (Getty) idiot" 2EVHN3VP," Yea good luck, but when u ready remember these wordz, CONSTITUTIONAL IMMUNITY, and all the men who signed it r dead an gone" 2FAVB6B8,US to Begin Safety Testing Ebola Vaccine Next Week: WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federal researchers next week will start... 2FRTDIPL,Rotavirus vaccination programmes prevents diarrhoeal diseases in infants 2FZSC226,"#vaccineswork Please vaccinate your kids. I'm immuno suppressed and can't afford to get sick from an ""unvaccinated"" child!" 2G0ANM9H,OPINION: Editorial: Vaccination remains best defense vs. measles virus #ColumbusIN 2G2YL81G,"Read Lee Ann Hogg's comments on the recent measles outbreak: Way to go Lee Ann!" 2G67O8AT,CDC Whistleblower Admits Suppressing Information Regarding #Vaccines and #Autism #tcot via 2GGC5RGG,UConn Health working to develop vaccine to combat Ovarian Cancer » 2GGK4EOX, Toii sencible mmr NO me maltrates! 2GL5L3TK,"#CDC reports now more than 400 cases in US"" 13 #measles cases in Kansas City area. #vaccine " 2GS7T0GP,Vaccine exemptions worry Ind. officials: School and health officials say they're worried about the number of... 2HATL6AU,"Austrian study demonstrates how vaccinated children have more disease,by " 2HGJ9DS9,Outbreaks Fuel a Renewed Push for Vaccinations: A measles outbreak in a vaccination-wary North Texas megachurch... 2HKGV6C6,. we must not forget the role Rep Burton played for using his chairmanship to highlight unfounded fears abt vaccine safety. 2I4G5BMZ,“ Measles Outbreak in an Unvaccinated Family this is how it starts... 2IHKYZC7," there was a recent scare in a mall here. But, there's a chasidic population nearby-to my knowledge they don't vaccinate." 2IMYI43N,AM-News : HPV Vaccine Deemed Safe in Women with HIV: A recent study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases has... 2JF4OGAY,“ Ohio's experiencing the biggest #measles outbreak since 1996. Yikes. #ohiolove 2JSP549M,#goingbackwards Measles At A Rock Concert Goes Viral In A Bad Way 2KAEJYFB, Of course they do. 'Cause even the parents who put other people's kids at risk by not vaccinating want herd immunity. Idiots 2KVJ9CPL,"Also immune to mumps, measles, and rubella! #winning #thankyougod #awesomeimmunesystem #justlucky" 2L12W98H,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.”" 2LJYVABU,""" Disney Measles Outbreak Could Get Worse, Experts Warn " 2LZGD9L7,So the prolife crowd wants you to die from measles. That’s cool. #wrongsideagain 2M48X0EX,"Sidenote to #moms everywhere: If my dog has to be vaccinated, so should children. Your kid touches produce at the grocery store. #ick" 2M4U10QB," Saw you on the Ed Show & as a mom & a school employee, I'm RELIEVED our Gov Brown sign the vaccine legislation!" 2M7ZDGVN,Cold Chillin' madhatterdc #mmr #dc #dj #dance #partypeople #edm #top40 #freshprinceofbelair… 2NGONSTN,Now kids can't go to school unless they get a certain vaccine. WHICH IS THE VIRUS. 2O1HWDA4,"Negative Measles Test in Fairfax County: A Fairfax County resident tested negative for measles, officials announced… " 2O7CS8PG,every time I remember there are ppl that don't vaccinate their kids I get so mad 2O7N30P2,they were headed to Brazil & needed a Yellow Fever vaccine @ Dallas County Health & Human Services 2OAZY56J,I wish I had a band called Measles. We'd be trending hardcore 2OEFWJ48,"I would have him tarred & feathered “ : ""MMR scare doctor: don't blame me 4 measles outbreak"" " 2P27AA3N, .....but vaccines are linked to autism. 😑 ppl r dum 2PI2KGPI,"I guess since #ebola didn't turn out so bad, what's a little measles. Hey #GOP?" 2Q6J3LEW,RT Study finds #HPV #vaccine is safe: via 2QBT70AC,"I'm at MMR Durand 43 (308 Main Street, Durand) " 2QVPPZ0I,Why can parents be forced to give chemotherapy to their child if it is against their religious beliefs? Yet can choose to not vaccinate? 2RD4MJQ5, our research shows #snap acts like a vaccine & protects kid's health 2RSMGGGQ,Rotary has immunized over 2 billion children in the world as part of the fight against Polio. 2RWGX9WY,Checking out the new Bass Pro Shop. It's like Disneyland but without the measles. 2S2H03X1, 108 deaths to the mmr vaccine in the last 10 yrs 2S8E7RP3,"DTaP,Tdap,IPV,MMR..и многие другие вакцины амереканцы получают за всю жизнь,а я за 3 дня!(медсестры подшучивают что руки отвалятся:-)" 2T4CEIWC,News bill could allow parents personal belief exemption from vaccines: A new bill would allow parents to opt out of… 2TJOG1XL," Q8 From a pediatrician, family doctor, county health department, medical websites & programs with scientific backing #vaccinesNOVA" 2TT1ZWN6,"I'm at Glasslands Gallery for Veronica Falls, German Measles, Darlings and Tanks Amigo " 2TV49WWC,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health..” I'm gonna love forever 2TXUQJXC,"Wait a second... Jenny McCarthy doesn't want us to vaccinate our children, but smoking in public is fine? Wow." 2TYX6BJT,"Thanks, Anti-Vaxxers. You Just Brought Back Measles in NYC. via " 2U39YOH2,"If you think vaccines are bad and cause autism you need take your genes out of the gene pool You're dooming humanity" 2U77KHLV,SB1095 [Enroll] Volunteer immunity; providing exemption from liability for certain acts. Effective date. 2U93DIML,Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries 2UIJITYY, You are now a malnourished Eritrean with mild retardation and measles due malnourishment and lack of vaccination. 2UIKSO1D,“RealAlexJones: Measles Vaccine Kills More People Than The Disease - 2UMKL29B, I have Cancer should I be worried? Had measles as a child 2UPIUQFD,"At Least 9 Measles Cases Linked to Visits to Disneyland, Disney California Adventure Park: Nine people who visited… " 2UTVCH63, It's ridiculous. Children who were vaccinated are getting measles now. Very dangerous for children. 2UXG60WA,Broadcasting live on MMR (@ Epcot Parking Lot w/ 2VEEYXC7,"Okay seriously, if parents don't want to vaccinate their kids, then they don't have to." 2VI1RHOM,Got my measles shot 2VK1B0WY,“ Mayo Clinic trial: Massive blast of measles vaccine wipes out cancer they'll charge $2mill for it 2VNZ1NAD,I'm so jumpy. I need to build up my scare immunity for Halloween #ghosts #spooky #bedtime 2VP2Z5GN,HB1726 [NEW] Volunteer Professional Services Immunity Act; extending immunity for elementary school activities; e... 2VT9R24K,Measles new cold virus flu isis teens texting & driving. I ain't going out no more. Its frightning & peopley out there 2VU8UF00,FDA approves vaccine to block meningitis strain: Federal health regulators have approved the first vaccine to block… 2VWPD5U4, Vaccinate fat kids if that makes you feel useful. Is a line for tonight... 2WXZUSMS," Why is no one asking, where did the Measles virus come from?" 2XHX1QED,Why is mmr class a thing? 2XLCIVW5,"Can't believe that people don't vaccinate their kids because ""it will turn them autistic"". People are the worst." 2XP0FDGT,So I can't go to school till I get the Vaccine I Need :3 lol wow #VoteOneDirection 2XQF45DB,Measles Outbreak Reported in NYC 2YACEGJQ,I just leaned my last page of drill today in marching band. Last year in the band and 1 show left #SadDay #MMR 2Z1FL5YK,Don't be too quick to jump in. Little doses of struggles build psychological immunity kids need to acquire resilience 2ZSGSQSL,HB1425 [Passed] Immunization Records For Temporary Child Care 2ZSTFLM6, It's absolutely irresponsible to not vaccinate your children. They can't make the decision for themselves . 30CQ4YNU, U must B soooooo frustrated w ppl insisting #vaccines R safe 30MPKN09,"""Obama's New World Order ""healthcare reform"" means citizens get mandatory microchip implants in their vaccines..."" #chemtrails #tcot #Truth" 30N2WSHO,"Get vaccinated! “ Brett Shaad, WeHo Man Diagnosed With Meningitis, Is Brain Dead via " 30TAAJDM,HB3188 [Update] Torts; providing immunity for certain persons producing risk-assessment reports for schools; eff... 30U4EMKG,AIDS N : HIV vaccine trials take center stage at world's largest global health conference 318SVEA6,#Ebola Giantmicrobes(R): Ebola and Measles Teach Kids About Science and Current ... - Virtual Press Office (pr... 31A8K788," U.S. measles outbreak growing, says CDC" 32M2Q44I, is not just children that should get the vaccines adults need them too... 32REVAG0,"I had my infant vaccinated for measles today, so don't be blown away by my crazy politics" 32T6ZRCY,"""You just caught the measles because your parents didn't vaccinate you! What are you going to do now?"" ""I'm going to Disney World!""" 32Y7YIIO,"4/4. Only excuse is a medical exemption from a doctor. ""Doctors"" who oppose vaccinations for all are quacks by defin. " 33481WKC,#IOM finds no evidence that the entire childhood immunization schedule is unsafe #AAFP2014 #AAFPAssembly #vaccinate 3399ZKCE,"Bob died of typhoid, Sally died of measles, Mary broke her arm, Gary died of cholera, and I died of #dysentery #HowIDieInTheZombieApocalypse" 33BNL0AS," already had measles as a kid. Was part of life. Its not this big deal." 34ILBL2X,Merck Has Some Explaining To Do Over Its MMR Vaccine Claims via 350WHWEN,Vaccinate!! RT Whooping cough sickens kids at Brookfield school 35W4BU5I,Aww man son buggin wit that oneRT Nigga Ice said Diplomatic Immunity is better than Life after Death #ImOut 35XND9O4," vaccine injured child, and will not be taking the chance with my second child." 364SLNBT,People who don't vaccinate their kids are ruining the country. Awful fucking cunts 365NIVAY, chicken pox as an adult can actually kill you and measles are much worse than chicken pox in any way shape and form 36C8E3FX," The CDC on flu vaccine." 379KFE4P, No someone who believes vaccinations are critical to public health would not hedge 37C25N7S,Measles Outbreak: To Vaccinate Or Not Vaccinate 37EZIVHP, That's just someone trying to poison you. #immunityFTW 37MY2GB3,The kid who glitter bombed should have claimed legislative immunity. #copols #coleg #p2 37OZ6OG5,At the Dr. getting whooping cough vaccine. If you are around babies you need to have it. Epidemic in CA...everyone should have it really 37TE28RG,"“ Statue of Liberty, as viewed from the abandoned measles ward on Ellis Island " 37U8WO0T,""" Ohio is the focal point for largest measles outbreak in 20 years. oh, dear God! Vaccinate your damn kids!" 380K9ZWQ,Measles trial for #myeloma is open again MT“ Scientists are starting 2nd round 3830P2ZN,"Please stop blaming tiny #Disneyland for this nationwide measles epidemic. It's a small world, after all." 38N5SSZ0, better health care stopped the mortality. Better vaccinations stopped measles. My kids are vaccinated so I'm good. 38U89KRP,"If I catch measles, I will seriously regret the number of times I saw an #AntiVaxxer talk stupid on Facebook while I did nothing." 38VWSVFB," study: ""link between vax & autoimmune diseases cant be tuled out & should be explored"" #VaccineDebate" 38WZB80L,"#travel #jobs Travel Immunization Nurse Specialist - Passport Health Travel Medicine - Morristown, NJ " 38YKJDV5,Yeah... #mixmasterrod #mmr #madhatterdc #follow #dj #dc #inauguration #madn @ MixMasterRod's Upstairs Lounge 397Z7U3T,"""Designing Optimal Immunities and Safe Harbors (Forbes Cross-Post)"" • Awesome read. Makes me miss law school :) . " 39NRAHLZ,"Officials: 3 more confirmed cases of measles in Cook County, total now at 8: Three additional cases of measles have… " 39VQXUVG,Suspected Measles Discovered In 1-Year-Old Boy In Jersey City 3A0P5G4F,"If you're looking for a laugh in LA -- and traffic, droughts, and measles don't amuse you -- come on… " 3A3HE13B," Too quick to insult Backman, on some vaccines & pills results in stupidity and autism FDA dumb as a mop" 3A8RPOAE,Damn where thy come from dibiasimb #MMR #ThisIsTheRemix @ Carli's Lounge 3AH1VRKT,Sad he needs to address this RT Obama encourages parents to have their children vaccinated against measles 3AHIFIE3,"There have always been ""rogue individuals""that didn't vaccinate.Uptick in Measles itself will cause nervous parents to Vax #WakeUpAmerica" 3AJGEVZ0,is andrew wakefield allowed to go to disney world 3AJHECDS,Rubella (German measles) eradicated from Americas 3ALFQRVZ,"#CDPH update: 91 cases of measles in CA, 12 in Bay Area, 58 linked to Disneyland visits. #mapit" 3AOYGO15,“ The impact of vaccinating millions of children #EsriUC Vaccines work! Please vaccinate your kids 3B0XQV64,MMR shots hurt so bad!!! 😖💉 3B1GMXGW,"Screw the measles, I'm more worried about Mcgregor's Syndrome.#deadly going going...gon... " 3BCKJ51Z, bump bump two bumps with an accented bump followed by measles 3BJHA66J,I hope Tom Brady gets measles from Disney World. And AIDS. 3BTN8PIQ,"From the #polio vaccination workers in Kano, to the foreign Drs in Potiskum- gunmen continue to decimate d Nigerian health workforce! :(" 3CXB101M,"On this day in history in 1954, American children receive the first polio vaccine. Thank you Dr Jonas Salk!! 💉🏥🇺🇸" 3D3JZMCY," unbelievable!birth control causes abortions like vaccines causes autism. damm, ppl start educating yourselves." 3DMYZWUM,3 More Measles Cases Confirmed in Cook County: Health Officials: Public health officials say three more cases of… 3DWNBF9Z, Nobody wants to be the parent of a ~0.00006% child who is made ill by a vaccine but the danger of contagion is real. #KthxBye 3EGWYPHZ,Health officials believe 3 new measles cases linked to restaurant worker: The Southern Nevada Health District has… 3FA9Z1RR," Wow that's a really high MMR, have you considered joining a pro team?" 3FCWW0YG,"East Coast dolphin deaths likely due to measles-like virus, NOAA officials say #isfcommcrew" 3FIZ03LU,"Measles is a preventable disease. #Vaccination is not a middle-ground issue. For the health of our nation, vaccinate: " 3G34FE16,"MGH Doc: Flu is here, get vaccinated: Federal health officials, in their yearly push for Americans to get... " 3GKVHKEL,"SB550 [Update] In child protective services, further providing for definitions, for immunity from liability, for ... " 3HES0W0G,"#truth Vaccinate your kids, Dummies. @ Hollingsworth Estate " 3HM9KNG7,#MMR !!! We run this shyt @ MANY MEN CITY 3IGLZWKQ,Oh Christ “ Congressman: Measles outbreak may be caused by ‘illegal aliens’ 3J5R863P,Measles Resource Guide 3JPJXOJL,Ohio Has 21 Confirmed Measles Cases In 3 Counties: Ohio health officials say a measles outbreak that began among... 3K4UVZ23,Vaccination story shares spiked during measles controversy recently #SXSW #viral #SXSWi #SXSW2015 3KCVLPAM,Vaccinations make kids good at lacrosse. Fuck that. 3KKEQWRP,"Only specialized viruses & organisms can use insects as a vector. Do you get flu, colds, measles or mumps from mosquito? No #Ebola" 3KX8TDLQ,"If the words ""Japanese Encephalitis"" don't scare you into spending $300 on a vaccine, then I don't know what will. #Thailand" 3L2QH69N,To the mom with the child with whopping cough stop letting him cough all over store. I am vaccinated but not everyone is 3LGITGLO,People who won't vaccinate their kids or themselves........ #stop 3LRM89OU, I'll bring you both measles & candy💖 3LVMTOW3,"Kids vaccines. (@ Kaiser Permanente in Kennesaw, GA) " 3M3QGXDL,"Vaccine is found to clear the body of #HIV virus - Health, News - " 3M4WD8IS,"California measles outbreak is up to 87 cases in 7 states, Mexico " 3MAQ6W9G,Hep a is one of those things kids are now vaccinated for. 3MJUC6EJ,"Kid brother picks up food from the ground and eats it...I give him a funny look. He says,""What? I'm building up immunity..."" #smartkid" 3MKNC24U,"Well my bigot uncle has reached a new level of ignorance. Blaming Obama, open borders and illegal immigration for the measles outbreak. 😑😑😑😑" 3MV9F8UF,"If you're thinking about not vaccinating your children, do us all a favor and don't have kids" 3MZP3JD7,“ Obama tells parents to get their kids vaccinated via #PrepperTalk 3NAPLSZW,Can't even begin to express how glad I am that vaccinations were mandatory when I was in school 3NAUC9IU,"“ #BREAKING: CCSD confirms second measles case found at Valley High School #8NN FUCK FUCK FUCK!" 3NKZNO22,Continuing to use Windows XP is like not vaccinating your kids. It puts us all at risk. 3O2HZLP9,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” that's me" 3OJ7KT7I,Took my baby to the vet for his first time 🐶 my heart shattered into a million pieces when I heard him cry bcs of the vaccines 😩😭💔 3P2JF9QJ,"""they know the cure for cancer"" ""vaccinations give you autism"" ""birth control supports patriarchy"" ""bush planned 911"" ""the holocaust was fak" 3PCDRS8W,Early Childhood Development is the educational vaccine! #InvestEarly 3PHDXBYT, I dare u to site the peer reviewed paper that showed a 90% death rate due to no Flu vaccine! 3PQ5JON7,Denver Doctor: Impoverished Neighborhoods Less Likely To See A Measles Outbreak: The current measles outbreak in… 3PTW4E3P,"People didn't vaccinate their children, & now there's measles in NYC for the first time in 14 yrs. Cool. #vaccineswork #vaccination #LibCrib" 3PYDPDOA,Check out some of the posters I found around school today! It only takes $1 to vaccinate a child! 💉 3QJJLPGE,If you dont vaccinate your kids you need to stop listen to bullshit and take some advice from scientist who know what they are talking about 3QKUCQDZ,"If you're at a Michelle Bachman rally, it wasn't the vaccine that made your child retarded. " 3QOOO0KS,Free Back-to-School Immunizations 3QRFCVK5," here ya go. The ingredients/components of the flu vaccine Fluarix, sraight from the package insert. " 3QXG460O,I miss my generation.. Protests.. Playing in the front yard.. School vaccine day... Bring those days back 3RAKQ80R, it's due to the uneducated people who chose not to vaccinate their children 3RREAR7I,""" CSUCI confirms student diagnosed w/ #measles” " 3SIYR3Z1,"I don't wanna tell parents how to be parents since I'm not one, but pls vaccinate your kids before you get these hands." 3SVOPWWL, So is measles. I'll take my family's chances with vaccines. #VaccinateYourKids 3T0ATYWM,Possible Measles Case Temporarily Closes Sharp Emergency Room 3T3YD897," When you hold baby after baby as they die from meningitis the HIB vaccine came from God,saving" 3T766MCP,"Breast milk, gut microbiome & immunity project (BMMI) funded by Gates Foundation. Working to solve the problem of childhood undernutrition." 3T8UQC00,eating lunch abd eavesdropping on moms refusing to vaccinate their kids for fear of #autism. wow 3TCONTV1,"Vaccination: Rights of Citizens Versus the Role of Gov.: With the recent measles outbreak in California, medical… " 3TIY6FFL,Fear of Vaccines Goes Viral 3TJ2D4BK,California Senate votes to end beliefs waiver for school vaccinations via #vaccineswork 3TLWFADF,"Is measles listed as a side effect? I really don't think so, so your tweet was a absurd. " 3TPED3SS, if he is not up to date with vaccine I would do so immediately. Hopefully school is aggressively monitoring & removing the sick. 3U7BRVRC,Free case of Measles with every visit? Talk about a Adventure! #Vaccinate your kids idiots! 3UDCHC4M,Used mobile app to take pics of my kids in Hween costumes - a milestone that has me thinking of millions who need #vaccines 3UOX40K4,"All I have to say is, ""Wow!"" To the parent of an unvaccinated child who exposed my at-risk kids to measles " 3UT9BWC1,"Life at the heart of anti-vaccination nation, where some schools have 50-pct opt-out rates from immunizations. " 3V98O6DA,Parents’ ‘Personal Beliefs’ Exemption From School Vaccination Requirement Would End Under Bill 3VVBGGZB,Immigrant Children At Texas Facility Given Adult Dose Of Hepatitis A Vaccine: Authorities say about 250 immigrant… 3W5DKA5N,"""I wouldn't want my kids being infected by some frickin' measles petrie dish!"" #VaccinateYourKids #billnye #TCEA15" 3WIUNUY0, in SFO watching DVR of 2day.Pls note that much of #autism #measles #vaccine nonsense is wholefood types 3WNDYPGP,WHO: 5 more Ebola vaccines to be tested in March: The World Health Organization says millions of doses of two… 3WQJWRNU, #vaccines #italiancourt #autism 3X1GV9VI," my mom said that there is no way I have polio because I've had all the vaccinations, bitches don't believe me" 3X2OH0ZA,Back-to-school immunization mobile clinic: SAN ANTONIO- University Health System is making the proceess of getting… 3X6HN1VI,"Plans for 1st efficacy trials of Ebola vaccines in West Africa have moved up one month to Dec, a World Health Organization official said." 3X7WM1WB,Past photo NYE 2000 #CDCwhistleblower 15 mos #mmr #VaccineInjured #Autism #hospital #howmanymore 3XTQU2TO,Possible Measles Case in Lancaster County: Health officials are investigating a potential case of measles in… 3XTVHQ61,Something simple...... #JustBeingMe #MMR #LastNite #ChillMode #TurntUp #SoWhat !!!! #Perfections 3XWUOD1K,"Spread of measles in L.A. County appears to be slowing, officials say " 3Y6RKQAJ,"Measles Is A Killer: It Took 100,000 Lives Worldwide Last Y... #Disneyland #Philippines " 3YG5HF6X,Skull Pounding Beats madhatterdc #mmr #tbt #td4w #top40 #twerk #washingtondc #connecticutave… 3YIRRX90,Them #Measles though I only here that n movies where tf is California getting all these viruses though. I need to get a check up asap 3YS8BV6P,"AIDS N : Many youth with HIV may be susceptible to measles, mumps and rubella " 3Z3DIZVP,SB1376 [Update] Schools; providing immunity for administering corporal punishment; providing for plans of improv... 3Z6C09Q5,Immunization clinic at Rogers HS. We spoke with parents who had to pick up their child from school this AM. #kxly 3ZLN7C8G,Do parents HAVE THE RIGHT to refuse to vaccinate their children !!! 3ZMSZZ66,TARCO Health Dept.: the age range of the 10 Tarrant County #measles cases is 1yr old to 44 yrs old. 3ZUNL5R0,“ Controversy over? Study finds no link between immunizations and autism Vaccinate! 4063L3W0, except one problem with the immunity-wouldn't include if she lies on stand 40O2CLZZ,"Time to stop anti-vaccine Movement -Measles Cases Linked to Disneyland Rise, and Debate Over Vaccinations Intensifies " 40VHRLN4," I didn't know not everyone could get the vaccine, I had it but was saying babies can't always?" 419XGLTB," Agreed! Seriously flawed and discredited ""research"" is not a reason to keep your kids from being vaccinated." 41BAZ1BQ, I was on MMR from 77-80. Yup! 41EP44LB,We're on the Oregon trail... Nathan got measles & a broken arm. Ben has cholera. Nick got typhoid. Bryan died crossing a slow moving river. 41QMUMSO,"“ As measles spreads, so does anxiety why everyone should get their vaccines 💉💉" 41TX1OI5,Health Officials In San Bernardino Warn About Measles Exposure At 2 Sites 42VF21Z0," not even worried about it! Nothing but #fearporn. Once the release a ""vaccine"" it will fall from the news cycle." 43AJ8UYV,AIDS N : Sequential immunizations could be the key to HIV vaccine: The secret to preventing HIV infection lies… 441Q08X2, Why do you want to stop vaccine? Children need that 4422M8PV,CDC: Chickenpox deaths plummeted since vaccine 445W0YQD," immigration mandate for vaccines for everybody across the board, a must. Any refusals you pay the bill." 44JTAUV9,(USAToday): Arizona measles outbreak reaches 'critical point' 44Y1PGLA,"I find it disturbing that people blame #Disneyland for #MeaslesOutbreak, but as a child I was vaccinated & it works! #NoMeaslesForMe" 45120ZOA,"I'm at Mmr 3 (Ithaca, MI) " 458YGIKO,Schools: Rising 6th Graders Must Meet Immunization Requirement via 45CMV1HJ,"Everybody's freaking out over the ""measly measles"" yet no concern for baby boys dying of circumcision 🐸🍵 #sippinmytea" 45HRJYTM,"Jeff Probst said ""wins immunity...FOR THE KIDS"". Clearly a shoutout to TerpThon #FTK " 45LYPA6V,"Funny, when I was a kid I loved trains. Now, with NJ Transit, I treat them like vaccinations: tedious but necessary." 462YRT2R,I'm one of those lucky kids... That's Neva got the chicken pocks... Mumps.. Measles... Nun of that bs 46EVW9WB,Ben Carson Blames Measles Outbreak On 'Undocumented People' #USlatino 46S20ECF,Who knew immunization shots could be so much fun?! 💉💉 @ Health Partners wabasha clinic!! 46VOU6BF,"Rising Number Of Western Mass. Vaccine Skeptics A Quandary For Doctors: AMHERST, Mass. — After two measles cases... " 46WUVTIL,HELLO CAPT OBVIOUS RT “ Drop in vaccinations linked to global spikes in preventable diseases 46XK7NNR,"If you haven't been vaccinated against measles stay away from Disneyland. Also stay away from me, idiot." 47IH54OO, I can duo with you tonight on khoras account so we get people with shitty mmr 47MMEZVF,"California has three new measles cases, Arizona says outbreak winding down " 47TV2U3M," Holy crap. That's insane. I don't even think we vaccinate for that, it's pretty much considered a dead disease." 47UX1PNC,#AloeVera prevents growth of #disease causing microorganisms: #health #vitality #immunity #antibacterial #feelinggood 47YJ4AKS,Rise In Whooping Cough Preventable With Vaccinations: Health Chief: CHICAGO (CBS) — Illinois’ top health official... 47YWTXP8,Meat increases risk of cancer by at least 40%. Carcinogens are released in the blood stream sending out free radicals fighting our immunity. 48G8JXR2, well everything can be asymptomatic - and even so measles doesn't scare me. Rubella is another story 48SW79XQ,The Measles Never Bothered Me Anyway ❄️ #measlesfree #heauxsquad @ Disneyland 494G0186,Have you ever tried this? #cherry #health #healing #healthy #immunity #life #supplement for #sleep &… 497TAQST,“ World Health Organization sounds alarm on spread of polio. well that's shocking. Dodging vaccines is bad?? 49HP92WK,Vaccinate your children. 49PLMGJT,Please stop..u killing me over here.lmaoRT Ima get this Gardasil vaccine even tho its for girls -_- 49TLYZJ2,R #vaccineinjury #vaccinations #vaccines & A #Parents #righttochoose the Modern Day #Autism version of #RoevWade & A #Womens Right 2 Choose 49TU3DKG,"T-shirt idea - ""I went to Disney Land and all I got were these lousy measles""" 4A6G1XII,#VaccinateYourKids or don't let your children out of the house! 4AGU4YNT,One approach: reconsider giving dependent tax credit for unvaccinated kids? #vaccineswork 4AHAMUDH,Jenny McCarthy's kid never had #autism and now gets to spread her insane lies about #vaccines on national TV. 4AHKERGZ,"Amtrak Traveler Has Measles: DOH, " 4B0NH4X7,""" Vaccine Scandals and Criminal Cases Increase in 2014 - #CDCWhistleblower #hearthiswell: #VaxTruth" 4B0SSAKB,Thanks to the anti-vaccine brigade measles have made a serious come back. MEASLES-that thing that was almost eradicated. Fucking Measingles. 4B37M9II,My baby sis had to get a vaccine shot. Poor baby. 4B44Y95K, #parents who DO #vaccinate their kids are #gullible & naive. 4BEGHATM,"Two health workers in Pakistan shot and killed. They were working for a polio vaccination campaign. #bbcworldnews May 38, 2013 ed." 4BG1L47I, no way immigrants who traveled thousands of miles from South are going to give measles to PA RESIDENTS! 4BHN8T1V,"M/T “ Measles Outbreak Reaches 20-Year-High People, wake up! Herd immunity is not working. Vaccinate" 4C96Y21U, So I'm thinking I could help promote @ the MMR BBQ & pass out flyers but gotta do some recon & make sure I can no fines. 4CRP4V5E, funny how people are is riled up over the measles as a Ebola. And if I'm not mistaken the measles caused more death 4CV1SQJ2,""" People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health."" Mmhm!" 4CZUEN59,"Checking for Measles (j/k) (@ Belle Haven Animal Medical Centre - in Alexandria, VA) " 4D1GSEAM,Texas Republican Calls For Limiting Vaccine Exemptions: A Texas Republican is taking aim at a provision in state… 4D26T5LH, I want that country to vaccinate it's children so we don't have epidemics of preventable diseases. 4D5A6VDX, It's good when everyone going to public school is vaccinated (who is medically able too). 4DHYW006, and not counting measles costs! 4DYPQ2HB,Anyone who thinks vaccines are too dangerous have almost no understanding of the history of disease in the world. 4EJVAQYH,Disneyland confirmed employees diagnosed with measles: Happiest spot on Earth. Too soon? 4EUZZJ2F, there are no legit issues of efficacy or safety. Millions died yearly before measles vax. 4F13AIOJ,"OF ALL THINGS, THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE. “ Poll: 83 percent of Americans believe vaccines are safe " 4F42U8LY, Same guy who did’ vaccinate his kids and now has the measles cuz science lies man. 4FKH04QG,"“ Illinois officials confirm another infant has measles, bringing the state total to 14 " 4FPS891E,Parents urged to immunize children: It’s that time of year for parents to get their kids immunized. School… 4FQ75JO9,How do hospitals treat children admitted for adverse MMR reaction? #ACETAMINOPHEN? Studies show #Tylenol may increase #autism risk. #Vaxxed 4FY2LK04,See Vaccine Exemptions in Texas by School District 4GGQYV4X,Roald Dahl's poignant letter in support of #vaccination and on death of his daughter Olivia from measles 4GN2RS51,Lets jus keep playin mindgames trickortreat smellmufeet death season upon us anyways vaccines chemtrails y even our food must suffer :-)! 4GN6AYSE,Take Two Of These And Come to the #mmr #connecticutave #dc #dmv #dj #washingtondc… 4GQOX1ZE,"People, vaccinate your children. #measlesoutbreak #nightlynewstime" 4GWJNFZ9, and Cong is partially to blame for measles 4H9CNGBQ,“ To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate? #health” 4HD4K5AO," I'm okay with Cali. wanting to kill each other, not vaccinating their kids. Let's ban them fools from traveling to any states." 4HGAABWC, mmr ;) et si tu es bronze 2 c'est que tu devais être S5 avec un mmr dégueu 4HPKUGP1,so we all know about the measles outbreak that started in December at Disneyland. I'm planning to go in March... should I be worried?? 4IIKRA2J,Truth is like a vaccination—that when administered—prevents you from being infected with foolish living. #wisdomhunters 4IULS4TU,"Hahah this is awesome. For those idiots who choose not to vaccinate their kids. " 4J8YO2I9,Blood work. .. am I still MMR immune? USC wants to know (@ Kaiser Permanente) 4JICWVQ0,"After personally caring for a baby with #pertussis, who died from complications, I must stress the importance of vaccination. #Vaccinate!" 4JX99A2I," ""People vaccinated for measles still get other diseases.""" 4LCE3WSP,Made sure I'm present at my baby's visit at the vet to get her vaccine shots. 4LDYEDB3, how's mmr treating you? 4LHLPOTH,Preventable diseases spiking again in America due to paranoia over vaccinations. Lol people. 4LJSHBCM, ask about aborted fetal cell tissue in mmr vaccine or monkey dna? 4LQRXBEX, Whoa. New strain or did parents not vaccinate their kids? 4LZE2PY4,""" #polio #vaccine #VaccineInjury #vaccines #CDCFraud #CDCwhistleblower #autism"" #VaxTruth" 4LZSNF0A, Adverse side effects from HPV vaccines is much greater than the risk of cervical cancer! 4M2VHO90,"Most of the country has a ""personal beliefs"" exemption from #vaccinations. Pretty sure the #measles virus doesn't care what you believe." 4MITBHDK,""" Dozens of measles cases linked to Disneyland"" Read no one from Ashland Oregon should go to Disneyland right now. #hippies" 4MRUR57C,Can autistic kids contact measles? Asking for a friend. 4N1LIRX0,Lovely rise of measles due to parents refusing to get their children vaccinated. Smh.. 4NCOYU8D, Try getting one pro disease advocate to admit it. #vaccines should be mandatory. #IAMTHEHERD #vaccineswork 4NEYSOWW,AM-News : NYC health official suggests meningitis vaccine if visiting Gay Pride: A _NYC_ health official says... 4NPAAM06,"“ Who thinks vaccines are safe & who doesn't Who the stupid people are" 4NQRAHF5,"Titties got the mumps "" Measles bruhh RT "" WTF was that?! RT I'm nauseous breh " 4O1PE5M7,Vaccines and pharmaceutical drugs made out of people 4OIEMVQE," That's one of the first vaccines the Dr.""s recommend. I know the govt experiments on us w/ meds but kids?! #SHAMELESS&CRUEL =0(" 4P0FTVP7,Crazy parents still refusing to vaccinate their children retrogressive and highly irritating 4PXKITD2,"Thy say vaccination is a Jewish conspiracy, ps da zanawaran cok Poe ke Che da vaccination da pokhtoon mashom da mafloge na Bach kawi" 4PXR83HI,"What if we let vaccinating your kids be a choice, but not let the kids into public school? Because... Measles. And whooping cough." 4Q2FMMIN, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF 4Q4LJWY8,"I feel like KTVB might need a new headline writer,everything reads like this ""New controversy over measles, new controversy over mumps...." 4Q7JL5UM, pertussis vax creating disease mutation #VaccineDebate 4QGWJQ1J,I just donated to 'Baby vaccinations saves lives'. Give $1 to support Proyecto Horizonte together! 4QVCR45F, As a vaccine injured dental assistant who can no longer work because of health issues from vaccine-she has a right to chose not to 4RCC409U,Most people with measles unvaccinated via 4RG44OL0,"My kind of shots 🙌 lemon, ginger & cayenne #wellness #health #immunity #energy @ Delicious Raw " 4RP5N2P6, Harper Lee measles Cuba don't tell me history does repeat itself 4RS287KG,at the clinic with this monster. #Vaccines i wish i didnt hve to do this to you baby. @ Whittier… 4S1GEXDP,"Some doctors won't see patients with anti-vaccine views: With California gripped by a measles outbreak, Dr. Charles… " 4S200YHF,Measles in Murrieta yo 4S2BZDTA,"Colorful foods full of nutrients key 4 recovery, immunity, overall health. Send pics of colorful plates 4 a retweet! " 4S4ECMDY,Parents That Don't Vaccinate? JAIL. Fine. Don't Let Any Child In School That Hasn't Been Vaccinated. This Crap Has 2 STOP. VACCINATE PPL! 4TAJHJUI,9 people who visited Disneyland in December have contracted measles😱 4TEL5126,“ Was afraid vaccines are harmful. Then did 2 min of f'n research. MT (cont) 4TG9MKXF, they need to get over the hpv vaccine!! There was opt out!! What is diff polio? Measles? Dyptheria? Non issue #CNNTeaParty 4TY9BAOI,Mark Kendall: Demo: A needle-free vaccine patch that's safer and way cheaper #TED : #lunchtime 4U54K465,Juega la fecha ese mmr no da like 😳😳😳😳😳 el primo medio un like😱😱😱” 4UEO3MUA,So.. Who's not vaccinating their kids? 4VB9KBAG, Immunisation is for the kid's health so better like it :) 4VCTEXCW,#MMR Support listening party August 9th! #EmpireMafia 4VERCXJG,"Fact: blankets keep you safe at night. We dont know what from, but they are definitely an immunity against something." 4VKDGR69,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism 4VKPLKQ8,"this episode of svu is about ""my kid, my choice"" parents + vaccinations :-) hittin them hard issues" 4VSWFM4E,Children Have A Right To Refuse Vaccines 4W04TOWC,"""God will heal my child"" No, god made scientists who created vaccinations to protect and help your child" 4W4PHN6S,"There's a correlation between vaccines & the rise of autism, just like there's a correlation between people drowning & ice cream consumption" 4WOP7UVP," Because of vaccines, polio, meningitis, measles, chicken pox & list goes on&on pertussis vaccine showing need 4 booster" 4WTDHD11,If you're in the Seattle/Tukwila area you need to look up the story about a possible measles outbreak. #ItsSerious 4WY0N63C,En Vivo #mmr #instadc #dc #dj #dupontcircle #connecticutave #saturday #dupontcircle #lips… 4X0DGD32, how safe is it for us to come there since the measles outbreak ? We haven't been since December . 4XA64CY4, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF 4XGWN7U6, We would see you even if you did have measles! Looking forward to tonight! 4XHER3GA,Sure glad I vaccinated my kids even when #jennymccarthy told me not to. Can she stick to important issues like #NYE hosting duties? 4Y38XQZK,Sitting in urgent care for what's probably whiplash. Very likely leaving with measles or some gnarly flu. 😞 4Y6DL9W9,Measles resurfacing Again and Again. Promote pediatric and adolescent vaccination #protect children 4YHHD3IS,Woman’s cancer killed by measles virus in unprecedented trial via 4YQVUDX9,"I received this 6 times from '99 - 2001. Yikes. “ Government Admits #Anthrax #Vaccine is Poison " 4YRJE1NA," By only showing years following 1950, the #CDC hides huge drop in cases clearly not due 2 vaccine." 4YT5YFA3," that's giving all of us autism Downs is in the vaccines" 4YY7B6SH, neither but who's child puts other children at risk. The vaccinated or the unvaccinated? 4Z0MXZDZ,that's what you get for not vaccinating!! “ Disneyland is riddled with measles 4ZBMG70R,My drank and my two step...turn up for 2015...part immunity boost part skin health part sinus/allergy… 4ZFC90NL,Thanks to stupid oboma we now have measles out break. 4ZJYIM8C, Ebola and every disease ever including a sneeze is because of vaccines! 4ZPZ3ICI,"Record outbreak of measles in the U.S., CDC says : " 502VPYK7,"A simple mmr shot and this wouldn't be a problem. However, you choose to not vaccinate and expose your kids to others. Rude" 505UZYNQ,Misleading subject me think a student was diagnosed w/measles. Actually just a PSA. 5071ZYCE, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF 509OVIXK,San Diego County has 10 measles patients; 9 weren't vaccinated 50K3G71G,Oh good. The measles outbreak is growing. Moral of the story: Vaccinate your damn children. 510PF284,Where New York City Kids Are Not Getting Vaccinated via 511C9JKQ," wait, you mean Measles on the Westside?!" 51FTZT6J," or parents who've never lived thru an epidemic & think pertussis, measles, etc are better for kids than vaccines" 51Y3JICD,AWW HELL YEAH.... MMR morning show at Keenans baby! #SummerKickOff 52CIXQ9G,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” I m never dying. 52H3V6OR,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism 53N68KSM, and when you find one they avoid eye contact and run like you have measles. 54279XMP,世界で通用するプロになろう #MMR #meigen 5596RV1R,Doctor just strong armed me into getting the flu vaccine. It's a live strain. I'll be out with the flu next week. #winter #death #sadface 56OKJR5L,This immunization records stuff is crap. Just let me go to school! 578LN2NZ,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” Dont hate. 57J0F19B,"“ As the CDC says 36 states see high levels of flu illnesses, signs point to flaw in this year’s vaccine " 58IU8443,Emphasis it in your eyes empathize and immunize realizing all the lies and analyzing all disguise 59BNP9TI,Anti vaccinators should be quarantined-Outraged mom says antivaccination family put her baby in quarantine via 59C16RRW, AIDS vaccine created at Oregon Health& Science University may clear virus from body retweets 59E7SRTN,“ 55 million: The # of deaths avoided thanks to immunizations #Factivist #UNGAWeek #VaccinesWork FACT 59EFUWT3,"Truth! RT Kristin Cavallari Didn't Vaccinate Son Camden, Fears Autism, is a Total Fucking Moron" 59JUTA3F, I got the pertussis vaccine because I love my kids 59VGVO3L,Great morning meetings at to discuss #HPV adolescent health strategy and #communication 4 #immunization #vaccineswork 5A151HHZ,Fourth measles case confirmed in Clallam County: QUSEQUIM – On Friday another confirmed measles case in Clallam… 5A6PPX8Z,"US government openly admits vaccines can cause polio, seizures and death in published Vaccine Injury Table #vaccines" 5A76BUFZ,What did Hannah bring from vacation?.. #measles #measlesoutbreak 5AVLUBOP,State of Sonora in Mexico issues travel alert to 5 US States over measles outbreak 5BC4HXPA,Gotta Get One More Vaccine For School.. 5BHD0EWO,No measles vaccine? No school starting Monday for Vigo County students: Vigo County schools will not allow students… 5BNU65QR, lol seems like how was scared when he made a fake immunity idol😂 5C2QAD15,Big thanks to the dumbasses who aren't vaccinating their children and causing kids/adults to get it. You're the fucking best. 😒 5CB8YP5D,. PLEASE vigorously support SB277! I'm a pediatrician x20yrs seeing diseases I thought were gone. #vaccineswork 5CGKQP8F,#OClostfound Timi & Leslie bag (Irvine): Give me your child's name on the immunization's yours 5CH8NHHA,“ Chris Christie supports parents who opt not to vaccinate their kids: This shouldn't be a political debate. 5CIUDJFX,“ please vaccinate me for the ebola virus please thanks.” You stupid dummy; that's what makes the disease stronger! #zpack 5CT2D06K," are you saying unicorns and these ""studies"" linking #vaccines and autism are not real? Lol #IAMTHEHERD" 5CVA36SF, u could have accepted greater risk if not vaccinating & home schooled. So blame yourself only. 5CVN7WJP,My poor baby isn't feeling well because of his vaccination and he's so sleepy 😞 poor wittle pup ❤️🐶 5CYHV21K,Not everything is a government conspiracy. The research linking autism to vaccines is even more bogus than you think 5CYKAZEY,#AloeVera prevents growth of #disease causing microorganisms: #health #vitality #immunity #antibacterial #feelinggood 5D6MKE0Q,"Hey folks, this exists: (read the comments) #Measles #Vaccinate" 5D80XCAW,"The bad: More violence in jails, slower fire/ambulance response, fewer kids vaccinated, takes longer to fill potholes " 5D9MK0Z1,"We are attending ""Immunization Night"" and learning more about keeping kids healthy and safe! " 5DRBROPZ,Karlie so old her baby shots included vaccines for the Black Plague #LHHATL 5E5AREQ0,Doctors urge pregnant women to get vaccinated against pertussis: Doctors at Rady Children's Hospital are urging... 5EKMTASN,75% of cost to vax a child is for two new vaccines. bring prices DOWN! #vaccines 5EQD44KZ, and children getting vaccinated still risk side effects and death. 5F150QYF,MT >> Possible measles case at Washington Charter School. Second case in in 6 months. 5FL8JQR2,Suspected measles case linked to Paradise Valley school: Kiva Elementary sent home a letter to parents after… 5FO1VXXQ,#vaccinesNOVA My kids will never get chicken pox #thanksvaccines #vaccineswork 5FOTKVOG,"""I've read too many books to vaccinate my child"" - -- None of them were history books." 5FRAAHEK,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism 5G3H983K,"My 1st question to all potential pediatricians is would you accept a family who did not vaccinate their child. If they say yes, I am out." 5G3IRHE7, you mean vaccines cause the diseases they supposedly aim to prevent? Oh my! #sarcasm 5G9B22E2,To the parent of an unvaccinated child who exposed my at-risk kids to measles via #vaccinate 5GGZH86Z,""" ""Ebola Vaccine Only Works on White People"" says CDC da fuck" 5GKJ9WON,What Are the Most Important Vaccines for Infants? 5GR2O2PU,"DOJ investigates Miss. mental health care; N.H. pharmacists win permission to vaccinate: Jackson, Miss., Clarion... " 5GREU48K, Is Rick Perry on shaky ground? His forcing children to get cancer vaccine stopped me. Sounds like something China would do or Obama 5GWLEPR4, luckily kids have to be caught up on vaccines in order to attend daycare and I love that. Don't have to worry so much. 5H64YX1X,What Anti-Vaccinators Are Saying Online About the Disneyland Measles Outbreak 5H9EPBTT,"On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health. << I'll live forever..." 5HGA706Z,Dumbass parents! Get your Damn kids vaccinated or get out! #MeaslesOutbreak morning ☕️ 5HICUYDK,Shout out to all the liberals not vaccinating your kids congrats 5HM8AHAJ,"Vaccinate your kids, folks." 5HURD6PX,Debating whether going to Disneyland this weekend due to the measles crisis 😪 5HV7LBPD,"Choose 2 not #vaccinate ur kids? Fine, but u shld b in a #national #registry so, in case of #outbreak, we can protect all kids #equally" 5ILGO30M,“ Yeah dude i just recovered from mines to. It sux man”This Measles crap is really wild hope it doesn't spread. 5IR5Q7YA,Influenza Vaccine (@ MIT School Of Architecture & Planning) 5J0IMXVO,"Your tax $$$ will pay for those illegal immigrants #barackobama just granted immunity to (health care, schooling, welfare) #tcot #gop" 5J1EVZF5," can't believe reported on#measles y-day NOW we have confirmed case,CR would u report on me hittin THE lottery" 5J304HHM,“ Miss. health officer opposes change to vaccine #msleg deserve the same rights as 48 other states #mpvr 5JB68HP0,"JUICY vaccine conspiracy lecture from doctor *updated - Freedoms Phoenix Fascinating history of vaccine bioweapons" 5JF37PAN,Limited amount of flu vaccine available at #NMSU Campus Health Center. Open 7:30-11:30am & 1-4:30pm. $15/dose. Cal... 5JL20ZLV,"I can't keep on ranting about ""personal liberty"" #BecauseIDied from measles. " 5JL3VWFD,"Measles Still a Threat, U.S. Health Officials Warn " 5JP94K46,Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism 5JWVI4PA,Bring It On...💥 #mmr #dc #dj #instadc #connecticutave #beers #bar #love #wrestling… 5K237QL8,I think I'm developing an immunity to food poisoning. 5KF6HSL0,Unvaccinated North Texas student develops measles 5KJMRIZB," Unraveling: 600% Increase in Number of Parents Refusing Vaccinations for Their Children #Vaccines”" 5KLNN8J8,Also linked to idiot anti-vaxxers RT 4 measles cases linked to restaurant at MGM Grand Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas 5KP6WO52,HB1680 [NEW] Provides immunity from civil liability for persons who render assistance to children trapped in moto... 5L0DH5OO,"One more vaccination. #AdventuresInColombia (@ Sedgwick County Health Department in Wichita, KS) " 5LB2ZPWZ,There was a measles case in Simi Valley at the Little Explorers Preschool.....well shit..... 5LP0F8H5,Hey students! Remember to turn in your MMR shots to STAT! #medical #forms #administrationStation 5M1EFMRF,Measles outbreak at Disneyland got me like 5MS80OTH,"What is the scare about measles, when I was a kid we visited kids with measles to get it and get over it. Nobody died!" 5MSZG3HA," oh one more thing on measles, from 2009: (before the current idiocy was high lighted)" 5N2C46ZC,"Voting is choosing between the mumps & measles, the lesser of 2 evils. -KRSONE" 5N7CQCBK,"Trying to figure out health promotion recommendations for our latest patient without her age, immunization history, or diet/exercise habits." 5ND6BU29,Alght imma solo mmr this weekend <3 5NHMSKXD,Student Who Took Amtrak From NYC to Upstate College Has Measles: Officials 5NO3GM2M, Amish vaccinate their children but I did not my children healthy almost never get a cold 5NQAXZDS," Only if as make make jokes about polio, mostly slamming parents who don't get their kids vaccinated." 5OE9DNW3,Started talking about immunizations today and the first thing professor talks about is the measles outbreak and why kids should get vaccines 5OHR9HF8, or it could be measles 5OTV3GJ1,Got my whooping cough vaccine now my arm is dead. 5PZ26LLV,Vaccination causes autism like Iraq attacked us on 9/11 and groundhogs can predict the start of spring. 5Q6ZWB30,I bet all of you who are afraid of needles are now happy your parents got you vaccinated since there's a freaking MEASLES outbreak in phx 😐 5QBS77O3,"Vaccines. Good, right? Assure that more children survive into adulthood so they can reproduce. Result: overpopulation." 5QDEFLPC,"Yikes. “ The devastating impact of vaccine deniers, in one measles chart " 5QJUW4VW," if i was an idiot who thought it was contagious through the air and that vaccines caused autism, then yes." 5QLK6FES, Alright Mmr.Brown!! What the heck was that last night? Wildcats looked like they forgot how to play basic football!! Why??? 5QLVTAAS," Send me the data on vaccines killing kids and you can change my mind. Until then, this is a hot button debate with no end." 5QP7CE3G,6🙏 dropping tomorrow! I'm not new to this! #MMR #jennifair #6God #justwaitonit #somagestudios 5QT0YH5R,"Facts: On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health."" yayme" 5R2GSYN3,Vaccinate your children. This is what happens when you don't! 5RN5UEAZ,Took my babies to the vet this morning 😊Now they are all updated on their vaccinations. #healthy🐶🐶 5RODRX30,"If you have questions about measles, ask " 5S8CDSSP,NIH spends millions of dollars on stupid studies having no bearing on health care. They lie about budget cuts as reason 4 no EBOLA vaccine. 5SZSOBM1, will the Fed investigation grant immunity to any of the cops involved in #EricGarner 's death? More than one is responsible. 5T7DUFFZ,i can't imagine someone catching like. measles or some shit jesus christ 5U46XCBT," you are a nurse, step back and breathe, we will forgive you. STU about vaccines causing autism. False. #inners" 5UGH353H,#immunizations save lives! Get your baby on schedule with pediatrician #love #SaveALife #measles #peaceofmind 5VCPXAK9,"Talking heads all agreeing on vaccinating your children. Glad the media is taking this seriously, and taking the factual position." 5VGY3K3E,Vaccinate your child you stupid brain dead shit lords. 5VHZJL6A,There are 10 million children who are alive today because of #measles vaccine says Gives shout out to #getvax 5VPNPDT2,Guessing the measles. Just a guess tho. “ What’s behind the cases of #measles at #DisneyLand? 5VSI06MP,"Living in our free society comes with responsibilities, along with freedoms. Among those are not causing risk to others. #Vaccinate" 5WF23VK1,My wife is really pissed at me cause all I got her for Columbus Day was measles. #authenticity 5WKXAYSY,Really? A measles attack on Disneyland when I'm suppose to go to Disneyland this weekend... 😑😡 5WV7PBYZ," music: - Stress relief - boost immunity - reduce heart disease - enhances emotional strength - boost self esteem! <3" 5X0UMC70,"Dear God, if this MMR titer comes back negative I'm losing all faith in childhood vaccines." 5X4ZRGV0,13 million volunteers make all the difference on the ground in measles battle for 10 million lives saved so far. 5XFQCKMS," Thank you, Anne Marie. I have no problem with vaccinating. Just want folks to know they aren't always safe." 5Y3L3JCQ,AS IT SHOULD BE! RT Unvaccinated kids banned from Indiana school due to measles 'outbreak' 5Y4BKJOU, also thimerosal was taken out of vaccines since 2001 and the incidence of autism has risen since 5Y7LFJOD,If Anti-Vaccine Parents Rode The Magic School Bus: thought you might enjoy this 5YU9RLPV,Wishing I had not opted out of the selective-hearing vaccine for my kids. 5YYQMULO," eso lo se yo, pero no te dejare mmr hahhahha" 5ZAG12J9,Woa. Measles vaccination rates in parts of Africa surpass those in North America via 5ZB4XDUN,Few things make me more angry than parents who don't vaccinate their children. 5ZG6LRKH,RT Our thoughts are also with the measles-ravaged country America. I hope we are screening them before they come to Africa. 5ZVJVLKA,the news is saying a measles vaccine wiped out someone's #cancer but they don't say squat about #Cannabis #CBD curing cancer #fuckthemedia 600WI6KD,"“ Shout to the whole MMR team, it's moving...”what up!🎵🎵🎵" 60EUZK9P,Poor baby had to get her vaccines today 😔 60I0UBDN,"2 new cases of measles confirmed in AZ, bringing total to 22 cases. Potential exposure areas are in Coolidge. abc15… " 60TU5RRK, they turned your peanut butter/measles tweet into a courtroom showdown. 60ZFCO5J,"“ DON'T GIVE UR KIDS AUTISM! THIS MAN IS JUST A FAKE DR"". Seriously crack u me up Just hope u weren't vaccinated..." 61EQDN5I,Marion regular check ups and vaccine (@ Children Of Joy Pediatrics) 61GE4EVI,Back-to-school mobile immunization clinic: University Health System is making the process of getting back-to-school… 61UR361W,Fridays in July just got #CRAZY #KeyClubFridaysInJuly #MMR #TheTakeoverHasBegun @ Key Club 61ZVUAQM,AM-News : How babies may help researchers build a better HIV vaccine: Most HIV vaccine research has focused on… 623BR9X3,Parents of non-compliant students can either sign a vaccine exemption waiver or come to this clinic for shots. #kxly 62KUXDD2," evolution's ""just a theory"" too, right, dipshit? P.S. stop freeloading on my herd immunity" 62R8VW8R,See what happens when yall don't vaccinate your kids... #EbolaOutbreak 636ABE39,"Also, I went to Kennesaw for 5 years and they never had any immunizations records on me. I probably gave all y'all so many diseases. LOL :)" 63AC9G27, hence the multitude of vaccines we receive as infants to fight off disease our genetics can't fight. 63EPVM4C,Watching reporting ebola virus could reach +1m. Does the vaccine the CDC given to the 3 Americans not work for Africans? Just wondering 63QEO22O,"5 new measles cases as anti-vaccine outbreak spreads #j2150z #j2150" 63X02L5H, Sea-Tac traveler may have exposed others to measles on July 4 63YQPGKD,"Cool way to get my probiotics in. 15 billion live cultures! #probiotics #health #immunity #gu @ La Jolla, CA " 642FUVR7,Reality is they cause more harm than those who refuse vaccines. Glass houses & rock throwing #CDCwhistleblower 645I4Z37,"“ who said Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy couldn't change the world? But really, vaccinate your kids." 648HICVR,Public Health Clinic to offer back-to-school immunization clinic 64CR3A01, #measles You are so full of it. Let's protect a few outliers at the expense of the country is a selfish view! 64F5629V,"Protecting Your Family From Measles, Cyclosporiasis: North Texas health officials are navigating three different... " 655JARBD,Measles cases increase - 288 cases in US/ protect children vaccinate #keep children safe from measles 65KM8VV5,"Smh “ Ted Cruz Says Anti-Vaccination Parents Have a ""Religious"" Right to Put Children at Risk " 65PQCQQS,"I wanna dip myself in a vat of Purell after the Doctors office...they should have a ""safe room"" for healthy peeps needing immunizations" 665K8SQR,Division of Public Health Launches Community Immunity Campaign 6676YW93,She's a puss. Haha scared of her vaccines. Poor baby. #spoiled #sillykitty @ spruce avenue pet hospital 668Q17IC,Researcher Says CDC 'Chose to Cover Up' Data Linking Autism With Vaccines...but... via 669HBRIF,"Disney Measles Outbreak Could Get Worse, Experts Warn - " 678Z8L71,"GUYS BE THANKFUL FOR STRONG IMMUNITIES AND YOUR HEALTH AND FOR ALL THAT ARE SICK OR IN POOR HEALTH, GET WELL SOON." 67CC5FRM, with the intense dosage of vaccinations from birth..Is it safe? No vaccinations doesn't mean neglect on immune system.. 67EN32CZ, if Obama is so concerned over measles now close the border and stop kids coming here with their illnesses however its a bit late 67KUXXDL,😷😷😷😷 “ Five Disneyland employees have been diagnosed with measles 67US8I9O,"Cauliflower is good for pregnant women, helps protect against RA, reduces the risk of strokes and improves the immunity of our system." 67XIO06B,I hardly tweet politics but I have a soft spot for I did a paper on him in undergrad about his stance on child immunizations. 6898063M, I have a child with a developmental delay as well. It's up to ppl like us to make sure these kids are not getting vaccinated 68K9GS5V,Just Sit Right Back & You'll Hear A Tale... #mmr #dc #dj #live #like #flyer #photoshop #friday… 68N0U0EM,""" Got That #FOD2 🙌🙌 Make Sure Y'all Hit For A Copy #GMF #MMR #Classic "" @ Myrtle & Jackson " 68PNXYCT,Make Vaccines Mandatory to Attend California Schools 694WQ2WB,RT Chinese bullet train disaster clouds future sales: #china #mmr 69GQE2RT,Brain Cancer Patients Sought for Clinic Trial of Vaccine via 6ADW8KVY,Poor baby got her vaccines today... She's one unhappy girl #feelbad 6AOZAKL5,"At risk for Meningitis? Get vaccinated at APICHA Community Health Center. 7/18 btw 5-6. First-come, first-serve, while supplies last." 6B6090CA,Good Friends Good Music madhatterdc #mmr #lonelyisland #liljon #turnuptodeath #edm #madhatterdc… 6BCKV7ZV," hmmm “ Anti-vaccination hysteria, based on lies, led to predictable outcome: disease outbreak. " 6BVMT8SY,African Nations Celebrate a 55 Percent Drop in Child Mortality Rates Due to Immunization 6C9C00M5,"CDC eyeing bird flu vaccine for humans, though risk is low: Federal officials said Wednesday they're taking steps… " 6CC7240Z,i keep seeing disneyland ads on hulu and i'm just like yeah but mEASLES OUTBREAK SO THERE'S THAT 6CE9LM9H,About 90% of Americans are vaccinated. And we've been getting vaccines for 60 years. 90% of our population for 60 years... THEY ARE SAFE. 6CKKPW0G," oh my! people are completely ignorant to expose 1000s of people to measles~but more so, I despise really stupid people" 6CN930HR,Measles Cases Reported Among 16 States Including Michigan: SOUTHFIELD (WWJ) - Cases of the measles seem to be on... 6CPATWOK,I'm breaking out worse than the outbreak of measles 6D5H7QBV,Should those who refuse #vaccines be arrested & forcibly injected? Should kids be taken away? A very dangerous path to take. 6DB6NVMX,"And so you would rather your child get measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough, hep A, hep B, polio, diphtheria, rubella, rotavirus..." 6DK7JMUK,Our government needs to be held accountable. So disgusting. #vaccines #educateyourself #autism #vaers 6DM7IFLL, I'm afraid I have to school you abt the purpose of an immunity hearing. 1. It's to AVOID trial. 6DXIREXG,#MMR 👌 6E2GHT9E,Sometime medical science is so cool - reverse vaccines repress autoimmune diseases. Bet no makes false claims about it's effects! 6E98U8SY, Half-truth. Vaccine isn't effective against all HPV types nor has long-term effects been documented 6ECKWURZ,“ Roald Dahl's emotional plea after his daughter died from #measles 6EIECVM4,#DYK 1 child dies every 20 sec from a vaccine preventable disease? works to give every child a shot at life. #vaccineswork 6F3RVNCZ," If you have 12 minutes, vaccinate your children" 6F85SODB,"I can't afford to not eat GMO & poisonous food, I don't have custody of my daughter. So i cant save her from getting vaccinated..." 6F96ZNNH,Just got my tdap vaccine from #walgreens. Gotta do it for baby noah! #waitingfornoah 6FAM1HN6,This measles outbreak is totally freaking me out. I know I got the vaccine as a child but I wanna get a booster anyway. #MeaslesOutbreak 6FCUXQPO, People have been refusing vaccines thanks to the false study saying they cause autism. Now stuff is coming back more frequently 6FF6BVZM,Dark ages brought on by talibanic republicans! ** Is Texas A Hotspot For Outbreaks Of Vaccine-Preventable Disease? 6FJS847G, We worry about terrorist but not vaccinating and exposing us to fatal diseases is germ war fair why not stop it 6FPS6NHC,""" Vax harm may b increasing w/ea generation; ingredients like aluminum shown to alter the mitochondria"" #CDCwhistleblower" 6FXB4HN6, tips for the immunocompromised in the midst of the measles outbreak? 6G9S41P3,Measles cases in California soar; 54% increase in just more than a week 6GA40CEP,1- there's a brain cancer vaccine in testing? 2- This: Positive news from cancer vaccine trials via 6GBGH7ZW,""" On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health."" " 6GP1VBAP,When #Illinois Representative Mary Flowers voted no to protecting children from measles. #What 6H01JVU4, funny thing is the balls would probably keep the unvaccinated children from getting measles from the vaxxers. 6H39U3UB, requests a cease-fire so health workers immunize children against #polio &others 6H7PN876,California whooping cough epidemic: Latinos vigilant about vaccinating children: Latinos who live in southern... 6HAJCYW8,"I now have a Southern Nevada Health Card, and a Hepatitis A immunization. Which means I can ""start"" work with an orientation Monday." 6HEVUMPZ,Why are the parents claiming to have children injured by vaccines not bringing claims in court? Because they have no evidence. #CDCvax 6I38J7HO,School vaccine requirements 6JHS5825,((Silvito El Libre)) Scientists Lies About Measles Vaccine Causing Autism: The recent outbreak of measles in the US is arguably the ... 6JLRWENS,“ The saddest story Roald Dahl ever wrote about his daughter's death from #measles #ivchat #nurses #lday15vna 6JNCJRDI,Vaccinate fat kids #lmao #scandal #TGIT #mellie 6JZW0Z1E,I really don't understand why people would even think it's a good idea to not vaccinate their own kids 6KGJGGX1,"Smoking on that stanky diesel ,🚬🌿 coughing like i got the measles 😎💯" 6KLDVFUK," Vaccinate your kids people" 6KZUZ4JQ,“ 5 things everyone needs to know about measles: #VaccinateYourKids 6L0G87GS,"Vaccine imp, but 6-12mo away at best. Need boots on ground, address health systems capacity. " 6L1E03HH,"More children protected from flu: More children than ever got vaccinated against the flu last year, and health... " 6L7Q51F5,ICYMI: Health professionals: Adults might need measles booster shot #news3 6LCQLNFT, I wonder what fraction of those two thirds also chose not to vaccinate their kids for far more contagious diseases 6LDQI59U,Nurse Sharon Drake is emphasizing the importance of vaccine preventable diseases! #travelmedicalconsiderations #room335 #cobocenter #PAWinc 6LG4YLFN,"Doctor with a spine drops patients too stupid to vaccinate their kids. Need more like him: " 6LT2N0OY, get off Ur knees at work Bro bopping up Ur boss this morning after the safety meeting in the mmr truck lol fukr 6LWGYU58,"HPV vaccination rate stalls. 'We're dropping the ball,' CDC says " 6MCXOZ5P,"Seen a picture on Facebook of Mickey Mouse with the measles captioned ""Thanks for the open borders, Obama."" People amaze me with stupidity." 6MHO81WQ,Yeah vaccines don't cause autism *unfriends* *casts hex* 6MPFRJ7B," #MMR ""Let Her Know"" (lotus flower bomb rmx) feat by " 6MU3AQLA,San Diego Supervisors Vote To Stop Routine Immunization Services For Kids: San Diego County officials said most… 6MX41TND,""" #vaccines #Shills insist #Autism starts in utero or genetic, but parents insist sudden onset after #vaccine""" 6N37WIBH,"AJR95 [Engross] Designates August of each year as ""Adult Vaccine Preventable Disease Awareness and Improvement Mo... " 6N5SN3I3,"""Of Mutual Concern"" on vaccines and measles with Dr. Thomas Birch will be broadcast on 2/15/15 7AM 89.1" 6NE3IG8O,Illinois measles cases up to 13: The total number of people diagnosed with measles in Illinois inched up to 13 on… 6NVH3IZB,"Can an older, vaccinated sibling act as a vector from unvaxxed friend to newborn?" 