Browse files- .codespaces/.persistedshare/.dcv-at-creation +1 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/.docker/config.json +16 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/client-environment-settings.json +1 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json +84 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/prefetched_user_data +0 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/prefetched_user_data.old +0 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/unifiedContainerInformation.json +1 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/vsserverhostlog.txt +990 -0
- .codespaces/.persistedshare/vsserverterminallog.txt +0 -0
- .codespaces/shared/.env +13 -0
- .codespaces/shared/.env-secrets +13 -0
- .codespaces/shared/.environmentConfigurationCompleted +0 -0
- .codespaces/shared/.user-secrets.json +1 -0
- .codespaces/shared/codespaceStatusTool.js +0 -0
- .codespaces/shared/devContainerTelemetry.json +5 -0
- .codespaces/shared/environment-variables.json +4 -0
- .codespaces/shared/first-run-notice.txt +9 -0
- .codespaces/shared/merged_devcontainer.json +77 -0
- .codespaces/shared/postCreateOutput.json +28 -0
- .codespaces/shared/read-config.json +1 -0
- .codespaces/shared/resource-usage.json +1 -0
- .codespaces/shared/unifiedPostCreateOutput.json +9 -0
- .codespaces/shared/user-secrets-envs.json +1 -0
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
1 |
2 |
"auths": {
3 |
"": {
4 |
"auth": "VVNFUk5BTUU6Z2h1X1FkVVVuZEtyRHcybHZWQjdNeWxwQ09iMWNrc2tLUzFFQVlSYQ=="
5 |
6 |
"": {
7 |
"auth": "a2VuaWNoaW1peWF0YTpnaHVfUWRVVW5kS3JEdzJsdlZCN015bHBDT2IxY2tza0tTMUVBWVJh"
8 |
9 |
"": {
10 |
"auth": "Y29kZXNwYWNlc2RldjpkZjBlZTZhZC1mOWIyLTQyM2MtODc4Zi02MzVkMGM5NGRjYzI="
11 |
12 |
13 |
"HttpHeaders": {
14 |
"X-Meta-Source-Client": "github/codespaces"
15 |
16 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
1 |
2 |
"SHELL": "/bin/bash",
3 |
4 |
"NVM_INC": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/include/node",
5 |
"rvm_prefix": "/usr/local",
6 |
"HOSTNAME": "codespaces-9cefb6",
7 |
"JAVA_ROOT": "/home/codespace/java",
8 |
"JAVA_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current",
9 |
"DOTNET_ROOT": "/usr/share/dotnet",
10 |
"CODESPACES": "true",
11 |
"GRADLE_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current",
12 |
"PYTHON_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.python",
13 |
"rvm_stored_umask": "0022",
14 |
"NVS_DIR": "/usr/local/nvs",
15 |
"NVS_OS": "linux",
16 |
17 |
"MY_RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4",
18 |
"NVS_USE_XZ": "1",
19 |
"SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates",
20 |
"RUBY_VERSION": "ruby-3.3.4",
21 |
"PIPX_BIN_DIR": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin",
22 |
"rvm_version": "1.29.12 (latest)",
23 |
"ORYX_DIR": "/usr/local/oryx",
24 |
"rvm_user_install_flag": "0",
25 |
"ContainerVersion": "13",
26 |
"HUGO_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.hugo",
27 |
"NPM_GLOBAL": "/home/codespace/.npm-global",
28 |
"HOME": "/home/codespace",
29 |
"LANG": "C.UTF-8",
30 |
"LS_COLORS": "",
31 |
32 |
33 |
"PHP_PATH": "/usr/local/php/current",
34 |
"DEBIAN_FLAVOR": "focal-scm",
35 |
"PHP_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.php",
36 |
"ORYX_ENV_TYPE": "vsonline-present",
37 |
"HUGO_DIR": "/usr/local/hugo/bin",
38 |
39 |
"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
40 |
"SHELL_LOGGED_IN": "true",
41 |
"PYTHON_PATH": "/usr/local/python/current",
42 |
"NVM_DIR": "/usr/local/share/nvm",
43 |
"rvm_bin_path": "/usr/local/rvm/bin",
44 |
"GEM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4@global",
45 |
"GEM_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4",
46 |
"LESSCLOSE": "/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s",
47 |
"NVS_ROOT": "/usr/local/nvs",
48 |
"LESSOPEN": "| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s",
49 |
"USER": "codespace",
50 |
"NODE_ROOT": "/home/codespace/nvm",
51 |
52 |
"NVS_HOME": "/usr/local/nvs",
53 |
"PIPX_HOME": "/usr/local/py-utils",
54 |
"rvm_loaded_flag": "1",
55 |
"CONDA_SCRIPT": "/opt/conda/etc/profile.d/",
56 |
"MAVEN_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current",
57 |
"SDKMAN_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman",
58 |
"SHLVL": "1",
59 |
60 |
61 |
"CONDA_DIR": "/opt/conda",
62 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
"MAVEN_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.maven",
68 |
69 |
"JUPYTERLAB_PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin",
70 |
"RVM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm",
71 |
72 |
"RUBY_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.ruby",
73 |
"RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default",
74 |
"PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin:/home/codespace/.dotnet:/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin:/home/codespace/.php/current/bin:/home/codespace/.python/current/bin:/home/codespace/java/current/bin:/home/codespace/.ruby/current/bin:/home/codespace/.local/bin:/usr/local/python/current/bin:/usr/local/py-utils/bin:/usr/local/oryx:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/ant/current/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default/bin:/usr/local/share/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/php/current/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/nvs:/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:/usr/local/hugo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/dotnet:/home/codespace/.dotnet/tools:/usr/local/rvm/bin",
75 |
"SDKMAN_PLATFORM": "linuxx64",
76 |
"NVM_BIN": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/bin",
77 |
"IRBRC": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4/.irbrc",
78 |
"rvm_path": "/usr/local/rvm",
79 |
"OLDPWD": "/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447",
80 |
"GOPATH": "/go",
81 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvs%%": "() { if [ -z \"${NVS_HOME}\" ]; then\n export NVS_HOME=\"${NVS_ROOT}\";\n fi;\n export NVS_POSTSCRIPT=\"${NVS_HOME}/nvs_tmp_$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d\" \").sh\";\n local NODE_EXE=\"node\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n NODE_EXE=\"node.exe\";\n fi;\n local NODE_PATH=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\";\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then\n local NODE_VERSION=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/.*\\///')\";\n local NODE_REMOTE=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/\\/.*//')\";\n local NODE_BASE_URI=\"$(grep \"\\\"${NODE_REMOTE}\\\" *:\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//')\";\n local NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\";\n local TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".7z\";\n else\n if [ \"${NVS_USE_XZ}\" = \"1\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.xz\";\n TAR_FLAGS=\"-Jxvf\";\n fi;\n fi;\n local NODE_ARCH=\"$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/x64/;s/i86pc/x64/;s/i686/x86/;s/aarch64/arm64/')\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCH=\"ppc64\";\n fi;\n local NODE_FULLNAME=\"node-v${NODE_VERSION}-${NVS_OS}-${NODE_ARCH}\";\n local NODE_URI=\"${NODE_BASE_URI}v${NODE_VERSION}/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n local NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n if [ ! -d \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" ]; then\n command mkdir -p \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\";\n fi;\n echo \"Downloading bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI}\";\n if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n else\n curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ] && [ \"${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\" = \".tar.xz\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\";\n TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\";\n NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n echo \"Retry download bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI} in gz format\";\n if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n else\n curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n fi;\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ]; then\n echo \"Failed to download node binary.\";\n return 1;\n fi;\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n \"${NVS_ROOT}/tools/7-Zip/7zr.exe\" e \"-o${NVS_HOME}/cache\" -y \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n else\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then\n gunzip \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" | tar -xvC \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n else\n tar $TAR_FLAGS \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" -C \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n fi;\n mv \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n rm -r \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then\n echo \"Failed to setup node binary.\";\n return 1;\n fi;\n echo \"\";\n fi;\n local EXIT_CODE=0;\n case \"$@\" in \n \"cd\")\n local DIR=$PWD;\n while [ \"$DIR\" != \"\" -a ! \\( -e \"$DIR/.node-version\" -o -e \"$DIR/.nvmrc\" \\) ]; do\n if [ \"$DIR\" = \"/\" ]; then\n DIR=;\n else\n DIR=$(dirname \"$DIR\");\n fi;\n done;\n if [ \"$DIR\" != \"$NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY\" ]; then\n command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" auto;\n EXIT_CODE=$?;\n fi;\n export NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY=$DIR\n ;;\n *)\n command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" \"$@\";\n EXIT_CODE=$?\n ;;\n esac;\n if [ ${EXIT_CODE} = 2 ]; then\n rm \"${NODE_PATH}\";\n nvs $@;\n fi;\n if [ -f \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\" ]; then\n . \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\";\n command rm \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\";\n unset NVS_POSTSCRIPT;\n fi;\n return $EXIT_CODE\n}",
