Autodoc-Lifter /
Jonathan Wang
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# Jonathan Wang
# This project creates an app to chat with PDFs.
# This is the CITATION
# which adds citation information to the LLM response
## TODO Board:
# Investigate using LLM model weights with attention to determien citations.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
import warnings
import numpy as np
from llama_index.core.base.response.schema import RESPONSE_TYPE, Response
from llama_index.core.schema import NodeWithScore
# Own Modules
from merger import _merge_on_scores
from rapidfuzz import fuzz, process, utils
# Lazy Loading:
# from nltk import sent_tokenize # noqa: ERA001
class CitationBuilder:
"""Class that builds citations from responses."""
text_splitter: Callable[[str], list[str]]
def __init__(self, text_splitter: Callable[[str], list[str]] | None = None) -> None:
if not text_splitter:
from nltk import sent_tokenize
text_splitter = sent_tokenize
self.text_splitter = text_splitter
def class_name(cls) -> str:
return "CitationBuilder"
def convert_to_response(self, input_response: RESPONSE_TYPE) -> Response:
# Convert all other response types into the baseline response
# Otherwise, we won't have the full response text generated.
if not isinstance(input_response, Response):
response = input_response.get_response()
if isinstance(response, Response):
return response
# TODO(Jonathan Wang): Handle async responses with Coroutines
msg = "Expected Response object, got Coroutine"
raise TypeError(msg)
return input_response
def find_nearest_whitespace(
input_text: str,
input_index: int,
right_to_left: bool=False
) -> int:
"""Given a sting and an index, find the index of whitespace closest to the string."""
if (input_index < 0 or input_index >= len(input_text)):
msg = "find_nearest_whitespace: index beyond string."
raise ValueError(msg)
find_text = ""
if (right_to_left):
find_text = input_text[:input_index]
for index, char in enumerate(reversed(find_text)):
if (char.isspace()):
return (len(find_text)-1 - index)
return (0)
find_text = input_text[input_index:]
for index, char in enumerate(find_text):
if (char.isspace()):
return (input_index + index)
return (len(input_text))
def get_citations(
input_response: RESPONSE_TYPE,
citation_threshold: int = 70,
citation_len: int = 128
) -> Response:
response = self.convert_to_response(input_response)
if not response.response or not response.source_nodes:
return response
# Get current response text:
response_text = response.response
source_nodes = response.source_nodes
# 0. Get candidate nodes for citation.
# Fuzzy match each source node text against the respone text.
source_texts: dict[str, list[NodeWithScore]] = defaultdict(list)
for node in source_nodes:
if (
(len(getattr(node.node, "text", "")) > 0) and
(len(node.node.metadata) > 0)
): # filter out non-text nodes and intermediate nodes from SubQueryQuestionEngine
source_texts[node.node.text].append(node) # type: ignore
fuzzy_matches = process.extract(
score_cutoff=max(10, citation_threshold - 10)
# Convert extracted matches of form (Match, Score, Rank) into scores for all source_texts.
if fuzzy_matches:
fuzzy_texts, _, _ = zip(*fuzzy_matches)
fuzzy_nodes = [source_texts[text][0] for text in fuzzy_texts]
return response
# 1. Combine fuzzy score and source text semantic/reranker score.
# NOTE: for our merge here, we value the nodes with strong fuzzy text matching over other node types.
cited_nodes = _merge_on_scores(
b_list=source_nodes, # same nodes, different scores (fuzzy vs semantic/bm25/reranker)
a_scores_input=[getattr(node, "score", np.nan) for node in fuzzy_nodes],
b_scores_input=[getattr(node, "score", np.nan) for node in source_nodes],
a_weight=0.85, # we want to heavily prioritize the fuzzy text for matches
top_k=3 # maximum of three source options.
# 2. Add cited nodes text to the response text, and cited nodes as metadata.
# For each sentence in the response, if there is a match in the source text, add a citation tag.
response_sentences = self.text_splitter(response_text)
output_text = ""
output_citations = ""
citation_tag = 0
for response_sentence in response_sentences:
# Get fuzzy citation at sentence level
best_alignment = None
best_score = 0
best_node = None
for _, source_node in enumerate(source_nodes):
source_node_text = getattr(source_node.node, "text", "")
new_alignment = fuzz.partial_ratio_alignment(
processor=utils.default_process, score_cutoff=citation_threshold
new_score = 0.0
if (new_alignment is not None and (new_alignment.src_end - new_alignment.src_start) > 0):
new_score = fuzz.ratio(
new_score = new_score * (new_alignment.src_end - new_alignment.src_start) / float(len(response_sentence))
if (new_score > best_score):
best_alignment = new_alignment
best_score = new_score
best_node = source_node
if (best_score <= 0 or best_node is None or best_alignment is None):
# No match
output_text += response_sentence
# Add citation tag to text
citation_tag_position = self.find_nearest_whitespace(response_sentence, best_alignment.dest_start, right_to_left=True)
output_text += response_sentence[:citation_tag_position] # response up to the quote
output_text += f" [{citation_tag}] " # add citation tag
output_text += response_sentence[citation_tag_position:] # reposnse after the quote
# Add citation text to citations
citation = getattr(best_node.node, "text", "")
citation_margin = round((citation_len - (best_alignment.src_end - best_alignment.src_start)) / 2)
nearest_whitespace_pre = self.find_nearest_whitespace(citation, max(0, best_alignment.src_start), right_to_left=True)
nearest_whitespace_post = self.find_nearest_whitespace(citation, min(len(citation)-1, best_alignment.src_end), right_to_left=False)
nearest_whitespace_prewindow = self.find_nearest_whitespace(citation, max(0, nearest_whitespace_pre - citation_margin), right_to_left=True)
nearest_whitespace_postwindow = self.find_nearest_whitespace(citation, min(len(citation)-1, nearest_whitespace_post + citation_margin), right_to_left=False)
citation_text = (
citation[nearest_whitespace_prewindow+1: nearest_whitespace_pre+1]
+ "|||||"
+ citation[nearest_whitespace_pre+1:nearest_whitespace_post]
+ "|||||"
+ citation[nearest_whitespace_post:nearest_whitespace_postwindow]
+ f"… <<{best_node.node.metadata.get('name', '')}, Page(s) {best_node.node.metadata.get('page_number', '')}>>"
output_citations += f"[{citation_tag}]: {citation_text}\n\n"
citation_tag += 1
# Create output
if response.metadata is not None:
# NOTE: metadata is certainly existant by now, but the schema allows None...
response.metadata["cited_nodes"] = cited_nodes
response.metadata["citations"] = output_citations
response.response = output_text # update response to include citation tags
return response
def add_citations_to_response(self, input_response: Response) -> Response:
if not hasattr(input_response, "metadata"):
msg = "Input response does not have metadata."
raise ValueError(msg)
elif input_response.metadata is None or "citations" not in input_response.metadata:
warnings.warn("Input response does not have citations.", stacklevel=2)
input_response = self.get_citations(input_response)
# Add citation text to response
if (hasattr(input_response, "metadata") and input_response.metadata.get("citations", "") != ""):
input_response.response = (
+ "\n\n----- CITATIONS -----\n\n"
+ input_response.metadata.get('citations', "")
) # type: ignore
return input_response
def __call__(self, input_response: RESPONSE_TYPE, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Response:
return self.get_citations(input_response, *args, **kwds)
def get_citation_builder() -> CitationBuilder:
return CitationBuilder()