6O45N93C," diseases tend to harm people with weakened immune systems, viruses mutate, vaccines are so limited." 6O8UNF8Z,"#letitrip some vaccines like mumps,for,polio are good but chickenpox, is something kids need to get young. We have too many sick kids now." 6O9ULVWF,Come out play... #MMR #madhatterdc #photoshop #flyer #dj #dc #downtown #midtown #dupontcircle #like… 6ODDG168, yours got the measles lmao 6OLYZGJV,Officials: 7 SoCal Residents Infected With Measles After Visiting Disneyland: At least seven Southern California… 6ONCY1A5, goodnight some call me manana image be shopping for my bday out fit i love you measles 6OYGYM5P, thanks for the measles outbreak. 6P5W1AYU,Measles looking adorable. @ Heitzman House 6PJYA8EM,The reason why Russians are so tough is cause they throw their kids in the sea during the winter to build immunity from the cold 6PYZGC96,"Read up on vaccines and disease spread, the number of negative comments from anti-vaxers is depressing. Damn you Internet (except cat pics)!" 6Q0A6J23," takes a shot @ diseases, talking about Immunizations #gamecocksforbabies #MarchOfDimes " 6Q57P2TL,According to #Time mag. Fish oil during #pregnancy may boost baby's immunity. Aug. 15 issue 6QAJ1R4U,"You don't trust doctors to vaxx your kid, but trust a doctor when they get sick w/measles? #vaccines work #science is science #dontbestupid" 6QCLPYI8,Chili's cancels fundraising for autism group after backlash over its vaccination stance via 6QX15JRK," I've learned that vaccines DO NOT cause autism, Asians are the fastest growing minority and I'm really bad at math." 6R3V9PQD,"People who are anti-vaccines literally drive me bonkers... Vaccines must cause autism, cancer & other ailments #not #educateyourself" 6R600IPP,Free Back-to-School Immunizations 6RBSTXZD,Lesson of the day: vaccinate your children or Disney will kill them. #Vaccinate #Disneyland 6RLJ09X1, I have read some articles about the vaccine that say there is a high incident of paralysis with it. #hsop2014 6RVZIBJN, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF 6SG0816U,MMR shots hurt like a little b 6SY0TEQI,. a ton of unnecessary vaccinations. My advice: let the baby's immune systems & gut develop the first 2 years untouched. 6T8L3MYH,Disneyland measles outbreak isn't largest in recent memory 6TA252X0,California Senate set to consider school vaccine bill: State senators are taking up a controversial bill aimed at… 6TN1GLZH,"I don't trust the government. I ain't getting no vaccination. If I die, I die but The government ain't killing me." 6TZPOYXM, I do. And GMO boxed macaroni. And Vaccines for children. And anything with blue dye #42. 6UCNE3PV,Episode 4 - Cinematic Immunity discusses Sarah Jones and the Future of Set Safety 6VRCW033, I always ended up in the hospital for measles and shit whenever we went lol 6W7QJWQZ,Fox News RT Meet the scientist who thinks a new autism vaccine is causing a measles outbreak. On tonight's Home Team segment 6WXEJVGX, cognitive dissonance cuts both ways. 3 billion paid >vaccine victims. Whistleblowers wait to testify. Pharma 19.2 billion fines. :( 6X34W7FL,"Celebrities pretending to be trained health professionals. Stop. Vaccinate your kids, people." 6XUYMKVG, CDC confirmed no deaths in a decade from measles in U.S. 6YO1FZA8, I fully agree with herd immunity! The decline in vaccine rates are concerning. I should re-check my MMR resistance since I did... 6ZHHNJK4," bad graphic just now - you put ""Ebola"" is spreading in California about measles" 6ZIL6X87,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” #suckit" 6ZMH9T5G," I caught whooping cough as a high school freshman. (Yes, I'm vaccinated). This has been a long-time issue." 6ZQB71K6,“ Measles has been driven to a 20-year high because of people going without vaccination #brilliant 704IIVYF,"People aren't vaccinating. Vaccine-preventable diseases are coming back. Truly, this must be the #DarkestTimeline. " 70ATVDT3,is getting a whooping cough & a flu vaccine today & I have to fast until my 11:30 apt. I fear I will be hangry by then. You've been warned. 70R5R3KF,Play For The Team I Own! MMR. Littt 💡💡💡™ @ Jersey Girls Go Go 70Z4A2W3,"CNN Measles has effected some states more than others and rules for cary wildly #rachelRdemoine" 711JPSTN,5 infants at Illinois day care diagnosed with measles: Five infants who attend a suburban Chicago day care center… 716NHZG5, Don't children have rights? Isn't ownership of humans illegal and immoral? #vaccineswork 71F0BYCB,"Highest incidence measles between 2000-2011 in US in 6-11 months of age, most unvaccinated who travel outside U.S." 71F7AUQ1,My dad just asked if I've ever had the measles........ You think he'd know man 71MSX8W1,Parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids are absolute morons.. This is why these crazy diseases are still out and about. #badparenting 72BU7K2P,#SCOTUS to hear Hobby Lobby this wk. Re- read New Yorker 11/13 on Implications for public health incl #vaccines. 72E11HXR,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” I'm immortal 😳 72IZIWUD," you're the one saying all powerful, and 100% immunity. No one else is saying that. Not CDC. Not Dr's. No one." 72S8W8YF,Texas health officials issue measles alert: Texas health officials have issued a measles alert and are urging... 73IWEURC,"""People think of vaccinations like a personal parenting decision. It's not. It's a public health decision."" " 73O3RYHC,Free back-to-school immunizations offered around South Florida -WPTV #Sunrise #FL 73Y9QXY0,Random pic #2 some fucktard stole most of my sign. Little do they know it was covered in measles germs. 742ZY0P0,Evolution and Global Warming are real so be sure to get vaccines preserved with mercury. 745OQGFU,Up until I'm sure the kid with autism is asleep. #CDCwhistleblower Vaccines can and do cause sleepless nights. #CDCfraud #MediaBLACKOUT 74CSE0YD,Measles case confirmed in Oakland County; Residents urged to get vaccinated: A measles case has been confirmed in… 74HWQKSP,When anti-vaccination individuals try to cite the you trust them if they (supposedly) help your argument? Okay. 74SSFCAX,"Search vaccine opt-out rates for Texas schools, districts " 74YPPOM5," and measles can be a fatal disease for infants (and old people, and people of all ages.. but mostly very young and very old)" 74YQDF04," Oh, wait: Saturday is post-MMR, and I'll be at the coast the next two days. Tomorrow!" 752MSWCF,Love Is Like Measles ; We All Have To Gro Through It 755G9RPO,The waiting room at the Health Department Immunizations Office must be one of the circles of hell! #serenitynow 75OTWLY7, I had a mild case when I was one. Got full blown case in eighth grade. Out of school 3 weeks. Ugh. They weren't vaccinated? 75PLCT41,Scientists in UK found vaccine for #malaria. Can we eliminate the disease by 2030? #SDGs 76GPGJSK,If you don't plan to vaccinate your children do not have children. 76HG854G, This is the argument I hear time and again! The vaccine itself may not cause autism but 76X14U0J,“ People who complain more often live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” Not a SGP 77J0EK1T,What do you do when your bff tells you she's not going to vaccinate her babies? 😳😚#vaccineswork #measles 77SP0Y27,My aunt said that whenever a guy asks where I'm from that I should say Palatine so I scare them off bc they have Measles 77U8G1GE,a rd abut health workers in Pakistan trying to deliver polio vaccine and being killed by Taliban mika so busy trying to impress 78ETQEZ2, More measles in America in the last four months than in the previous eighteen YEARS. Because people are muhfuggin morons. 78OZVY0D,Do you know the truth about the connection between vaccines and autism? Hint: Science knows. (via 799UN31D," as a high schooler, it’s considered common knowledge that vaccines do NOT cause autism at my school (public)" 79QWL6EB, measles and rubella next on their schedule 7AH9KW8K,"Scary new #vaccine touted for its speedy development time and safety for infant administration - #whoopingCough " 7AO0569W,"“ Parents choosing not to vaccinate kids contributed to California whooping cough outbreak | #idiots" 7ARUCL2Y,California bill to limit vaccine exemptions passes key committee: A controversial proposal to eliminate… 7ASLQW7Z,Residents Warned About Exposure To Possible Measles Case In Delaware: A person seeking treatment to measles may... 7AXOEF90," Tennessee District Attorney General, Rolf Hazelhurst explains vaccine/autism cover up " 7B8S05LH,1000 people including at least 195 children who might have been exposed to measles as part of an outbreak 7BRHERSG,MEASLES 😯 7BX8IZ7F,WEB CHAT: Your measles questions answered 7BXCGFR0,"NYTimes: Facts About the Measles Outbreak " 7C8BGAH3,"Took a nap on Samantha's bed, best shit ever I wake I hear Ivette and Samantha fighting On wether the baby is getting her vaccines #drama" 7CCDOL4L, having had children in Tx. I can guarantee they do mandate vaccines even if you have a physician's excuse not to. 7CEV4MUP,Packed room for the Senate Health and Human Resource Committee. On the agenda a bill addressing vaccinations 7CKTODGP,What the football team somehow have gotten the Measles from Coach Lo 7CRY5Q42,Measles and Your Family: Texas Health Allen Shares Information to Help Parents 7CS1227B,"took kids in for flu vaccine: Me-um, where is the shot. Nurse-oh we do inhaled now. Me-they deserve shots!(Ruined my fun for the day) 💉👎" 7CS5AV0U," But if you are vaccinated, why are you at threat? Shouldn't the unvacced kid be at risk?" 7D03BIJW,Everyone in this room probably has measles. RIP to me🙏 7D1QNHAU, yes! Was afraid I'd get quarantined for measles! They're everywhere 7DF8MM90,"Throughout the globe, we expect measles radificaction by 2020. is working to give every child 2 vaccination doses. #vaccineswork" 7DIUCWQQ,“ tell these parents to get they kids vaccinated before they catch these a scale from 1 to trash its a 9 7DPALSKW,Waiting for MMR shot so they'll let me enroll @ UAFS. 7DQES6FX,Have a great first day of school everybody. Carry a water bottle every day. Keep hydrated. It's health maintenance --keep your immunity up. 7DQQJ2RZ,AIDS N : HIV vaccine trials take center stage at world's largest global health conference 7E1DN8ZD,2/18 performing live #MMR #WORK music by 7ECM6ZZG,“ Up early listening to #Congos Cant wait for y'all to hear it 😁 #MMR 7EDSGWLM, if it wasn't a money grab they would let you space the shots out more instead of 6 vaccines at once. Do u have kids? 7ERYQMZ3,"""You buckle up your kids...vaccinate your pets, but what's about a major earthquake"" - I would call it an easter egg " 7FIA39XM,"Senior Commercialization Officer, Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Technologies Group, Seattle, Washington #jobs " 7FJW78CJ, My kids were vaccinated. I don't care if the other kids have pock-marked faces. Indices. 7FPSBXAO,"Flu-Vaccine Heavy Metals Test, Finds Mercury Leve…: " 7GHWXZVO, we had 70% win rate preseason. Lol @ bad mmr 7GMINV5J,Back... #madhatterdc #mmr #mixmasterrod #follow #dc #live @ Mad Hatter 7GRL2GJM, mmr is the shit let's see some bewbs #onthrscale!!! 7GWF846M,Measles Is making a comeback!!:o 7H4RH3Y8, Vaccines cause autism-choose gay or autism! #conspiracy 7H617G8D,"*walks into the front room* News: There's been a measles outbreak! Me: Nope nope nope nope *walks back out*" 7HQ8FTNB,"This health department sucks ass. I just need some vaccines people, stop looking at me like I'm a homeless whore. Damn" 7I1R315L,Mr Dog's check up and vaccines (also don't cause doggie autism). Can't say enough great things about this... 7ICYUWS7,Call and Request at Build A Bihh @ Local Station...... #BuildABihh #FreeLunch #MMR… 7IERXLRI,Free meningitis vaccines to be offered following West Hollywood death: Free meningitis vaccines will be offered... 7IH2D03G,Health department urges to get immunized for measles: Officials with the health department are urging people to... 7IHV8UU3,I hope all yall fuckers that go to Cali this weekend get measles 7IJFB31G,"Why do they tell u otherwise? To install fear into your minds, so you what? Get a vaccination, controlled monopoly" 7JDWRYUT,""" Vaccines given a clean bill of health. " 7JIWFW83,“ ***SPOTTED!*** is at #Disneyland! #KurtWarner #DisneylandCelebs”. Don't get the measles 13.😷PiratesLife4Me🎵 7JNID755,The government and FDA can keep their vaccinations and shots. I haven't had a shot since I was a small child. 7JPPYFUV," it's not unheard of. A faction within the left also did this over vaccine safety, nuclear power, and hydrofracking." 7JR3R3G6,"It's official, now more measles cases this year than previous 5. Put together. " 7JWEIKXX,MT Experts w/ pharma links more likely to talk up risk v/ < Gets to trust issue. #Vaccines 7K02URNZ,""" On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.""" 7K34K05M,On hold with my insurance company who is serenading me with catchy lyrics about children's immunizations #friendlypropaganda 7KJSQMVK,MMR is always playing jams 7KPVYMLI,Forgot about my math homework and just now doing it...stupid MMR!!! #oops 7KT2P302,"Mumps, measles outbreaks spreading in Ohio: Outbreaks of two vaccine-preventable illnesses continue to grow in... " 7L1G8G12,"Obama Weighs In On Measles, Deflated Footballs, Politics " 7LD7YTWE, There is more mercury in your tuna fish sammich than in the vaccine! 7LHO50GN," Okay, whose Kid made the #immunitynecklace?" 7MIL1J1J,Help me understand #measles. Can vaccinated children still get it or is this only a threat to the non-vaccinated? 7MWHB11A,"If you still want to refute science & gamble with your kids' lives by not vaccinating, you're a jackass. Your kids should be taken away." 7MYV16B7,"Shern: ""we have well studied, scientific, interventions that behave like vaccines for behavioral health"" #CarterMH14 #spsm" 7N1PHPF3,"“ I don't make viral tweets. ""Fungal"" is about the highest I achieve.” I'm only at ""Measles at Disney"" level" 7N5GXX96,"Measles Case Confirmed In Tarrant County: A Tarrant County resident has tested positive for Measles, according to… " 7NCI2E0N,"Have you ever wondered what's really in a vaccine? Aluminum, antibiotics, formaldehyde, MSG, and… " 7NFESMKG,“Children can avoid getting vaccinated in schools by declaring it is against their religious beliefs.” can't get the TB💁😂 7NLCTPYC,The question I have why is #NBC taking on with ongoing debate R they tryna look cute or scare people into taking #vaccines #SVU #justasking 7O1O89XD, There's a Measles outbreak in Phoenix right now; Scurvy is feared next.... 7OALPPU6,I just learned my son just got the HPV vaccine. I am so out of the loop. One more safer boy. 7OC6EMWW,Do you know the truth about the connection between vaccines and autism? Hint: Science knows. (via 7OGXUX3B,Michigan encourages flu vaccinations amid increase of cases: Michigan health officials are encouraging people to... 7OKKUK20,I dont understand parents who won't vaccinate their children;theyre basically saying that death is better than raising a special needs child 7OL3JEZN,WHOEVER AN AUTISM TRIBES? FROM NOW ON DONT DO FLU.SHOT! OR VACCINAXION 7OMQ864W,Funniest clip ever about not immunizing your children 7OQC98ZD,I couldn't imagine being a parent of an immunocompromised child & worrying about measles outbreaks b/c of parents TOO STUPID to vaccinate 7OUVFT0M,Washoe County tracks 2 suspected measles cases 7OXLSJ7A,"""Say goodnight"" -Aerosmith, Sick As A Dog #adelaideevelyn is sick from the MMR vaccine. High… " 7P9CLMVB," not to mention autism rates rise with the expansion of the criteria, not due to vaccinations." 7PDP3O8E,GET YOUR KIDS VACCINATED! 7PI27ZFZ,Researcher Says CDC 'Chose to Cover Up' Data Linking Autism With Vaccines...but... via 7PPJ64WT, They should absolutely go home. Parents who don't vaccinate their children should homeschool not infect others. 7PQV9XK2,Public warned about possible exposure to measles: The public's being warned about a possible exposure to measles... 7PV5WENV,clean bill of health and updated vaccines for the eldest child 👍 7Q7HHTQJ,“ The autism-vaccine myth via compelling history of the science 7QDFLY4P,“ Anti-vaccination parents are fueling a measles outbreak. Should you sue? 7QK1TXAX,Henderson community health fair! Come on out for free immunizations and health info! 1pm-4pm 7QRSNDYK,If u don't vaccinate your kids then home school. U are putting my kids and other kids @ risk. Be socially responsible damnit!! 7R59Q15A,"""VACCINATE YOUR DAMN KIDS"" amen !!!!! #theview" 7R9T9X5D,"Catch up, keep up and follow up; #Measles!" 7REWHYX9,"Fact: blankets keep you safe at night. We dont know what from, but they are definitely an immunity against something." 7RFB5WCB,...went to #DisneyLand and I just got this lame tshirt. No #Measles AHH guess I'll take that as… 7RXGWLMW,Cause people don't vaccinate. Can we bill? “ 19 cases of measles from Disney connection now each1 will cost $33k 2investigate” 7S55BSEW,Is meningococcal disease so widespread that must vaccinated daughter? How long has MCV been around? It's new REQ here in GA. 7SADIL8I," On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health." 7SV6FSIY,"627 Africans die of Ebola, the world says there is no cure , only 2 Americans fall ill of the same disease, a vaccine pops up." 7SYC4TU1,"“Vaccinating all our kids critical to public health-we should try and minimize exemptions-USA Today! " 7T9QULI1,"Turns out I'm not immune to MMR anymore. Holy crap I feel old. Also, alert the anti-vaxxers! I've been defrauded!" 7UA7KP4V,“ Sharks have the best immunity to diseases that are known to man and deadly diseases like cancer do not affect them at all.” 7UH6H7ZS,"“On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” #livingforever" 7UKZ8KZ0, vaccine truth 7V10541S,""" Unvaccinated people spread measles at Disneyland no reason for this, idiots" 7VAHT7W6, you can't enroll your kids in school here in Utah without vaccination documentation. Why wouldn't you vaccinate your child? 7VL7WP6G," "" Now is a great time to get vaccinated! #NIVW2014 " 7VLDBS3K,Mixing session for #Congos thememusicjosh #mmr… 7VO2V70G,"I've always believed the ""flu vaccine"" was a joke! CDC says this year's flu vaccine is only 23 percent effective: " 7VVISF7N, vaccines gave one of my kids aids and implanted an alien tracking device into the other one. Fuck vaccines 7WAW8EI8,""" We know what works we need to do more: vaccines, medicines, mosquito nets, safe childbirth, adequate nutrition. #Promise4Children""" 7WE7US6E,“ Pharmaceutical Industry Reeling As More Moms Making Own Vaccines At Home 😂 your fault 7WLT9ZEU, My grandson was injured by 18 vaccines(given in 2 visits close together) by a supposedly prominent pediatrician in Des Moines! 7WMNVEOR,Tarrant County still on the lookout for measles cases: One Northeast Tarrant County resident came down with... 7WTH0SLJ,"Grey zone? MT“ asked Gov. Christie if Americans shld vaccinate their kids. His kids are - but says approach should be ""balanced""”" 7XEILCIV,BART Riders Warned Of Possible New Measles Exposure From Infected Passenger: Bay Area Rapid Transit riders may have… 7XS45JLA, I work in a preschool and it's amazing how many of these kids aren't vaccinated... so scary 7YLUOGEX,Nevada ranks 50th nationally in flu vaccinations: A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… 7YY4CSFQ,"“ It Took Studying 25,782,500 #Kids To Begin To Undo The Damage Caused By 1 Doctor #vaccines" 7YZTHWML,Child Safety: Recent Measles Outbreak | Travel Med Inc. – Travel Medicine Sacramento 7Z3PF3ZN,I thank she got chicken pox or measles..... 7ZI3IWWU," really? Most legal citizens know what MMR stands for, yet the CDC wants legals to revaccinate. Take your redundancy south👀" 7ZIULCAT,TB-lead kller among HIV-infected people w/weakened immunity; 1/4 of a mill TB deaths are HIV-associated. #eadp4080 7ZVDKMH7,I've decided to teach our kids to bite other kids and scream profanities at teachers. Because freedom! #vaccinate 801JZ4H6,". for those not in the know, #Measles is different from #Ebola in that it is ACTUALLY AIRBORNE." 80ETNBXN,SB121 [Passed] Meningococcal disease-pupils to be immunized against at recommended age 80PSD5ON,9 People Get Measles After Visiting Disneyland In December: California health officials said they believe a person… 80PU5ZG1," Vaccinations are another, completely diff topic. You don't need health insurance for that. Antivaxxers are just misinformed idiots" 80YDA5LI,"Crickets. MT In 2008, Obama was 'suspicious' about vaccines and wondered if they might cause autism " 8177NUAT,Mexico Cancels Infant Vaccines Nationwide After Two Die 818VJKS0, theres a higher risk of kids getting autism because of vaccines and the government knowingly hid that from the public. 81A6OOXQ,"""Vaccines are like the Cliff Notes version of a disease"" - " 81KF5YSO, how can you say that #measles were eradicated 10 yrs ago? there are new cases! Maybe the#vaccine didn't work? 81KKEXEP,"YES!"" Journal: Study published on alleged link btwn vaccines & autism has been removed pend further investg. " 81PO84ZD,🚨 LINK IN MY BIO 🚨 Just dropped my 6🙏 cover! You NEED to hear it 🔥🔥🔥 #jennifair #mmr #somage… 81VEHDGJ,The devastating impact of deniers and # measles resurgence 81Z92EBG, in going to be very honest but very non #PC These kids were probably exposed by #illegaliens We need to get more vaccines to #Mexico 826Z7IIB,""" . reports #measles vaccination prevented estimated 13.8M deaths in 10 yrs, cases declined 78%: " 82KHXPL1,Sitting in a diner next to a few women and one has blamed the measles outbreak on Obama. Next words I heard were Bengazi & Fast and Furious. 82ORTNK6,"Not vaccinating your children not only puts your child in danger, but it also puts the children your child comes in contact with in danger." 82WMT3OY,Bill to Require Vaccination of Children Advances in California Schooling won't matter if herd immunity dies! 8399FEJ1,Baltimore City Health Department Investigating Possible Measles Case 83OLQV4Q,Someone in my critical thinking class thought that vaccines caused autism. I was shocked because I thought people thinking that was a joke. 83TJITOA,Jersey Shit!! Gator Mike! MMR!!! @ Jersey Girls Go Go 83VVP2R6,"""If you connect the dots, it spells 'My parents are idiots'"" #antivax #measles #MeaslesOutbreak " 83Y74ZNQ, the mmr calibration is retarded 848UCQ7E, #VaccineQs Should parents be held liable if their infected child causes a death? 84LR5E8O,"I guess she never heard of a round earth, the sun being at the center of the solar system, incurable diseases being eradicated by vaccines.." 84Z5QIA1,California Law Requires Doctor's Note For Vaccine Exemptions... But There's An Out: A new law went into effect... 85XRK92R,Free Back-to-School Immunizations 862JJVX9,"#nationwide Should've been an anti-anti-vaxer ad. ""I'll never grow up because my mom thought #measles vaccine causes #Autism. Now I'm dead.""" 86CDJNN3,Measles case confirmed at Plano ISD elementary school 86HTFWZV, lol mmr is this electrical company in channelview work is hard but the. Pay is even better 86LEFFE1,In Charlotte Being Great W/ Slick Pulla! #CTE #MMR #CIAA 💯😎✔️ @ Charlotte NC 86LR2FW5,"""Cooties scare the bejeezus out of me. Like how is there not a vaccine for that yet?""" 86N1CPKU,"I wonder if the anti-vaxxers who reply to the measles outbreak with arguments like, 'Parents know best!,' grasp the irony." 86QM74C7, I'm sure you saw the CDC whistleblower who revealed that the CDC hid evidence that MMR vaccine has correlation to autism. 874HDPI5,"Note to self: ""immunity enhancing Borscht"" from Women's Health is as gross as it sounds. Not 2 mention my hands are 4ever stained from beets" 879BFV5E,""" devastating impact of vaccine deniers, in one #measles chart #UniteBlue #tcot" 87D3FEWP,Law and Order SUV is ridiculous. Trying a woman for not vaccinating her son & causing a measles breakout. What a dumb show. 87LGW8NG,First Case Of Measles Confirmed In Delaware 87TCDVRQ, awesome! Did you check it for measles first? 87X84WMO," we have 1 half who vaccinate, 1 half who does not...guess who is NEVER sick & had NO health problems..." 87ZRGVJA,Annual physical? Check! #doctor says I'm healthy but boo to #tetanus shots #health #vaccines 886Q4X8P,People are so stupid vaccinate your children 88E14HM0, I dare someone to quiz us on the vaccine-autism controversy #Mnookin 88ODFR4B,I always give my kids the flu I'm not so sure of it. 8988MNAM," On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.”" 89JYE9SP,"#morningjoe, if the CDC hadn't lost funding we might well have had a Ebola vaccine. Joe you just open your mouth with half truths." 89TN2CB8, umm uh oh-it may be a different strain of measles? Or one that is resistant to the inoculation you received? 8A3A19KN,So I guess the summary is that vaccinating your kids will be less painful than letting them think they're gonna die when they get the mumps. 8A5P55ZQ,"Can we make an antidote to the vaccines the vaccine deniers got as a kid so THEY can get measles, mumps, polio and anal fissures?" 8AFJQCGA,SB383 [Engross] Providing immunity from civil and criminal liability to certain health care providers for perform... 8AINBIDT,Well: Measles: Perilous but Preventable 8AR3HVM2,"Replace ""smallpox"" with ""measles"" and you get the idea. Circa 1940s " 8B5LSTZH,Guns don't kill people. Vaccinations for deadly diseases kill people 8B6GUN8X,Attention Americans: GET YOUR KIDS VACCINATED!!! 8B75433U, I hear You. I'm with you. I'm pretty sure my kids were born with it. Intensified by vaccine? That question Always lingers #LoVE 8BEB1SLG,"Vaccinate your children (boys AND girls) from disease, including HPV-related cancers: cervical, anal, oral/oropharynx " 8BNC4QBE,AM-News : Influenza Vaccine Deemed Safe for Children With HIV - Guardian Liberty Voice: However in a recent... 8C1Q3WF2,#Ebola in #Africa and #measles in #maricopa #meganjehn 8CL5HA2Q,And btw there is NO🙅🙅🙅 vaccine for u just die this miserable death in excruciating pain 8CN5O66D," I'm sure she's nice, but also a dangerous idiot who spouts harmful nonsense about good vaccines." 8CZEPULI,"Vaccinate ur kids, assholes!"" Measles cases up to 173 in 17 states, with 73% related to Disney, CDC says, " 8DESXAOO,Picking up my immunization records :) (@ Aurora Central Catholic High School) 8DJVPSK1,"Meanwhile, the country that completely eliminated both polio and smallpox is now full of people convinced vaccines cause Autism, etc." 8DMAKLLO, final nail in the coffin of the claim that mmr causes autism 8E1EMG60,IT BECAUSE OF VACCINE 100% TO CAUSE THE BRAIN TO ALTER IN KIDS 8E8UMSI6,SB48 [NEW] Schools; providing immunity from liability for offering certain elective course. Effective date. Emerg... 8EAG30W9,California housewives hosting measles parties for their children. These white folks have lost their damn minds. #antivax #Measles2015 8EDXD12M,People say that vaccines cause autism because autism has increased along with our use of vaccines. THAT DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING. 8EJ0NFJX,C'mon people! Vaccinate your kids. 8EN3JD0Z,""" Please pray for the people of South Wales, as the measles epidemic spreads; God bless, Andy " 8EQN3ANA,If you don't get your kid vaccinated you should be prohibited from further reproduction. There is absolutely no reason not to. 8EXPI47L, I mean seriously. The school system doesn't require vaccines from children for the fuck of it lol. 8F2SBMUV,Crazy what ppl will do for full immunity. Lol #ScandalABC 8FCISLN2,"How is it that out of all the places I've worked, or went to school at, NONE of them have my immunization records!?😵#theyregonnakillmeHarry" 8FOYCBQU,“ Diplomatic Immunity tho RT Who had the best double album?” <<< life after death 8G6AQJD3,"Author Roald Dahl’s Daughter Remembers Sister Lost To Measles, Father’s Fight For Vaccinations " 8GPK17EL, hope it ain't measles. You got the MMR brah? 8GQE8UH3,CDC Cover-up Exposed By Whistleblower: Vaccines Increase Autism By 340% - via 8H1VWVGJ,Back to reality after #SB49 RT: CDC director warns of 'large outbreak' of measles 8HGFMV3V,CUST102 with David O'Neal at #IBMConnect - excellent real world MMR tips and techniques. 8HQKUVTM,88 people that visited Disneyland were diagnosed with #Measles. Most unvaccinated were under 12 month & 6 were vaccinated. 88 people!!!! 8IBLRV2T,This is kind of random but for the love of humanity please vaccinate your children. 8IBXNNAD, mmr no divisions 8IMLTEWC,"Vaccinate your kids, ya dipshits." 8IQYXPMZ,I really think I'm getting the measles 😤 8IS0T0QY,This is why you should vaccinate your kids. 8JAV3DH2, Saying #vaccines R the reason few die today from infectious disease is a huge lie! 8JYBKSQ5,Better not catch measles here 8K67TBUW, Vaccines cause your autism! Stop them! Stop spraying us with chemtrails also! People are aware! Stop lie 8KJ3DPOE," you cannot protect everyone from everything, and forcing vaccines will likely put as many at risk as it purports 2 protect" 8KSOTTAN,Bring Em Out... #mmr #dj #dc #live #live #memorialdayweekend #dupontcircle #midtown #madhatterdc… 8KYANMAE, You were sick the measles #beardown 8M1L6O3U," I have no idea how many vaccinations babies need. Never had one before. (Baby, that is)" 8M2DOEEN,SNHD urging vaccinations for back-to-school: With a month before Clark County School District starts the new... 8M5UR6YD,PPSV23 protects against invasive disease. PCV13 protects against pneumonia. #TheMoreYouKnow #vaccines 8M8O7KQR,Turn to cnn n see there's a Measles outbreak what the fuck 8MH0H3JI,"Seriously. RT Thanks vaccine conspiracy theorists. ""Worst year for measles since 1996?""" 8MO3G59R,Never give a sucker an even break Anti-Vaxxer Bets Scientists $100K They Can’t Prove Measles Exists 8NFAZRO5, mhmmmm. what did mmr roberts say after class 8NKPKY8B,Stupid woman. Be a parent and vaccinate your children! Court orders girls' MMR vaccination 8NTIXNC3, be safe! Unless you are talking about immunizations. 8NY4FMGA,Marin County parents of sick boy push to end vaccine exemptions: A father’s anguish over a son fighting leukemia… 8OFMB0T4,". ""We must quarantine these potential Ebola patients"" Measles. Meh. Whatever. Personal choice on the vaccine" 8OJ58DZG,House restores vaccine exemption 8P2PPX4P, vaccinate your children! 8P4XN2TG, / Measles can be fatal and is contagious. Just get the damn vaccination. 8PCYDUWS,Amidst measles outbreak doctor says people who've had vaccines could consider another vaccine or booster shot 8PG6KFF0,Don't think I'll ever understand why people don't vaccinate their children.... 8PX84BEB,#RFRA mess “ There's a simple way to decrease the # of parents who choose not to vaccinate their children 8QWIWGUL,Measles in 2015 is a classic underdog story. A disease once eliminated in the US defying all odds to return & really give us the what for 8RYIL72F,Remember to thank the parents who didn't vaccinate there kids when measles and other horrible diseases start ravaging everyone 8S4LE3EE,Does Mickey Mouse have measles? 8S9797G5, You should probably get that Measles vaccine. 8SDQX9I0,"Food, immunizations, school supplies to a bunch of people that need it. GG FUMC! " 8TAWCDWR,"Did anybody have the measles as a child? They make you really sick..I had every childhood disease including diphtheria Kids died a lot then" 8TKK4238, the antivaxxers are predominant in CA with some schools that has 30% and up with no vaccines. 8TSRG69X,I'm here at the #MayorsBackToSchoolFair here at #FairPark. Free #SchoolSupplies #Vaccinations… 8TT30KB6, love A voice for safer vaccination policies and full transparency #Statefarm 8U30AIIJ," you spoke the other day about vaccinating your child. Please watch #thegreatergood , fellow father and raiders fan" 8U6JIR9J, Poverty has everything 2 do w it & #vaccines R useless @ improving children's health 8VOJ5KTA,"Woke up this morning, thought I had the measles so I laid back down and hit the sour diesel #makisupa #trey" 8VTWHXX8,I would like to extend a thank you to all the stupid ass anti-vaccers out there for the current measles outbreak in America. Way to go guys👍 8VZZKKAB, don't they know it's measles now? #yesterdaysdisease #MeaslesOutbreak 8W2Y8UAZ,What You Need to Know about Your Child's Immunizations 8WGZBKRO,#VT House OKd 140-0 bill granting immunity to docs who prescribe LT antibiotics to fight Lyme disease #vtpoli 8WSIX12O,Banana berry with immunity and daily vitamin yummmmm (@ Jamba Juice at Juanita Firs Safeway) 8X5K5WH3, bad epidemic spreading not measles we all have this is no joke Jimmy 8XVA2R7K,California bill would eliminate 'personal belief’ vaccination exemptions 8XX6XIC0,Not a coincidence 15 mos. MMR Autism IBD #CDCwhistleblower knows truth so do I see Dr. notes #b1less #BreakABillion 8Y7T5KIX,"Oh good, now idiots are listening to a moronic reality star about autism and not vaccinating their kids." 8YCLOO9L,I can't believe people don't give their kids MMR vaccines! Smh 8YGC2PAS,It's lazy language to say vaccines r “safe & effective”!! They have done great harm/read the findings of the Vaccine Court #CDCwhistleblower 8YJCOB31,"When you’re making your back-to-school checklist, make sure to include vaccines—for your children and for yourself. #NIAM16" 8YMG2PX7, if we require vaccines for all kids the next thing will be that the government requires all Americans to get the flu shot. SMH 8YNHF5DF, She has done more damage to kids by being anti-vaccine bc ppl think she has more knowledgable & don't vaccinate their kids! 8YV3AVX6, i heard they were giving away measles 8YVHBGRU,I would never recommend taking toxic vaccines over detoxification of the system & (Nutrition)building up the immune system 8ZGQ3LDT,"✔Done na! Nakapaglinis and sterilize na din ako! Wootwoot! Need to sleep na, may doctor's appointment si Baby bukas.Another vaccination :| ☹" 8ZPI5S6D,((ELB)) Scientists Lies About Measles Vaccine Causing Autism: The recent outbreak of measles in the US is arguably the direct result... 8ZUBU840,"🔥NEWMUSIC🔥 ""Trophies"" #EAZYMIX by #MMR" 90APMOTO, required that you vaccinate your child util I was like 16 😂 this is so out of hand already. 90FWI4E9,Flu vaccine is an important part of a child's preventive health. #DownSyndromeAwareness #flufighter 90OZ0ZI9, measles outbreaks reach record high 913CJOCV,"Scott Co's Ed Rivers: probable joint press statement on measles to be released. Still no cases in IA, but surrounded by states /cases." 91RAH080," Dr Scott.Whitaker On Malcolm X ,Measles ,Ebola & More" 9205NYHW,Just Retweet PSA RT HIV vaccine: how does it work? Wait? Safe? Still hope? HERE ARE THE ANSWERS: 928TBM28,#CHAMPAGNESHOWERVIDEO! #MMR 92DU27AF, age of autism exists solely to perpetuate dangerous anti vaccination propaganda 92HUY0Z9,The CDC says vaccines are your best defense against major infections like the Mumps. What do you think? Vaccinate or not? 92L5CQZP,"How to Protect You and Your Children During the Measles Outbreak: Pediatrician, Clinical Professor at UCLA and… " 92UQQCW6,Measles being passed through the MGM restaurant in Vegas! #Healthtalk 932F9HC9, HA. Know what's unpatriotic? Measles. Homework. Lack of mental health days off in school. High school in general. Lots else. 93CKUX8C,The next time you go to the Drs. & let them inject #Vaccines into your #Kids..Think about the toxins in it. 93EG96MN,"Vaccinate yer darn kids already, nutters." 93I1R4F1,Buy Me A Vowel... #mmr #dj #dc #midtowndc #madhatterdc #mixmasterrod #dupontcircle #wheeloffortune… 9444JELP,Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award 945TBZHG,He's like mMr. Rodgers slow little brother 949OITTG,Phony Anti-Vaccine Propaganda Is Killing U.S. Children 94AQWP04,"Over 18 & uninsured? Free flu vaccines & basic health screening today June 28 at Station 37, from 1-4 p.m.... " 94NX9752,Now on WLRN: “ Tune in now as we take a look at the recent measles outbreak and what it means for 2015: 94PLP12S,"If we Ban peanuts from schools & airplanes then we must Ban anti vaccine crazies/progeny from schools, airplanes and public places." 94T5711M,There were 644 cases of measles in the US in 2014 and no mainstream media frenzy. Where was the hysteria then? #CDCwhistleblower 94W1TXTT,"VACCINATE YOUR DAMN CHILDREN FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. There, I said it." 94W2RXG9,The #mumps outbreak in Columbus makes me so angry! Vaccinate your kids people!!! Do the research! (The right kind of research!) #RNadvice 957KVNLV,"First hand account of damages from anti-vaccine childhood, despite natural healthy lifestyle: " 95VMP0PL," Totally agree. As a parent, can't imagine not vaccinating my son. For his sake and other kids." 965BUG4S, this reminds me of what parents used to do before the chicken pox vaccine. Parents wanted kids to get them! 967TC7WG," Still selfish & dangerous. What if one of her 7 kids infected an immune deficient child, who can't be vaccinated?" 968GUMP4,If You Have Nothing to Hide via I think he is the disease and 2A is the vaccine 96DULYW3," My new ringtone. Pass it on... Vaccinate Your Kids - Mitch Benn: " 96ZYC6KM,The truth is nobody wants to be vaccinated. We vaccinate for each other. 97VHOEFA,"anyway. the point is, vaccinate your kids." 97WVSNS2,"Chris Christie Rejects Obama, Says Vaccinating Kids Is A Matter Of Parental ‘Choice’ " 985LGFEE, it was fatter than a possum with the measles. 986LY7HS,I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide What Eliminated Diseases Come Roaring Back 98C1MDK5," my wife who is from Wayne, just told me that in the Amish there are only 3 kids with autism. 2 of the 3 were vaccinated." 98CGFVZA, She's the anti-science once was a babe who thinks autism comes from vaccine. Yes? No? 98ZBYP66,"“ average, people who complain live longer--Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " 993R739K,Going to get a measles shot and trying to contain my excitement. 994DSL8O,I got my #flu vaccine today thanks to the Bartholomew County Health Department and their #drivethru… 996BTOX0,"Tobacco Corps. can kill people with impunity, and it's legal. They poison, with full immunity. There is no greater good 'ol boy system. Tip" 997MBJLJ,Vaccinations. @ City Of Findlay Health Dept. 9985VXKG, respect is one thing but putting others at risk is never ok. We wouldn't let someone with Ebola run around. Measles kills too 99LQYTMU,Yup...#mmr #mixmasterrod #madhatterdc #dc #dj #mix #master #rod #beardo #fo @ MixMasterRod's Upstairs Lounge 9A8K4SZK," US + Italian courts pay for vaccines causing ""autism-like sympyoms"". I did vax my kids: wouldn't now " 9ANO48R3,Pediatrician: Vaccinate Your Kids—Or Get Out of My Office via 9ARAURE8, This measles outbreak is a potential Public heath disaster for we the Uninsured ! #inners 9B5P2GAW,"Oky doky artichoky 😉 Artichoke ❤️s have numerous #health #benefits: immunity, digestion, blood sugar… " 9BJ05L2K,Super Bowl Arizona gets the measles 9CDEBZAD,""" People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.""" 9CK9LMD5,#VaccinateYourKids & don't put other people at risk. We live in a society (unless ur isolated). Don't expose ppl to preventable diseases 9CSABIZ2, wont call out rand paul on vaccines caused retardation in kids.because rands a dr..supporting doctors don't call out doctors 9D8R8TY7,Thanks to stupid ass #antivaxxers U.S. Now Exporting Measles To Other Countries - #vaccineswork #VaccinateYourKids 9DD9YE48,"RT Vaccine-Autism Linker Trump to Speak at CPAC, Just as GOP Wants Issue Gone " 9DQSSZVE,RT More than two dozens measles cases tied to Disney theme parks: 9DXTTNQL,"Dr. Margaret Hennessy discusses the importance of childhood immunizations: Dr. Margaret Hennessy, a pediatrician… " 9E2Z4889, I had my kids pre-immunization. It came out a few years 2 late So they had the full outbreak. Either way it's the pits for sure 9E3YRSDX,“ Simply listening to music can literally strengthen your immune system & keep your brain working properly.” My immunity sucks 9F4ABGTA," that's not what I said; given the risks of vaccines themselves, the only moral thing to do is give parents a choice" 9F8MZMSD,"Always Florida! Florida Mom Kidnaps Daughter to Avoid Vaccines, Learning Black History - " 9FJ45F9U,"""Kids Should Get Flu Vaccine Now"" " 9FN1R560,Brought #measles to #LongIsland from #WashingtonDC are allowed on #vaccineswork 9G3EGFYT,Trying to get my immunization crap sorted out for school. Pain in the ass. 9GC4XGAW, have a safe flight 9GCA0E7K,Heres a website that gives perfect evidence vaccines dont give your children autism. 9GI5KFGB,"It's not a ""personal choice"". Being a vegetarian is a choice. Not vaccinating is a public health disaster. #vaccineswork #VaccinateYourKids" 9GJLP7I9, What about the recent study showing the vaccine's ineffectiveness in infants and the elderly? 9GRDOY27,“ BREAKING: Five babies at suburban Chicago daycare center diagnosed with measles. (Via 9H63SLJV," The economics of vaccines - greed, politics, and disease profit " 9I2H3OGO,Northside ISD to offer bus visits so kids can get vaccinations KSATnews 9I96BYIG,Measles outbreak at California’s Disney parks 9IJF8KQX,$NVAX Begins 3rd RSV vaccine trial this season - in 150 children ages 2-6 - execution continues at a very high level 9J8MMBEM,"Those are the live (living, weakened virus) vaccines. #STEP1 Smallpox Yellow fever Chickenpox Sabin's polio virus Measles, mumps, rubella" 9JCCMIUG," Stop blaming mothers in the United States,and look who is igniting the measles in the air Illegals" 9JCCUXD9, Not against #vaccines just for safer #vaccineschedule and cleaner #vaccines. No more chances. 9JKFUJT2, Measles virus is VERY contagious. It can hang in the air 2hrs. Even if the person leaves. 9K01CP3U,Children's Museum of Houston to Offer Free Vaccinations 9K1HAXBD,There are now over 150 measles cases in the US. What's your opinion on vaccination? #mcj203 #2/23 9KKPMXBC,"Seriously, people! Vaccinate! Come on!! WTF?! CDC reports biggest measles outbreak since 1996 " 9KNPYH0E," I totally agree!! I've had several adult friends have adverse effects to the flu vaccine, so imagine what it could do to kid" 9KUPVLHL, savannah is waiting for her rattlesnake vaccine! Just a little bit scared:-( 9L10IDU9,"Toddler dies of measles in Berlin, first death in outbreak: An 18-month-old boy has died of measles in Berlin, the… " 9L2257E9,Measles outbreak put spotlight on vaccinations 9L3X9AZN,"Yay! Calif. Senate approves bill to abolish personal belief exemption, require vaccinations " 9LEEPXXK,My column: Why can Irish schools ask for a baptismal cert but not an immunisation cert? via 9LLI0KLX," caller ""Winner of Week 40th on Sunday Weenie of Week parents who don't immunize kids" 9LRXEPFR,Surgeon General: ‘Please vaccinate your children’: U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy praised Central Ohio efforts… 9MGWTS9K," #KellyFile RFK Jr typical ignorant liberal. Never mind there IS CONCLUSIVE proof vaccines do NOT cause autism, he LIES about it." 9MIO2IM8,"come on peeps, get your kids immunized." 9N0ZGB8H," Stay away from measles parties, docs warn parents." 9N3AP91L," Lol, yes. We both can agree that people who don't vaccinate their children are idiots. 😘😘😘" 9N8T6YIP,"“ On average, people who complain live longer Releasing this tension increases immunity & boosts their health"" just tryin to live" 9O03XN7B,New study finds no link between autism & MMR vaccine: A new study joins the growing tide of research showing the… 9O20NRBE, I already know I'm just tryna find someone to trust so I can go up too. I'm actually really good and my MMR teams me up with a LOT 9OBCKNZD,I go to bed with someone the genetics changed in them immunity kids immunity this child would be OMG 9OGY96KW,"Vt. vaccine exemption form relaxed after criticism: MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — The Vermont Health Department has... " 9P4EE87G,“ Type I insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a disease that has now been linked to vaccines.” Word thanks truther bot 9PWM3K9I,Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) NIIW Childhood Immunization Champion Award 9QZ73X5E, I challenge Jenny to get her kid vaccinated. 9R1CMOL8,I don't understand how the government can force your child to get certain vaccinations. That's definitely the parent's decision. 9R9RCPQO,Parents who were free riders with vaccines found that the ride wasn't free - and the cost was their children's health 9RB238UN," mistyped. I think it was around 50% reported. We talked in class how the CDC ""guessed"" the wrong strain to vaccinate for." 9RFDBHRG," Conversely, if a child dies from the disease he was vaccinated for, is the manufacturer liable?" 9RLNEHCN,"Next week's SVU is covering the idea that not vaccinating your kids is a good thing, when in reality, it's one of the most dangerous things" 9RLYHFPD,"Women in Starbucks talking about vaccinations and how ""injecting viruses into your children"" is a personal choice and I'm strugglin" 9RXUMO4Q,The saddest story Roald Dahl ever wrote about his daughter's death from #measles is worth reading today #vaccineswork 9S1MBEJ7, Vaccines are given free at any Health Dept. 9S3XBBJN,Last one: parents vaccinate your kids. I don't want your mumps or measles!!!! 9SOQ2CVS,"Olympic Christian School students in Port Angeles quarantined after measles case: PORT ANGELES, Wash. — Clallam… " 9SUJLCE3,Ugh. Really disappointed that my old school only has a 76% vaccination rate 9SX0N1WW,"Who gets ""measles"" anymore?" 9SXPFWFZ,""" Drugs firms not trying to find Ebola vaccine ‘bc only killing Africans’ :-P" 9TK485TB,Please help me with my research! It won't take long! #vaccine #vegetarian #vegan #health 9U0LB4QN,The MUMPS outbreak/NHL More reasons to vaccinate children against a debilitating disease. 9UA6FG4J,CDC honors Denver doctor for childhood immunization efforts by David Olinger 9UFK7R5C,Shawty Ahh Fatter Than A Possum With The Measles.! 9UH50PQ7,#Probiotics=beneficial w/ #diarrhea #immunity #indigestion #allergies #vaginitis #IBS #yeast infections 9UTWJUII,"Flu cases up, officials say; vaccination urged: State health officials say influenza activity is on the rise in... " 9V2JGLY6,"The lack of sleeping, immunity is injured, sickness in haiku." 9V6FC281,"CLE doc: Vaccinate kids; autism fears unfounded: ""It’s so much kinder than having a child get ill and potentially... " 9VER7RXS,"Ohio measles outbreak continues to grow " 9VF7GEHB,Vaccine trutherism now officially a public health crisis 9VGLOX4S,Thank #JonasSalk for your #health today on what would have been the 100th birthday for the discoverer of the #polio #vaccine. #publichealth 9VLSF1OU,1/7 vaccinations done for nursing school 😭 #ihateshots 9VTMWFB8,"Started #P90X tonight, this time with 100% less injury, and I'm not letting mono/hepatitis stop me this time! #Stretching #Immunity" 9VV52D51,"Circle, circle. Dot, dot. Immunization Act #KidLegislation " 9W7M2BLE,"My teacher is getting her doctorate in inflammation, immunity, and disease Pretty bad ass" 9W9VCUDO,"There is no debate. When you refuse to #vaccinate, you put your child/everyone at risk. stop believing #woo." 9WEXCGXF, just all those health forms and vaccination confirmations 9WH6YJKT, processed sugars & measles vaccines won't ruin my child. #dontsign 9WYEGOF2,An Amazon Immunity for the win ✨ #flugame @ Kate Somerville Skin Health Experts 9WZMBX6E,Come out and play #mmr #retro #photoshop #gameboy #nintendo #batteries #mixmasterrod #dj… 9X1OV59S,Satirist Takes Jab At U.S. Measles Outbreak 9X2HI503,"A1811 [NEW] Requires insurers, Medicaid, and NJ FamilyCare to reimburse for childhood immunizations at levels spe... " 9X4NXINR,Measles is Not a Mild Disease: Measles Is Not A Mild Disease I had measles when I was eight years old. In thos... 9XZGLQ0C,MMR In 3D #friday #fun #latenight #instadc #mmr #dj #dc #dupontcircle #photoshop… 9YET3X46, watch out for the measles! 9YGIG1LO,RT Vaccinations The Measles and Medicaid Expansion 9YH82G7B,"“ California bill would reduce vaccine exemptions."" How did this stupid exemption policy even get started?" 9YMLBEJN,“ Milwaukee Health Department confirms 7 cases of mumps: Thank you irresponsible parents! Vaccinate your kids! 9YOG1X7Z,"UGH. "" RT #BREAKING: 59 confirmed cases of measles in California, per Calif. DPH""" 9ZCUSSZ7,Aww. Io got her first vaccinations in three years yesterday and she's all mopey and sick today. Poor baby. #takecareofyallspets #damnyall 9ZU2WMSI,WHO to begin large-scale testing of Ebola vaccine in Guinea: The World Health Organization will start large-scale… 9ZWO3958," Not only are we trying to being peace to regions where religion causes wars, we're also defending health (condoms, vaccines)." A01THK86,“ Five Disneyland employees have been diagnosed with measles WORD hahahha A0JAN1J2,Elgin Community College Says Student Diagnosed With Measles: One of the 10 reported cases of measles in Cook County… A0O99UMP,"""South Beach Tuesday is Where its at 2nite""…#JerseyGirl #GFE #MMR" A1BRFW0T,"Austerity is not a Vaccine to Crisis... It is a Parasite with Pandemic Potential! It Drains Life, Killing Slowly! #OccupyHouston" A1J3AV3T,Unintended consequences of war harm children. NYTimes: Taliban Block Vaccinations in Pakistan #li A1OE79R6,"Sorry but if you were vaccinated, but don't want to get you're Child vaccinated because of your conspiracy theories you're a dumbass" A1UVZKUO,Just got knocked in the face by a baby calf I was trying to vaccinate! #storyofmylife A1Y6PAS5," Congrats, Carver Elementary, a top performing REWARD School on Mn's multiple measurement rating (MMR) system " A1Y8HKPV,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health..”YESS🙋😁 A26UQGVG,Except riding in cars actually has a purpose. Unlike the measles. A2CYVHWQ,w/ #NoDaysOff #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG @ Quantum Beats Studio A2FD3MKE,I keep staring a vaccination of small pox and hoping the information will seep into my brain A2W881PS,"“ BABIES ARE VULNERABLE!: 14 infants quarantined after possible #measles exposure #Vaccinate" A351A9ON, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors?#AINF A3JVLCT3,"Florida Mom Kidnaps Daughter to Avoid Vaccines, Learning Black History #UniteBlue #tcot" A3P27I8F,SB1478 [NEW] Vaccinations; specifying certain requirements for exemptions. Effective date. A3VB3JNJ,"Amongst all this measles uproar, the only thing I remember about them from peds was pronouncing it ""me-zells"" w/ #needtoreview" A4BV6A09,Research News // vaccines // brain // genes // Alzheimer's // barriers A4CXFX3O,Only Mississippi & West Virginia disallow religious and philosophical #vaccine exemptions - odd public health policy leaders #vaccineswork A4D5GMJ5,Your child has measles which could be life threatening and you're taking pictures of it for likes on FB? Holy shit I don't wanna live here. A4R1XDRZ,Any doctor who's iffy about vaccinating children needs to lose his license. A4VKFIPM,"“ Water fluoridation ranks with GMO's and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity.”" A4WIG4JU,GET YOUR FUCKING KIDS VACCINATED OMG A4WNLRQQ, Infants deserve an unnecessary risk of death because they are too young to be vaccinated? A5WD20W7,How do vaccines cause autism? The truth might shock you. A61C9LA8, don't catch the measles 😱 A6GCRK4T,""" On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health."" #sweet!!!!!" A6GJBSG4,Ohio Urges Vaccinations Against Whooping Cough: Ohio health officials are encouraging Ohioans to get up to date... A6GNI798,Listen to: Why A Court Once Ordered Kids Vaccinated Against Their Parents' Will - A6JG10KP,I'm reading a book where the government decided love is a disease and they created a vaccine for it. It's perfect. A79NQIR8,"I was Researching the CDC Vaccine Schedule, then Mercury/Thimerosal Linked to Autism. Could this be right?! #tcot " A7AG9GPA,"U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee discusses measles, travel, immigration: As the nation's current measles outbreak… " A7DYEIMY,"Dear parents, we need to talk about measles: #CDCwhistleblower" A7HNHQG5,Sorry kids. I've built up an immunity to peer pressure A7LSKLFE,""" So they don't see any link whatsoever between Any vaccines and autism?"" NO. No correlation between vaxes and autism." A7ROOHBQ,"Measles cases are spreading, 10 confirmed cases so far spanning King and Pierce Counties: TACOMA- It’s a serious... " A856A547,"“ By 2030, we'll cut child deaths by half—and eradicate more diseases than ever before: vaccines!" A8FCWRLZ,Killing time before my hair cut and getting an immunity boost! (@ Jamba Juice) A8HF35LI,"Is your child up to date on vaccines?: With school districts across the Valley starting, the push is on to get... " A8SUU46V,Like Ebola and the Measles it's coming. Valentines! Yuck #valentines #holiday #massacre #skipfredricks… A8UPEQKV,"“ 1988 #vaccination plea from Roald Dahl, whose daughter died of measles (via " A96A85KL,"Thx for spreading measles. "" SOUTH PASADENA WOMAN TOLD TO BE QUARANTINED AFTER SISTER GETS MEASLES " A9FG28PF,Measles: Hot. Ebola: Not. A9O58406," I'be seen it on the left occasionally too though. 9/11 Truthers, vaccine alarmists, GMO alarmists..." AA225E8R,"“ On average, people who complain live longer --Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " AAE1KYTZ,Mean but true RT Nurse calls vaccine truther family ‘losers ’ for not seeking immunizations for baby son AAKHTLUT,“ r u kidding we would get the hardest team after us first for assassin” no we have immunity.. We aren't after you AAU6YOLV,"Immunity - loose leaf tea. Ingredients: Organic Alfalfa Leaf, Organic Astragalus… " AAXQR5EC,"#MTP AND stop blowing this #vaccinations issue out of proportion, the idiots that are against a working solution should keep their kids home" AB3AF2BN,((Silvito El Libre)) Vaccines Are about profit not health: I promise you the FDA won't heal America. If they could why haven't they d... AB7TCD8A,Anyone here have the measles? ABA7VRC8," nor did I. Reading ""Killer Germs"" and apparently there is one now. Recommended for childhood immunization." ABFZ2G4G,Quick Public Health Response Helping to Limit Measles Cases ABJFNT4D, I need the named of the book about childhood vaccines. I heard it on but really cannot remember. ABMZNI4Z,Tarrant County measles cases up to 11; outbreak centered in church: All of the 11 cases are connected to each... ABS16S8U,"Next time you get a tetanus booster, make it Tdap. And please, vaccinate your kids. Don't believe the anti-science. " AC1CTJLU,"Interesting article ""Safety and Immunogenicity of Heat-Treated Zoster Vaccine (ZVHT) in I... " ACA8WQK1,Tarrant County Resident Tests Positive for Measles: Tarrant County Public Health says Tuesday a Tarrant County… ACCG757S,Thank goodness Ebola came to the states the same year record numbers of parents decided against vaccinating their children. ACJK6O1A,Some parents don't follow vaccine rules: Parents are dotting their i's and crossing their t's to get their kids... ACRUL2M4,I am on my way to get my second MMR shot. (@ LBJ/Skillman Station (DART Rail)) ACXSGFH9,Routine liver/cancer screen done. Next= workout. Use tool and get it. #health ADJ7G4S6, lmao. I sweat my ass off last night in both mmr's AEE8B0EF,I see a lot of MMR in your future... #edm #electro #festivalmusic #futurehouse #newedm… AEJH29YV,Ducks tie!! We just have to beat the huskies! Thank god the panthers got the measles! AFDTSVAC,OH: does anyone else work a blue collar job and listen to MMR all day? All you fucking people work hip computer jobs? Fuck you [rockout] AFDXLFLX,Measles outbreak in the Bronx: Health Dept.: The New York City Health Department says it's investigating a... AFG0ICN1,"""All I wanted was a opportunity, a bad bitch, and some immunity to keep a nigga safe from the snakes. """ AFVFGB3U,There is enough evidence to show that the ingredients present in flu vaccinations can actualley cause serious neurological disorders. AFYZHKGG, all the sick kids in Ghana who didn't need to be sick if people would just have donated money for vaccines AGAGWCXW, your all about business #mmr AH4GNBB2,To all you bitches that let your kids get backed up 15 immunization shots go ahead kill yourself AHRU4NRE, Dont want the Measles AHVETN20,Always a weird silence in our Cast Member eating area when the news does another story on measles and Disneyland🙊 #awkward AHYXWEB1,i hope they fucking get the measles AI7Q9DOV,Epic MasterDebate #madhatterdc #madhatter #dcdj #dupontcircle #mmr #meh... @ MixMasterRod's Upstairs Lounge AIFQG7ME,Weird that people won't vaccinate against measles because God will protect them but they will vaccinate a cow because it's worth $1200. AIS9P9TF,"MT C. Roan: is cmtd to UN Millen Dev Goals w/ vaccine access, reproductive health & programs like Global Health Fellows" AJ1BWJMD,"1,800 people die of MALARIA each, day; malaria is a preventable disease. pray that the vaccine will reach those who have need." AJ3KT4OB,Tune in tonight to hear me talk about measles mumps and rubella! 5:30 pm AJDC9IHE,"Holy hell, people! Vaccinate your kids!" AJMQGJG5,Thank The Lord 🙏 and Kathy Kelly 👵 I remembered that an MMR vaccine cannot be given before a a TB test 👏 #falseresults AJSIX3OG,“ Me and my homie after his show at #doubledoor #polocologne #cmg #mmr #polocologne AKCDEWI1,Why it's wrong to respect people's religious beliefs about school vaccine policies by (via AKF3U4PT,NY Mall Warning: Shoppers Possibly Exposed to Measles #palisadesmall #wnyack AKF7N1ZG,Jennifair #SINS - Sorry Im Not Sorry #MMR AKM0JXQJ,Facts Are Your Friends -- Vaccinate Your Children AKP12BK1,“The flu can kill:” Milwaukee Health Department hosting FREE flu vaccine clinic for children Thursday: The City of… AKVZKHDM, Holy cow! I've heard > measles cases in Amish community. Really playing w/fire. Mumps in adult male can cause fertility issues. AKX9G722,"Vaccines took away thousands of children's voice, but not the parents. #hearthiswell #CDCwhistleblower" ALBBDSKS,why would you not want to vaccinate your kids... people are stupid ALMQXHMI,"First Measles Cases Confirmed In Marin County, Bay Area Battleground For Vaccination Debate " ALQ2CX74,Measles hit red bluff.😳 AM1RKYD5,Measles AM7991TA,It's on 💢👊 #fightnight @ MMR STUDIO AMAO5UCR, he had the measles nigga get off his dick AMII85FU,"RT It's been one year since I saw you, you're still on my mind everyday #7 MMR" AMS2BN3Z," parents wont get arrested for not immunizing their kids, but going to the park alone? Hell no, jail for you! #sobackwards" ANPENEJS,""" On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.""ha ha" AO0L7112,"#Healing + #immunity boosting soup ingredients with a little help from ! Starting off… " AO1D3OTO,If measles comes to Louisiana lord help us. AO65W7J5,Illinois Measles Cases Climb To 14 With Another Infant Sick: Health officials say the measles case count in… AODPPJVU,Muslim Science #12 It was Muslims vaccinating Turkish children against smallpox that passed the technique on to Jenner & Pasteur in Europe AOJ79UYR,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " AOUK38RQ,"Republicans not only favor measles, they also favor hepatitis and diarrhea. Because freedom. " AOXLW85Y, so Dr Steve how do you weigh in on the MMR/Autism subject? AOZQBGYG,Health officials pushing back-to-school immunizations: The Southern Nevada Health District provides... AP6MZ5K2,Health officials confirm measles cases among Amish: Health departments in Holmes and Knox counties are preparing... APLP0N8O, if you hadn't already heard: Woman's cancer eradicated by massive measles inoculation at Mayo Clinic 😳 APVZSX0D, LOTS more R injured!! 5 dead kids per yr from #vaccines is TOO MANY! APYJUYV2,RT Yes u should get vaccines. And so what if that makes your kid artistic. That don't always mean he's gay. #iLoveLuwanda AQ2HOF1A,Parents should be running with their kids to the Drs to get them vaccinated! Common people! Save your kids and finances! AQ4SBH24,How one unvaccinated child sparked Minnesota measles outbreak AQGVYQQO," ""..I could provide life-saving vaccination for tens of thousands of desperately poor children..""" AQKBUB9S,AM-News : DC Health Clinic Now Recommending Meningitis Vaccination for Some Gay and ...: Whitman-Walker posted a... AQKDC9JN,""" Measles can actually kill you. Shocking! #vaccineswork #VaccinateYourKids" AQMA0O5I,#IwalktheLine 4 my #children & the #breathtaking #empowerment of #vaccinedamaged ppl. / #autismawareness #ADHD AS0VNA0Z, Cripppl 3p. But I duoQ with a friend sometime and he is always top and I'm last. I get mmr and stuff. But I was watching AS0ZJVUN,"""Nah I don't like vaccinations"" ""OH SO YOU'D LET MILLIONS OF CHILDREN DIE BECAUSE YOU HATE VACCINATIONS""" AS2MCT73, i dont wanna let some conspiracy aboit a damn death after mmr decide what ima do in life. ASKRDW4O,"Canes off to Anaheim next. Beware the measles, boys" ASL3TUFK,I got that GOOD DICK 🍆💦 she spread the word like the measles 😏🙌 ASU92FHG,"After the first dose of the #measles vaccine, a child is 95 percent protected. More answers to measles FAQs: " AU3LAENJ,"German Measles, sounds serious..." AU66ZLE6,*whispers angrily* vaccinate your children!!!!!! Okay thanks!!!!!! AUF0PJ7A,HB1043 [NEW] Vaccine protocol agreements; influenza; exempt activities conducted by a hospital or health system f... AUT8Y06K," Measles outbreak in 13 states." AV00VR3P,""" The biggest health news stories of 2013 People really need to vaccinate their kids" AVMG5GVA,"I have been playing mom lately. Taking nosh to and from school, taking home to a clinic to get his vaccinations, making dinner...