82 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvsudo%%": "() { local NVS_CURRENT=`nvs which`;\n if [ -n \"${NVS_CURRENT}\" ]; then\n NVS_CURRENT=`dirname \"${NVS_CURRENT}\"`;\n fi;\n sudo \"NVS_CURRENT=${NVS_CURRENT}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/nvs\" $*\n}",
83 |
"_": "/usr/bin/cat"
84 |
File without changes
File without changes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
1 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.637Z] @microsoft/vscode-dev-containers-cli 0.93.0.
2 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.637Z] Start: Resolving Remote for VSC start
3 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.639Z] Start: Run: docker ps -q -a --filter label=Type=codespaces
4 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.656Z] Stop (17 ms): Run: docker ps -q -a --filter label=Type=codespaces
5 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.657Z] Start: Run: docker inspect --type container ebceffe8415a
6 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.673Z] Stop (16 ms): Run: docker inspect --type container ebceffe8415a
7 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.674Z] Start: Inspecting container
8 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.675Z] Stop (1 ms): Inspecting container
9 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.675Z] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh
10 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.678Z] Start: Run in container: uname -m
11 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.734Z] x86_64
12 |
13 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.735Z] Stop (57 ms): Run in container: uname -m
14 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.735Z] Start: Run in container: (cat /etc/os-release || cat /usr/lib/os-release) 2>/dev/null
15 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.737Z] NAME="Ubuntu"
16 |
VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
17 |
18 |
19 |
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS"
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.737Z] Stop (2 ms): Run in container: (cat /etc/os-release || cat /usr/lib/os-release) 2>/dev/null
29 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.738Z] Start: Run in container: (command -v getent >/dev/null 2>&1 && getent passwd 'codespace' || grep -E '^codespace|^[^:]*:[^:]*:codespace:' /etc/passwd || ********)
30 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.740Z] Stop (2 ms): Run in container: (command -v getent >/dev/null 2>&1 && getent passwd 'codespace' || grep -E '^codespace|^[^:]*:[^:]*:codespace:' /etc/passwd || ********)
31 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.741Z] Start: Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote'
32 |
33 |
34 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.742Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote'
35 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.742Z] Start: Run in container: test ! -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' && set -o noclobber && mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && { > '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
36 |
37 |
38 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.745Z] Stop (3 ms): Run in container: test ! -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' && set -o noclobber && mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && { > '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
39 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.745Z] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && cat >'/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/settings.json' <<'settingsJSON'
40 |
41 |
42 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.749Z] Stop (4 ms): Run in container: mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && cat >'/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/settings.json' <<'settingsJSON'
43 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.749Z] Start: Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
44 |
45 |
46 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.751Z] Exit code 1
47 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.751Z] Stop (2 ms): Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
48 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.751Z] Start: Run in container: test -d '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
49 |
50 |
