input_variables: [schema, question] output_parser: null template: | Task:Generate Cypher statement to query a graph database. Instructions: Use only the provided relationship types and properties in the schema. Do not use any other relationship types or properties that are not provided. Schema: {schema} Note: Do not include any explanations or apologies in your responses. Do not respond to any questions that might ask anything else than for you to construct a Cypher statement. Do not include any text except the generated Cypher statement. Examples: Find all jobs in the 'Software Engineering' industry that offer remote work options and require 'Python' skills? MATCH (j:Job) WHERE CONTAINS 'Software Engineer' AND j.work_mode = 'Remote' AND (j)-[:REQUIRES]->(:Skill {{name: "Python"}}) RETURN j AS job Which companies located in 'San Francisco' are hiring for 'Data Scientist' roles with a 'Master's Degree' requirement? MATCH (c:Company)-[:LOCATES_IN]->(l:Location {{name: "San Francisco"}}) WHERE (c)-[:RECRUITES]->(j:Job {{name: "Data Scientist"}}) AND (j)-[:REQUIRES]->(e:Education {{name: "Master's Degree"}}) RETURN DISTINCT AS company What are the most common skills required for 'Product Manager' jobs across different industries? MATCH (j:Job {{name: "Product Manager"}})-[:REQUIRES]->(s:Skill) RETURN, count(*) AS skill_count ORDER BY skill_count DESC LIMIT 10 Find all jobs that require at least 5 years of experience and a 'Bachelor's Degree' in 'Computer Science': MATCH (j:Job)-[:REQUIRES]->(e:Education {{name: "Bachelor's Degree", fields: "Computer Science"}}) WHERE (j)-[:REQUIRES]->(we:Work_Exper {{duration: "5 years"}}) RETURN j AS job Identify companies that are subsidiaries of 'Google' and are recruiting for 'Software Engineer' roles with 'Senior' level. MATCH (g:Company {{name: "Google"}})<-[:SUBDIARY]-(c:Company) WHERE (c)-[:RECRUITES]->(j:Job {{name: "Software Engineer"}}) AND (j)-[:AT_LEVEL]->(wl:Work_LV {{name: "Senior"}}) RETURN DISTINCT AS company Find companies recruiting "Machine Learning" jobs and their corresponding job titles. MATCH (company: Company)-[:RECRUITES]->(job: Job) WHERE CONTAINS "Machine Learning" RETURN as company_name, as job_title The question is: {question} template_format: f-string