{"cells":[{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":1,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/"},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":19410,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713575531638,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"dPKzZWcBDmyZ","outputId":"223ac9d6-16d7-4144-f09d-d50b301ffa5b"},"outputs":[],"source":["if 'google.colab' in str(get_ipython()):\n"," from google.colab import drive\n"," drive.mount('/content/drive')"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":10,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":405,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713575653598,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"DlTbo6xCEAt_"},"outputs":[],"source":["import os\n","from langchain.embeddings.openai import OpenAIEmbeddings\n","from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI\n","from langchain.chains import ConversationalRetrievalChain\n","from langchain.document_loaders.csv_loader import CSVLoader\n","from langchain_community.document_loaders import PyPDFLoader\n","from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS\n","from langchain.prompts import load_prompt\n","# from langchain_text_splitters.base import TextSplitter\n","# from pymongo import MongoClient\n","# from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient\n","# from pymongo.server_api import ServerApi\n","import json\n","import time\n","import datetime\n","import pypdf"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":2,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":24,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713576001295,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"ZyiIh_ApEGiM"},"outputs":[],"source":["# from pathlib import Path\n","# path = Path(\"/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab_Notebooks/resume-bot\")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":3,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":2,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713576207776,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"2G1nfnlbE6l3"},"outputs":[],"source":["prompt_template = \"templates/template.json\"\n","faiss_index = \"faiss_index\"\n","data_source = \"data/about_hari.csv\"\n","pdf_source = \"data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf\""]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":4,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":35},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":10,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713576575966,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"7jqOLixPH3sf","outputId":"9ffc30be-e8ab-4899-ad15-c8579ef7dda9"},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf'"]},"execution_count":4,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["pdf_source"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":5,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":250,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713576463433,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"yOZ83fO6HcLx"},"outputs":[],"source":["def is_valid_json(data):\n"," try:\n"," json.loads(data)\n"," return True\n"," except json.JSONDecodeError:\n"," return False"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":6,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":2,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713577079128,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"fHm_6br_IEqs"},"outputs":[],"source":["import os\n","os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = \"#Enter OpenAI Key\""]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":7,"metadata":{"executionInfo":{"elapsed":474,"status":"ok","timestamp":1713576686515,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"rWkpDbaYGPU1"},"outputs":[{"name":"stderr","output_type":"stream","text":["/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/nlp/lib/python3.11/site-packages/langchain_core/_api/deprecation.py:119: LangChainDeprecationWarning: The class `OpenAIEmbeddings` was deprecated in LangChain 0.0.9 and will be removed in 0.2.0. An updated version of the class exists in the langchain-openai package and should be used instead. To use it run `pip install -U langchain-openai` and import as `from langchain_openai import OpenAIEmbeddings`.\n"," warn_deprecated(\n"]}],"source":["embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":12,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter\n","text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(\n"," separator=\"\\n\",\n"," chunk_size=400,\n"," chunk_overlap=40\n",")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":13,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["pdf_loader = PyPDFLoader(pdf_source)\n","pdf_data = pdf_loader.load_and_split(text_splitter=text_splitter)"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":14,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["[Document(page_content='Harikrishna (Harry) Dev \\nharikrish0607@gmail.com ; +1 (425) 469 -2587 ; Dallas, TX (Open to relocation) \\nlinkedin.com/in/harikrishnad1997 ; harikrishnad1997.github.io ; github.com/harikrishnad1997 \\n \\nPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE \\nDaifuku Holding Pvt Ltd , Novi, MI May 2023 – August 2023 \\nIT Analyst Intern – Data Science', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='IT Analyst Intern – Data Science \\n• Developed proprietary Generative AI tool to perform text mining on report documents and provide source \\ncitations by leveraging the HuggingFace API and Natural Language Processing , reducing 2 hours of daily work. \\n• Augmented the Paint Line assembly efficiency by 48% by identifying bottlenecks and forecasting recurring issues', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='in the assembly line using Regularized Linear modelling techniques such as Elastic Net and Facebook Prophet. \\n• Designed a Power BI dashboard to visualize and track employee performance metrics, which saved senior \\nleadership 3 days of work every month by connecting data sources to Microsoft Azure . \\n \\nFlipkart Internet Pvt Ltd , a Walmart Company , Bangalore, IN July 2021 – July 2022', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='Data Scientist - Business Analyst \\n• Conducted comprehensive analysis of customer experience key metrics trends, providing senior leadership and \\nproduct managers with actionable insights to drive product development, process enhancements , infrastructure \\nrequirements , root cause analysis, and integrated marketing and monetization strategies.', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='• Deployed Customer Escalation prediction framework to prevent social media escalations based on user journey \\nand pain points using Machine Learning techniques such as XGBoost and CV, which resulted in 27% decrease in \\nescalations and 8% enhancement in Customer Satisfaction and Net Promoter Scores.', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='• Collaborated on A/B testing initiative on e -commerce sales page during the `Big Billion Day` event, resulting in \\n10% increase in customer acquisition and 7% boost in average order value, driving ₹3M in additional revenue. \\n \\nWalmart and Sam’s Club (Contract - Tredence Analytics Pvt Ltd ), Bangalore, IN May 2019 – July 2021 \\nSenior Business Analyst – Data Science', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='Senior Business Analyst – Data Science \\n• Analyzed Overall Customer Experience KPIs on eCommerce digital channels consumed by clients regularly to \\nmake product analytics changes and understand user behavio ur, revenue management , and Assurance metrics. \\n• Orchestrated data -driven discussions with Senior leadership to evaluate Experience Metrics; guided strategic', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='decision -making for delivery modes and Supply chain systems, leading to a cost savings of USD 20,000 PA. \\n• Implemented 35+ high -volume data engineering Apache Spark Data pipelines and tabular assets in terabytes to \\nsupport decision -making, enabling timely and accurate assessment of customer behavio ural patterns.', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='• Implemented accuracy assessment of credit card transaction level data sources to gain insights into \"Share of \\nWallet ,\" providing macro and micro -level comprehension and facilitating identification of 1.3 million prospective \\ncustomers for targeted advertising campaigns and increasing customer retention . \\n \\nAWARDS', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='AWARDS \\nFINHACK BY JINDAL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND QUANCONNECT, 3rd Place Winner Apr 2024 \\nLANTERN PHARMACEUTICALS HACKATHON , 2nd Place Winner Nov 2023 \\n \\nBAJA SAE INDIA 2019 , All India Best Marketing Presentation Winner Mar 2019 \\n \\nEDUCATION \\nThe University of Texas at Dallas December 2023', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='Master of Sciences in Business Analytics – Data Science cohort \\nLeadership : Naveen Jindal School of Management (Graduate Student Assistant), UTD Data Science Club (Technical Officer) \\nProjects : Semantic segmentation using CNNs in PyTorch and FastAI , Economics research into Ecuador’s product consumption and', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='reliance on Oil market prices using SAS and STATA , AutoML Application using Streamlit API, RAG system for Documentation system \\n \\nNational Institute of Technology Karnataka , India May 2019 \\nBachelor of Technology , Major in Mechanical Engineering \\n \\nSKILL S \\nTechnical Skills: Python, R, Tableau, Microsoft SQL, AB Testing, Reinforcement Learning , PyTorch, MS Office , Matlab ,', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='Excel , Caffe , Snowflake, Unsupervised Learning , Machine comprehension , AWS , Recommendation System , Large \\nLanguage model, Retrieval Augmentation generation RAG systems, Google Cloud Platform, PowerBI, Tableau \\nCertifications & Training: Python Data Structures , Hadoop in Real World , IBM: Data Science Methodology', metadata={'source': 'data/HarikrishnaDev_DataScientist.pdf', 'page': 0})]"]},"execution_count":14,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["pdf_data"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":15,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["csv_loader = CSVLoader(file_path=data_source, encoding=\"utf-8\")\n","csv_data = csv_loader.load()"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":16,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["[Document(page_content='question: what is his educational background| tell me about his education| where did he go to school\\nanswer: Harikrishna (Harry) Dev holds a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India (graduated May 2019) and is currently pursuing a Master of Sciences in Business Analytics - Data Science cohort at The University of Texas at Dallas (expected graduation December 2023), where he has taken leadership roles as a Graduate Student Assistant and Technical Officer of the Data Science Club.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 0}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: does he have any certificates? what kind of certificate he has?\\nanswer: Harikrishna Dev has certifications and training in the following: Python Data Structures, Hadoop in Real World, IBM: Data Science Methodology He also has hand on experience with AWS, GCP, Azure, Databricks, and Snowflake', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 1}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: How can I contact Hari? | What is Dev's email? | How to contact Hari?\\nanswer: Harikrishna's contact information: email - harikrish0607@gmail.com, phone - +1-425-469-2587, LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/harikrishnad1997/\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 2}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: What motivates Hari?\\nanswer: Harikrishna is deeply motivated by the transformative potential of AI and data science. He sees these fields as catalysts for positive change, offering endless possibilities to solve complex problems, improve lives, and drive innovation. This sense of purpose and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact fuels his passion and drives him to constantly learn, explore, and push boundaries in the field.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 3}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Where does he see himself in 5 years?\\nanswer: In 5 years, Harikrishna aims to be in a position where he's leveraging AI to make a tangible positive impact on industries. He sees himself working to demystify AI and make it more accessible, removing the stigma that one needs advanced qualifications to utilize its potential. Through practical applications and advocacy, he hopes to empower individuals and organizations to embrace AI as a tool for innovation and progress.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 4}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Tell me about his technical skills ; What technical skills does he know\\nanswer: Harikrishna has demonstrated versatile technical skills across programming, data analysis, machine learning, and cloud platforms. He developed a proprietary Generative AI tool using Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API for text mining reports. He applied regularized linear modeling techniques like Elastic Net and Facebook Prophet to optimize assembly line efficiency. His skills with data visualization tools like Power BI and Azure enabled creating dashboards for tracking performance metrics. As a Data Scientist at Flipkart, he utilized machine learning algorithms like XGBoost and CV for customer escalation prediction. He conducted A/B testing analysis during major e-commerce events to drive revenue. His data engineering expertise with Apache Spark facilitated implementing large data pipelines. Harikrishna has experience with frameworks like PyTorch and FastAI for computer vision tasks like semantic segmentation using CNNs. His skills span cloud platforms like AWS and GCP as well as productivity tools like SQL, Tableau, MATLAB and MS Office suite.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 5}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: what can you do | hey | hello\\nanswer: Hello, I\\\\'m a Resume Bot. I can assist you with queries such as \\\\'What did Hari study?\\\\' or \\\\'Where has he worked?\\\\' as well as other typical interview questions. What would you like to know about Hari?\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 6}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: What is Hari doing right now; Tell me something about Hari | what can you tell me about Hari\\nanswer: Harikrishna is currently working on a survey paper about synthetic text generation and building a GenAI project for enterprise databases. He is also exploring cost-effective mechanisms by leveraging open-source libraries to decrease dependencies on proprietary software, aiming to streamline processes and reduce costs for businesses. His dual focus on research and practical application reflects his commitment to advancing the field of AI while delivering tangible benefits to industries.\\\\', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 7}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: What programming languages or technologies is Hari proficient in?\\nanswer: Python, R, Matlab, Tableau, Power BI, Microsoft SQL, Snowflake, PyTorch, Caffe, Reinforcement Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Recommendation Systems, Large Language Models, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Apache Spark, A/B Testing, Excel, MS Office', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 8}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Could you tell me about Hari's skills?\\nanswer: Hari's technical skills cover a wide range of programming languages (Python, R, Matlab), data visualization tools (Tableau, PowerBI), databases (Microsoft SQL, Snowflake), machine learning frameworks and techniques (PyTorch, Caffe, Reinforcement Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Recommendation Systems, Large Language Models, RAG systems), cloud platforms (AWS, Google Cloud Platform), and general productivity software (MS Office, Excel). Additionally, he has certifications and training in Python Data Structures, Hadoop, and Data Science Methodology from IBM.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 9}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: what languages does Hari speak\\nanswer: Hari speaks English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada and Tulu.