51 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.752Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -d '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
52 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.752Z] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin' && ln -snf '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
53 |
54 |
55 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.756Z] Stop (4 ms): Run in container: mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin' && ln -snf '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
56 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.756Z] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh
57 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.758Z] Start: Run in container: test -x '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
58 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.758Z] Start: Run in container: touch '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
59 |
60 |
61 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.759Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -x '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
62 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.759Z] Start: Run in container: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
63 |
64 |
65 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.861Z] Stop (103 ms): Run in container: touch '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
66 |
67 |
68 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.864Z] Stop (105 ms): Run in container: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
69 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.864Z] userEnvProbe: loginInteractiveShell (default)
70 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.865Z] Start: Run in container: test -f '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json'
71 |
72 |
73 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.866Z] Exit code 1
74 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.866Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -f '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json'
75 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.866Z] Start: Run in container: for pid in `cd /proc && ls -d [0-9]*`; do { echo $pid ; readlink /proc/$pid/cwd || echo ; readlink /proc/$pid/ns/mnt || echo ; cat /proc/$pid/stat | tr "
76 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.866Z] userEnvProbe: not found in cache
77 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.867Z] userEnvProbe shell: /bin/bash
78 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:08.867Z] Start: Run in container: /bin/bash -lic echo -n 83fbdef2-ee6e-4afd-8f22-2c333e256ae1; cat /proc/self/environ; echo -n 83fbdef2-ee6e-4afd-8f22-2c333e256ae1
79 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.007Z] Stop (141 ms): Run in container: for pid in `cd /proc && ls -d [0-9]*`; do { echo $pid ; readlink /proc/$pid/cwd || echo ; readlink /proc/$pid/ns/mnt || echo ; cat /proc/$pid/stat | tr "
80 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.009Z] Start: Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/product.json'
81 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.012Z] Stop (3 ms): Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/product.json'
82 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.015Z] Running extension host agents:
83 |
84 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.015Z] Start: Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' 2>/dev/null || (umask 377 && echo '98178c1e-07ba-44dd-b57a-ebd618207f3f' >'/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447-c56e17a2-7c67-4fc4-a022-a721e135f7a8' && mv -n '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447-c56e17a2-7c67-4fc4-a022-a721e135f7a8' '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' && rm -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447-c56e17a2-7c67-4fc4-a022-a721e135f7a8' && cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447')
85 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.027Z] 98178c1e-07ba-44dd-b57a-ebd618207f3f
86 |
87 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.027Z] Stop (12 ms): Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' 2>/dev/null || (umask 377 && echo '98178c1e-07ba-44dd-b57a-ebd618207f3f' >'/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447-c56e17a2-7c67-4fc4-a022-a721e135f7a8' && mv -n '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447-c56e17a2-7c67-4fc4-a022-a721e135f7a8' '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' && rm -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447-c56e17a2-7c67-4fc4-a022-a721e135f7a8' && cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447')
88 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.027Z] Start: Starting VS Code Server