😒" AWOJBWX2,Listening to #NPR about vaccines and hearing some our Group Health peds docs talk. Nice job dr Grossman AWTCWGY8,Anti-vaccination movement likely to blame for recent measles outbreak: SANTA ANA >> The anti-vaccination movement… AWUMBL0M,“ Who doesn’t want a vaccine that prevents cancer for their child?”seriously who doesn't? AWVZ2JYM,Measles are back in NYC thanks to people who refuse to vaccinate. Thanks so much. AX0U19VK,GCS Urging Parents to Get Children's Tdap Shots Before Monday: North Carolina immunization law requires public... AX8ME48C,"Ugh, I can already feel the measles brewing. #Disney #Love #ToBlaithe @ Epcot Butterfly Garden " AXF90AID," There are laws making it illegal for ppl to transmit HIV, why not measles? The latter is deadlier. #VaccinateYourKids" AXJGM78S,1 in 68 kids who are vaccinated develop autism... so vaccines prevent autism 98.5% of the time AXQTRQ29, vaccine truth AXZVRFMS,"""Vaccinations cause autism"" ""my kid has a bad reaction"" bitch. No." AY0QTNDH,The Goonie #MMR #SquadUp #WeOfficial 💯🔥🔥🔥🔥#PalaceOnSunday @ The Palace AZ1DNAKC,"Vaccinate! “ How many unvaccinated kids does it take to start an outbreak? One, if they travel outside US, " AZ3PGG38,Disneyland measles outbreak linked to low vaccination rates #US #measles AZ3WAY0O,Daily Talker: Mandatory Child Vaccinations: A bill in California would require schoolchildren to be vaccinated and… AZ5JOXT9, Your chance of dying from #measles last year: 0% AZS5WZQL,AM-News : Investigation underway after BC child exposed to HIV risk during vaccination: The Northern Health… AZX4VHK0,"CDC: flu vaccine just over 60 percent effective: Even if you got the flu shot, there still a chance you could get... " AZXRLNKW,""" RT vaccines""WTF" B0UUYUG9,CDC consults on #BorderCrisis immunizations and medical screening Marty Cetron #Jackson14 B0Y0UJUE,#AutismSpeaks10 says #vaccines do not cause #autism so get your child #vaccinated #cnn #AutismSpeaks B18C1OAN,3714 Ranked MMR 😁 B1NDOK02, She just knows vaccinations wasn't the cause of her sons conditions.He should have asked first Or post a child that shots affected. B1R8RHD0, you have measles now. And you already brought the outbreak in the U.S. to London good joB B1T48VH7,"If I call in sick to work and say I have the measles, would someone believe me? #MeaslesOutbreak" B1TARAX1,If you went to Disneyland recently than shit you got the measles B20B0DVF,Just got my immunization records for school :) #30moredays. B22XSBKV,Disneyland Measles Outbreak Continues to Spread B266NXRN," Ayn Rand and the truth behind the pro-vaccine movement (I cringed IRL writing this, jsyk how much pain I absorb for art)" B28UJAB6, my autistic child got 22 vaccines by the time he was 18 months. I received 15 by the time I was 15 y.o. See the difference? B2MLB5EW,"For Christmas, my dad gave me a new gun safe and his particular vaccine resistant strain of the flu. " B2NGHBYT,Why hasn't this study been done? 1 in 34 boys? Bc CDC knows the cause/#VaccineInjured... #CDCwhistleblower B2RH3KPF,Vaccine myths busted: #health #vaccines B2THWXWH,"To everyone who lives in WA make sure you are vaccinated against pertussis, especially if you are around kids. Cases are up 7 fold #fb" B2UI8S0S,The measles outbreak is happening in California. Maybe somebody should ask Gov Jerry Brown if that state's vaccine law should be tougher. B2VR8KJV,Not being able to donate because of your vaccinations needed for nursing school>>>> #howironic B2Y5XNT7,I support this effort to vaccinate for #measles! B38X3QBL,Really tired of seeing children dying in the news because their parents don't believe in vaccinations 😡 B3N439YR,"2 additional cases of measles confirmed in Cook County: PALATINE, Ill — Two more cases of measles have been… " B4BHQR2T,""" Mandatory #vaccines are coming. Enjoy.” 🙅💉""please die." B4C90463,Stupidity of the ideological mind. We shld nt hav to tell stupid ppl abt getting your children vaccinated. They cld die. Understand!!!!## B4ECIEOG,"Dear conservatives, the measles outbreaks aren't caused by illegals; they're caused by parents not vaccinating their kids. It's on the NEWS!" B4HN47MW,"Hey anti-vaccination parents, thanks for the outbreak of measles and whooping cough in New York. ""Oh, but disease is NATURAL !""" B51G85HB,Smallpox vaccination was abandoned because more smallpox disease and deaths were caused by vaccinations than there were cases of smallpox. B541HJWH,It's laughable that anyone would question the effectiveness of vaccination. Go back to elementary school B5LXPH0Q,"2 people OD on a fat burner and its removed from the market; thousands die, become paralyzed from a vaccine each yr and no one questions it" B6K2QNBG,I thought I had measles but my Mother doesn't think so. Memory is a funny thing. #BrianWilliamsMisremembers B6SXNFO4,"Vaccinate your children, idiots." B73XO1R6,I hope I get measles B7DKF1P4,In MMR We Trust. 9-11 @ Jersey City 9/11 Memorial B7MFHNMX, #CDCwhistleblower admits MMR causes 340% inc in autism in boys. 2x that 4 black boys B7OFCW93,There is enough evidence to show that the ingredients present in flu vaccinations can actually cause serious neurological disorders. B80TQWEA,Measles Fears Prompt Huntington Beach Schools Tell Unvaccinated Students to Stay Home B84YGB99, wasn't the same thing said about autism being caused by vaccines? it's an old article but is relevant B8BOJ18V,"If you ""share"" absolute trash on Facebook/twiiter that portrays lies & idiotic ideas about medicine and vaccines as fact I will call you out" B8FRS34E,"#pharmaceutical Global Trial Lead - Early Development, Infectious Disease/Vaccines - PRA Health Sciences - Ne... " B8HJFO15,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " B8HY1QIM,Is there anyone left that thinks vaccines cause autism? B8N7FMAU," If u love ur kids, no matter what u think bout vaccinations, let's all give $10/more to gr8 group #work2gether #autismspeaks" B8NBPCYH,People will circumcise their children for no reason but not vaccinate them 😅 B8RO9YVF,"AJR95 [Passed] Designates August of each year as ""Adult Vaccine Preventable Disease Awareness and Improvement Mon... " B9EQMC23,How did the Mighty Ducks become Team USA? They were 0-9 & only got into playoffs because the Panthers got the measles B9OBPI5N,Yup... #nothingwasthesame #drake #mmr #va #dmv #follow #fun #photoshop #mixmasterrod… B9SWSICT,Sanctuary.... #charlotte #aftonshows #teamfreepour #humblebeginnings #BBoyEnt #MMR #indie… B9W1YCWS,On average people who complain live longer Releasin this tension increase immunity and boosts their health Yes we're gonna live B9ZVGIVO, talks #measles on BA623SNR,"Attention! People everywhere, especially kids are dying because of this flu outbreak! Worst in 50 years! Get fucking vaccinateD!!" BAEHAWOI,measles case identified on February 2nd at the Palisades Center More on at 6 BATJG692,2 Cleveland County residents test negative for measles: The results for two patients who were tested for measles… BB2Y3CU6,ah i was productive today i changed banks! and made a vet appt for baby kitty tomorrow to get vaccinated BBAPY3MW,"That article makes me so sad. It's going to scare a lot of pregnant and young moms. No sugar, Tylenol, vaccines, antibiotics, it's insane." BBEIR14H," I can't get shots because I go absolutely nuts around needles. I depend on herd immunity, & I'm scared of the antivax ppl." BBOBGZU9,"vaccines didn't give your child autism, your shitty genetics did. or maybe you drank while you were pregnant." BBQAGMA2,Bill OKs some immunizations without parent consent: The Texas House has passed a bill allowing children 14 and... BBQYW2X7,"National Infant Immunization Week @ NYC H&H/ELMHURST HOSPITAL " BC6ALK75,#Vacciness -The truth behind vaccinations- (Watch) via BCGRAP58, shocking how these anti vaccine lunatics are allowed to put kids lives at risk with bad choices =leaving your child in a hot car BCJ4KT7J,Greatest fears: no one shows to a party i host & NEEDLEs. Face the latter here: #vaccines #ttot BCMY9CFO,Idiots “ When my kids were school age No one was allowed to start school without proof of vaccination. What is going on here?” BCQIGSNY, read my brother's article from last October #premonition #Measles BE9HOR69,What if I told Brooke that I won't make up my RA desk hours until she vaccinates her kids? BEFE3ENT,“ What's old is new again: Diseases making comebacks » READ the research BEHPEM2R,Washington Just Announced the First Measles Death in the United States in 12 Years. What's Wrong with Us?:… BEK114YK, DUDE CHILL ITS A PRANK ITS A FAKE HEPATITIS NEEDLE! I JUST INJECTED YOU WITH THE MEASLES!! CHILL OUT! BFI3PR7C,Free immunizations and health screenings offered Saturday #bdcnews BFRSGQDC,Daniel waiting on Kindergarten vaccinations!!! Not even scared... @ Prosperity Family Physicians BFWOXHUY,Got my MMR shot yesterday and slept like 15 hrs #shotsmakemesleepy BFZSB1WV,Separate fact from fiction. #measles BG0XXQ1R,""" 87 Papers on Vax & Adverse Health -Parents should weep over abuse of power and trust. #VaxTruth" BG29DYY4,Measles outbreak with Disney park origins grows to 95 cases BG5PLGWP,At Disneyland #measles BGAJ3N20,people should be quarantined and deported for not vaccinating their kids. BH2HIVPU,Cracking the Safe. Researchers give an update on challenges and solutions in their quest for an HIV / AIDS vaccine. ... BH7Z5ZQE,"Health officials send out warning after a tourist with #measles stays at the ""Gaylor Palms Resort"" in #Kissimmee. #Fox35" BHBDZGXO," us govt paid family $15 million for vaccine/autism settlement " BHFGZH0Q, this is/was an eradicated disease!!!! #vaccinate BHJNV5EG,H4999 [Passed] Immunity from Liability for Providing Free Health Care Services BHMSNM2O," agree it should be a personal choice, disagree with him that vaccines have caused mental disabilities in children" BHTGC09S,"OK. Blue screen of death again. What is up, laptop? Is it measles?" BI3TFZFK,Josiah and Joshua - Immunization time (@ Dell Children Circle Of Care Round Rock Clinic) BI7BYIJ2,Donate ur lunch $ to tomorrow. $6 will vaccinate 15 kids against measles BI8FIRW5,"#GoodDiseases ""Good German"" measles" BIIBVVNN," I get your magazine,great! I heard about the vaccines Lies hear in Florida!😞" BIS3W4DL,"hrm, I didn't realize there was a chicken pox vaccine (since 1995). When I was a kid our parents deliberately infected us." BIX4TIQQ,IU student infected with measles: State health officials confirmed that an Indiana University student in... BJPMNVOB,"Like the measles, love is most dangerous when it comes late in life. - lord Byron" BK5PSPCO, has the measles issue hurt attendance at Disneyland at all? BKKGH67U,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” !!!!!" BL2DPQMW,"Thanks Pres. Obama, for bringing the measles back to the U.S. via 500,000 or so Illegal Aliens from Panama." BL3UFMYP, they rely on herd immunity to keep safe. Vaccine alarmists have those people's blood on their hands. BL53O9GH,VACCINATE YO KIDS BLVUITP3,S0646 [NEW] Requiring certain immunization records to be on file with the State Health Online Tracking System by ... BLZLWGQN,Because I want my daughter to be healthy as well as every other child! Vaccinate your kids (and yourself!)! #CDCvax BM4F5RXE, Fabulous! If you don't want 2 vaccinate ur child then don't send child to public school. That's the conscious decision a parent makes BM7S56G2,INFANT&+VACCINE=AU TISTIC BMKIUK8B, give him measles!!! BNHVALIW,"Just got updated vaccines per my district. Asked doc when the #autism Will happen, said too soon to tell tho, call him if I get symptoms." BNKWV62L,"Results of my physical: I do not have cancer, I am in good health, I lost 3 pounds, and I am fully immunized. #win" BNSFZRGP,We were on #ABC13 promoting free #vaccinations at #childrensmuseumhouston with #KarlaBarguiarena.… BNV0XQBC,Making The City Drip #mmr #dc #dj #dmv #dcdj #damnitscold #dupontcircle… BO1FFB1X, MMR must not be working right... Can see your route... See u in the am. BOVQRWJR,Yes! RT Should parents be allowed to choose whether to vaccinate their kids? BOY9FRA1," As you know, I am a big proponent of vaccines to prevent disease. People, animals... 😷" BPGDAEFC,Praise! RT Rihanna doesn't have cancer. Beysus cured her and gave her immunity towards all sorts of diseases BPROQZF7,Stop it! Immunize your kids! my son got pertussis between boosters because of fanatics. I had a baby at home. #cdc BPUK2JX3,"LOLing as I sit next to these anti-vaxers who call getting vaccines ""fear mongering."" When did hippies become doomsday preppers?" BQIPQVDA,This = #childabuse RT than 1 in 10 US parents reject vaccine advice for young children; many question safety. BQQMS83D, and that is what others saying about MMR. Selective science to fit political agenda. #globalwarming BRAKZ2MT, a freshly vaccinated child. Vaccine sheds the virus for 28 days! BRWBHK7H,"Parents Reportedly Throwing ‘Measles Parties’ To Infect Their Unvaccinated Kids via That's sickening." BRY9VDTD,"SDUSD Supt on Measles, Vision 2020: San Diego Unified School District Superintendent Cindy Marten visits NBC 7 News… " BS6J6LNI,"YES!-MT "" Our thoughts are also with the measles-ravaged country America. I hope we are screening them before they come to Africa""" BS75RPNP,Measles warning issued after 2 cases at Mass. hospitals: State health officials issued an alert Tuesday after two... BS92PAO3,Measles outbreak is a “matter of life or death” for 3-year-old boy - #vaccination #itsasocialcontract BSVJ74OX, Immunization for school 😭 BTCMF1Q4,I can't believe there was an outbreak of the Measles in Disneyland BTRBDKH9,I don't see how anyone wouldn't vaccinate their kid. The cons far outweigh the pros people. BTUC4GWY,Measles Outbreak Prompts Bill to End Vaccination Exemption BUPU45CZ,Extra Extra: Another Measles Case Confirmed: The latest is to an adult and not related to the Palatine KinderCare… BUXCVL48,"Measles, Mumps & Rubella sound like the evilest fairytale step-sisters" BV6W74YS,What the Heck is the Measles shit sound ugly as fuck BVOXIBWE,Effort to overturn law requiring vaccines for kids: The controversial debate over state mandated vaccinations will… BVPREKSM,""" Aborted baby fetal cells used in many vaccines! #letitrip"" _ are u Kidding Me?! Palms forehead. .." BVSWDWCQ," i hope all of your kids get the measles, your preaching to the choir but not on this" BW2YTU0O,“ A handy guide on how vaccines cause autism. BW7WOVF5,Lake County Warns of Possible Measles Exposure: One day after public health officials announced a 15th person has… BWSZJ69S,"How measles can reawaken years later and kill: Measles is commonly thought to be a one-time deal: Get it once,… " BXC5CDRH,"I really need Disneyland, but this whole measles thing is not cool." BXES6ZDS,Got the W now off to work..... #OneNightOneMicOneCity #Jan2016 #MMR #BBoyEnt #TeamFreePour… BXETQIQ5,Free Back-to-School Immunizations BXTTCYJY,"HR187 [Passed] Recognizing the week of April 18 through 25, 2015, as ""National Infant Immunization Week"" in Penns... " BY09OFAE,My son had over 500 words and spoke in sentences... Then his MMR and now no words at all. The CDC knew!!! What now? BY4MQFZX,You Need To Know The Truth About These Vaccine Myths BY9MOLBQ,"Health Passport #EHR has demographics, history, medications, immunizations, lab results, allergies. - Ghahremani #NASHPconf" BYJ4549Z,"Update: Boxer, Feinstein Call For End To California’s Vaccine Exemptions #vaccineswork #VaccinateYourDamnKids" BYJKDKSL,Getting your children vaccinated is soooo important. There is no proof that they cause autism. #anyquestions? #themoreyouknow BZHNUFYK,"AM-News : Scientists hope an AIDS vaccine lies in llamas: Compare that to human antibodies, which appear in people… " BZVKZJ7J, from the vaccine or from other kids? BZWE6QA5,If you have the time please watch this video on how vaccines cause autism. BZYOH81J,Vaccines protect all of us from serious diseases. Get vaccinated today to protect yourself and your family. #NIAM16 C01SWA8D,'Are You Vaccinated?' CDC wants to know: The Centers for Disease Control is seeking to find out how many American... C0398QFC,#LetItRip _ the main reason diseases are back- remember the Hazmat mercury scares- Thimerosal (mercury) was put into vaccines- opt out?!?! C03IS4OH,"Mom: how do you spell easels? Me: E-A-S-E-L-S Mom: oh, just like measles!!! 😒😩" C05JARIF, is this for real? Sicker than measles. C08B90U2,“ currently using your morbillivirus pics to demonstrate systemic measles virus infection & encourage immunisation” tnx pleased C0CKVJ52, Measles could be the cause of Alzheimer. We wont know for another 20 years.I had the shot my dad had the Measles. C0SEYF71,HAPPENING NOW: SB Co. Officials speak about Possible measles case in could be tied to #disneyland outbreak. C0WWNCHC,Poor little KinderKare babies in Chicago with Measles C1IRHN1R, Do the statistics back up the claim that vaccines eliminated measles?? C1ZE9FXC, I did not hear denial. In fact my pediatrician openly offered vaccines w/o thimerosal to our kids. She was open to possib of harm C228FU8B,"“ traveling abroad, infants 6 mos or older can receive #MMR vaccine. #NURS541 JStein" C299NP1T,CNBC Reports Vaccinated People Spread Disease. How St. Jude’s Handles This For It’s Kids Is Crazy Amazing C2Z16BRR," developed regressive autism aftergetting his vaccines,they didn't work out so well for him!Wish he'dgotten Measles instead!" C30IZ1V5,"If you don't vaccinate your children I think you're stupid, plain and simple. Sorry not sorry. You're stupid." C3HGPXKK,Stanford Researchers Seeking A New Generation Of Vaccines Amid Measles Outbreak: As the current measles outbreak… C46QVSLX,I was vaccinated as a child. That explains a lot. C47U650I,Mom cooking mmr 7k doe C4FPTUH2,Gregory: Vaccines harm. #nosb277 #noforcedvaccines #SacramentoJune9th Pan&Allen We will vote you out C4PULPEC, You're reminding me of this woman on Law&Order SVU today who didn't vaccinate her kid & he got measles and killed other kids... C4QK9T60,Mecklenburg County Health Department urges anyone who might have been exposed on or after March 28 to get vaccinated. C4V3W9YI,no one wants their kids sick. Might as well try the vaccines. Those diseases spread like wildfire. A lot less dead children. #vaccineswork C4YDHEIY,“ #BREAKING: Measles case confirmed at Valley High School: GUYS WE FUCKED! C61TBMN3,I feel like people forget that just because they're getting matched up with people with plat/diamond borders doesn't mean their mmr is high C6BJDK5G,Aren't measles from germany? Effing sour craughts! C6NVP1RT, Well: Putting Us All at Risk for Measles C6SA3BCX,Conversation with my friend who just had her 6th child about dog vaccines. I won't mention her… C6T39T8I,It was worth the risk of measles ✨ @ Disneyland C6ZKTL59,""" RT Must-read b4 u give ur kids an HPV vaccine #Gardasil Who really benefits? #VaxTruth" C75UTNFG,"As happy as I am that the Phase 1 of AIDS Vaccine was succesful, I wish it was around when Freddy Mercury was around." C7I42WHW,The research linking autism to vaccines is even more bogus than you think via #USlatino C7JD348H,Let's Get Faded... #mmr #madhatterdc #dc #dupontcicle #midtown #mixmasterrod #patron #shots #drank… C7QDJKZK, measles?! I hope not! 😬 C81ERMX4,"“ I'm bringing sexy back! Sorry, not sexy, measles.” " C83HP3HO,This kid just stared me down.. I'm her for a vaccine I'm not catching the flu... so yes I have on a mask C859X85T," Who cares? SHORT PANTS is just another nut from the wing of the Vaccine Conspiracy Theorist White Supremacist" C85DF71N," In one week I learned that you hate seeing violence against dogs in horror movies, and you vaccinate yours kids. Awesome." C878LNUP,AIDS N : FIT Biotech Oy: FIT Biotech's HIV vaccine demonstrated to be safe and well tolerated in two clinical ... C89PDYBC,This new hipster parent generation is creating a bunch of kids with measles and foreskin C8BCDYX1, Not when my insurance covers all vaccinations. I didn't want to risk it coming back that I'm prone to it and have to pay more. C8CS96CG,Gov. Brown Signs Strict Vaccine Legislation For California Schools: The governor of California has signed a… C8SBGC5E,I hope Santa brought all the NHL players an MMR booster for Christmas C95M8Z5Q,"Measles case confirmed in Mecklenburg County, officials say: Mecklenburg County officials are reporting at least… " C97HLZIO,Got vaccinated for Ecuador and now all of our arms are killing us 💊💉💪 #mejiafamily #SuaveSays #FamilyTripToEcuador C9QNPEYU,A Parent's Guide to Important Vaccines for Kids CAJA5U9J,People who don't vaccinate their kids deserve to die CAWLUUBJ, I'm pissed. measles outbreak lets blame the American parents 4 not vaccinating.Root cause.Mexican illegal children? CB54ZSK3,"While not vaccinating your kids may be in vogue, polio & measles isn't -- or as I say, crap my great grandparents worried about. Vaccinate!" CB5EP8JO,"If you believe thiat health report video, anyone getting vaccinated for measles also suffers from a pixilated face" CBLTKAXX,Why did it take the prestigious UK med journal 12 yrs to discredit Andrew Wakefield's fraudulent vaccine/autism report? CBVABJ60,Feds to begin testing Ebola vaccine on humans: The National Institutes of Health announced today that it will... CC6ZIK7L,My baby is in so much pain:( going to get him a collar tomorrow for his new vaccine tags :) CCLEFVNU,"In case you were wondering how I really feel- your kids should be taken if you won't vaccinate them, bye." CCTYPL5Q, Vaccines will help my kids draw better? CD03OHC8, No. An uninfected person contracted the disease FROM the vaccine & spread it to 4 others CDQOKR51,"The reason you don't know what measles, mumps, or rubella are is because of vaccines. Never met someone with polio? Vaccines." CDSE2298,"Just got a flu shot. Immunity from a loathsome disease. On Columbus Day. With the CDC shut down. Oh, the irony." CE2IR07V, Has he seen the Roald Dahl measles thing? I ask because a lot of antivaxxers are ignorant of how dangerous childhood diseases are. CE9B49IR, so you are telling me that in Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador has all their kids vaccinated. I THINK NOT.THEY CAME &infected kids CEAN8JYY, #Vaccines do NOT cause #Autism CEBWWV7Z,Bill would require HPV vaccine for NV school enrollment CEKV0V78,"I have a problem with this vaccination debate, Republicans need to be telling parents to vaccinate their kids period.#Christie#Paul" CEO2FJ0E,Good God! This is horrible. Human error!Sixteen children in Syria die in measles immunization campaign CEU51A75,"*opens snapchat ""Time for Disneyland!"" More like ""Time for measles!"" Tf is wrong with you?!" CFC02V0Z,"I dont want to go to school today Said little Peggy ann mckay I have the measles & the mumps A rash a gash and purple bumps....." CFE3PL2M,My baby is alllll better!! He beat Parvo! Beware any animal owners they can still get the virus after being vaccinated so be careful!!!! CFG14M4Z,Bernie Sanders personally oversees mercury input in children’s vaccines. He cackles maniacally as he does it. #berniegate CFYQZK9L,#Pharmacist are health care providers! Go get your flu vaccine today! CG1RJNOZ,Polish study: Vaccines carry the potential to do tremendous harm - CG2L4BF6,Same thing in america did I or did I not warn people before measles started spreading? CG2W9W41,AM-News : Infant HIV-1 Vaccines: Supplementing Strategies to Reduce Maternal-Child Transmission: Despite the… CG2ZQH5L,". Soon, a child is going to sue their parents for their anti-vaccine ideology that results in harm to them!" CG3I06NC,jus got vaccinations for school. funny thing is I was dreading this day but them shots wasn't even tht bad. CGHIGUZT," Fav songs to check out APTBS = Exploding Head & Ego Death, OMD =Of All the Things We've Made, also The Vaccines = Post Break-Up Sex" CGK1HOPH, Those are the same people not getting their kids immunized and causing measles and whooping caugh epidemic! CGLNSFMT,Health officials warn people about measles case: ISSAQUAH — There is a second confirmed case of measles in king... CGNE5NM9,Measles - What you should know. CGQQ29H9,Apollo 13 is really a great endorsement of measles vaccinations. CGU3MEYG,Measles diagnosed in Spokane adult for first time in more than 20 years: Measles is back in Spokane County for the… CGX8H4SM,""" What vaccines are recommended for seniors, older adults, and those with chronic conditions? #safetynet" CHDBU27V,"SB550 [Update] In child protective services, further providing for definitions, for immunity from liability, for ... " CHLBMU0S,California measles outbreak grows to 68 cases CHPXG1UM,Fair warning...back to school time in an immunization clinic! @ Clay County Health Department CHZ6O7ML,CDC says 57% children and 38% adults vaccinated last season CI6IRUOW, Maybe fewer Iowa kids have received HPV vaccine because we are better educated on vaccine injuries CIHBEWPL, u got ur measles shot? CIM6V18E, they'll poison our water and destroy our air. And take away our rights and privileges and immunities. And deprive to enslave CJB6SN1Q,"Bless you, TED Talks. ""If you hear anything that sounds remotely like “Vaccines are related to autism,” — RUN AWAY."" " CJQTGLVU,"""I won't let my kid hang out with children who are not up to date with their vaccinations"" wtf? 😒" CK8ZGQI9,Daycare promising 'vaccine-free environment' irks Ottawa Public Health via RT Ridiculous.#ottawa CLBSJ4OE,“ The measles outbreak in CA is very troubling. I encourage parents to vaccinate their children. CLI1H3O8,#ORNAH? #MMR #LWR 🔥🔥🔥 @ LWR CLSMLIEG,“ Details on measles cases linked to Disneyland and California Adventure CM8NXDKA,"My mom was actually buying into the whole ""Vaccines gives autism"" crap, and wanted to wait to give my bro shots.... Um, NO MOM." CMKDBYOA,Possible measles case under investigation: Baltimore health officials are monitoring a possible case of measles… CMT75TYY,This Kentucky squad is a BEAST! Unless they all come down with measles or get abducted by Martians this season is over. CN604536,"Road Trip! 🚗💨 #OregonTrail Look! Here was stricken with measles! " CNCGM7L4,Oh & these brand new babies! Get your #holiday #balance here! AM / PM shots & immunity shots!… CNR7Z4A0,CNN: Measles was no big deal -- until my daughter caught it CNS80WN3,Backs campaign to vaccinate against measles and ru via CNUTL8US, And they didn't get their kids shots.Could've exposed new borns to measles. CO7TZAMT,"""Let's convince ignorant people that vaccines are poison so we can stir up a debate and everyone will forget how shitty Obamacare is""" COC0A5DD,I literally CANNOT with people who are against vaccines. I cannot deal with parents who are CONVINCED that vaccines cause autism. COCGHLJI,"Having #kids immunized me to kids' screeches & screams for years. But onboard an #airplane, the effect is wearing off!" COOM4K1B,My baby did so good getting his vaccinations today! @ Banfield Pet Hospital COP7ZRGJ, I have never had a hep b vaccine because I am NOT high risk. COPTF75L, only is safe! He achieved immunity back in his village. COWJYMLI,"After much thought, I've decided to immunize your kids." CP30X5EN,How many more samples do you need before you can start seeing natural immunities to certain diseases? #askanne #sxsw CP3CBGRE, is that still a thing? I don't understand...of the people there had the measles they would've left by now lol CPCXDMH6,Baby has measles at Santa Monica High day care center CPECDIRZ,"Officials investigating confirmed case of measles, possible exposure to others in DC, Fairfax County: Health… " CPJLSDF7," I worry abt outbreak of Tuberculosis, Chickenpox, Measles, we don't know bcuz it's being kept a secret ordered from hierarchy" CPNU3KGI,Must Read #uneducated or #misinformed #parents that are not #vaccinating your #children please read this link 💉👶👦👧 CPXRKN8I,". If your daughter got her childhood vaccines, she'll transfer some protection to newborn. For baby, 1st measles shot at 12 mo" CQETRMTW,"Learning CPR, thanks to MMR! @ Saginaw Township Police National Night Out " CQLTOY0T,"Dear fellow Californian liberal, please vaccinate your children." CQN6GIV3, the Lord giveth MMR and he taketh away #DotaSin CQQTU623,"Texas issues measles alert, 1 Houston area case: The Texas Department of State Health has issued a measles alert... " CRKN2TE1,"Woman sitting across from me in airport reading a magazine called ""Natural Health"" with a headline promising ""Secrets to Super-Immunity""" CRNT4SEU,"Watching Bill Gates on Charlie Rose Show,finally understand reason behind Gates Foundation work/Global Health focus on vaccines" CS16VLIO,"I came to the Health Dept to be vaccinated, not to observe this Hispanic couple making out." CS8V7JNY,Obama Grants Immunity To CDC Scientist That Fudged Vaccine Report…Whistleblower Plans To Testify Before Congress CSEJ5GDI,"On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health. " CSSAD6N2,Lake County health officials issue measles alert: Health officials in Lake County say people who visited a… CSVNGUAV, I have made no statements about safety. I asked you why you are worried about what other parents do if your kids are vaccinated. CT2PJ7IX,There is an outbreak of measles in Santa Monica so the high school decided to start sending me communication in Spanish #idontunderstand CTAV82DS, im just sayin you can cure polio and survive measles but theres no getting rid of autism CUEB0S01,Health Experts Puzzled As More Parents Are Denying Children HPV Vaccine: DENVER (CBS4) – A new study shows a... CUOZI0BW,"Experimental Ebola Vaccine Safe, Prompts Immune Response " CV38Y0GF, I know what you're talking about idiot. He talked about autism being a result of vaccines. I've never seen anything about downs! CV6WSQKG,"Aluminum and Mercury in vaccines for children. Today, 1 in 63 children will have autism. 😳" CVL628K5,I somehow managed to get in a fight with my stepmom last night at 2 am about vaccinating her children. Go me. CVSK6Z4A, Linked to California Measles Outbreak & other states via CW00JMBN,"L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti on mandatory measles shots: 'My daughter is vaccinated, and that reflects my opinion': LOS… " CW79VH9K,My dad tried to convince me to not go to disneyland bc of the measles outbreak so I called my doctor to confirm I was vaccinated and I was😎😜 CWD1ADPD,For fucks sake. RT One in five millennials thinks vaccines cause autism CX3Z88B2,Of coarse everyone has the measles. And everyone should get vaccinated. CXGKK8CA,"not a tough choice don't vacillate get those kids to the doctor and vaccinate #altwic" CXTW3ORK,Siena's school check up and (unfortunately) vaccines. :( (@ Hinsdale Family Medical Center) CYEC7EV7,"“ 9 children, 7 adults test positive for measles in NYC outbreak - " CYL7ZGIW,"“ Nothing can stop us, not even the measles” Ethan Wojo quote of the year ™" CYN6ZAP9,Family Members Of Measles-Infected BART Rider Fall Ill: Contra Costa County health officials are saying that two... CYY97ALW,"#ebola is scary, but those infected will likely only infect 2 others. For measles, it's 18, and ppl STILL choose not to vaccinate their kids" CZEDQ5N5," nope, but I had meningitis. I also know of someone that docs believe got diabetes from vaccination. It's not all safe." CZGWUKUO,Fame show #mmr #dc #dj #connecticutave #dc #washingtondc #dmv #instadc #photoshop #top40… CZL870RI,"Tomorrow is my first day/orientation for my new job!!!! Finally!!! After 4 months of interviews, vaccinations & health tests. Thank God ❤️💙" CZP0YJ1Z, jus workin too much yet not enough. Tryna build up immunity for death seezun. Wut u do muhdoot CZRDZAJY,I'm not worried about #Measles because I was vaccinated when I was a kid thanks to the like most Brits. Good luck to everyone else 💉 D036Q4KF,My sons future and health was not an acceptable price to pay 4socalled herdimmunity #vaccinesnova #CDCwhisleblower D03SMBZL," as much as they deserve a conquered disease, it's their kids that would suffer, I bet the parents are vaccinated" D07CD0BB, thank the fates there's a 0% chance of that presidency... same exact chances of autism coming from a vaccine D1D2JH3Z,The provision also gives blanket immunity to mental health professionals that certify the person can now own a gun D1ILXHV7,Just linked up w/ the President of Shaw University #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG @ The Westin Charlotte D1V4W5RK,#trending #viralvideo #autism #vaccineswork #letitgo . & . 🌈👸🇺🇸✈️ D20L6DYX, GAWD. Immunity. Eat the things. Baby eats the things. Baby system adjusts & can deal w the things. Science! D2EDAPT9,Two Confirmed Cases Of Measles In Metro West: FRAMINGHAM (CBS) — Health officials are reporting two confirmed... D2L5KZ04,Thank you I just called in and won the Samsung Music Phone. I'm a contest virgin...glad my first time was with MMR ;) D37BQQ54,"SB372 [Passed] Controlled substances, children, exposure to by mother, immunity from criminal liability upon good... " D3Q07LQV,"#FDA Approves DOUBLE the #Aluminum in New Vaccine #SafetyB4Profit? Via " D3T62AP2,"mmr - lol, you mack with my bestfriend. I think that's cute af, you cool too" D40TZFC6,"Flu vaccine is big business, particularly the 1 containing mercury. 300 million doses sold, over 120% more than any other. #CDCwhistleblower" D44ZA7NR,Thank you for meeting with #tweetiatricians and being a #mightygoodadvocate for #kidshealth #vaccination #Medicaid D46AO2FG,""" On average, ppl who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity & boosts their health."" I'll live forever.." D4DQY8ZB, and after the show ..... #MMR #BBoyEnt #teamfreepour #humblebeginnings D4E3WO5T, HOW ABOUT YOU GO TALK TO THE PARENTS OF KIDS WHOVE GOTTEN SERIOUSLY INJURED AND DIED FROM A VACCINE SIDE EFFECT D4SDHXXI, I would love 2 discuss vaccine ingredients & explain why they are used & why the amount used is safe. Pick 1 D51V4NB1,New Vaccine Helping Brain Cancer Patients Most read by neighbors in #Weston #FortLauderdale D53JRGXW,Second measles case diagnosed in Spokane; both involve unvaccinated patients: Spokane county health officials are… D586K4FG,""" This season's flu vaccine only 9% effective for people 65 and older, CDC says " D664EG48,What’s Really in Vaccines? Here’s What the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Admits.… D6F5JHT8,"My clients mom just told me her son was born with the ""autism gene"" but the vaccine triggered it. Give me a break. 😑" D6K7OL14,Bumpin' the speakers at 11 madhatterdc #mmr #dc #dj #washingtondc #connecticutave #dupontcircle #like… D7412ZZP,Doctors say #antivaccination movement is partly to blame for #Measles outbreak. How to protect your kids #NBC7 @ 5pm D76BUGUP,Sick kiddo check up and immunization s :( (@ Northwest Pediatrics) D76LRBCW, MMR? D76TV41L,“ I hope Jenny McCarthy gets measles from that stranger she just kissed at midnight since she's so adamantly against vaccines” D79QE2JB,Let me guess. Home with MEASLES?!?! D7ORJK94, I thought you had the measles D7XGTL3V, in rare form 😂😂😂😂😂 #MMR #BillaBoyEnt #laroice‼️ #slaughterfest2k16❗️ @ Laroice… D83WTNOH,"Dear parents, Vaccinate your kids, so I don't catch these nasty viruses like I have now and end up the hospital. Love, Half a brain." D8HQ4I35,But 's claim that vaccines cause autism is so absurd. D984JALI,"Let's talk about vaccines for a little bit. VACCINATE YOUR FUCKING KIDS, YOU IDIOTS. HOLY SHIT. That's all thank you very much" D9DHA76D," Dr. Andrew Wakefield was a fool, he also took advantage of many kids to try to create fake evidence to save himself." D9EN2KAQ, A serious problem has develop over the years in our country with people not immunizing their children. D9PGX44X,#Vaccines are the #tugboats of #preventive #health. #WilliamFoege all ready for my next #journey 😜😜😜 D9SZ8RJN, people infected with measles (644 in 2014) have a .2% chance of dying. Several of your friends died? D9UQTS1H,Let's hope that studies of the Measles virus kills cancer! Go science! D9ZRROQA, Right.Why should U care if my child is not vaccinated If U think URS is protected? DA2OR4SI,"MMR destino, at least for now. " DA7YDV36," tell me about how rare those side affects are. They pale in comparison to epidemic of measles, polio, etc" DAA38SNS,"I wish there was some way to make anti vaccine people experience a painful, entirely preventable disease before they inflict them on others" DAFOY58P, I realize I'm an awful person who hates children yes. But honestly if you vaccinate your kids this won't be an issue!!!!!!!!!! DAUZY6MI,"Senior Technical Officer, Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Technologies, Seattle, Washington #jobs " DBD2QNQB,I had a dream that since I wasn't vaccinated I got the measles and the actor hugh grant was the one that broke the news to me DBZYXYHR,"Vaccines & Immunoexcitotoxicity - Dr. #WallStreet #SafetyB4Profit " DCBXUUBT,"Help protect 10,000 children against measles and other deadly diseases #vaccineswork" DCLFJE6H,People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” I will live 2 be 102 😂😂 DCW8DFB5,Hmmm. Get your kids vaccinated and they won't be in danger of getting the mumps virus that is going around again. DD2MIHK3,"Sanjay Gupta MD of CNN, telling it like it is, get your kids vaccinated." DD3VNKCA, what they don't understand clearly is that diseases are coming back BECAUSE of people like them #vaccinationsareagoodthing DDJVXXZ9, #SB277 #CDCwhistleblower #vaccineswork For Health or for Profit$? Follow the money and the monopoly! DDOY32KL,MT Disneyland #Measles Cases Now at 26 Via DDXS8F4T, People are aware of your depopulation scandals! We do our research! Stop vaccines for children! DEC73HX3,Did obama vaccinate the 60K illegal alien kids for whom he facilitated entrance to the country? #MeaslesOutbreak DEGLGPQ9, It's been medical progress to eradicate certain diseases with immunizations. Beyond ignorance & should be deemed criminal. DF4UPA12,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” hahah f u ms green DFGE9CSJ,Employee Health nurse got my arms all fucked up... #immunizations @ Employee Health Department DH6GOI1S,"Activist Post: Homeschool, Anti-vaccine Family Ripped Apart by CPS: Chronology of a Kidnapping: " DHAMZJ58,"AIDS N : New vaccines for malaria, HIV and Ebola can spread diseases say shocking stats: They say jabs for malaria,… " DHGHBTUT,"Measles bcoms more dangerous when parents refuse to vaccinate their kids, this shouldn't be politics but common sense,White House" DI1S6UP4,Free immunizations for kids Saturday: Children will be able to get free immunizations Saturday at Family Health... DI4W2R6F,Tuesday #Workflow #measles #MERS #chikungnya #BSL2 #NotTooNasty @ State of California Public Health… DI7DIWYM,If you think vaccines cause autism we can't be friends. DI971IR9,y would you not vaccinate ur children idgi DIB39UCV,"I'm at Mmr 3 (Ithaca, MI) " DIJBW3YH,Risky Asian food choices today: pad Thai at the medical center and sushi at the airport... Building up my food poising immunity. DJ289Y93,omg vaccinate your kids you dumb idiots it doesn't cause autism DJL5M5FD,"Thanks WebMD, I now believe I have diphtheria and measles." DK3SVI9B,"The biggest danger in vaccinating your children is that it will make them some normcore who reposts ""i fucking love science"" memes all day" DK4HURHV,Magic Hat Bottle Poppin... #mmr #mixmasterrod #tophat #CoorLight #SilverBullet #fo @ Mad Hatter DKBOGA2T,On Survivor the Brain Tribe won the Immunity Challenge was awesome and Beauty Tribe lost they voted out Brice they should voted out Morgan. DKHBFQWE,Got an emergency email from USF stating that there have been 5 confirmed cases of Measles in Central FL. DKWSJ3UQ,Measles Vaccine Killed Patient's Cancer via DLC6SSQS, Some vaccinated are at risk from the unvaccinated DLC87KV4,==> “ AIDS vaccine created at Oregon Health & Science University may clear virus DLIB10ET,Measles outbreak: At least 95 cases in eight states and Mexico DLPO4GWH,"This is a real book "" written to educate children on the benefits of having measles"" Via " DLV43QPK,Parents' fear of vaccinations nearly killed their son - ABC Perth - Australian Broadcasting Corporation DME0EB36,So scary.My baby's too young 4 measles vaccine.This is near me. Sounds like they r doing all they can but still scary DMIG8029,"((Cada Dia)) I Would Vaccinate my Autistic Son Again: I Would Vaccinate my Autistic Son Again by Shahriar Afshar February 9, 2015 I ..." DMOBMASL, Corruption in Law enforcement has to go! start by eliminating sovereign immunity. DMTTUP4M,Five Disneyland Employees Test Positive For Measles DN0G6M3Z, better safe than sorry. I'd still vaccinate again. DN7SKDBZ,"Measles is deadly but can also leave children blind, deaf and brain damaged #vaccineswork " DNXYC0BR,Medical Group Digs Up 50-Year-Old Measles PSA DO4Y9TFM,A black eye to for not televising #Dominator #Hasek We are so thankful you televised the Pittsburgh Measles vs Wild DOQKE1LH, I'm pissed. Why don't you guys do some reporting on where the measles outbreak came from.Root cause. Mexican illegal children? DP82H0HV,"#RuinAFriendshipIn5Words ""my kids are not vaccinated"" #IAMTHEHERD" DPAG0AJV,Fact vaccines use monkey and other animal organs to grow viruses for vaccines. Polio vaccine can be laced with Ebola. Target children! DPET06HG,"I had a nightmare about measles too. So, you know, in the perfect headspace for dental work." DPTBVVF7, I think that is your small pox vaccine scar I don't think measles vax leaves a scar cc #JustTryingToHelp DQ02CPJD,"If I aint the realest boy, Im his new vaccine, or more like poison when this new jack swing, & my bed is like a Deck of Cards 2 Black Queens" DQNEQSBA, I would say just find a different vet. Or ask if there is a risk of giving the cat the vaccination. DQSISV4J,"“Wisconsin publically speaks out to producers who want to intentionally bring disease to their operations to help build immunity,""" DQSS7PB7,“ Vaccine Cleared Again as Autism Culprit what will it take for parents to start believing? DR63XM8U,"#CNNElectionPresidential Candidates - Autism 1in every65 kids get it. We say immunizations Government says ""quiet or u r a terrorist""u say?" DRNROE5W,So important! MT Parents w/ #paidleave R more likely 2 breastfeed & get their kids checkups & immunizations they need. #NewsHourChats DRZ6EFI6, 15 or 20 years ago a famous actress for on TV and sited an article (since refuted) linking vaccines with autism DS626OGN,Love your babies? TAKE them to be immunized. ...... Im the nurse. DSFKAPIQ, The CDC announced that this years flu vaccine will not prevent the specific flu strain it was supposed to. DSYOEX4Z,Travel immunizations..... (@ Eastern Virginia Medical School - DTEZHTSH,"Austerity is not a Vaccine to Crisis... It is a Parasite with Pandemic Potential! It Drains Life, Killing Slowly! #occupysf" DTKHQC05, they refuse to vaccinate their kids DTNYR613,Travel safety pack. Immunity elixir and a deep green. Take care of yourself this winter (@ Juice Shop) DTST1JDY, you know that thing with Jenny McCarthy? Thinks vaccines give kids autism DUFY5FJH," there are risks taking vaccines kids will get sick some may die, risks are higher in general population if there was no vaccinations" DUHG09Q6,"OH: ""I love the bitter irony that the measles outbreak started at Disneyland. It's like a Simpsons episode.""" DUKJ2WWZ,We now have flu vaccine in stock for all ages including FluMist. Call today to schedule your child 205-939-1250 DUSKXOAZ,"#Dr.Wolfson of anti vaccine fame calls measles a natural part of the world,this quack should lose his license" DUT464DK,Feeling Like This Right Now... #mmr #mixmasterrod #follow #sick #arg @ Mad Hatter DUU37K0X,Getting our herbs on! #wellness #health #holistic #dragon #ancient #chi #immunity @ Dragon Herbs DUUKTILA,Lesson of the day: some moms are CRAZY. Apparently vaccines are poisoning kids. That's weird because I turned out just fine... 😒 DVAVFME1,"Measles linked to Disneyland and it's visitors from foreign countries. Spokesperson ""It's a Small World after all.'"" #PointsMe " DVC46J8F,LMFAO. There's News stations at ecc today. #measles DVVX18W0,It's 1917. I've been here since 0715. All that paper ? california #measles cases. More like it on the… DW6ILXAA,Roald Dahl's warning of the devastating consequences of not vaccinating your child. #VaccinateYourKids DWDOL54I,"SB550 [Update] In child protective services, further providing for definitions, for immunity from liability, for ... " DWHUSMJN,"“ Novant Health to require flu vaccinations for hospital employees, volunteers, vendors #NWO" DWMT3CWK," We got the polio sugar cube, but the MMR vaccine didn't come until 1964." DWPYUSLL, Back to 8th grade!! MMR probably likes it DWVOM3EP, when we have kids I'll give mine a vaccination and you don't give yours one and we'll see who gets the measles first DX0DL83P,Pediatrician: Vaccinate Your Kids—Or Get Out of My Office via DXWPSQY5, science and logic? If someone not vaccinated is more likely to transmit a disease than someone who is...whose a bigger risk DYA9XE9T, I skipped b3 and yeah idk. my mmr is mid silver too so the games are actually pretty fun. most of my games are like 50 mins fml DYDLEAK2," read this one today? Well: Putting Us All at Risk for Measles " DYEJV9D9,Scary. Getting phone calls from the CDC. Have they heard about me /+ the shingles vaccine? #bigbrother #ohdear #Raleigh DYHMM8FE,#Syria 26 children died because of the measles vaccine campaign carried by the interim government DYIY51F6,How can folks that have enough money to send their kids to private school be less likely to immunize their children? DZ4FZD1Z, of course it's measles 'outbreak' was media misdirection so there's panic about nothing.# measles deaths? cc: DZ4GAUDJ,#CDC reveals 2014/2015 #flu #vaccine is largely ineffective. Protect yourself with #oscillo #homeopathy DZHTUWX0,"Measles outbreak: 156 cases, possible exposure in Berkeley restaurant: Health officials are on alert after an adult… " Dr. JAMES SHANNON, E0GRUEO2,"I'm making sure my daughter is vaccinated for everything, including stupidity, which is a communicable disease spread by anti-vaxxers & Fox" E0JU5WEF,No Opt Out – Kids Should Be Vaccinated If Attending Public Schools via E1DH0BH8, early Joe Walsh band THE MEASLES E1MTNO8G,VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN E1NIH2LT,SB1911 [Update] Public health; requiring county health departments to offer immunizations to certain persons. Ef... E1NS5U65, vaccine threats? #Scared #olderbrothers E1PHGLFI, vaccines are given to kids based on the lowest common denominator. That's not how you treat kids. Especially stay home kid E1SCV5V1,Measles virus circulating in Ontario is a variant previously unknown to WHO /via E1YABLYT, Understand the #s. More kids are dying of vaccine preventable disease than are injured. E2PWEFCJ,"Not only did my parents misplace all of my childhood pics, awards and school projects but all my immunization records are lost too." E2TY8O08,AP IMPACT: 'Vaccine court' keeps claimants waiting: A system Congress established to speed help to Americans harmed… E307WQ6B, according to Dr.Olga i wont get measles bc i got the shot E3SP6CT7,Ohio Officials Encourage Vaccinations Ahead Of Summer Events: Health officials are concerned about the spread of... E3UWMUUA,Phoenix is getting his kennel cough vaccine so he can goto school (@ Arbor Animal Clinic) E4DTIBCY,Start of MMR. This is ridiculous. E4GDOHUD,Why Are Child Immunizations Important? E4SI7BSC,Chicago parents; do children have to have a DTap/Polio immunization and a Ratovirus immunization in order ti attend school? E55BTB44,"“ #Tip: Look for someone to squeeze! Hugs can boost immunity, lower heart rate, and ward off fears! #love" E55CZND3,At 6 - Costco shoppers in #Gilroy notified they may have been exposed to measles. #mapit E59PQHRC,"""Our family, our choice!"" Hundreds against SB277, bill could eliminate parent's right to (NOT) vaccinate kids. " E5ABZE2B,"Disneyland is spreading measles 121 cases in 17 states, 87% came from Disney!!! VACCINATE YOUR KIDS #VaccinateYourKids" E5ILG5M2,"Drove on the Oregon Trail yesterday and managed to avoid measles, cholera, AND dysentery! Also, Oregon… " E6A5F2EK,That stupid 4 months vaccine got my baby all sicccck 😔 I can't stand seeing her miserable E6Z0DZCK,😂😂😂😂😂 “ better get your kids vaccinated so they dont catch these handsss” E7ERXLBH, MMR squad vs OLMC 4:30 gonna be a good one #Postgame E7XTMSXK,“ People who don't vaccinate their children are stupid and make me so mad.” !!!!!!!!!!! E8573DV7, I hope Elvis fucks him in hell you anti vax measles spreading bastard. E9A16MYK,Why Measles Is the Most Contagious Virus | TIME E9XF8SU9,Flu vaccine is available at Employee Health #AlbanyMedicalCollege EAJ0YICR,Why would those who have had measles vaccine care if someone else hasn't had it? EAZ32RDK, Measles is one our most effective vaccines. It is given at an age which creates controversy. Fear and coercion replace education. EB2E4NZ7,If you don't vaccinate your kids your just dumb EB7ML9LB, yo bey I'm always hearing this stuff bout people talking smack bout u then getting measles the next day n shit but what if they EB8TMR0U,""" Total # of measles cases linked to Disney theme parks: 26 people in 4 states Most magical place on Earth." EBLPGCZ9,This mass crowd touching of the Vince Lombardi trophy has now become an ad for vaccinating kids against communicable disease #SuperBowlXLIX EBMQ2LOT,"""bacterial meningitis cases in children have decreased by over 99% in the US since the introduction of a vaccine in 1988.""" EBUPSKA3,Hi #mmr #madhatterdc #dc #dj #dupontcircle #live #friday #photoshop #flyer #stolethisimage… EC0U5QZF,"Flu season. Measles season. Flu season! Measles season! FLU SEASON! MEASLES SEASON! MEASLES SEASON! FLU SEASON!!!!" EC2CRX49,Seriously $180 for a vaccine just so I can register for school... That's BS #poorcollegestudent # EC4A3BG1," I do know there were 145,000 measles related deaths in 2013: " EC7WEP94,"Dear parents, you are being lied to. | I Fucking Love Science - vaccinate your kids already" ECCQ54GQ,Simply: vaccinate your kids. RT What you need to know about the measles outbreak at Disneyland ECHA4DJ9,I will never understand parents who don't vaccinate their children. ECJ6PISV,Poor baby now on way to hospital to have blood drawn to check her immunity. #longday ECTC5AEJ, by educating parents about the dangers of vaccines & medications & the safety & effectives of straight chiropractic. EDKVKXAU,VACCINATIONS DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM. EDRLD6I2,"My English teacher said measles could get in your eyes and make you blind and this kid goes ""in your eyes?"" WHERE ELSE ARE YOU BLIND LMAO" EDTKWEY4, #yes Tks 4 reporting on #vaccines -#parents r inundated & just crave #truth. advert? Not 4 my #family! #MamaSummit EDTNZ12K,"I heard Africa is now asking incoming visitors from the U.S. be pre-screened for measles.. yeah, Africa." EDZT4DV5,Baby in NJ recovering from measles EE4Z5185,having a clean room during summer is like having straight As during the school year... immunity 🔑🔓 EE6T837H,House Speaker Boehner: ‘All Children Ought To Be Vaccinated’  EETTZK0I, Even the polio vaccine-SV40-SMV40 from the 1950's & 60's have been causing brain (cont) EFGF2V8G,"Added benefit of PCV vaccine: Trends in Otitis Media–Related Health Care Use in the United States, 2001-2011 " EFRL5MU0,Measles case confirmed in Monroe County; through Indianapolis airport: Indiana state health officials have... EG07X27E,"CCPS will be providing transportation to the Health Department on Thursday, September 11 for 7th graders that need vaccines." EG8YEXTU,Stop being an idiotic hippy & get your damn kids vaccinated. #measles EGG8Z0TG,Pa. officials warn of measles exposure at end of record-breaking year: Pennsylvania health officials say someone… EGYGGA7T,Shame on Pfizer! They raised rates 4 vaccines kids need 2 enter school so hi MDs can't afford them. Pfizer made $4BILLION on that vaccine! EH392MU9,Why I won't get vaccinated or vaccinate my kids EHXAVMB6,“ CDC: Measles spreads to 14 states. Deadly virus blamed on anti-vaccine movement SO irresponsible. EIEQVZ5X,26 Measles Cases Reported With Ties To Disney Theme Parks: Health officials are reporting seven more cases of… EIYBAX9R,Spalding County health dept still has flu vaccine. We've moved indoors. #flu EJ7LG2VC,Repping at #launchfestival today. Great festival but I probably caught measles. EJJN2WY2,HB5362 [NEW] Education; other; exemptions to immunization requirements; modify to require the use of forms create... EJMKIEKR,"Health Specialist (Measles and Emergencies), New York, (P-4) UNICEF #jobs " EJPFCNN3,With 19 days to go before the start of the school year now is a good time to ensure your child's immunization record is in order. EJSRIWPZ," Kids hurt by vaccines = asthma, allergies, autoimmune disorders, encephalopathy, MS, diabetes..." EJY05XPG,Listen to: Bill To Limit Vaccine Exemptions Moves A Step Closer In California - EK10PB25,Hey Im Trending on Twitter...(I wish Someday)... #madhatterdc #mmr #mixmasterrod #live #dj #serato… EK3ALMAI,"Director - Infectious Disease Vaccine Translational - FF & C Management - Research Triangle Park, NC #jobs" EK5Y7ELJ,"“ Huntington Beach High School students, staff warned of possible measles exposure AH SHIT" EK6LT2QV,“ Vaccines Save Lives: We welcome new report giving #vaccines a clean bill of health: only a few do!! EK9K56OZ,"Yes we will...and thnks sug"" happy bday u are truly talented we gon make a mill one day!!!! #MMR""" EKVBZI1L, Only risks in that article are religious offense. Measles is far deadlier than vaccines were ever pretended to be. EL0LIWOV,"I'm not a doctor, but I absolutely believe the measles has the potential to be an epidemic! " ELQHY633,CDC's IIS: Clinical Decision Support for Immunization (CDSi) ELRNDWX3,Just got all immunized up. Come at me deadly diseases of Africa! #myarmhurts ELUI7TBO,3) vaccines because they think it may turn kids autistic and gay. EMFYSXPN, nigga you look like a bad case of the measles gee look like caron butler EMSUYELM,I hope everyone who just touched/kissed the Lombardi trophy got their measles vaccination! EN97JFDC,Doctor said I most likely won't need to get the MMR booster shot for measles. Said my age and previous shots should be enough. ENEGCBS8, looks like CDC here in the states recommends broad immunization from chicken pox ENQSOLE5,It’s interesting the vaccinations the CDC recommends when visiting the old country. I didn’t actually get all those when I lived there. EO8PR7CZ,I have the mumps and measles and now I'm in the hospital getting fluids EOADLUYB,Remember when you got the vaccines 1day before school? DON'T WAIT 2 #RegistertoVote #Voto2014 EOK9VW8H, both perspectives have value. Not all vaccines are created equal. Some can be harmful. Prudent to examine all info. EOZ4UBNV,Officials On Alert For Measles Ahead Of Super Bowl Crowds: Arizona health officials are on high alert for measles… EP15TLRW," everything we put n our bodies effect it, so we would b nieve to believe that vaccines couldn't cause #autism" EPP7CHV5,Ma baby getting her vaccines and talking about her spay EPUTD59E,NYC Taxi Jeopardy getting in to the vaccine/autism discussion. EQ3WHHVY, Sex Talk Didn't Help HPV Vaccine. #health #medicine EQ4FJ4S2,"LRT: If that doesn't prompt you to get your kids vaccinated? Well then, there is no hope for you in this world." EQBE4DGR,for every vaccination you don't give your kid I'll give myself 3 EQJ0QRIY,Chances are slim. But MUCH LESS SLIM then side effects from the MMR vaccine. You are dangerously stupid EQKQVXLA,Man granted immunity in Holly Bobo case commits suicide: A man who had been linked to the death investigation of… EQT2836T,Measles. ER3DZ12N,. ==> MN Dept. of Education ranks schools with a comprehensive ranking system called the Multiple Measurements Ratings (MMR). ER51M3PN,In all seriousness I work in schools. I see frequently how gross kids are...get them vaccinated they aren't good at sneezing correctly. ER6P0JZZ,""" . is urging all parents to immunize their children. He joins me now on #KellyFile."" Parents have right to choose" ERCN64RK,"If you're free, get down to the Capitol to show your support. Don't bring anyone who isn't vaccinated, though. There be measles afoot!" ERQNXY1N,#Ebola Vaccine Declared Safe For Use In Africa ES88F6IJ,"Taking feels like a gamble every time - last trip? A rockslide that was ""this close"" to making the train derail. Now measles?" ES9XN5GU,I hope the person who discovers the cure for autism makes it available only in the form of vaccinations ESCK4EI4," I would also add the mmr vaccine,although not perfect,has prevented DD/ID." ESMS5INL,"1900 7,577 kids died of the measles. 2014 1,337 kids died playing with guns. Kids are safer playing with a gun than an unvaccinated friend." ESYMLARB, A 22 yr old woman in NEW passed disease 2 four ppl--from the vaccine ESYRPAFY,"Now Hiring: Glendale, AZ-Vaccine Sales Representative | InVentiv Health: US - AZ - Glendale | #jobs" ETBLRBUS, measles/measles like all the same! Still contagious ETD4F6R5,Measles in 2015: More about the MMR vaccine ETJ9VH9U," Immunizations should be mandatory. Period. In Oklahoma, they won't let kids go to school without them. It's dangerous otherwise!" ETM5U0YR,"Diarrhea kills more children than malaria, AIDS, & measles combined. 94% of those deaths are preventable. Hai-Ryung Sung #rotarypeaceconf15" ETNVAIC9,Getting my vaccines. Didn't know the injection room was next to the pediatrics wait room. Played connect 4 with some kid for 15 minutes ETR43VX1,“ Can We Continue To Justify Injecting Aluminum Into Children ETSMAJ3D,I think the people who don't want to get their kids vaccinated are just viruses in disguise. ETYBQ3S6,All Roads Lead to The #mmr #live #dj #dc #dupontcircle #flyer #friday #party #edm… EUALANQB,Measles scare shuts down La Mesa urgent care clinic: An urgent care clinic on the Grossmont Hospital campus was… EV8ZRA0W,""" 300 million children could be protected if vaccines group gets the $7.5 billion it's looking for " EVBQO10J,"As doctors push measles vaccination, some parents stay away: There are no reported cases of measles in Indiana… " EVFBMPB0,"So sad!"" Two new measles cases reported in Wichita area | Kansas Health " EVV9PD81,""" Opinion: Very good and very bad news in the vaccine wars What is wrong with people?! Protect your children!" EW6KEC7D,Measles: No School for Students Sans Vaccine Records EW95LOMC,“ 2.) Measles-infected BART rider could have exposed thousands to disease. #GateBreakers” well EWVD0JGN,Lemme list my list o BBs JF mmr yeah those r like the tops rn EX1ATQGB,I have measles EX4PXYK5,Lawmakers bill would do away with religious exemption for childhood immunizations: Should parents in North Carolina… EYF1LF6J,RT Autism Speaks urges parents to vaccinate their children: EYSQ87Z4,Local Physician Discusses Importance of Infant Immunizations #Nichols #Springfield #MO EZ7RJD6Q, how else do you describe someone who actively campaigns against vaccination and spreads the same old autism lies? EZA15KZA,Re retweet- All you anti-vaccination people need to understand that you're full of bull. 100% risk of death vs 0% risk of autism. C'mon! EZEZD6VL,Just call this one Jukebox box hero... #mmr #instadc #washingtondc #dmv #photoshop… EZHW19KP,I just cannot imagine not vaccinating my future children. EZK6AZSX, health Dept? Why didn't you go to your doctor for your vaccines? #punk EZM21OLT,Flu strategy from Phila. physicians group: Immunize all health-care workers: The Philadelphia-based American College... EZYT6Z41,“ Obama tells parents to get their kids vaccinated via #MakeItHappy EZYZ41YK, Your Going to get the measles there . .__. 😷😷 F09RA1XW, immunizations from childhood wear off...didn't we know that? F0EL5UOQ,Measles outbreak worries health officials: Health officials are worried about recent U.S. measles outbreaks that... F0P0ZO66,Via Health officials order 24 unvaccinated students to stay home from Calif. school amid measles outbreak F0TINEDO,"""Depression May Stifle Shingles Vaccine Response - good read #depression #mental health " F13OBIMF,“ I'm gonna gradually incorporate poison into my diet until I gain an immunity and then when bugs go to bite me BAM” F19UZ54J,Damn...Measles makin a comeback? The plague said I got next yall better look out!! F1LZEK58,"Have you gotten your meningitis vaccine? In the past 5 years? (@ Orange County Health Agency in Santa Ana, CA) " F1O8HIW3,"“ On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " F1SRAJ95,Was this a problem? “ Cleverly Designed Bracelets To Help Mothers Remember Their Kids' Vaccines F1THQUUF,"#MMR "" Motivation is what get you started..Habit is wat keep u Goin. 