NMT-LaVi / utils /decode_old.py
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import numpy as np
import math
import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as functional
from utils.data import multiple_replace, get_synonym
def no_peeking_mask(size, device):
Tạo mask được sử dụng trong decoder để lúc dự đoán trong quá trình huấn luyện
mô hình không nhìn thấy được các từ ở tương lai
np_mask = np.triu(np.ones((1, size, size)),
np_mask = Variable(torch.from_numpy(np_mask) == 0)
np_mask = np_mask.to(device)
return np_mask
def create_masks(src, trg, src_pad, trg_pad, device):
""" Tạo mask cho encoder,
để mô hình không bỏ qua thông tin của các kí tự PAD do chúng ta thêm vào
src_mask = (src != src_pad).unsqueeze(-2)
if trg is not None:
trg_mask = (trg != trg_pad).unsqueeze(-2)
size = trg.size(1) # get seq_len for matrix
np_mask = no_peeking_mask(size, device)
if trg.is_cuda:
trg_mask = trg_mask & np_mask
trg_mask = None
return src_mask, trg_mask
def init_vars(src, model, SRC, TRG, device, k, max_len):
""" Tính toán các ma trận cần thiết trong quá trình translation sau khi mô hình học xong
init_tok = TRG.vocab.stoi['<sos>']
src_mask = (src != SRC.vocab.stoi['<pad>']).unsqueeze(-2)
# tính sẵn output của encoder
e_output = model.encoder(src, src_mask)
outputs = torch.LongTensor([[init_tok]])
outputs = outputs.to(device)
trg_mask = no_peeking_mask(1, device)
# dự đoán kí tự đầu tiên
out = model.out(model.decoder(outputs,
e_output, src_mask, trg_mask))
out = functional.softmax(out, dim=-1)
probs, ix = out[:, -1].data.topk(k)
log_scores = torch.Tensor([math.log(prob) for prob in probs.data[0]]).unsqueeze(0)
outputs = torch.zeros(k, max_len).long()
outputs = outputs.to(device)
outputs[:, 0] = init_tok
outputs[:, 1] = ix[0]
e_outputs = torch.zeros(k, e_output.size(-2),e_output.size(-1))
e_outputs = e_outputs.to(device)
e_outputs[:, :] = e_output[0]
return outputs, e_outputs, log_scores
def k_best_outputs(outputs, out, log_scores, i, k):
# debug print
probs, ix = out[:, -1].data.topk(k)
log_probs = torch.Tensor([math.log(p) for p in probs.data.view(-1)]).view(k, -1) + log_scores.transpose(0,1)
k_probs, k_ix = log_probs.view(-1).topk(k)
row = k_ix // k
col = k_ix % k
outputs[:, :i] = outputs[row, :i]
outputs[:, i] = ix[row, col]
log_scores = k_probs.unsqueeze(0)
return outputs, log_scores
def beam_search(src, model, SRC, TRG, device, k, max_len, debug=False, output_list_of_tokens=False):
outputs, e_outputs, log_scores = init_vars(src, model, SRC, TRG, device, k, max_len)
eos_tok = TRG.vocab.stoi['<eos>']
src_mask = (src != SRC.vocab.stoi['<pad>']).unsqueeze(-2)
ind = None
for i in range(2, max_len):
print("Current iteration to maxlen: {:d}".format(i))
trg_mask = no_peeking_mask(i, device)
out = model.out(model.decoder(outputs[:,:i], e_outputs, src_mask, trg_mask))
out = functional.softmax(out, dim=-1)
outputs, log_scores = k_best_outputs(outputs, out, log_scores, i, k)
ones = (outputs==eos_tok).nonzero() # Occurrences of end symbols for all input sentences.
sentence_lengths = torch.zeros(len(outputs), dtype=torch.long).to(device)
for vec in ones:
i = vec[0]
if sentence_lengths[i]==0: # First end symbol has not been found yet
sentence_lengths[i] = vec[1] # Position of first end symbol
num_finished_sentences = len([s for s in sentence_lengths if s > 0])
if num_finished_sentences == k:
alpha = 0.7
div = 1/(sentence_lengths.type_as(log_scores)**alpha)
_, ind = torch.max(log_scores * div, 1)
ind = ind.data[0]
# additional change to output list of tokens instead of string
join_fn = (lambda x: x) if(output_list_of_tokens) else (lambda x: " ".join(x))
if ind is None:
length = (outputs[0]==eos_tok).nonzero()[0] if len((outputs[0]==eos_tok).nonzero()) > 0 else -1
return join_fn([TRG.vocab.itos[tok] for tok in outputs[0, 1:length]])
length = (outputs[ind]==eos_tok).nonzero()[0]
return join_fn([TRG.vocab.itos[tok] for tok in outputs[ind, 1:length]])
def translate_sentence(raw_sentence, model, SRC, TRG, device, k, max_len, debug=False, output_list_of_tokens=False):
"""Dịch một câu sử dụng beamsearch
indexed = []
if(isinstance(raw_sentence, str)):
# single sentence, require preprocessing
sentence = SRC.preprocess(raw_sentence)
# already tokenized (taken from iterators, etc.)
sentence = raw_sentence
for tok in sentence:
if SRC.vocab.stoi[tok] != SRC.vocab.stoi['<eos>']:
indexed.append(get_synonym(tok, SRC))
output = Variable(torch.LongTensor([indexed]))
output = output.to(device)
output = beam_search(output, model, SRC, TRG, device, k, max_len, output_list_of_tokens=output_list_of_tokens)
print("{} -> {}".format(raw_sentence, output))
return output
# return multiple_replace({' ?' : '?',' !':'!',' .':'.','\' ':'\'',' ,':','}, sentence)