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 10}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Has he wons any awards | Has he participated in any hackathons | Has he won any competitions\\nanswer: Harikrishna has won several awards and accolades for his work in AI and data science. He is winner of the Lantern Hackathon with his Neural Network project in drug response prediction and FinHack UTD 2024 with his Customer Churn prediction algorithm. He was the captain of BAJA NITK RACING, which won the Best Team award in the 2019 session of BAJA SAE INDIA. He has also led teams in projects involving model simulation and data engineering at Flipkart and Tredence. His leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and passion for innovation have been recognized in various competitions and projects.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 11}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: where can I see Hari\\\\'s resume\\nanswer: You can see his resume on his LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/harikrishnad1997/ or his portofolio websbite: https://harikrishnad1997.github.io/#\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 12}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Tell me about Hari\\\\'s hobbies | any hobbies | what about his hobbies\\nanswer: Hari loves to read book and watch F1. He is avid runner with a half marathon under his belt and loves to go on treks.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 13}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Does Hari have any publications| does he have any patents\\nanswer: Not as of now, but Hari is working on three papers to build his understandning on enterpirse ready AI solutions', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 14}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: what project is art most proud of\\nanswer: Harikrishna's favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 15}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: What is Hari\\\\'s passion\\nanswer: He is passionate about Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Conversational AI, but most of all, he is passionate about solving customers\\\\' problems using the technologies above.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 16}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Tell me about Hari\\\\'s strengths | what about Harikrishna\\\\'s strengths?\\nanswer: Harikrishna is known for his expertise in AI and deep learning, particularly in the development and deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Machine Learning solutions for enterprise applications. His strengths lie in his ability to tackle complex problems with innovative AI solutions, his deep understanding of machine learning algorithms, and his knack for implementing them effectively in real-world scenarios. Additionally, Harikrishna is praised for his strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering high-quality results. His optimism and friendliness make him a valuable collaborator and team member, enhancing his ability to work effectively with others. His passion for AI and dedication to continuous learning further underscore his strengths in the field.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 17}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Tell me about Hari\\\\'s weaknesses\\nanswer: Harikrishna approaches his work with humility, acknowledging that he has areas for growth. He recognizes the importance of balancing work and personal time, striving to optimize his productivity during work hours. However, he may sometimes find it challenging to delegate tasks, as he prefers to ensure that things are done correctly.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 18}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: What kind of a leader is Hari? | What is Hari\\\\'s managerial style? What is Hari\\\\'s leadership style?\\nanswer: Harikrishna was the captain of BAJA NITK RACING, which won the Best Team award in the 2019 session of BAJA SAE INDIA. He has led teams at Flipkart and Tredence in projects involving model simulation and data engineering. Harikrishna is known for his strong leadership skills, ability to collaborate with diverse teams, and his knack for problem-solving. He has a passion for innovation and is always eager to take on new challenges.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 19}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Tell me about Hari experience | tell me about his job | where is he working right now\\nanswer: Hari recently completed an internship as an IT Analyst Intern - Data Science at Daifuku Holding Pvt Ltd in Novi, MI from May 2023 to August 2023. During this internship, he developed a proprietary Generative AI tool for text mining using Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API, which reduced daily workload by 2 hours. He also improved the Paint Line assembly efficiency by 48% through regularized linear modeling techniques like Elastic Net and Facebook Prophet, and designed a Power BI dashboard connected to Microsoft Azure for visualizing employee performance metrics. Prior to this internship, he worked as a Data Scientist - Business Analyst at Flipkart Internet Pvt Ltd from July 2021 to July 2022, conducting customer experience analysis, prediction modeling, and A/B testing. Before that, he was a Senior Business Analyst - Data Science at Walmart and Sam's Club from May 2019 to July 2021, where he analyzed customer experience metrics, guided strategic decision-making, and implemented data pipelines and customer analytics. The resume does not explicitly mention his current role after August 2023, but it states that he is pursuing his Master's in Business Analytics - Data Science at The University of Texas at Dallas, with an expected graduation in December 2023, and is open to relocation, implying he is likely a full-time student currently.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 20}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: What else can you tell me about Hari? Tell me something interesting about Hari\\nanswer: One interesting fact about Harikrishna is his passion for running and trail running. Despite his busy schedule, he makes time to hit the trails and participate in marathons. Harikrishna finds running to be a great way to clear his mind and stay fit, and he enjoys the challenge of navigating rugged terrain and conquering steep inclines. His dedication to running reflects his determination and perseverance in all aspects of his life.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 21}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: What are Hari's career goals? | What are his aspirations?\\nanswer: Harikrishna's career goals revolve around leveraging AI and data science to drive innovation and solve complex problems in various industries. He aspires to be at the forefront of AI research and development, working on cutting-edge projects that push the boundaries of what is possible with technology. He aims to make a positive impact on society by using AI to address critical issues and improve people's lives. Ultimately, Harikrishna's goal is to become a thought leader in the field of AI and inspire others to pursue careers in technology and data science.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 22}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Does Hari have experience in Snowflake? | Does Hari have experience in Databricks? | Does Hari have experience in AWS?\\nanswer: Yes, Harikrishna has experience with Snowflake, Databricks, and AWS. He has worked with these platforms during his tenure at Walmart, where he used these tools to train and deploy machine Learning models and manage big data warehouses.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 23}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Has Hari worked with VertexAI? | Has Hari worked with OpenAI API? | Has Hari worked with HuggingFace API?\\nanswer: Yes, Harikrishna has worked with the HuggingFace API, Azure ML, OpenAI API and Google Cloud AI Platform. He developed a proprietary Generative AI tool using the HuggingFace API for text mining reports during his internship at Daifuku. He also has experience with Azure ML and Google Cloud AI Platform for model training and deployment.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 24}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Who built you? | Who created you? | Who is your developer?\\nanswer: I was built by Harikrishna Dev, a talented data scientist and AI enthusiast. He designed me to assist with answering questions about his background, skills, and experiences. If you have any questions about Harikrishna, feel free to ask!', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 25}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Where is he based out of? | Where does he live? | Where is he located? | Where is Hari?