👍""" F2443EYO, look up the cases of autism due to it you can get themarasol free vaccines but you have to ask for it...sketchy F247M7IA,"I can't even imagine having to deal with the BS of a kid with cancer, and then have to worry about measles? " F290INY4,"By requiring all kid get vaccinated, the CA assembly is protecting my kids. " F2M5796C,Its worth noting that the is against forced vaccines. #CodeOfMedicalEthics Don't fear more info! F2ZT0NJJ,Confirmed case of the measles at the U. What a great time to be vaccinated 😷 F398M2P5,Disneys Measles Bear F3O79UGT," Looks like it includes the standard: MMR, Polio, etc." F3RWM7KO,Oakland Co. judge to decide if parents must vaccinate their 4 children: Can parents' wishes about their child's… F4AG7ASC,Oregon Senate Health Moves to Let Pharmacists Vaccinate More Children F4WUTYVR,Everyone need help with little or no budget. We are building a platform for the everyday music artist. #MMR F52R3JTH,National Academy of Sciences: There is no link between immunizations and autism #p2 #tcot #teaparty F55KJ8Y2," I'm pretty sure we're in agreement that vaccines and GMOs are if not completely safe, still well worth the risks." F58FHZDS, We know childhood immunization is our society's greatest health care achievement. It saves lives & prevents disability. #abcDrBchat” F5E0L6R0, everyone so up in the air for/against the health care plan and we continue to fall behind in developing vaccines F5I5PCTC,Bruh... Join The Club madhatterdc #mmr #retro #tbt #blockbusters #latefee #bekindrewind #teammmr… F5K3ELGG,"As part of our social contract with one another, it's imperative that we vaccinate our children! " F5LK0C8Q,"I'm at Duval County Health Department Immunization Center in Jacksonville, FL " F66TKG4Q,The current tenor of our #conversations regarding #vaccines does well to highlight our inability to handle #fear and #safety F6BQM770," measles-California, illegal alien capital of the world." F6IK14CZ,Man the #vaccinations debate is hysterical. So many idiots. VACCINES GAVE MY CHILD THE DIABETUS! Lol. Ok nutbags. Move to your own island. F6O58XB4,"“ Roses are red Violets are blue Vaccinate your kids”" F7REVCDV,More vaccinations for kiddo. (@ Advocare Merchantville Pediatrics) F7ZOOMGR, I'm pissed. measles outbreak lets blame the American parents 4 not vaccinating.Root cause. Mexican illegal children? F856TTAP, that is for sure :( so sad :( wish ppl would vaccinate their baby's . K will donate what I can $ F8BCNW2B,Some stranger just started a conversation about smallpox with me cuz as a little kid at home you get vaccinated with it.... #foreignerstatus F8CLZLY1,Has #AlexJones officially raised the false flag on this measles outbreak? #maddow F8DTCWIP,"102 Measles Cases Reported in January, Most Stemming From Disneyland Outbreak: CDC " F8FXEB46,"Was that Pete Carroll that made that play call? He must have been vaccinated for the measles and then became a retard. #SuperBowlXLIX" F8X28O0B, We have laws 4 clinics 2 urgently report measles but no law requiring us to prevent it w MMR F8Z3GIS4,Rip in pieces my mmr 2013-2013 F99NH30T,""" Wondering how you caught the flu? CDC says this year's flu vaccine is only 23 percent effective: LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂" F9DXZUW0," and rightly so. If parents, Haredim or Hilonim, take their kids' education seriously, there will be no need for vaccination." F9KMLDNX,Opt out vaccination for school kids doubles? Drag us back to the 1800s will ya? VACCINATE YOUR FUCKING KIDS! You're gonna start an epidemic F9N9OQH7,". Red Dodge Caravans cause bronchitis! Lastly, measles is NOT nothing!" F9QGHTNK, I see you!!!!! #fdu #frfr #motivated #mmr Yall follow right now!!!!!… F9RBVN00, kids and adults must be vaccinated. It should not be an option! #specialreport F9YI608K,Quick stop Brain Booster & Immunity Strengthener on the menu today #LoveisLove FAQO029H,Baby Theo meets Linus today after receiving his first #felinedistemper #vaccines #roc #kitty #kitten… FB2TECGY," no measles here , I think? #WaltDisneyFamilyMuseum #ThePresidio #SanFrancisco #Frisco… " FBITB56E," I've heard that vaccines make you artistic, but that doesn't get you much money. I'd hope my kids become doctors or lawyers." FBXF0T0V,"""I won't vaccinate my child because it might cause autism or other serious side effects""" FBYECAVJ, we see different types of diseases that could have been caused by the vaccines. The long term uses are unknown. FCU3MU6U,"California facing Measles outbreak! Stay safe guys ✌️" FCU9W7QZ,#IAMTHEHERD because I have held parents in my arms in the ICU who said why didn't I vaccinate my child? FDKCHZZL,Disney-linked measles outbreak soon to be over in California: A measles outbreak that began at Disneyland and… FDW0FG2V,RT Children told to be tested for HIV after flu vaccines reused... FEGUJDYQ,Study rules out link between autism and MMR vaccine even in at-risk kids: At least a dozen major studies have found… FEPNYBAX, MMR = contagious. 25% case fatality rate for measles-not too bad- BUT it spreads faster than any other disease. FF786H6G,GCHD encouraging immunizations now for children -Enid News & Eagle #Jonah #Enid #OK FFC7G9SA,Cook County offering free measles vaccinations in Palatine: The Cook County Department of Public Health is offering… FFQE0W9O,let's invade measles! #Health FFYYMCYY,6 Terrifying Facts About Measles | Mother Jones Can cause sterility 4 teen or adult males FG5WYZQX,VACCINATE YOUR SNOT-FACTORY CHILDREN HAVENT YOU SEEN BALTO YOU IDIOT FG9OCRSM,Disneyland measles outbreak: California scrambles to contain its most severe eruption of virus for 15 years FGEAI0B3,You have a responsibility to your own child and to society to get vaccinated. There are people that can't get #vaccines. #atlantichealth FGPRRQCP, did jenny ever endorse no immunizations for kids after the Dr who put firth that theory said he made it up? FGQZ2D8Y, I think the idiot parents not vaccinating children for whooping cough should have seen my mother's lifelong bronchiectasis. FGV1I892,"Reuters Attorneys seek to challenge California's new school vaccination law " FH0D5KVN,Suspected case of measles in Wis. comes back negative: Portage County health officials said one of their suspected… FHMQ4JWF, you got the butt-measles vaccine? FHWDS5OA,"Marin mom lashes out at 'measles party’ media furor: For the past week, the 43-year-old Marin County woman has been… " FINK57PD,“ Wonder if anyone at #TheGrammys has #measles”. FJ1E6X4G,So the polio vaccine has major potential in treating brain cancer #hailtopitt 👍👍👍 FJVMJZNI,"America freaks out about Ebola, opens the door when the measles vampire asks if it can come in the house." FJWP431B,"Come on, people. Public health is important. Vaccines save lives: " FK15FK6W,#BestStripClubFoodEver #JerseyGirlsOnFriday #MMR #ComeThru @ Jersey Girls Go Go FKAZUL8E,Vaccinating your kid is common sense. #BeReal FKEZ984A, Disneyland gives out measles along with rides. FL5RPMJK," _Don't_ read _Diplomatic Immunity_ until after _Errant_, _Memory_, and _Miles in Love_..._Falling Free_ and ""Labyrinth"" are safe." FLZ9EUHU,Measles night at Awana! 👊 FMBEPMM0,"Roses are red Violets are blue I vaccinated both my kids You should too." FMD7DOFT,When I was a kid I think I got most of the major vaccines but for whatever reason missed the mumps one. FMH9VA3C,Mandatory cooties vaccinations #KidLegislation FN1AO5AX,"“ Re Horrifying #AUTISM "" vaccines do not cause autism " FNKFFOI2,Patients at #Mesa health center exposed to #measles 9 days before date stated in first alerts to public: FNTGTN8M,"“ crazy is thinking our govt is trying to poison us, IMO?” didn't say they were poising us!!vaccines have poison" FNTKAQPG,Michigan has high rate of parents refusing vaccines: Public health officials and doctors who worry that not... FNTZNR31,Why everyone scared to go to Disneyland? Gone like 4-5 times already and haven't got measles *knock on wood* FNWHWUDD,"All injected w/MMR & other live virus vaccines develops a version of the disease, sheds viruses, & can infect others. #CDCwhistleblower" FOC8CRDA,Student at Valley High School diagnosed with measles FOMQX94Z, please #VETOsb277 We will have a Nation of Home schooled children! #rights #choice KEEP #vaccineexemption FOVT57F5,Northern California officials warn Bay Area Rapid Transit commuters they may have been exposed to measles: (via FP45BPZH,"Jesus' death will be of little value to us if we dont repent and follow. Like a vaccine, it won't help unless it enters the bloodstream." FP77BWTK,"No, vaccines do not cause #autism. So says the & #vaccineswork " FPA6PKHR,Starting now “ Give Children the Best Shot! LIVE webcast on improving access to #vaccines FPAMRTWD,"Your belief shouldn't = kids w/deadly diseases. ""Legislators Move to Eliminate Vaccine 'Personal Belief' Exemptions " FPSW9743,Ignore my skin I think I'm consign down with a case of measles FPU57H4J,Free Hand Hugs & Dollar Mugs #mmr #thursday #dc #dj #instadc #connecticutave #mugs… FPZWRFKK,You probably shouldn't blame undocumented immigrants for the measles outbreak via FQ1IF5C2,Parents who refuse vaccines need 2 not listen to rumors or fallacies but researched outcomes. When U hold a dead child or can't walk FQ4EG3UT,California Legislature Passes Strict School Vaccine Bill: California lawmakers on Monday sent the governor a… FQ6TB98P, For the child's sake we should insist they vaccinate. For society's sake homeschooling is better. FQ8XN6IE,"""He's a CDC whistle blower"" please go away. He's talking about the fucking MMR vaccine. This debate is OVER. MMR does NOT cause autism." FQXVL76X,Get your high school sports physicals and travel immunizations here! (@ Trinity Doctors Group) FQZ0H6NF, i cannot connect to my MMR account and just get an error all the time. Is this being worked on??? FRCCDP6J, I truly am sorry that your child had a reaction to a vaccine. FSCJTCPI,"Vaccinated kids getting pertussis??? #wtf im really thinking about my kids going ""unvaxed"" and myself" FTM485HD," when does this paranoia over germs relax? I think this germ free obsetion is doing more harm, germs build immunity." FTWTSIZG,New measles cases diagnosed in two states traced to recent visit to Disneyland: State health officials say seven… FTWVVBT4,"Listen to your doctor, not crap on the web claiming to be ""scientifically proven."" Largest measles outbreak in decades. #MeaslesOutbreak" FUBVTNR1,Measles update Snow possible Monday until then just plain Cold Midweek commute FUHRHS9B,HB2255 [Update] Schools; clarifying language relating to immunizations; effective date. FUIIBUX8, easy solution: vaccinate your child. #HerdImmunity #Science FUMY68LM,"1. Your jokes are old. 2. It's not disneyland's fault, it could have happened at the grocery store. 3. Get your kids vaccinated." FUOJSDLS,"""Parents are opting to not vaccinate their children, and their children are opting to get sick."" 😂" FURS74ET,Vaccine for mumps is ? MMR. Everyone should have 2 in their life. People unvaccinated or under vaccinated put everyone at risk. FUVYENHS," I'm so against all these vaccines, flu shots , etc. Alwys trying to push it on ppl & end up sicker. What a rachet" FVSR692G," please do not continue MMR process on rehab 2013, it severely limits rehab services for elderly" FVVMKAI4, Did you read the story. We have to stop the idiots who think it's okay not to vaccinate their kids. FW0ZE3CA,"“ I never had chicken pox, measles, mumps, none of that. I'm blessed af nbs cause all my brothers and sister got em but me”" FW9CVKXU,""" Shoutout to the crew #MMR #MuscleMoves #MusiqMind #GalatHitz"" Stay on the #HUSTLE" FWCZF04P,Getting my vaccination for TCC :( im scared!!!! FWN9G3WT,Thank you for speaking out against vaccines/autism. It needs to be done more. Something is wrong. MDs are trained to push FX33OB5K,my immunity for most things scares me a little bit... FX46MH19,I'm sure that thousands of illegal kids never vaccinated and carrying a host of diseases can't possibly be responsible for measles outbreak. FXIAG3SS,"a bush said something intelligent 🙊 “ Jeb Bush: ""Parents ought to make sure their children are vaccinated.""”" FXKYV1GM,"More measles cases tied to Disneyland, Illinois day care: Health officials say the number of U.S. measles cases… " FXYJCYL8,“ Human trial for #Ebola vaccine to begin this week: // didn't Walking Dead start something like this? FXZKS9O0,""" Portland-area visitor had measles, health officials warn Vaccinations up to date (you/your kids?)" FY1Z5Q1V,KCAL 9 reporting 9 people who visited Disneyland Resort in December have contracted measles. Believe a contagious guest visited the parks. FY5FJAJF,#DeflateGate - ultimate #firstworldproblems lead network news tonite. Not that I want some other crisis but come on -least lead with measles FYY5PVTA, bry mmr ko bumbaba sa 2.6 hahaha FYYML25S,"“ Drive-thru Vaccinations, are you kidding me?” It's rediculous.." FZDXZ7SY,"J & J begins Ebola vaccine testing. Spokesman says, Now we have 2 psych volunteers into contracting the disease. #comedy" FZLDUOMO,“ #MEASLES OUTBREAK LARGEST IN 20 YEARS FZRVTVKJ,I read an article on FB ab a mom who refused to get her children vaccinated. ALL 7 of them got whooping cough. How can people be so stupid FZZGGCR5,THE JENNY MCCARTHY BODY COUNT - this is a serious weekly count of children who died from not being vaccinated G013ZVRW,I would never deprive my child of their vaccines. G0PKCNBK,The truth on #vaccinations 😂 G0VSFANS,Great info from WJSU news director and WJTVs to my MMR class #jsustorytellers G179TUSN,Immunizations Unknown: Pa. School Vaccine Database Flawed: Flawed record-keeping is blinding state health officials… G1AASNXN,"Immunizing schoolkids fights flu in others: Mathematical models predicted it, and now a University of Florida study… " G1CMH2X4,. Coming soon: a vaccine against #cancer #Israel #health G1H1D0FX," The kids in the hospital would have had MMR shots as babies, I would think. Doubt he caught it there." G1KOL097," Mr Garza, aware WOAI Radio reporting no crisis in Valley. Today, 95% kids vaccinated." G1WX4DDO,"Sadly I can tell how kids will take their immunization by their parents behavior. If you make a big deal out of it, so does the kid" G24TL61D,Wow that hpv vaccine will be the death of me G2BXV6E4,Measles outbreaks in the BX and Manhattan #NYC G36RYIZ1,"#Storytelling tonight on finding #CommonGround #autism #vaccines #SafetyB4Profit #NoVillification " G39FXY36,Hanging out with students at Rev before school to kick off the 30-Hour Famine. Now on my way to Vandy for missions vaccinations. (Ouch!) G3OHQC7L, I had measles was in hospital with it G3PAD3UM,"Experiencing measles firsthand, despite being vaccinated " G3PTYEJO,That kid knows how to run butt boards like a boss working #cattle #vaccines #workingcattle #simmental… G41A2SAK,Cruising Between 70-128 BMPs Tonight madhatterdc #mmr #dc #dj #selfie #washingtondc #love #follow… G4BZPMZ9,"Infectious Disease Vaccines - Late Stage Discovery - FF & C Management - Baltimore, MD #jobcircle #jobs" G4H2OCL9,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism G4LMG2NE, When I was child Measles was common-then wiped out-recent resurgence is due to unvaccinated folks G4TYO7UB,WA parents have two options: get your child vaccinated or fill out and file this certificate of exemption form. #kxly G4Y62JH9,"#Pleb "" well at least it's not Jenny McCarthy telling you to not vaccinate your kids " G56C48CO,I walked 2.517 for in the #VDay10k. 4 miles vaccinates a child! #EveryMileMatters G59UVF28, And how many of them believe vaccines are a conspiracy? G5JTAYGK," tell those ""well read"" parents who don't vaccinate their kids ""don't let a little education make a fool out of you!"" " G5KHXBQT,"Ok y'all I need some help...I gotta take my daughter to get her immunizations today...pray for me. #Fearoftheunknown" G671MMNA, Flight link to Auckland #measles outbreak. Auckland's measles epidemic is worsening with health officia... G69CE0H9,"Poison's in the air making your head unclear it can't affect me due to immunity, someday I promise to free you from the ailment of the air" G6JAARAO," says measles case on #BART bet. Lafayette and SF during AM and PM commutes 3 days, Feb 4-6. Low risk to those w/vaccine.#mapit" G70TGOWL,"Congressman Waxman: Vaccines can immunize against malaria, polio, and measles but not politics! " G713TUY8,"Andrew Wakefield, autism researcher, cannot sue in Texas, court says: Andrew Wakefield, who was stripped of his... " G7AFBJO4,Valley doctors concerned over cost of vaccines: A new report shows vaccination costs for the average child have... G7FZRQAI,The amount of people who die from being exposed to children who aren't vaccinated infuriates me. #Vaccinate G7OTFLDC,Vaccinations for Haiti!!!! (@ Travel Health Services) G7VBAZVJ," #truth -a lot of vaccines do more harm than good. (Heavy metals, allergic reactions, injection site infections) #educateyourself" G8FYBCA7,Take A #Shot! #immunity #energy #beauty #digestion #brain Always here for your needs at #formula… G8OCU2CO,((Silvito El Libre)) Protect Your Family: I was given the vaccine in school as protection from the measles virus that was around in t... G8OEVWRQ,Child measles deaths set to soar in Ebola-hit countries: via G8W5DTGM,“HistoryChannel: THIS DAY IN HISTORY: 1954 > Children receive first polio vaccine. More from this day: G8ZSRIVK,The New York Times: Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles. G91NJ2CZ," I don't take ANY vaccines.. I know #thetruth #conspiracy #populationcontrol ""/" G927MPBE,""" In #Mauritania, an #immunization campaign is saving children from #measles and #polio #vaccineswork #SahelNOW" G95JLPJ8,Thankfully sitting next to this baby on the L train has granted me immunity from subway performers G9DQ8SJU, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF G9M790IW,I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide What Eliminated Diseases Come Roaring Back GA2GUHTJ,To the vaccination and home safely with only a major mauling of the vet tech teacher. Luckily my cat is current on vaccines. #outlaw shassle GADCQV3T,One class to go.. Talk to advisor and change schedule.. Eat.. Check mailbox.. Buy books.. Health center to turn in immunization form. GAL35EAR,"Cheaper, safer, and an effective way to combat Cold/Flu/Allergies and build immunity with essential… " GANYR94E,Vaccinating your kids isn't like showering regularly or doing your taxes. It's mandatory. GB9MF9CH," tonight you referenced ""measles parties"". They appear to be an unsubstantiated rumor. Please correct. " GBDRLD55,You've got to be kidding me. #ImmunityChallenge #Survivor GBJOBXQW, MMR HBV Meningitis GBXXQ98B,Measly virus... “ Several employees at Disneyland have been diagnosed with measles . GCEL7H63,yoou got the measles b GCHBUGD5,"All i wanted was an opportunity, a bad nigga, & some immunity; to keep a youngin' safe from the snakes🐍.." GCMYGIQT," Over 500 Pakistani parents arrested for children's failure to get polio vaccine." GCVK6O6E,"15th case of measles confirmed in Cook County: An adult in suburban Cook County has tested positive for measles,… " GD4QCOU8,Disneyland-Linked Measles Outbreak Nearly Over: A measles outbreak that began at Disneyland in December is… GDDFV6J7, Vaccinations? A scam? I don't think so. Benefits outweigh risks by a large margin: GDFUIONE,"If I pray about vaccinating, get ""told"" not to, get a preventable disease, let it spread, die, cause others to die, was that God's plan?" GDUTYNOU,"“ “I’m Autistic, And Believe Me, It’s A Lot Better Than Measles” by Sarah Kurchak " GDZ5UPY7,Crazy how much controversy over Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook post of his newborn getting her vaccines! What do you think? #vaccineswork GE3XVL73,"I'm not anti vaccine, I'm just anti health." GE7HW6SA, rename the team to mmr loss GEJ26BYT,Learn the Importance of Childhood Immunizations with This Video GEKJTZSX,BART riders again exposed to measles by Millbrae-Civic Center commuter: by Bay City News BART riders may again have… GF729D8F,"Atlanta and in a lab in Russia. We ""don't need to worry about measles because of modern medicine"" you know there's no cure for measles," GF7TILYS,"""Balto petitions congress to rethink its stance on parent's right to not vaccinate their children""" GFC3HRE5,valley hs niggas nfected with measles GFIQ0R6L, Jordyn had her shots and we know her quirks aka #aspergers. #measles #whoknows #distractingtherealissues GG0IB63H,"No one more annoying than the person continually posting ""breaking"" new research linking vaccines to autism on Facebook" GG44GMHZ,Prof told a story of a grade school friend who contracted measles (pre-vaccine) at age 3 and lost her hearing. Now there is a vax. Use it. GGEKAXY8,"Going backwards from 1963. #Measles Outbreak Has Arizona Tracking 1,000 Who Might Have Been Exposed, via " GGFOGCD1,Are vaccines safe. A shocking documentary that every parent must see GHHTP54D,Watching this vaccine documentary / thanks GHIE2PE9,“ Mariah is currently at Disneyland 😒” she's trying to get the measles GHSD8X13, I'm going to give Jenny McCarthy a big vax of MMR right between her eyes to fill up her pea brain... GHW2LSNN,Three More Possible Measles Cases In San Diego County: The three North County residents visited Disneyland last… GHWXJOA0,“ White House: Science indicates parents should vaccinate kids #kmov #News4StLouis” GI1QUFGF,"#Measles outbreak at Disneyland spreading! Presumably, by children who are NOT vaccinated. Foolish liberal parents create health issue." GI3BVULR,Obesity & Vaccine Efficacy. Health and nutrition expert Lindsey Haynes Maslow so smart 😊 GI6BF37V,Vaccine injured at 17 months with 12 vaccines. Is 17 years old second child vaccine injured at 4 1/2 year's old GI9CIVYY, I think I’ll have all the data I can handle. And I have an up to date MMR. So gooooooood to go. GIH2SICH,"JoinnThe SOC 2Day On WFBR 1590AM $= Dr.Scott.Whitaker On Black History ,Measles Scam,Ebola,Obamascare & More" GJE6ERJE, woah there. Measles outbreak is pretty serious. Next weekend! GJU35JC1,AIDS N : BCG vaccination could improve survival of HIV exposed babies: Now in a bigger clinical trial which began… GK46QE7C, yes- vaccines causing autism GK8MCP80,"RT New top story: Obama admin is wrestling with decision to test anthrax vaccine on kids This a joke?" GK9T3AXE,"Yikes RT Louisiana is just 1 person away from measles, say doctors. " GKR5SWMA, awesome and we do have the same problems at home but not with the mmr jab GKSOI479,Record number of dolphins dying off East Coast in ‘measles’ outbreak The deadliest known outbreak of a mea … GLNFU9N2,The reason those vaccinated kids aren't getting sick is because everyone else is smart enough to vaccinate their freaking kids. GLPHQDMD,Everyone need help with little or no budget. We are building a platform for the everyday music artist. #MMR GLUGWIYL,I feel so terrible right now! My poor baby! 😭😓😷 #BabyLove #BabyBones #Vaccines #ShotDay #Hi #HiBaby… GLWKBB85,"I don't feel comfortable vaccinating my child Why why Because you want the bubonic plague to come back??? Are you fn kidding me" GMH4MNYU,"In Pakistan, vaccinating children against #polio can be a deadly job #healthcare #globalhealth " GMWRCU8I,"Everyone should get vaccinated. Even if it does make your baby artistic, don't mean he's gay" GN1S77F5,#vaccinesNOVA I like my kids healthy and vaccine preventable disease-free. Thank you science! #vaccineswork GNBOTC23," of course, the President also falsely connected vaccines to autism in 2008. Per editorial, this is not, should not, be partisan." GNEDBTOC,"Sigh RT Thanks, Anti-Vaxxers. You Just Brought Back Measles in NYC. " GNKAMOII,“ Hepatitis A scare at New York City restaurant prompts 239 to get vaccinated: can't even go out to eat GNL5WQ3Y," All kids coming up from Mexico will go to public school. Whooping cough,measles, chickenPox,TB, scabies, lice.R U ready?" GNTC4VIQ,"""Republicans need to accept the science of global warming,"" says woman who declined measles #vaccine for her kids. " GOWT03XT,Flu season: Several options to vaccinate kids against the flu: DENVER — The flu season is expected to begin about... GP7EFTB5,S/o my boy for letting them new MMR bangers off last night at pulsegentlemensclub !!… GPCNBN4T,At a lecture about vaccinations. Free tix. Still some time to get here. (@ Ethical Culture School) [pic]: GPD5JYP8,If you don't vaccinate your children you are a fucking tard GPG154ZL,"It amazes me how, statistically speaking, the more educated people are, the less likely they are to vaccinate their children." GPGIC4YN," Oh joy, there's now a measles outbreak in NYC. Now to resume banging my head against a wall. " GPGVW8KX,Hollywood stars tell me that Ebola vaccines also cause autism. GPOBN9LP,HB91 [Enroll] An Act To Amend Title 14 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Public School Enrollees' Immunizatio... GPSKQWIU,Most everyone my age has had the measles when they were young. it's not the end of the world or fodder for Presidential debate. GQ89V5C3, Why are anti vaccine people responsible for 28 dead? GQM8QQPZ,Luna tu qe lo vez Dile cuanto lo amo Luna tu qe lo vez dile cuanto lo extraño..... Ay mmr.. GQSCROVZ,#vaccinesNOVA Children die every 20 secs around the world from lack of access to vaccines. The parents are shocked to find others refused. GR37IZFA,"“On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " GRKU0LYL,An interview with me conducted by What You Should Know About the #Measles GRLDRFSU,"Hey Jenny McCarthy, vaccinate your kids then I'll give half a shit about what you say." GRQUOUPF, better question is there a vaccine and does it cause autism?!?!? GRRE7UVA," Thank Doctors speak for welfare of patients&educate. I too remember many babies dying of meningitis before HIB vaccine, etc" GS6DKKP5,I would get a nose bleed after the measles episode #SVUGoesViral GSCEW1Q8,Mutate maple trees and put vaccine in tree so double dou to fail safe GSD2H69B,Parents vaccinated your children or risk them being ostracized from school and other group sports. Parents beware of non-vaccinated children GSEV4CEM,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” #living4evr" GSEZPBNE,"If you don't want to vaccinate your kids, have fun with the pertussis and meningitis and polio. Just keep them away from other kids." GSKIFGSL,Pre-travel immunization consultation. ... (@ Eastern Virginia Medical School - GSTU11AI,Mogul Media LLC #MMR GT1OC86M,There is quite possibly a measles outbreak about to occur here. With 4 people getting it from a waitress 😳!! GT7E75OA,"""The brief rest at this place is remembered chiefly on account of ...measles..."" Capt John B Beall, Co. H " GTER9LM9,Watch how the measles outbreak spreads when kids get vaccinated – and when they don't GTTJWA2Q,Getting your kids vaccinated is ignorant. GU08J8U6,"Before school, kids require up-to-date vaccinations: Before students board the bus for their first day of school,… " GU5XUIME,"Is it possible to have a fave vaccine? If so, mine is the 1that cures talking to ceilings & pretending bread is a dead guy's flesh #atheism" GUDEHB95,"Getting my International Vaccine Record for Kenya! (@ Passport Health in Charlotte, NC) " GULVEZ1F,Vaccinations for Your Infant: FAQs GV4J6077,Shots for the kiddos on the Children's Hospital immunization bus! Good! (@ Walmart Supercenter) GVDKFNN8,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " GVDNNXIR,So children: chicken pox 2 - chicken pox vaccine 0! #1in10 #infectedchildren GVLWW7ZB," no credible evidence supporting vaccine/autism link, plenty v. It. #SB277" GVSMHIGI,"Colorado parents choosing not to vaccinate kids: As the measles outbreak across the nation continues to grow, a… " GWRH6FD9,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism GX228KF5,I bet Jimmy Clausen vaccinates his kids. GX9SNE69, ugh why won't people vaccinate their children BY CHOICE?!? #labtechopinions GXA7A3ZI,"There are parents who refuse to give their children vaccines, because they believe vaccines are bad for them." GXEMGP0F," I'm artistic and Autistic, but not gay. Did my vaccines work or not? Im confused." GXLUS15C,"Brote de Sarampiòn en Ohio Ohio measles outbreak largest in USA since 1996 via " GXRCDC7Z, measles GXSDPM2J,DOWNLOAD REAL TRAPPER BY NOW!!!!!! AT #MMR🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #GAMECHANGERS💿💿💿💿💿 GXVIQ8CU,Preparing Your Child for College with Proper Immunizations GZ2AC4L2,"There is unrefutable scientific evidence of a very strong vaccine-autism link. Our DNA breaks down slowly across generations also. #Autism" GZ5H5DPX,2 Measles Cases in Marin Co.: Health Dept. GZUEIOWV,Meta-analysis of vaccine data shows no link to autism #metaanalysis #vaccines #autism #biostatistics #PublicHealth GZWH0IHL,#nwo #Guest What's Behind the Measles Vaccination Hysteria? #conspiracy H0LGVE5C," My cousin died from measles at 22 because she wasn't vaccinated." H0UHL0KP,Finna TurnUp #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG #TourLife @ SpringHill Suites H1DUERSG,Waverly has measles ! H1R4XS71,"PCV13 prevents pneumonia in adults. Vaccinating kids indirectly protects the elderly! Help keep grandparents healthy, immunize your kids." H25E3G9P,"go right through you like Brandreth's pills, ramify your whole constitution like the measles, and break out on your hide #part2" H2ACXEEW,Baba n ng MMR ko. Ayos ayos ng laro ko butaw lagi kampi H2KFHID9,"And even if you want to declare ""both sides do it"" clearly Dem leaders evolved. Just like measles did." H2MA7A1N,I'm probably going to be the person who gets the super measles because these hippies don't vaccinate their daym kids H2MLQQ7U, And the most vulnerable -- infants -- are too young for most vaccinations. Only protected by herd immunity. H2MZD27F,Health Health Health Vaccines Vaccines Vaccines H2N1VTT9,Private schools putting NYC at risk for measles outbreak H2N9C7II,We should do that here: parents in Pakistan arrested after refusing to give their children polio vaccinations: H2TRLWLH, here with my freshly immunized baby :/ H3DHHEDJ, you're a strange guy 😕 I hate calculus more than I hate people that don't vaccinate their kids H3G2GEJF, these lawsuits allege #Merck falsified data to market the #MMR vaccine. H3U22LBP,Leave it to my son to get chicken pox (even with the vaccines) right b4 his spring break. Poor kid H3WE0UZ5,"“ "" Take me to disneyland so I can just get a pineapple 🍍"" measles*.”shorter lines**" H45HFST6,My mom told me I might have high-functioning autism because I don't like change and got vaccinated as a kid #justmomthings H4B3W6EV,59 Confirmed #Measles Cases in California How to look for Signs of this Highly Contagious Disease: 5AM #WhereYouLive H4I279KO,"“ Ways to reduce your #cancer risk #WorldCancerDay I would add: HPV vaccination-prevents so many cancers." H4V8RIVH,"Not looking forward to today, little man has shots. Measles mumps influenza dip-shot he is usually pretty cranky the rest of the day." H4XDALHJ,"MMR release show (@ Rubbles Bar for Wavvy Hands, The Delightfuls, Hour 24 and Moses) " H4Y829R9," Measles, mumps, and rubella can cause encephalitis. Donate your brain to science if you're not making use of it yourself." H4YU15YE,California Legislature passes strict school vaccine bill: California lawmakers on Monday sent the governor a… H51K0IG4,Nancy sniderman #in the 1940s my mother deliberately exposed me to measles and mumps. Vaccinations makes the viruses or germs stronger H583DDM1,"Our issues are ""vaccines of chronic diseases""Dr.Ed Ehlinger Commissioner of MDH #MNHealthyKids #mnleg " H5RRV6TJ,"Vaccinate, people! Ur killing ur kids.“ Baby dies from whooping cough. How to protect ur newborn: #fb" H5X2VSDP,Tomorrow my main man bday #shoonthursday #GMG #MMR @ MMR CITY H60VPS5R, ck ur local county health department...ask for immunizations dept and see if they stock. Most do as our staff has to have them. H6BPUADP,""" WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD"" Enjoy the measles!! #antivax" H6CEA38V, easier 2 mandate circumcision 4 males as well as mandating immunizations 4 both sexes than to risk this preventable cancer. H6GNXZL3,Deadly Inoculations with Dr. Andrew Wakefield 1/2 H6PCIWOF,"Good! “ these are the childhood vaccines required for kids in NJ " H6YAAY0L,Protect our health! Give facts! NPR (& Other Major Media) Spreads Serious Falsehoods About HPV Vaccine via H7AI7RWE,""" People still believe vaccines harm kids?"" yep" H86MTFLL,I get so fired up about vaccinations. GET YOUR KIDS VACCINATED H8MF1LXL,Jennifair LP Version of #S.I.N.S. full of featured artists a Drum-Mage! Production #SINS #MMR H8PNUPOA,Omfg vaccinate your children. H967JB3T,WHAT'S THIS ABOUT MICKEY MOUSE CATCHING THE MEASLES. AND WOULD THEY BE ABLE TO TELL IF THE 101 DALMATIANS CAUGHT IT? H970SF96,Incredible! Congressman Speculates 'Illegal Aliens' Could Be To Blame For Measles Outbreak via H9H0FG4H,how many people have measles already just wait 2 yrs H9V3GG4N,"CDC launches Ebola vaccine trial in West Africa: The trial began Monday in Sierra Leone, one of the West African… " HA1LJ56Z, the kids who have Autism like my brother from the vaccine is cuz it was given multiple timesbutAll of us-vaccinated HA9OED1C," I am very sorry to hear that, but the chances it was caused by vaccines which saved her life from disease are infinitesimal." HADJX3M4,watching &the boys with 😊 #MMR HAZEDXJ5,"""Measles cases in US reach 20-year high."" " HC21RJGA,My younger brother Evan (423) and myself (422) were both damaged by these unsafe vaccines in the late 90's early 2000's but yet the CDC & HC8CJQPT,Now I'm reading about German measles. HCFEN1L4,Monday and a new vaccine inventory and order system...hmmm...who thought that was a good idea?! Frying my brain!! HCLWW8SX,"Thanks, RT "" Measles reported in middle-aged man in Port Angeles."" — " HCSQ09E2,AIDS N : Could mimicking infants' immune response produce a faster-acting HIV vaccine? HD5X7H39,#MMR @ Hunter's Ale House HD9PJQ1U,Vaccinate your damn kids! Exposing innocent people to such a deadly disease is irresponsible and disgusting! HDOJ8MPZ,"Thankful we are aware of them chem trailing us,sticking fluride in our h20,genetic Phude and toxic vaccines,knowledge is power" HDQ3RGFW,""" I'm gonna say it one more time for the niggas in the back. Vaccinate. Your. Damn. Kids!!!!""time 4 bed hun" HDRPXK63, There is no conspiracy here. No big pharma telling selling MMR even though it hurts people. HE5TSC9C, tell them you got the measles cuz you went to Disneyland :p HEAG7HXM,My dads questioning his love for Knaus Berry Farm. He's scared that when the Amish come back they'll bring measles and attack him #hewould 😂 HEFAUISQ,If you make you're kid get a vaccine for the flu just realize you're killing them. #Parenting HEP9TB6D,#InitialsOfSomeoneYouCareAbout MMR HF30N28O," Or how about ""I got my shots, so my child inherited my immunities."" Wouldn't that be awesome!" HF69YJI4,""" Vaccination Opt-Outs Found to Contribute to Whooping Cough Outbreaks in Kids " HFALKNUP," Whooping cough is up cuz many refuse to vaccinate their kids. Stupid stupid stupid! Diphtheria is worse!" HFKDIABV,Ppl who dont vaccinate their kids should be charged w negligence #vaccineswork #vaxfax #vaccinations #vaccines HFO4K8IK,Hundreds Of Liberians Overcome Fear To Volunteer For Ebola Vaccine Trials HFVK7D28, the CDC has not recommended anything. The paper by researchers suggested something that might help the vaccine work better. HG70P7WP,#mvinterim photography Exploring disease &immunizations. New responsibilities bring new challenges. HG8OFOEV," so the fact that he is owner of the cdc at ground zero of Ebola, and the vaccine means nothing.." HGK0HTVQ, maybe splitting hairs here but people don't die from measles they died from complications such as pneumonia or encephalitis. HGNSRDJ7,#MeaslesOutbreak Retweet if you think that the recent measles outbreak in the USA is due to Obama telling young illegal aliens to come here. HHPUV2WT,"love this from the prev linked piece: ""Here's a report about Sudan sandwiched between a vaccine truther and someone's cat. Enjoy.""" HHXHDK0N,SB121 [Enroll] Meningococcal disease-pupils to be immunized against at recommended age HI6QXLT7, fully vaxed kids to blame for spreading pertussis #VaccineDebate HI90GA0M,"I might live forever RT On average, people who complain live longer -Releasing tension increases immunity and boosts their health" HIX2DWOH,"How many people killed by cars? “ Measles Is A Killer: It Took 100,000 Lives Worldwide Last Year " HJ9NPRVJ,"Recommended for high risk children and adults yearly! As a person who falls into the high risk category, the flu and pneumonia vaccines are" HJBBWAYV,"Vaccinate your children and help prevent the spread of disease! Beyond the obvious exceptions, don't put others in danger!" HJDJ2J87,The job of the drug/vaccine manufacturers is to promote the health of their companies. Not the health of consumers. #CDCwhistleblower HJDKN2YE,Poor Pa. Vaccine Rate: Only 86% of children entering kindergarten have been vaccinated for measles. This is the… HJHWX3TI,If I hear one more person say that vaccines are harmful to children I might scream. HJP7YQ6P, the fact that you're following measles me day amazing HJRFVFJ5,Rotavirus vaccination of infants protects ADULTS!! HKHOSL9D,Default in immunity lymphocytes causes cancer and disease. Wonder if we could genetically modify defaulted immune cells? #wonderif HKI5M9JI, this is a good thing to help have healthy kids so vaccinate too HKP73GRQ,Killing young healthcare workers in Pakistan for distributing polio vaccines to children. Shameful. HKPRNWEJ,"“ Every 20 seconds, a child dies from a vaccine-preventable disease #globalmom #jnj EXACTLY!!" HKW4FIFL,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.”" HLAS97C1,My son had to get a religious exemption for 7th grade Dtap vaccination because they don't accept medical exemptions. #CDCwhistleblower HLFIRZ4E,Merck executives should go to jail for killing children because of the MMR vaccine they manufacture. HLIQJUYV,"Huge shout-out to all the anti-vaxxers out there, without which this lethal outbreak of #measles would not have been possible." HLOMGI66, ALL DAY LONG #ThreeSevenMafia #MetairieMindReaders #MMR HLTV1MFG,"“ SO ... is nobody going to DisneyWorld?!? #SB49” Nope...because, #measles" HLVAM2JJ,"OH ""Vaccines can cause serious reactions or death. How can the alternative be worse than death?"" #AntiVaccination #crap" HM081Y7L, Aw poor kid. Did she get the vaccine? You lucked out not ever getting them! I thought everyone our age got them. Best of luck! HMAHIKRO,Halfwitted Congressman With Zero Evidence: 'Illegal Aliens' Could Be To Blame For Measles Outbreak via HMTNTQWR,Just got my anthrax shot. Thank God I don't need the MMR shot. HN6LR7QV, lots of crazy parents that don't vaccinate their kids. Afraid of autism from the shots. HN9UX47Z,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” catch up 💁 HN9ZIK5N,"Ballsy: ""Researchers at the Mayo Clinic knocked blood cancer into remission with a blast of measles vaccine " HNJQN4JQ, Measles at Disneyland: What You Should Know [From ZTE mobile browser] HNKR2B9Y,Awesomeness. I was a test subjct 4 the HPV vaccine back in law school. Can't wait 4 my kids to get the shot! HNLFZK9N,You are a certified idiot if you do not vaccinate your children. It's a danger not only to them but to children of smarter parents as well. HNSDSTSO, you are fuckin retarded people who don't get vaccinations hold back the progress of humanity HNSF9DNK,Ppl listening to a Laguna Beach star for advice on vaccinating your children shouldn't be having children anyway. Come onnn. HNWZ4T6Z,My Measles vaccine paper can only be 1 page. This will suck. I hate small paper assignments. HON40QKU,""" On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health."" Im immortal" HOQPB9P5, Measles is the New Ebola. HOTO69JY, most vaccines are from dead viruses infants are bombarded with millions of bacteria from the moment they're born HOV3JKEW,please fuckin vaccinate your nasty children for crying out loud HOWFA2LR, Teach your kids how to prevent the #flu with this downloadable coloring book: #FightFlu #vaccinesNOVA HPB0B7Z0,"Fan Cam just had an AZ fan with a sign that read ""Bear down...and vaccinate your kids!"". Phenomenal" HPMPTS2L,"How To Prevent The Flu, Measles and Whooping Cough: San Diego County officials reported the first two deaths in the… " HPZ326BG,"44 children have died of heat stroke from being left in hot cars since 2013, says with a bill to give rescuers immunity." HQBZSNGC,Immunization shots today so I can start school! HQU4QQHK,Hey all. Spay or neuter your pets but also make sure to vaccinate your kids. HRHWET4B, awww shit anorexic albino squirrel wit Da measles HRI6G8RR,Measles case confirmed at Plano ISD elementary school HRZ2VRTZ," It's absolutely disgusting. While these little heard of diseases like measles weren't eradicated so to speak, they were far off" HS1MONBW,Measles outbreak in the Phillipines responsible for 155 cases in Ohio in one month and could continue to climb. #measles #vaccines HS6IYPSB, rushlimbaugh says illegal immigrant kids weren't vaccinatedcaused measles outrbeak. HSAAACYY,Unvaccinated Toddler Dies of Measles via HSDGTMLM, if only science had some way of preventing the spread of measles! HSGYXDL8," empirically, we know the relationship between lack of vaccines & the diseases to prevent them. NOT w/autism" HSV70MNB,"Parents make one resolution tonight, do the work, educate b4 u vaccinate. No one wants their baby to become a statistic. #CDCwhistleblower" HSWJZU31," and people get vaccines for mumps as children. At least, people who don't want mumps do..." HT2HM1VT,Three Confirmed Measles Cases Linked to Disneyland Outbreak HT3LAD1G,2 Billion children immunized against Polio and is 99% irradiated thanks to ROTARY!!! (@ The Depot) [pic]: HTSR0QXU,Arm is swollen from the MMR shot this morning... Sucks for serving. HTTEJKUC,This is atrocious & irresponsible.measles party?Chicken pox is one thing but measles carries a higher risk of complications#measlesoutbreak HTXM0NYS,Looking at the Risks of Vaccines. Chickenpox vaccine carries some potential for side effects that can cr... - HTZGD9RP,""" But such fun. ;-) Measles, I got Chicken Pox as an adult. Watch out the Mouse is exterminating" HUZ43M8L, how many gop pres hopefuls will help the poor vaccinate their kids HV1JRA0C,Huge turnout at health clinic and school vaccination fair in Vietnamese community. HV2YRV2A, ohhhhh I probably can't this weekend! I'm still getting over mono 😭 can't have a measles and mono breakout lol HV6GMH4X,Writing my policy memo about measles/vaccination exemptions while I'm sick is slowly starting to convince me I might have measles #WebMD HVM8M01H,VACCINATE YOUR DAMN KIDS HVMNRS32, right? What happens if you don't vaccinate and the your kid gets something that harms them bc you didn't want vaccinations? HVQJOXX8,HB1529 [Update] Schools; clarifying language relating to immunizations; effective date. HW1QZLW2,“ Our thoughts are also with the measles-ravaged country America. I hope we are screening them before they come to Africa.” #fb HW5WWP1L,"#BREAKING: 11 volunteers kidnapped from outskirts of Peshawar, #Pakistan, sources say.They were busy with a #polio vaccination programme." HWDXFRG1,Just give the damn MMR vaccine #mytiterisnegative #icouldinjectitmyself 💉 #itshouldnottakethislong 😩😩 HWIGCYS6, got plans on June 13? Why not pledge to save 4m kids w/vaccines? Plz respond! HWJOIMMN, vaccine truth HWMP12BO,My ’70s Health-Nut Parents Didn’t Vaccinate Me. This Is What My Childhood Was Like. via HWVZTAID,"Is this really news? “ Salt Lake County resident diagnosed with measles: #utah #utahnews #news" HX6UTURW,"Vaccine injury is not funny. #boycottjimmykimmel" HXE7QQKA, Well yeah the walking dead is one of the few cable programs with counterprogramming immunity HXGKMCFK,"Not a coincidence that not immunizing is prevalent in California, and spreading to kids sick or too young.Immunize.Eradicate.Or keepKIDSHOME" HXLRACYV,"“ "" People who consume more pizza may actually be decreasing their risk of cancer."" My cancer immunity to the poor" HXURNGW5,"The worst part about being sick right now? ""OMG, do you have measles?!"" #idonot" HXVMWIU7, what about the vaccines being one size fits all? Babies are all sizes and develop differently should be based on that? HXY2FGK8," Wanted to stay of it, but I suck at that #Measles #MeaslesOutbreak #vaccinations #VaccinateYourKids" HY2FYONQ,It's flu season! Don't catch the fear flu! Get your faith shot! Get vaccinated with the word! HY2JG54L,So apparently vaccinations now increase the chances of a child using heroine. Seriously? Ffs HY45PJWI,Marin County sees its first measles cases HY6CWTQC,"I wasn't scared of swine flu, they had vaccinations fairly fast. Ebola has people bleeding from there skin and dying." HZ26YGZT, It's only by God's grace OTHER families' did their vaccination schedules so the Disney measles didn't spread! HZ5OBICH,"#MNhealthykids ""Active Transportation, PE& SHIP are vaccines to chronic disease epidemic"" " HZRNXCHG,I've got a bad feeling like all the people my age that are having kids that shouldn't be having them are going to not vaccinate them. I08DO8G4,Thanks to Jenny McCarthy & the Enemies of Science I am looking for signs of autism. #vaccinated #paranoid #potentialbandname I0JPCVPL," not you shekellz, I was asking measles. but I know it's only 1$....... 2$ max" I0NIR0P4,"AP Disney gave input on measles health messages: As the measles outbreak spread last month, Disneyland executives… " I0RX4QPI,I had to get a MMR vaccination recently and I almost cried. I'm a 27 year old woman but that shit HURT. This kid got THREE shots-ouch I0UHRIQ2,Study: No autism risks with vaccine I0WA8XY6,“ On average people who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and boosts their health I1RYVX2F,Do children still get a polio vaccine when they are little? I236CRBW,"Everyone's going to Disneyland to get measles! Oh, wow, that really happened. How far is Atlanta? #HowIWouldQuit " I27QR9DF,Children's Museum of Houston to Offer Free Vaccinations I2OPIATT,Topic of the day in #bio202 #microbiology - #measles #Disneyland and the value of #vaccine I36522XL,Hahaha there's conspiracy theorists saying US use vaccines against u. Then others say US invented the anti vaccine movement. I3CPGCWF," what is your mmr (Dota 2) Curiosity 😀" I61I1BH4,President Obama feels parents in America should act responsibly to protect their kids and other kids with timely vaccination- White House I6A06NHG,Calif. lawmakers seek to end 'personal belief' vaccine exemptions via I6CCN8LZ,""" Thoughts? Progressive city banishes unvaccinated kids for 21 days during #measles outbreak. " I6FQORWU,"VACCINES DO *NOT* CAUSE AUTISM VACCINES DO *NOT* CAUSE AUTISM VACCINES DO *NOT* CAUSE AUTISM **It has been scientifically disproven**" I6L5YH32,California-Centered Measles Outbreak Grows to 107 Cases I6LEIJO9, you're going to get measles I6RCTNPF,Dr. Thompson has been granted Official #Whistleblower status & immunity paving the way for him to go before Congress & testify about FRAUD I6XQXH7B, She believes it's caused by childhood vaccinations. I7HCL8NX,People Rush to Vaccinate After Measles Outbreak I7IJKRH7,"So anyway, a disease that is so bad & incurable only coming out of Africa is bullshit. It's condescending. They Finna come up w a ""vaccine""" I7QY37P6,"I think my daughter has whooping cough. She's current with her vaccines for it, but that whoop sounds pretty dead on :P" I7TPKL2K,Throwin it back madhatterdc #mmr #retro #gaming #nes #nintendo #nightlife #duckhunt #dj #djflyer #dc… I868Y15U,Immunizations for the boy :( (@ Adventist Health) I8PIZK09,Michael Clifford: Benefits of music: stress relief - boost immunity - reduce heart disease - enhances emotional strength - boost self esteem I90JOC64,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " I92DFRSK,". Here at we are aiming to stop diseases like #Ebola through the creation of new therapies & vaccines.#TXPREP #Zmap" I92E3401, I hope the don't get the Measles!!! I9BP6B7X,Channel 14 News is reporting on another death due to the flu. Where are the reports on deaths from flu vaccinations? I9FSICRM,Child at my school has whooping cough. WHOOPING COUGH. It can show up 6 WEEKS after exposure. #vaccinatefortheloveofgod I9IY350J,AM-News : Court nullifies ban on Abalaka's HIV vaccine: HIV/AIDS is also related to Ebola as it is equally a death… I9RSWSQC,My baby has da measles..😒😒😖😖 I9RVFRB5,Which one of you measles drank the last Gatorade for ASK testing?😞😔 IA54LI5J,"As #measles outbreak increases, how do you feel about #parents that don't vaccinate? To answer, join POLITICS: " IABE0W8Y, are the measles outbreaks the result of unvaccinated illegal immigrants??-good investigating would reveal all! IADZ24L1,Emily Stillman. A hero in life and in death. 9/11/93 - 2/2/13. #vaccineswork #DonateLife IAFFEYKK,I cannot get over how people think vaccinating their child leads to autism. Research before you speak. IAR93DLV,Watching a documentary on the polio vaccine with the hubs. So thankful we have vaccines now! Esp for my sweet baby boy!👶 IAUHF1D1,JUST VACCINATE YOUR DAMM KIDS IB35HDGU," Oh Hell No---> Virginia Schools Ordered To Waive Health & Immunization Requirements For Immigrants " IBBF0B5Z,Just read a tweet from this preganant 19 year old saying she isn't vaccinating her baby........I hate society IC6BLZF0," no, I'm dead ass, ii bought Willy Wonka out with the money ii got catching hoes and giving them vaccines !" IC8U7S4H,"If I have to get a MMR booster because of all this shit, I will RAGEEE. Last time I got MMR updated, I felt like trash. Fuck you antivaxers." ICA3W7RF, Christie please hire a public health person because you are hurting America with your ignorance #VaccinateYourKids IDV50M9C,Want vaccine info based on your child’s age? IE1VCYRU,"Rob Schneider is at Sundance right now, shopping his documentary about the links between Nazis, vaccines, and the progressive income tax." IE473CFX,Since I was a kid my dream was for to put immunity around my neck or to crown me the new HOH. #LifeWouldBeBetterIf 😁 IE5Z3OWJ,“ Anti-vaccine nonsense causes measles epidemic in Wales. So tragic because it is so avoidable. IE9BYICZ,9 Charts That Will Help You Understand The Current Measles Outbreak via IEFP57RT,"""War Is Not Healthy For Children"" and the Quest for Free, Accessible Vaccines " IEOE7AL0,RT I think I have baby fever. I jus love em. Is there a vaccination for dhis ish lol called Birrh Control betta use itlol IEVEZU5W, power baby and energy immunity daily vitamin and 2 3gs and soy protein . Ill be there about 805. Im almost to the 53 IEVPB2Z5,Going on a vaccine factory tour today to learn more about vaccine-preventable diseases for IFIARYSM,""" Enterovirus found in three Orange County children Get your children vaccinated!!!!" IFIN0QAG,Marin Family Whose Leukemic Child Can’t Vaccinate Asks School To Require Immunization via IFO48VOO,RT The debate over vaccines and autism may be over: IFQKOR85,Live in 3D madhatterdc #mmr #dc #dj #dmv #dcdj #dupontcircle #districofcolumbia #connecticutave… IG0IEBH6, apparently people forgot we have vaccines for measles. 😑 IGWLIRE7,SOLA 8 44 Vaccines and Autism: IGZIYGDL,No Measles vaccination = Gun Control. Personal choice of protection endangers others. IH2IUS9A,"Watching TDS and apparently there's this whole ""anti-vaccine"" movement lol omg vaccinate your kids please polio is no joke" IH8KRUQA," yeah, this is terrifying when you have a newborn who can't get the vaccine yet. Thanks, Marin" IH9DQS1F,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” I'm gonna live 4evaa IHA1AD23,"So now that there's a measles outbreak in America, I'm wondering how people that don't vaccinate their children are feeling." IHHDRNBJ,The truth is out about vaccines! #CDCwhistleblower #CDCFraud #truth #kinhealthwellness #holistic #lifestyle II114I3R,All these medicines and vaccines have people having kids born without limbs and having medical problems for the rest of their life II69E4RK," Right. Totally. And the record incidences of ""dead"" illnesses - those easily preventable with vaccination - are coincidence!" II9IPK8S,People who are against vaccinating children are the people I hate the most in the world. IIHUVYEK, and only 1 in 1 million has a serious reaction to MMR? Good thing Americans take statistics in high school... IIODVH5R," Eh, that's one vaccinations as an adult that you can skip... As a kid, yes you need them until you're 12 or 13." IIQDL3LB,"😁 cracked a funny at CRABFEED ""People go to Disneyland for measles but come to San Francisco for crabs"" " IJV7IJ0Q,AIDS N : BCG vaccination could improve survival of HIV exposed babies IKIJE1TN,Vaccination Debate Heating Up in Marin County: A school board meeting in the North Bay is drawing national… IKINJYIL,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.”" IKLR54JC, that's different (I.e need for droplet precautions) terminology is important. But it is not airborne (like measles) IKN3L02P,""" Map of states with confirmed measles! Watch live online Indiana is 1! VACCINATE! 💉" IKOKLGB9,"After successful reintroduction of measles, mother nature plans to go even more retro with a classic from the 14th... " IL0J6CNW,“ Is there a link between autism and vaccines? Another controversial study is being questioned: no ILOOI0TO,I'm skeptical of the story about Brian Williams catching the measles during the Crusades. ILUGJCWC, Hundreds rush to vaccinate kids after measles mom's inspiring blog via #BabyGriffin ILXAOXOO," No, we need vocal dissenters on this one! Drs are turning away kids from their practices because the parents refuse to vaccinate!" IM3RZ1WQ,Disney parks-linked measles outbreak grows to 70 cases IM4F9QYX,“ Measles Cases and Disneyland why won't people vaccinate!!!!!! IMOO0BL1,""" 4 #diseases are making a comeback thanks to #anti-vaxxers via (ht #measles""" INIMNAZC,Woman who died from measles had been vaccinated: A woman killed by measles in Washington state had been vaccinated… INM24VCA,"Maltese for sale! Miller has his original paperwork, all vaccines up to date, nearly house trained and LOVES KIDS! " IOB8FVB9,I can't believe there are still people out there that think vaccines cause autism or kill you.... IP85P5J7,Going to the doctors to get my immunizations for every disease on earth #why #needlescango IPRX8HBO,“ Colorado kindergartners have lowest measles vaccination rate in the nation: by shame IPVKGN4B,“ THIS IS AN AWESOME INVENTION this is in Turkey. They also vaccinate all strays so they are free of diseases IQ2DAOKF,Public warned about possible exposure to measles: The public's being warned about a possible exposure to measles... IR764VVQ,"Today! putting on for the city with FREE school supplies, backpacks, immunizations, hair… " IRJK656V,"VACCINATE YOUR FUCKING KIDS, YOU IGNORANT HIPSTER FUCKS!!! IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA VACCINATE THEM, DONT FUCKING BRING THEM OUT IN PUBLIC. EVER!" IROD47AX,Someone with MEASLEs got on BART! IRTQ7920, which makes me question the measels outbreak now. Weren't the vaccinated? MMR IS5B6I0N,"Measles is one of the most contagious viruses on earth, but MMR IS 1 of the most effective vax #10minutes4truth #MeaslesTruth" ISOO8EER,Frisco ISD to Offer Back-to-School Immunizations ISS4DGTO, I should've specified. *measles vaccines don't cause autism and that pisses me off IT1DY9VQ,MMR shot. One word - Yeeeeeeow! I deserve a drink. (at IT6KM141,#KeyClubFridaysInJuly #MMR @ Key Club ITC3G5AQ," reading through it now. Did they use separate M, M and R or MMR? Trivalent?" ITYOWVUJ,People Who Trust The Government Are More Willing To Vaccinate Their Children IU3K3Y9Z,#scaredofwhoopingcough #vaccinateyourdamnkids RT This graph of whooping cough in Washington St should scare you IU5HH940,"From claims about Nazis to gay prisoners to vaccines, a look at Ben Carson on the Truth-O-Meter " IUCQIEX2,CNN: Doctor: Vaccinations promote good health Please vaccinate your child. IUO4Z3RX,University of California Will Require Measles Vaccination for Incoming Students IV27648Q,"“ Recent measles outbreak in the U.S. sparks fear of resurgent diseases GET UR KIDS SHOTS NO AUTISM LINK!!" IVKL4NZ0, I played field hockey - surely that counts. Plus I got a MMR booster in 2002! IVOPNL64, abortion is a choice that an individual makes for themselves. Not vaccinating kids is putting their health at risk IVW338IK,W/ ma princess🎀👑 Her first vaccines😥😞💉 ma poor Baby!' (@ Joseph P Addabbo) IW2RGO5J,Measles Rates Triple In 2013 Due To Unvaccinated Communities via IW4D49I4,Measles outbreak! Vaccine trutherism now officially a public health crisis IWA3FU69,"The nonsense that is ""Vaccine Injury Awareness Month"" [via " IWBYLFHS, Thanks. I was just curious. Do you really believe that vaccines cause autism? IWG301Z0,AP IMPACT: 'Vaccine court' keeps claimants waiting: A system Congress established to speed help to Americans harmed… IWLGYWRK,Vaccine research is always risk vs. reward. #JonasSalk #APHA14 IWOLGAUO,“ For a researcher you sure don't do much. Bye for now.” Parents who don't vaccinate put other peoples' kids at risk IX0XXFC8,It's no big surprise that increased rates of vaccine preventable illness are seen in counties that have high exemption rates. #vaccineswork IX670P71," memories of me as an American kid, standing in long lines outside the health clinic in heat to b immunized!!We r blessed" IXDNKMUN,"First night with a Mossberg 5.56 MMR. Very tight grouping, pleasure to shoot. Trigger is a bit heavy, but proper break in, & will be fine." IXI0NBPC,"The devastating impact of vaccine deniers, in one measles chart via " IY3WCYRE,I got a couple REAL MEN behind me so I'm always good 💯💯💯 #MMR 😏 IYDV8EVT,Omaha Jackrabbit 2014 #nebraska #gravel #mmr #teamdundee @ Schlenker Farm IYSX9FMY,Senate Health meeting at 1 pm today to consider SB286. The controversial bill would allow for medical & religious exemptions for vaccines. IYSYIV2B,"Measles, tetanus, tuberculosis vaccinations, blood said I'm in perfect physical health.… " IZ7YWLJO,HB182 [Update] Providing for hospital care or assistance necessitated by traumatic injury immunity. IZCIGIUP,Parents continue to believe false study that links vaccinations to autism spectrum. Educate yourself parents! IZTMDGX5,". Vaccination is great #health success of our time, also a ""best buy"" for pub health dollars #AskDrFrieden" J05ZM4CI,S801 [NEW] Clarifies statutory exemptions from mandatory immunizations for students. J0MM9XWC,New followers used to receive an immunization voucher“ Sam is so lame I can't even @ his name for fear I will catch the lame.” J0P1ZWIM,I have to go get another shot because apparently I have no immunity to measles.... Wahhhh 💉#hateshots #weak J0YLIMZO,Measles outbreak in Ca. Disneyland. J19VIGBP, No.. measles is a very big deal. It is extremely nasty.. killed many babies. J1E3QXKJ,so the state of California is trying to mandate that you must vaccinate your children regardless of the personal beliefs clause #FUCKTHAT J1QKIJPW,Make Vaccines Mandatory to Attend California Schools J1SAUVBC,Vaccines and Autism no link statement said in hushed tones perhaps to not tick off $$ supporters? J1U8ASCC," #autism = much worse than #measles, # mumps &/or #rubella Link is there! See: #CDCwhistleblower" J2UWRBML," I'm adult woman in LA who's never had Where Measles. I was vaccinated as a child. If I get them now, I'll sue Jenny!" J3504GX5, just this morning read of another celebrity refusing to vaccinate her kid because of autism fear J36IZ34J,"""It's not just because I love my kids that I vaccinated them, it's because I love your kids as well."" " J3EH28JT,#MMR Kina Lounge Grand Opening Tonight #Brooklyn #Restaurant 4404 Ave J - between Kings Hwy & Troy Ave… J3FTK1VW,"If you don't vaccinate your children or get vaccinated yourself, you are a danger to the human race. #vaccineswork " J3RL1ZCI,I swear if I have one more person asking me about the measles... J44SNXW3,At least 700 exposed to measles in Los Angeles County J4HHAHVW,"On the 6th day, that's today, God created Measles, Mumps, and Polio. Lucifer created booze, video games, and oral sex. Which do you prefer?" J4MGAT73, i think measles is #kyleno #iswasajokekyle #kyleplease J4S0SYBQ,SB1040 [NEW] Health; immunizations; promulgation of certain rules by the department of health and human services ... J4TJ1XDZ,"Mandatory vaccinations... But like chocolate, chewable, or flinstones shaped #KidLegislation" J53XZXXE,I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get your child vaccinated... J5ADAWLF,Contagious people don't own cars. They have to take the bus to the bowling alley 20 miles away. #measles #whynotshare J5FG3XN0, Until someone shows up at Disneyland with measles. J5JSOUZA,“ #BREAKING: Public health officials confirm a 15th measles case in Illinois #immunize J5K6OL12, pregnant patients who become infected with measles can pass the virus to their unborn babies causing birth defects. J6FQT6YZ,"Free immunizations!!!!! Bring your kids!! #GMDhealthykidsfair @ Northwest Activities Center " J6IFAS3F, was this infant immunized? J6KCSKKH, we've always been led to believe our children could not attend without proof of immunizations. Never tested it. :) J6P67LYE,Study: no link between childhood vaccines and autism: A new study in the Journal of the American Medical… J79601FF,The ethical negligence of parents who refuse to vaccinate their children via J7R719UI,Please vaccinate your children. Please. J7ZOSDZZ, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF J87DE2SJ, I recommend Melanie's Marvelous Measles ;) LOL J8H2SYGI,"Got my MMR booster jab today! (@ Sutter Health PAMF Care-a-Van in Sunnyvale, CA) " J8L6SQDM,"Amid measles outbreak, vaccines for teachers aren't required: While much of the attention in the ongoing measles… " J8LXKVRL,“ How Vaccines Cause Autism this is amazing 😂😂😂 J95TDT2B,"I can't really blame Theodore kids for getting pissed off, I would be to if I had to wake up every morning and get a vaccination shot." J97OKD53,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " J9SOFBE1, Reasonable and should be appealed for exemptions. But what's the percentage? Versus 90%+ safe vaccinations? JABBSACN,“ Measles Vaccination Rates: Tanzania Does Better Than U.S. & Rwanda far better HPV vax rates. Shameful. JAF58WBE,“ Measles outbreak centered in California expands to 78 cases in seven states and Mexico #thanksjennymccarthy JAU4TE6L,RT RT if you just threw away all your condoms RT AIDS vaccine created at Oregon Health & Science University. JAUOJU9J,"Low cost pet vaccinations here today. Get your babies taken care of! (@ CVS/pharmacy - in Houston, TX) " JAVZGX9S, Wondering how to report on #vaccines visually. Stock photos bore. Crying kids and needles can fan fear. #ahcj15 JB1JEEIK,"New measles cases confirmed in Manhattan, Bronx: New York City health officials have identified 3 more cases of... " JBBSC28K,"My immunity is so strong, I can drink poison. Once." JBNB6K65, rat poison and nuclear acid build up nice immunities in the body JBP0RFI8,having a blast writing about 19th c germ theory. Today's insight: todays anti-vaccination has roots in UK's 1876 anti-vivisection act. JC23CRBA,HPV Vaccine against HPV Infection and Disease in Males - NEJM JC6GRW4F,Come & Chill... #mmr #instadope #skyhigh #photoshop #man #scratchnsniff #drugskill… JC6PIWIP,"Its a beautiful day for measles, santa ana winds and a hefe!