from faster_whisper.vad import VadOptions, get_vad_model import numpy as np from typing import BinaryIO, Union, List, Optional import warnings import faster_whisper import gradio as gr class SileroVAD: def __init__(self): self.sampling_rate = 16000 self.window_size_samples = 512 self.model = None def run(self, audio: Union[str, BinaryIO, np.ndarray], vad_parameters: VadOptions, progress: gr.Progress = gr.Progress()): """ Run VAD Parameters ---------- audio: Union[str, BinaryIO, np.ndarray] Audio path or file binary or Audio numpy array vad_parameters: Options for VAD processing. progress: gr.Progress Indicator to show progress directly in gradio. Returns ---------- audio: np.ndarray Pre-processed audio with VAD """ sampling_rate = self.sampling_rate if not isinstance(audio, np.ndarray): audio = faster_whisper.decode_audio(audio, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) duration = audio.shape[0] / sampling_rate duration_after_vad = duration if vad_parameters is None: vad_parameters = VadOptions() elif isinstance(vad_parameters, dict): vad_parameters = VadOptions(**vad_parameters) speech_chunks = self.get_speech_timestamps( audio=audio, vad_options=vad_parameters, progress=progress ) audio = self.collect_chunks(audio, speech_chunks) duration_after_vad = audio.shape[0] / sampling_rate return audio def get_speech_timestamps( self, audio: np.ndarray, vad_options: Optional[VadOptions] = None, progress: gr.Progress = gr.Progress(), **kwargs, ) -> List[dict]: """This method is used for splitting long audios into speech chunks using silero VAD. Args: audio: One dimensional float array. vad_options: Options for VAD processing. kwargs: VAD options passed as keyword arguments for backward compatibility. progress: Gradio progress to indicate progress. Returns: List of dicts containing begin and end samples of each speech chunk. """ if self.model is None: self.update_model() threshold = vad_options.threshold min_speech_duration_ms = vad_options.min_speech_duration_ms max_speech_duration_s = vad_options.max_speech_duration_s min_silence_duration_ms = vad_options.min_silence_duration_ms window_size_samples = self.window_size_samples speech_pad_ms = vad_options.speech_pad_ms sampling_rate = 16000 min_speech_samples = sampling_rate * min_speech_duration_ms / 1000 speech_pad_samples = sampling_rate * speech_pad_ms / 1000 max_speech_samples = ( sampling_rate * max_speech_duration_s - window_size_samples - 2 * speech_pad_samples ) min_silence_samples = sampling_rate * min_silence_duration_ms / 1000 min_silence_samples_at_max_speech = sampling_rate * 98 / 1000 audio_length_samples = len(audio) state, context = self.model.get_initial_states(batch_size=1) speech_probs = [] for current_start_sample in range(0, audio_length_samples, window_size_samples): progress(current_start_sample/audio_length_samples, desc="Detecting speeches only using VAD...") chunk = audio[current_start_sample: current_start_sample + window_size_samples] if len(chunk) < window_size_samples: chunk = np.pad(chunk, (0, int(window_size_samples - len(chunk)))) speech_prob, state, context = self.model(chunk, state, context, sampling_rate) speech_probs.append(speech_prob) triggered = False speeches = [] current_speech = {} neg_threshold = threshold - 0.15 # to save potential segment end (and tolerate some silence) temp_end = 0 # to save potential segment limits in case of maximum segment size reached prev_end = next_start = 0 for i, speech_prob in enumerate(speech_probs): if (speech_prob >= threshold) and temp_end: temp_end = 0 if next_start < prev_end: next_start = window_size_samples * i if (speech_prob >= threshold) and not triggered: triggered = True current_speech["start"] = window_size_samples * i continue if ( triggered and (window_size_samples * i) - current_speech["start"] > max_speech_samples ): if prev_end: current_speech["end"] = prev_end speeches.append(current_speech) current_speech = {} # previously reached silence (< neg_thres) and is still not speech (< thres) if next_start < prev_end: triggered = False else: current_speech["start"] = next_start prev_end = next_start = temp_end = 0 else: current_speech["end"] = window_size_samples * i speeches.append(current_speech) current_speech = {} prev_end = next_start = temp_end = 0 triggered = False continue if (speech_prob < neg_threshold) and triggered: if not temp_end: temp_end = window_size_samples * i # condition to avoid cutting in very short silence if (window_size_samples * i) - temp_end > min_silence_samples_at_max_speech: prev_end = temp_end if (window_size_samples * i) - temp_end < min_silence_samples: continue else: current_speech["end"] = temp_end if ( current_speech["end"] - current_speech["start"] ) > min_speech_samples: speeches.append(current_speech) current_speech = {} prev_end = next_start = temp_end = 0 triggered = False continue if ( current_speech and (audio_length_samples - current_speech["start"]) > min_speech_samples ): current_speech["end"] = audio_length_samples speeches.append(current_speech) for i, speech in enumerate(speeches): if i == 0: speech["start"] = int(max(0, speech["start"] - speech_pad_samples)) if i != len(speeches) - 1: silence_duration = speeches[i + 1]["start"] - speech["end"] if silence_duration < 2 * speech_pad_samples: speech["end"] += int(silence_duration // 2) speeches[i + 1]["start"] = int( max(0, speeches[i + 1]["start"] - silence_duration // 2) ) else: speech["end"] = int( min(audio_length_samples, speech["end"] + speech_pad_samples) ) speeches[i + 1]["start"] = int( max(0, speeches[i + 1]["start"] - speech_pad_samples) ) else: speech["end"] = int( min(audio_length_samples, speech["end"] + speech_pad_samples) ) return speeches def update_model(self): self.model = get_vad_model() @staticmethod def collect_chunks(audio: np.ndarray, chunks: List[dict]) -> np.ndarray: """Collects and concatenates audio chunks.""" if not chunks: return np.array([], dtype=np.float32) return np.concatenate([audio[chunk["start"]: chunk["end"]] for chunk in chunks]) @staticmethod def format_timestamp( seconds: float, always_include_hours: bool = False, decimal_marker: str = ".", ) -> str: assert seconds >= 0, "non-negative timestamp expected" milliseconds = round(seconds * 1000.0) hours = milliseconds // 3_600_000 milliseconds -= hours * 3_600_000 minutes = milliseconds // 60_000 milliseconds -= minutes * 60_000 seconds = milliseconds // 1_000 milliseconds -= seconds * 1_000 hours_marker = f"{hours:02d}:" if always_include_hours or hours > 0 else "" return ( f"{hours_marker}{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}{decimal_marker}{milliseconds:03d}" )