import streamlit as st from ultralytics import YOLO import tempfile import pandas as pd model = YOLO('') st.title('Spare-it Segmentation Model') # Performance table data st.header("Best Model Performance") df = pd.read_csv('performance_table.csv') st.dataframe(df) with st.expander("See Example Results"): st.write("Here are some example images with detections:") st.image('example1.jpg') st.image('example2.jpg') st.image('example3.jpg') st.image('example4.jpg') st.image('example5.jpg') input_method ="Choose the input method:", ("Upload an Image", "Take a Picture")) if input_method == "Upload an Image": image_data = st.file_uploader("Upload an image", type=['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png']) elif input_method == "Take a Picture": image_data = st.camera_input("Take a picture") if image_data is not None: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.jpg') as tmp_file: tmp_file.write(image_data.getvalue()) image_path = results = model(image_path) category_names = results[0].names predictions = {} for cls_id, conf in zip(results[0].boxes.cls, results[0].boxes.conf): cls_id = int(cls_id) conf = float(conf) class_name = category_names[cls_id] if class_name in predictions: predictions[class_name].append(conf) else: predictions[class_name] = [conf] num_masks = len(results[0] st.write(f"Total {num_masks} objects found.") for category, confidences in predictions.items(): st.write(f"{len(confidences)} {category}: {['{:.2f}'.format(c) for c in confidences]}") for result in results: plotted_img = result.plot() st.image(plotted_img, caption='Segmented Image', use_container_width =True)