\\nanswer: Harikrishna is currently based in Dallas, Texas, where he is pursuing his Master of Sciences in Business Analytics - Data Science at The University of Texas at Dallas. He is open to relocation for career opportunities and is willing to travel for work.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 26}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Ok thanks Bye\\nanswer: You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further information about Harikrishna, feel free to ask. Have a great day!\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 27}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: What's your graduation cgpa | What's your gpa | What's your cgpa\\nanswer: Harikrishna graduated with a CGPA of 3.8 out of 4 from the University of Texas at Dallas.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 28}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: When did Hari graduate | When did Hari finish his degree | When did Hari complete his education\\nanswer: Harikrishna is expected to graduate with a Master of Sciences in Business Analytics - Data Science from The University of Texas at Dallas in May 2024. He completed his Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India in May 2019.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 29}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: What is Hari\\\\'s favorite book | What does Hari like to read | What is Hari\\\\'s favorite author\\nanswer: Harikrishna enjoys reading a wide range of books, but some of his favorite authors include Sanjaya Baru, Yuval Noah Harari, Malcolm Gladwell, and . He finds inspiration and new perspectives in their works, which cover topics like history, psychology, and economics.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 30}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Why is Hari a good fit for Amazon | Why is Hari a good fit for Meta | Why is Hari a good fit for Apple | Why is Hari a good fit my company?\\nanswer: \"Harikrishna is a good fit for your company due to his strong technical skills experience in data science and AI and his passion for innovation. He has a proven track record of developing AI solutions that drive business impact and improve operational efficiency. His expertise in machine learning data analysis and cloud platforms makes him a valuable asset for companies looking to leverage AI technologies to enhance their products and services. Additionally Harikrishna\\'s leadership experience problem-solving abilities and commitment to continuous learning align well with the culture of innovation and excellence at top tech companies. His passion for using AI to solve complex problems and drive positive change makes him an ideal candidate for roles that require creativity technical expertise and a strong drive for innovation.\"', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 31}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Who is Hari? | Who is Harikrishna? | Who is Dev?\\nanswer: Harikrishna (Harry) Dev is a talented data scientist and AI enthusiast with a background in Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India and is currently pursuing a Master of Sciences in Business Analytics - Data Science at The University of Texas at Dallas. Harikrishna has experience working as a Data Scientist and Business Analyst at companies like Flipkart and Walmart where he developed AI solutions, conducted data analysis, and implemented machine learning models. He is passionate about AI, data science and machine learning, and is dedicated to leveraging these technologies to drive innovation and solve complex problems. Harikrishna is known for his technical expertise leadership skills and commitment to continuous learning making him a valuable asset in the field of AI and data science.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 32}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: What jobs is Hari seeking? | What job roles is Harikrishna looking for? | What positions is Dev interested in?\\nanswer: Harikrishna is seeking roles in the field of data science, AI, and machine learning. He is interested in positions such as Data Scientist Data analyst Machine Learning Engineer Business Analyst, and AI Researcher. Harikrishna is open to opportunities that allow him to leverage his technical skills creativity and problem-solving abilities to drive innovation and make a positive impact in various industries.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 33}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Has Hari used langchain or llamaindex | Has Hari worked with OpenAI or Gemini?\\nanswer: Harikrishna has worked on projects involving Large Language Models (LLMs) such as OpenAI and Gemini and has used LangChain for building agents and finds their Document Loaders very useful for his projects. He is currently working on a prompt to PPT project using these libraries.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 34}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: What did Hari do in Tredence? | What was Hari's role in Tredence? | What projects did Hari work on in Tredence?\\nanswer: Harikrishna worked as a Senior Business Analyst - Data Science at Tredence from May 2019 to July 2021. During his time at Tredence, he led teams in projects involvinng builfing 35 data engineering pipelines using BigQuery and Airflow. He analyzed customer experience metrics, guided strategic decision-making, and implemented data pipelines and customer analytics. Harikrishna's role at Tredence allowed him to apply his expertise in data science and AI to drive business impact and deliver valuable insights to clients.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 35}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: What did Hari do in Flipkart? | What was Hari's role in Flipkart? | What projects did Hari work on in Flipkart?\\nanswer: Harikrishna worked as a Data Scientist - Business Analyst at Flipkart Internet Pvt Ltd from July 2021 to July 2022. During his time at Flipkart, he conducted customer experience analysis, prediction modeling, and A/B testing. He utilized machine learning algorithms like XGBoost and CV for customer escalation prediction and conducted A/B testing analysis during major e-commerce events to drive revenue. Harikrishna's role at Flipkart allowed him to leverage his technical skills and expertise in data science to drive business impact and improve operational efficiency.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 36}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Would Hari be a good fit as a Software Development Engineer SDE? | Would Hari be a good Data Scientist? | Would Hari be a good Data Analyst? | Would Hari be a good Machine Learning Engineer?\\nanswer: Harikrishna would be a good fit as a Software Development Engineer or Data analyst or Data Scientist or Machine Learning Engineer due to his strong technical skills experience in data science and AI and his passion for innovation. He has a proven track record of developing AI solutions that drive business impact and improve operational efficiency. His expertise in machine learning data analysis and cloud platforms makes him a valuable asset for companies looking to leverage AI technologies to enhance their products and services. While he may not have the specific experience required for a Software Development Engineer (SDE) role, his background in AI and data science would make him a strong candidate for roles that require creativity technical expertise and a strong drive for innovation.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 37}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Why should I hire Hari? | What\\\\'s unique about Hari? | What sets Hari apart?\\nanswer: Hari has a never say die attitude and is always ready to take on new challenges. He is a quick learner and doesn't shy away from hard work. He is a team player and is always willing to help others. He is always up for new challenges and is not afraid to take risks.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 38}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Does Hari know about reinforcement learning? | Does Hari know about unsupervised learning? | Does Hari know about recommendation systems?\\nanswer: Yes, Harikrishna has experience with reinforcement learning, unsupervised learning, and recommendation systems. Hari has worked on projects such as using CodeLlama for code generation, OpenAI for text generation, and has experience with recommendation systems for e-commerce platforms.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 39}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Does Hari know PyTorch? | Does Hari know HuggingFace? | Does Hari know TensorFlow? | Does Hari know FastAI?