😊🍻 #mousebrew @ Mendocino Wine Bar " JDHVEPOK,The illest since measles & mumps ! JDLMXCKF,AIDS : HIV-Infected or -Exposed Children Exhibit Lower Immunogenicity to Hepatitis B Vaccine in ...: In a context… JDQILGT4,Life is a terminal disease for which there is no vaccination... Except Jesus! #FollowHim JDQOKGPP,This Friday I'm live at VB3. We gonna act a fool so be there... #MMR @ VB3 Restaurant & Bar JDT7XYQM,Pleased to report the horror stories about rabies vaccinations are not true. Everyone! Go forth and be vaccinated without fear! JDTU1AHU," Atlanta talk radio guy trying to connect to connect measles shots to politics. Said ""Jenny McCarthy-not a Republican.""." JE2B39W7," yes and no. Feel free to not get vaccinated; consequences being no school, no Disney entry, etc." JF9J5YDP, yes mam. They won't let your baby start school until they've been vaccinated. JFA12WDV,“ Back to school without vaccines? Concern grows in states with exemptions Ignorant folk spreading illness. JFF8E45P,Calif. day care closes due to measles in baby too young to be vaccinated: A Southern California day care has shut… JFLH26MV," Says those who never lived in the third world or earlier then the 90s, so don't appreciate the vaccines. Grow up kids." JFVV7B6G,Measles Vaccine Wipes Out Cancer in Groundbreaking Test via #findacure JG0EUM8A,Outbreaks Fuel a Renewed Push for Vaccinations: A measles outbreak in a vaccination-wary North Texas megachurch... JG5O5ZW8,""" better get ur kids vaccinated so they don't catch these hands"" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ofn" JG63ZADK," On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health." JG9IKHFN," yes! For every adult flu shot given, they donate a life saving vaccine to child in developing country! #GiveAShot " JGLOIW0V, probably the same people that don't vaccinate their kids JGTZKTK3, U need government to tell you to get your fucking kids immunized!!! JGW7XK8G,"Add coconuts, salmon, eggs and olive oil to your diet to help hormone balance, brain function, insulin sensitivity and immunity!#healthyfats" JH8CGQQ9,More than 100 U.S. #measles cases reported in 2015. Help stop the spread. is vaccinating 7 days/wk: JHRXFHFZ,"Stop the madness "" The U.S. is not doing well when it comes to childhood vaccinations » " JHTKGLMK,"I'm at Mmr (Saint Louis, MI) " JHWAQWJL,"They cause measles "" Offit says med reporters who give cred to likes of Jenny McCarthy should go to ""journalism jail"" #ahcj14""" JIIU1WBL,"“ I’m autistic, and believe me, it's a lot better than measles: // good read" JIO7UTNW,"“ Without vaccines, how many millions of children would have suffered and died? #vaccineswork VACCINES 4 all" JIV45FWO,Disney’s Sick History With Measles Epidemics via JIWNKVIX,"8 measles cases reported in South King County, 1 in Pierce: Local public health officials are recommending that... " JJ6HJHLF,"Why Did Vaccinated People Get Measles at Disneyland? Blame the Unvaccinated | WIRED #WhitePrivilege vs #publichealth" JJ74AEJB,"the gov knows who’s vaccinated or not, and they will quarantine who’s not ASAP when national security will be at risk; it won't be pretty." JJLBDQ1I,I feel like I have a small child attached to my left arm thanks to that typhoid immunization. JJRFDTGM,Bawl so hard (sorry kids 💉) #walgreens #immunizeyourkids @ Buford Head Start & Pre~K JK3FW610, don't really have those here anymore. Not like when we were kids. All the kids are vaccinated now #goodolddays JK620VXQ,"Hey #AntiVaxxer, vaccines don't cause autism but measles can cause subacute sclerosing panencephalitis that kills you rather quickly." JKHOH1FO,the facts that there's a cancer vaccination now scares me. in the further we will have to get like 80 shots a year. JKK82ZOT,""" People who complain live longer--Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.""living 4ever " JL92HH96,"Tests show the teen suspected of having measles, did not have it. No threat in #Montcopa. Still encouraging parents to immunize kids" JLL9110V, #Pakistan's lady #healthworker prog battle safety risks to deliver services incl #polio #vaccines. #healthworkerscount 4 #UHC JLWSWPTZ,"Portland MMR y'all...825 N Killingsworth. At midnight, we ride" JM88HBKJ,On-Time Use of Routine Vaccine Keeps Kids Out of Hospital JMBOCI7K,"Immunizations don't just save lives, they save families. They save communities, since group immunity shelters kids who CAN'T be vaccinated." JMRI9D7D,CDC Vaccine Price List Update JN4QRNZ5,I mean when your kid goes to school they will have to have the proper immunization's so than what? JNA8KC5U, on #syfy on my dvr. Then Arm is killing me. #vaccine JNAPXQY3,You were supposed to be the vaccine but you gave me the disease. JNG8R7HX, Measles vaccine JNKSW9GJ,Baby I've been vaccinated JNN30S62,Jennifair - Temptation :: VirDiKO MoBiLe #MMR JO49RS5C,"Mississippi, West Virginia toughest on school immunizations: With rampant diabetes and obesity, Mississippi and… " JOBAT0IP,"Apparently, NYS wants me pumped up with vaccines for obscure diseases I've never heard of... They want me to have the lifespan of a Twinkie." JOGWQTVA,#abcworldnews report on measles partly due to irresponsible parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids. JOJU4OMC,U.S. health researchers say measles outbreak in 17 states is of same genetic type as measles commonly found in the Philippines JONAMGQL, vaccines saves babies & childrens lives!! Ur baby is most vulnerable prior to 2 mo vaccines. Dont be stupid. Do It !! JOSARATY,And the measles is stupidly infectious. You don't need a large influx for 100 infected people. At all. JOTCWP3Y, don't get measles! JPT2J2QP,"Hard to confront for most, but that's one of the ingredients in some vaccines! " JPZD9QZ3," it's funny how much people believe pseudoscience. If u love ur children, get them vaccinated." JPZO40B5,If you've eaten at Dicks in Seattle within the last 6 months you've been exposed to the measles virus 😳 JRNION1L,"Joe Lastinger, Father Whose Child Died From Flu: 'We Paid Horrible Price' For Not Vaccinating (VIDEO): via HuffPost " JRNL4JNK,SB121 [Passed] Meningococcal disease-pupils to be immunized against at recommended age JRR8JN5C,"“ After #Autism Scare, #Measles #Plague Erupts #ohTheIrony #BadScience" JRS0DOP8,What can happen if your child isn’t vaccinated JRVHMXFF,Texans need to worry less about Ebola and go vaccinate their kids. While they're at it they can get a flu shot. JS4JCHNP, how do I avoid endangering my child thru vaccinations w/o CPS accusing me of child endangerment and stealing my kids? JSXBU59V,"If there had to be a commercial tonight about a child dying, it should have been an ad telling America to #VaccinateYourKids." JT8VAC7Z,No child should die from some disease that there are vaccines for JTDTE5Z0, Indeed so. It is sad though that MODERN vaccines are being foregone because of fear. Lots of deaths and permanent damage. JTP8ZEPB,Gus is now officially AKC registered and microchipped registered. Now for his annual rabies vaccine today. Love my baby. JTPITCCE, The diff in Ebola & Measles there R Nought factors. 8-B #nerdsrule JTVNBJKI,This is what happens when kids don't get vaccinated. JUDZST95,I wonder if the anti-vaccination people just thought the Iron Lung was a good look for sick children. JUOCEY5T,"At the DOH getting more immunizations for school.. Brought my book to study, but of course.... #cryingbabies #parentsthatdontcare #awesome" JUSSS7WB,Refusal to vaccinate is voluntary manslaughter. “ Death toll from the American anti-vaccine movement JUU3XBUQ, Elizabeth Gore: vax'ing every child #globalmotherhood #vaccines / #bigpharma is trying to take over JV3KXRGX," I used both for a while, the reason I switched was mmr allowed family to track me live over the Internet during races" JV589LW4,Only 72% of kids in N.C. vaccinated now - today's Greensboro News & Record JV70YCUO, Not me.I opted 2 NOT vaccinate my kids! JVE2UC2Z,measles outbreak at the Palisades Mall??? #wtf JVQFTA5D,"I have to honest. With this measles outbreak, millions and millions of ppl are probably glad they got some Obamacare? #inners" JW3NXLFO,Measles case confirmed in St. Lucie County: Health officials have confirmed that an unvaccinated 6-year-old in St.… JWU2QWPI,Ana 7ajza seat 3l mmr:) mnu el7ywan eli 76ni dakhl ! Wai333 mabiii JX5FFYQR,"What a bunch of bs! Sue or prosecute parents that don't vaccinate!!Measles Can Kill, And It's Spreading.. via " JXC7V3H5,Sucks to be the unvaccinated kid getting measles at Disneyland because your parents thought they knew better than all of medical science. JXIDN4I6,I'm going to die. I rode bart. Fuck all those people that won't vaccinate their kids and/or won't get vaccinated. JXLR6SJ1,Like my mmr JXU21G7X,Yall needa vaccinate ya kids. Idgaf what yo excuse is. JXZG01MR, we're so lucky we didn't get the #measles ! JY04WTSG,Ca state senators debating vaccine bill. One says punishing families who don't vaccinate by forcing to home school not the solution. JY7G1RTZ,#Measles outbreak expected to spread closer to KC metro via JYH1773O,"No excuses, get your kids vaccinated!! " JYKMISSA,do we gotta give the school another copy of our immunization records for this year ? 👀 JYKT5IEZ,Stop Africa's diseases don't bring them here like dropping off some measles jerks JYQANW5O," ""After Midnight"" Government? American Government? Asian Measles Government ? Grouchy Mongoose Government? Was that any help?" K01Z5CO1,"“ The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect all our kids."" Well said!" K0N00EQQ,Shingles vaccine at Tops? Is this something I need or another medical money generator? #diseasesontherebound K0R0170A,"Also, immunizations, you know, so that she doesn’t get Polio, etc… $693.20 (to the insurance company) FOR MEASLES AND POLIO." K0S4WHK3, cause Measles are in dude K0YK0SRJ,Why does everyone else have the freedom not to vaccinate their kids or buy a crapload of guns while I don't have the freedom to smoke opium? K193D7UH,Montgomery County Health Department Investigating Possible Measles Case K1AYJW31,“ Paralympic Champion Makes The Case For Meningitis Vaccine Amazing use of PR for good-will save lives K1JT42Y9,The Pens are offering MMR immunization today to all employees.. The booster is mandatory for those in lockerroom and interaction w/ players K1LPRQZ5,Dear #robschneider: I hope you get mumps and measles and whooping cough and HPV. That's all. #vaccineswork #HerdImunity K1R21HB1, There is no debate on vaccines & autism. The science is clear - there is no link. Disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise. K1Z6IPR3,Like I'm used to needles and shots but immunizations scare me so much K22JLAT4,Measles mortality rates from the late 19th century. K2GPR0WL,HSB565 [NEW] A study bill for requiring immunization against meningococcal disease for certain students. K2K90KPI,"No link to autism from vaccines, says expert: Since the measles outbreak that originated at Disneyland in… " K2N78827, A friend's three children have a genetic issue that prevents them from being immunized. They are also at risk. K2Q6RYUX, but muh measles K3BQVYG7,Aka measles K3OFEFDO,Measles outbreak casts spotlight on anti-vaccine movement: A major measles outbreak traced to Disneyland has… K3OUGOGV,“ Total number of measles cases linked to Disney theme parks: 26 people in 4 states K45ZV1YY,"DIESNEYLAND | Measles be like. Shout out to sirbruce for getting us into our first 2015 disneyland… " K4FNGP99,Turns out I was never properly vaccinated for measles... Whoops K4KXO1ZV,"Thomas Harmen of on research on HIV vaccine NYC meeting - excellent briefing, thanks " K4OHNQEX,You know you're a 90s kid when your vaccinations were mandatory and no one in your class got measles K4Q1BPWH,"Homeopathic vaccines for Meningitis, Measles, Rubella etc still sold in UK high street stores " K50HC4ZQ," yes, we do, public safety trumps idiocy. ""Herd immunity"" protects everyone" K5RKNI5N,Over 100 Cases Of Measles Confirmed In California K5RPD64I,"VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!!! IF YOU BELIVE THAT, YOU'RE 17 YEARS STUPID!!! VACCINATE YOUR FREAKING KIDS!!!" K5SCHOOY,"It's like Uber, for measles." K630IBYI,Live from #VIP #DamnSon #Movie #Zoo #Crazy #MMR @ Jersey Girls Go Go K65DT6Q7," RE: #vaccination issue, but I got all my shots as a kid & yng adult. No polio 4 me, or mumps or diphtheria. It's a #socialgood" K6S0J8JH,Arizona has nation’s largest measles outbreak after group refuses vaccinations. K6XJHF81,"Dear parents-vaccinate your children and do some scientific research. Vaccines don't cause problems, your ignorance does. measles in 2014..." K72XYJIH," congrats on the new site! FWIW ""tell us why vaccines and personal belief exemptions are important to you"" is a bit misleading" K7A38DJK,In the booth with and making this joint for IGLM #MMR K7ARNSPT, so you admit you did zero research yourself into actual IR studies produced on vaccines and autism. K7K2DBM8,"So we can conveniently fly people back to the U.S. who have Ebola for ""treatment"" but can't cure the disease or find a vaccine? Oh, OK..." K7MQNN4L, Is that doctor an infectious diseases specialist or a vaccine expert? His bio says he's a cardiologist K7TYU59R,Fuck tu iphone eso es pa cueros MMR omprate otro fuckin telefono chusmo ! Lmaooo K7YI3UWS," #vaccineswork - nurse x 45yrs, I'm shocked @ peoples' lack of care for fellow man & ignor. of imlort. of public health" K8COJOMH,"Rand Paul says vaccines cause ""profound mental disorders"" such as ""autism"" and ""listening to Rand Paul"". #PointsMe" K8F29AYF,"AM-News : Ebola: Comparing the virus to flu, HIV, measles; what isolation means for patients being monitored: It is… " K8FACAY4,TODAY: free #vaccinations for #HPV #Tdap #flu and #hepatitisB at Spread the word (not the disease). K8NLOD80,Measles Vaccine Hype Unveils Tyrannical Nature of Medical Establishment K9VXRJB8,Measles me!!! #AdorableIllnesses KA6QIVKL,MMR just played Johnny Cash...thank you Pierre! 😍😍 KABC3OWN,"Dr Humiston tells shots can hurt, but the main point to remember is vaccines prevent disease." KAD1WPSL, Vaccines don’t cause autism. Common Core does. KALO3JN1,Pushing it to the limit tonight #MadhatterDc #MixMasterRod #mmr #newedm #nochill… KAOUVTNR, that argument has been going on for ages. It's similar to the vaccination causes autism problem. KAR36FDY,Why Your Dog Can Get Vaccinated Against Lyme Disease And You Can't -WBUR #Nonantum #Newton #MA KBAZN4T4,State says many vaccination records at schools not current: The Washington state Department of Health says that… KBEYW52R," now for science... Eradication of diseases Autos Mass communication Vaccines" KBM05RDD, Responsible parents owe it to the public health to vaccinate their children. No one has the right to infect others. KBUFXW99,jlp1210 doesn't #messaround #knowyourights #vaccineinjury #autism #ashlynshope KC1IQ5A2, is this true? Rvw of 20K scientific studies on childhood vaccines concludes vaccines are safe KCC0JDEZ,""" I’ll make this easy: You don’t wanna vaccinate your kids? Then don’t send them to public school. " KCEQX47I,Autism and immunizations: Should you vaccinate? KCT9AV9I," I don't think so. That statement was silly too i remember some measles but mostly chickenpox we ""all got"". #inners" KCXA1TYM,"""My husband and I decided we'd rather he get measles."" HINT: It's not just about your kid, you selfish person. " KDDD2Z9I,“ parents needa get their kids vaccinated so they don't catch THESE HANDS” KDIWGQ64,That's what kills me about measles. When we focused as a nation we nearly got rid of it. If we don't regain that focus it's hopeless #idchat KDL23SSF," Yeah sigh, people who did not vaccinate their kids, now everyone is paying for it :(" KEJS0J7M,"Since Donald Trump has 1.4 million followers, let us repeat to our 1.6 million: He's dead wrong about vaccines. " KEK2UFA9,"The whole ""it's my choice to vaccinate my kids"" is pure and utter bull shit. I really can't find another way to say it. #VaccinateYourKids" KELDP8XQ,HB1178 [NEW] Primary and Secondary Education - Immunizations of Children Entering School KEWB5QR0,More than a dozen cases of measles in the Bay Area.. What Berkeley officials say they will do if the disease hits their schools 7:05am #KTVU KEZ9G630,"Deputy Director, Enteric and Diarrheal Diseases - Enteric Vaccines, Seattle, WA, United States #jobs " KF4OPPPD,“ Why Mumps And Measles Can Spread Even When We're Vaccinated Vaccinate and protect your kiddos! KFB204SS,Merck’s Gardasil Vaccination Killing Pre-Teens?: KFOITYU2,AHEM RT Five babies diagnosed with measles at Chicago-area daycare KG1Y5SHW,Measles in Elk Grove!?? KG4VYIVE,"Mississippi, typically last in EVERYTHING, is first in childhood vaccination rates? 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Credit where credit is due." KG507QNE, I hope you recover from your measles soon 😊 KGCTXH0Z,I knew it! CDC says flu vaccine is about 62% effective so some people will get sick even if they got a flu shot. KH1O6RDL,“ My nose won't stop running!” bruh that is a symptom for measles KH1VLV49,Suspected Measles Case Reported In Toledo Suburb KH9RXGI1,22 tourists caught the measles at Disneyland. Which is where you go if you believe magic is an alternative to vaccinating your kids. KHCYTUPD," please, britney, research vaccines. Did your baby get Hep B vac after birth? Makes me so angry, people don't know. So sorry." KHR9IX05,"Children's to Require Influenza Vaccinations for All Hospital Workers, Volunteers and Vendors - " KI132IAJ,"Rand Paul Was Longtime Member Of Group That Promoted Autism-Vaccines Link just like dad #Tinfoilhatclub" KI1DOGTK,Measles in Monroe county KIB1DGHX,MEASLES IS BACK! RT More than two dozens measles cases tied to Disney theme parks: KIF4QP33,“ Study backs safety of pertussis #vaccine during pregnancy KIONN7Q3,"This headline is perfection: ""Doctor to parents: Vaccinate your kids or GTFO"" " KIRP7W8P, CNN & Brown & Garner Crowd Trying To Diminish Public Trust & Safety By Claiming Criminals Need To Trust Immunity From police Action KJS7EH4C,"Left my house before 10 am, got 3 vaccinations, and went to school by 11:30 and I didn""t leave until 10 pm #shittyday=shittymood*beware*" KJUVERNO, Please reference this when discussing links between #autism & #vaccines. Fear began here: KK3Q64XI,""" There's no vaccine against stupid."" But if there was everyone should get your kids vaccinated with it." KKDE8S8B,i don't get why people think it's okay to not get your kid vaccinated ?? ???? KKUI6S9U,VRDL vaccine preventable disease lab report (@ CDPH P Building Conference Room 2119) KKWSORWP,"“ 12-Month-Old Does Not Have #Measles #WJZ why #vaccinations r important" KKZS9C4U,State Bill To Make Opting Out of Childhood Vaccinations More Difficult Must Clear Final Vote: A controversial bill… KLFHWVMQ,Nina long says HPV vaccine stop DRONES THEY KILL CHILDREN!!!!! KLK9IJ30,"Its good parenting to question anything you put into your child's body. Talk to your doctor about your concerns, then vaccinate your child." KLPW57K8,“ If attacking someone with measles - this is great camouflage... ;-) check it out KLT80ONI,“ No link between 'too many vaccines' and #autism risk #health” FUCKING DUH GOD KM38V0RF," I believe you are correct. In any case though, no vaccinating your kids isnt causing it!" KMBMDVUM,"Can't be said often enough "" A review of 166 independent studies confirms vaccines are safe and effective " KMOV9OV7, mmr for school. KMVPNSVM,“ Number of measles cases in California grows to 123 KMWU6EM0,Niiice we're going to Disneyland in the midst of a measles outbreak!! It's exciting! KMY0CFQD, I've been wanting to try MMR!! I just have so much data already on RK idk what to doooo KNI65L89,"Zika Fear Falters as False Flag Fraud Fizzles via YouTube, Boo to new vaccines ..." KNQC13QG, Tx 4 sharing clear message that vaccines save lives. KO7736XF,Measles case confirmed at Plano ISD elementary school KOA3PVHI,Cruise By The madhatterdc tonight... #mmr #dc #dj #connecticutave #dupontcircle #plur #edm #top40… KOKLGE80,"Given the health climate of the world we all should boost immunity.Eat 2 Brazil nuts a day.No more.Contain selenIum,precursor to glutathione" KP4OTYQ0,6 cases of measles confirmed in Illinois KP57KZCZ,Measles Outbreak & Vaccinations what you need to know w in 3 minutes! KQ40JHGC,U.S. suffers first #death from #measles in 12 years: KQ7RAJXV,Measles-containing vaccines not linked with increased risk of febrile seizures in kids 4-6 via KQAOS8LN,"If you don't vaccinate your child, you're wrong. And dumb" KQI7PAD6,"“ On average, people who complain live longer Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” #thefuck" KQJU7BBY,African Nations Celebrate a 55 Percent Drop in Child Mortality Rates Due to Immunization KQNDFQ2G,If you think vaccinations cause autism you are an idiot. And I've been drinking. KQNEH7DR,"Study: Shiitake Mushrooms Improve Immunity, Inflammation More: #food #health" KQQLZ7EQ,Measles what do you study there your not really giving me anything. RNA though. Huh. KR0SOYX6,“ 'Measles Parties' in California Prove False KRAP1QPF,Visualizing over 100 years of measles data and impact of vaccine introduction. #hdpalooza KRB5KBG3, I just found out that children's vaccination have aborted fetus's DNA in them. Can you confirm? Why didn't I know this? KRKTM7VR,Designed my own immunity juice shot to battle the cold weather... Want the ingredients?? KRQR6LVX,My poor babies are getting their 1st round of vaccines today and tomorrow now that they are 2 months old. 😷💉👶👶😱😭 KRT6WD0B,City officials urge any1 suspecting they may have been exposed that afternoon to contact the Department of Health at 772-462-3800 #measles KS3TNPK4,#UNGASS Pakistan acknowledges the efforts on Civil Society Organisations in Population & Development: addressing unmet need & MMR. KS8R2FON,Y'all this chick is trying to tell me measles are always killing people in the US and not getting vaccines have nothing to do with it. NOPE. KS8WDZZX,"A radio day for me: reading ""measles in the magic kingdom"" 9AM/7PM; hosting #ScienceCandle live @ KFCF 88.1FM, 3:30pm" KS9KZ0S9,"Member of the brain tribe winning a brainy immunity challenge, what is this sorcery? #survivor" KSCPLQ0S,Boehner: 'All children should be vaccinated' KSH65WJH," docs saying if more than 8% not vaccinated its a prob, they're at 15%, measles going around, whooping cough too." KSINGSAB,"If we didn't choose to be born, then aren't we allowed to choose death? Only the government gets to kill us with vaccines and GMOs." KSK79R99,"Mississippi and West Virginia may be known for obesity, but have the least vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks in the US. #VaccinesWork" KSPEDGHR,ICSD addresses measles; for more information go to KT6C5EVG,"Austerity is not a Vaccine to Crisis... It is a Parasite with Pandemic Potential! It Drains Life, Killing Slowly! #OccupyCharlotte" KTFARVT7, We Need A #NoAssAtAll Disease Vaccine Haha KTTN3JVZ,A taco and measles ? The explanation at 5 on KU8BZKMC,"“ Measles case confirmed in Tarrant County, #Texas. The person flew to DFW from India via Dubai. #health #measles""" KUI46A9R,African Nations Celebrate a 55 Percent Drop in Child Mortality Rates Due to Immunization KUWYGHDD,"I'm Autistic, And Believe Me, It's A Lot Better Than #Measles This is an excellent read that I recommend to anyone." KV1GKD1W,". HPV, which is why Australia's provision of the Gardasil vaccine to all of our children is so great!" KV4ZJAYV,HB1142 [NEW] Further providing for immunity from liability; and providing for false reports of child abuse. KVENIRYE,Teen's death from chickenpox highlights need for vaccination: The death from chickenpox of an otherwise healthy... KVWDCZZS,"50 Reasons NOT to Vaccinate your Children #UniteBlue #tcot" KW28RSIC,Thanks RT says number of measles cases has reached a 20-year high California has 60 cases KW7Z8AIA,You know why so many people are getting the measles? Because idiots don't want to fucking vaccinate their children KWA0GTET,Brilliant. A measles virus speaks out against vaccination h/t “mumps can be a drag I’ll give you that” KWAS4H6J,GOP chair of key House science and tech subcommittee says: I didn't vaccinate my kids KWNJ3AL8,The ones who smoked while pregnant will be the same ones to tell you vaccinations cause autism 🐸☕️ KWTU7HJI,"Got two shots in my arm today, work is killing my left shoulder right now thanks to the damn HPV vaccine. #NotFun" KX1FZJFG,"#NEASummit If parent can opt kid out of sex ed class, evolution lessons, & vaccination, then why not a test?" KXCZIKP7,My ’70s Health-Nut Parents Didn’t Vaccinate Me. This Is What My Childhood Was Like. via KXHRQ2P6,Measles is Not a Mild Disease: Measles Is Not A Mild Disease I had measles when I was eight years old. In thos... KXKLJ1PS,I feel like having another child in the NICU brings up this whole vaccine situation. This is relevant… KY0HD6M6,"if your kid isn't vaccinated, keep them away from mine." KYIQMDHW, parents should be obligated to vaccinate their children and these should not be allowed in schools. That is negligence KYLYH8XN,Don't mess w/ RT Joining now to discuss global effort to reduce measles deaths KYTI58NM," mass vaccinations, research on autoimmune diseases like Sarcoidosis, stop African viruses, earlier info for us. HNYE2015" KZ58I8XU,Da fuq California?! Measles?! KZ6IO8IV,"40 years after #Ebola was discovered and no vaccine nor drug, why? #WTO: Ebola Is The Worst Modern Health Emergency " KZFYBUK4,What the hell is a MMR? KZPBCRMC,"If oils could kill ""bacteria and microbes"" we wouldn't have needed antibiotics & vaccines that have nearly eradicated ancient diseases..." KZRJ10Y0,"“ Christie's staff..diseased NJ Gov.'s anti-vaccine comments #VaccinateYourKids” #maddow" KZSBYWK0, listening to Dr Ari Brown discuss the benefits of vaccinating our children. Pro vaccine without a doubt!!! KZVB9PJ3,CDC: Flu shot less effective this year because current flu virus has mutated: This year’s flu vaccine is not as… KZYEQN5U,“ #NF Thanks fort the follow! : )” #MMR L05Y9CF8, well have fun Jacky 😂 don't get the measles L0BMF8F5,"Right, TPN lipids are not #vegan. Many vaccines w egg too. But does that make it then a risk vs benefits choice for the PATIENT to make?" L0JUTG0I,"#HTAi2014 integrating ethics into HTA - examples of bariatric surgery, HPV vaccine, ECMO for newborns..." L0PTZYS7,"Walking dead is going to end with someone getting bit and not turning, creating a cure or immunity." L16UC15L,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.”" L1GMHDKS," asthma risk, vaccine efficacy, closing the #math gap, & #cancer day. #health #science cc " L1OYNE0M,MY SHIT !!! ALLEAZY - Know No Better (rmx) Official Music Video | #MMR #PDGRFX via L1QRXHPC,“ #measles outbreak sheds light on anti-vaccine movement via L2RJ3OGX, can you pls post this measles chat clip so we can send it around easy? #VaccinateYourKids L2SXR336," Heck...why should people stay home with chicken pox, measles, the flu? Aren't doctors constantly infringing on ""Liberty""?" L3CPON2L,"#wafflehouse #latenightsearlymornings #MMR #BBoyEnt #teamfreepour ##humblebeginnings @ Waffle House " L3KCNH83,The anti-vaccine argument is that doctors and pharmaceutical companies have a profit motive themselves L3LH6162,Waiting for mmr test results. They are a wee bit incompetent. (@ Concentra Urgent Care) L3RKT8MK, We need more information on schools with the most kids not vaccinated. L41MWWYM,". if we outlaw measles, only the outlaws will have measles!" L431R2KN,"At Eloqua everyone got the same bonus % based on the same metrics: Net MMR, cash flow #startupgrind #bonus" L49SRMYQ,"I am at loss as to what is happening, the lid is blown on vaccines as a scam, a money maker, harming people more then helping, FOI proves it" L4K5SUMQ,"Don't believe in being vaccinated for measles AND think drones are a threat at the SB, lock yourself in you doomsday bunker or kill yourself" L4OKLYNT,"Fact: blankets keep you safe at night. We dont know what from, but they are definitely an immunity against something" L4T5VV3A," I think it was her first time since she was a pup. She got put on a Lyme disease vaccine, I'm thinking that's what is setting her off" L4XNM8ZA,The worst part about the last week of school is my sudden immunity to caffeine. L55S960G,"“ On average,people who complain live longer,Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.”Ha in your face" L5GPL6WP," Infants,caring 4 them B4 HIB vaccine had 2 watch baby after baby die from meningitis.Parents who refuse 2 vaccinate cause long" L5IL34O5,"“ Flu Vaccine Barely Working This Year, CDC Says #scary" L5OQXSBG,Number of Taylor County requests to exempt children from vaccinations on the rise-Abilene Reporter-News #View #Abilene L611RVRH,“ 'It could be a difficult year.' Measles count climbs to 141 <-FOR GAWDS SAKE #getimmunized L68KLXZQ,Robin Williams death is such a blow because when a guy that funny and successful is so sad you know there is no immunity. L6DUCE9D,( & #MMR x #FLYORDIEWEEKEND | #PDGRFX: L6PPA5J8,When do we have to turn in the health immunization thingy?! #ncat18 L71CCP36,SB121 [Passed] Meningococcal disease-pupils to be immunized against at recommended age L7JMQP7U,"Suspected radical Islamists fatally shoot 9 Nigerian health workers giving polio vaccines, -" L7KL4Z32," I think its a good thing, but there are parents that refuse to have children vaccinated." L804XMIJ,It's always comforting when you have to write a paper based on articles against vaccination.. After you vaccinated your kid 😥😨😦 L90MF9A4," -thank you mMr. Schefter, I appreciate it. Can I still get an internship although I graduated college?how did you start off?" L90ZNC6J,Glenn Beck: Measles Outbreak Is A Gov't 'Hoax': beck L99TQA8D,NISD to hold mobile immunization clinic Wednesday: Northside ISD and University Health System are holding a... L9DU7F7Z,"Oceans by hillsong united is my favorite worship song right now, thanks to MMR" L9GPDOQM,HB1622 [Update] Firearms; authorizing the carrying of handguns onto private school property; providing immunity f... L9U0S2UD, hey I heard u ask if they still give mumps vaccine .. They do its called MMR. L9WV7MKH,"“ Annual checkups, screenings, and vaccines are now free—when you get covered. Buy your health insurance by Dec. 23rd:Dec 2025" L9XB14HR,It seems #affluenza has serious public health implications #vaccinations LB5VP923, ex: The vaccines – autism debate. LBFN05NF,I don't understand the argument against vaccinating your kids.. I'm all for Darwinism but sheesh y'all are dumb. LBIK2NOR, shingles is from Zoster virus. Comes from chicken pox. But STILL kids should be vaccinated for measles. LBXVOJCJ,African Nations Celebrate a 55 Percent Drop in Child Mortality Rates Due to Immunization LCD1YQ5V,Suspected Case of Measles at Princeton: Officials are investigating a suspected case of measles at Princeton… LCLNBUK1,The health dept has mistakenly published my work number as their records dept. I'm getting 3 calls/day for kids' immunization status. LCMVO0Y3,"last immunity challenge of gotcha? 2 be safe walk like a penguin, heels 2gether arms by ur sides! Check 2morrow 2 c if theres immunity!" LCSLH342,"Visitors to suburban Menards, laundromat, clinic may have been exposed to measles: PALATINE, Ill — Health officials… " LCXADEI9,"Keep it up Bill: “ One vaccine. Five diseases. 7 million lives saved by 2020. Thanks, " LD9EJV6F,47% of high school students are already sexually active. #ONSCongress #HPV #vaccinate LDTZ3OSL,I am amazed at how many nurses think vaccines are poison. Wow. Ask the native americans if they wish they had a small pox vaccine. LE15BUFC,UC to Require Measles Vaccination | LE3ADFIG,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” I'm healthy" LE4RMG1H,Not going to get measles at Disneyland #BecauseIDied LER15U7C, Public health needs trump the individual. In 60's ALL of USA took 3 doses of polio vaccine. Better than kids in iron lungs! LF38BUXJ, love how clear #vaccinesNOVA was w/how vaccines do no & cannot cause autism #vaxfax. Very touching personal story w/Jodie LF4ZFYIZ,"The simple truth is #vaccineswork "" at Senate HELP hearing: ""#Vaccines save lives."" " LFB6L2V5,"If you come at me with this ""vaccines cause autism"" crap and don't have actual evidence, expect to be killed and eaten." LFPW2YZO,Measles risk possible from airport traveler: Many travelers at Sea-Tac Airport on Jan. 18 may have been exposed to... LFSJWKHR,Everyone pray that livvi doesn't have the measles 🙏🙏🙏🙏 LGCOASXH,"“ "" there hasn't been any mercury in childhood vaccines since 2001" LGD4AI5P,"Join us 302 Dora Street, until 6pm! Get ready w/back to school Immunization shots! FREE SA Missions Tix & Yo Gear! " LGHYOMJH,"You know what hurts more than a needle? The resurgence of easily preventable diseases, so fucking get vaccinated." LGM5GU6U,“ PArents demand answers #CDCwhistleblower” the answer is that vaccines do not cause autism LGRDSRMI,There are people voluntarily exposing their kids to the measles...ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! LH12E09I,"The health department was pushing the flu vaccination like it was a 100% effective,and its some bullshi*! Greed,totally greed." LHHE7FE6,"AIDS N : qHPV vaccine reduces risk, costs among older HIV-positive MSM treated for HGAIN: Quadrivalent HPV… " LHV5FFNV,"Cuddy said ""I Got You"" #NuffSaid #MeanBoy #MMR #FamilyAboveEverything @ The Palace " LIBIQF4P,"Illinois SB 3287 Workers' Compensation Safety, no immunity from negligence issue for 3rd party consultants, Safety Officer has passed." LIBOJP3K,Rand Paul is pro choice in vaccines. Are you kidding me? I identify him with the lunatic fringe... #MeaslesOutbreak #vaccineswork LICPT3Q2,Catching up on vaccines before school  (@ Providence Park Medical Center) LILFASBY,My cousin says I might have the measles. Everybody stay back! 😷😨 LIVJAXK0,"“Traces of measles' one-time ubiquity…still linger in morbid nursery rhymes (""Cat's got the measles and the measles have got you"")” 😟🐱" LIWDQNEY,OHHHH I AM SO MAD. I AM HOT AND BOTHERED. VACCINATE THE CHILDREN. VACCINATE THEM. LJ5CE1KE,If I have to hear one more person reference measles in relation to someone going to Disneyland I think I'm gonna crack LJ7I1QNU,"PEDS Clinic Registered Nurse Triage Vaccinations - Supplemental Health Care: (#Baltimore, MD) #Nursing #Job #Jobs" LJWK25VN, omg I wanna just take home a cat eye see and it be okay with the household.. I've always been scared about vaccination shits LJYW1NSL, wonder if thats so for breastfed babies. Moms r great for immunities:-) . I love my mom. Jussayin. Lol. That is good info thank u. LK5BE4FU,Life different when you M.A.D.E. ....... #MMR #BBoyEnt #humblebeginnings #teamfreepour #aftonshows… LL5GPG8Q,"Parents of children who died from Measles: ""at least it isn't autism!"" Vaccinate." LLHN72E6, About half of my patients do not vaccinate their babies at the hospital.This is a new trend overthe last fewyears. LLKOZTRV,If you are a parent and don't get your kid vaccinated srs should take your kids away. Period LM4TNN6S,Britain’s Measles Outbreak: Are Health Care Workers Or Unvaccinated To Blame? LMEN2POX,"Black Eye bottles heading out the door today with kegs of MMR brown ale, Sideburns' Milk Stout and Black Eye. Local details coming ASAP." LMHVDB9Z,I will be living&breathing EPI programs until my dissertation is done.It's all about measles vaccination programs.Cross country comparison. LMUB38MW,"John Golden, Mad Music Review and Chris Knight of Damage, Inc. #hobanaheim #damageinc #mmr… " LMYM3P87, there is a case law precendent set at the state level. It's not disease specific but yes they can mandate vaccination LN0Y4PXL," Vaccination exists for a reason; so, people need to get vaccinated! Don't believe the lies you hear!" LN17VTT1, RT A handy guide on how vaccines cause autism. LN36E7XE," there was a quote in the LAT that was basically a person who never got measles saying ""so what if my kid gets measles""" LNBDUG42,California Assembly Approves Bill Eliminating ‘Personal Belief’ School Vaccine Exemption: California lawmakers… LNH0WJSV,Newer Pneumonia Vaccine for Kids Beats Older Version: Study LNNWTAQJ, I prefer the latter to getting a flu shot. The real issue is other vaccines/suggestions of vaccinating babies/kids w/ these vac. LO3T7UJ6,"“ New Study Finds No Link Between #Measles #Vaccination, #Autism: #KidsHealth #Immunization”" LPAVYWMN,"AIDS N : New vaccines for malaria, HIV and Ebola can spread diseases say shocking stats " LPJIUL1O,Free Back-to-School Immunizations LPUHL1B4,""" Sharks are immune to all known diseases."" Vaccine in future??" LQ8QLD0Q,"No. No, they do not. RT Chris Christie thinks parents need ""some measure of choice"" in vaccinating kids " LQ95GH01,Having a great day at Linden-McKinley School #catchthemobile #immunizations LQAZX3PM,“Is the anti-vaccine movement to blame for the rise of measles in America? YES LQG1280L,Outbreaks Fuel a Renewed Push for Vaccinations: A measles outbreak in a vaccination-wary North Texas megachurch... LQT4QNSB, I am a bit surprised by that should support childhood vaccinations 💉 LQW16TG4,I doubt doctors and other officials urging antivaxers to vaccinate their children will do anything but harden their resolve. LR2EZBIR,"Saddened by the loss of fellow health warrior, Dr. Mayer Eisenstein. You made a HUGE impact in the world exposing the truth about vaccines." LRAA4PWR,""" Don't Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths #vaccinedebate #VaccineDebate" LRBD540U," so there's an immunization against it, if you catch it you get the measles you get over the measles and you get on with life." LRLJ9QC9, #SB277 #CDCwhistleblower #vaccineswork For Health or for Profit$? Follow the money and the monopoly! LSEPPZ4O, children die because of lies about vaccines like this: Will you please fix this? LSH0LRLC,Giving away free flu vaccinations (@ Texas Children's Hospital Feigin Center) LSVB0JLQ,If these people refusing to immunize their kids and putting everybody at risk weren't rich and white how fast would they call CPS? LSW4HSKU,"I shouldn't argue with an anti-vaxxer, but my sister-in-law compared the measles outbreak to the Salem Witch Trials. I COULDN'T HELP IT." LT56N6R6,""" Collection of videos of MD's speaking out about vaccine risks #VaxTruth #CDCwhistleblower" LTB2G93Z,People who do not vaccinate their children are complete idiots. LTRCIH3T, I call b.s. most likely because most children are vaccinated nowadays. LUCKTA36,Want to know the vaccination rate at your kids' school? Good luck finding out. via our LUQVURVM,It should be a parents choice isn't the best argument for not vaccinating your kids and why mandatory vaccination isn't a good idea LV96RA8I, Those who don't want their kids vaccinated rely on those who do to protect their child. LVJJ35J7,Get your kid vaccinated before they catch... These hands. 😒. LVNV2KB8, this is the reason we currently have a measles outbreak in tx 😷 LVT0U0VW,"I just checked with mom, and I got my second #MMR #vaccine before entering school: the #CDC does not recommend a third, even as an adult" LW5AH0K3,"There is a measles outbreak in California, and a mumps outbreak in Ohio! Come on people, vaccinate your children! #vaccineswork" LWJHG2TM,"Vaccinations are a public good. False research & sloppy journalism kills"" California measles outbreak grows. " LWL6I78Y,"we out this water, NC what up #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG #TURNUP @ SpringHill Suites " LWUBQZP0,Arrived home safely from Summit in #WashingtonDC & brought #measles to #LongIsland… LWYAO9FV,"It looks gross, I know, but this is what happens when you have the measles. You don't have an… " LX05HJXL,"New flu vaccine recommendation for kids, says CDC: By Lindy ThackstonINDIANAPOLIS — It’s impossible to predict... " LX1RVQAF,Lj is collecting loose change for UNICEF for school. If he raises $30 he can bell supply 100 measles… LY419RHX,"Back-to-school immunizations mobile clinic: SAN ANTONIO - Monday, Northside ISD is offering up another way to... " LYA2GTAY,Measles Concern in Fitchburg Students must prove vaccination to attend classes talks to Superintendent LYGR7MR0,"And when Kaner has kids he""ll have them vaccinated !! Lol" LYPNPLH4,Leading cause of death in dogs is PARVO. They get it from being outside without being FULLY vaccinated. LYUNM5OE,Never forget: white Jesus freaks can let their kids die of measles w/o intervention from Child Services. LYXPRCOY,Measles outbreak: Marin dad wants school to ban unvaccinated kids LZIY5JVH,Now up: Immunomic - Next Generation Vaccines; improving Human Health #SaveBioTech LZLW9LD6, I'm taking my 6 month old baby to get his vaccinations today. Any suggestions on how to reduce his pain (before and after)? LZO0TC9A, 70 doses of 16 vaccines and NO liability if injury occurs. How many more children will they get away with injuring? M14SBHB3, if what is true? Vaccine is safe. Anecdotes don't trump data. I am not opening the random download you linked to. M190EDRS, lol it's not measles! M19P2EDM,Measles very highly unlikely. Awaiting confirmation. M1A9S15F,"A Vaccine Against Drowning -Lifeguards and Swimming Lessons Can Keep Africa's Children Afloat 🌊☀🏊 " M1EEEINL," has a Measles Initiative for the February! If you haven't already, please sign up to collect $ during lunch!! " M1LLR09N,An emphatic NO!. RT Did Obama Actually Link Vaccines to Autism? (By M2FRXYA5," that is right. She qualifies in my way of thinking. What about food stamps? free immunizations, health,dental?" M2S0HPQV,not wanting your child vaccinated for like the flu and other things when he/she gets older but there are multiple reasons why babies..... M2U1ANI1,Science literacy is a vaccine against the charlatans of the world that would exploit your ignorance. #truth M2ZK8ZTS, I've also headcannoned Greed's immunity to any diseases because homunculus and healing powers Mhm M33NLUCN,I can't believe parents didn't vaccinate his elbow for staph infection when he was a baby. #AntiVaxxer M3JV6WNC, don't vaccinate your kids~ move to a state that doesn't require vaccinations! because sane people who live here want healthy kids👏 M3PPSZ9D, My 5-month-old baby is in solitary confinement until she can be vaccinated. SO many selfish anti-vaxxers in #Ithaca. #twithaca M4VKY62O,“ More than 100 cases of measles now confirmed in U.S #SisterPatriots #tcot” M4VST9KN,"After traveling the night on the #oregonTrail we made it without getting the #measles, #chicken… " M55GQ5IC,“ Mega-Dose of Measles Vaccine Killed Cancer wow! M572SNX8,"Cannot decide what to watch! The Big Pink, Childish Gambino or The Vaccines AAHHHH #CoachellaLive" M5967R4Q,AIDS N : Study: Thousands of Vaccinated Teens Born With HIV Aren't Protected From Measles: A new study reveals that… M5E02VGR,"Measles Spreading Across Nation, Including In Delaware " M5TIH74R, we have a mumps or measles outbreak just about every year. Completely preventable. M5YVJ3BS, Measles start out on Disneyland? Another Mickey Mouse media issue M5Z4RK63, My best refusal ever came from a dad refusing the flu vaccine. Told me he didn't want his kids to get it because 1/?2 M6USCTH6,Oregon lawmaker drops bill to ban most vaccine exemptions: Legislation aiming to pressure Oregon parents to get… M75P4R8A, airs a measles #vaccine fluff piece on #AutismAwareness day... a little insensitive. M7EWGQ7Z,"CHIP helps keep kids healthy by covering doctor visits, immunizations, care for coughs & colds, labs, X-rays & hospital stays #ExtendCHIP" M7HCXOFW,via Rise In Measles Cases Marks A 'Wake-Up Call' For U.S. M7OXGQ4H, See I had it backwards. I thought autism led to anti-vaccine beliefs. My bad. M7Q8WNZS,Dir. Of county health dept: there are a small number of parents concerned about link between Vaccines and autism. M7QAN7SD, explain how your opinion is in any way different than people who state vaccinations cause autism. Opinions based on few facts M7TV9FO7,Measles case in Solano first in a decade: While Solano County health officials continue to keep quiet on the… M7X777U6,A Case Of Measles In Framingham? Are We In The 1700s? 😷 M8HFJTGI, none. Central American newspapers say vaccines cause autism. M8K8N98I,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " M8TJ3Z4T,Realizing that has given a show makes me rethink my subscription. #firemen by now. #vaccinate #measles M8ZP4ZYJ,Watching your baby get vaccinated is not fun. M90K8DDN,"Office of the City Clerk to Host “Back-to-School Birth and Immunization Records Day”: SAN ANTONIO (Aug. 11, 2014)... " M91QHAQ5,Face to face interventions for informing or educating parents about early childhood vaccination. M93PV8V9,The politics of #Vaccination has some roots in public health history .. Like the #seatbelts #cigarettesmoking M95NFZHL,coolen w/ #TurnedUp V.I.P $hit #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG @ Fifth Element M9GPPHWR,“ Attack on Polio Vaccination Team in Pakistan Leaves One Dead Are you kidding me?!?!? I'm outraged. M9T3WYFP,"brenda done died with no name, nickel bag coke to the brain. will they ever find the vaccine. shitty dam dam baby bang." M9ZMOO11, did you just get the Disneyland add too? I was just thinking about measles because of it MA8OHVG5," I hope that they educate everyone that Vaccinations DO NOT cause Autism." MA9DMPDC,Anti-Vaccine Doctor: I Don't Care If My Kids Make Others Gravely Sick (VIDEO) MAJI5073,Hey Renee “ The Disneyland measles outbreak casts a spotlight on the small but vocal anti-vaccine movement MALZZHTE,5 of the 17 flu deaths in NC this season had received their flu vaccination. See the full story tonight at 6pm on #Flu #WNCN MAO2969F,#Measles night in #AWANA! #TripleA @ Eastaboga Baptist Church MAPRNU5B,Does anyone know if a child can get measles even if she's had the measles shot? MB9GP8S6,Victory of a disease when #wealthy rally for concern abt #vaccines. #PrixGalien Award Gala. MBLGUWYF,Not feeling great today. Measles? Oh shit I'm nervous now... MBY0G853,Measles making a comeback?! 20 years since measles epidemic ended in the UK. MC69ABAN,Come for the booze Stay for the music... madhatterdc #myjam #me #mmr #music #melody #marchmadness… MC98RMDZ,Woman's cancer killed by measles virus. Awesome. MCMHZGZU,When lunatics stop getting vaccinated because of false belief and neglects the resurgence of vaccine preventable diseases #Stop MD8BWIJY,CDC scientific fraud: update on Dr. Poul Thorsen who authored fraudulent study 'disproving' vaccine-autism connection MDI295LD,"84% Of Kindergartners Not Up-To-Date On Vaccines At A Marin School, Majority Of Students Unprotected At Many… " MDQJNR1E, @ parents that think not vaccinating their children is a good thing MDQWK3N1,2 new measles cases confirmed in Tarrant co. That makes 4 active cases. #breaking MDSF75AB,So people really aren't vaccinating their kids? Like that's a thing now? Can't wait for all of the deadly diseases to make a #comeback MDYXLQ9R,Make Vaccinations The Law! Anti-vaxx insanity: Dangers of science denialism: Measles outbreak traced to 1 child! ME8QFXKA, you're all wrong bad epidemic spreading its not the measles MEJX1OWX,Oh boy! I want to go to Measles Land!! #FallonTonightLA MF64PPGE,"Blacks Respond Better to German Measles Vaccine, Study Contends " MFHP8BZY,"No, you do not have to vaccinate you child for them to go to school! " MFLSVHKF, How can sci comm connect unreasonable fears abt vaccines to fear of ag tech like GMOs? Do you see correlation? MFTFXQ2S,Vaccinate your kids already!!!!! MFTQ64WR,Existen untro de mamadera' mmr' mmp' mmbb' mmtt' mmtlt' mmñ' mmb y la mas famosa' mmg' MGTK14N4," It begins "" 5 infants from a Chicago-area daycare have been diagnosed with measles. " MGUVFE9W, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF MHDR2BWD,I was at Disneyland when the measles guy was there 😐 MHZ2ZKIG,If you didn't vaccinate your child let me know so I can kick you in your stupid fuckin face. MHZ4BC6B,"Subway flatbread pizza, strong six, solid, good for the price. Nothing special. Vaccinate your kids." MHZFQKTR,How to control disease outbeaks? Try combinations of vaccination and isolation MIBRPPX1,#antivax parents don't be surprised if your kids r not allowed in school. We are protecting our #vaccinated kids just like u protect yours. MICFZSNO,hey someone over at #wwu tell the head honcho that Leland Thomas Page will not get the measles ever. k good looks MJ58AGEQ,New vaccine requirements for entering Ill. schools: Illinois health officials are asking parents to take note of... MJOFHY3R,"You can take my measles when you pry them from my cold, red hands. #vaccineswork " MJQ8DS2K,My cousin in law got measles at Disneyland😳 MJT8UQK5,"AlCo public health now says 5 measles cases confirmed, adults and children. Most traced back to Disneyland, one not. #mapit" MJV3NXWD,Pray it away! > Outbreak of measles cases in congregation of megachurch pastor who opposes vaccinations. MK3N5N7H,I told my dad I might have the measles in a joking way and he should take me to the hospital and he said tell your boyfriend. That's deep MKV826G5,""" DayCares In CA Can't Legally Turn Away Child If They Aren't Vaccinated The scary part of my job 👎" ML1G9Q5T,AIDS N : HIV-Positive Youth May Lack Immunity to MMR Diseases: Children who contract HIV at birth may not have… ML6IX1UY,hot topic for tonight: measles ML88C6DV,Vaccinate your kids ML9QFU2L, Sign the petition to get Mercury OUT of all vaccines #GoMercuryFree #Vaccines #TraceAmounts MLG8ND63,Currently sitting at the health dept. gettin yellow fever vaccination. #5months MLO1CCQ4,"Hippies or clueless hipsters alike, listen up. Vaccinate your kids. " MLWSR4GK,via Rise In Measles Cases Marks A 'Wake-Up Call' For U.S. MMAJ84HQ,Stoooop linking vaccines to autism. It is a nonexistent link stop it stop. MMBQKCHH,Human Trials of an Ebola Vaccine Launch: The National Institutes of Health and GlaxoSmithKline are launching the... MMEPHWQ2,Washington woman's measles death is first in US since 2003: A woman killed by measles in Washington state had been… MMLEIEHV," Arrasso~ Btw, the measles immunization right, did we only have one dose back then?" MN3XF7V9,“ Study Shows Flu Vaccine Not Tied to Pregnancy Complications via yes. also NOT TIED TO AUTISM. MNT9A7GG, The point? People WITH the vaccine have been getting WC since I was a kid. (I am 53.) UNvaccinated are NOT GETTING. MNUA07YQ," what about a more deadly disease, the #flu ? #vaccineswork and we need to use this Ebola to educate people to vaccinate!" MNVB35MT, Indeed. All children must be vaccinated regardless of parents wishes or religious beliefs. MNX4Z8AI,MMR 7 RIP MO0UAAYO,AM-News : Ghana workshop claims awareness is key to tackling MMR: Uganda has received a new electronic tracking... MO72RU2V,Proposed legislation includes mandatory cootie vaccinations for all children prior to Kindergarten enrollment . MO85V7HV, pretend Measles is in there. That'll make it more fun ;) MOAEVWTV," old chick was throwing mad shade! GO VACCINATE SOME FAT KIDS..." MOAO0ZUP,Brain Tumor Vaccine for Children MOJN8E4I,My entire timeline is Saved by the Bell and whether or not I should vaccinate my imaginary kids. MON5UNWK,Mexico Closes Health Center for Supposed Diabetes 'Vaccine' - ABC News - via MOQ48ITP,The pros to getting your child vaccinated MOQOYUFJ,“ The doctor that claimed a link between vaccines and autism made up data.” But people still believe it. Embarrassing. MOSGST26,"No debate!! RT ""There is no reason for U.S. children to contract horrible #diseases like #measles and #polio"" " MPSWE53N,measles outbreak.... oh my god vaccinate your children you hippy a-holes MQE7W7HH,You can go crochet or vaccinate fat kids or whatever your new hobby that makes you feel like you're making a difference is. #Scandal MQG0V1OD,190 at Children’s Hospital Face Measles #vaccineswork #vaccinessavelives MQGXND3E,Sounds like a win-win. offers back to school vaccines and free school supplies. MQKGMH5A,First vaccine to help control some autism symptoms: MQP0H9DO,Better get your kids vaccinated so they don't catch these hands MQRLO2QX,"“ Which states are the best (and worst) at vaccinating their kids 😀🔫" MQSB87IE,"I mean, a lot of babies. #vaccinate @ Holy Spirit Cemetary " MR637E8U,RT Measles outbreak has infected more than 100 people in 14 states MRTIX20G,Why do they call it beauty sleep I literally wake up looking like a troll with the measles MRTQX6Z2,"“ Should you vaccinate your child?...” Ummm... YES!!!!!!! So ignorant NOT to! #petpeeve #imanurseiknow" MRV8554U,"Statistics Specialist, Immunization & Child Health, New York, (P-3) UNICEF #jobs " MS0LDSIU,"2) anti vaxers position that vaccines can cause autism. The anti-vaxers may refuse ... " MSFGN9FR,#Azhly mmr MSV4GZ7Z,“ More Parents Choosing Not to Vaccinate Their Kids via Vaccinate people! vaccinate!!!! MTA8SAK3,what if vaccines reduce your chance of contracting a disease but rather also kill you slowly to control population 💉 << MTWZ7PX4,New measles case confirmed in Cook County: One additional case of measles has been confirmed in suburban Cook… MUNO970E,NBCNews reports on more dolphin deaths #dolphins #Flipper #eastcoast #measles #sosad #virginiabeach #va MV05IFNS,4 new cases of measles in Arizona; Kearny family visited Disneyland: According to the Pinal County Public Health… MW6A9CM4,I guess no one heard about the autism explosion? Or mercury in vaccines? MWBKJAOD,the man thinks that vaccinations cause autism (a genetic disorder) for christs sake MWE714P5,Tell got measles MWXTLGLZ,"Officials: Measles tally doubled in the past month: Measles cases are accelerating, and in the last five months... " MXMGBNWD," The ""truth"" about vaccines you rattle on about has been categorically refuted time & again" MXMULJDS,San Bernardino Health Officials Confirm 9 New Cases Of Measles: SAN BERNARDINO ( — The San… MXWGIO3Y,Id rather have a child who's autistic than have one slowly and painfully die of the measles. MY235NXF,Parents who don't vaccinate their children are guilty of child endangerment and should be prosecuted. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion MYD8C6H5,"Donald Trump is peddling asinine belief that vaccines cause autism. SCIENCE, you idiot!" MYLIQLJU,I think there needs to be a law that parents get their kids vaccinated. It's irresponsible not too. MYWAHLJY,#infectioncontrol folks don't ignore #influenza vaccine compliance in light of #ebola frenzy. That goes out to #cdc too . MZAR11JB," Diseases; pertussis &the measles have been on the ⬆️ in the US sincethe antivaccination movement started” MY HOSA PROJECT OR NAH?" MZB9QJ3I,Health Director advises parents to get children vaccinated MZC53I01,Hey make sure the boys have their MMR boosters! MZU35M4O,US Lawmakers want tougher vaccine exemptions amid U.S. measles outbreak N05HTNUZ,'MMR girls hanging at for Ladies Night with lots of #MMRBQ tix to give away N0CBJM1U,"New Choices For Seasonal Flu Vaccines: WebMD Health NewsBy Brenda Goodman, MAReviewed by Michael W. Smith,... " N0JR1GGB,Hear me out on this one internet... I don't think...hear me out... I don't think vaccines cause autism. Hope I don't get everyone all upset. N0Z2FSWP,"Calling All Up and Comin Artist #MMR & #PDGFX brings To You ""Young & Ready"" Concert Series Thursday… " N1BI29JE," I vaccinate my kids for most things,but I won't do more than 2 at a time after a bad reaction in my of my sons. I dont do flu shot" N1QMTSQQ,Immunization records needed=health department = LONG wait :( N1R5D3XQ,Metro Health urging all to protect against measles: The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District is urging those… N28XIIKA,""" ""My '70s health-nut parents didn't vaccinate me. This is what my childhood was like"": " N2MO4BE5,"More #superbugs, Ebola was a thing, and there's parents not vaccinating their kids. Double the N.I.H Budget. Should be a #nobrainer" N2R6ZU1J,2 guns with beams make ya body look like measles owwwwww N37JDKC7,Got my MMR vaccine today and it states that 1 out of 6 will catch a fever afterwards.. 😳 N3B9RLIX,Might piss some people off but...did God send measles as a way to tell Christian Scientists to vaccinate their children? #sorrynotsorry N3EHHBL4, Immunizations can cause that. Viral agents cause that. Poisons cause that. People cause that. N3PVYWC2,One more case of Measles reported in Tarrant County. Health officials say that makes 10 cases now. N3S5E7HR,"Macabre, sadistic. Perry's only 2 gestures of compassion dismissed roundly: HPV vaccine and college tuition for kids in Texas. #teaparty" N3UQ9OIP,Chilling with me old mmr members fit to go git dis money after!!! N3V3AC4S,""" Measles vaccine is safe & effective and should be used. -FDA Commissioner " N41MYHOD,It's a good thing my book is an easy read... Every vaccine you could possibly give a kid and how they're made and the different brands😑 #no N48Z4S30, Measles in NYC; whooping cough SW US;TB superbug; mystery Skin DZ NYC; Meningitis Colleges; Ebola Guinea Liberia. Epidemics N4SM8CG1,Free Health Fair! Free Immunizations! N56YX5NR," Wow. Now they are gonna try to force us to immunize our teen children. Yea, why trust science????" N592TYGE, the zombie conspiracy underlining shows seems to be vaccines and the nuts eat it up! N5VFOCZE,"#bono ""As we know corruption is killing more kids than TB, AIDS, & malaria put together. There is a vaccine and it’s called transparency.""" N5W4NTOI,Y'all want me to only rely on nature and how it can benefit my health well y'all gotta only work with modern medicine in the vaccine N5WXKZ2A,My kiddos each received 4 vaccines today. They're glad it's over and now time for a treat! N6V0JR53," measles is the new black, it's pretty fetch" N71IVJ4J,A Look at Anti-Vaxxers’ Monstrously Bad Measles Math N753PIV2,Legislation Would Force Some Texas Parents To Vaccinate Their Children: Is it a public safety threat or personal… N77TN3HR," 3.5 year old has had all vaccines, except for the #MMR. My husband & I are not sure as to whether we will have it done yet." N7H3S7CE,HB1251 [Update] Providing for health insurance coverage for immunizations administered at a pharmacy by a pharmac... N7YQLJR0,HPV vaccine stop DRONES THEY KILL CHILDREN!!!!! N83QS7V2,Delilah got a clean bill of health and up to date on her vaccinations. 