89 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.028Z] Start: Preparing Extensions
90 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.028Z] Start: Run in container: test ! -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.installExtensionsMarker' && set -o noclobber && mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && { > '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.installExtensionsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
91 |
92 |
93 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.032Z] Stop (4 ms): Run in container: test ! -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.installExtensionsMarker' && set -o noclobber && mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && { > '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.installExtensionsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
94 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.032Z] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p '/vscode/extensionsCache' && chown -R codespace /vscode/extensionsCache
95 |
96 |
97 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.038Z] Stop (6 ms): Run in container: mkdir -p '/vscode/extensionsCache' && chown -R codespace /vscode/extensionsCache
98 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.038Z] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p '/vscode/extensionsCache' && ln -s -T '/vscode/extensionsCache' '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache' || ********
99 |
100 |
101 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.043Z] Stop (5 ms): Run in container: mkdir -p '/vscode/extensionsCache' && ln -s -T '/vscode/extensionsCache' '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache' || ********
102 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.043Z] Stop (15 ms): Preparing Extensions
103 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.562Z] Stop (695 ms): Run in container: /bin/bash -lic echo -n 83fbdef2-ee6e-4afd-8f22-2c333e256ae1; cat /proc/self/environ; echo -n 83fbdef2-ee6e-4afd-8f22-2c333e256ae1
104 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.563Z] 83fbdef2-ee6e-4afd-8f22-2c333e256ae1SHELL=/bin/bash NUGET_XMLDOC_MODE=skip NVM_INC=/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/include/node rvm_prefix=/usr/local HOSTNAME=codespaces-9cefb6 JAVA_ROOT=/home/codespace/java JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current DOTNET_ROOT=/usr/share/dotnet CODESPACES=******** GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current PYTHON_ROOT=/home/codespace/.python rvm_stored_umask=0022 NVS_DIR=/usr/local/nvs NVS_OS=linux DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE=1 MY_RUBY_HOME=/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4 NVS_USE_XZ=1 SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR=/usr/local/sdkman/candidates RUBY_VERSION=ruby-3.3.4 PWD=/workspaces/evamaster PIPX_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/py-utils/bin rvm_version=1.29.12 (latest) ORYX_DIR=/usr/local/oryx rvm_user_install_flag=0 ContainerVersion=13 HUGO_ROOT=/home/codespace/.hugo NPM_GLOBAL=/home/codespace/.npm-global HOME=/home/codespace LANG=C.UTF-8 LS_COLORS= DYNAMIC_INSTALL_ROOT_DIR=/opt NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT=******** PHP_PATH=/usr/local/php/current DEBIAN_FLAVOR=focal-scm PHP_ROOT=/home/codespace/.php ORYX_ENV_TYPE=vsonline-present HUGO_DIR=/usr/local/hugo/bin DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 GOROOT=/usr/local/go SHELL_LOGGED_IN=******** PYTHON_PATH=/usr/local/python/current NVM_DIR=/usr/local/share/nvm rvm_bin_path=/usr/local/rvm/bin GEM_PATH=/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4@global GEM_HOME=/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4 LESSCLOSE=/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s NVS_ROOT=/usr/local/nvs LESSOPEN=| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s USER=codespace NODE_ROOT=/home/codespace/nvm PYTHONIOENCODING=UTF-8 NVS_HOME=/usr/local/nvs PIPX_HOME=/usr/local/py-utils rvm_loaded_flag=1 CONDA_SCRIPT=/opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ MAVEN_HOME=/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current SDKMAN_DIR=/usr/local/sdkman SHLVL=1 NVM_CD_FLAGS= ORYX_SDK_STORAGE_BASE_URL= CONDA_DIR=/opt/conda PROMPT_DIRTRIM=4 SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_API= DOTNET_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER=******** DOTNET_USE_POLLING_FILE_WATCHER=******** ENABLE_DYNAMIC_INSTALL=******** MAVEN_ROOT=/home/codespace/.maven ORYX_PREFER_USER_INSTALLED_SDKS=******** JUPYTERLAB_PATH=/home/codespace/.local/bin RVM_PATH=/usr/local/rvm,.preview.********,.