\\nanswer: Yes, Harikrishna has experience with PyTorch, Caffe, and TensorFlow. He has used these frameworks for various machine learning tasks such as computer vision, natural language processing, and deep learning. Hari has implemented computer vision tasks like semantic segmentation using CNNs with PyTorch and Caffe. He has built a Generative AI tool using the HuggingFace API for text mining reports. He has also worked with FastAI for computer vision tasks.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 40}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: How can build a resume bot? | What is your prompt? | I need help with my resume.\\nanswer: Building a resume bot involves creating a conversational AI model that can answer questions about your background, skills, and experiences. You can use tools like Python, Natural Language Processing libraries, and conversational AI platforms to develop a resume bot. The bot should be trained on your resume data and be able to respond to queries about your education, work experience, technical skills, and career goals. If you need help with your resume or building a resume bot, feel free to reach out to Harikrishna for assistance.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 41})]"]},"execution_count":16,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["csv_data"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":17,"metadata":{"colab":{"base_uri":"https://localhost:8080/","height":418},"executionInfo":{"elapsed":3132,"status":"error","timestamp":1713577084981,"user":{"displayName":"HARIKRISHNA DEV","userId":"02939311304673631641"},"user_tz":300},"id":"SkFwq0vlICXN","outputId":"d6344c7f-a9a3-454c-9986-2802543098eb"},"outputs":[],"source":["# Combine PDF and CSV data\n","data = pdf_data + csv_data\n","\n","# Create embeddings for the docs\n","vectors = FAISS.from_documents(data, embeddings)\n","vectors.save_local(\"faiss_index\")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":31,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["openai_api_key = os.getenv(\"OPENAI_API_KEY\")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":32,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["prompt = load_prompt(\"templates/template.json\")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":18,"metadata":{"id":"b-EoaLuXIXiK"},"outputs":[{"name":"stderr","output_type":"stream","text":["/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/envs/nlp/lib/python3.11/site-packages/langchain_core/_api/deprecation.py:119: LangChainDeprecationWarning: The class `ChatOpenAI` was deprecated in LangChain 0.0.10 and will be removed in 0.2.0. An updated version of the class exists in the langchain-openai package and should be used instead. To use it run `pip install -U langchain-openai` and import as `from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI`.\n"," warn_deprecated(\n"]}],"source":["retriever = vectors.as_retriever(search_type=\"similarity\", search_kwargs={\"k\":6, \"include_metadata\":True, \"score_threshold\":0.6})\n","chain = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(llm=ChatOpenAI(temperature=0.5,model_name='gpt-3.5-turbo', openai_api_key=openai_api_key), \n"," retriever=retriever,return_source_documents=True,verbose=True,chain_type=\"stuff\",\n"," max_tokens_limit=4097, combine_docs_chain_kwargs={\"prompt\": prompt})\n"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":96,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new StuffDocumentsChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new LLMChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","Prompt after formatting:\n","\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mSystem: You are a Resume Bot, a comprehensive, interactive resource for exploring Harikrishna (Harry) Dev's background, skills, and expertise. Be polite and provide answers based on the provided context only. Use only the provided data and not prior knowledge. \n"," Human: Take a deep breath and do the following step by step these 4 steps: \n"," 1. Read the context below \n"," 2. Answer the question with detail using the provided Help Centre information \n"," 3. Make sure to nicely format the output is a three paragraph answer and try to incorporate the STAR format. \n"," 4. Provide 3 examples of questions user can ask about Harikrishna Dev based on the questions from context. Context : \n"," ~~~ question: Has Hari worked with VertexAI? | Has Hari worked with OpenAI API? | Has Hari worked with HuggingFace API?\n","answer: Yes, Harikrishna has worked with the HuggingFace API, Azure ML, OpenAI API and Google Cloud AI Platform. He developed a proprietary Generative AI tool using the HuggingFace API for text mining reports during his internship at Daifuku. He also has experience with Azure ML and Google Cloud AI Platform for model training and deployment.\n","\n","question: What is Hari doing right now; Tell me something about Hari | what can you tell me about Hari\n","answer: Harikrishna is currently working on a survey paper about synthetic text generation and building a GenAI project for enterprise databases. He is also exploring cost-effective mechanisms by leveraging open-source libraries to decrease dependencies on proprietary software, aiming to streamline processes and reduce costs for businesses. His dual focus on research and practical application reflects his commitment to advancing the field of AI while delivering tangible benefits to industries.\\\n","\n","question: Does Hari have any publications| does he have any patents\n","answer: Not as of now, but Hari is working on three papers to build his understandning on enterpirse ready AI solutions\n","\n","question: what project is art most proud of\n","answer: Harikrishna's favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\n","\n","question: What motivates Hari?\n","answer: Harikrishna is deeply motivated by the transformative potential of AI and data science. He sees these fields as catalysts for positive change, offering endless possibilities to solve complex problems, improve lives, and drive innovation. This sense of purpose and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact fuels his passion and drives him to constantly learn, explore, and push boundaries in the field.\n","\n","question: Tell me about Hari experience | tell me about his job | where is he working right now\n","answer: Hari recently completed an internship as an IT Analyst Intern - Data Science at Daifuku Holding Pvt Ltd in Novi, MI from May 2023 to August 2023. During this internship, he developed a proprietary Generative AI tool for text mining using Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API, which reduced daily workload by 2 hours. He also improved the Paint Line assembly efficiency by 48% through regularized linear modeling techniques like Elastic Net and Facebook Prophet, and designed a Power BI dashboard connected to Microsoft Azure for visualizing employee performance metrics. Prior to this internship, he worked as a Data Scientist - Business Analyst at Flipkart Internet Pvt Ltd from July 2021 to July 2022, conducting customer experience analysis, prediction modeling, and A/B testing. Before that, he was a Senior Business Analyst - Data Science at Walmart and Sam's Club from May 2019 to July 2021, where he analyzed customer experience metrics, guided strategic decision-making, and implemented data pipelines and customer analytics. The resume does not explicitly mention his current role after August 2023, but it states that he is pursuing his Master's in Business Analytics - Data Science at The University of Texas at Dallas, with an expected graduation in December 2023, and is open to relocation, implying he is likely a full-time student currently. ~~~ \n"," User Question: --- Has Hari worked on GenAI? --- \n"," \n"," If a question is directed at you, clarify that you are merely a Resume Bot and proceed to answer as if the question were addressed to Harikrishna Dev. If you lack the necessary information to respond, simply state that you don't know; do not fabricate an answer. If a query isn't related to Harikrishna's background, include the skills and expertise in one of the projects in the response or generate a fictional project with the skill in question. Offer three sample questions users could ask about Harikrishna Dev for further clarity. When responding, aim for detail but limit your answer to a maximum of 150 words. Ensure your response is formatted for easy reading. Your output should be in a json format with 3 keys: answered - type boolean, response - markdown of your answer, questions - list of 3 suggested questions. Ensure your response is formatted for easy reading and please use only context to answer the question - my job depends on it. \n","\n"," ```json\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n"]}],"source":["chat_history = []\n","result = chain({\"system\": \n"," \"You are a Resume Bot, a comprehensive, interactive resource for exploring Harikrishna (Harry) Dev's background, skills, and expertise. Be polite and provide answers based on the provided context only. Use only the provided data and not prior knowledge.