16.5 lbs of the quietest dog… N83XS0TQ,“ Diseases like whooping cough and the measles have been on the rise in the U.S. since the anti-vaccination movement started.”hmm N85ZZM5L,Tinky is back for vaccination. Shaking like a leaf. Poor baby (@ Banfield Pet Hospital) [pic]: N8EI653D,Flu Shot Clinics Held In Oakland County: TROY (WWJ) – The Oakland County Health Division is offering flu vaccine... N9KC7Q8V,My dr doesn't have record of me having the chicken pox in 1st grade so now I have to unnecessarily get the vaccine for school😅🔫 solid N9LLWTEF,“Studies have found that people who complain tend to live longer.Releasing stress and tension increases immunity and boosts health.” Me 24/7 NA3V2WFV,Children Have A Right To Refuse Vaccines NAT88XF8,"#MMLLC #MMR in house. Professional marketing/branding,music video production. Media/Blog, Superior Artist. NYC & ATL " NAUOCUCF,I'm gonna have a kid and not vaccinate it JUST TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS NBSZNGX7,AIDS : HIV-Infected or -Exposed Children Exhibit Lower Immunogenicity to Hepatitis B Vaccine in ... NC1X2GSN,"#Repost with repostapp. ・・・ Shout #MMR #TRAPFLYY✈️ in the Building… " NC4HUS4X,High tops #bringemout #dc #dj #djflyer #mmr #saturday #mixmasterrod #jays #kicks #af1… NCEFVYTG," autism is a disease you're born with, it'd be better to hope the parents who don't vaccinate their kids contract the illness" NCZF4ETT,Happy?? that the US has given up it's irrational fear of Ebola and now is justifiably afraid of measles? #conflicted #vaccinateyodamnkids ND13U61Q,CNN: California measles outbreak grows to 73 cases #publichealth ND232W5Y,It's about vaccine SAFETY. It's about FRAUD. #CDCwhistleblower #autism ND7SBPDN," yeah I just don't agree with the added shit in them, like Mercury and formaldehyde. And some vaccines haven't been around long" NDB4UIAQ,S2465 [NEW] Revises and codifies schedule for childhood lead screening along with other immunization and wellness... NDFH74RD,Vaccinate your children NDZPMEKL,CDC Adult Immunization Schedule NE9BVLSV,The mother of a pre-transplant kid who had cardiomyopathy (similar to my son) speaks about why vaccination matters. NEHD9TKP, why is the measles such a deal? vaccination! Why not tax those with out vaccinations to help pay for the problems. NEOHJO16,"First 3 Royal Caribbean ships endure food poisoning,Mohank closes due to a stomach virus, & now the Palisades mall is infested with measles" NERVZ7Z0,"Hey don't worry about ebola, worry about the measles epidemic from the unvaccinated. " NF2QE63G,It's ironic that #UNICEF is pleading 4 money 2 #vaccinate kids& in US some are fighting not to vaccinate. I guess it's #firstworldproblems NF6PLY43,"For her work in Walmart's U.S. manufacturing, MMR named Michelle Gloeckler Marketer of the Year " NFANQE38,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” I'm immortal" NFBOSBE5,Once again I am amazed that sw get to lie in order to remover kids from good homes! I asked mine to to set immunity aside big NO! Gofig NFPLBK92,#DistemperEpedemic in North Texas please get your pets vaccinated and remember wild animals are not safe! NFQBYO2J,Mmr that's my fighter right there. Only one I need since day 1 NFSS3KI8,See Vaccine Exemptions in Texas by School District: The heavily Democratic and rapidly growing Travis County… NG0QCYKX,How is not vaccinating your kids a thing? People are listening to Jenny McCarthy on a life or death matter. I am moving to Costa Rica. NG1C4J06, SHOCKING! Are you suggesting the disease is often worse than the vaccine?!? NGD9RG24,"Getting my free #menigitis vaccine. While we are #monogamous, i dont play with my health or my partners. #PlaySafe. " NGEX8LN3, U think it's been proven Disneyland #measles were from wild virus? Where? Got a link? NGF1ZL4R,I think we could get away with legally mandating vaccinations. Refusing vaccination does pose a very serious public health risk. NGIRAJ35, hav u heard about the use of aborted fetuses n child vaccines? Is it true? NH1DU33G,#9month #checkuptime #immunizations @ South Bay Family Health Care NHC08CX2," FYI She made the announcement at a vaccine conference in 2009 139 death,we are in 2014..." NHMRZFDS, you definitely have had the MMR vaccine NHRNJ2GP,"Got that flu shot, like a boss. Hit up the Student Health Center 'cause free vaccines are the best kind." NHUX4X7N,"Can someone explain Christie's ""expertise"" in public health matters? Ebola 21 day mandatory quarantine , measles vaccination is a ""choice""" NI26PTAX,“chicagotribune: Database: Which Illinois schools have highest measles immunization rates? NI2R4J1U, I've lost 300 MMR since TI. NI5KG6N7,My baby gets shots today. I'm thankful for vaccines but so sad for an upset Evelyn 😔 NICMHZXH,“ . . . I know all of these babies moms. I dare you to talk to them NIO1P4S3," Q6: no, the benefits outweigh any risk, real or not. #VaccinesNOVA" NIVKDMLY,How come a state government can force a minor to undergo chemotherapy but can't force parents to vaccinate their kids? NIZTSN7W, Soon to be known as Measles-Outbreak Daycare. NJ757XMS,Almost passed out in front of hundreds of kids today getting my vaccination definitely woulda transferred NJBOIJR2,Laughing because in anatomy we are proving that there is no link between autism and getting vaccinated 😂 #getyourkidvaccinated NJJV6MUL,"Parenting tip: when deciding whether or not to vaccinate, google pertussis, diphtheria, epiglottitis, tetanus. Then immunize your kid, moron" NJWYBJ3S,Fascinating possibilities for 'vaccination' against multiple infectious diseases. Great keynote address! #2014ASV NKBDQIZV,"Free flu vaccine clinic. Work told us about it. :) busy here. (@ Centers For Health And Aging in Lebanon, NH) " NKDBSYXN,People who think birth control is immoral are just as stupid as those who refuse to vaccinate their kids. #HobbyLobby NKOCM9FA, MEASLES NKQC8ITX,Hep B immunization. LAST ONE! Stupid big needles. HURTS! (@ Occupational Health & Wellness) NKUOKOJN,"I went out and got my first vaccine today. Mumps, measles and rubella, try to get me now BITCHES !!!!!!!!!!!!" NKV17RJB,"“ In 2000, CDC cheered elimination of measles in US. Now it's making a comeback. Blame Congress. Wow..." NKW13ZOV,Thanks #KNX1070 for keeping me informed that 5 #CM's caught the #measles NKZRCGVB, not allergies just influenza virus. Labs will tell me which type tomorrow. It's not dengue or measles. NL08UE59,Disneyland Now Has 26 Cases Of Measles Linked To Its Parks NL746FNW,"A vision for One Health: quick detection of disease, rapid deployment of vaccines #TAMUresearch #OneHealth" NLA75CLN, there's currently a bill in Albany to make it easier for parents to get exemptions.seems like we are from mandatory vaccines in ny NLFL1K9Z,"This. "" Please, please, please take the time to research vaccines and autism. Here's a great resource: " NMBL2FA1," and like, not even bc the doctor who published the study linking autism and vaccines had his license revoked for malpractice" NMCYZYWT,"People need to start vaccinating their children..this cap is serious!! The ""doctor"" that claimed vaccines cause autism said HE MADE IT UP!" NMER98E3,Please immunize your children don't be stupid. NML1IXG6,""" We asked 434 members of Congress: Are your kids vaccinated? Here's what they said: its common sense ppl" NMTMKZ3T,New Plan To Vaccinate All California School Kids NMWGJO2I,I assume parents who don't #vaccinate also let their newborns ride in the front seat sans child seat. NN2BZF4X,"Dr. Gov. Christie: ""Not every vaccine is created equal."" Measles vaccine: ""Gov. Christie should apologize for hurtful, mean remark.""" NNQOAH2Z,"#Malaria kills 600k children in #Africa each year! That's why we really should pray that RTSS vaccine shd succeed, but efficacy still low!" NNTA4YPH,Mogul Media LLC is the parent company of Mogul Media Records and The Street Moguls #MMLLC #MMR #TSM NNYPNN10, Bec they bought Into the vaccines cause autism hysteria. NO52WLC4, Benefits of music - stress relief - boost immunity - reduce heart disease - enhances emotional strength - boost self esteem NOE9GIG6,"Guys I have a confession to make. I feel I can trust the Twitter folk. I wasn't vaccinated as a child." NOZO5IG1, & just emailed me an undeniable banger! #mmr NQ6K7EA6,Health Department Medical Director says the Mumps cases are in adults who have been vaccinated. Watch NQCYIUNT,Me an the homie #shoonthursday #MMR #GMG #sexdrugs&rap @ MMR CITY NQSKZPVK,CDC: #Measles outbreak growing; at least 102 people in 14 states infected: - NQUZF4C8,(Fritz) what happened you pissed off? #MMLLC #MMR :-) NQZG4Y9D,The police r more dangerous to AMERICANS than a fucking measles outbreak! Unless ur against pol violence don't say shit to me about vaxx! NR1GZRO4," Brilliant & scary at the same time! Sadly, most legislators are ignorant of the truth and might embrace this." NR6VCVIB,I believe people that do not vaccinate and end up spreading a disease such as measles should be held accountable NR9YO1JA,White House: Science indicates parents should vaccinate kids NRALCWNX,It's not only your kids you put in danger when you don't feel #vaccineswork you dumb bastards. It's kids who CANT vaccinate and others. NRLASGZO," you can still get it if you get the vaccine.. It just may not be as bad. If you've ever had chicken pox, ur at risk of shingles" NS15U9GM,"Watch ""Vaccinate Your Kids - Mitch Benn"" on YouTube - #fb" NS6R6U34,Dr Sapolsky confirms absolutely (as if we didn't know) vaccines DO NOT cause autism. #NCURAAM56 NS7AEN9U,Baby Nickson gone too soon. Sacrificed for myth of herd immunity #VaxTruth #CDCwhistleblower #hearthiswell NSOWBPOA,Added #MMR to my bio..  NT3I0OMR,Yes vaccinations should be a personal choice. Yes they totally cause mental health issues. The GOP is totally going to win the moderate vote NT8KM5LW,How bad is #MeaslesOutbreak? Here's the breakdown #measlesvaccine #measles NTAG4R5C," for reals. My point was that we have the means to get rid of it, but people are ignorant and don't vaccinate their kids." NU0OZCIQ,Recent JAMA study confirms vaccines are killing infants NU6PV5XT, what happened the days when in school in 70s when children HAD to vaccinated to attend school homeschool if no vaccines NUJO0PQ1, our children are receiving WAY too many vaccines. NUV45MFJ,Idiots. “ Texas measles outbreak traced to anti-vaccine megachurch. NUXJAB2P,Today's Rand Paul Fun Fact: Rand Paul thinks vaccinations cause autism. #RandPaul2016 NVCFK77M,Ugh that topic ticks me off. Vaccines aren't a bad thing as long as you just regulate how many are given during periods of time/a kids age NVFZBN20,Please vaccinate your children. Anti vaxxers should be purged. NVPT5F1Y,"Hillary Clinton re: measles outbreak ""the earth is round, the sky is blue and vaccinations work"". Clear moms? " NW56IOGB,MEASLES IN SPOKANE BECAUSE OF AN UNVACCINATED ADULT #RAGING NW8PLW0Z,"Recently vaccinated people are spreading diseases, like measles & whooping cough. " NWCPOT0O, MMR-B-Q 2014 NWIWXLRY,Hey loves! MMR will be up a little late (trust me it's for a good reason lol) I will also explain why I almost got arrested this morning! NXAJS1EE,2nd Case of Measles Confirmed in D.C.: D.C. health officials confirmed a second case of measles in the District… NXGKSBMS, So what is the accepted rate of dead & injured children U R willing 2 sacrifice? #vaccines NXX56N3N, How the hell are vaccines going to cause mitochondrial disease? That doesn't even make sense. NY8B3CTM,"Rubella case diagnosed at Valparaiso University: A case of rubella, commonly known as German measles, has been... " NY8M6R5W,"RT "" I had my MMR vaccination, so I'm good 🙌""" NY929TYG, You do realize the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism was retracted outright? Thanks though. Measles is coming back. Wee. NYT0DA0R,Where Seattle's kids aren't vaccinated: As health officials national and local warn that declining vaccination… NZJ3PFP7,Forgot to mention today on that mumps started in California due 2 people being afraid of vaccines due 2 autism even tho debunked NZR15IVN, I have a son with Asperger's. We vaccinated. I'd rather he be an aspie kid than suffer through NMR! NZZMQETA,'Nationalism is the measles of mankind' - Albert Einstein O0S3XZAY, FLORIDA DEPT OF HEALTH CONFIRMS MEASLES CASE #UPPUSA #RedNationRising #PJNET #tcot #ccot #HealthAlert O0Z0PJU2, I have read info from other DR.S. That will NEVER vaccinate. We do not have pure products to death. O144BLFF,"#optout Good question:If parents can opt kids out of sex ed, vaccination, evolution lessons, etc. why can't they opt out of testing?" O16DN7OW,"Here at Daly City Health Youth Center, gonna have some vaccinations." O1K7W5VP,"Measles Cases in the US are at a 20-Year High. Thanks, Anti-Vaxxers. (via " O1QQMJ6W,I don't understand why vaccinations has become a debate. Measles shouldn't be a thing in the US. Just vaccinate your children. Period. O1UTKEET,Measles is spreading & can be dangerous. Children shd get the 1st dose at 12 mos. Watch for rash & fever. More info: O219SCJ8,Another Person With the Measles Rode BART: Health officials are warning BART riders that another passenger exposed… O2A685H6, are there any restrictions in effect due to the measles outbreak traced to Disneyland? #concernedparent O2NLLM6D, holy fuck I was just getting over ebola now its measles we should all live in plastic bubbles O2VMSYSI,"""I thought, ‘Let someone else take on the risks of vaccinating.’ It was a very selfish viewpoint"" " O2YRHYS6,New Cases of Measles Confirmed By Local Health Officials: NORTH TEXAS ( – Health... O3RL7E5H,"HR719 [NEW] Recognizing the week of April 16 through 23, 2016, as ""National Infant Immunization Week"" in Pennsylv... " O3VK6C1Z,I'm watching an interview with this quack who is arguing that vaccines cause autism. Please get an education. O3Y2O0OD,Live In The Flesh #mmr #mixmasterrod #madhatterdc #dj #follow @ MixMasterRod's Upstairs Lounge O46OAOD6,CNN: Over 500 Pakistani parents arrested for children's failure to get polio vaccine O49D6P9U," 1,860 children will receive vaccines for diseases : measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, whooping cough, influenza, and Hepatitis B" O4FK98P1,"#IStartedTheApocalypseBy stopping the ""It's a Small World"" ride at Disneyland to vaccinate my kids." O4GPNW0E, You have been reading to many conspiracy booksYour allegation about MMR vaccine is irresponsible and false. Read the 1000's of study O4OX4WDK," Well, unless that vaccine can reanimate the dead, I'd say it's a no-go. Hey! Maybe that could be the sequel! :D" O5XAQS67,Capitol Alert: Assembly OKs controversial bill on children's immunizations O63PX82G, they say summ bout some damn measles flying from outer space O6656P0K, I'm pissed. measles outbreak lets blame the American parents 4 not vaccinating.Root cause. Mexican illegal children? O66WHFZW,Did you know the time from a baby is born until he or she is 6 years old they will be injected with 101 vaccinations O6D6Y97O, I refused to vaccinate my kids too O6X76W1G,"Terrific satire a la Jonathan Swift: ""the #measles outbreak, as the rest of the world might see it."" #vaccines " O6XJFK2F,"If you believe that vaccines are related to autism you shouldn't be in the biology program, you moron." O71KCABW,“ You're so ignorant if you don't get your kids vaccines” O7324ERK,"Anne Geddes 4 immunization! Great piece: "" Famous photographer urges #moms to #vaccinate #kids " O7CHM2KA,"RT Kristin Cavallari defends decision not to vaccinate her son | So, she would rather have death?" O7KDM54Z," told 1/2 truth Unvaccinated Amish missionary went to Philipines Returned 2 OH where many Amish weren't vaccinated " O8CMYMWI,Measles now mumps. I know you can't get the shots till 1 years old. But common all parents get the children immunized after 1 year O8KE56WP,HB3188 [Update] Torts; providing immunity for certain persons producing risk-assessment reports for schools; eff... O8VY2KJP,"SAY IT AGAIN! RT “ Unlike measles and the flu, Ebola does NOT spread through the air. #FactsNotFear”" O94H1NX4,"#RFDYES AND #RFDNO. Doing what is best 4 your child is t goal of all good parenting BUT, registry of non-vaccinated kids may be a good idea." O993JBDC,“ The crash and burn of the autism guru who warned against childhood vaccines. a very interesting read O9E7ZG6R,"""Ain't no niggas like the ones I got ""#Meanboy #MMR" O9JR1266,Vaccinate your kids. Simple O9QJK6X1,“ If you've been to Disneyland lately I hope you didn't get the measles///:” OA6H4L3Q,"5 myths surrounding vaccines — and the reality: With dozens of measles cases popping up in the United States,… " OAMU958X,💉💿 📟 Pediatrics mode config! amazing all these different kinds of immunization for kiddos 📟📀💉 OANYIRSA,"“ #Blogust is YOUR chance to help!Comment and a child gets a vaccine! save a child, plz!" OAXW28RP, I dont get major shit like cancer aids mmr avian flu...but my defenses ainf ready for these petty cold viruses OB2YXPIE,People of my generation: vaccinate your kids. OBAAPLX5,"#jacksonville #jobs Accounting Manager - Public - MMR Employment - Jacksonville, FL " OBWHTXI8,Local health care experts encourage HPV vaccine for girls - There’s no way around it. The human papilloma virus... OCB1D9HP,HPV Vaccine Is Associated with Serious Health Risks via OCGLMD0B,NYC Health Department is already running HPV ads urging parents to get their preteen children vaccinated. OCIRCBFB,"Could Polio Make A Comeback In The U.S.?: Measles is back, and that has some people wondering if a more fearsome… " OCK9QQTA,UHM i go to Disneyland almost every other weekend and i live in long beach I AM AT RISK OF MEASLES THIS IS NUTS OCLYOEU0, it's a tragedy when kids aren't vaccinated. ODI2NAFN,Wow. I seriously cannot believe that there people stupid enough to think that vaccines cause autism! What!? ODI9Y0KJ,Flu season arrives in LA: 3 adults and child were county's first cases. Free flu vaccines starting next week ODKEBN71,yay for having to wake up in 5 hours to go vaccinate kids ODLHK6SH,Measles spike a concern: A longtime fear of vaccinations causing autism and an increase in international travel... ODRAKZJH,"Vaccines don’t cause autism, but air pollution might (via " ODSH71A3,"A few minutes after getting off the phone with my father talking about my nephew's lack of vaccination, he gets a call from the CDC…hmmmmmmm" ODXV6MQE,""" RT Anti-vaccine movement is giving diseases a 2nd life " OEAZAWCQ, her anti-vaccination/autism BS. People like her are the reason there's a measles outbreak in CA right now. OEJOYARE,Hillary Clinton Wanted To Investigate Link Between Autism And Vaccinations via OEN63ITF,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” #word" OET5G66Z," The GOP's mantra of ""free choice"" to vaccinate is ridiculous since no one's free choice should impede on public health." OF5G326N,Measles is so 50's I Had The Plague six years ago from cleaning a barn. True story. That's some 18th century realness. #oldschool OF6J93UX,People who don't vaccinate their kids are stupid. #pleasevaccinate #TheMoreYouKnow OFGIN7VK, PSA featuring reminding people to VACCINATE THEIR KIDS TO STOP PREVENTABLE DISEASE? OFH6BLJM,If you refuse to vaccinate your children because you think there's a link to autism you're an idiot. OFK9HMDW, well lied about measles & accused ind me of bein liberal OG2HHSDZ,Vaccinations don't cause autism. #doyouhearyourself OGEZQTFB,Herd immunity protects infants & medically frail || The scariest fact about Disneyland measles outbreak #PublicHealth OGK1PJAQ,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " OGV0VSEK,Not tryna catch measles during Gradnight OGWPE5L5,Vaccination. Dead arm. Motherfucker. OGYHF5W0,"Great“ officials: student w/ measles rode BART last week, exposing potentially thousands to disease.""" OH98V082, you'll get measles at Disney. OHLTN9N4,I don't get why when I ask. My mom if i can go to the bestfriends house she tells measles your dad like wtf you never made me ask him b4 OHMCPLB7,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health” " OHRBSQ0G,"I'm pretty sure the only measles case in Mexico right now was caught at Disneyland, so yeah, probably " OHY8ZD0F,Do you know what vaccines you or your child should get? OI153LCK,"""I can't send my kid to school with peanuts but other parents have the choice whether to vaccinate their children or not?""" OI55U234,Lake County Offering Free Mumps Vaccines For U Of I Students: Health officials in the suburbs have begun offering… OI9J8MU7,"Is it ok for professors to promote child vaccinations? I'm all for it, but isn't that pushing a personal agenda? Oh well, #privateschool" OILFQS8S,Parents seek more exemptions for WV vaccinations -State Journal #AnitaHeights #Huntington #WV OIMCVYKS,""" Clay County infant has confirmed case of measles: Clay County Public Health Center has ... #immunize" OIROTFV5,My baby girl Satori is overall healthy! 😀😀😀 Just one more vaccine & heartworm meds is all we need. OIT8SDQF, call. Mmr OJ4EVSEB,"LA Times, Sunday: Thank you for speaking/printing the truth about vaccinations, measles and domestic violence!" OJ53OEDP, your son is vaccinated and boosters up to date right? Hopefully he is among the majority so that should limit his risk. OJGELCN3,"#fludelta If you’re so concerned about safety, stop running potentially deadly anti-vaccine ads RT" OJMNT5YS,"Shoutout to la madre, who responds to 2 a.m. texts about whether I got the MMR vaccine and prescribes fluids and rest from 2,000 miles away." OKAN5ADT, 20 kids have died already this flu season according to the CDC lets talk ban on flu vaccinations and the virus! OKD62BOE,In case you thought vaccines were only for preventing disease # OKGNUG14,i don't believe in any medication beyond childhood vaccinations tbh OKRXCVJM,"TREAT YOSELF at Fresco's tonight to support life-saving immunizations for children thru UNICEF, now til 8 pm! Pls RT💙 " OKVJJJVL, vaccine truth: OL650HFW,HB1726 [Update] Volunteer Professional Services Immunity Act; extending immunity for elementary school activities... OL7HKF2B, thoughts on the parents who refuse to vaccinate their children? OLGQN638,BMS loyalty on Ryan Schwartz Mach1. We stuffed an MMR 900 long block into this… OLHJRU9T,Parents who refuse to vaccinate children have endangered them tantamount to refusing a necessary life saving surgery or medicine. OLWP8P7G, some of us are still here after having measles before there was vaccine. OM44XQZD, what was that show on HBO called about the measles killing cancer cells? ON3VWAEI," we are so far removed from the effects of measles, mumps, polio, and rubella that it's easy to question the need for it..." ONEY28IN, in their kids' classrooms be immunized. Within their rights. Other ppl's stupidity shouldn't 2/3 ONJ877VC,Baby girl is miserable after getting her shots. I feel guilty but I believe that vaccinations are life savers💉 #VaccinateYourKids #myopinion ONOZXU63,"RT ► It really is bizarro day: Andrew Wakefield sues reporter, journal editor for damaging his reputation " ONPFP1BT,mmr flight. super excited.. - Drinking an Unadulterated Might Meets Right (2016) at - ONPJSXZ2, no I just needed her to sign a vaccine exemption form for school. So she did. Then the office made me pay $140 😡 OOKIPAZQ, it's one thing to be loony it's another thing to give people measles because you're loony OOU79HLB,#measles #spokane do u really think we can't figure out that they were restaurant workers? OPKO69RU, I'll cut a motherfucker if they get my kid sick with a vaccine PREVENTABLE disease. OPMQ3EKR,We're now discussing #measles controversy #reiders OPN68XLR,#MMR #nevernotworking #BillaBoyEnt #teamfreepour #humblebeginnings #protools #sessions… OQ0PCJH2,African Nations Celebrate a 55 Percent Drop in Child Mortality Rates Due to Immunization OQFO6UQV,The Economist | Vaccination rates: Herd at risk OQHRJDE4,"Wuh,,, measles ang kati mo! BKit sa face pa nag umpisa... ;(" OQJ5DVNI, I am very pro vaccine. I had all those diseases as a kid. My sons were spared. ORBOMQNQ," Measles spreads, CDC urges parents to vaccinate " ORPUMJKU,Baby well check and vaccinations today. Poor lil guy but he's happy now! #summer #babywellcheck… OSDVAJBL,"AIDS N : BioArt : Katharine Dowson's Brain Boxes, Crystal Chromosomes & HIV Vaccine Work: Represented by the GV Art… " OSEZBZVM,"In. is granting more vaccination exemptions, but having a hard time keeping track of the #-many parents aren't reporting records to schools." OSKS4M4O,"The Hidden Ways Manipulated Science Harms Our Health, From Measles To Organics " OSYELGI9,“ Bill Gates is still the richest man in America even after he & wife Melinda donated over $25 billion to save children through vaccines.” OTF447P2, . arrest her too....lies n cover up won't work # Huma immunity to Hillary crimes..Benghazi moms matter .. OUDX1RPA,"Preschools on the Front Lines of the Measles Battle: For 19 years, the director of the Laguna Parent Participation… " OUEVRHY9,"No run on #Measles vaccine yet but health officials say those who haven't had or aren't sure, might want to consider. " OUTUYVRO,Not looking fwd to all of these vaccination shots I'm going to have to get. #fearofneedles OV17OZAQ,ok shit deleted last tweet - I don't have measles! shitty wording. but measles AND assault/robberies are waiting at a Bart station near you OVQCUVDL,Extra Extra: 14th Diagnosed Case Of Measles In Illinois Confirmed: Thirteen of the 14 cases are associated with the… OVSSZN97,"Oh oh!! To close 2 home Attn: Costco shoppers: measles exposure possible at #Gilroy store, the warning at 10 #KTVU " OVUPZXGY,"Side effects of childhood vaccines are extremely rare, new study finds | Scope Blog #MeaslesOutbreak #measlesvaccine" OVX9RO5K,". Parents: its cool if you don't want to vaccinate your kids, but no way you get to decide if they can walk to school by themselves" OWKASL5K," the author of the article should let them into his home. So his kids can get the measles,mumps,scabies..And he can pay for them!" OWPJ8HBY, Mickey measles OWTSTXD3,Over 30 Alameda County Children Put In Isolation Over Measles Outbreak OX5Q22Y2,CDC hits back at anti-vaccine movement OX9U2SG1, #homeschool kids joining #publicschoolactivities should be#vaccinated OXBO2J6J, not with those earthquakes and measles outbreak OXPICXT9,Trying for the mountain men achieve in #Banished is hard. Measles outbreak gonna do me in I think OY0TZNZW,“ Watching You by Measles anyone? OY0UO0CA,"CA Governor: Eliminate the ""personal belief"" vaccine exemption that's putting sick/young CA kids at risk. via " OY1D8IN7,Let's Talk Pella Infant Immunizations OY9GPH37,"CDC eyeing bird flu vaccine for humans, though risk is low: Federal officials said Wednesday they're taking steps… " OY9S741O, Thank you! My grandfather had polio. Children today shouldn't have to when we have a vaccine. <3 OYAU5EP0,If you don't vaccinate good for you. I'm not saying you have to but my child will be because I feel like its what's best. OYDZIIBY, Now Schools must require vaccination certs from parents. No vacc certs no admission to school. OYMYFPY2,"Associated Press Anti-vaccine mothers discuss their thinking amid backlash Public Health should over ride ur fear." OYNKTOL0, hi jenny! Friend of family (her kid plays w/ kid) had article I reposted re: no vaccines. How should I handle. Worried n sad OYQZ5MZC,As well they should. RT CDC considering recommending HPV vaccinations for boys. #LGBT OYV40LHM,"Free school physicals & immunizations this morn @ Near North, 1276 N. Clybourn to 1st 100 kids. Share w ur friends who have kids. God bless!" OZ45E8KU," I've had my vaccination so if its fleas, my dogs are dead meat." OZ4F7P1I,Another : CDC warns of 'large outbreak' of measles OZC8QNBS,NY state advises non-immune after train rider gets measles OZEZCYPF,"We watched this story on a women who's cancer disappeared because she was given a dose of the measles, why couldn't they do that for Agustus" OZLUZO9Z,"So they're saying autism occurs during pregnancy and has nothing to do with vaccines. Bull. Shit. 😑" OZVCVL89,All my mixtures spread out like the Measles OZZ8XE2O,29 millon children will have been saved by measles vaccines by 2020 since 2000 #vaccineswork P02A1C85,Rubeola is basically measles. I hope you feel better! Wish I could take your place.❤️ #StayStrongTaylor P0ICB3WH,"((Silvito El Libre)) I Would Vaccinate my Autistic Son Again: I Would Vaccinate my Autistic Son Again by Shahriar Afshar February 9, ..." P1OQE3J8,poor baby is having a traumatic weekend. fireworks yesterday. vaccinations today. clearly trying to… P1PMB4FU,Someone who is caring enough to understand some kids don't have the luxury of being able to get vaccinated it's a social contract #JennyAsks P201FP1V,AIDS N : Infant antibodies could increase HIV vaccine creation P2Q692ZR,Just got a bill for my 1 year old's MMR vaccine. How is it possible that health insurance plan doesn't cover this?? Unbelievable. P2Y3RGIF,THIS SATURDAY DEC12 MMR RETURN!! mmr_kamillion P39TU7RG,"Yall need to hear me out on this STD thing & stop fearing that shit at bike week. Itll be okay, infected ppl got temporary immunity" P3UHQDX6, those articles about the correlation between autism and vaccines were debunked years ago. It was a made up study P42FLMDS,"Vaccines (@ Howard Brown Health Center in Chicago, IL) " P4B8W5GU," -Another thing, didn't this #measles outbreak originate from an #illegalalien? #Disneyland" P4BITZ14,"""Make one with Me"" on babies of pizza the vaccine piss you can eat" P4G332GV,I'm all for people not vaccinating their kids. It's their choice. But they better have a good reason. Not this autism bullshit. P4HGTFBR,lowdogmd discussing winter seasonal health specific to immunity & mood at #expoeast. @ Baltimore… P4VX4NXX,The guy who initially came out with the study linking autism and vaccines had his medical license revoked and his research methods were bad P4XGVTSN,Health officials urge vaccinations after flu hits Maryland. Rick Ritter reports. P4ZTSKZW,"NOW: Free child, adult vaccines abc15 " P59E3YNE, don't you know that vaccines cause autism and the evidence was covered up by big pharma (sarcasm) P5K9HBTA,"Love is like the measles, all the worse when it comes late." P5NOOKR1,Health Department reacts to CDC’s flu vaccine findings: The State Health Department has issued a statement... P5P14U44,Don't be surprised if if your kid gets mumps after not giving them a mumps vaccine... P5RAVZGG,Hundreds of Arizona schools still skirting measles vaccination rules: Latest data for the current school year shows… P5T3IH0O,USSSA's back-to-back blow out weekends starting this Saturday with Come Bat for Measles in Lexington followed by Red White & BOOM in Sumter! P5T9WMDO,"“ Statue of Liberty, as viewed from the abandoned measles ward on Ellis Island " P671RLEV,Opting out of vaccinations 4 children is #Deadly to t health of USA It's like t tech tht gives us life is under attack! P6C9BWGI,"Vaccine ingredients: engineered microbes, aluminum, formaldehyde/formalin and countless unlabeled viruses like SV40. Google them." P6DZ9A8H,"UC to require all incoming students to be vaccinated against measles, other diseases. " P6HVDFIC, What are the dangers of contacting the measles? P6IPJISB,#flu #vaccine kickoff I am covered. Are you? P6L0Z6UV,Waiting for my mmr booster and .... P6LO39Q8,#AntiVaxxers won't shut up and now there's a measles epidemic #unintendedconsequences P6PKQQMF, Can I get a booster to the MMR vaccine thru the vaccine clinic? P6W4C94X, when you duo you get worse players to compensate the mmr. The teams have to balance out. It won't matter until you're in plat/dia P7FITXWL,Ready 4 School: Back to school vaccinations:   The school year is upon us.Some Bay Area students head back to class… P7I1J1VX,"Breaking: “ Indiana health department confirms 13 measles cases - more likely""" P89PDCCE,Kids at Palatine day care center diagnosed with measles P8AN0I5F,"Important Advice For Women About Measles: Although anyone who gets the measles in for a rough time, there is one… " P8QC4SIC,SHOUTS OUT TO THE LADY IN SEATTLE W/ MEASLES. S/O TO & ! #knowyourstatus P926FU1P,GdNwz! Disneyland now offering 2fers! BdNwz! 2fer=measles+inflated ticket price #itsanitchyworldafterall P92AR98O,Jon Stewart Turns To Zombies To Explain Measles P9GH4M4Y,Agree. RT Impressive biochemical response with #pembrolizumab in MMR-deficient CRC #ASCO15 P9K36RPY,Dr. Megan Sandel speaking about Housing as a Vaccine: Social Determinants of Health in… P9NRCKIK, careful there is an outbreak of measles down there P9P56GUJ,". Essajee says need to focus on newborns. Early treatment is good for infant immune system, vaccine responses, etc. " P9YYO0VD,Hey I'm writing an op-ed in the about measles & I was wondering if I could use you for my expert quote! PA2Q34XS, ok we deff did/do/can. I mean there's no reason to panic NOW but I also thought measles was off the radar soooo PA47AO8N,I love my MMR family so much! 💕 #TXTHON15 #FTK PADCUNA2,"Laws require rabies vaccination. Rabies signs: attitude change, minor paralysis, seizures, circling. Vaccinations are very effective" PAJRQWTU,District of Columbia Confirms Case of Measles in 2015 PBE910JX,Two New Measles Cases Reported in Santa Clara County PBMB074V,"Rand, I love you, but you're gonna have to back off this measles nonsense. #cmon" PC0IRBWY, they legitimately save lives. If you don't want to vaccinate your kids fine but then don't take them in public! PC4PS2ZF,Literally the one time I need to take Bart and there's a measles outbreak PCBZXQQQ,"Vaccines are important, they are safe. Please get vaccinated. #publichealth #nerdland" PCKSLBYT,"Here's a fun fact: the guy who caught the measles and jobbed Gary Sinise out of a seat on #Apollo13 was from Lancaster County, SC." PCM627DD,Fear about vaccines is not new. We need to acknowledge the fear but need to understand immunity to understand how they work. #vaccinesNOVA PCQJFCP3,"YES! RT "" What if measles were lice? #vaccine " PD02IQLO,VACCINATE YOUR FUCKING SPAWN. MT 74.7% of students at Waldorf school on the UES were fully vaccinated. PD3O5GNH,Measles is in the states surrounding the state I go to school in and in my home state. K. PE7NDCPY,"Don't get vaccinated .... but stay off of planes, trains, subways, and busses. Also, stay away from school and theaters and malls, etc." PEY3QAID,"Hey guys, I did an experiment in the lab today. The results? Vaccines cause autism." PFOMH8PN, The medical advice should come from reputable medical experts. Message should be #vaccineswork & are safe. PFTTACWE,If you tell me you're refusing to vaccinate I will call child protective services on you. PG00UBZ4, there is no reason measles should be a problem in 2015. PG676RR1,"Titties got measles "" Idaho Filter? RT *returns to sender* “ Say Something Nice " PGRQTX07,"Officials: Suspected measles case in La Mesa ""highly unlikely"" " PHEDMQYS,"""I was an anti-vax nutjob, but today another study shows vaccines are safe, so I've changed"" said no nutjob anywhere. " PHJCVC71,"~If everyone needed to be vaccinated against becoming a zombie, do you think parents would pitch a fit over that too? ""My kids just love it""" PHTGRB0L,“ Good thing my kid doesn't have a single vaccine :) school ? PHZV1HBZ, we have a baby just turned 2. Will be following 2 and talking immunization schedule .. still a little nervous. Great pedestrian PI0TIK1D,Shingles vaccine now at Safeway. Oh Pinetop how you disturb thee PIFJZC9Z,Getting a shot. They apparently have found an immunization against pregnancy lol. (@ UCI Family Health Center) PIR3V9QJ,Could we stop the anti-vaxxers if we said measles contains gluten? - The Globe and Mail PJHH73T1,"""You just won the Superbowl! What now?"". ""I'm getting my measles shots. Then I'm going to Disneyland!""" PJL47PXC, Herd immunity also comes from ppl who have had the disease & now have a lifetime of immunity PJNIJ6AT, People who don't vaccinate their children are not only a danger to their children but to everyone ! PJNVJ223, Can parents ask if the vaccines are expired when they take their children to get vaccinated? PJSISN1Q, no thanks ill take my milk the way Louis Pasteur intended it to be. Also get your kids vaccinated you hippie PJVTNMD0,Officials Say Colorado Springs Patient Had Measles: The El Paso County Public Health department says a patient who… PKK73W2K,"Parent who refused to have their children vaccinated: ""My kids, my choice…"" " PL0RHMZW,Here's why you should care about the measles outbreak--even if you're a vaccinated adult ~ PL5UIEY6,Is there a vaccine for that? RT Low vitamin D levels during pregnancy have been linked to autism. PLFA5S28,"“ This is crazy. ""1 in 5 Millennials thinks vaccines cause autism."" - terrifying" PLJHSCFU,"“ Maintaining a good sense of humor is proven to boost immunity, self esteem, heart health, and life expectancy.”" PLJN1GMB,Hahahah RT mmr kylie kicked me out that fuck PM3CKM16,California Health Officials Confirm 59 Measles Cases Statewide PM514NOL,I love yall & I'm here for yall whenever ! #BestfriendBestCousin! #I'mMr.MatchMaker… PM7IBUCZ,"#vaccinesNOVA #vaccinesdontcauseautism #vaccines #autism #Whistleblower " PMUOB5IK,Vaccinations for migration :( (@ Corona Health Center - PMY3J6Y9," 17 dead here from just 1 #vaccine U probably don't like Dr.Mercola." PN1TZB52,Friendly reminder that vaccines don't cause autism. PN8X0WC4,Taylor got measles😂😂😂 PNBNWX54,WHO HAS MEASLES AT HBHS PNRB1OOR," / Since it's mandatory we have health ins, then it should be mandatory people get vaccinated. No matter the age or beliefs." PNRX2FHW, Not to mention the CDC board that chooses the strand has members with financial stakes in pharm companies that make the vaccine PO2KNCX8,"As Measles Spreads, Anti-Vaccination Parents Stay Mostly Silent " PO7PXS51,Vaccinate your god damn child POP6BRIT,"“ Did you know that in India you can supply 100 school children all with vaccines for just $33?"" Wow! How neat is that?" PP65E7X4,But in america I will be labeled as a bad parent and my kids cant go to school to LEARN if they dont get immunized. That shit sounds crazy. PPAEXKBV, my baby got a vaccine and turned into a radioactive monster you shut the fuck up PPDN4KZB,Talking to other mothers about vaccinating their babies is like talking politics...probably best to just avoid the subject 😂 PPFJ9TVN,I think I have measles already. #gally1 PPIFNGEO, This wasn't referring to the Williams brouhaha. It was in reference to the anti-vaccination/autism debacle. PPR9U53D,SB1102 [NEW] Providing immunity for providers of free or low-cost health care. PPTUII1P,FDOH urges Florida residents to get vaccinated against measles PQ4OJPZQ,"I was so mad when I had to change health plan to Kaiser, but it's far better than my PPO. In at 3:20, out at 3:40 w/Rx & shingles vaccine." PR8PS44D,"AM-News : Is profit more important than public health?: We still need vaccines for TB, HIV and Malaria too.... " PRWKVP4H,FUN fact a man named Thomas PEEBLES isolated the Measles Virus PS2P5MWA,Is #CSUN ready for #measles? You bet your sweet patooty it is! PSEJ49ZR,From Common Core to vaccinations: 6 Arizona schools controversies: Here is a look at some of the state's most… PSJJO5DP, I just got my dogs vaccinated. How long until I know if they caught the #autism PT2USMYE,I don't care about the measles outbreak. I still want to go to Disneyland for spring break. PT346YTU,"Sunday school Bitchachos: 1) vaccines do not cause autism. Not getting them bc of a fabricated study in the 90s will kill a cool mill." PT81EM0M,""" On average, people who complain live longer --Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.""" PTAMZ7JY,I'm kinda glad I didn't read the vaccinations thread. No space in m brain for the drama llama. PTCQF6MM,""" Monday Poll produces record responses on measles and vaccines: #AntiVaxxer lead" PTOGAA86,"😨😨😨"" Germany is battling a measles outbreak that is 10 times worse than the one in the U.S. " PTTE0YC7,An educational MMR. I learned that if you find the tooth on the street you can jam it back in and it might survive. #notme PTXQYSOD," Show Me One Legitimate Article That Proves That Vaccinations Are Either Safe Or Effective." PU113FKQ,"Review of 20,000 scientific studies on childhood vaccines concludes vaccines safe, kids should get them. Period. " PU5Z3LV4, some people who got measles are adults&children who have waning immunity&incomplete vax.not sure abt anything PUA79MJL,An 11 month old child in our county just got measles. 4 months younger than little man. If you don't vaccinate punch yourself in the face. PUDS72Q5,#King5 I had #measles as a child and had to get a booster after the birth of our last child-blood test showed not protected PUHDELMO,"Why did my old health insurance company call me TWICE while I was sleeping to tell me to get vaccinated? I'm sleeping, stop." PUI0S3HK,And schools that force people to get vaccines before being admitted... How is that ok? PVIDP7QI,Theme night. #cowboys #cowgirls #djais #mumps #herpes #indians #sacagawea #legitsavage #measles #harambe PVR614Z3,"#germfreetravel contents for schools, airplanes, and public #health safety. #travel #measles #virus… " PVSFEXGY, what did he die of? The Vin Measles? PVZPB0SR, SELLINH COINS!! CHEAP..MESSAGE ME AND FOLLOW ME..LEGIT MMR PRO MEMBER AND NOT A CHILD.TO ALL THR GAMERS COME SEE ME PWG2AW28,The anti-vaccine movement is making America sick. Now this: Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles PWK06ETM,That awkward moment when you have a higher mmr in bronze than all your friends in silver PWZ6YEHA,"My trunk stay bumping,my trunk got the measles" PX4OS8CS,Immunization-aama !! (@ Orlando Health Internal Medicine) PX7ARVY4,"#Health #Immunization #Back2School There's no happy campers today.. Yes, she rolled her eyes.… " PXCO8JHZ, Rabies Ebola measles. Physician heal thyself. PXSFDNUT, We R finding that Autism is a result of a head/neck injury(birth?) coupled w vaccines in nearly all cases. PY1WKNE7,California measles cases still increasing; some unvaccinated students told to stay home PY83QTDA,Measles Outbreak Linked to Strain in Philippines: NBC Bay Area's Cheryl Hurd has the latest updates on the… PYQG73LI,Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What? via PYYRYLFP,These States Don't Require Vaccinations For Home-School Students PZ24GRHK,"91 Calif. Measles Cases, 58 Linked to Disney " PZ55C90G,The anti-vaccine libertarians and vegans along with the open borders lovers have been awfully quiet in light of the measles outbreak. PZ9K7ILW,"Very sensible approach. "" Ohio governor allows pharmacists to administer #measles vax to stop outbreak, " PZB3RXAF,Im not gonna get a measles shot cause im gonna assume all u guys will. PZDGDBHS," loosing a child is horrible, I have lost one already. However I don't want to lose another to diseases! #vaccines" PZF2ROO4,raise your hand if u still think vaccines r linked to autism now keep that hand raised so everyone around u knows ur a moron PZV8Z555,#MMR contains human protein from two fetal cell lines plus genetically engineered human albumin #CDCvax Q01H8CZ8,"Just got my flu vaccine, so I guess I could safely make out with just about anyone now. #butiwont #nothowitworks" Q0B0HJQH,"Its like measles. If you dont inoculate, police violence will infect the body. Most cops total professionals. A few are Rushbo dittoheads. (" Q0H402GU," still have polio, measles, whooping cough. Saw 4 kids this week w pertussis!" Q0IYG36R,9 measles patients visited Disney's California parks Q145WNWG," misinformation. They believe all vaccines have the mercury derivative ingredient, when these days only the flu shot has it." Q15HRERT,"Vaccinating is showing responsibility, #herdimmunity. Children die from #vaccinepreventable illness. " Q244Y3L8,"Vaccine research is open and available to the public. It's valid, reliable and there are large quantities of data. Vaccines are safe." Q2IVHW5C,CDC Whistleblower Exposes Ebola Vaccinations Containing RFID Chips | National Report via Q2Y3D95L," then perhaps it is not vaccines that are at issue. They work, and we have a much lower child mortality rate in developing" Q2Y79W51,"As a #scientist, I tell you the #truth: #vaccines are #safe and #effective. They keep you and your loved ones from getting #sick." Q322GUTO, of people in Mid/Early Gold. I'm usually the only silver in my team because of my MMR. Q33NDAER,Your stupidity is not contagious. Too bad there isn't a common sense vaccine #truth Q3R3GIR5,IF YOU DON'T VACCINATE YOUR KID THEN DON'T BRING YOUR SICK ASS LITTLE SHIT TO THE CITY PARK AND INFECT YOUNGER KIDS WHO CAN'T BE VACCINATED. Q3XB0G26,Taliban bans polio vaccines for kids. #GOP to follow suit. #tcot #p2 #obama2012 Q3YSAL67,I've seen so many ppl talking about vaccinating your children.. it's the parents choices. personally I'm against them. Q4EOJIPT,Tonite...we at #JerseyGirls....celebrating my bday and a hot performance by the me LadyJade...It's going down...#MMR Q4FJQB5P, Anybody that doesn't vaccinate their children is a domestic terrorist using bio weapons against US citizens. Q58YA0C0, we also just launched this 1 showing the divide between mothers trying to vaccinate their kids. Q5MD9OB7,"Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never gotten vaccinated as a child #perspective" Q5NGAOYX,"if u choose not 2 #VaccinateYourKids that's fine, but we shld have a national registry, so in case of #outbreak we can keep all kids #safe" Q5NUC5GG, babies aren't supposed to have it yet. What 's the reason not to vaccinate? Q5X5MIKT,Vaccinate your fuckin kids people! Q652SSYD,CDC MMWR: Rotavirus Vaccine Administration Errors; Reminders to Clinicians Q67EGSE1," All those sick illegal aliens that Obama welcomed into USA, why no one reporting the measles just one?" Q6C88X2A,SB121 [Enroll] Meningococcal disease-pupils to be immunized against at recommended age Q6GH7DYD,Today You can begin a lifetime of protection for the ones you love the most. Give them vaccines to prevent disease. Q6LSNHUU,"I'm not fan of vaccines, but so far I've taken my children for the mandatory ones, except flu shot. I don't see why others don't do the same" Q6PLNXT6,RPC❤MMR Q6QV7L2Q,Vaccinate fat kids if that makes you feel useful. Q7C1ZXKF,“ #Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate?... #Measles”yes vaccinate responsibility to self and others Q7GBSJUW,"""Treating Depression May Boost Vaccine Response"" good read #depression #psychology #mental health " Q7UAFFU0,I wanna go to Disneyland but I don't fuck with measles though 😭 Q84ZK7GP,To all these poor kids with the Measles. You can thank your dipshit parents. #stupidasses Q89A3JPX, U R ignoring that vaccines effectiveness has been over sold Q8OS73SU,#measles is preventable Q8Q8ZQ9J, wasn't there a measles outbreak the one year they went to the dance? Q94YDAVA," Simulation shows that unchecked, measles can kill more in the same time than ebola. This is why we vaccinate." QA67DITE," vaccines ARENT the cause of autism. Please continue what you're doing but don't spread incorrect information, thank you." QBF48OCA,RT %40kevleitch MMR Vaccine and Autism%3A Vaccine Nihilism and Postmodern Science QBLQWPL4,Measles in the mouth? You bet. QCD7D8G7, smaller dosage of vaccination will not work! Autism and vaccination are not related. It's a birth defect. QCH557SR,"2- Adviser hold b7ojt eno al adviser yb'3a yshof wjhi 😳 3- health services hold ,because of the immunization 😩walla dftr alt63emat 78i '9ay3" QCKLSCS5," 1 decade ago, year was 2005, not 1999.. no one died of measles since 2003. 12 between '99 & '03" QCLH7O2K,"Hundreds rush 2 vaccinate kids after measles moms inspiring blog via The awful repercussions fr no Vacs" QCXNS9I3,vaccinate your children hpv QD1KL9OI,Plano ISD student tests positive for measles QDNLHX4P,My unvaccinated sister went to Disneyland and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt and measles. QDWR725O, We need your support in MS where parents a w/medical waiver from a physician are being bullied to vaccinate their children. QE0OSVN7,“ Time Again for Back-to-School Immunizations QECQYUKM,"A safe, decent affordable home is like a vaccine. Dr. Megan Sandel #designforequity" QEIBNTB8,It's 2015 and we are on the brink of a #Measles epidemic for the sole reason that parents wont vaccinate their kids. Fuck you guys. QEIF17D8,Another outbreak: Measles cases could double in Ebola-stricken countries #Ebola. QF15YIVT,"No link between MMR and autism, major study concludes " QFDJUVQ0,The twice a week health ritual second immunization....feeling better! (@ Arthritis & Rheumatic Disease Specialties) QFJ0K3BR,“ Sharks have the best immunity to diseases that are known to man and deadly diseases like cancer do not affect them at all.” QFT64MP2,"Measles scare over for Arizona, but threat remains: No new cases were reported by March 6, the end of the latest… " QG5NQ6LA, cdc say they have a vaccine for Ebola QGA9VBG7,Measles outbreak has some doctors reconsidering vaccine recommendations: As a major outbreak of measles explodes… QGCS1ILL, W.Virginia also has nearly 100% vaccination rate; 44th of 50 in high infant mortality rates QGMI7D6Q,​Cancer Measles Vaccine May Cure Patients In Mayo Clinic Study​​ - QGY367GF,"Pedalpalooza preview party tonight at Velo Cult, then MMR leaving from deep SW. Fun!" QH5P373L,"If you go to Disneyland willingly, maybe you deserve to get measles" QH7CW468,"I will never die. MRT On average, people who complain live longer - Releasing tension increases immunity & boosts their health." QHCFPUPX,California officials warn of measles exposure QHIUXK7Q,"RT ""Ebola vaccine testing could start in the next few weeks, the World Health Organization said Tuesday"" " QHIX3PD5," WHO GETS MUMPS!? ARE THERE NO VACCINES IN CANADA? Man, talk about an argument against government health care..." QHXIPK2Y,First 2 flu deaths are in SL County & H1N1 is on the rise again. Epidemiologist says people just aren't getting vaccine. at 6. QI749J8L,Vaccines makes your kid artisitic! Everyone nos QI7IQ1XM," Here in America you can be exempt based on religion or moral ethics, not everyone vaccinates their kids here, its a big debate!! 💗" QIOUP883,"I love how Jenny mcarthy is ""the poster child for the anti vaccine movement""!because that shows how stupid these people are" QIPBE8PQ,Miami-Dade School Superintendent Supports Vaccinations QIYUZ597, YES! It really is! Measles fucking kills kids! QJJ72WWX,"Yikes. ""Why you should care about the measles outbreak--even if you're vaccinated"" via " QJKBGEXM," He said, “We should be getting measles, mumps, rubella . . . these are the rights of our children to get it,”" QJS0IK3S, Doesn't the children get certain vaccinations? QJVI52X0, / Measles is among the most contagious of diseases. Gov Christie might want to defer to public health experts. QK2JP27M, Our own children are held to the laws of this country & cannot go to public school without immunization !!! QK6AB8I2,What a great way to start the morning. Claude Giroux on MMR on the way to work #hockey #flyers QKGFQCG8,#CDC Finally Admits #FluMist Vaccine Was a Total Bust (Likely Only 3% Effective!) QKN1C6GN,Autism-Vaccine Cover-up Snowballs as Whistleblower’s Identity is Revealed—LATEST UPDATES via QKR3PGCD,"#TinyTasteTuesdays #GivingYallATaste #LWR #Snippet #DoMe 🎶🎶🎶 #LOVEWORDSRELOADED #MMR Coming… " QKUEWN76,"Benefits of music: - Stress relief - Boost immunity - Reduce heart disease - Enhances emotional strength - Boost self esteem””" QKZNVFXS, and you were vaccinated for mmr probably twice...I can check for you.... QLEXLO2Q,Case of Measles Reported in Plano ISD QLL3TNGU, releases statement that #vaccines do not cause #autism! #MeaslesTruth #MeaslesOutbreak #vaccineswork QN5R9FC7, is right guys. We should get our children vaccinated for autism. QNA7ESY7, well I'm very happy for you mmr martin :P lol QNHZM9OF,"Wake up to find people calling us ""masshole sheeples"" for (again) sharing research that #vaccines don't cause #autism. Happy Wednesday!" QNL0EAJ7,Round 2: Measles Vs. Cancer: Stacy Erholtz has been cancer free for more than a year. She has a doctor armed with... QNMSCOUR,"#GOP BELIEVES parents shud NOT have to vaccinate children Does BELIEVE drivers shud NOT have to STOP @ STOP SIGNS" QNTJ19FL,vaccines can save lives but when vaccines hurt - kill the gov caters to big pharma not the families who have damaged-dead children QOJ095RP,"Area daycares on high alert for measles, warning parents “you really have no control”: KinderCare Daycare is now… " QORR2T90,"#Vaccinate your #kids, #morons." QOZH3R55,""" On averagepeople who complain live longer Releasing this tension increases immunity & boosts their health"" I will live forever!" QP5HG17I," It's okay, Alex.. You can be yourself here, even if you're a measles carrier. #nojudgmentzone" QPCZHJHT,We started our morning off with school immunizations... Then we ran across this beautiful… QQDUIX1A,Today was a pretty fun day! And i heard Eastwood won!!! We shall see if UTEP can win a game tomorrow! #UTEP #EASTWOOD #MMR QQJD23FC, Is it possible to get #measles from a pet who's come in contact with an infected person? Can pets transmit it? QR6LFNA8,Washington lawmaker aims to limit vaccine exemptions #publichealth QRAG02RF,"Imported Cases of Measles, Other Infectious Diseases, Remain a Threat for the United States #scpick" QRC07SXQ,""" w/o adequate safety studies & considering fraudulent studies, Science isn't settled #VaccineDebate"" " QRPX9ZJM,"Two #Florida children dead from #flu. #Orange and #Pasco counties. Get your kids vaccinated, please." QRS9TLVB,"Howard County launches new wellness center: Kids could soon be getting their vaccinations, doctor visits and... " QS1ZSCKL,Vaccinated jet fuel can melt autism QSFLHGWN, 😣 fuck that I didn't even like the vaccinations from school you think I'm gonna do that WILLINGLY. Bring on wrinkles QSQ669CA, Take into account advances in treatment. Also vaccines like flu that are less than 50% effective. I got the measles as a kid! QSY0MTFJ,Immunization clinics fill up for back to school shots: The Metropolitan Health District’s Immunization Clinic is… QSZR48HM,Come Rock Out With 🐔 out #mmr #dc #dj #connecticutave #saturday #photoshop #flyer… QTGOZ0GS,"Health board's Dr. Ann O'Donnell also pushes vaccination for older adults, especially DPT, flu, shingles, pneumonia" QTH2A2JD,""" Countries research un-vaccinated children, despite ethical debate - #VaxTruth" QTMUO6WH," chemical warfare the ""government"" has had against our citizens ie fluoride,aspartame,mercury in the vaccinations made us dumb" QU7N5QBI,"Don't be an asshole, vaccinate yo kids and pets!" QUBG4LVH, Better recognition of risk leading to higher pneumococcal and flu vaccines plus better treatment for sleep apnea QUETPBLE,"+1 RT ""No child shld die bc they didn't have the $ for an inexpensive #vaccine."" - Desmond Tutu #shotatlife #socialgood" QUN6GYFJ,People the non-vaccination nuts hurt the most were their kids who are getting measles at Disneyland while the rest of kids are oblivious. QUQ408T7,"AJR95 [NEW] Designates August of each year as ""Adult Vaccine Preventable Disease Awareness and Improvement Month""... " QUTU4O1C,People initially gotMMRs bc they saw effects of measles.Outbreaks will show parents again why they need to Vax #MeaslesOutbreak QV0HJUUQ,"Improve mood, energy, immunity, cardio health. 15% profit thru 11/11 #Sandy " QV6EGM2T, been spreading a little MMR love in Austin #theythinkimcrazy QVAR7L51,"#SquadUp #MMR #PalaceOnSunday 🔥🔥🔥🔥repostwhiz app: ain't nobody fuking with my DJ and the rapper… " QVR86Y0L,"CNN: Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " QVU7T1F2,There's a serious presidential candidate opposed to mass vaccination against infectious disease? Is this really the 21st century? QVZ6IY3I,"On Child Vaccines, the U.S. Is Worse Than Libya and 109 Other Countries via " QW5WDCAN," Ok.I agree.Antibiotics, the use of IV fluids,& hand washing have reduced spread of disease & survival rates. NOT #vaccines!" QW7YMP7L,“ GOP chair House science & tech subcommittee says: I didn't vaccinate my kids QWLPMBHH,""" On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health."" " QWWGGFTX,My #measles shot scar from childhood. Do we still need it? Doctor answers on 10pET. Use #VaccineQs QX5IBGRC,“ A vaccine against heart disease? It's possible aka fast food and Doritos are healthy food now? QXRWPBMT,Super Bowl and Measles. What kind of a Mickey Mouse weekend is this going to be? QYALQPI3,#measles outbreak of 2014 change childhood #Vaccination? Stay tuned to esp re: heterogeneity of effects #rwjfhss2015 QYHK4H60,If you are uninsured or underinsured...the PA Dept. of Health can help you receive all of your vaccinations. Call 610-447-3250 QYLEN6WM,10 days til Kenya! at Passport Health for immunizations!! @ Passport Health QYTQXE6J, HPV vaccine stop DRONES THEY KILL CHILDREN!!!!! QYV6AQ04,It really pisses me off when parents don't want get their children vaccinated or have them get boosters. EDUCATE YOURSELF 😠 QZCLQC6H,"AIDS N : Large percentage of youth with HIV may lack immunity to measles, mumps, rubella " QZJWZN5G,"DONT VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN " QZSL7G02,"If your vaccine works, my kid should be able to attend school, vaccinated or not. Wait, I forgot, vaccinations hinder and hurt, not help." QZV74F10,flu vaccine uses Thimerosal as a preservative. Each dose of Thimerosal contains 25 micrograms of ethyl mercury. #CDCwhistleblower QZZ4B39S, Screenings of #50Shades? Just so it isn't ComicCon! Geeks unite behind vaccines! Keep us all safe! #sdcc R0HU4XWZ,Measles? What's that? #MeaslesOutbreak R0TRSD14,"On an unrelated note, does everyone have their measles vaccines? Because it's now in Washington😷" R117KYKX,conspiracy RT That is why I do not get vaccinated. Miss me with that shit R1IX7KFE,"Science, guys. via Devastating impact of vaccine deniers, in 1 measles chart " R1PSKXGH,"▶ Thanks White People, You Brought Measles Back! - YouTube " R1SJAZTL,Dr Bunde: HPV vaccination is just as important as MMR vaccination #nwabwc2013 R2ACLR2X,NY Sen. Schumer wants measles vaccine more accessible: Sen. Charles Schumer is urging the Centers for Disease… R2CEGTR0,Disneyland measles outbreak isn't largest in recent memory R34ZZQBO,We spend millions on vaccines in the 3rd world but douchebags in the US are going to infect us with their diseased kids. #vaccineswork R3XK9LYU, Dolphin measles. Wow. Who would have thought. R4EZMUFH,Most people fear vaccinations💉💀 that is why the Gov🔫👮🏻 is forcing babies😫to be 🔫To make Big Pharm rich 💰! Do not💉 babies. Big money rules💰😫🙀 R4I0VK8Q,"Measles Outbreak Traced To Kenneth Copeland’s Church: NEWARK, Texas ( - A North Texas... " R4IUNSOF,State Health Officials: Measles outbreak spreading across state: The measles outbreak reported earlier this month... R53IH7MA,. That's why it's good for everyone who can get the vaccine to do it! More vaccinations reduce everyone's risk #HerdProtection R5EOU79T,Today I'm thankful for vaccines | The vaccination effect 100 million cases of contagious diseases prevented | R5V0I4RI,GUESS WHOS BACK FROM THE DEAD! 😏 gotta love immunity R5VV0P7Q,"Where does Health come from? Certainly not from a prescription medication or vaccination, not… " R6212VHR, immunization some parents believe it's necessary some believe it causes ADD in children among others same . R680OSOV,Free Immunizations for Children Offered via R6A5F893,"Realllllllly wish people would get off this whole ""don't vaccinate your child"" kick. I got vaccinated & so did you and we're perfectly fine." R6K028OK,I hate getting vaccine arm always end up being paralyzed for a lil while. R6TEF1LL,Parent Group Pushes Legislation Making It Harder To Avoid Vaccinating Kids R72EBRQ8,One of the local malls here had a measles scare too ugh #inners R7I9ARP6,"Melinda Gates shames anti-vaxxers ""who have forgotten what measles death looks like"" " R7ILRP0E, explain identical rates of autism in both vaccinated and unvaccinated children #dropsmikewalksoffstage R7MXCZBD," my question is: if adults have to be boosted for pertussis, why not for measles?" R7PQ27AC,maybe I would wait in line overnight if there were very limited quantities of a vaccine for something I was in serious risk of dying from. R7S34UX0,"Pertussis vaccination recommended for moms-to-be: Safety is first in mind for most moms-to-be, so it's no wonder... " R8BL25FT, stay away from the measles! R8EH2T3H,"Over 300 confirmed cases of measles in Ohio, a 10-year high " R8ERJBHF,“ Idiots. Cavallari: She and Cutler not vaccinating their kids Parasite is the word R8HGBUWB,"UCSF Ebola Expert: Ebola Is Not As Infectious As Influenza, Tuberculosis, Measles And Other Airborne Diseases:... " R8JB36V0,“ Sweeping review concludes no link between vaccines and autism -- In case you still don't get it! R8JNZBNQ,"“This is what the gospel gives us—not immunity from death, but victory over it " R8MSXMQ7,Enough vaccinations with formaldehyde and mercury and other poisons were just slowly preparing you for death Look it up don't believe me R8VXHOAR,"""On average, ppl who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health."" I'm living a life time Ctfu" R93NQV4V,Like there's seriously people who think vaccines cause autism. Fucking idiots. Get your kids their shots so they stay healthy you dipshit. R9582DQM, So U don't care if #vaccines R making R kids sick w lower I.Q.'s? #CDCwhistleblower R991BVTR,"Here's What Australia Is Doing to Parents Who Don't Vaccinate Their Kids.. Australia's… " R9JJ8C5S,This Friday We Do It Big For My Bro Bday ! #JERSEYLetsDoIt ! #MMR @ 11/15 CLUB VENUE #EazyBash RAKVFW8N,CDC Numbers Show Chicago Students Behind Peers In Vaccinations: (CBS) — Chicago school students return to classes... RALA74GF,"If you don't immunize your children, that's your choice. But the benefits outweigh the odds of getting the disease from the immunization." RALE3UP3,"Guys, I might be in trouble. I got double vaccinated two days ago, and my arm still hurts. Is the autism already starting to kill me?" RAXP7EX9, EXACTLY but all anti-vax people can say is 1) they don't want an autistic kid & 2) other kids got vaccines so why should they RB15QNY9,Took it like man!! #immunized #Kyron @ Children's Primary Care Medical Group RBBCO9CX, have you seen all the news about measles? This is partly YOUR fault. I hope you're happy for promoting your pseudoscience. RBGWT5FF," #ALLIGOT VLOG SERIES PT.6 #CIROCEDITION #MMR #PDGRPX #CIROCBOYS ((click now)) " RBNEI31E,Yeah yeah madhatter #mmr #mixmasterrod #follow #pic #madhatterdc @ MixMasterRod's Upstairs Lounge RBYPAF4K,"It govt can compel citizens to buy a product, what would stop it from forcing children to be vaccinated? " RC3TQ4VK,Cinematic Immunity discusses Sarah Jones and the Future of Set Safety - part 2 RCBVX7CF,#MMLLC #TowerRecords #TSM #MMR RCK6BROS,1 child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could be prevented from with a vaccine. #data4children RCNOBF77,"Measles Cases on the Rise in California, Health Officials Say – Jim Nash Reports: Measles cases are on the rise... " RCQHZ993,HB71 [Update] Providing for hospital care or assistance necessitated by traumatic injury immunity. RCWTFGLU, The Repubs are gearing up to make anti vaccine a litmus test. So harmful to our public health RCXXPDGM,He's measles free guys 😂 RCY3SLNE, Who are also experiencing MTHFR mutations due to GMOs and vaccines forced upon us and our parents NOT just mercury RCYIYPUF,"Kohl’s donates $163,000 to children’s immunization efforts in San Antonio: Children’s Hospital of San Antonio will... " RCZN8QIT, so California basically says if your kids get measles it's the parents fault RDE95A6O,Measles case confirmed at Plano ISD elementary school RDVGA6YG,Thank you to for supporting the health of MO kids! #putkids1st #vaccineswork REKZMO5C," oh good word, ""the evil vaccines are at it again!! Save the children!!""" REO86Z48," He says measles isn't ""a big deal;"" despite killing 145,000 people in 2013? Hmmm. Do you practice medicine?" REY4W2DE,Get vaccinated asap. // City Health Officials Warn Some Men on Lethal Strain of Meningitis RFAHGRYN,Plunge in kindergartners' vaccination rate worries health officials Please vaccinate for the sake of heard immunity! RFHCT4CJ," So have they looked at the State of California lately where you have a right not to vaccinate? Measles outbreak, and more." RG7IAP3R,Five measles victims OK to return to Palatine day care: Five children diagnosed with measles are no longer… RG8PN7KY,I can't with 16 cases of measles in NYC! #outbreak #vaccines RGGV465A,C2C and MMr!!!! RGJTM4HJ, why is the measles such a big deal to have? I had them along w mumps & chicken pox RHAH6XXJ," Contagiousness is more like flu--so still pretty easy to catch, but nothing like measles. (3/2) Hope is helpful." RHFQ3D7M," "" A handy guide on how vaccines cause autism. " RHHIVWQ1,HB2255 [Update] Schools; clarifying language relating to immunizations; effective date. RHILAHIQ, Confused about what? Isn't measles highly contagious? And aren't you at major risk being around it if your aren't vaccinated? RHSKIOGR,If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it vaccines still don't cause autism RHW7C3YG,"Alright #Caps, just remember to get your MMR shots on the way out of there. #mumps #Mumptropolitan" RI7MVT1U,"Just watched the doc ""Decoding Autism"" very linking genetics as well as environment and denying vaccinations as cause" RI8OTYVG,""" When someone has the measles, keep the person in a dark room; then give him some whiskey to drink. KY1889""can I have measles?" RIJ81BJN,Is a measles outbreak enough reason to deport and RIX18QF8,I hate people who don't vaccinate their children RJ7EN7BN, I had this conversation the other day and if someone doesn't vaccinate their kid is not allowed near mine. Sorry not sorry RJJQJZVC," Hopefully, the current measles outbreak at DL will be over by next year. 