PI2 / mergedf.py
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import pandas as pd
import sys
import os
def load_datasets():
"""Load all datasets and return them as dataframes."""
# Obtén la ruta base del directorio actual
base_dir = os.getcwd() # Directorio actual
# Construye las rutas absolutas de cada archivo
train_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'process_files', 'generation.pkl')
client_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'process_files', 'client.pkl')
historical_weather_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'process_files', 'historical_weather.pkl')
electricity_prices_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'process_files', 'electricity_prices.pkl')
gas_prices_path = os.path.join(base_dir, 'process_files', 'gas_prices.pkl')
# Verifica que los archivos existan antes de intentar cargarlos
for path in [train_path, client_path, historical_weather_path, electricity_prices_path, gas_prices_path]:
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Archivo no encontrado: {path}")
# Carga los archivos
train = pd.read_pickle(train_path)
client = pd.read_pickle(client_path)
historical_weather = pd.read_pickle(historical_weather_path)
electricity_prices = pd.read_pickle(electricity_prices_path)
gas_prices = pd.read_pickle(gas_prices_path)
return train, client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices
def add_time_series_col(client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices):
"""Add column with date where data is available."""
client['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(client['date']) + pd.Timedelta(days=3)
historical_weather['datetime'] += pd.Timedelta(days=2)
electricity_prices['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(electricity_prices['forecast_date']) + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
gas_prices['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(gas_prices['forecast_date']) + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
# Drop unnecessary columns after date adjustments
client = client.drop(['date'], axis=1)
electricity_prices = electricity_prices.drop(['forecast_date'], axis=1)
gas_prices = gas_prices.drop(['forecast_date'], axis=1)
return client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices
def merge_datasets(train, client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices):
"""Merge DataFrames train, client, historical weather, gas prices and electricity prices based on the datetime column."""
merged = train.merge(historical_weather, on='datetime', how='left') \
.merge(electricity_prices, on='datetime', how='left')
# Add dt.floor('D')
merged['date'] = merged['datetime'].dt.floor('D')
client['date'] = client['datetime'].dt.floor('D')
client = client.drop('datetime', axis=1)
gas_prices['date'] = gas_prices['datetime'].dt.floor('D')
gas_prices = gas_prices.drop('datetime', axis=1)
merged = merged.merge(client, on='date', how='outer') \
.merge(gas_prices, on='date', how='outer')
#dreop unnecessary columns
merged = merged.drop(['date'], axis=1)
return merged
def reorder_columns(df, column_order=None):
"""Reorder columns of the DataFrame."""
if column_order == None:
column_order = [
'datetime', 'target', 'temperature', 'dewpoint', 'rain', 'snowfall',
'surface_pressure', 'cloudcover_total', 'cloudcover_low', 'cloudcover_mid',
'cloudcover_high', 'windspeed_10m', 'winddirection_10m',
'shortwave_radiation', 'direct_solar_radiation', 'diffuse_radiation',
'lowest_price_per_mwh', 'highest_price_per_mwh', 'euros_per_mwh','eic_count', 'installed_capacity'
return df[column_order]
def save_datasets_to_pickle(datasets, paths=None):
"""Save each dataset in datasets list to the corresponding path in paths list as a pickle file."""
if paths == None:
import root
paths = [
root.DIR_DATA_STAGE + 'merged_df.pkl',
# Create folders if not exists
for path in paths:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
# Save each dataset to its respective path
for dataset, path in zip(datasets, paths):
def drop_first_3_days(df, column, threshold_column, threshold_nans=70):
"""Drop first 3 days of the dataset if the threshold is exceeded."""
# Count null values in the threshold column
nulos = df[threshold_column].isna().sum()
# If the threshold is exceeded drop the first 3 days
if nulos > threshold_nans:
# Initial date
fecha_minima = df[column].min()
# Limit day
limite = fecha_minima + pd.Timedelta(days=3)
# Filter df
df = df[df[column] >= limite]
return df
def feature_selection(df):
cols_2_drop = [ 'dewpoint','cloudcover_low','cloudcover_mid',
'diffuse_radiation', 'lowest_price_per_mwh',
df.drop(columns = cols_2_drop, axis = 1, inplace = True)
return df
def set_datetime_index(df):
df = df.set_index('datetime')
df = df.asfreq('h')
return df
def merging_datasets():
# Read datasets
train, client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices = load_datasets()
# Prepare date columns for merging
client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices = add_time_series_col(client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices)
# Merge datasets
merged = merge_datasets(train, client, historical_weather, electricity_prices, gas_prices)
# Reorder dataset columns
merged = reorder_columns(merged)
# Feature selection
merged = feature_selection(merged)
# Set datetime index
merged = set_datetime_index(merged)
return merged