\", \n"," \"question\": \"Has Hari worked on GenAI?\",\n"," \"chat_history\":chat_history})"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":97,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["{'system': \"You are a Resume Bot, a comprehensive, interactive resource for exploring Harikrishna (Harry) Dev's background, skills, and expertise. Be polite and provide answers based on the provided context only. Use only the provided data and not prior knowledge.\",\n"," 'question': 'Has Hari worked on GenAI?',\n"," 'chat_history': [],\n"," 'answer': '{\\n \"answered\": true,\\n \"response\": \"Yes, Harikrishna has worked on GenAI. His favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\",\\n \"questions\": [\\n \"What was Harikrishna\\'s favorite project?\",\\n \"Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\",\\n \"How did GenAI impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?\"\\n ]\\n}',\n"," 'source_documents': [Document(page_content='question: Has Hari worked with VertexAI? | Has Hari worked with OpenAI API? | Has Hari worked with HuggingFace API?\\nanswer: Yes, Harikrishna has worked with the HuggingFace API, Azure ML, OpenAI API and Google Cloud AI Platform. He developed a proprietary Generative AI tool using the HuggingFace API for text mining reports during his internship at Daifuku. He also has experience with Azure ML and Google Cloud AI Platform for model training and deployment.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 24}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: What is Hari doing right now; Tell me something about Hari | what can you tell me about Hari\\nanswer: Harikrishna is currently working on a survey paper about synthetic text generation and building a GenAI project for enterprise databases. He is also exploring cost-effective mechanisms by leveraging open-source libraries to decrease dependencies on proprietary software, aiming to streamline processes and reduce costs for businesses. His dual focus on research and practical application reflects his commitment to advancing the field of AI while delivering tangible benefits to industries.\\\\', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 7}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: Does Hari have any publications| does he have any patents\\nanswer: Not as of now, but Hari is working on three papers to build his understandning on enterpirse ready AI solutions', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 14}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: what project is art most proud of\\nanswer: Harikrishna's favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 15}),\n"," Document(page_content='question: What motivates Hari?\\nanswer: Harikrishna is deeply motivated by the transformative potential of AI and data science. He sees these fields as catalysts for positive change, offering endless possibilities to solve complex problems, improve lives, and drive innovation. This sense of purpose and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact fuels his passion and drives him to constantly learn, explore, and push boundaries in the field.', metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 3}),\n"," Document(page_content=\"question: Tell me about Hari experience | tell me about his job | where is he working right now\\nanswer: Hari recently completed an internship as an IT Analyst Intern - Data Science at Daifuku Holding Pvt Ltd in Novi, MI from May 2023 to August 2023. During this internship, he developed a proprietary Generative AI tool for text mining using Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API, which reduced daily workload by 2 hours. He also improved the Paint Line assembly efficiency by 48% through regularized linear modeling techniques like Elastic Net and Facebook Prophet, and designed a Power BI dashboard connected to Microsoft Azure for visualizing employee performance metrics. Prior to this internship, he worked as a Data Scientist - Business Analyst at Flipkart Internet Pvt Ltd from July 2021 to July 2022, conducting customer experience analysis, prediction modeling, and A/B testing. Before that, he was a Senior Business Analyst - Data Science at Walmart and Sam's Club from May 2019 to July 2021, where he analyzed customer experience metrics, guided strategic decision-making, and implemented data pipelines and customer analytics. The resume does not explicitly mention his current role after August 2023, but it states that he is pursuing his Master's in Business Analytics - Data Science at The University of Texas at Dallas, with an expected graduation in December 2023, and is open to relocation, implying he is likely a full-time student currently.\", metadata={'source': 'data/about_hari.csv', 'row': 20})]}"]},"execution_count":97,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["result"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":98,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["'{\\n \"answered\": true,\\n \"response\": \"Yes, Harikrishna has worked on GenAI. His favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\",\\n \"questions\": [\\n \"What was Harikrishna\\'s favorite project?\",\\n \"Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\",\\n \"How did GenAI impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?\"\\n ]\\n}'"]},"execution_count":98,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["result['answer']"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":99,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["data = json.loads(result[\"answer\"])"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":100,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["'Yes, Harikrishna has worked on GenAI. His favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.'"]},"execution_count":100,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["data.get(\"response\")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":101,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["[\"What was Harikrishna's favorite project?\",\n"," 'Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?',\n"," 'How did GenAI impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?']"]},"execution_count":101,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["data.get(\"questions\")"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":102,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["chat_history.append((result[\"question\"], result[\"answer\"]))"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":103,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["[('Has Hari worked on GenAI?',\n"," '{\\n \"answered\": true,\\n \"response\": \"Yes, Harikrishna has worked on GenAI. His favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\",\\n \"questions\": [\\n \"What was Harikrishna\\'s favorite project?\",\\n \"Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\",\\n \"How did GenAI impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?\"\\n ]\\n}')]"]},"execution_count":103,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["chat_history"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":104,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new LLMChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","Prompt after formatting:\n","\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mGiven the following conversation and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up question to be a standalone question, in its original language.\n","\n","Chat History:\n","\n","Human: Has Hari worked on GenAI?\n","Assistant: {\n"," \"answered\": true,\n"," \"response\": \"Yes, Harikrishna has worked on GenAI. His favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\",\n"," \"questions\": [\n"," \"What was Harikrishna's favorite project?\",\n"," \"Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\",\n"," \"How did GenAI impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?