😅" RK6WYK1R,Please understand that that was sarcastic and I am beyond pissed that there is anyone out there not vaccinating their children RKB073JE,San Diego County Measles Cases Climb To 13: The three new people diagnosed with the diseases traveled to Disneyland… RKDSR06Z," tonight you referenced ""measles parties"". They appear to be an unsubstantiated rumor. Please correct. " RKVIF36D, just them being asses. But that's at your mmr. You get it. Just wait RL6TJFU9,6 Unvaccinated Students Kept From Riverside County School After Student Contracts Measles: RIVERSIDE… RLRJLX2M,Travel clinic. Getting immunized up (@ Ottawa County Health Department) RLSMG4EO,"I got my vaccine for that disease called ""bullshit"" .... Glad I don't have to deal with it anymore" RLYV3VRX, Chemtrails belong on the same level as disproved idea vaccinations cause autism. Don't know why ppl fall for it. RM0NQ73C,"“ Disneyland measles outbreak may have originated in Philippines, research shows YOUR FAULT" RM4I4OKM,Obama's new measles Czar is simply a robot that slaps you when you quote junk science to justify refusing to vaccinate your kids RMFV40UE, bc measles RN8EAI10,Thinking of Dropout ride tonite. Who wants to go on a (slightly) earlier version of MMR? RNRL05BQ," Megyn the measles problem are the 100,000+ illegal kids thru the souther border...hello!" RO4FYH01,SB 277will totally backfire on the vaccine industry & uncover the truth about vaccine science fraud ROUTG5J2,Free back-to-school immunizations offered around South Florida -WPTV #Sunrise #FL ROW958C5, but no measles ROXQCBQC, I have deep concern for the children I nanny. NOT vaccinated. The parents are ill informed and will not believe the stats ... RP5NPUDM,California Officials Say Measles Outbreak That Started At Disneyland Is Over: The last case of measles was… RQIXRVP4,#TagsForLikes #TFLers #GetTested #instagramers #ins @ Allegheny County Health Department Immunization Clinic RQNVWZ12,"It's hard to trust Jenny McCarthy's ""Bush is back"" campaign after she was all ""vaccines caused my son's autism"" & her son isn't autistic." RR10902P,"Back in the Olden Days before vaccinations, I had measles. My mother was freaked & scared I wd be blind.It is a dangerous disease." RR2SBI7T,11 Most Toxic Vaccine RR4EM203,. I had the pox as a kid. There's a new vaccine for shingles. I need to get it. RRU9GSR1, it's like the choice to get your kids vaccinated. :) RRZS9UDP,"RT "" 90% of the U.S. kids who died from the flu this year didn’t get their vaccinations " RSDUKRJ6, someone needs to look into a harmless vaccine that stunts the growth. I wod own every breed I could afford haha RSF2S9D4,Huck better demand this immunity! #Scandal RTFYHF74,"SB550 [Update] In child protective services, further providing for definitions, for immunity from liability, for ... " RTG0DINW,African Nations Celebrate a 55 Percent Drop in Child Mortality Rates Due to Immunization RTJHYTH7,"Shots save lives “ Whooping cough death reinforces need for vaccines, officials say | " RTP7PID5, and the kids who are injured by vaccines just take one for the team? RTRNUTHG, the vaccines are spreading the diseases! WAKE UP! RU1QHDNE,"“ We have a highlight on how measles virus evades RIG1 and MDA5 immunity thanks, this was a fun study" RUJ5VXPF,RT “ Hilary Clinton tweets support for getting children vaccinated so ridiculous that this is a thing. RUQC5PG0," study: ""child’s odds of contracting pertussis inc'd 42% every year after the fifth dose"" #VaccineDebate" RUTCB0BF," Missing Immunization is Deadly: Annual Preventable Child Deaths #vaccines " RUW0P5VN, just approved a resolution concerning meningcoccal disease vaccination compliance #2012vaptaconvention RV4516F7," Mike H is another ""gain influence thru instilling fear"" as a career. We need a vaccine for this." RV6X3QQ2,Tell Pres. Obama: Help save 6 million kids' lives by supporting the Vaccine Alliance. Sign the petition: RVHKP9CC, but some adult getting measles and they are super-super contagious while asymptomatic! 21 days total time they are contagious! RVTNA5B4,VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN OMG #J100 RW2N3W74,Get Polio from Vaccine as a child. Denied compensation because of laws made to protect Big Pharm. Time for change. RWJHBLAP,79% of measles cases last year were among people unvaccinated for BS reasons RWN11TQI,"Deadly Bill Requiring Vaccination of Children Advances in California, but Hurdles Remain " RWTH74AN,Muslim Science #12 It was Muslims vaccinating Turkish children against smallpox that passed the technique on to Jenner & Pasteur in Europe RYDCI29D,"Time's ticking. Get your kids vaccinated against measles, whooping cough, meningitis, flu...Make sure all they get at school is educated." RYI7ZQ9P,"On average, people who complain live longer Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.( Not if their in gun range!)" RYLOMATL," HOW MANY CHILDREN HAVE DIED FROM MEASLES THIS YEAR? All 4 of us had it; we were not in the news, either!" RZ2U6E6N,Needle fear is important and needs to be recognized by MD. Vaccines shouldn't hurt. Fear impacts healthcare and can be solved #TEDxPT RZ4RJES9, It’s pretty fucking scary TBH when you have kids (that are vaccinated). RZDFOPZ7,"That's what's up RT “ If you suffer from the disease called ""EXCUSE-itis,"" please take the vaccine called ""Execution""”" RZFV939G,Enjoying The Air I Breathe W/ meanboy3000 bosshog_meanboy & #MB #MBS #MMR #RRR RZHO1PMF,Sixers in house announcer MMR Dj & all around great guy only one to predict 76ers win with solid pregame analysis RZQ9XCEI,"Yes, Kenneth Copeland is a Fucking Moron. Via Texas Megachurch At Center Of Measles Outbreak " RZQCJRMR,N.C. aiming to require meningitis vaccine for school RZWP38OR,Yo yo yo my terrarium collection is on point. I got dem air plants like peeps used 2 get German measles before da rubella vaccine. S07UUUKM,"""In my opinion parents who now refuse to have their children immunised are putting the lives of children at risk"" " S09F20XP,"Another notion we get from novels? That ""falling in love"" is something quite irresistible; something that just measles." S0IX28Z1,Vaccinate your kids with holy water and baptize them in autism. S0PV33JY," Not that I don't believe any conspiracies exist, but vaccine safety&fluoridation o water supplies aren't among them." S0UUHHUG,"""Kick the Flu"" campaign launched: E3 Alliance is teaming up with Healthy Schools, LLC to give free flu vaccines to… " S0UY2YS8, Thought this would be in your department: SafeMinds tries to frighten pregnant women not to be vaccinated S0VA5IOE,"Learning about smallpox in class and the picture of these poor babies is breaking my heart. Vaccines are not the enemy, protect your kids 😔" S18YK7T8,#WakeUpAmerica if you and your children are vaccinated the children who are no vaccinated are of no danger to you! S1W80Y2X,"If you visited the Menards in Long Grove, Illinois recently you were exposed to measles. Thanks, unvaccinated idiots " S27NE10L,"Health, vaccinations and junk science: " S2MPUTCV,VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN!!! S2P1C1QU,Report: Pa. Has Second-lowest Vaccination Rate In The Country: With more than 100 cases of measles documented… S2RESALM,Tom Brady You just cheated to get to the Super Bowl and now what you going to do? In going to Disneyland and getting the measles. S2U9VIYT, It's a moot point because it hasn't been used in childhood vaccines since 2001 S2ZF702A," No, he can't because vaccines DON'T CAUSE Autism!" S3UOJ6TB,"There is no #vaccine against the ignorance or the ability for the #Left to lead in #GlobalWarming, #ClimateChange, #measles. #JunkScience""" S3Z88NPN,"So senseless..."" Measles outbreak has infected more than 100 people in 14 states " S54GTUFL,California school immunization bill passes key committee: A bill that would make school vaccines mandatory in… S55G0YMK,More parents are opting not to vaccinate their kids. They're getting around school rule by filing exemption. More… S5705NGW, bahaha a gold 5 with bronze 1 mmr I'm crying S5B77Y2C, The vaccines mixed with the fluoride at 4ppm killed all rats in the study! 1 ppm is safe! EPA whitleblowr was fired! S68XBO6C,Measles 'Eliminated' but Still a Threat S6GNYIR9,Evan can't get measles vaccine until 12 months old. I will go all Dirty South on some stupid Marin parent if he gets sick before then. S6HCSLS3,Stop by the table at the game for a free measles shot from these awesome ladies! S6JWUTWC, Not once but every 15 minutes for 2 weeks.PS was sposed to c the show 2nite.Sick-not measles just ebola but still.Grr S6K2TLLT,"Dear parents, make your kid get every vaccination including Hep. A and B so that it doesn't fuck with their travels later in life :P" S6U8MG4D," Yes! Big debate about that here, and about all vaccines. I didn't do the flu shot when my kids were infants, but do them now." S71VHAXA,"RT Conspiracy theory? No, a real conspiracy. The moral bankruptcy of the CIA's fake vaccination program: " S7AQGDCF,"Every child deserves a shot at a healthy life, no matter where they live. #vaccineswork #shotatlife" S7BGP7BD,“ Is your state trying to outlaw vaccine exemptions? I wish but AZ... S83A49IP,Just got my vaccination so I'm safe from zombies right S87VL2LZ,"Spike in flu cases, deaths amid California measles outbreak: The death toll in San Diego County from… " S8ALUBM3," ""Welp, guess my friends & I (& our kids) have Celiac disease then."" --OCD, self-diagnosing, vaccine-hating Soccer Moms everywhere" S8CJUWBZ,"I'm at Emo's for Death from Above 1979 and The Vaccines (603 Red River St, at E 6th St, Austin) w/ 9 others " S8IKVYZP," If it's not about BC, then why aren't there exemptions for blood transfusions and immunizations? Large faiths oppose those." S8MIHURI," No, children need to be vaccinated. Two of my grandchildren have had no vacs and it deeply worries me." S91DP1C0,People that believe vaccinations can cause autism are absolutely retarded. S96CTSCF,ITS 2K15 WHY ARE PEOPLE QUESTIONING IF ITS A RIGHT TO VACCINATE THEIR KIDS S98LJJOX, thought you'd appreciate our latest world immunization week video focused on children living dreams S9SEPTMC,Vaccination time (@ Animal Health Center) S9YKQ9FJ,"Im living forever! On avg, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts health" S9YWRYP9,I will be a guest on This Week in Kansas KAKE-TV tomorrow at 10:00. Talking about upcoming elections & the measles. #ksleg SA0AIN9Z,“ At Least 108 Children Dead in Measles Flare-Up in Vietnam 😔😔😔 SA7C3MR1,MT Don't Tread On Measles #tcot #UniteBlue #vaccinations #vaccines #AntiVaxxer SA8SKDHU,Are 'anti-vaxxers' to blame for measles outbreak? #TheLead SA99ZQ95,"Dr. Deane Marchbein of says media-driven frenzy over Ebola in US has drowned out coverage of flu, measles. #ahcj15" SAFP2GOS,Nevada ranks well behind most of the nation for childhood immunizations. news3lv SAP1O4QJ,I was vaccinated twice for measles - as a toddler and then again in law school during a localized outbreak SB0Z86TC,#VaccinesWork to give children everywhere a SBA0TFI5, countries with rigorous vaccination programs to prove it. Where is the proof of the harm? Still haven't seen it. SBEDUTL9,"On #vaccination #RandPaul says ""parents own their children."" They are chattel, apparently, and libertarian politics trump public health." SBRESS4E, still remote areas of the world people refuse to give vaccine to their children ...awareness required SC2Y510F,Flu shots @ work cancelled bc not enough vaccines available. CDC has limited distribution due to #governmentshutdown. SRSLY?!#EndThisNow SDFX6BJ8, you forgot the bag Yertle McConnell is a disease we need the vaccine and quick SDHEIA0Q,lil sista 🌞 @ MMR Fair SE0W9LAH, Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: SEITLE2M,Can we just throw all the anti-vaccination morons in a room filled with infectious diseases and not let them out? SEPRSAPQ,Vaccines and #MikeBrown. #scandal is really doing the most right now SF5TZ9FF,Vaccinate your damn kids SFD4VO6I, should I get Re vaccinated for the measles. I read where people who were born between 63-67 got bad doses. I got mine in 64 SFJEYC9L,The panthers got the measles and had to forfeit the season #MightyDucks SG0JKFNJ,"“ New #measles data from shows fragile gains being made toward reducing deaths, global elimination" SGBVABX0," Thanks for bringing the measles back via the 500,000 or so illegal aliens from Panama. What a guy,pal,friend. Not!" SGE2MTZA,Taking the girls to get immunizations tommorrow. Just kill me tonight so I don't have to deal with the death of me tommorrow. 👩🔫💣 SGN1P1R1,"#Fake #Hoax-es: #BlackEyedAdults, #LochNessMonster, #vaccines causing #autism, #Bush doing 9/11 (#911Hoax), the part in #Contact w/ the dad." SGP3SR5Y,"Help protect 10,000 children from measles! #VaccinesWork" SGRY07CX,“ A Head Start: #Vaccine Injury #nomandates …” #CDCwhistleblower SGV719KB,"State, Waiting for Feds, Providing Vaccines for Child Detainees: In light of a recent surge of undocumented... " SH6FBATY, I better turn back because Jamaica can't even manage measles right now SHLEXK9J,"Measles is one of the most contagious viruses. Each measles patient infects 12-18 people. (Flu 1-4, mumps 4-7, smallpox 5-7, Ebola 1-2)" SHNNLZEB,. didn't get you any gifts BUT-If I caught Disneyland measles They should start showing once I'm back to work. #missYou SHPN65S3, I know. I read a really good article by a woman who wasn't vaccinated as a child. She said it was miserable. SHRL68Y3,Getting vaccines and picking out classes - I still can't believe that I have a kid going into… SHYHDH08,There is no fucking excuse to not vaccinate your child SI9ATICI,Measles 'outbreak' hits two Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn: Measles is practically the 11th plaguing in two... SIBNQLVI,Remember when measles was eradicated? Thanks anti-vaccination people for bringing it back. SIGYED0W,Noon: and I'm home again with sick baby. I've had my own headache thing going on too. Why? I feel like her vaccinations brought this on? SIPY2W52,Ducks fans think I have measles or something.... My cone of loneliness is HUGE at Honda Ctr.... SJCBHBZZ,Measles Outbreak: To Vaccinate Or Not Vaccinate SJN6MGSZ," 5 infants at daycare infected with measles." SK6MD8NM,"About to go get my first series of vaccines, I hope they give out lollipops... #rtwproblens #shotsshotsshotsshots #dontlookattheneedle #baby" SKB06HKW,Awesome. Measles in Shadyside/lawrenceville. SKKP4RGE,"*geography class* ""So does anyone know what's happening in California recently?"" Girl: ""measles..?"" Me: ""uh..drought"" I just 😂 some people." SLGRU3DV, Flu isn't the only vaccine-preventable disease. We'd all have polio without vaccinations. SLKSRLUS,"If you don't vaccinate your kids, not only are you putting them at risk for serious illnesses, you're putting others at risk too." SLNVXALZ,"TKs (TeachersKids) around the academy today though snow is pretty light here (#Measles?) Are you on pace for your 20+"" #Boston?" SLOIEFV7, I told you we was gone get some together! #MMR #TooReal #DopeBoyNation SLUR6MKW,Paintball was too fun #mmr SMAOAESQ,""" My niece got either chicken pox or measles smh""<~~~~ Tell her to stay away from Traveon" SMVT413S, it's measles SN1WH8VP,Candles and pumpkins at the river #MMR #birthdayride SN486ESX,Can someone explain the logic behind not wanting to vaccinate your children? Seems like some pretty destructive skepticism SN7PQ1GO,"I think it's hilarious parents can send kids to school without #MMR vaccination, but I can't send mine with peanuts. #priorities" SN7R20PA, hi! You okay? Heard about a measles outbreak by you... SNIB2RSB,Noah's going to get the measles 😭 SNNUFETQ,Home safe after an MMR that went all the way to Cathedral Park. Commence valuable sleep. SNOUHGTQ,wow “ MT Children in iron lung before polio vaccination; lived for months in these SNS6D6ZZ, in here wit that 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥........ #MMR #nevernotworking #BBoyEnt #teamfreepour… SO8NYH42,"Tell legislators Pharmacist have more regulations to administer IMMUNIZATIONS than doctors, nurses & cty health dept #legday2014 #pharmacy" SOD6KFZD,Are there vaccinations for strep throat? I swear my kids get it about 5x per yr and its just as bad as the flu. #parenting SOGFFZ5Q, I'm pissed. measles outbreak lets blame the American parents 4 not vaccinating.Root cause. Mexican illegal children? SOOHKHRP, 'Measles Transmission at Terminal Gate' Quick turnaround from health depts. SOQI2M66, I got my MMR & MRI ASAP after R&D with TLC cause I am a VIP so HMO would be PC on my SS& Needed R&R cause I saw ROYGBIV. SOZR8E0Z,Vaccine exemptions exceed 10% at dozens of Seattle-area schools SP4IP8PI," I bet if I had measles, you would not want your child around me. Come on now." SPI02JGB,"“ This graph of measles in the U.S. puts the rates in perspective get it together, people!" SPPIN6NL,FUCKING VACCINATE YOUR CHILD. SPT92PHF,"I'm at Mmr Station 24 (Weidman, MI) " SPXWAZQD,okay now i can't go back to ANY state that has measles. what the hell SPYHT6GI,""" Free vaccine clinic @ Lomas Elem School: Chandler Regional Medical Center Vacc... #Ahwatukee #Chandler" SQNZPJE1,"in a world where people skip vaccines, it's refreshing to see a kid running around barefoot at an Inglewood car wash #smallpox #sundaysinLA" SQO7XONJ,State legislator’s bill would scrap ‘personal beliefs’ as legal reason to not vaccinate children SQY994L0,"No matter what vaccinations are created, being invincible against disease isn't reason to disregard good diet and good exercise." SRFJGTCY,And a cure/vaccine for Ebola and every other disease that has been neglected since it hasn't yet greatly affected the first world #tmlt SRZE199U,"This pic isn't of my kid, bit it could be. My wife and I are partial to this old school immunity booster. " SS4YASPR,This shit is #LIT #ComeThru #JerseyGirlsOnFriday #MMR @ Jersey Girls Go Go SS9LW4TW,Please vaccinate your children and your professional hockey players. This has been a PSA from Nurse Rose! #mumps #GoAvsGo SSPHSVPX," thinking I have always loved Jenny, she didn't come to your child's Dr visit and stop the vaccines u crazy ass small people" SSWXQ7XX," I was thinking more about the people appalled about kids not being vaccinated. Things work themselves out, people need to relax." ST1W50VZ, boost immunity w/kids gummy prebiotic +kid gummy vitamin d+ SAMBUCAL. Imagine how it is in chicago w/germs and heat. ST9EP2KD,I don't understand people who refuse to vaccinate their children. ST9J99IR,“ Ass fatter than a swamp possum with the measles”lmao tru dat STH82YOR,So you mean you haven't vaccinated your pet with the Mad Snail disease vaccine? STID9ZYZ,"#ONTV Catch Xist Kids on tonight's episode of #LawandOrderSVU ""Granting Immunity"" 📺👍 @ Xist… " STV0H7S8,Meanwhile it's 2015 and we still have people that think vaccines are harmful and gay people are gonna destroy the world SUAW7LS6,Chicago-area measles cases put spotlight on day care centers SUO10DGZ,"25 Facts about the Pharmaceutical industry,#vaccines, & ""anti-vaxxers"" " SUPX8ICJ,"Vaccinate! Measles Outbreak Traced Back To A Single Unvaccinated Child Read more at " SUQTIHXD,Lmao I thought you got measles SV1IDXX5,Texas Health Agency Says Rise In Student Vaccine Exemptions SV65RDNX,5 Babies Diagnosed With Measles At Chicago-Area Daycare Center - #AntiVaxxer #antivax this is your doing. #medical. SVAPSWUL,"""Vaccines cause the outbreak of the disease dude, look into it."" -my partner " SVJDZPQM,Just joined the Twitter lol #oldskool hope y'all ready for some truth #vaccinate SVS54E3R,Disneyland caused the measles and the patriots deflated footballs causing them to win by 38 points. America in a nutshell SW8GWSKT,"As your unity with God grows, your immunity to fear grows as well. God is always with me. If there are times when I … " SW9NDS2J,"Kristin Cavallari defends her anti-vaccine stance, saying, ""We feel like we're making the best decision for our kids"" " SW9XJZBW,Down with modern veterinary medicine! I'm pro kitty measles. #AntiVaxxer #AntiCatzer SWDKWUOF,"Sis in law does not have measles and was not contagious, yay! Now we do still have summer colds, grump grump, but that's sooo much easier :)" SWJRXVCS,No one cares about the measles? SWMEKBO2,"“ Measles is spreading, and the anti-vaccine movement is the cause cc " SWN76U8X,Study: Vaccination against measles may have other benefits: A new study suggests the measles shot comes with a… SWVBM39J,Presenting ‘Both Sides’ Of Vaccine Debate Gets Tricky During KCBS Interview With ‘Age Of Autism’ Author SXDFOB9Z,"Honesty is the poison flowing the vane of every relationship, it's a disease with no vaccine ppl say they want it but honestly #honestykills" SXJSNLLH,"So make sure to vaccinate your kids, idiots. “ Officials: Measles tally doubled in the past month: " SXS2ZWRO,""" Why some parents intentionally skip their kids' vaccinations: " SYMLG5QT,Pomona Health Clinic|| FREE VACCINE|| ENDS FRIDAY• #takeadvantage #educateyourself #gettested… SZ0FIRYL,"#DidYouKnow #Research -MT "" Interesting article ""Scientists hope an #AIDS vaccine lies in llamas"" #HIV""" SZ5YCXLC, Absolutely. No entry. The vaccines are not optional. Get them into all children AND adults need theirs ours also. SZCOOPER," isn't that called vaccination? I heard they cause autism....." SZKJRECH,"""Crowded"" Vaccine Schedule Deemed Safe.... " SZOFWLPQ,"Thx to #antivaxxers, Measles in CA now increasing at rates not seen in decades. #justvaccinate. " SZXYG3Z6,“ WH: Science indicates parents should vaccinate kids: #herdimmunity #sparethechild T068JZLZ,"Idiots! Disneyland measles outbreak ""100 percent connected"" to the anti-vaccine movement. #vaccineswork" T0DD87TJ," Your #SpaceBaby won't live on #earth. #Immunity defective #children, the wave of the #future? ." T0E6PWF7,"""Dr"" Wakefield stripped of medical for malicious doctoring of autism study blaming measles vaccine " T0S12TAC,"Wonderful. "" CDC director ""very concerned"" about potential for large measles outbreak " T0WQ04B6,Mom Talk: Should all Children in Daycare be Vaccinated Against the Flu? via T0WUR9MD,So apparently SF schools are dealing with a measles outbreak. T0ZQVI9P,How I feel when I hear people say they won't vaccinate their children #Stupid #ScientistsKnowMoreThanYou T18MOWEL,"No, the thimerosal in the flu vaccine does not explain why #autism rates did not go down. At " T1KPXE4K,Measles exposure Berkeley Feb 20th #vaccineswork #vaccinateyourkids T1N55OBC, I hate people that don't vaccinate their children. T1PIY149,"Yes you can buy vaccines in a rural feed store, but you shouldn't. Would you immunize your child at a Flea market? " T1QG5Q0W,"Tons of plastic surgery is ok. vaccinations for your kid is bad. Got it. #RockinEve" T1UUVTB7,If vaccines cause autism then what about the vaccinations that prevent autism? Hmmm. Makes you think. T1W0F3MM,Brisa (left) can't walk or talk due to a vaccine injury...but she lets out a big sigh and a big smile… T277XLEH, ummmm it has always been MMR. T2A4ENC9,Whoops kinda her to beat up that mom for giving noah measles T2EYWO6V,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” Im immortal!" T2JRQ4F5, u lame..why u look like u got the measles T2LJIQ14," Amazed he backed it. We require lots of vaccines for school kids. We would be saving lives. But it means we" T2OIXRQT, I hope the tide turns there. Not vaccinating your kids is worse than firing bullets into the air. T2PA6PBU,if I read one more article about parents not vaccinating their children my head might actually explode 😤 T2Z5W57A,"Funny how 50 cents a day could vaccinate, feed and give a child a place to live but, here I can't even get bubble gum for 50 cents😂😂" T37CUYLZ,"Just taking in the sights and smells... . . . #hiking #doghike #mapmyrun #mmr #underarmour… " T3G0D1UE,"Quackopractors opinions? Who cares? Chiropractors lobby against bill ending belief exemptions for vaccines " T42EBQIV," 1/2 Yes, I know the myriad reason people file PBEs. & I'm glad your child is vaccinated. But when there are huge pub benefits&" T42OS5K9,Governor Perry to use soldiers to protect border from kids who are more likely to be vaccinated than kids in Texas. #Jackass #RickPerry T4AJLHRV,EU drug regulator starts safety review of HPV vaccines: The European Medicines Agency says it has started a review… T4HIQR9R,If I subject myself to more mosquito bites I might as well say I have the measles T4LPRYHR,AIDS N : Children with HIV Often Lack Measles Immunity T4MCUDBP,It only costs $1 to vaccinate a child! T4XH7XO8,"After doing some research on the typhoid vaccine, I am so scared of having a damaged arm... " T55I4758,"Excited 2b @ #WVAAP fall board mtg! Impressive wrk happening in many areas: adolescent immunization, foster care, child abuse, CHIP/Medicaid" T55P1BG2,Make a vaccine Pronto #CDC T59UPPYS, We wouldn't want to stop the measles and TB at the border. T5N8KYDS,"Measles outbreak: Different states, different rules on vaccinations: The rash of measles cases across the country… " T5Q51BOI,Hey are you considering tightening up our vaccine laws so a philosophical exemption is no longer allowed? T69UPEK9,"The feminists decide to finally bitch about vaccinating? Cmon, we should be past basic health practices... #feminism" T6KYOYNA," - I only turned on your station to hear forecast, so this misfortune satisfied me. I've already been vaccinated. 😫 #measles" T6ZT9RNV,Lawmaker: Offer HPV vaccine to 7th graders: A state lawmaker is proposing that state health officials offer the HPV... T7Q5DG5N," It's GMOs & pesticides poisoning environment causing autism. Vaccines protect children. We need 2 stop being stupid." T7SQ0BWQ,. joins to say measles is serious and states like #Mississippi shouldn't let parents opt out of #vaccinations T7YHGW7Y,Pennsylvania to seek stronger child immunization regulations T8SAAPZ1,"Benefits of music: - Stress relief - Boost immunity - Reduce heart disease - Enhances emotional strength - Boost self esteem" T918SA7Z,NEW MUSIC by Mogul: Jennifair - Crack produced by DrumMage! #SINS {New Music} from #MMR T9TO6HBS,"German measles officially eliminated in North, South America: Health officials say the first region of the world to… " TABBR3X0,"The next big thing...eradication of the diseases that are almost eradicated I.e. Measles, polio, malaria etc" TAOF2AC1,""" On average, people who complain live longer,Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health""" TAYT556J,AP: Disneyland Gave Input on Health Department Measles Updates TB5ZTFDJ,"Amid measles outbreak, public health officials take on obstacles to vaccination: After the worst month for measles… " TBJELEKG, I bet there's a mandate in the Obamacare that you will be fined without vaccines to your children. TBT00PMG,Mmr now has the cd in hand! TC1Y9PAW,"No sleep, MMR made an appearance, psychic convention, and a horrible back ache >> more excuses to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday Funday! 😩➡🏉🍻🍕🚬➡😏" TC3SFQPE,"If I get the measles, I will not be pleased. #vaccinateyourdamnkids!" TC6GBOFV, Haha! It's all good. I have to scan my immunizations and CPR but the online student health portal is down. TC7OGSBN,'Vaccines cause autism' “ TCBCR1PB,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” .." TCWLNVHL,"Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of the GAVI Alliance, an org. dedicated to immunizing children, speaking at the #RESULTSconf " TD1CSH8N,Bill in California Legislature would remove personal belief exemption to vaccinations TDHO2RBB,SaMoHi Infant Care Center Closed for Measles TDIQ8QVU,"People will read a food label longer than a drug or supplement label, and vaccines are in a class alone! Are vaccines safe??" TDIUTRMM,Vaccinations R evidenced based management of deadly or disabling diseases. If these diseases R rare the vaccines have done their job! TDMZUN15,Autism and vaccine study results questioned TE1JPC5Y,"Vaccines don't cause Autism! " TE8CKQ36," That is an extremely misleading and fear-mongering title, especially for science-illiterate Americans #VaccinesWork" TEIRSTPD,It's not Disneyland's fault some customer had the measles & it spread. It's not like they forgot to put the tea cups in the dishwasher. TEQSHSF8,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” AHAHA 💃" TEUTXVDO,Fun convio w/ CMC medical director about perceptions of danger: is being uninsured dangerous? Vaccinating your kids? What is dangerous? TFLBWSIU,A toddler in Germany has died of measles. Good thing he wasn't vaccinated or something terrible might have happene... TFLGLWLD," At this point, refusing to vaccinate your children is tantamount to willful endangerment of all kids. Despicable." TFSAVBOJ,Everybody that gets the measles should blame their parents TFSOYBIP, I am sorry for your loss but there is no data linking vaccines to autism. Correlation is not causation TGL3N7HE, but measles started there TGMJC76D,Parents who don't believe in vaccinating your kids: what about cooties? WHAT ABOUT COOTIES?! TGREIE3Y, measles McCarthy and now Rubella Rand (Paul)? Is he a Ophthalmologist Scientist or a Christian Scientist? TGS27NKW,"Rotarians live auctioned three items raising $9200, which when matched by Bill Gates Foundation money, will vaccinate 45,000 kids!!" TGSHOYYY,City Health Commissioner Discusses Importance Of Measles Vaccinations TGZRB02X,"AIDS N : Large percentage of youth with HIV may lack immunity to measles, mumps, rubella " THE52JI8,CDC: Flu vaccine less effective: Health officials are telling doctors that the flu vaccine may not be very… THHVHF6O,Congresswoman Wants To Make Measles Shots Mandatory THKQT4DA, are you really asking the parents if they are afraid their child will die without #vaccinations while their child is there? #wow #flu THNEJAGY,Florida - get your kids vaccinated - their lives could depend on it! #measles #VaccinateYourKids #Florida THT303Y4,Measles sounds like an egotistical skin rash. #ManhattanProblems THUZEW9T,I wanna go back to California with all my friends in the MMR :) #ThatWasTooMuchFun TIXVVDXP, so liberals are now forcing vaccines which say in the insert can cause death. This proves that they want to run ur life TIYLP52K,Dahl about his daughter’s death from measles worth reading today folks forget the bad old days of the good ole days TJ443O1V, So U believe #vaccines R safe & effective? Why? TJDA9DS7,"💕Benefits of Laughing?☺️ •Improves heart health •Boosts T cells, aka immunity •Releases endorphins… " TJNEOF1R,Free Meningitis Vaccines Offered After WeHo Death – Eric Spillman Reports: WEST HOLLYWOOD (KTLA) — The AIDS... TJNMQBJ3,AACPS seeks immunization deadline extension: Anne Arundel County Public Schools officials are seeking a 45-day... TJQ4AM2B,"Finally. "" Bill in California Legislature would remove personal belief exemption to vaccinations " TKRO7PLP,"Sex is known to produce health benefits such as stress reduction, weight loss, increased immunity, and improved cardiovascular functioning." TL8P20W9,Vaccines DO NOT cause disease. They PREVENT suffering >> Parents to rally against proposed mandatory vaccines TLCQVUKD,"As school starts, LAUSD officials work to boost vaccination rates: With classes starting on Tuesday, Los Angeles… " TLIU45XJ,It seriously hurts my head to think about parents who refuse to vaccinate their children because they buy into an old wives tale. TLJNCYUV, What protection does a #vaccine provide that kills the child it's given to? TLSS0IPY," ~2 people died of measles last yr, ~2 people died of measles previous decade in entire US.. all 4 = your friends?" TM3PZ9G9,"Lol ""important measles notice"" right above where I scan my ID at work💀" TMBCTYSH,So glad ignorance isn't a highly communicable disease. Otherwise I'd want a vaccine for this mofo on the bus in back of me. TMGFC629,The fact that I'm back in gold and my MMR is god awful now makes me so sad because I know I'm better than that. TMJCR6RQ,"5 Disneyland employees diagnosed with measles: ANAHEIM, Calif. –The happiest place on Earth just got a bit sadder… " TN32VL67, Yet there are plenty of ignorant people like Rand Paul spreading the lies about vaccines. TNHDFKSQ,“ MMR 💸🏃💨 😂👌” lol right 💯💯 but don't go to south st & don't invite me TNJ5HPVV, getting hundreds of calls regarding the #measles. Most questions are about the MMR vaccine. #kxly TNTW5XCC,Dollar Mug Night... #ComeThru #mixmasterrod #mmr #dc #dj #dupontcircle #lazer #lasers #fog… TOHB4QDV,Nation's ER docs geared up to fight measles. Hope they find no business in IA or ILL. TOMUBZOL,"“ #Measles exposure possible in Virginia, Maryland, D.C. (Map) Disturbing." TOUTKLSE,SB121 [Enroll] Meningococcal disease-pupils to be immunized against at recommended age TP379DMQ,<b>1971</b> Development of a serum hepatitis vaccine for children announced TPEME2O1,I just hate people who don't fucking vaccinate their kids TPN6JDH8,"""You know what it fucking was? The twin towers got vaccinated and got autism and THAT'S why they fell."" - Robert Kurtz " TPSHZPY0," built motor off of MMR; sustainable of 900 hp with trickflow wedged heads, comp ah 270 cams, edelbrock intake, kooks longtube" TQKDFEBE,THIS IS NOT THE FIRST OR LAST TIME I AM GOING TO SCREAM ABOUT VACCINATIONS BUT AUGHHH VACCINATE THE CHILDREN TQSUCEG6,"Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination is recommended for all infants, older children and adolescents who… " TQYV7ZLR," I don't think that kids who aren't vaccinated should be allowed to attend school with mine, who are vaccinated." TRP0EIAJ,These niggas dead up in the dentist talking bout #MMR though nigga who the fuck are you lol dont queatiom me lame TRQ2TXEO,Measles Outbreak Traced Back To A Single Unvaccinated Child via TS3M9QTB,""" Roald Dahl wrote about his daughter's death from measles #vaccineswork" TS8TM5SY,Great chat this AM about back to school vaccinations with on .. Video soon TS9CQLAO,Getting immunized against every disease known to man #medschoolprobs #ivewaited5yearstousethathashtag TSE72GRN,"If I spill hazardous material I have to pay clean up costs. If my un-immunized child starts an outbreak, should I likewise be liable?" TSKCQGAW,But I don't want to get vaccinations! (@ Dumfries Health Center) TSS4Y1RB,"Guy on the news:'we have a case of measles in our area' Kisha: 'there's gonna be snow?' 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what kish" TSTJPX3C,"Earthquakes, measles & a Spokane veteran's quest for Packing it in when I host from 4-7! " TT2E45GQ,First cogent argument for not vaccinating one's children: TTRU3CG2, big shout out to say thanks for stopping to check on MMR!! #urock TTU5DR5X,I too do not buy into the idea of vaccinations causing autism. Even bad science can make you $$$ TTZUT96Z,getting my flu vaccination bc I'm always the sick kid TU6WFHZE,charleston what up #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG @ SpringHill Suites TVG2WYT5,Do paleo bros vaccinate their children? TVX154O8,"Health Specialist (Measles and Emergencies), New York, (P-4) UNICEF #jobs " TXK307PH,""" Slow Deployment, No Vaccines: Ebola Response Shows Pitfalls of Privatized Health " TXVUV53A,"A ""baby on board"" sticker does not give you immunity for driving like a moron." TYA1EE76,Health: New study shows controversial HPV vaccine lowers HPV infection in teen girls #scpick TYAT1NWM,#NEWSINGLE #smokendrink #manymenrecords 🔥🔥🔥 @ MMR Studios TYD0W8WN,Vaccines and autism ? Opinions? #Autism #vaccines TZDI99AS,Shot advocates for funding to provide vaccinations to children… TZID9EJ5,Children's Museum of Houston to Offer Free Vaccinations TZVZGWI4," RFK, Jr. warns of vaccine related ""holocaust"". Yes, all the deaths caused by vaccine deniers." U041116F,I have had children come N 4 exam & diagnose them with Autism due to developmental assessment. Not one was after vaccinations.The MMR U0LCCF8R,"No Link Between Autism And The Vaccines: There's no link between autism and the vaccine for measles, mumps and… " U0PSZJBT,I can't relate to 18-21 year olds anymore. I'm officially too old. They're all vaccinated for chicken pox&that didn't exist when I was a kid U0TKN0IR,Three members of polio vaccination teams in Pakistan have been shot dead by Islamic militants U10IBQCM,"it's been a long day without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again #MMR 👼🏻" U1M3P926, what are local or state laws on schools and vaccinations? U1M7FX3C,"Look, ... RT Lyme disease vaccine trials show promise " U1UX2PZD," Wait. Are other countries experiencing measles outbreaks? No! If Obama's for it, you know the rest. #CantFixStupid" U27KEYGN,Unvaccinated People Cause Measles to Roar Back in 2013 this is why health care is a social issue U2GU4CPV," Ya, dont vaccinate your kids.She is fuckin INSANE & is endangering her's and EVERY other child who comes in contact with them" U2I0ELBA,I want to do something that the kids consider hip. Are vaccinations in? U2RO7YMR,"Simple blood test can determine measles immunity: More than 70 people, some in San Diego County, have been infected… " U2Y02PJA, found a small red spot on her leg and is now convinced she has the measles from Disneyland...😂🙈 U2Y3EA7A,Back to school means getting to hear about vaccines! U32ENZVV, measles? U3SFIQVR," Even still, we'd be able to stop outbreaks of infectious diseases, as long as we know who is and isn't vaccinated." U40E94DN,I wonder how many kids have died from dumb moms who think vaccines have autism. U4AMIXQU,You MORONS get you kids vaccinated!! You are jeopardizing the life of your kids and others!! #VaccinateYourKids U4IQAXTG,I don't understand why some people don't get their kids vaccinated. The fact that it's even an issue is beyond me. #irresponsible U4MAEENJ,“ Anti-vaccine foster mother insists she ’d rather lose baby than obey flu shot order Jesus. U4SDYLVW,"MedWatcher - Make drugs, vaccines devices safer via thanks for watching" U5K1PFOF,OC Health Officials Warn Of Measles Outbreak: SANTA ANA ( — The Orange County Health... U5WLDUAW,"Thanks for hosting on At Issue. Listen to WBBM Sunday for talk of opioids, measles & more " U61E7MGY,Someone had a 2015 Measles Bowl t-shirt. I roared. 😂 U65R46SM,Vaccinate. Your. Damn. Kids. U6LIXHS8,Parents in California now throwing 'measles parties' to see which of their kids God thinks should die U7D8VCOW,Measles Outbreak Linked to Strain in Philippines: NBC Bay Area's Cheryl Hurd has the latest updates on the… U7N8NJW3,Child care must requiere vaccination records! Not fair with infants under 1 and 2 years old! #ymca #FoxNews U8IO1DZF,"Potential measles exposure in Fairfax, Loudoun counties between April 23 and May 1: Officials in Fairfax and... " U8J3OCQM,Da city was lit..... #Orangeburg #agora #MMR #BBoyEnt #burglife @ Agora Nightlife U8P9OTX6,Measles outbreak 😳😩 lord U93P0FWS,"Scary: why Meningitis B vaccine was not available for ill #College kids. via " U9MFGFBF,"Sandy Reider Suzanne Humphies Mary Holland Two doctors and a lawyer talking about informed consent, vaccines and disease. #AntiVaxxer" UA44NFH9,""" Daycare centers are latest hit with measles outbreak this scares me 😞" UACA12DJ,"AIDS : County gets funding for HIV/AIDS treatment, children's vaccines " UARBL97I," whatever the ""medical"" and ""vaccine"" companies want to say that they don't cause autism.. Whose interest that pay?? Not the kids" UAT979NF,My dude djhpnotiq #followdatbag #FDBDJ #MMR #BX #BK #RADIO #TEAMMMR #teamfollowdatbag… UAWU9BKD,#LATimes is full of lies. Linking measles outbreak to low vaccination rates and mot even acknowledge the infestation of illegal aliens. UB3V2WXL,Doctors work and re-learn how to diagnose measles UBBMQPAX," wear protection guys, measles is spreading if you're not vaccinated" UBRS97OP,Great panel on #vaccine availability at #SocialGood. Follow to learn more. #bioethics #Health #nonprofit UBV21JE9,Can parents please take cue from and vaccinate their children protecting them from disease. Please#VaccinateYourKids UC1M8ZJ2,"I was fully vaccinated and I have autism, just saying" UCDDZ6QA, Proof #vaccines R not safe when used as directed. Let parents decide.No mandates! UCFFCW3Z,CDC announced 2014s flu vaccine is ineffective to the present strain that's going around ... 😀👍 greeeaaattt that's great UCKH2P89,"Mich. Has High Rate Of Parents Refusing Vaccines: EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Public health officials and doctors... " UCVQ4B7M,"Since this has seen a resurge recently, no, the CDC vaccine whistleblower story isn't true " UD79OLAI,Come Do The Mario #mmr #snes #supermario #dc #dj #dmv #dcdj #dupontcircle… UDHM9S9C,Autism and immunizations: Should you vaccinate? UDQK1ZUX," by building a school, or paying for water and vaccines" UDQM93L1,"Vaccination is a #PublicHealth issue || Vaccine deniers stick together, increasing risk of diseases spreading " UDVDSGIR,Getting kids vaccinated for disease shouldn't be a debate...GET YOUR KIDS VACCINATED!! It's insane that people are actually debating this UE9O9YQC,Dallas Republican Calls For Limiting Vaccine Exemptions: A Texas Republican is taking aim at a provision in state… UEB3N0PR, working with to provide life saving vaccines for kids #thisisawesome UEMVRAHO,The fun part about world travel... immunizations! (@ Rock County Health Department - UENTG4KD,"In my yelling should've been *your kids...not ""you"" kids. Either way stop being stupid and vaccinate them." UESYE52K, Health Department expects to vaccine 120-150 kids on Saturday. Adult vaccines will be available Monday. UEZFM1AM," I would never vaccinate my chickens......duh" UFDLPSSC,The Journal of Pediatrics:no association between receiving “too many #vaccines too soon” and #autism. #Health #choice UFE5XPTY,So measles showed up in Toledo. Thanks UG4QJZB2,"Should employers force measles vaccine on workers?: With seven confirmed measles cases, Arizona now has the second… " UG58XTL7,Aren't parents that decide not to vaccinate their children the cutest in the world? --> UGC3N4SK,If you aren't going to vaccinate your kids then pay for the vaccination of a kid who can't afford to and wants it UGJTL20W, I believe #vaccinations are safe & a good way to keep the most people healthy & alive. If u choose not to get them plz stay home UGMVCAD3,"“ On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.”" UH3HUBEU, I have allergic react to components in MMR and DT. Have to add anti-Hist inj. TLK to Dr. re: poss. Advrs.reac UH7RHLVF,"Wednesday's work. The next germ monster, ""Mitchell"" Measles. Character design for Inco and Associates… " UHCG78V2,"Soo if you've been to Bonzai within the last've been exposed to measles, which is highly contagious😷😷" UHS0UR7D,mumps outbreaks... all you weirdos who won't vaccinate your kids.... thanks a bunch 😡 UHUC0R2T,"The health benefits of dragon are great! It's a great source of antioxidants, rich in immunity, high… " UI2TP91X,"Dr. Manny: Should Obama make vaccines mandatory for all children? | Wepromoting that moron to doctor? We're all dead" UI66N7C8,"In Chiraq I'm Jesus, my shoes got the measles, my Kush smoke like heroin!" UIINRCCO,#rxsummit Rep Keating says opioids have ripple effect. Disease affects family. America cared more about measles UIJLRQQT,Second measles case has been confirmed: A second case of measles has been confirmed in King County. Anyone with... UIW0YB03,It's Friday!! I have the latest on the measles crisis sweeping the nation. Stay tuned. UJB5UROZ,📢Skull Pounding The Speakers🔊 #friday #instadc #mmr #dc #dj #flyer #photobomb #promote… UJJSFRY2," If my kid can't take a PB&J swich to school, you can't send your unvaccinated, disease spreading kid to school either #VaccineWar" UJNNAQSE,I will never be one of those chiropractors that tell their patients not to get their children vaccinated. UJQX649U,It is always nice to have a ready-made excuse for being in a crappy and foul mood. #I'mMr.Brightside UJWDZ2GJ,I can't wait for polio to come back because no one wants to vaccinate their kids. UJYB2ZIF," #MNVaxChat both have fever, rash, fatigue. Cpox r water blister Measles red dots like poured over head" UK05IYAE, it's catchy... Like measles UKHPTDV2,"“ maybe you would benefit from actually studying the overwhelming correlation b/t vaccines & autism, etc” oh my god" UKXUQBPG,Measles outbreak that started at Disneyland spreads UKZKCQ4J,"“ Federal health officials warn that this year's flu vaccine does not provide good protection"" I stand by my no flu shot theory!" ULI56M5L, but measles has an insane ally named Jenny McCarthy who is secretly trying to destroy us with disease and crappy reality TV ULWWV0BX,"New push against polio and new vaccines in Somalia: Two dozen babies sat on the laps of their mothers, who... " ULXRXD65,There have been children who do not have proper immunizations that have been given vaccines without the parents' knowledge! #SD15 #Viruses UM0XNV46,Read true info about childhood vaccines: #vaccinate #protectthekids UM6RNF0E,Arizona monitoring hundreds for measles linked to Disneyland #disney #measles #antivaxxeridiots UME0OSXI,Wow just heard possible #exposer to #measles while riding train. I heard it happen last week. Thu or Friday's commute #nobueno UMMA8Y2A,5 months = How long it took me to develop immunity to our *new* office coffee. Give me dark roast or give me death. UMUSK8GD,Measles Medicine #RejectedCandyHearts UN8GWSTD, Law of war gives legal justif (immunity) to killing by lawful combatants (mil) in armed conflict. CIA is not mil. UNK6Z8RC,#thanksMillennials RT 1 in 5 millennials thinks vaccines cause autism UOI8ZKJU,The Mommy Files : State-by-state look at how many parents aren’t vaccinating their children UOLE41EH,Top-Line Questions From Moms About MMR UOS3PD5Q,“ 102 people in 14 U.S. states were reported to have measles in January. this scares me. UOU01NBN, please you report news to the people of this country. I love my scar because I did not get measles and many more either UPJV2MSD,Measles outbreak: Confirmed case at Cal State Channel Islands UPOBCGAO,"Fun fact: I have had rubella, the ""German Measles.""" UPSBEREH,"Marines, corpsman refuse to testify against sergeant at retrial in Iraqi killing: Despite offers of immunity from… " UPTPBK2G, I big difference vaccines have made in my lifetime. When I was in school always at least one kid in my class in a --1/3 UPU6IHNI,"Amish country tourism may spread measles: SHILOH, Ohio — Visitors coming from around the world for two events in... " UQ2KQ18V, lol douchelord what's your mmr bro? UQ9U8UOP,#Montcopa health board discusses ways to get more Pennsylvanians vaccinated from the flu. UQAQUHCU,For all that dont believe that vaccines can cause autism here are 81 studies that show they do #vaccinescauseautism UQMZKQ50, good thing that running ultras and trails are the natural immunization against fear UQVJBS58,We've fought so hard to get our son back. He's speaking and interacting now. I will not be bullied into getting immunizations again. #autism UR58J94G,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism UR7EG89W,August is National Immunization Awareness Month- it's what we do! See the CDC website for resources. URAC6ZER," never did. No pox, measles, mumps and ive never had the flu." URNWIXDB,Measles cases turn attention to bounty of childhood vaccines US0N8POP,“ Baby Girl Dies Hours After Getting 5 Vaccinations US0ZPWYN,Health departments hold free immunization clinics: Children who haven’t had vaccines for a range of diseases might… USBMUC00, I just unfavorited it so there!Next time someone is paralyzed or in a coma because of the poop in a vaccine itll be ur fault! USH5FTWD,All my boy do is #work go listing to tht new heat #Chinatown #GMF #MMR if we don't run our city then… USNQICEK,We don't do the struggle man #MMR USUDQ7AC,#IHeardOralSexReducesTheRiskOf Disneyland measles USYL0NMR,Understanding the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program UT2JCOTD,"Oregon Trail- Buffalo died of the measles, an RW starved & passed away in the cold Utah winter." UTDDF2F5, so no industry/patents outta NASA or vaccines/procedures CDC? All worthless government investments? UUPA8K1W,UC System to Require Measles Shots UUSZ3N18,"On the other hand, at least some people are smart. -- ""Im Autistic & Its Better Than Measles"" #AntiVaxxer" UV58JBCH,"Fact: blankets keep you safe at night. We dont know what from, but they are definitely an immunity against something." UV9PL8ZP,And it sounds like an ear infection. My poor baby and her weak genes. Certainly didn't get my immunity genes. UVJHYISE,Measles has been spreading and might be more contagious than #Ebola. #comm209 UW3GFRZ6,My arms are paralyzed :( #shots #vaccines UWB0S0UJ,....adding insult to injury (via Pats fans in Indy asked to keep eye out for symptoms of measles after 2 confirmed cases UWC8EAAV, I had measles a couple years ago… Interested in the story? UWESEHUW," On average, people who complain live longer - Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health" UWPQN3GH,how the f did measles make a comeback UXBM5KBL,"Flu vaccines a $5, ese! Deme 2 para llevar! (@ Imperial County Health Department - " UXMSM47E,me & my nigga #RRR #MMR #SRT10MG @ Fifth Element UXOZ78NP,I got the measles when I was a kid. That was the WORST thing ever man. The fever AND the chills at the same time. Bleah! UXURD844,Learning about children vaccines tonight (@ Verdugo Hills Hospital) UY0PLRWJ,"America: Where parents are more scared of gluten than smallpox, measles, and polio. " UYD020OS,notice now there's a measles outbreak govt and private entities en force marketing for vaccines? why not for #blacklives? UYMDOFQ7, CDC also has a new app for vaccines. It's a good one too UYOG9FYD,What's the over under on cases of measles spread at the Super Bowl?? UYT40V6L, vaccinations are the devil and will cause autism in my children. Don't put your devil worship on me! UZ1OJ6VD,"Vaccines do not cause autism. However, not getting your child vaccinated can cause horrible old world sickness - google diphtheria, rubella." UZ4X7WR3,SB28 [Enroll] Require meningococcal immunization for school entry. UZCVVS2L,Had a scary night tonight. Had 2 get my MMR vaccine 2day and I had an allergic reaction. I have never felt anything like that in my life. UZRIINF4,This MMR is going to be EPIC!!! UZRIJCEE,"If you caught the baby flu, get to the doc ASAP and get the vaccine. That flu last 18 years and 9 months" UZSNCCNV,Off to get my measles mumps rubella shot...I'm sure I'll be feeling great in an... (at Casa Chris Downtown Palo Alto) — UZT7JR8Z,"I came for the #ebola but i think i will stay for the #measles (@ Walmart in Mountain View, CA) " V008P9MZ,I hope Tom Brady goes to Disneyland and gets measles. V0DKTQVH," nope. That would be the big ""0"" on the third counter. Didn't mean to tag her and drag that into it. But MMR cases are at an" V0L2UZY5,First Ebola now the measles !! What's next ?? V0W3FN1N,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " V0ZSIGU6,There's nothing controversial about the belief that #Autism is linked to vaccines/other drugs V10ZLMJ8,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " V1MR4JGI,Well: Giving Vaccines Together Increases Fever Risk: When shots for flu and pneumococcal disease were given... V23JBC2C,I wish more parents would educate themselves on vaccines before allowing dr's to inject mystery fluids into their children. #knowlegeispower V2BK2ZUO,"U say U would protect America? Then why did U spread 500,000 illegals throughout America with D new flu and measles in White neighborhoods?" V2C7VCHO, adults are the pertussis reservoir that impacts #children. #vaccinessavelives V2O1TLZU,Lawmakers Aim To Cut Vaccine Exemptions For Personal Belief V2Z0Z42I,Autism isn't caused by vaccines so it shouldn't be a factor in he decision V3XI3FE6,"“ 2) MYTH: “Vaccines didn’t save us” from measles. Actually, yes, they did. #VaxTruth #HearThisWell”" V4RB0Q28,"MMR data presented in ""Dynamic Deployment"" workshop showed significant reduction in post moves and miles driven with ""visual SSM"" #EMSToday" V4WPDS8N, Please don't undermine overwhelming evidence supporting vaccination No scientific evidence supports vaccination/autism link V4YSDQJG,"BART Riders, Patrons Possibly Exposed to Measles: Officials in Northern California warn Bay Area Rapid Transit… " V54HVN7M,"""We chose not to vaccinate our son against the Andromeda Strain because it’s a fictional disease."" " V5DXZMJL,I've heard of measles lol. Not mumps. V5F5MSAR,Ok. Forget it. I change my mind. I will not go back to school if it involves the stupid meningitis vaccine! #IHateShots #baby #scaredycat V5WOS0JX,Here we go again - now I wonder were they vaccinated again this entirely vaccine preventable disease #vaccineswork V61GSVW3, give me lawyers over !#%* measles any day! V64ZIMRA, I think there are enough Central Victorians who don't vaccinate their kids for the same reasons #Wecanmakeadifference V6BLW5A1,"""Balto didn't die for you not to vaccinate your kids"" 😂😭😂😭" V6YMPUV6, i know a guy w/leukemia who probably woke up scared as shit today because measles is a serious thing again. #blessed V6ZWEA7M,What Whistleblowers Tell Us About Vaccine Safety & Effectiveness via V7B4LPZS,I wonder if WALTER PAYTON MAN OF THE YEAR Peanut Tillman can convince Jay Cutler to vaccinate his kids now that he's got a deal worked out. V7ER8Q56,"Apparently the MMR I had as a child didn't take. First of two shots, today. #vaccines #vaccinate #herdimmunity " V7KQGAT4,#InitialsOfSomeoneSpecial MMR V7L9GVG4,This is quite the hot topic! Learn about Vaccines for your kids through the lens of a Holistic Minded… V86960SK, oh no I googled them. They're an MMR type band V8CJSTY7,Taking Sundae for her rabies vaccination. Your kids are safe again. V8X4ESTX,1 in 5 children lack access to life-saving vaccines #vaccineswork V90G9PDT,"If you refuse to vaccinate your children, you're a moron." V97N9LXT,This lady just tried to say adults who got vaccinated are the ones spreading measles because the vaccine has worn off. V9AC1BFQ,Michael Hayden (former CIA/NSA Dir) of fear-mongering is like pharma rep fanning epidemic fears/peddling vaccine: Cha-Ching! V9BL65VI,People Not Vaccinated for Measles Urged to Avoid Disneyland V9JNUNC0,"So I am watching this video about the debate on vaccinations and this woman honestly just said, ""why are we vaccinating our children with..." V9MB80EP,"or vaccines. or putting her in private/public school, making her eat organic food or keeping technology away or teaching her 2 be bilingual" V9UK5PCI, I think I have been thinking of every possibly way to get measles to just get me out of this class... VA73777S,"I wonder how many of the people who are terrified of Ebola are also the kinds of people who ""don't believe"" in vaccinating their kids." VA7MARAI,"#SignsHeAHoe ---» He Wanna Have His 10th Baby By You - So , He Can File For Immunity From Taxes !" VA8TSEMM,"Measles case reported in another state: Georgia: Georgia has its first confirmed case of measles since 2012, the… " VAU6HUS1, N W O LINKEDIN US GOV CDC BIO RESTRUCTED EBOLA BU-PLAGE TO KILL 6.000.000 AMERICANS SOFT VACCINES HARD BY THE CDC VAWP2H31,CDC teams up with Indiana to increase infant immunizations: INDIANAPOLIS – For many parents those bi-monthly... VB8VAO8J,"""I either have scarlet fever, aids, measles, or throat cancer""😒😒😒 #okheidi" VBMHPFCE,"Mad dogs and Englishmen! VACCINATE YO KIDS, VACCINATE YO WIFE " VBU9ILSN, thalidomide babies! Smallpox vaccine! Ebola vaccine! Anthrax vaccine! Would you take these? VBZJVCBX,Nothing gets my gears grinding than the vaccination topic. Seeing pictures of kids with measles because their ignorant parents hear a fad! VCI2LJZB,SNHD confirms 5th cases of measles: The Southern Nevada Health District on Friday confirmed a fifth case of measles… VCM5N4SX,Children's Museum of Houston to Offer Free Vaccinations VCVKT9L5,"Colorado strengthens vaccination rules, adding exemption requirements: The Colorado Board of Health Wednesday… " VCWKZD83,"S/o to the adults who were vaccinated as children and never got measles, who never had their kids vaccinated and their kids got measles." VD3UH37A,Congrats to N.E. for the win! Make sure u n your kids have the mmr booster b4 goin to Disney! #vacinateyourkids VDBG3V9C,"“ On average, people who complain live longer Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” I'll nvr die 💁💁" VDBQVWYD,"Per CDC: About 3,300 CO kindergartners not vaccinated (about 5%) bc of parents' personal beliefs. Thoughts? More on at 6" VDL93MHJ, it would be hilarious if the measles vaccine were the cause of the rise of cancer. Fixing one problem leads to another... VDOV99CB,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” 🍻" VDWALJ89, Rotovirus #1 cause of severe diarrhea in babies a vaccine developed & caused interausspection a deadly complication & vaccine gone VDXJW6X7,Doctors encourage measles vaccinations: Doctors say although the measles outbreak hasn’t been reported in Florida… VE2PBORX,"The measles outbreak at Disneyland is why I have never visited. Heard many bad stories, from guests and employees, when working at WDW." VE67PY8J,""" On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.""" VF3AKRXH,"Measles declared eliminated in US in 2000, I.e., no endemic transmission not total absence, Jane Seward #Measles2015 " VFSG57MY,ignorance. Why some Michigan parents choose not to vaccinate their children VG18BRRT,"All vaccines used in the US are safe, proven, and effective. They work, and the diseases can kill. We're not blowing smoke. #really" VG1YRBDK,Measles Outbreak with Disney Park Origins Grows to 95 Cases VG9E6DZ8, vaccine injury destroyed my daughters life and my family. Pharma & gov't plot to cover their ass through continued brainwashing VGGZ2WQH,"Measles outbreak in Illinois. What the eff is going on? People, vaccinate your kids. I don't want to have measles 😩😩" VGHJQPU5,You know what people shouldn't have to worry about in 2015? The fucking measles. VGWVR0DC,"Health Officials, Legislators To Discuss Measles Outbreak, Possible Vaccination Changes " VHII9HGF,"Reports from the show last year, the nation saw 644 measles cases in 27 states. " VHMT5NRY, the rise in the childhood deases is due to illegal immigration not immunization failure. VHP2J8P4,Vacationing families #F03 RT Who should be vaccinated for anthrax? Vulnerable pops? First responders? High risk? #phps12 #F03 VHZD9OCU,"Fact: blankets keep you safe at night. We dont know what from, but they are definitely an immunity against something." VI3WIYMW,""" Science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect our kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest""" VI7RZCX4,Measles and Your Family: Texas Health Allen Shares Information to Help Parents VIV700R0,👍 more people have adverse reactions to aspirin than the #measles vaccine. #VaccinateYourKids VJ7653YU,"Children, by nature, can't have body autonomy. Most parents choose to vaccinate... " VJC06DWB,AM-News : Research and Markets: Global HIV Vaccine Market Future Outlook 2015: Pharmaceutical companies have… VJD4YX4C,Measles an mumps was in my generation of children. it's been vanquished by SCIENCE. BUT DUMB f who aren't scientist told u WHAT?! VJF3AFQP,"Mumpsford & sons. Up next, measles. #ducks #sorrytoomuch💊🍷" VJI6XCYT,Phony Anti-Vaccine Propaganda Is Killing U.S. Children VJK1M4RU,Free Flu Vaccine Clinics In Boston: BOSTON (CBS) – The Boston Public Health Commission is urging people to get a flu... VJO95VB3,“ More than 100 cases of measles now confirmed.. instead of debating vaccines lets talk about borders VJVRYW5R,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism: The vaccine for measles, mumps and… " VK8ILAZ7,"#shutdown and health: #4 CDC will stop funding of annual flu vaccine program, tracking disease outbreaks. People could die." VKGIPTAW,"Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination is recommended for all infants, older children and adolescents who… " VL34YI3D,"Baby sleeps 8 1/2 hours... Christmas miracle or vaccination shots? Either way, #alleluia" VLJ04NX0," I'm thinking knotts and beach, that damn mouse is rumored to have the measles" VLRBBGY6,"Brayden: ""people are always scared of something. First it was Ebola, then measles, and before it was cancer.""" VMMUTL9O,I really don't understand why parents aren't vaccinating their children. VMWGZ8BR,Im ready for the big bang #MMR #GMG @ MMR CITY VNCVRR7U,10 measles cases confirmed in San Diego County: Health officials say there are now 10 confirmed measles cases in… VNFTTGJ0,In th last outbreak I had a family who considered ths: Measles Can Kill. Sue Parents Who Didn't Vaccinate?Absolutely. VNKNZ9H6, she's the leading anti-vaccine zealot; google to find out how many children have died as a result. VNKTU5MV,Come See What All Hype Is About #mixmasterrod #mmr #dj #serat @ MixMasterRod's Upstairs Lounge VNNR3U8N, u know they'd say the vaccine for autism causes autism.... #dumbasses VNZTCDQ9,Scary and sad to think about how many children didn't get vaccinated because of Jenny McCarthy's stupidity & arrogance VOMICH5H," I can understand skipping the flu shot, but measles?! What's wrong with people today?" VOOOOU1A,“ #HIV Finding Opens New Path for #Vaccine Research: via #NIH #CDC VP0NIDT4, young to get vaccinated! it would be okay if these parents isolated the kids they refuse to vaccinate but that won't happen VPCHM04X, I WAS vaccinated as a child - got Pertussis @ age 32. Sick 5 months. Broke a rib from coughing. Make sure your TDAP shot is current! VQ109N4A," yeah. Shapaki is allergy, khasra is hives, mata is measles. #punjabi #vocab" VQ135ZAJ,Girl fighting for life after measles complications PLEASE vaccinate your children. VQ3TVQG1,U.S. measles count increases to 121 across 17 states (via VQD457MA,Just when you thought #measles was eradicated discusses latest outbreak VQT6CZ6Z,Measles outbreak in Cache County spreads to four via VR4ZTRDU,Do kids throw themselves on the altar of sexual modernity? Teach chastity virtue #HPV #vaccine VRMXZEVO,Yo. Ya wanna cool it on the anti-vax shit please? I'd like to kids to grow up in a world where I don't have to be scared they'll get measles VRUVOTP0, Para dun sa lintik na school. Kailangan ng mga immunizations. Nakaka-8 na ko. Jusko! VSSOMF5J,RT 76% of patients trust their pediatrician more than anyone else when it comes to vaccine safety. #AAP12 VSV4G45Y,Grandma just tried telling me that vaccines are what caused a few of our family to have autism and I was like NOPE not talking about this 😒 VT9UEMZP,Brave new world of Immunization and Health training VTC15HT1,The CDC warns that U.S. travelers to the Olympics might bring home measles! Gold medals would be a lot better. #teamamerica #usatoday VTFB8M76,"need to be vaccinated. She's putting my niece at risk. Honestly, my niece has been sick pretty much since she's been born. Plus, she...." VTGQUJU0,19% measles in vaccinated adults. Why not fierce advocate for booster of child-bearing age women born before 2MMR ACIP 1989? VTWE8QJ5, I worry that kids will start dying again. Measles is serious. Vaccines save lives. VTYIBCOR,Contagious traveler with measles was at Sea-Tac: The Seattle and King County Public Health Department reports a... VUVCA0WW,2nd case of measles confirmed in DC: D.C.'s Department of Health has confirmed another case of measles. It is the… VV2JHVL8," monitors disease occurrence; gvt @ work 4 us. Males: mumps can make you sterile; get vaccinated #ObamaCare" VV665LZE,Check before believe. RT Patient zero for the 2015 measles outbreak was someone already-vaccinated. VVDWNWIG,TWB/ #MF/#2HG/$MMR$ FWM NEW MIXTAPES COMING SOOOOOOON 817STAND UP. WE GETTING IT. FTWORTH TX VVEMZK7P,Spring Moon was in last week for her vaccines and check up - such a beautiful baby. #husky… VVIJFE2S,“ Disneyland Measles Outbreak Reaches Twenty Patients VACCINATE YOUR KIDS VVNQW82M,When did Disneyland become Measles-land? Happiest place on Earth? 