import gradio as gr import regex as re import torch import nltk import pandas as pd from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSequenceClassification from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize import as px import time import tqdm'punkt') # Define the device (GPU or CPU) device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # Define the model and tokenizer checkpoint = "ieq/IEQ-BERT" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(checkpoint).to(device) model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(checkpoint).to(device) # Define the function for preprocessing text def prep_text(text): clean_sents = [] # append clean con sentences sent_tokens = str(text).split('.') for sent_token in sent_tokens: word_tokens = [str(word_token).strip().lower() for word_token in sent_token.split()] word_tokens = [word_token for word_token in word_tokens if word_token not in punctuations] clean_sents.append(' '.join((word_tokens))) joined_clean_sents = '. '.join(clean_sents).strip(' ') return joined_clean_sents # APP INFO def app_info(): check = """ Please go to either the "Single-Text-Prediction" or "Multi-Text-Prediction" tab to analyse your text. """ return check # Create Gradio interface for app info iface1 = gr.Interface( fn=app_info, inputs=None, outputs=['text'], title="General-Infomation", description=''' This app, powered by the IEQ-BERT model (sadickam/sdg-classification-bert), is for automating the classification of text concerning with respect to indoor environmetal quality (IEQ). IEQ refers to the quality of the indoor air, lighting, temperature, and acoustics within a building, as well as the overall comfort and well-being of its occupants. It encompasses various factors that can impact the health, productivity, and satisfaction of people who spend time indoors, such as office workers, students, patients, and residents. This app assigns five labels to any given text and a text may be assigned one or more labels. The five labels include the following: - Acoustic - Indoor air quality (IAQ) - No IEQ (label assigned when no IEQ is defected) - Thermal - Visual Because IEQ-BERT is capable of assigning one or more labels to a text, it is possible that the returned prediction like (Acoustic_No IEQ) or (NO IEQ_Thermal). These multiple predictions that include "No IEQ" may suggest lack of contextual clarity in the text and need manual review to affirm label. This app has two analysis modules summarised below: - Single-Text-Prediction - Analyses text pasted in a text box and return IEQ prediction. - Multi-Text-Prediction - Analyses multiple rows of texts in an uploaded CSV file and returns a downloadable CSV file with IEQ prediction for each row of text. This app runs on a free server and may therefore not be suitable for analysing large CSV files. If you need assistance with analysing large CSV, do get in touch using the contact information in the Contact section.
We would be happy to receive your feedback regarding this app. If you would also like to collaborate with us to explore some use cases for the model powering this app, we are happy to hear from you.
Dr Abdul-Manan Sadick - Dr Giorgia Chinazzo - ''') # SINGLE TEXT # Define the prediction function def predict_single_text(text): """ Predicts the IEQ labels for a single text. Args: text (str): The text to be analyzed. Returns: top_prediction (dict): A dictionary containing the top predicted IEQ labels and their corresponding probabilities. fig (plotly.graph_objs.Figure): A bar chart showing the likelihood of each IEQ label. """ # Preprocess the input text cleaned_text = prep_text(text) # Check if the text is empty after preprocessing if cleaned_text == "": raise gr.Error('This model needs some text input to return a prediction') # Tokenize the preprocessed text tokenized_text = tokenizer(cleaned_text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, max_length=512, padding=True).to( device) # Make predictions with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**tokenized_text) logits = outputs.logits # Calculate the probabilities probabilities = torch.sigmoid(logits).squeeze() # Define the threshold for prediction threshold = 0.3 # Get the predicted labels predicted_labels_ = (probabilities.cpu().numpy() > threshold).tolist() # Define the list of IEQ labels label_list = [ 'Acoustic', 'Indoor air quality', 'No IEQ', 'Thermal', 'Visual' ] # Map the predicted labels to their corresponding names predicted_labels = [label_list[i] for i in range(len(label_list)) if predicted_labels_[i] == 1] # Get the probabilities of the predicted labels predicted_prob = [round(a_, 3) for a_ in probabilities.cpu().numpy().tolist() if a_ > threshold] # Create a dictionary containing the top predicted IEQ labels and their corresponding probabilities top_prediction = (dict(zip(predicted_labels, predicted_prob))) # Create a bar chart showing the likelihood of each IEQ label # Make dataframe for plotly bar chart u, v = zip(*dict(zip(label_list, probabilities.cpu().numpy().tolist())).items()) m = list(u) n = list(v) df2 = pd.DataFrame() df2['IEQ'] = m df2['Likelihood'] = n # plot graph of predictions fig =, x="Likelihood", y="IEQ", orientation="h") fig.update_layout( # barmode='stack', template='seaborn', font=dict(family="Arial", size=12, color="black"), autosize=True, # width=800, # height=500, xaxis_title="Likelihood of IEQ", yaxis_title="Indoor environmental quality (IEQ)", # legend_title="Topics" ) fig.update_xaxes(tickangle=0, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', color='black', size=12)) fig.update_yaxes(tickangle=0, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', color='black', size=12)) fig.update_annotations(font_size=12) return top_prediction, fig # Create Gradio interface for single text iface2 = gr.Interface(fn=predict_single_text, inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=7, label="Paste or type text here"), outputs=[gr.Label(label="Top Prediction", show_label=True), gr.Plot(label="Likelihood of all labels", show_label=True)], title="Single Text Prediction", article="**Note:** The quality of model predictions may depend on the quality of information provided." ) # UPLOAD CSV # Define the prediction function def predict_from_csv(file, column_name, progress=gr.Progress()): """ Predicts the IEQ labels for a list of texts in a CSV file. Args: file (str): The path to the CSV file. column_name (str): The name of the column containing the text to be analyzed. progress (gr.Progress): A progress bar to display the analysis progress. Returns: fig (plotly.graph_objs.Figure): A histogram showing the frequency of each IEQ label. output_csv (gr.File): A downloadable CSV file containing the predictions. """ # Read the CSV file df_docs = pd.read_csv(file) # Check if the specified column exists if column_name not in df_docs.columns: raise gr.Error(f"The column '{column_name}' does not exist in the uploaded CSV file.") # Extract the text list from the specified column text_list = df_docs[column_name].tolist() # Define the list of IEQ labels label_list = [ 'Acoustic', 'Indoor air quality', 'No IEQ', 'Thermal', 'Visual' ] # Initialize lists to store the predictions labels_predicted = [] prediction_scores = [] # Preprocess text and make predictions for text_input in progress.tqdm(text_list, desc="Analysing data"): # Sleep to avoid rate limiting time.sleep(0.02) # Preprocess the text cleaned_text = prep_text(text_input) # Tokenize the text tokenized_text = tokenizer(cleaned_text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, max_length=512, padding=True).to( device) # Make predictions with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(**tokenized_text) logits = outputs.logits # Calculate the probabilities predictions = torch.sigmoid(logits).squeeze() # Define the threshold for prediction threshold = 0.3 # Get the predicted labels predicted_labels_ = (predictions.cpu().numpy() > threshold).tolist() # Map the predicted labels to their corresponding names predicted_labels = [label_list[i] for i in range(len(label_list)) if predicted_labels_[i] == 1] # Get the probabilities of the predicted labels prediction_score = [round(a_, 3) for a_ in predictions.cpu().numpy().tolist() if a_ > threshold] # Append the predictions to the lists labels_predicted.append(predicted_labels) prediction_scores.append(prediction_score) # Append the predictions to the DataFrame df_docs['IEQ_predicted'] = labels_predicted df_docs['prediction_scores'] = prediction_scores # Save the predictions to a CSV file df_docs.to_csv('IEQ_predictions.csv') # Create a downloadable CSV file output_csv = gr.File(value='IEQ_predictions.csv', visible=True) # Create a histogram showing the frequency of each IEQ label fig = px.histogram(df_docs, y="IEQ_predicted") fig.update_layout( template='seaborn', font=dict(family="Arial", size=12, color="black"), autosize=True, # width=800, # height=500, xaxis_title="IEQ counts", yaxis_title="Indoor environmetal quality (IEQ)", ) fig.update_xaxes(tickangle=0, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', color='black', size=12)) fig.update_yaxes(tickangle=0, tickfont=dict(family='Arial', color='black', size=12)) fig.update_annotations(font_size=12) return fig, output_csv # Define the input component file_input = gr.File(label="Upload CSV file here", show_label=True, file_types=[".csv"]) column_name_input = gr.Textbox(label="Enter the column name containing the text to be analyzed", show_label=True) # Create the Gradio interface iface3 = gr.Interface(fn=predict_from_csv, inputs=[file_input, column_name_input], outputs=[gr.Plot(label='Frequency of IEQs', show_label=True), gr.File(label='Download output CSV', show_label=True)], title="Multi-text Prediction (CVS)", description='**NOTE:** Please enter the column name containing the text to be analyzed.') # Create a tabbed interface demo = gr.TabbedInterface(interface_list=[iface1, iface2, iface3], tab_names=["General-App-Info", "Single-Text-Prediction", "Multi-Text-Prediction (CSV)"], title="Indoor Environmetal Quality (IEQ) Text Classifier App", theme='soft' ) # Launch the interface demo.queue().launch()