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import dataclasses
import functools
import inspect
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from argparse import Namespace
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
import typer
import gpt_engineer.applications.cli.main as main
from gpt_engineer.applications.cli.main import load_prompt
from gpt_engineer.core.default.disk_memory import DiskMemory
from gpt_engineer.core.prompt import Prompt
def dcommand(typer_f, **kwargs):
required = True
def field_desc(name, param):
nonlocal required
t = param.annotation or "typing.Any"
if param.default.default is not ...:
required = False
return name, t, dataclasses.field(default=param.default.default)
if not required:
raise ValueError("Required value after optional")
return name, t
kwargs.setdefault("cls_name", typer_f.__name__)
params = inspect.signature(typer_f).parameters
kwargs["fields"] = [field_desc(k, v) for k, v in params.items()]
def dcommand_decorator(function_or_class):
assert callable(function_or_class)
ka = dict(kwargs)
ns = Namespace(**(ka.pop("namespace", None) or {}))
if isinstance(function_or_class, type):
ka["bases"] = *ka.get("bases", ()), function_or_class
ns.__call__ = function_or_class
ka["namespace"] = vars(ns)
return dataclasses.make_dataclass(**ka)
return dcommand_decorator
class DefaultArgumentsMain:
def __call__(self):
attribute_dict = vars(self)
def input_generator():
yield "y" # First response
while True:
yield "n" # Subsequent responses
prompt_text = "Make a python program that writes 'hello' to a file called 'output.txt'"
class TestMain:
# Runs gpt-engineer cli interface for many parameter configurations, BUT DOES NOT CODEGEN! Only testing cli.
def test_default_settings_generate_project(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
(p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
args = DefaultArgumentsMain(str(p), llm_via_clipboard=True, no_execution=True)
# Runs gpt-engineer with improve mode and improves an existing project in the specified path.
def test_improve_existing_project(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
(p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
args = DefaultArgumentsMain(
str(p), improve_mode=True, llm_via_clipboard=True, no_execution=True
# def improve_generator():
# yield "y"
# while True:
# yield "n" # Subsequent responses
# gen = improve_generator()
# monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: next(gen))
# p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
# p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
# (p / "").write_text("The program will be written in this file")
# meta_p = p / META_DATA_REL_PATH
# meta_p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (meta_p / "file_selection.toml").write_text(
# """
# [files]
# "" = "selected"
# """
# )
# os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"] = "True"
# simplified_main(str(p), "improve")
# DiskExecutionEnv(path=p)
# del os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"]
# Runs gpt-engineer with lite mode and generates a project with only the main prompt.
def test_lite_mode_generate_project(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
(p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
args = DefaultArgumentsMain(
str(p), lite_mode=True, llm_via_clipboard=True, no_execution=True
# Runs gpt-engineer with clarify mode and generates a project after discussing the specification with the AI.
def test_clarify_mode_generate_project(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
(p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
args = DefaultArgumentsMain(
str(p), clarify_mode=True, llm_via_clipboard=True, no_execution=True
# Runs gpt-engineer with self-heal mode and generates a project after discussing the specification with the AI and self-healing the code.
def test_self_heal_mode_generate_project(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
(p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
args = DefaultArgumentsMain(
str(p), self_heal_mode=True, llm_via_clipboard=True, no_execution=True
def test_clarify_lite_improve_mode_generate_project(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
(p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
args = DefaultArgumentsMain(
pytest.raises(typer.Exit, args)
# Tests the creation of a log file in improve mode.
class TestLoadPrompt:
# Load prompt from existing file in input_repo
def test_load_prompt_existing_file(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
input_repo = DiskMemory(tmp_dir)
prompt_file = "prompt.txt"
prompt_content = "This is the prompt"
input_repo[prompt_file] = prompt_content
improve_mode = False
image_directory = ""
result = load_prompt(input_repo, improve_mode, prompt_file, image_directory)
assert isinstance(result, Prompt)
assert result.text == prompt_content
assert result.image_urls is None
# Prompt file does not exist in input_repo, and improve_mode is False
def test_load_prompt_no_file_improve_mode_false(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
input_repo = DiskMemory(tmp_dir)
prompt_file = "prompt.txt"
improve_mode = False
image_directory = ""
with patch(
return_value="What application do you want gpt-engineer to generate?",
result = load_prompt(
input_repo, improve_mode, prompt_file, image_directory
assert isinstance(result, Prompt)
assert (
result.text == "What application do you want gpt-engineer to generate?"
assert result.image_urls is None
# Prompt file is a directory
def test_load_prompt_directory_file(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
input_repo = DiskMemory(tmp_dir)
prompt_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "prompt")
os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmp_dir, prompt_file))
improve_mode = False
image_directory = ""
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
load_prompt(input_repo, improve_mode, prompt_file, image_directory)
# Prompt file is empty
def test_load_prompt_empty_file(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
input_repo = DiskMemory(tmp_dir)
prompt_file = "prompt.txt"
input_repo[prompt_file] = ""
improve_mode = False
image_directory = ""
with patch(
return_value="What application do you want gpt-engineer to generate?",
result = load_prompt(
input_repo, improve_mode, prompt_file, image_directory
assert isinstance(result, Prompt)
assert (
result.text == "What application do you want gpt-engineer to generate?"