🐭 #Disneyland #outbreak VVVMB22A,"Do aluminum adjuvants in #vaccines contribute to the rise in #autism science says YES." VVWWO1IG,#CDC caught inflating #flu deaths to sell more vaccines - VW03QWWJ," Sitting in 4 immuniza. shots, a Hispanic lady came in w/ 4 kids(< 5). Remind me ur concern of affordability to have kids" VWG0N3VW,Sally's getting a toenail trim and some kind of vaccine. (@ Raintree Animal Health Center) VWIDTXGF,VACCINATIONS MADE MY CAT AUTISTIC VXMF3E9B,Dad's Heartfelt Plea After Ailing 2-Year-Old Exposed to Measles >another reason why vaccinations are critical VXSX6DJL,LB818 [NEW] Change provisions relating to immunity when submitting a complaint under the Children's Residential ... VY3BLR5U,Michigan measles update: News to come on lone case in Oakland County shortly VY6HOYVZ,Free Flu Vaccine... #vaccination #fluSeason @ Newtown Elementary School VYBFPD3M,"State issues new vaccination requirements: Falling in line with federal recommendations, state health officials are... " VYFSYQ81,""" #Vaccine Hoaxes Exposed-Propaganda surrounds vaccine campaign - #mybodymychoice" VZT3WATU,"Days before Super Bowl, Arizona gets the measles " W04D62Q6," ""Vaccinations are a tool of government, man. I just blow a little smoke in my kid's ear before bed.""" W04ONYJA," True! Your bad kid has also been to Forks, WA and seen all of the""Twilight"" settings. Met the Vaccines, Managed a hotel alone.." W0O6O0ZQ, Both are idiots playing God with our health. Vaccination is still the better recourse for the world. W1546JZI,Hi lied about her friends dying of measles & then I explained I'm ind not a liberal W1DRL9NL,"""If it were just a rational and logical discussion, there's no debate. Vaccines are safe & effective."" #Vaccinations" W1SMI38B, I opted 2 not vaccinate my 3 children. W1TPFU9N,Disney-Linked Measles Outbreak Soon To Be Over In California: The outbreak reignited debate about vaccinations.… W2AWVOGD, Vag measles. Sounds lovely! W2C6LP3J,MMR vaccinations spike in Arizona; are you up to date?: Dozens of vaccinations are recommended over a lifetime.… W2DQSZAJ,Virginia Dept of Health expanding investigation into potential measles exposure into additional counties in Va W2NSPLL9,"Mississippi – yes, Mississippi – has the nation’s best child vaccination rate. Here’s why. " W2OQ9KOF," There is irrefutable evidence that vaccines have heavy metals, can cause autism and are percentage wise ineffective." W37WBKPG,Ouch! #shot #injection #vaccines @ Hidalgo County Health And Human Services. Pharr Clinic W3Q153AB,Why do I keep getting survey calls from CDC about my kids immunizations? Why don't they just ask the NSA? #NSAgate W3SDK4CC,""" don't trust the #IRS w/our $ but we trust that kids should have 49 vaccines by 5. #CDCwhistleblower"" #VaxTruth" W4G975YQ,Footwork & speed with the boyz from #Madison #JMU #MMR #rugby @ James Madison… W4MAW9RX,"Got a cute children's book at #2015ISMA conference. Support the letter ""I"" - #vaccineswork #doit " W4O65LCM,"Oh my "" No, The CDC Is Not Covering Up Evidence That Vaccines Cause Autism via " W4ZT0B8F,#nwo #Guest Is the Polio Vaccine Causing Cancer? #conspiracy W50YQCQE,Marin County Supes Vote 4-1 in Support Of Proposed State Law Banning Vaccination Exemptions; Want Amendments: The… W51PHRIQ,Vaccine exemption: California SB 277 opponents vow to pull kids from school if bill passes: Adversaries of Senate… W54INW17, CEO of kicks off hill briefing on #infectious disease & #vaccines W5DHXGL3,Measles. Really? W5U240ID,Don't get your dog vaccinated. It causes dog autism. W5ZV97L1,Vaccines Save Lives. Anti-vax mom changes her tune as all 7 of her children come down with whooping cough W66M0ZZH,“ New legislation allows #pharmacists in #Ohio to give out vaccinations for the #measles & other maladies W6JOSJ54,Winner. Just scored two lawn seats from a ticket raid from MMR. Looks like I got plans next weekend.… W6KX87TI,Is it wrong that I'm tempted to de-friend someone on Facebook for spouting vaccine conspiracy theories? W6TYEXBG,Dollar Mug T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y #budlight #dollarbudlights #mmr #dj #dc #dupontcircle #djflyer… W74V5JHY, as a #measles virologist this is fascinating - Dutch outbreak convening - UK issues - tnx W7DG2UCY, drink your pee because it would be a 100% immunization against kidney stones! W7WEFEAU," severe vaccine reaction, so vaccines for her are contraindicated. I'm not even going to risk it" W82DYIL2, measles W8UFU2MD," with all the internat'l players(with varied vaccination statuses), exposure to these diseases is reality" W928VQ6P," #KellyFile Libs who REFUSE to vaccinate they're children, try to blame GOP. Bet most measles cases are lib kids." W9409U43,This Vaccine Is Gonna Be The Death Of Me W9AQ342R,Just when you thought that the anti-vaccine simpletons couldn't get any batshiat crazier VACCINES TURN YOUR KID GAY W9AVNCEO,#vaccineswork #boycott Ashland Oregon #Oregon ignorant parents put all at risk W9LO6R5F,"Like, he's a fucking raccoon. I give him a dose of poison, he develops an immunity 😒" W9UP73VN,2 vaccines at one time (@ Purdue University Student Health (PUSH) - W9VK1OGQ, it is. And I'm on the fence about forcing parents to vaccinate but damn could you imagine your kids coming home with (1/2) WA4YFFIP,"Swor"" AIDS vaccine created at Oregon Health & Science may clear virus from body - " WA765H9M, hey Sean if vaccines really work then why would you fear my child who is unvaccinated . Anyone consider that? WA7BWMHE,U.S. measles cases at 20-year high: Measles cases in the United States are at a 20-year high so far this year.... WA8KU01I, Things that make U go hmmm. Measles out break spikes same time our southern border was inidated with that flood of people.. WAA6V0AW,"Vaccinate your children, you ducking idiots!" WAKBJAOI, Theyve worked for us for decades...unless theyre different serums. Why? Its a risk to everyone else as well to not immunize. WATDYHZ4,You dance? Upload your dance video on our track to make the Official Congos video #MMR WAWW6JT2,Infants At Risk Of Measles From High School Day Care Allowed To Return: Fourteen infants who were exposed to a baby… WBLXWQRJ,“It is a risk for a lot of other people:” Shorewood School Dist. concerned about measles outbreak: The bug is… WBTO6S7O,#IPS2014 Q&A autism is found 2day why?Different diagnostic labeling broader spectrum vaccines no contribution2autism WBXU6TNN,""" #BigPharma 'overcharging' poor countries for child vaccines - report Messed up!" WC7NAN87,whenever I start to get itchy I slightly panic and think I may be getting the measles again WD9YW1QI,People who don't vaccinate their children are a trip WDG2CSNC, got plans on June 13? Why not pledge to save 4m kids w/vaccines? Plz respond! WDIR9U2Y,I'm so sick of this vaccination shit when I was a kid we all got vaccinated. Nobody died from diseases like measles cause it was ERADICATED. WDPJZSQX,"“ The science is clear: The earth is round, the sky is blue, and #vaccineswork. Let's protect kids. #GrandmothersKnowBest”" WEB20GPQ,"Whatever dumb fuck decided not to vaccinate their child for measles and then took them to Disneyland, I hope someone kicks your ass.😒" WEEUQDWF, Nvm i thought this was the flu vaccine lol this shit aint safe!! WEEXCW8J," . yes it shouldof had a vote. Too many at one time and vaccine injured not exempted, wrong" WEI8NQ36,Where are the media pics of all those suffering horribly from the measles right now? Oh that's right--they're recovered. #CDCwhistleblower WEMIZGST,Measles becomes a 'biological weapon' against cancer WEN2SNL7, thanks to fools like Andrew Wakefield these images could make a comeback #vaccineswork #autismawareness WEYGHLO6,"All vaccinated for upcoming travels! (@ Passport Health in Grand Rapids, MI) " WF9IBLMP," Exactly. Do you know children suffer brain damage, blindness, deafness all from the measles? #IAMTHEHERD" WF9TYX9R,First week back at college? What vaccines do you need? Take this CDC quiz: WFBL9VWX,Getting tetanus and MMR vaccines.. (@ Valley Baptist Medical Center - Harlingen) WFGDTJGW,Did u know that when u go to Walgreens & get ur flu shot they help provide vaccines to kids around the… WG2ARV31,Sixth case of measles confirmed in Clark County: A sixth case of measles this year has been confirmed in Clark… WG3TAFE7, #KellyFile the potential Humnitarian criss is disease spreading through our cities OUR CHILDREN in strains we hv no immunity to WGLGN7KM," know what else is common sense? NOT bringing a disease that there is NO CURE, NO TREATMENT, NO VACCINE for WILLINGLY into USA!" WGNWTT8R,Thanks to for standing up for #science -- and our children. #vaccines WGWGALRG, did u hear about the measles outbreak in Indy?... Thank heavens we are in the get our shots era haha WGX3H89G,Didn't get measles today 👏👏👏 #disneyland WGXPG2S9,Measles outbreak: Bay Area day cares show high rates of unvaccinated kids: With new measles cases continuing to… WH3OCAYA,#measles makes list of organisms of concern for policy makers at #ASMBioD WHDJFLTU,"Requesting full transparency and safer vaccines is not ""anti-vax"" it's smart and reasonable #CDCwhisleblower" WI71LWAF,Cinematic Immunity panelists discuss Sarah Jones and Set Safety WIJF7YV0,"Most controversial thing I said in class today: ""Immunizations do not cause autism.""" WJYFVG3L,I feel like I'm riding the Oregon trail back to Nashville from New York... just got the measles WK04RA9L,I have absolutely no tolerance for you endangering your (and others') kid because of your ignorance of scientific facts. Vaccinate your kids WK120003,Are vaccines safe and effective? Potentially lethal Noe Valley chiropractic nonsense. WK1PH76R,"There is still time to join in reading the #CSLewis ""The Great Divorce."" See you on Monday #mmr " WKD5YWE0,The goal of is to decrease the 1.5 million child deaths caused by vaccine preventable diseases every year. #vaccineswork WKI6OLO5,Case of Measles Identified in the Kansas City Metro Area-Kansas City infoZine #Ripley #Independence WKJWMN81,"NVHD immunization clinic, providing vaccines for adults & children, is open on Tuesdays 2:00-3:30pm… " WKVUYJ6S,Toxic levels of aluminum in #vaccines #autistic spectrum WL4G8TX0,Give girls vaccination for cooties #KidLegislation WLG51H6J,"Good morning from MMR's 7:30 Mass! (@ Mary, Mother of the Redeemer) [pic]: " WLKUNJM9,"REAL EYES REALIZE REAL LIES. The Food, vaccine, drug, insurance and health industry are multi-… " WLUX9TH5,Listening to mother justifying not vaccinating her kids on and omg so much emotional stupidity. WM03AF5L,Wouldn't it be ironic and fitting if it turned out NOT vaccinating your kids caused autism? #Parenthood #parenting WM9TSVPN,We want kids to have a shot@ running w friends! #VaccinesWork #endpolio WMSIPO4J,"Between the flu and the measles outbreak, does anyone else feel like NOT LEAVING THE HOUSE until the afflicted die of their wounds? #survive" WMTB3GF5,University of California system to require measles vaccine via WN7YD493,TARCO Health Dept.: all of the #measles cases can be traced back to a NW Tarrant County church. WO1BCQT9,#YouShouldKnow that childhood vaccinations cause old age. WO571XMM,Getting these immunization records (@ Floyd County Health Department) WPVVWVRA,Don't they teach in high school what a vaccine is?! Can't believe people still think the vaccine will give you the flu. WQ3XMLSX,"#New Jersey has its first case of #measles, a one year old infant… Oh shit" WQJ4DNTM,Measles Discovered In Seneca County: Health officials list locations where public may have been exposed; urge va... WQMQB76O,"“ What is #measles, and how can it be prevented? here's an idea..get immunized." WQU99XIM, #Measles outbreak increases to 48. Auckland's measles outbreak is worsening with 48 people now confirme... WREDNVL2,"3 vaccinations and 2 allergy shots in 2 days, my arms are killing me!! #ouch!" WRF8W09M,Bexar County residents refusing to vaccinate their children is creating a public health risk. WRIT9YWP,"#survivalfanale one thing, I think is Brenda gave Dawn the immunity challenge cause she thought she was safe. Big mistake Brenda." WRSMII04," the argument is just as stupid. Like they'd rather their kid get measles instead of autism, even if it caused autism..😶" WSFXUMBK, was BCG vaccination ever a thing here? I was vaccinated as a child in Ireland. Is it used in Canada? WSKD2MQ6," I see what you're trying to get at, but the flu vaccination has varying effectiveness. Not the same as preventing measles." WT0CW0MC,Maryland health leaders call for law requiring docs to report immunizations: An outbreak of measles spreading… WT5U3J4Y,Let me find out you got the iPhone 6 but your baby behind on immunizations. WT7C91NR,"CDC: Rise in measles cases nationwide, another confirmed case in our state: WASHINGTON, D.C. – A measles warning... " WTP6JX6G,Another Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism WUGWOSVT,NYE Tickets Still Available... #nye2014 #mmr #mixmasterrod #2k14 #Stoli #dc #dj #dmv… WUGY5NF8, yea that's what I was thinking but you have to get the flu shot when your pregnant to pass the immunity to the baby WUH9OFCI, did you get measles? WUMVXXP3,Damn measles outbreak WUP4655S,"Kaiser Study Shows Many Kids Not Vaccinated: Over an 11-year period, Kaiser researchers found there are five… " WVVSN8S2,Had a GREAT time serving as Ambassador for #NCDNADay! Students learned about the role of DNA in immunity and disease! WVYJ0UG4," we'd be tweeting photos of our measles spots, duh.." WW6495JL, ORDER CDC TO EXTEMINATION 6.000.000 CITIZEN BY BUILDERBUR NEW WORLD ORDER LINKEDIN WITH EBLOLA VACCINES BIO PATAGENTS WWF5IZKI," haha you knew what I meant. There was a bill for a mandated vaccine. Groene killed it dead. Bad idea, say medical experts." WWH9KYE5,". There will be more outbreaks of measles, etc., if someone doesn't believe in vaccinating kids." WWKK7TLO, she claimed vaccines caused her kid to be autistic. Except now she admits her kid was never autistic. WWWXO2AX, Loads of parents don't get their kids vaccinated because of religious exemption. WX2GDARE,#tbt we looked cute and we didn't get the measles! @ Disneyland WX3BX1VN,5 Disney employees are now infected with measles since last Thursday 😶 WX54ELCK,"Fear of Vaccines Goes Viral This issue is so critical, I'm on the edge of violence towards anti-vaxxers." WXA034X3,Testing Underway After Possible Measles Case In Baltimore WXO8VWWD, Laura a bunch of folks got very ill at California Disney. (Measles) S we know #disneymademesick LOL !! WY4NP8D0,Cheezin' madhatterdc #mmr #nightlife #clubbing #madhatterdoesitbetter #dc #dj #nofilter #madhatterdc… WY8J2UJM,No this Dr is not a hero stop trying to downplay irresponsibility he is an operative know better so clearly reassured of his safety vaccine? WY9NWA40,"""Vaccines for deadly diseases are not worth the risk of long term side effects!"" ""Adderall turned little Timmy into a straight A student!""" WYR145MB, Thanks for standing strong for childhood vaccinations! From all Pediatricians everywhere! #vaccineswork #tweetitrician WYTKD32L,"Actually, there is no reason for alternative schedules or skipped doses. The real danger w/ vaccines is if a child goes unvaccinated." WZJJV00G,"Go to Disneyland, get measles, check out a NHL game get mumps. I suggest getting vaccinated and hand washing often. #prevention" WZY4Z9RS,Literally how are there STILL people out there who believe vaccines are harmful when science has continuously proved this wrong X006B0YV, unless if you want to get measles. X0384DXF,"Parents have a right, not well thought out 2 refuse 2 have children vaccinated, but schools, camps and daycare have right 2 deny their entry" X062JUCS,Hey Mavs! Pet clinic is this Wednesday from 5-7 at school. Bring your furry friends for low cost vaccines. X0D4PXZ5,"People, vaccinate your children. Vaccinations do not make them autistic, autism doesn't show until 24 months of age. It's not the vaccines." X0LWRBYK,Another Study Finds No Vaccine-Autism Link X11T9KYT," ""first person to cure the patient of Ebola wins immunity and is safe at tonights tribal council""" X1GLM9RY,The facts against Dr. Wakefield: his mercenary manufacturing of the autism-vaccine scare: #ICYMI #autism #vaccines X1ISQIUC, #measles Is it a coincidence that we now have a measles problem after such a gigantic influx of illegal children? X1QUTRJ5,"Only I would not have immunity to chicken pox, measles and mumps. Lol #mylife #badluckrachel" X21XIPS3,San Mateo County Health Dept. says there is another reported case of #measles. A person who took BART on Friday on the Richmond bound train. X2Q2PA5U,Middlesex Hospital investigating a possible measles case. Patient with symptoms came to ER on Sunday. Alerts going out now. Full report @ 6. X363VZ2X,"Parents should not only get the choice to vaccinate, but also become aware of the ingredients inside the vaccination. #MTP" X3HHBHN1, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING I KNEW ABOUT VACCINES?! #autism #vaccines #hysteria #uninformed #science X3P1VCAS,"So if we could vaccinate kids to not feel the effects of drugs, ergo eliminating the reason for doing drugs, would that solve any problems?" X3WEZ09M,Children with egg allergies ok to receive flu vaccine: Children with egg allergies can get the flu vaccine... X46PYZ16,Required vaccines for school: Parents and guardians of children with school exclusion letters now have an... X58TLWPE,Measles outbreak spreads in US after unvaccinated woman visits Disneyland X5LK65UH,About 240 Cases Confirmed In Ohio Measles Outbreak: About 80 more measles cases have been confirmed over the past... X5MA72SI,""" Dr. Suzanne Humphries - are vaccines safe ? #vaccinedebate " X5MQ614W,Third MMR Dose Well-Tolerated During Mumps Outbreak Most read by neighbors in #UniversityVillage #NewYork X5TCTRX4,"Study of more than 95,000 kids finds no link between MMR vaccine and autism " X5WJ8CCL," I totally get personal freedom, but measles, causes death in children, who would pick that over autism? Which it doesn't do?" X6BTTIVI,"Truly sad, baby dies from DTP a Vaccine. Spread awareness" X6DT4L65,Promoting #childrensmuseumhouston free #immunization campaign on #univision45 #kxln #univisionhouston… X6GU4UR5,Low Cost Vaccinations For Tarrant County Kids: TARRANT COUNTY (KRLD) – The Immunization Collaboration of Tarrant... X6KPKH8A,CDC What Vaccines Do You Need? (interactive quiz) Update X6MYBPH9,Successfully produced my first story for Columbia News Tonight on the measles. Shout out to the best… X71X4QGL,"With Better Immunization Cards, Will More Kids Get Vaccinated? " X79NRYBJ, Vaccine isn't working as well anymore. And some are deciding not to give them to their kids. Kids get hit the worst. X7O5LJEQ,I wish all the anti-vaccination people would swallow a bullet so shitty diseases don't resurface X7UEDUI4,We're at the for the Back to School Immunization Program X7XB2EZM,"Seriously, Vaccinate Your Fucking Kids: Doctors warn of whooping cough in Snohomish County. " X84CMKDY,"Just read that #BrianWilliams may have Vivid Personality Syndrome. First Ebola, then measles, now this. Here's hope for a vaccination." X8HN850E, Measles X8JTY01I, be an asl translator with mmr or or a psychologist witg me or ir both of them put togethr!!!! X8NJJ1Y6,Don't get something injected into you or your child without knowing EXACTLY what the fuck is in it. A man has a vaccine. They make money!! X8XGRNU6,"HPV vaccine myths put health, lives at risk, say health leaders: protect our daughters" X8Y0BXML,So is Pierre banged up on air right now?? Just switched on MMR and boy oh boy lol X903COC3,VACCINATE YOUR KIDS X904HFAL,Child Under 5 is County’s First Confirmed Measles Case X9A7PB5E,Something seems off about a Rise Against block on MMR but I'll take it X9D2WBPC,No I'm not jealous you're at Disneyland cause you're getting measles X9IUEHE7,"Don't want to vaccinate your kids? Good for you, Darwin is always looking for volunteers." X9YK51TY,"Vaccines don't cause autism you fucking dunces. Vaccinate your kids, my god." XAA8YN4L,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” " XACQEOJN,Of course the vet in slc calls and asks where Shelby was vaccinated. Like he's dead now so it doesn't matter. 😢😢 XAF19Q3C,SNHD links 3 measles cases to Vegas Strip restaurant: Three new cases of measles in Southern Nevada appeared to… XAFDEEEA,Believe in the power of MMR... madhatterdc #dc #dj #djlife #djflyer #dupontcircle #Connecticutave #tbt… XAGU7DAE, I'm just afraid of her getting vaccines. I heard of people getting paralyzed and 50 ppl died in Africa from vaccines. I go XB2CTKRO,Remember when you got the vaccines 1day before school? DON'T WAIT 2 #RegistertoVote #Voto2014 XB4FGPVX,#Superbug RT Killer #measles targets #Ebola ravaged #Liberia ... XB6MVZOG, is that about the 60 kids who got the measles at the park? Haha jkjk XBB8X0HR,"PSA: Vaccines save lives beyond your own. ""The scariest fact about the Disneyland measles outbreak."" via " XBHJ2I6R,"If you're anti-vaccination, you're dumb and deserve to have your child taken from you." XBQFVXHC,"I went to catholic school for grade school, vaccinations were required, and I had to prove them again in hs and college " XCIK0A2H,We've gotta get this mother fuckin measles off this mother fuckin train. XCKHHFHD," I had measles,mumps,chicken pox. Kids aren't immune to disease.They never get a chance to get sick! It's about $$$" XCM27RRJ,Vaccine is making kids sick.. XCNJA2IF,Groupie bitch Tryna fuck the whole team... #MMR tho XCWVXV6O,If I ain't the illest kid I'm his new vaccine 😈😈 XD4F6PNG,Hundreds Of NYC Private Schools Have Below-Average Immunization Rates: With the city experiencing a measles... XD6PE7MM,95% of kids in Aspen School Dist are up to date w vaccinations. #Aspen XDRGLMWB, know large groups of people~we're all vaccinated at the same time as myself as a child~none of us~not single one has autism #gettheshot XDVYT4U3, I'm partial to Season 10 myself. Has there ever been a more convincing Amish kid with measles than moi? XE4L4QRB,Ok please can u talk about how people aren't getting there kids vaccinated around the country? Measles are not cute at 4 months XE7FS700,"“ VACCINES ARE BIG BUSINESS, WORTH BILLIONS OF DOLLARS” me the other day 😂" XF257JQ0,Stoop chilling with the God #mmr #jennifair #somage #thestreetmoguls #maestrodobel #oj #nyc… XFBBABG8," it's also one of the few things school districts don't have immunity over, injury during transporting." XFMGI6KD,"People! Stop tripping about Ebola! You're more likely to contract Aids, the measles or the mumps. Chill haha" XFQUHOQ5,#studiosessions w/ We working nonstop #mmr #jennifair #somage #studios #nyc #chicago… XFVUU1NE,Watch me get the Measles now XG5OYILD,Today 91.5 FM 12:30-1:00 Dr Markouizos on vaccinations for Greek children Ph 718-204-8900 XGGBAJZP, #mmr XGJY45BA, isnt measles a rash? XIEOXYAW," also I hate to say it but my cousin has Autism and I love him, measles, he wouldn't even be here?" XIYFA1DU," Autism 1 outof every 65 kids get it, we say immunizations caused it. Government says shut up or u r imprisoned as terrorist" XK7SYNKY,Illinois health director: No shortage of flu vaccine here: Illinois' top doctor says the demand for flu shots has... XKARNCJ3,It's goin down 2nite. #MovieTime #MMR 6th Anniversary live @ The Atmosphere Lounge. #SuitAndTieFlow U… XKEFQLRM,Heard about a measles outbreak. Discovered two spots on my body. Obviously I have measles and am going to DIE! #hypochondriac XKFRL7EC, vaccine truth: XKNYN4TR,"No link between autism, MMR vaccine, new study says: A new study finds the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination… " XKUSQUYS,"Prosecutor to parents: Mailing chickenpox illegal: NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Parents fearful of vaccinations are being ... " XL1J13NG, Anyone who's likely to use it wouldn't get the vaccine in the firs place. And all vaccines carry risk of disease itself... XLC6KKNF,"I think I've built up an immunity to zzzquil, so I guess all of my worst fears are currently being realized." XM22MDB2," Vaccines safe for most -- not ALL -- kids US govt has paid out millions for vax injuries " XMF08SYK,Calling out Slippery New Vaccine Stance: at #vaccineswork #autism #FFS XMLWV9S7,#wizardofOz #immunization #goingtoGuatemala @ Long Beach Health & Human Services XMO6PA6Q,Nebraska has the highest rate of infant immunization in the country. 98.5% fully immunized! #Nebraska #immunization #GBR XMZOJUNN,Florida health officials warn about additional measles case: The Florida Department of Health said it has confirmed… XOOAAM2K," dept says #NYC #measles outbreak has spread to #LES with 3 new cases, 25 total citywide." XOPUBB8L, congrats on #HB1288 &its approval from committee.Here's to Colorado choosing science to protect kids #vaccineswork & save lives XOZ2LFHX, God bless you mMr President. XOZBU45J,Bill Gates as puppet for Monsanto and vaccination #MAMdetroit #lies #selfserving 10am today XP1DU5HT,"Im about to speak with about the #measles. Any questions, send 'em my way and I'll ask. #KXLY" XP6GRO2O," view. If Jenny McCarthy is on, millions of children will die because if her anti vaccination stance. #TheView os off my watch list" XPZMDGCU, Q4: family doctor and county health department #VaccinesNOVA XQ0W6L32,". . For chronically ill, sure vaccinate. But, the general population is not at great risk." XQHOGJ72,‘Measles May Be Circulating Undetected’ Warn Santa Clara County Officials XQLT0VA5,I really can't understand why getting your child vaccinated is even a question for some people XQMLB0NM, there's a fund called National Vaccine Compensation Fund for kids who have adverse effects of vaccines. FYI. XQP90G3I,Serious but funny take by on the morons who won't vaccinate their kids. #measles XR9P6V6M,"On behalf of my baby nieces who are to young for vaccines, thank you " XRG4KZKU,"Ty #ITM Sir! "" #Ebola fear has hit nyc get your forthcoming vaccines people! The drug companies shareholders will be thankful""" XRQXMFK8,I am so sick of celebrities speaking out against vaccinating your child. Let's just let our kids die of completely preventable diseases.👌 XSECJS9A,"The MMR thing, something about a murder mystery @ MDP School " XSHUVYAR,Who's in on our Measles Party? We're gonna get LOADED XSOR3ETH,Was this MMR the best ever? It wasn't not the best ever. XSQJWI28,AMN : UC Santa Cruz researchers may have created an HIV vaccine: The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says… XSV7H6M4,RT Amen. Via : Parental Concerns Regarding Vaccine Exemptions #stopAVN XT1YA3U5, By all means promote MORE immunizations! This not about health; it's about MONEY. What next? All girls need HPV shots?! #NOT XT7DOPQ5," Very distinct spatial patterns in MMR vaccination, need to discuss completeness. #measles #mmr #vaccines" XT9FNBAJ,"If B613 could defy the president why do they think that they're safe with ""immunity"" lol #Scandal" XTA5C26K,Flu kills two Colorado kids; health department advises vaccination: The Colorado Department of Public Health and... XTBRW2MX,Promoting #childrensmuseumhouston #immunization drive in #SEMANAnews with #marinagil and #Domingobanda… XTGUIOXI,MMR vaccine does not cause Autism according to IOM XTV7KY7Z,Vaccinate your children. XTVRNN1G,"Kale Metabolizer - the leanest meanest greenest health tonic to boost immunity, increase… " XTY3VOI4, you support ecigs but pooh pooh vaccines cause you're convinced that's what caused your kid's autism? You're a fucking idiot! XUANL6KM,Children weren't told they were guinea pigs for new cancer vaccine via XUSVM28S,? How long to stay away from someone who got the MMR vaccine while I do weekly Carboplatin? #bcsm need to plan #MetastaticBC XVOBFIVF, #GOP STOP blaming #Immigrants first #Ebola now #measles Which diseases?brought their ancestors? #AINF XVUTI2Q7, please bring up the SCHEDULING of vaccinations. 9 in one visit to tiny baby#toomanyvaxatonce. XWEQ3KYU,"""America is number one in childhood obesity, we need a bacon vaccine!""-Christopher Titus." XWHW81AC,"Bubonic plague, cholera, measles... Shit, even flu! I couldn't imagine..." XWLJDV98," No, measles spreads much more quickly than Ebola. " XWM9ZM7L,Is it strange that I'm invigorated by that split second of anxious fear that comes right before you get a vaccine shot? XX375FDC," not being vaccinated increases the risk ridiculously of contracting diseases, even if the diseases are lying low" XX6PQIUK,"WTF? For sale on Amazon: Melanie's Marvelous Measles #antivaxers " XXE28G6Z,"Very bad. "" The CDC is announcing a ""record-breaking"" 20-year high in US measles cases. (Emailed, no link yet)""" XXHJT1B0,So itchy. either I have a rash chicken pox or measles XXKI5REK,"SB30 [Update] In child protective services, further providing for definitions, for immunity from liability, for e... " XXOLXZV0," I've had health insurance all my 54 yrs; I save $ under ACA; fully covered well visits, mammograms, vaccines, etc." XY5BGL0B,Please get your whooping cough booster to protect our infants from a horrible death. #immunizeadults #tdap XYE70NU9," so are measles, mumps, rubella, also combo." XYP81FEM, I see you have introduced a bill to remove the philosophical exemption for vaccines. You just lost my vote & support. XYTVWG2H, vaccinate your children people! What a disservice you are doing to your children! Watch a video on a baby suffering with XYUJX9QJ, I only argue about American vaccines thank you very much XYWBBP1Y,"CDC: 732,000 lives saved by vaccines via " XZQ6K2II," Despite a delay involving the injectable flu vaccine, the Columbia Health Department is holding a flu clinic in Centralia." XZUL0652,":: My arm hurts from getting my flu shot yesterday. Maybe there's something to this whole ""government immunization,"" conspiracy theory?! Ha." XZXHLDQL,Kids who died from flu last season: Most skipped vaccine - Parents - via Y06EILXF,Texas lawmaker proposes making it harder to opt out of vaccinations: With dozens of measles cases being reported in… Y1GP7A1E,#MMLLC Toia Vega old fashion street grinding in New Orleans #MMR Y1NOLGV9,IT'S ONLY PLACE TO BE ON NYE !! I MEAN Y'ALL DO KNO HOW THEM #CAMPAIGN #MMR NIGGAS DO....RIGHT?? 💯 Y1OC7SKA,VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN Y225AKH7,Measles out break when I was at Disneyland.. And here i am. With every measles symptom Y26MBCMX,"First flu case in Michigan this year, get vaccinated #health #elderly #Medicare #healthcare providers #!health #Obamacare #fitness" Y2BBUE6G, Sadly: Some vaccinated are at risk from the unvaccinated Y2IZM1V0,"$150 for vaccinations. These are my kids. 3 shots each today, and Prozac for Tally. (@ Planned Pethood Plus) " Y2PK9RLT,And measles Y2S7N7BH,Can't wait to be done with school and see all my favorite children prj mcj mmr Y393S2WH, can you ask how many deaths she takes responsibility for. With her anti vaccine push thanks. Y3PERXW0," yes, if your study is quan or MMR." Y3T2A3QZ,"Parents that choose not to vaccinate their children are irresponsible and should not have children. All because of the ""side effects""." Y44JRH8G,Measles warning for Paradise Valley elementary school: A suspected case of the measles may affect a Paradise Valley… Y48FKSIT,Measles outbreak continues to grow: Health officials say 102 people in 14 states were reported to have measles in… Y48RD60W,Vaccinate your kids for prevention! Y4G0U5TJ,MMR... I'm pretty sure a package from Pottsville PA does not have EBOLA 😂😂 Y4IIPW2V,Give all kids a healthy start in life. Tell leaders to support the #BigGoal of #vaccines for all with Y4J79V4U, what's wrong with you? You get the measles from bonzai?! Y4XP6IPS,Vaccine Critics Turn Defensive Over Measles No reason to get a shot that could prevent death from a curable disease? Y53UOK46,". the mercury preservative in vaccines is like the ""dangerous"" chlorine in Table salt (sodium chloride)." Y59BAPO3,"I don't think we are going to die from the measles here (at Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV) " Y5XIMP45,Still My Shit!! #ComeOver #MMR #MMRForLife 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 @ 43rd Street Cafe Y5ZVJN1C,"#PalaceOnSunday #TraPpFly repostapp. ・・・ 🔥🔥🔥 #MMR @ The Palace Gentlemens Club " Y6E37E0E,Little kids down in immunization are crying which makes me want to cry. Plz stop crying. Y6JEWN65,Required Cooties Vaccinations #KidLegislation Y6K6UF3J,The patient was a female in her 80s with underlying health conditions; vaccination status is unknown. Y6XT09ML,5/2-Bubble feeding #humpback whales- Measles & Nile! 12 North Atlantic right #whales. High skim feeding. Finbacks & harbor porpoise too! Y79HH0JW,""" The average cost to fully vaccinate a child with private insurance is $2,192 outrageous" Y7BL0LCR,AIDS N : Here's How The HPV Vaccine Can Help Cut The Risk Of Cancer In Gay Men Y7DKFPKT,Baystate Medical Center reports patient infected with measles; 300 others potentially exposed Y7EU90O3,"""Like taking an infant to a California farmer's market in a measles outbreak."" My new favorite euphemism for a bad idea." Y81G3TXV,"Some stories just don't have two sides, no matter how special you think you are. Vaccinations are one such story. Get your kids vaccinated." Y88891ZS,Mainstream Media: Migrant Children Are All Vaccinated...Are You? | The Daily Sheeple via Y8BGVXXI,Health: Flu Vaccine: New Options Available This Year: By Stephanie StahlPHILADELPHIA (CBS)– With the flu season... Y93EFQOF,Vaccines Cause More Autism Than The CDC Will Admit - Y93ZAY9X,"Yay for a pneumonia vaccine shot, blue lollipops, being 19 but the size of a child and still… " Y9D9M4OL,"Austerity is not a Vaccine to Crisis... It is a Parasite with Pandemic Potential! It Drains Life, Killing Slowly! #OccupyDelaware" Y9NPIKIA, there's a measles outbreak rn. Is there something you need to tell us emily?¿ YA0VGDUA,End of measles outbreak could be in sight: The end of the measles outbreak could be in sight with the last... YA3RXOGB,Measles in the US. YA7QBR9R,"If you dont get ur kid #vaccinated and ur kid infects mine, I will hunt you down like a dog and murder you in the most brutal way possible." YASV0BYI,New Castle County woman contracts measles while abroad YBKJ9XMU,Driving to the pediatrician's office to get your children vaccinated puts them at risk - of being in a car accident. The vaccines are SAFE. YBO5OFHH,"Hep A vaccination, thanks whiskey warehouse (@ Mecklenburg County Health department) " YC7AZVQW,"If my understanding of science is right, I'm worried about catching autism from all those people who've had #vaccines" YCADYL8O, yes it can be expensive if you do what they need. Vaccines and my baby girl gets spayed next month. YDAC0SAY,"Baby Richard killed by 2 month vaccines. Too many, gone too soon. #VaxTruth #CDCwhistleblower " YDDNADJJ,Cover your mouth when you cough! This is public transportation not your house! #rude #vta #measles YDMGMFXY,Thank you mmr for this nothing but foo fighters day 😍😍😍 YDVUR46K,Measles. Do you need a booster? Q&A with a Doctor YE4Y4D30,Dentists may be first providers to see signs of measles #measles #dentistry #medicine #vaccination YE6SWJJZ,Measles are bad people. #VaccinateYourKids. #news #science #vaccinations #vaccineswork YE9MXBEG,Measles Outbreak In Ohio Leads Amish To Reconsider Vaccines via YECL4PLJ,CDC importing meningitis vaccine to fight Princeton outbreak | Fox News good thing chose #Harvard 💊💉 YFL60F97,“ I don't have boobs but dat ass is thicker than a swamp possum w the measles 👀” *Mumps YFLB3BQG,"Let's see if you'll Report Health experts diseases at border carried by illegals becoming 'crisis' include TB, measles etc" YFZB4TL7,waiting at 7th Street Station on a Friday feels like being in an ant farm of measles #herdimmunity YG0LEK67,AIDS N : Too many cooks... might be the elusive secret ingredient for an HIV vaccine YG3ZSTTP,Measles 👎 YGAW48WA,7/7 kids with rickets are pro vaccination. Just saying. YGHVQD1P,“ Young women 13 to 21 do not engage in riskier sexual behaviors following HPV vaccination YGI0KAMX,Health Officials Monitor Those Exposed to Measles: North Texas health officials say they're watching closely after… YGZK3D2N,City announces possible measles exposure at Berkeley libraries: Health officials confirmed Friday that a Contra… YH05BPI5,X-Ray vibes madhatterdc #mmr #dc #dj #dmv #dcdj #djflyer #dupontcircle #districtofcolumbia… YH3VFFJP,More #measles outbreaks in major US cities. Vaccination is not a joke or a scam. via YH7SIVLS,"This Newscast has been fully inoculated against the measles You can watch in complete confidence and safety" YHAMB9SI,"Tomorrow I have to go get my MMR shots for work, take the dog to get groomed, drop food off at grannys, study, then work 1-5 then class 6-10" YHGZT1OL,"Kids of parents who chose not to vaccinate, highest ID risk in int'l travel is Measles. Callahan #Jackson14" YHUC7G1T,got really upset reading up on Andrew Wakefield earlier after another article on comeback of measles. That guy has balls. Evil ones. YI1ZA41K,RT You should not vaccinate your children unless you are absolutely sure you love them. YIDYL1H9," had measles when I was a kid, not from any immigrant." YILWEBWO,How can a mother not want to provide her newborn child with the vaccinations he/she will need to prevent diseases? #crazy YIR436PX,"Remember when you contracted that deadly disease growing up? Nope, because your parents vaccinated… " YIWN4VQI,If you think vaccines cause autism you already have it YJ87B1J1,"US GAO found that 34% of foster kids receive no immunizations 32% percent have some identified health needs that are not met""" YJKHN8Q2,US registers first measles death in 12 years: A county health officer strongly recommends getting the measles… YK2PBW5D,"Due to continued weather conditions, our feeding districts have closed. MMR School WILL be closed Friday, March 6th. Stay warm and safe." YK4C34D7,Swag grants you immunity to everything that affects your health? YKDRZBTO, good you all have measles 😏 YKLFFXYT,California measles cases still increasing: California health officials said Wednesday there are 79 confirmed… YKNSIW6C,Horseshoe mating season - these guys are amazing! The reason vaccines are safe for humans YKYG6LX1,“ The refusal to vaccinate one’s own kids is a trait that unites both conservative assholes and liberal assholes.”//agreed YLKKLRFD, but first they told us it was confirmed measles so now we want to kill them YLL15EPT," The dentist says your gum diseases have developed immunity to all known cures, and also sentience." YLP5F0IR,"If you're in high school and you still haven't felt depression, you have special immunity powers" YLR88D4Z,This is good! RT Texas Republican calls for limiting vaccine exemptions. reports: #txlege YLZ7O7MY,"Immaturity is a disease that I think everyone is catching in the south, vaccine please?" YMD5GJWO,New vaccines scare me YMQAP4FE,"County health official explains six-day delay in notifying Plano schools, parents of measles case... #Plano #News" YMTIQ8QC,"Lab in Solano County where measles testing has confirmed a case in a “non-school age child"". We'll have latest at 5/6 " YNOUCWOG,"Thousands get vaccinated at flu clinics: Boston's public health commissioner said more than 6,000 people got flu... " YNVNZSZH,2 back-to-school immunization fairs Saturday: There are two back-to-school immunization and health fairs going on… YO6BH3UZ," oh, there is a huge uproar over the measles outbreak sure to anti vaccination parents ATM. Yr head ,looks like measles" YOWN2L82, No expert but when my son had MMR he reacted pretty badly & 2 Drs in US won't vacc. my daughter as she has sensory. YPA45IM3,Why ppl walking around without being vaccinated for measles? YQ9HAN6P,#GetVaccinated: New study further debunks link between MMR vaccine and autism. YR8AJC3L,. you're an idiot. Show one instance of a vaccination causing autism and I'll cast my ballot for you. YR9TOD2D,"“On average, people who complain live longer. Releasing this tension increases immunity & boosts their health.” IMMA OUTLIVE YOU " YRL31L2P,"UH, Wayne, measles can kill as well, just not as frequently. #CashinIn" YRMF6HPL,"If you want breast implant sizing advice, by all means, consult with Jenny McCarthy. Childhood immunization pro-tips? Maybe look elsewhere." YRN8M934,"What's worse? Using a snowball to deny climate change, or using disabled children to promote debunked vaccine conspiracies? #SB277" YRNLJH0U,Come get your twerk on #mmr #dc #dj #instadc #teamtwerk #mctwerk #expressyourself… YRQ6SF5F,1930s cartoon explains the direction we're going #VaccinateYourKids #vaccinesAreGood #ignoranceKills #kidsFirst #ughh YRQ7LVUK,Do you think Andrew Wakefield feels any guilt beyond the guilt of getting caught YRU8JIK1,Preschool Measles Case Triggers Rapid Response YRV14SQN,"QOTD ""That there damn measles gonna mutate to da Rage Virus, then what ya gonna do?"" #zombie #… " YS43WGZ0,"Back to school immunizations at Walgreens Get a Shot, Give a Shot #GiveaShot #CollectiveBias #shop… " YSFSKF2U, vaccines don't cause autism. This study did not change anything. There is no legitimate controversy here. YSGWVL81,“ Measles outbreak hits 13 states: prime example of why you should vaccinate your children YSO2VAZQ,"The story of the U.S. measles outbreak, as the rest of the world might see it " YSOE16CH,please vaccinate your kids! YSQGFPE1,"Austerity is not a Vaccine to Crisis... It is a Parasite with Pandemic Potential! It Drains Life, Killing Slowly! #occupytogether" YT0KL7XE,Many high-risk Americans don’t get hepatitis B vaccine via YT9SFO8O,"People who say, ""We don't need a new fire engine because my house has never caught fire."" Or, ""I don't need to have my kids vaccinated..." YTCGXTUG,"Who knew you needed so many shots to be a med device rep?! TB, Flu, ChixPox, MMR, Hep B & tetanus! " YTCP4V4B,“ Public Health: Vaccine Opponents Can Be Immune to Education Scary... YTDH36UJ,"Marin County Polio Vaccinations Below National Average: First, it was the measles. Now, it's Polio. In Marin… " YTHLFKNG,Nice and light body. Easily drinkable. - Drinking a MMR by at YTJKT2Q0,"RT Number of measles cases reported in Cali is at a 10-year high, officials say uggh not a good thing at all!!" YTSVO8AK,#vaccinations how is it that my daughters can't bring pb&j sandwiches to school but your child can come in with measles and chickenpox YTXNFFVU,"AIDS N : Infant antibodies could increase HIV vaccine creation: [KISUMU, KENYA] A study in Kenya that has found… " YU67TTDK,“ To the Parent of Measles for granted when my kids were vaccinated all would be for sale of all! YUQQVIET, if you dont have kids you wouldn't understand. If your child didnt come home with a 103 temp after getting vaccines you YV6FF9HQ, Outbreaks caused by nonvacc. are real. Autism linked to vaccines is not YVYM7KLR,"20 minute wait for Toy Story, hell yeah bring that measles on! (@ Toy Story Midway Mania! - " YWC090MO,"There's no choice to #vaccinate. That's why it's ""public health."" #RandPaul #ChrisChristie" YWDZERQY,No one cares when x amount of people die from vaccinations or that our food supply is shit on a bun but since there's a video of a kid getti YWRMCMYB,RT Flu vaccine failed to protect elderly and only 56% effective in others - via YX3LXL6T,""" Measles cases linked to Las Vegas restaurant " YX71HQGR,Waiting to get the meningitis vaccine and saw some kid pass out and start twitching on the floor yes I'm definitely not okay YXECX1UW,"zsars, eboli, measles..." YXJVEOXG,"Health officials warn California commuters, students of measles exposure: A college student may have exposed... " YY3W8JCU,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” So there!" YYMJCAEQ,WesternU is providing free health screenings and flu vaccines today at the LA County Fair. It's… YYRMLXC4,The whole Measles thing is very upsetting. So you want to bring back small pox too! Please reconsider immunizations #stopmeasles YYSWZLLO,"“ Hand-washing could save more lives worldwide than any vaccine, according to a study by the World Health Organization.” 👐" YYT02VGX,President Obama on measles: 'You should get your kids vaccinated' - News - YZP06UG5,Wow..Huck will do anything for his immunity #Scandal Z0I088QT, vaccine truth: Z0J31OD1,Only 1 part of the world is headed in the wrong direction regarding #measles - #antivax is silly 'cause #vaccineswork Z0KUPCD1, he says in those clips with proper health care and vaccinations Z0NCMZHK,RT Calling for rapid response to measles threat in Somali refugee camps in Ethiopia. Mass vaccination the priority. #HornofAfrica Z1PUVCN8, Actually they're probably more immunized then our own children are nowadays.They might catch something while here... Z1SRTXN4,I wasn't suppose to even been born at all! My mom came into contact with German measles when she was 3 months pregnant with me. Shewas2abort Z23HPZZU,Measles Proves Delicate Issue to G.O.P. Field Why take on the incontrovertible truth that #vaccineswork ? Z330SS6S,California lawmakers aim to limit vaccine exemptions Z39W5QTA,Outbreak of measles 2014. 583 affected....89% unvaccinated or unknown status. #AAFP2014 #AAFPAssembly #vaccinate Z3CWNQRJ,The best part about having a dad who's in the medical field is that my shots are always up to date like I don't have to worry about measles Z3GRW3ZJ,"I should do that. RT Indiana's flu death count reaches 21, state strongly urges getting vaccinated. " Z3SFO2GM, Too many people are skipping TDAP/DTaP and MMR. Z3T70DN6,"😂😂😂😂 HAHAHHAHHAH FUCK THIS IS PERFECT 💉💉💊💊 shut up about not being for vaccines, unless you want a baby coffin. " Z3X99L9F,Yup. “ Bush: make sure your kids are vaccinated. Yup. #econclub” Z48QWTD0,"“ On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health.” #lol" Z4EBYAM0,""" Vaccine-preventable diseases, such as pertussis, are making a comeback in the United States."" Children die from these." Z4KGK9ER,funfact even if a child has concrete evidence of being raped by her dad he's still more likely to get custody of her. see: judicial immunity Z4XI19OX, Burrows famous 4 more than interview & MMR Z5341KDB,Last set of vaccinations for Ms. B. Good thing because she has caught on to the conspiracy...#HissingCat #MadderThanAHornet Z53GV775,"I'm for parents to home school their kids, vaccine are needed yes but forced, who is law makers to make decisions for our family's. ." Z5DOCDW4,#CharityTuesday. Help support provide immunization kits for women and children. (@ Groupon w/ 4 others) Z5GLEI43,Has anyone heard the administration offer immunity from disciplinary action to #VAScandal whistleblowers? Any one? Any one? Z5MF1G1V,And the measles Z5N7LW1S,Please vaccinate your fucking kids Z5OY2346,I've been vaccinated for hepatitis b for nursing school 3 times yet somehow my blood work still comes up abnormal Z5XHMTYR,Holy Hail #mmr #dc #dj #flyer #jay-z #holygrail #tomford #mixmasterrod #dupontcircle… Z60Q88RG,Baltimore child thought to have measles tests negative Z6U39NM6," whichever one they choose, we should send measles to." Z6XY6X0D,"#MeaslesOutbreak I thought measles was eradicated in 2000, where is it coming from" Z821ZV03,#LT if people actually listened to health professionals instead of celebrities this stuff wouldn't happen #VaccinateYourKids Z8E8OMWV,Measles now at clay.. Aren't you supposed to get vaccinated before you're allowed to go to school? #DirtySchool Z8F7ASLB,Autism and immunizations: Should you vaccinate? Z8HH7VLY,"Immunize your kiddos, parents. " Z8RNTPS0,“ Measles has re-emerged as a public health issue because many people choose to remain unvaccinated #fail Z8YR460S,"RT "" California school bans 66 students without measles vaccinations ( " Z90URY9W,"“ Hand-washing could save more lives worldwide than any vaccine, according 2 a study by World Health Organization.” " Z9H8TSWG,"“ Vaccinating older childen..helps shield babies from the disease, study finds & the immunosuppressed MT" Z9WOBQM7,"These white folks on my Facebook are going ham about getting their children, which they don't have, vaccinated or not. Bruh why?!" ZA7FM40E,#Vaccinated #Children More Vulnerable To Aggressive #Virus ZAH64ZOG," As retired teacher, had many parents who thought vaccines made kids sick, disabled or have learning problems:dyslexia, autism" ZAJPUMHW, the only thing I hear Cutler being criticized for is not vaccinating his kids and that's warranted ZB51HOG6, Pat Dennis Nicole is having live chat on Measles ourbreak now ZBIWNR3B,"Editorial: ""Scientists made vaccines for these diseases for a good reason."" " ZBZZOM6U, glad to hear. She seemed better today. Immunity for life baby!!!. Hope your good too? ZCF438K3,3 weeks and we will be in southern California showing off what a great Texas band sounds like! #MMR #Disneyland #Excited ZCTVO51D,If you don't vaccinate your kids you're wrong and need to keep them tf away from me ✌️ ZCW4M6TI,Disney's parks revenue rises despite measles outbreak ZD87XV04, preservatives used 2 keep the vaccines have been linked. Autism& heavy metal poison= lookup ZDMY2OPD,Family's Exposure to Measles Reveals Importance of Herd Immunity ZE4GIZZI,Which vaccines have “Mercury” you bellend? #StopAVN ZE8PGATV,Thousands of California parents not vaccinating their children...: Thousands of California parents are choosing ... ZEJM56CQ," reason you should vaccinate is that even if are vaccinated you can still be a carrier, which is risky" ZF70QEAI,""" Should parents vaccinate their kids? Tell us how YOU feel! Send us your tweets & vote at NO BIGGIE" ZFEO58UU, hope measles don't ruin his pretty boy face. ZFN9CZSG,These MMR dudes be sketchhhhyyyyyy ZFUPIFY0, But it has everything to do with vaccines! Many of those kids released into communities all over the US w/diseases long eradicated ZGGOBM0W,"In Calif- 123 confirmed measles cases, appears to be leveling off " ZGHNJ350,VACCINATE BECAUSE WITH ALL YALL GETTING MEASLES ITS GONNA PROPAGATE AND BECOME A SUPERBUG AND WE'RE ALL GONNA GET IT AND DIE JFC ZGS8ZQC5,"“ Economic growth stalls, with few hopeful signs: #debttalk #debt #mmr #debtceiling" ZGVL3KJD,Parents who refuse to get their children vaccinated should be arrested for child abuse. ZGZEJGWU, yeah. I think they're leaning towards that there is an unexpressed autism gene and the vaccines some how turn on that gene. ZHFGS2XV,"Novant Health to require flu vaccinations for hospital employees, volunteers, vendors: For the first time in... " ZHOIBOJ0,If there was ever a valid case for vaccinating your kids it's Monsters Inside Me. ZHOUAN19,Vaccinate fat kids!!!! ✋😂😂 ZHRGV03L,"Spend your life studying and teaching the Scriptures. By saturating your life with truth, you will build up an immunity to loneliness" ZI0EAOII, love and his concern for families w vaccine injured kids! #cdcwhistleblower ZI6REMXL,I don't usually weigh in on hot button issues on social media but VACCINATE YOUR KIDS YOU CRAZY HIPPIES ZIDKV32C,Mandatory cootie shoot vaccines #KidLegislation ZIKSRB23,"Vaccines, clean water, & antibiotics most important to public health #smilingitforward #ad" ZIKVHAXO,Hundreds of children brain damaged by the swine flu vaccine to receive $90 million in financial compensation from UK ZJ06MP18,"Hard Story Due to the Disneyland measles outbreak, Valentines traditions were not followed this year. " ZJAP18G4,#vaccinesNOVA the only conspiracy in #vaccines is the antivax crowd threatening the health of the most vulnerable by refusing vaccines ZJE3CFGZ,Why is this even a thing? Just vaccinate your children jfc ZK9MCD56," ... As long as vaccine is safe/not toxic, no excuse (poss should be law) to have it, since the decision directly affects others." ZKDNG5TG, I'm sure youve seen the Penn &Teller vaccines don't cause autism video? ZKHDPHIV,'We are not anti-science': Mothers defend right to not vaccinate children - #CDCwhistleblower ZKJD2ERJ,"This is a BFD. MT"" measles outbreak on dangerous trajectory; CDC urges #vaccination #measles" ZKUDO71N,It’s National Infant Immunization Week! Is your child up-to-date on their immunizations? #NIIW ZLE9KFM5,"Getting physical and immunization shots done for school. (@ usmedclinic carrollton, ga 30117 in Carrollton, GA) " ZLLUOFW2,Catching up with fellow #pediatricians in clinic today I learn how much #vaccine preventable disease we still have in the USA- #pertussis ZLOJYV4X,Schools have the rights 2 dictate regulations 2 attend these schools.If a regulation is vaccination then they can deny unvaccinated children ZLZ1TQ7G,"Truly frightening: Charter, private, and wealthy schools lead California vaccine exemptions via " ZM1Z2ZL3,5 children at Illinois day care diagnosed with measles ZMOPS88C,"“ Scientists hope an AIDS vaccine lies in llamas, reports " ZMPWBDZN, I had as kid it's why I firmly believe in vaccines. Polio vaccine didnot come to Korea til decades after US had #ShotAtLife ZMTT15KL,First world problem: choosing not to vaccinate your kids because you know better than the medical community at large. Really? ZMXNGTDH,how hard is it to vaccinate ur kids??? u run the risk of having a disabled kid just by having one???? ZN7XEYBZ,“ You should not vaccinate your children unless you are absolutely sure you love them.” why measles is back ZNBS3F9F,"I will live forever! People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health." ZNNGAJNV,"“ Ohio measles outbreak is biggest in U.S. since 1996 Now, this is a big story!”" ZNVI9Q77,Text Message Alerts Mean More Kids Get Flu Vaccines ZNY8NL34,My mama trippn bout angels vaccination bill.. um now she see y I was complaining all that time. Havn a dog is just like havn a kid ZO6MICR8,"Now that has cost kids' lives, she admits what we've known all along. Vaccines don't cause autism! " ZOCPHSYY," : Jenny McCarthy is the queen of the anti-vaccination scare-mongers. Tonight, Twitter crushed her. " ZOIV3TR3,Hailey had her first round of immunizations today and she was in so much pain and now shes running a fever. Ugh her hurting is killing me :( ZON9LDDJ,"News of measles on BART reinforces calls for vaccinations: by Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez With a cough and a fright,… " ZOT77I93,Know what's awesome about hanging out with med students? Getting to rage about Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy. #vaccines ZOYSEQRB, fun fact. I actually got a mild case of it when I was a kid. Was immunized so it wasn’t too bad. I looked like a chipmunk ZP8I9XNP, neta no mmr ZPDDNNI0,Promoting #childrensmuseumhouston #immunization drive on #Univisionhouston #kxln #univision45… ZPPSSD7K," I'm nowhere close. My cap is a 2k MMR cap, so its like 10k points a week -.- that's 90 wins lol" ZPT1QL8N, MEASELS? MORE LIBERALS WHO DIDN'T GET VACCINATION FOR FEAR OF AUTOSM...MORONS! ZPYN6PD6,"How do vaccines cause autism? " ZQAI481R,“ People who complain live longer. Releasing tension increases immunity and improves overall health.” Lol ZR2QR3EU,“ People that refuse to vaccinate their kids blow my mind. It's not a conspiracy.” THANK YOU! Amen! ZR49YWLW,Regular people should care about the grammys and Oscars as much as vaccines cause autism. ZRBPL0VA,City employee tests positive for measles: County Health and Human Services officials are warning San Diegans about… ZRE2G3AZ,#GarciniaKola maybe they're blocking this bc it's from the same goofballs who won't vaccinate their kids against measles & stuff. ZRYA3DG3,"On average, people who complain live longer -- Releasing this tension increases immunity and boosts their health." ZSCMJ86A,Found four dead possum in my shed last week. Sad. Guess distemper is rampant among them. Get your pets vaccinated! ZSGWQQK6,"""It really is almost a crime to allow your child to go unimmunized."" ~#RoaldDahl pro #vaccines & #health via " ZTGSR1Z9, yea I need someone from the area with experience in personal injury and who knows about sovereign immunity ZTHTRXGK,Reese Youngn - MMR Remix Official Video (Shot by …: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😩😩 ZTOROJMZ,Must read: “ #Drugs and #Vaccines Are More Dangerous for Children ZU42GNZV," you had your producer on stage , Gangsta #MMR" ZUOGYCSR,RI Department of Health: Eliminate mandatory HPV vaccination as part of RI public or private school e... via ZUUPJ0XK,"LOVE IS A DISEASE AND THE ONLY CURE IS DEATH, THE ONLY VACCINE IS PURE LONELINESS" ZVAGEMVN,Excited to work w/ & educate parents & teens on the meningococcal meningitis vaccine ZVGK4NHI,“#Measles breaks out at Hotel and Casino in #LasVegas #abc15 #stank ZVY4MGTY," Health decisions, no matter how poorly advised, are just that. Schools should require vaccination as part of entrance requirements." ZW3B0QSF,". equating not vaccinating kids with ""freedom"" (for kids to get sick) great opportunity for freedom loving to endorse!" ZWGKHI9X, twitter friend says KP will give them to 50 and over. Is vaccine risky? ZWGWHZ2P," true, but the public schools usually require vaccines. Documentation is serious. Wealthy Libs send to private w opt-outs." ZWMF7T28," ""diplomatic immunity"" scares me if it also applies2 Pakistani diplomats in DC. Been interrupted by them in events." ZWZ5UHH5,"Listen people #VaccinateYourKids RT“ Vaccines do not cause autism, they save lives " ZX1VY73N,Hannah's 2 month appointment... Vaccination time :( (@ Kids In The Sun - Strongsville) ZXCHOUKL,#DoesntGetAnyBetter Public Health + your favorite author | The Dangers of Vaccine Denial by ZXM0YHW2,US to begin safety testing Ebola vaccine next week: Federal researchers next week will start testing humans with... ZXNEA9IR,"The CDC is hosting the National Immunization Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, and Nurses Who… " ZXVVNC5O,jenny mccarthy is on new years rockin eve. what has she done lately besides not vaccinate her kids and give us all goddamn polio?? ZYIANVI8,Measles reported in Clark Co. for 1st time since 2011 ZYITEHAH," issues alert regarding Measles in TX. Keep your DDx up to date, people! #Emergencymedicine" ZZ3BMBTG,I can't believe people don't vaccinate their kids! I've been vaccinated for everything and then some. ZZIYCVNH,""" Alternatives to #Flu Vaccine #natural #health"" A good read with a few new tips & many we #jerf folk know"