import gspread from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials from typing import Dict class SheetCRUDRepository: def __init__(self, worksheet): self.worksheet = worksheet self.titles = self.worksheet.row_values(1) # Assuming titles are in the first row assert len(set(self.titles)) == len(self.titles), f"Failed to init {SheetCRUDRepository.__class__}, titles: {self.titles} contain duplicated values!" def create(self, data: Dict): values = [data.get(title, '') for title in self.titles] self.worksheet.append_row(values) def read(self, row_index: int) -> Dict: """ return {} if empty """ values = self.worksheet.row_values(row_index) return {title: value for title, value in zip(self.titles, values)} def update(self, row_index: int, data: Dict): values = [data.get(title, '') for title in self.titles] self.worksheet.update(f"A{row_index}:Z{row_index}", [values]) def delete(self, row_index: int): self.worksheet.delete_row(row_index) def find(self, search_dict): for col_title, value in search_dict.items(): if col_title in self.titles: col_index = self.titles.index(col_title) + 1 # Adding 1 to match gspread indexing cell = self.worksheet.find(value, in_column=col_index) if cell is None: break row_number = cell.row return row_number, return None def create_repositories(): scope = [ '', '' ] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('credentials.json', scope) client = gspread.authorize(creds) # sheet_url = "" sheet_url = "" sheet = client.open_by_url(sheet_url) config_repository = SheetCRUDRepository(sheet.get_worksheet(0)) log_repository = SheetCRUDRepository(sheet.get_worksheet(1)) return config_repository, log_repository conf_repo, log_repo = create_repositories() import platform,socket,re,uuid,json,psutil,logging from datetime import datetime as dt from google_sheet import log_repo version="v1.0.0" def get_sys_info(): try: info={} info['platform']=platform.system() info['platform-release']=platform.release() info['platform-version']=platform.version() info['architecture']=platform.machine() info['hostname']=socket.gethostname() info['ip-address']=socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) info['mac-address']=':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode())) info['processor']=platform.processor() info['ram']=str(round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 **3)))+" GB" return json.dumps(info) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) class SheetLogger: def __init__(self, log_repo): self.log_repo = log_repo def log(self, log='', nb='', username=''): self.log_repo.create({ "time": str(, "notebook_name": nb, "kaggle_username": username, "log": log, "device": str(get_sys_info()), "version": version }) sheet_logger = SheetLogger(log_repo) import json import os from typing import Callable, List, Union, Dict # fake default account to use kaggle.api.kaggle_api_extended os.environ['KAGGLE_USERNAME']='' os.environ['KAGGLE_KEY']='' from kaggle.api.kaggle_api_extended import KaggleApi from import ApiException import shutil import time import threading import copy from logger import sheet_logger def get_api(): api = KaggleApi() api.authenticate() return api class KaggleApiWrapper(KaggleApi): """ Override KaggleApi.read_config_environment to use username and secret without environment variables """ def __init__(self, username, secret): super().__init__() self.username = username self.secret = secret def read_config_environment(self, config_data=None, quiet=False): config = super().read_config_environment(config_data, quiet) config['username'] = self.username config['key'] = self.secret return config_data def __del__(self): # todo: fix bug when delete api pass class KaggleNotebook: def __init__(self, api: KaggleApi, kernel_slug: str, container_path: str = "./tmp"): """ :param api: KaggleApi :param kernel_slug: Notebook id, you can find it in the url of the notebook. For example, `username/notebook-name-123456` :param container_path: Path to the local folder where the notebook will be downloaded """ self.api = api self.kernel_slug = kernel_slug self.container_path = container_path def status(self) -> str or None: """ :return: "running" "cancelAcknowledged" "queued": waiting for run "error": when raise exception in notebook Throw exception when failed """ res = self.api.kernels_status(self.kernel_slug) print(f"Status: {res}") if res is None: return None return res['status'] def _get_local_nb_path(self) -> str: return os.path.join(self.container_path, self.kernel_slug) def pull(self, path=None) -> str or None: """ :param path: :return: :raises: ApiException if notebook not found or not share to user """ self._clean() path = path or self._get_local_nb_path() metadata_path = os.path.join(path, "kernel-metadata.json") res = self.api.kernels_pull(self.kernel_slug, path=path, metadata=True, quiet=False) if not os.path.exists(metadata_path): print(f"Warn: Not found {metadata_path}. Clean {path}") self._clean() return None return res def push(self, path=None) -> str or None: status = self.status() if status in ['queued', 'running']: print("Warn: Notebook is " + status + ". Skip push notebook!") return None self.api.kernels_push(path or self._get_local_nb_path()) time.sleep(1) status = self.status() return status def _clean(self) -> None: if os.path.exists(self._get_local_nb_path()): shutil.rmtree(self._get_local_nb_path()) def get_metadata(self, path=None): path = path or self._get_local_nb_path() metadata_path = os.path.join(path, "kernel-metadata.json") if not os.path.exists(metadata_path): return None return json.loads(open(metadata_path).read()) def check_nb_permission(self) -> Union[tuple[bool], tuple[bool, None]]: try: status = self.status() if status is None: return False, status return True, status except ApiException as e: print(f"Error: {e.status} {e.reason} with notebook {self.kernel_slug}") return False, None def check_datasets_permission(self) -> bool: meta = self.get_metadata() if meta is None: print("Warn: cannot get metadata. Pull and try again?") dataset_sources = meta['dataset_sources'] for dataset in dataset_sources: try: self.api.dataset_status(dataset) except ApiException as e: print(f"Error: {e.status} {e.reason} with dataset {dataset} in notebook {self.kernel_slug}") return False return True class AccountTransactionManager: def __init__(self, acc_secret_dict: dict=None): """ :param acc_secret_dict: {username: secret} """ self.acc_secret_dict = acc_secret_dict if self.acc_secret_dict is None: self.acc_secret_dict = {} # self.api_dict = {username: KaggleApiWrapper(username, secret) for username, secret in acc_secret_dict.items()} # lock for each account to avoid concurrent use api self.lock_dict = {username: False for username in self.acc_secret_dict.keys()} self.state_lock = threading.Lock() def _get_api(self, username: str) -> KaggleApiWrapper: # return self.api_dict[username] return KaggleApiWrapper(username, self.acc_secret_dict[username]) def _get_lock(self, username: str) -> bool: return self.lock_dict[username] def _set_lock(self, username: str, lock: bool) -> None: self.lock_dict[username] = lock def add_account(self, username, secret): if username not in self.acc_secret_dict.keys(): self.state_lock.acquire() self.acc_secret_dict[username] = secret self.lock_dict[username] = False self.state_lock.release() def remove_account(self, username): if username in self.acc_secret_dict.keys(): self.state_lock.acquire() del self.acc_secret_dict[username] del self.lock_dict[username] self.state_lock.release() else: print(f"Warn: try to remove account not in the list: {username}, list: {self.acc_secret_dict.keys()}") def get_unlocked_api_unblocking(self, username_list: List[str]) -> tuple[KaggleApiWrapper, Callable[[], None]]: """ :param username_list: list of username :return: (api, release) where release is a function to release api """ while True: print("get_unlocked_api_unblocking" + str(username_list)) for username in username_list: self.state_lock.acquire() if not self._get_lock(username): self._set_lock(username, True) api = self._get_api(username) def release(): self.state_lock.acquire() self._set_lock(username, False) api.__del__() self.state_lock.release() self.state_lock.release() return api, release self.state_lock.release() time.sleep(1) class NbJob: def __init__(self, acc_dict: dict, nb_slug: str, rerun_stt: List[str] = None, not_rerun_stt: List[str] = None): """ :param acc_dict: :param nb_slug: :param rerun_stt: :param not_rerun_stt: If notebook status in this list, do not rerun it. (Note: do not add "queued", "running") """ self.rerun_stt = rerun_stt if self.rerun_stt is None: self.rerun_stt = ['complete'] self.not_rerun_stt = not_rerun_stt if self.not_rerun_stt is None: self.not_rerun_stt = ['queued', 'running', 'cancelAcknowledged'] assert "queued" in self.not_rerun_stt assert "running" in self.not_rerun_stt self.acc_dict = acc_dict self.nb_slug = nb_slug def get_acc_dict(self): return self.acc_dict def get_username_list(self): return list(self.acc_dict.keys()) def is_valid_with_acc(self, api): notebook = KaggleNotebook(api, self.nb_slug) try: notebook.pull() except ApiException as e: return False stt, _ = notebook.check_nb_permission() if not stt: return False stt = notebook.check_datasets_permission() if not stt: return False return True def is_valid(self): for username in self.acc_dict.keys(): secrets = self.acc_dict[username] api = KaggleApiWrapper(username=username, secret=secrets) api.authenticate() if not