DiffLinker / src /datasets.py
DiffLinker code
history blame
14 kB
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import torch
from rdkit import Chem
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
from tqdm import tqdm
from src import const
from pdb import set_trace
def read_sdf(sdf_path):
with Chem.SDMolSupplier(sdf_path, sanitize=False) as supplier:
for molecule in supplier:
yield molecule
def get_one_hot(atom, atoms_dict):
one_hot = np.zeros(len(atoms_dict))
one_hot[atoms_dict[atom]] = 1
return one_hot
def parse_molecule(mol, is_geom):
one_hot = []
charges = []
atom2idx = const.GEOM_ATOM2IDX if is_geom else const.ATOM2IDX
charges_dict = const.GEOM_CHARGES if is_geom else const.CHARGES
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
one_hot.append(get_one_hot(atom.GetSymbol(), atom2idx))
positions = mol.GetConformer().GetPositions()
return positions, np.array(one_hot), np.array(charges)
class ZincDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_path, prefix, device):
dataset_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}.pt')
if os.path.exists(dataset_path):
self.data = torch.load(dataset_path, map_location=device)
print(f'Preprocessing dataset with prefix {prefix}')
self.data = ZincDataset.preprocess(data_path, prefix, device)
torch.save(self.data, dataset_path)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.data[item]
def preprocess(data_path, prefix, device):
data = []
table_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_table.csv')
fragments_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_frag.sdf')
linkers_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_link.sdf')
is_geom = ('geom' in prefix) or ('MOAD' in prefix)
is_multifrag = 'multifrag' in prefix
table = pd.read_csv(table_path)
generator = tqdm(zip(table.iterrows(), read_sdf(fragments_path), read_sdf(linkers_path)), total=len(table))
for (_, row), fragments, linker in generator:
uuid = row['uuid']
name = row['molecule']
frag_pos, frag_one_hot, frag_charges = parse_molecule(fragments, is_geom=is_geom)
link_pos, link_one_hot, link_charges = parse_molecule(linker, is_geom=is_geom)
positions = np.concatenate([frag_pos, link_pos], axis=0)
one_hot = np.concatenate([frag_one_hot, link_one_hot], axis=0)
charges = np.concatenate([frag_charges, link_charges], axis=0)
anchors = np.zeros_like(charges)
if is_multifrag:
for anchor_idx in map(int, row['anchors'].split('-')):
anchors[anchor_idx] = 1
anchors[row['anchor_1']] = 1
anchors[row['anchor_2']] = 1
fragment_mask = np.concatenate([np.ones_like(frag_charges), np.zeros_like(link_charges)])
linker_mask = np.concatenate([np.zeros_like(frag_charges), np.ones_like(link_charges)])
'uuid': uuid,
'name': name,
'positions': torch.tensor(positions, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'one_hot': torch.tensor(one_hot, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'charges': torch.tensor(charges, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'anchors': torch.tensor(anchors, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'fragment_mask': torch.tensor(fragment_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'linker_mask': torch.tensor(linker_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'num_atoms': len(positions),
return data
class MOADDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_path, prefix, device):
prefix, pocket_mode = prefix.split('.')
dataset_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_{pocket_mode}.pt')
if os.path.exists(dataset_path):
self.data = torch.load(dataset_path, map_location=device)
print(f'Preprocessing dataset with prefix {prefix}')
self.data = MOADDataset.preprocess(data_path, prefix, pocket_mode, device)
torch.save(self.data, dataset_path)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.data[item]
def preprocess(data_path, prefix, pocket_mode, device):
data = []
table_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_table.csv')
fragments_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_frag.sdf')
linkers_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_link.sdf')
pockets_path = os.path.join(data_path, f'{prefix}_pockets.pkl')
is_geom = True
is_multifrag = 'multifrag' in prefix
with open(pockets_path, 'rb') as f:
pockets = pickle.load(f)
table = pd.read_csv(table_path)
generator = tqdm(
zip(table.iterrows(), read_sdf(fragments_path), read_sdf(linkers_path), pockets),
for (_, row), fragments, linker, pocket_data in generator:
uuid = row['uuid']
name = row['molecule']
frag_pos, frag_one_hot, frag_charges = parse_molecule(fragments, is_geom=is_geom)
link_pos, link_one_hot, link_charges = parse_molecule(linker, is_geom=is_geom)
# Parsing pocket data
pocket_pos = pocket_data[f'{pocket_mode}_coord']
pocket_one_hot = []
pocket_charges = []
for atom_type in pocket_data[f'{pocket_mode}_types']:
pocket_one_hot.append(get_one_hot(atom_type, const.GEOM_ATOM2IDX))
pocket_one_hot = np.array(pocket_one_hot)
pocket_charges = np.array(pocket_charges)
positions = np.concatenate([frag_pos, pocket_pos, link_pos], axis=0)
one_hot = np.concatenate([frag_one_hot, pocket_one_hot, link_one_hot], axis=0)
charges = np.concatenate([frag_charges, pocket_charges, link_charges], axis=0)
anchors = np.zeros_like(charges)
if is_multifrag:
for anchor_idx in map(int, row['anchors'].split('-')):
anchors[anchor_idx] = 1
anchors[row['anchor_1']] = 1
anchors[row['anchor_2']] = 1
fragment_only_mask = np.concatenate([
pocket_mask = np.concatenate([
linker_mask = np.concatenate([
fragment_mask = np.concatenate([
'uuid': uuid,
'name': name,