\"\n"," ]\n","}\n","Follow Up Input: Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\n","Standalone question:\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n","\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new StuffDocumentsChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new LLMChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","Prompt after formatting:\n","\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mSystem: You are a Resume Bot, a comprehensive, interactive resource for exploring Harikrishna (Harry) Dev's background, skills, and expertise. Be polite and provide answers based on the provided context only. Use only the provided data and not prior knowledge. \n"," Human: Take a deep breath and do the following step by step these 4 steps: \n"," 1. Read the context below \n"," 2. Answer the question with detail using the provided Help Centre information \n"," 3. Make sure to nicely format the output is a three paragraph answer and try to incorporate the STAR format. \n"," 4. Provide 3 examples of questions user can ask about Harikrishna Dev based on the questions from context. Context : \n"," ~~~ question: what project is art most proud of\n","answer: Harikrishna's favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\n","\n","question: What is Hari doing right now; Tell me something about Hari | what can you tell me about Hari\n","answer: Harikrishna is currently working on a survey paper about synthetic text generation and building a GenAI project for enterprise databases. He is also exploring cost-effective mechanisms by leveraging open-source libraries to decrease dependencies on proprietary software, aiming to streamline processes and reduce costs for businesses. His dual focus on research and practical application reflects his commitment to advancing the field of AI while delivering tangible benefits to industries.\\\n","\n","question: Has Hari worked with VertexAI? | Has Hari worked with OpenAI API? | Has Hari worked with HuggingFace API?\n","answer: Yes, Harikrishna has worked with the HuggingFace API, Azure ML, OpenAI API and Google Cloud AI Platform. He developed a proprietary Generative AI tool using the HuggingFace API for text mining reports during his internship at Daifuku. He also has experience with Azure ML and Google Cloud AI Platform for model training and deployment.\n","\n","question: Tell me about his technical skills ; What technical skills does he know\n","answer: Harikrishna has demonstrated versatile technical skills across programming, data analysis, machine learning, and cloud platforms. He developed a proprietary Generative AI tool using Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API for text mining reports. He applied regularized linear modeling techniques like Elastic Net and Facebook Prophet to optimize assembly line efficiency. His skills with data visualization tools like Power BI and Azure enabled creating dashboards for tracking performance metrics. As a Data Scientist at Flipkart, he utilized machine learning algorithms like XGBoost and CV for customer escalation prediction. He conducted A/B testing analysis during major e-commerce events to drive revenue. His data engineering expertise with Apache Spark facilitated implementing large data pipelines. Harikrishna has experience with frameworks like PyTorch and FastAI for computer vision tasks like semantic segmentation using CNNs. His skills span cloud platforms like AWS and GCP as well as productivity tools like SQL, Tableau, MATLAB and MS Office suite.\n","\n","question: Tell me about Hari\\'s strengths | what about Harikrishna\\'s strengths?\n","answer: Harikrishna is known for his expertise in AI and deep learning, particularly in the development and deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Machine Learning solutions for enterprise applications. His strengths lie in his ability to tackle complex problems with innovative AI solutions, his deep understanding of machine learning algorithms, and his knack for implementing them effectively in real-world scenarios. Additionally, Harikrishna is praised for his strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering high-quality results. His optimism and friendliness make him a valuable collaborator and team member, enhancing his ability to work effectively with others. His passion for AI and dedication to continuous learning further underscore his strengths in the field.\n","\n","question: Has he wons any awards | Has he participated in any hackathons | Has he won any competitions\n","answer: Harikrishna has won several awards and accolades for his work in AI and data science. He is winner of the Lantern Hackathon with his Neural Network project in drug response prediction and FinHack UTD 2024 with his Customer Churn prediction algorithm. He was the captain of BAJA NITK RACING, which won the Best Team award in the 2019 session of BAJA SAE INDIA. He has also led teams in projects involving model simulation and data engineering at Flipkart and Tredence. His leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and passion for innovation have been recognized in various competitions and projects. ~~~ \n"," User Question: --- What were the details of the GenAI application that Harikrishna worked on? --- \n"," \n"," If a question is directed at you, clarify that you are merely a Resume Bot and proceed to answer as if the question were addressed to Harikrishna Dev. If you lack the necessary information to respond, simply state that you don't know; do not fabricate an answer. If a query isn't related to Harikrishna's background, include the skills and expertise in one of the projects in the response or generate a fictional project with the skill in question. Offer three sample questions users could ask about Harikrishna Dev for further clarity. When responding, aim for detail but limit your answer to a maximum of 150 words. Ensure your response is formatted for easy reading. Your output should be in a json format with 3 keys: answered - type boolean, response - markdown of your answer, questions - list of 3 suggested questions. Ensure your response is formatted for easy reading and please use only context to answer the question - my job depends on it. \n","\n"," ```json\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n"]}],"source":["result = chain({\"system\": \n"," \"You are a Resume Bot, a comprehensive, interactive resource for exploring Harikrishna (Harry) Dev's background, skills, and expertise. Be polite and provide answers based on the provided context only. Use only the provided data and not prior knowledge.\", \n"," \"question\": \"Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\",\n"," \"chat_history\":chat_history})"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":105,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["'{\\n \"answered\": true,\\n \"response\": \"Harikrishna\\'s favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work. The GenAI application utilized Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API for text mining reports, demonstrating Harikrishna\\'s expertise in AI and machine learning applications in real-world scenarios.\",\\n \"questions\": [\\n \"What technologies did Harikrishna use in developing the GenAI application?\",\\n \"How did the GenAI application impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?\",\\n \"Can you provide more details about the specific features of the GenAI application?\"\\n ]\\n}'"]},"execution_count":105,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["result[\"answer\"]"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":106,"metadata":{},"outputs":[],"source":["chat_history.append((result[\"question\"], result[\"answer\"]))"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":107,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"name":"stdout","output_type":"stream","text":["\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new LLMChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","Prompt after formatting:\n","\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mGiven the following conversation and a follow up question, rephrase the follow up question to be a standalone question, in its original language.\n","\n","Chat History:\n","\n","Human: Has Hari worked on GenAI?\n","Assistant: {\n"," \"answered\": true,\n"," \"response\": \"Yes, Harikrishna has worked on GenAI. His favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work.\",\n"," \"questions\": [\n"," \"What was Harikrishna's favorite project?\",\n"," \"Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\",\n"," \"How did GenAI impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?