Runtime error
Runtime error
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
from datetime import datetime | |
from time import time | |
from lxml import html,etree | |
from reviews_final import scrape, write_in_csv | |
import pandas as pd | |
import requests,re | |
import os,sys | |
import unicodecsv as csv | |
import argparse | |
import numpy as np | |
import json | |
def clean(text): | |
if text: | |
# Removing \n \r and \t | |
return ' '.join(''.join(text).split()).strip() | |
return None | |
def parse(locality,checkin_date,checkout_date,sort): | |
checkIn = checkin_date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") | |
checkOut = checkout_date.strftime("%Y/%m/%d") | |
print ("Scraper Inititated for Locality:%s"%locality) | |
header = { | |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36' | |
} | |
# TA rendering the autocomplete list using this API | |
print ("Finding search result page URL") | |
geo_url = ''+str(int(time()))+'&uiOrigin=GEOSCOPE&source=GEOSCOPE&interleaved=true&types=geo,theme_park&neighborhood_geos=true&link_type=hotel&details=true&max=12&injectNeighborhoods=true&query='+locality | |
api_response = requests.get(geo_url,headers=header, timeout=120).json() | |
#getting the TA url for th equery from the autocomplete response | |
url_from_autocomplete = ""+api_response['results'][0]['url'] | |
print ('URL found %s'%url_from_autocomplete) | |
geo = api_response['results'][0]['value'] | |
#Formating date for writing to file | |
a=url_from_autocomplete | |
b=a.split("-") | |
s="-" | |
c=s.join([b[0],b[1],"oa30",b[2],b[3]]) | |
d=s.join([b[0],b[1],"oa60",b[2],b[3]]) | |
e=s.join([b[0],b[1],"oa90",b[2],b[3]]) | |
f=s.join([b[0],b[1],"oa120",b[2],b[3]]) | |
urllist = [a,c,d,e,f] | |
date = checkin_date.strftime("%Y_%m_%d")+"_"+checkout_date.strftime("%Y_%m_%d") | |
#form data to get the hotels list from TA for the selected date | |
form_data = {'changeSet': 'TRAVEL_INFO', | |
'showSnippets': 'false', | |
'staydates':date, | |
'uguests': '2', | |
'sortOrder':sort | |
} | |
json_arr = [] | |
for url_from_autocomplete in urllist: | |
print(url_from_autocomplete) | |
headers = { | |
'Accept': 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*', | |
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip,deflate', | |
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.5', | |
'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', | |
'Connection': 'keep-alive', | |
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8', | |
'Host': '', | |
'Pragma': 'no-cache', | |
'Referer': url_from_autocomplete, | |
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:28.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/28.0', | |
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest' | |
} | |
cookies= {"SetCurrency":"USD"} | |
print ("Downloading search results page") | |
page_response = = url_from_autocomplete,data=form_data,headers = headers, cookies = cookies, verify=False) | |
print ("Parsing results ") | |
parser = html.fromstring(page_response.text) | |
hotel_lists = parser.xpath('//div[contains(@class,"listItem")]//div[contains(@class,"listing collapsed")]') | |
hotel_data = [] | |
if not hotel_lists: | |
hotel_lists = parser.xpath('//div[contains(@class,"listItem")]//div[@class="listing "]') | |
for hotel in hotel_lists: | |
XPATH_HOTEL_LINK = './/a[contains(@class,"property_title")]/@href' | |
XPATH_REVIEWS = './/a[@class="review_count"]//text()' | |
XPATH_RANK = './/div[@class="popindex"]//text()' | |