'positions': torch.tensor(positions, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'one_hot': torch.tensor(one_hot, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'charges': torch.tensor(charges, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'anchors': torch.tensor(anchors, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'fragment_only_mask': torch.tensor(fragment_only_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'pocket_mask': torch.tensor(pocket_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'fragment_mask': torch.tensor(fragment_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'linker_mask': torch.tensor(linker_mask, dtype=const.TORCH_FLOAT, device=device),
'num_atoms': len(positions),
return data
def create_edges(positions, fragment_mask_only, linker_mask_only):
ligand_mask = fragment_mask_only.astype(bool) | linker_mask_only.astype(bool)
ligand_adj = ligand_mask[:, None] & ligand_mask[None, :]
proximity_adj = np.linalg.norm(positions[:, None, :] - positions[None, :, :], axis=-1) <= 6
full_adj = ligand_adj | proximity_adj
full_adj &= ~np.eye(len(positions)).astype(bool)
curr_rows, curr_cols = np.where(full_adj)
return [curr_rows, curr_cols]
def collate(batch):
out = {}
# Filter out big molecules
if 'pocket_mask' not in batch[0].keys():
batch = [data for data in batch if data['num_atoms'] <= 50]
batch = [data for data in batch if data['num_atoms'] <= 1000]
for i, data in enumerate(batch):
for key, value in data.items():
out.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
for key, value in out.items():
if key in const.DATA_LIST_ATTRS:
if key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_PAD:
out[key] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(value, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
raise Exception(f'Unknown batch key: {key}')
atom_mask = (out['fragment_mask'].bool() | out['linker_mask'].bool()).to(const.TORCH_INT)
out['atom_mask'] = atom_mask[:, :, None]
batch_size, n_nodes = atom_mask.size()
# In case of MOAD edge_mask is batch_idx
if 'pocket_mask' in batch[0].keys():
batch_mask = torch.cat([
torch.ones(n_nodes, dtype=const.TORCH_INT) * i
for i in range(batch_size)
out['edge_mask'] = batch_mask
edge_mask = atom_mask[:, None, :] * atom_mask[:, :, None]
diag_mask = ~torch.eye(edge_mask.size(1), dtype=const.TORCH_INT, device=atom_mask.device).unsqueeze(0)
edge_mask *= diag_mask
out['edge_mask'] = edge_mask.view(batch_size * n_nodes * n_nodes, 1)
for key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_ADD_LAST_DIM:
if key in out.keys():
out[key] = out[key][:, :, None]
return out
def collate_with_fragment_edges(batch):
out = {}
# Filter out big molecules
batch = [data for data in batch if data['num_atoms'] <= 50]
for i, data in enumerate(batch):
for key, value in data.items():
out.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
for key, value in out.items():
if key in const.DATA_LIST_ATTRS:
if key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_PAD:
out[key] = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_sequence(value, batch_first=True, padding_value=0)
raise Exception(f'Unknown batch key: {key}')
frag_mask = out['fragment_mask']
edge_mask = frag_mask[:, None, :] * frag_mask[:, :, None]
diag_mask = ~torch.eye(edge_mask.size(1), dtype=const.TORCH_INT, device=frag_mask.device).unsqueeze(0)
edge_mask *= diag_mask
batch_size, n_nodes = frag_mask.size()
out['edge_mask'] = edge_mask.view(batch_size * n_nodes * n_nodes, 1)
# Building edges and covalent bond values
rows, cols, bonds = [], [], []
for batch_idx in range(batch_size):
for i in range(n_nodes):
for j in range(n_nodes):
rows.append(i + batch_idx * n_nodes)
cols.append(j + batch_idx * n_nodes)
edges = [torch.LongTensor(rows).to(frag_mask.device), torch.LongTensor(cols).to(frag_mask.device)]
out['edges'] = edges
atom_mask = (out['fragment_mask'].bool() | out['linker_mask'].bool()).to(const.TORCH_INT)
out['atom_mask'] = atom_mask[:, :, None]
for key in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_ADD_LAST_DIM:
if key in out.keys():
out[key] = out[key][:, :, None]
return out
def get_dataloader(dataset, batch_size, collate_fn=collate, shuffle=False):
return DataLoader(dataset, batch_size, collate_fn=collate_fn, shuffle=shuffle)
def create_template(tensor, fragment_size, linker_size, fill=0):
values_to_keep = tensor[:fragment_size]
values_to_add = torch.ones(linker_size, tensor.shape[1], dtype=values_to_keep.dtype, device=values_to_keep.device)
values_to_add = values_to_add * fill
return torch.cat([values_to_keep, values_to_add], dim=0)
def create_templates_for_linker_generation(data, linker_sizes):
Takes data batch and new linker size and returns data batch where fragment-related data is the same
but linker-related data is replaced with zero templates with new linker sizes
decoupled_data = []
for i, linker_size in enumerate(linker_sizes):
data_dict = {}
fragment_mask = data['fragment_mask'][i].squeeze()
fragment_size = fragment_mask.sum().int()
for k, v in data.items():
if k == 'num_atoms':
# Computing new number of atoms (fragment_size + linker_size)
data_dict[k] = fragment_size + linker_size
if k in const.DATA_LIST_ATTRS:
# These attributes are written without modification
data_dict[k] = v[i]
if k in const.DATA_ATTRS_TO_PAD:
# Should write fragment-related data + (zeros x linker_size)
fill_value = 1 if k == 'linker_mask' else 0
template = create_template(v[i], fragment_size, linker_size, fill=fill_value)
template = template.squeeze(-1)
data_dict[k] = template
return collate(decoupled_data)