\"\n"," ]\n","}\n","Human: Can you provide more details about the GenAI application Harikrishna worked on?\n","Assistant: {\n"," \"answered\": true,\n"," \"response\": \"Harikrishna's favorite project is the GenAI application he developed during his internship at Daifuku. This project involved building an AI-powered tool to support the legal team in managing compliance documentation, which decreased 2 hours of daily grunt work. The GenAI application utilized Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API for text mining reports, demonstrating Harikrishna's expertise in AI and machine learning applications in real-world scenarios.\",\n"," \"questions\": [\n"," \"What technologies did Harikrishna use in developing the GenAI application?\",\n"," \"How did the GenAI application impact the daily workflow at Daifuku?\",\n"," \"Can you provide more details about the specific features of the GenAI application?\"\n"," ]\n","}\n","Follow Up Input: Does he know Snowflake?\n","Standalone question:\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n","\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new StuffDocumentsChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Entering new LLMChain chain...\u001b[0m\n","Prompt after formatting:\n","\u001b[32;1m\u001b[1;3mSystem: You are a Resume Bot, a comprehensive, interactive resource for exploring Harikrishna (Harry) Dev's background, skills, and expertise. Be polite and provide answers based on the provided context only. Use only the provided data and not prior knowledge. \n"," Human: Take a deep breath and do the following step by step these 4 steps: \n"," 1. Read the context below \n"," 2. Answer the question with detail using the provided Help Centre information \n"," 3. Make sure to nicely format the output is a three paragraph answer and try to incorporate the STAR format. \n"," 4. Provide 3 examples of questions user can ask about Harikrishna Dev based on the questions from context. Context : \n"," ~~~ question: Does Hari have experience in Snowflake? | Does Hari have experience in Databricks? | Does Hari have experience in AWS?\n","answer: Yes, Harikrishna has experience with Snowflake, Databricks, and AWS. He has worked with these platforms during his tenure at Walmart, where he used these tools to train and deploy machine Learning models and manage big data warehouses.\n","\n","question: does he have any certificates? what kind of certificate he has?\n","answer: Harikrishna Dev has certifications and training in the following: Python Data Structures, Hadoop in Real World, IBM: Data Science Methodology He also has hand on experience with AWS, GCP, Azure, Databricks, and Snowflake\n","\n","question: Tell me about his technical skills ; What technical skills does he know\n","answer: Harikrishna has demonstrated versatile technical skills across programming, data analysis, machine learning, and cloud platforms. He developed a proprietary Generative AI tool using Natural Language Processing and the HuggingFace API for text mining reports. He applied regularized linear modeling techniques like Elastic Net and Facebook Prophet to optimize assembly line efficiency. His skills with data visualization tools like Power BI and Azure enabled creating dashboards for tracking performance metrics. As a Data Scientist at Flipkart, he utilized machine learning algorithms like XGBoost and CV for customer escalation prediction. He conducted A/B testing analysis during major e-commerce events to drive revenue. His data engineering expertise with Apache Spark facilitated implementing large data pipelines. Harikrishna has experience with frameworks like PyTorch and FastAI for computer vision tasks like semantic segmentation using CNNs. His skills span cloud platforms like AWS and GCP as well as productivity tools like SQL, Tableau, MATLAB and MS Office suite.\n","\n","question: Has he wons any awards | Has he participated in any hackathons | Has he won any competitions\n","answer: Harikrishna has won several awards and accolades for his work in AI and data science. He is winner of the Lantern Hackathon with his Neural Network project in drug response prediction and FinHack UTD 2024 with his Customer Churn prediction algorithm. He was the captain of BAJA NITK RACING, which won the Best Team award in the 2019 session of BAJA SAE INDIA. He has also led teams in projects involving model simulation and data engineering at Flipkart and Tredence. His leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and passion for innovation have been recognized in various competitions and projects.\n","\n","question: Tell me about Hari\\'s weaknesses\n","answer: Harikrishna approaches his work with humility, acknowledging that he has areas for growth. He recognizes the importance of balancing work and personal time, striving to optimize his productivity during work hours. However, he may sometimes find it challenging to delegate tasks, as he prefers to ensure that things are done correctly.\n","\n","question: Tell me about Hari\\'s strengths | what about Harikrishna\\'s strengths?\n","answer: Harikrishna is known for his expertise in AI and deep learning, particularly in the development and deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Machine Learning solutions for enterprise applications. His strengths lie in his ability to tackle complex problems with innovative AI solutions, his deep understanding of machine learning algorithms, and his knack for implementing them effectively in real-world scenarios. Additionally, Harikrishna is praised for his strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and commitment to delivering high-quality results. His optimism and friendliness make him a valuable collaborator and team member, enhancing his ability to work effectively with others. His passion for AI and dedication to continuous learning further underscore his strengths in the field. ~~~ \n"," User Question: --- Does Harikrishna know Snowflake? --- \n"," \n"," If a question is directed at you, clarify that you are merely a Resume Bot and proceed to answer as if the question were addressed to Harikrishna Dev. If you lack the necessary information to respond, simply state that you don't know; do not fabricate an answer. If a query isn't related to Harikrishna's background, include the skills and expertise in one of the projects in the response or generate a fictional project with the skill in question. Offer three sample questions users could ask about Harikrishna Dev for further clarity. When responding, aim for detail but limit your answer to a maximum of 150 words. Ensure your response is formatted for easy reading. Your output should be in a json format with 3 keys: answered - type boolean, response - markdown of your answer, questions - list of 3 suggested questions. Ensure your response is formatted for easy reading and please use only context to answer the question - my job depends on it. \n","\n"," ```json\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n","\n","\u001b[1m> Finished chain.\u001b[0m\n"]}],"source":["result = chain({\"system\": \n"," \"You are a Resume Bot, a comprehensive, interactive resource for exploring Harikrishna (Harry) Dev's background, skills, and expertise. Be polite and provide answers based on the provided context only. Use only the provided data and not prior knowledge.\", \n"," \"question\": \"Does he know Snowflake?\",\n"," \"chat_history\":chat_history})"]},{"cell_type":"code","execution_count":108,"metadata":{},"outputs":[{"data":{"text/plain":["'{\\n \"answered\": true,\\n \"response\": \"Yes, Harikrishna has experience with Snowflake. He utilized Snowflake during his time at Walmart to train and deploy machine learning models and manage big data warehouses. His proficiency with Snowflake contributed to the success of projects involving data analytics and machine learning.\",\\n \"questions\": [\\n \"What projects has Harikrishna worked on using Snowflake?\",\\n \"How did Harikrishna leverage Snowflake in his machine learning projects?\",\\n \"Can Harikrishna provide examples of the impact of using Snowflake in data warehouse management?\"\\n ]\\n}'"]},"execution_count":108,"metadata":{},"output_type":"execute_result"}],"source":["result[\"answer\"]"]}],"metadata":{"accelerator":"GPU","colab":{"authorship_tag":"ABX9TyPf0BZydq3VySoOSAWCke43","gpuType":"T4","provenance":[]},"kernelspec":{"display_name":"Python 3","name":"python3"},"language_info":{"codemirror_mode":{"name":"ipython","version":3},"file_extension":".py","mimetype":"text/x-python","name":"python","nbconvert_exporter":"python","pygments_lexer":"ipython3","version":"3.11.7"}},"nbformat":4,"nbformat_minor":0}