XPATH_RATING = './/span[contains(@class,"ui_bubble_rating bubble_45")]/@alt' #update this code to get rating | |
XPATH_RATING_2 = './/a[contains(@class,"ui_bubble_rating bubble_45")]/@alt' #update this code to get rating | |
XPATH_HOTEL_NAME = './/a[contains(@class,"property_title")]//text()' | |
XPATH_HOTEL_FEATURES = './/div[contains(@casls,"common_hotel_icons_list")]//li//text()' | |
XPATH_HOTEL_PRICE = './/div[contains(@data-sizegroup,"mini-meta-price")]/text()' | |
XPATH_VIEW_DEALS = './/div[contains(@data-ajax-preserve,"viewDeals")]//text()' | |
XPATH_BOOKING_PROVIDER = './/div[contains(@data-sizegroup,"mini-meta-provider")]//text()' #<span class="dekGp Ci _R S4 H3 MD">#74 of 319 hotels in Lisbon</span><span class="dekGp Ci _R S4 H3 MD">#6 of 319 hotels in Lisbon</span> | |
XPATH_RATING_ORDER = './/span[contains(@class,"dekGp Ci _R S4 H3 MD")]//text()' | |
XPATH_OFFICIAL_DESCRIPTION = '//div[contains(text(),"Description")]/following-sibling::div//span[contains(@class,"introText")]/text()' | |
raw_booking_provider = hotel.xpath(XPATH_BOOKING_PROVIDER) | |
raw_no_of_deals = hotel.xpath(XPATH_VIEW_DEALS) | |
raw_hotel_link = hotel.xpath(XPATH_HOTEL_LINK) | |
raw_no_of_reviews = hotel.xpath(XPATH_REVIEWS) | |
raw_rank = hotel.xpath(XPATH_RANK) | |
raw_rating = hotel.xpath(XPATH_RATING_2) | |
raw_hotel_name = hotel.xpath(XPATH_HOTEL_NAME) | |
raw_hotel_features = hotel.xpath(XPATH_HOTEL_FEATURES) | |
raw_hotel_price_per_night = hotel.xpath(XPATH_HOTEL_PRICE) | |
raw_rank_order = hotel.xpath(XPATH_RATING_ORDER) | |
raw_official_description = parser.xpath(XPATH_OFFICIAL_DESCRIPTION) | |
url = ''+raw_hotel_link[0] if raw_hotel_link else None | |
reviews = ''.join(raw_no_of_reviews).replace("reviews","").replace(",","") if raw_no_of_reviews else 0 | |
rank = ''.join(raw_rank) if raw_rank else None | |
rating = ''.join(raw_rating).replace('of 5 bubbles','').strip() if raw_rating else None | |
name = ''.join(raw_hotel_name).strip() if raw_hotel_name else None | |
hotel_features = ','.join(raw_hotel_features) | |
#price_per_night = ''.join(raw_hotel_price_per_night).encode('utf-8').replace('\n','') if raw_hotel_price_per_night else None | |
price_per_night = ''.join(raw_hotel_price_per_night).replace('\n','') if raw_hotel_price_per_night else None | |
rank_order = ''.join(raw_rank_order) if raw_rank_order else None | |
no_of_deals = re.findall("all\s+?(\d+)\s+?",''.join(raw_no_of_deals)) | |
booking_provider = ''.join(raw_booking_provider).strip() if raw_booking_provider else None | |
official_description = clean(raw_official_description) | |
if no_of_deals: | |
no_of_deals = no_of_deals[0] | |
else: | |
no_of_deals = 0 | |
data = { | |
'hotel_name':name, | |
'url':url, | |
'locality':locality, | |
'reviews':reviews, | |
'rank':rank, | |
'tripadvisor_rating':rating, | |
'checkOut':checkOut, | |
'checkIn':checkIn, | |
'hotel_features':hotel_features, | |
'price_per_night':price_per_night, | |
'no_of_deals':no_of_deals, | |
'booking_provider':booking_provider, | |
'raw_rank': rank_order, | |
'desc':official_description | |
} | |
if data: | |
print("Writing scraped data") | |
json_arr.append(data) | |
with open('data_file.json', 'w') as outfile: | |
json.dump(json_arr, outfile) | |
# hotel_data.append(data) | |
# all_hotel.append(data) | |
# #Referrer is necessary to get the correct response from TA if not provided they will redirect to home page | |
# my_df=pd.DataFrame(all_hotel) | |
# print(my_df['hotel_name']) | |
return urllist | |