import { useEffect } from "react"; |
import { useState } from "react"; |
import { ChainlitAPI, sessionState, useChatSession } from "@chainlit/react-client"; |
import { Playground } from "./components/playground"; |
import { useRecoilValue } from "recoil"; |
import Header from "@/components/header"; |
import Banner from "@/components/banner"; |
import AlertComponent from "@/components/alertComponent"; |
const CHAINLIT_SERVER = "/custom-auth"; |
const userEnv = {}; |
const apiClient = new ChainlitAPI(CHAINLIT_SERVER); |
interface Amounts { |
[key: string]: number; |
} |
function App() { |
const { connect } = useChatSession(); |
const session = useRecoilValue(sessionState); |
useEffect(() => { |
if (session?.socket.connected) { |
return; |
} |
fetch(apiClient.buildEndpoint('/custom-auth')) |
.then((res) => res.json()) |
.then((data) => { |
connect({ client: apiClient, userEnv, accessToken: `Bearer: ${data.token}` }); |
}); |
}, [session, connect]); |
const [amounts, setAmounts] = useState<Amounts>({}); |
const setAmount = (id: string, value: number) => { |
setAmounts((prevAmounts) => ({ |
...prevAmounts, |
[id]: value, |
})); |
}; |
return ( |
<> |
<Header /> |
<Banner /> |
<div className="relative" style={{ marginTop: '40px' }}> |
<div className="absolute left-20"> |
<div className="flex flex-col"> |
<header className="text-2xl font-bold leading-8 text-black pl-16"> |
<h1>Your Personalised Package:</h1> |
</header> |
<AlertComponent |
logoUrl="https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/image/assets/TEMP/be051a227710fa99e9efda725e8d0dc36c64fad96e941813d07d6250884eadb2?apiKey=b1f64df9aada44c6ba1728b031344f7b&" |
status="?" |
amount={amounts['publicLiability'] || 0} |
setAmount={(value) => setAmount('publicLiability', value)} |
/> |
<AlertComponent |
logoUrl="https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/image/assets/TEMP/fb7d406f3707aefeb694b288abea645b643e28df498e96faa3a88f8ae3b4f096?apiKey=b1f64df9aada44c6ba1728b031344f7b&" |
status="?" |
amount={amounts['fireDamage'] || 0} |
setAmount={(value) => setAmount('fireDamage', value)} |
/> |
<AlertComponent |
logoUrl="https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/image/assets/TEMP/af6837406a2497c1255b86413c1138e2c55b3fc5c643e05f560bafd57e9bd20b?apiKey=b1f64df9aada44c6ba1728b031344f7b&" |
alertText="GLASS" |
status="?" |
amount={amounts['glass'] || 0} |
setAmount={(value) => setAmount('glass', value)} |
/> |
<AlertComponent |
logoUrl="https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/image/assets/TEMP/a7ffd8559e286d4d85db00334a22a1a956d9835240ad8d97e82af98af62a149e?apiKey=b1f64df9aada44c6ba1728b031344f7b&" |
status="?" |
amount={amounts['personalEquipment'] || 0} |
setAmount={(value) => setAmount('personalEquipment', value)} |
/> |
<AlertComponent |
logoUrl="https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/image/assets/TEMP/89dc158bec91bc71c7b35c5b9752238d239eb70b38f3256e62653dee21b33b55?apiKey=b1f64df9aada44c6ba1728b031344f7b&" |
alertText="THEFT" |
status="?" |
amount={amounts['theft'] || 0} |
setAmount={(value) => setAmount('theft', value)} |
/> |
</div> |
<button className="justify-center items-center px-16 py-4 mt-3 ml-16 max-w-full text-base font-bold text-center text-lime-900 whitespace-nowrap rounded border border-solid border-[color:var(--Color-Functional-Primary--Dark,#558000)] w-[522px] max-md:px-5"> |
Go to quote |
</button> |
<button className="flex gap-2.5 justify-center px-5 py-2.5 mt-60 ml-16 text-base font-bold text-center text-lime-700 whitespace-nowrap bg-white rounded border border-solid border-[color:var(--Color-Functional-Primary--Dark,#558000)] max-md:mt-10 max-md:ml-2.5 items-center"> |
<img loading="lazy" src="https://cdn.builder.io/api/v1/image/assets/TEMP/91c9b9f5d1f2a509afd2c46fab93912852f90f3b085e3f35ce1e33c252fedf1b?apiKey=b1f64df9aada44c6ba1728b031344f7b&" alt="" className="w-4 aspect-square" /> |
Back to packages |
</button> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div className="playground-container"> |
<Playground /> |
</div> |
</> |
); |
} |
export default App; |