******** RUBY_ROOT=/home/codespace/.ruby RUBY_HOME=/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default PATH=/home/codespace/.local/bin:/home/codespace/.dotnet:/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin:/home/codespace/.php/current/bin:/home/codespace/.python/current/bin:/home/codespace/java/current/bin:/home/codespace/.ruby/current/bin:/home/codespace/.local/bin:/usr/local/python/current/bin:/usr/local/py-utils/bin:/usr/local/oryx:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/ant/current/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default/bin:/usr/local/share/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/php/current/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/nvs:/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:/usr/local/hugo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/dotnet:/home/codespace/.dotnet/tools:/usr/local/rvm/bin SDKMAN_PLATFORM=linuxx64 NVM_BIN=/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/bin IRBRC=/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4/.irbrc rvm_path=/usr/local/rvm OLDPWD=/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447 GOPATH=/go BASH_FUNC_nvs%%=() { if [ -z "${NVS_HOME}" ]; then
105 |
export NVS_HOME="${NVS_ROOT}";
106 |
107 |
export NVS_POSTSCRIPT="${NVS_HOME}/nvs_tmp_$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d" ").sh";
108 |
local NODE_EXE="node";
109 |
if [ "${NVS_OS}" = "win" ]; then
110 |
111 |
112 |
local NODE_PATH="${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}";
113 |
if [ ! -f "${NODE_PATH}" ]; then
114 |
local NODE_VERSION="$(grep '"bootstrap" *:' "${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json" | sed -e 's/.*: *"//' -e 's/"[^\n]*//' -e 's/.*\///')";
115 |
local NODE_REMOTE="$(grep '"bootstrap" *:' "${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json" | sed -e 's/.*: *"//' -e 's/"[^\n]*//' -e 's/\/.*//')";
116 |
local NODE_BASE_URI="$(grep "\"${NODE_REMOTE}\" *:" "${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json" | sed -e 's/.*: *"//' -e 's/"[^\n]*//')";
117 |
local NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=".tar.gz";
118 |
local TAR_FLAGS="-zxvf";
119 |
if [ "${NVS_OS}" = "win" ]; then
120 |
121 |
122 |
if [ "${NVS_USE_XZ}" = "1" ]; then
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
local NODE_ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/x64/;s/i86pc/x64/;s/i686/x86/;s/aarch64/arm64/')";
128 |
if [ "${NVS_OS}" = "aix" ]; then
129 |
130 |
131 |
132 |
133 |
134 |
if [ ! -d "${NVS_HOME}/cache" ]; then
135 |
command mkdir -p "${NVS_HOME}/cache";
136 |
137 |
echo "Downloading bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI}";
138 |
if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then
139 |
noglob curl -L -# "${NODE_URI}" -o "${NODE_ARCHIVE}";
140 |
141 |
curl -L -# "${NODE_URI}" -o "${NODE_ARCHIVE}";
142 |
143 |
if [ ! -f "${NODE_ARCHIVE}" ] && [ "${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}" = ".tar.xz" ]; then
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
echo "Retry download bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI} in gz format";
148 |
if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then
149 |
noglob curl -L -# "${NODE_URI}" -o "${NODE_ARCHIVE}";
150 |
151 |
curl -L -# "${NODE_URI}" -o "${NODE_ARCHIVE}";
152 |
153 |
154 |
if [ ! -f "${NODE_ARCHIVE}" ]; then
155 |
echo "Failed to download node binary.";
156 |
return 1;
157 |
158 |
if [ "${NVS_OS}" = "win" ]; then
159 |
"${NVS_ROOT}/tools/7-Zip/7zr.exe" e "-o${NVS_HOME}/cache" -y "${NODE_ARCHIVE}" "${NODE_FULLNAME}/${NODE_EXE}" > /dev/null 2>&1;
160 |
161 |
if [ "${NVS_OS}" = "aix" ]; then
162 |
gunzip "${NODE_ARCHIVE}" | tar -xvC "${NVS_HOME}/cache" "${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}" > /dev/null 2>&1;
163 |
164 |
tar $TAR_FLAGS "${NODE_ARCHIVE}" -C "${NVS_HOME}/cache" "${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}" > /dev/null 2>&1;
165 |
166 |
mv "${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}" "${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}" > /dev/null 2>&1;
167 |
rm -r "${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}" > /dev/null 2>&1;
168 |
169 |
if [ ! -f "${NODE_PATH}" ]; then
170 |
echo "Failed to setup node binary.";
171 |
return 1;
172 |
173 |
echo "";
174 |
175 |
local EXIT_CODE=0;
176 |
case "$@" in
177 |
178 |
local DIR=$PWD;
179 |
while [ "$DIR" != "" -a ! \( -e "$DIR/.node-version" -o -e "$DIR/.nvmrc" \) ]; do
180 |
if [ "$DIR" = "/" ]; then
181 |
182 |
183 |
DIR=$(dirname "$DIR");
184 |
185 |
186 |
if [ "$DIR" != "$NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY" ]; then
187 |
command "${NODE_PATH}" "${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js" auto;
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
command "${NODE_PATH}" "${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js" "$@";
194 |
195 |
196 |
197 |
if [ ${EXIT_CODE} = 2 ]; then
198 |
rm "${NODE_PATH}";
