examples: - question_example: Which companies located in 'San Francisco' are hiring for 'Data Scientist' roles with a 'Master's Degree' requirement? cypher_example: | MATCH (j:Job)<-[:RECRUITS]-(c:Company)-[:LOCATES_IN]->(l:Location) MATCH (j)-[:REQUIRES]->(e:Education) WHERE toLower(j.name) CONTAINS 'data scientist' AND toLower(l.name) CONTAINS 'san francisco' AND toLower(e.name) CONTAINS "master" RETURN DISTINCT c.name AS company - question_example: What are the most common skills required for 'Product Manager' jobs across different industries? cypher_example: | MATCH (j:Job)-[:REQUIRES]->(s:Skill) WHERE toLower(j.name) CONTAINS "product manager" RETURN s.name, count(*) AS skill_count ORDER BY skill_count DESC LIMIT 10 - question_example: Find all jobs that require at least 5 years of experience and a 'Bachelor's Degree' in 'Computer Science' cypher_example: | MATCH (we:Work_Exper)<-[:REQUIRES]-(j:Job)-[:REQUIRES]->(e:Education) WHERE toLower(e.name) CONTAINS "bachelor" AND toLower(e.fields) CONTAINS "computer science" AND toLower(we.duration) CONTAINS "5 years" RETURN j AS job - question_example: Find companies recruiting "Machine Learning" jobs and their corresponding job titles. cypher_example: | MATCH (company: Company)-[:RECRUITS]->(job: Job) WHERE job.name CONTAINS "Machine Learning" RETURN company.name as company_name, job.name as job_title - question_example: Machine Learning job requires? cypher_example: | MATCH (j:Job) WHERE toLower(j.name) CONTAINS toLower("Machine Learning") OPTIONAL MATCH (j)-[:REQUIRES]->(s:Skill) OPTIONAL MATCH (j)-[:REQUIRES]->(e:Education) OPTIONAL MATCH (j)-[:REQUIRES]->(we:Work_Exper) RETURN s.name AS skill_requirements, e.name AS education_requirements, we.duration AS work_experience_requirements