assert result.image_urls is None
# image_directory does not exist in input_repo
def test_load_prompt_no_image_directory(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
input_repo = DiskMemory(tmp_dir)
prompt_file = "prompt.txt"
prompt_content = "This is the prompt"
input_repo[prompt_file] = prompt_content
improve_mode = False
image_directory = "tests/test_data"
shutil.copytree(image_directory, os.path.join(tmp_dir, image_directory))
result = load_prompt(input_repo, improve_mode, prompt_file, image_directory)
assert isinstance(result, Prompt)
assert result.text == prompt_content
assert "mona_lisa.jpg" in result.image_urls
# def test_log_creation_in_improve_mode(self, tmp_path, monkeypatch):
# def improve_generator():
# yield "y"
# while True:
# yield "n" # Subsequent responses
# gen = improve_generator()
# monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: next(gen))
# p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
# p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
# (p / "").write_text("The program will be written in this file")
# meta_p = p / META_DATA_REL_PATH
# meta_p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (meta_p / "file_selection.toml").write_text(
# """
# [files]
# "" = "selected"
# """
# )
# os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"] = "True"
# simplified_main(str(p), "improve")
# DiskExecutionEnv(path=p)
# assert (
# (p / f".gpteng/memory/{DEBUG_LOG_FILE}").read_text().strip()
# ```
# File:
# 1 The program will be written in this file
# ```
# Make a python program that writes 'hello' to a file called 'output.txt'
# )
# del os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"]
# def test_log_creation_in_improve_mode_with_failing_diff(
# self, tmp_path, monkeypatch
# ):
# def improve_generator():
# yield "y"
# while True:
# yield "n" # Subsequent responses
# def mock_salvage_correct_hunks(
# messages: List, files_dict: FilesDict, error_message: List
# ) -> FilesDict:
# # create a falling diff
# messages[
# -1
# ].content = """To create a Python program that writes 'hello' to a file called 'output.txt', we will need to perform the following steps:
# 1. Open the file 'output.txt' in write mode.
# 2. Write the string 'hello' to the file.
# 3. Close the file to ensure the data is written and the file is not left open.
# Here is the implementation of the program in the `` file:
# ```diff
# ---
# +++
# @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# -create falling diff
# ```
# This concludes a fully working implementation."""
# # Call the original function with modified messages or define your own logic
# return salvage_correct_hunks(messages, files_dict, error_message)
# gen = improve_generator()
# monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: next(gen))
# monkeypatch.setattr(
# "gpt_engineer.core.default.steps.salvage_correct_hunks",
# mock_salvage_correct_hunks,
# )
# p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
# p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
# (p / "").write_text("The program will be written in this file")
# meta_p = p / META_DATA_REL_PATH
# meta_p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (meta_p / "file_selection.toml").write_text(
# """
# [files]
# "" = "selected"
# """
# )
# os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"] = "True"
# simplified_main(str(p), "improve")
# DiskExecutionEnv(path=p)
# assert (
# (p / f".gpteng/memory/{DEBUG_LOG_FILE}").read_text().strip()
# ```
# File:
# 1 The program will be written in this file
# ```
# Make a python program that writes 'hello' to a file called 'output.txt'
# Invalid hunk: @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# -create falling diff
# Invalid hunk: @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# -create falling diff"""
# )
# del os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"]
# def test_log_creation_in_improve_mode_with_unexpected_exceptions(
# self, tmp_path, monkeypatch
# ):
# def improve_generator():
# yield "y"
# while True:
# yield "n" # Subsequent responses
# def mock_salvage_correct_hunks(
# messages: List, files_dict: FilesDict, error_message: List
# ) -> FilesDict:
# raise Exception("Mock exception in salvage_correct_hunks")
# gen = improve_generator()
# monkeypatch.setattr("builtins.input", lambda _: next(gen))
# monkeypatch.setattr(
# "gpt_engineer.core.default.steps.salvage_correct_hunks",
# mock_salvage_correct_hunks,
# )
# p = tmp_path / "projects/example"
# p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (p / "prompt").write_text(prompt_text)
# (p / "").write_text("The program will be written in this file")
# meta_p = p / META_DATA_REL_PATH
# meta_p.mkdir(parents=True)
# (meta_p / "file_selection.toml").write_text(
# """
# [files]
# "" = "selected"
# """
# )
# os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"] = "True"
# simplified_main(str(p), "improve")
# DiskExecutionEnv(path=p)
# assert (
# (p / f".gpteng/memory/{DEBUG_LOG_FILE}").read_text().strip()
# ```
# File:
# 1 The program will be written in this file
# ```
# Make a python program that writes 'hello' to a file called 'output.txt'
# Error while improving the project: Mock exception in salvage_correct_hunks"""
# )
# del os.environ["GPTE_TEST_MODE"]