Configuration error
Configuration error
small edit to check formula
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@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ pinned: false
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Expected Calibration Error `ECE` is a standard metric to evaluate top-1 prediction miscalibration.
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It measures the L^p norm difference between a model’s posterior and the true likelihood of being correct.
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It is generally implemented as a binned estimator that discretizes predicted probabilities into a range of possible values (bins) for which conditional expectation can be estimated.
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As a metric of calibration *error*, it holds that the lower, the better calibrated a model is.
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Expected Calibration Error `ECE` is a standard metric to evaluate top-1 prediction miscalibration.
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It measures the L^p norm difference between a model’s posterior and the true likelihood of being correct.
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$$ ECE_p(f)^p= \mathbb{E}_{(X,Y)} \left[\|\mathbb{E}[Y = \hat{y} \mid f(X) = \hat{p}] - f(X)\|^p_p\right]$$, where $$ \hat{y} = \argmax_{y'}[f(X)]_y'$$ is a class prediction with associated posterior probability $$ \hat{p}= \max_{y'}[f(X)]_y'$$.
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It is generally implemented as a binned estimator that discretizes predicted probabilities into a range of possible values (bins) for which conditional expectation can be estimated.
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As a metric of calibration *error*, it holds that the lower, the better calibrated a model is.