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from platform import platform
from sys import version_info
from typing import List, Union
from langchain.schema import AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
from import AI
from gpt_engineer.core.base_execution_env import BaseExecutionEnv
from gpt_engineer.core.base_memory import BaseMemory
from gpt_engineer.core.chat_to_files import chat_to_files_dict
from gpt_engineer.core.default.paths import CODE_GEN_LOG_FILE, ENTRYPOINT_FILE
from gpt_engineer.core.default.steps import curr_fn, improve_fn, setup_sys_prompt
from gpt_engineer.core.files_dict import FilesDict
from gpt_engineer.core.preprompts_holder import PrepromptsHolder
from gpt_engineer.core.prompt import Prompt
# Type hint for chat messages
Message = Union[AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage]
def get_platform_info() -> str:
Returns a string containing the OS and Python version information.
This function is used for self-healing by providing information about the current
operating system and Python version. It assumes that the Python version in the
virtual environment is the one being used.
str: A string containing the OS and Python version information.
v = version_info
a = f"Python Version: {v.major}.{v.minor}.{v.micro}"
b = f"\nOS: {platform()}\n"
return a + b
def self_heal(
ai: AI,
execution_env: BaseExecutionEnv,
files_dict: FilesDict,
prompt: Prompt = None,
preprompts_holder: PrepromptsHolder = None,
memory: BaseMemory = None,
) -> FilesDict:
Attempts to execute the code from the entrypoint and if it fails, sends the error output back to the AI with instructions to fix.
ai : AI
An instance of the AI model.
execution_env : BaseExecutionEnv
The execution environment where the code is run.
files_dict : FilesDict
A dictionary of file names to their contents.
preprompts_holder : PrepromptsHolder, optional
A holder for preprompt messages.
The updated files dictionary after self-healing attempts.
If the required entrypoint file does not exist in the code.
If the preprompts_holder is None.
This code will make `MAX_SELF_HEAL_ATTEMPTS` to try and fix the code
before giving up.
This makes the assuption that the previous step was `gen_entrypoint`,
this code could work with `simple_gen`, or `gen_clarified_code` as well.
# step 1. execute the entrypoint
# log_path = dbs.workspace.path / "log.txt"
if ENTRYPOINT_FILE not in files_dict:
raise FileNotFoundError(
"The required entrypoint "
+ " does not exist in the code."
attempts = 0
if preprompts_holder is None:
raise AssertionError("Prepromptsholder required for self-heal")
while attempts < MAX_SELF_HEAL_ATTEMPTS:
attempts += 1
timed_out = False
# Start the process
p = execution_env.popen(files_dict[ENTRYPOINT_FILE])
# Wait for the process to complete and get output
stdout_full, stderr_full = p.communicate()
if (p.returncode != 0 and p.returncode != 2) and not timed_out:
print(" failed. The log is:")
new_prompt = Prompt(
f"A program with this specification was requested:\n{prompt}\n, but running it produced the following output:\n{stdout_full}\n and the following errors:\n{stderr_full}. Please change it so that it fulfills the requirements."
files_dict = improve_fn(
ai, new_prompt, files_dict, memory, preprompts_holder
return files_dict
def clarified_gen(
ai: AI, prompt: Prompt, memory: BaseMemory, preprompts_holder: PrepromptsHolder
) -> FilesDict:
Generates code based on clarifications obtained from the user and saves it to a specified workspace.
ai : AI
An instance of the AI model, responsible for processing and generating the code.
prompt : str
The user's clarification prompt.
memory : BaseMemory
The memory instance where the generated code log is saved.
preprompts_holder : PrepromptsHolder
A holder for preprompt messages.
A dictionary of file names to their contents generated by the AI.
preprompts = preprompts_holder.get_preprompts()
messages: List[Message] = [SystemMessage(content=preprompts["clarify"])]
user_input = prompt.text # clarify does not work with vision right now
while True:
messages =, user_input, step_name=curr_fn())
msg = messages[-1].content.strip()
if "nothing to clarify" in msg.lower():
if msg.lower().startswith("no"):
print("Nothing to clarify.")
print('(answer in text, or "c" to move on)\n')
user_input = input("")
if not user_input or user_input == "c":
print("(letting gpt-engineer make its own assumptions)")
messages =
"Make your own assumptions and state them explicitly before starting",
user_input += """
Is anything else unclear? If yes, ask another question.\n
Otherwise state: "Nothing to clarify"
messages = [
] + messages[
] # skip the first clarify message, which was the original clarify priming prompt
messages =
preprompts["generate"].replace("FILE_FORMAT", preprompts["file_format"]),
chat = messages[-1].content.strip()
memory.log(CODE_GEN_LOG_FILE, "\n\n".join(x.pretty_repr() for x in messages))
files_dict = chat_to_files_dict(chat)
return files_dict
def lite_gen(
ai: AI, prompt: Prompt, memory: BaseMemory, preprompts_holder: PrepromptsHolder
) -> FilesDict:
Executes the AI model using the main prompt and saves the generated results to the specified workspace.
ai : AI
An instance of the AI model.
prompt : str
The main prompt to feed to the AI model.
memory : BaseMemory
The memory instance where the generated code log is saved.
preprompts_holder : PrepromptsHolder
A holder for preprompt messages.
A dictionary of file names to their contents generated by the AI.
The function assumes the `ai.start` method and the `to_files` utility to be correctly
set up and functional. Ensure these prerequisites before invoking `lite_gen`.
preprompts = preprompts_holder.get_preprompts()
messages = ai.start(
prompt.to_langchain_content(), preprompts["file_format"], step_name=curr_fn()
chat = messages[-1].content.strip()
memory.log(CODE_GEN_LOG_FILE, "\n\n".join(x.pretty_repr() for x in messages))
files_dict = chat_to_files_dict(chat)
return files_dict