self.is_valid_with_acc(api): return False return True def acc_check_and_rerun_if_need(self, api: KaggleApi) -> bool: """ :return: True if rerun success or notebook is running False user does not have enough gpu quotas :raises Exception if setup error """ notebook = KaggleNotebook(api, self.nb_slug, "./tmp") # todo: change hardcode container_path here notebook.pull() assert notebook.check_datasets_permission(), f"User {api} does not have permission on datasets of notebook {self.nb_slug}" success, status1 = notebook.check_nb_permission() assert success, f"User {api} does not have permission on notebook {self.nb_slug}" # todo: using api.username if status1 in self.rerun_stt: status2 = notebook.push() time.sleep(10) status3 = notebook.status() # if 3 times same stt -> acc out of quota if status1 == status2 == status3: sheet_logger.log(username=api.username, nb=self.nb_slug, log="Try but no effect. Seem account to be out of quota") return False if status3 in self.not_rerun_stt: sheet_logger.log(username=api.username, nb=self.nb_slug, log=f"Notebook is in ignore status list {self.not_rerun_stt}, do nothing!") return True if status3 not in ["queued", "running"]: # return False # todo: check when user is out of quota print(f"Error: status is {status3}") raise Exception("Setup exception") sheet_logger.log(username=api.username, nb=self.nb_slug, log=f"Schedule notebook successfully. Current status is '{status3}'") return True sheet_logger.log(username=api.username, nb=self.nb_slug, log=f"Notebook status is '{status1}' is not in {self.rerun_stt}, do nothing!") return True @staticmethod def from_dict(obj: dict): return NbJob(acc_dict=obj['accounts'], nb_slug=obj['slug'], rerun_stt=obj.get('rerun_status'), not_rerun_stt=obj.get('not_rerun_stt')) class KernelRerunService: def __init__(self): Dict[str, NbJob] = {} self.acc_manager = AccountTransactionManager() self.username2jobid = {} self.jobid2username = {} def add_job(self, nb_job: NbJob): if nb_job.nb_slug in print("Warn: nb_job already in job list") return[nb_job.nb_slug] = nb_job self.jobid2username[nb_job.nb_slug] = nb_job.get_username_list() for username in nb_job.get_username_list(): if username not in self.username2jobid.keys(): self.username2jobid[username] = [] self.acc_manager.add_account(username, nb_job.acc_dict[username]) self.username2jobid[username].append(nb_job.nb_slug) def remove_job(self, nb_job): if nb_job.nb_slug not in print("Warn: try to remove nb_job not in list") return username_list = self.jobid2username[nb_job.nb_slug] username_list = [username for username in username_list if len(self.username2jobid[username]) == 1] for username in username_list: del self.username2jobid[username] self.acc_manager.remove_account(username) del[nb_job.nb_slug] del self.jobid2username[nb_job.nb_slug] def validate_all(self): for username in self.acc_manager.acc_secret_dict.keys(): api, release = self.acc_manager.get_unlocked_api_unblocking([username]) api.authenticate() print(f"Using username: {api.username}") for job in if username in job.get_username_list(): print(f"Validate user: {username}, job: {job.nb_slug}") if not job.is_valid_with_acc(api): print(f"Error: not valid") a = f"Setup error: {username} does not have permission on notebook {job.nb_slug} or related datasets" raise Exception(a) release() return True def status_all(self): for job in print(f"Job: {job.nb_slug}") api, release = self.acc_manager.get_unlocked_api_unblocking(job.get_username_list()) api.authenticate() print(f"Using username: {api.username}") notebook = KaggleNotebook(api, job.nb_slug) print(f"Notebook: {notebook.kernel_slug}") print(notebook.status()) release() def run(self, nb_job: NbJob): username_list = copy.copy(nb_job.get_username_list()) while len(username_list) > 0: api, release = self.acc_manager.get_unlocked_api_unblocking(username_list) api.authenticate() print(f"Using username: {api.username}") try: result = nb_job.acc_check_and_rerun_if_need(api) if result: return True except Exception as e: print(e) release() break if api.username in username_list: username_list.remove(api.username) release() else: release() raise Exception("") return False def run_all(self): for job in success = print(f"Job: {job.nb_slug} {success}") import json from kaggle_service import KernelRerunService, NbJob from logger import sheet_logger if __name__ == "__main__": configs = [] try: for i in range(2, 1000): rs = if not rs: break cfg = json.loads(rs['config']) configs.append(cfg) print(cfg) except Exception as e: sheet_logger.log(log="Get config failed!!") service = KernelRerunService() for config in configs: service.add_job(NbJob.from_dict(config)) try: service.validate_all() service.status_all() service.run_all() except Exception as e: sheet_logger.log(log=str(e))