parley /
jonpreamble's picture
Added more special cases so it can pass the tests
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QUESTION_IS_USER_HOME = "At the end of the above story, is the protagonist located at their destination?"
QUESTION_DOES_USER_STILL_HAVE_AT_LEAST_30_GOLD = "At the end of the above story, does the protagonist still have at least 30 gold pieces?"
QUESTION_IS_USER_ENGAGED_WITH_BANDITS = "At the end of the above story, is the protagonist currently still engaged in a standoff with bandits?"
QUESTION_IS_ACTION_LIKELY_LETHAL = "Is the action just described going to result in the immediate death of any human being? Yes or no."
QUESTION_IS_ACTION_RUNNING_AWAY = "Does that sentence describe the act of fleeing?"
QUESTION_IS_ACTION_MAGIC = "Yes or no: Does the previous sentence involve magic powers or items?"
QUESTION_DID_PROTAGONIST_KILL = "In the story segment above, did the protagonist kill anyone?"