199 |
nvs $@;
200 |
201 |
if [ -f "${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}" ]; then
202 |
203 |
command rm "${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}";
204 |
205 |
206 |
return $EXIT_CODE
207 |
} BASH_FUNC_nvsudo%%=() { local NVS_CURRENT=`nvs which`;
208 |
if [ -n "${NVS_CURRENT}" ]; then
209 |
210 |
211 |
sudo "NVS_CURRENT=${NVS_CURRENT}" "${NVS_ROOT}/nvs" $*
212 |
} _=/usr/bin/cat 83fbdef2-ee6e-4afd-8f22-2c333e256ae1
213 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.563Z] bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
214 |
bash: no job control in this shell
215 |
216 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.564Z] userEnvProbe parsed: {
217 |
"SHELL": "/bin/bash",
218 |
219 |
"NVM_INC": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/include/node",
220 |
"rvm_prefix": "/usr/local",
221 |
"HOSTNAME": "codespaces-9cefb6",
222 |
"JAVA_ROOT": "/home/codespace/java",
223 |
"JAVA_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current",
224 |
"DOTNET_ROOT": "/usr/share/dotnet",
225 |
"CODESPACES": "********",
226 |
"GRADLE_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current",
227 |
"PYTHON_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.python",
228 |
"rvm_stored_umask": "0022",
229 |
"NVS_DIR": "/usr/local/nvs",
230 |
"NVS_OS": "linux",
231 |
232 |
"MY_RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4",
233 |
"NVS_USE_XZ": "1",
234 |
"SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates",
235 |
"RUBY_VERSION": "ruby-3.3.4",
236 |
"PWD": "/workspaces/evamaster",
237 |
"PIPX_BIN_DIR": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin",
238 |
"rvm_version": "1.29.12 (latest)",
239 |
"ORYX_DIR": "/usr/local/oryx",
240 |
"rvm_user_install_flag": "0",
241 |
"ContainerVersion": "13",
242 |
"HUGO_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.hugo",
243 |
"NPM_GLOBAL": "/home/codespace/.npm-global",
244 |
"HOME": "/home/codespace",
245 |
"LANG": "C.UTF-8",
246 |
"LS_COLORS": "",
247 |
248 |
"NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT": "********",
249 |
"PHP_PATH": "/usr/local/php/current",
250 |
"DEBIAN_FLAVOR": "focal-scm",
251 |
"PHP_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.php",
252 |
"ORYX_ENV_TYPE": "vsonline-present",
253 |
"HUGO_DIR": "/usr/local/hugo/bin",
254 |
255 |
"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
256 |
"SHELL_LOGGED_IN": "********",
257 |
"PYTHON_PATH": "/usr/local/python/current",
258 |
"NVM_DIR": "/usr/local/share/nvm",
259 |
"rvm_bin_path": "/usr/local/rvm/bin",
260 |
"GEM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4@global",
261 |
"GEM_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4",
262 |
"LESSCLOSE": "/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s",
263 |
"NVS_ROOT": "/usr/local/nvs",
264 |
"LESSOPEN": "| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s",
265 |
"USER": "codespace",
266 |
"NODE_ROOT": "/home/codespace/nvm",
267 |
268 |
"NVS_HOME": "/usr/local/nvs",
269 |
"PIPX_HOME": "/usr/local/py-utils",
270 |
"rvm_loaded_flag": "1",
271 |
"CONDA_SCRIPT": "/opt/conda/etc/profile.d/",
272 |
"MAVEN_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current",
273 |
"SDKMAN_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman",
274 |
"SHLVL": "1",
275 |
276 |
277 |
"CONDA_DIR": "/opt/conda",
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
"MAVEN_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.maven",
284 |
285 |
"JUPYTERLAB_PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin",
286 |
"RVM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm",
287 |
"RAILS_DEVELOPMENT_HOSTS": ",.preview.********,.********",
288 |
"RUBY_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.ruby",
289 |
"RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default",
290 |
"PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin:/home/codespace/.dotnet:/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin:/home/codespace/.php/current/bin:/home/codespace/.python/current/bin:/home/codespace/java/current/bin:/home/codespace/.ruby/current/bin:/home/codespace/.local/bin:/usr/local/python/current/bin:/usr/local/py-utils/bin:/usr/local/oryx:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/ant/current/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default/bin:/usr/local/share/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/php/current/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/nvs:/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:/usr/local/hugo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/dotnet:/home/codespace/.dotnet/tools:/usr/local/rvm/bin",
291 |
"SDKMAN_PLATFORM": "linuxx64",
292 |
"NVM_BIN": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/bin",
293 |
"IRBRC": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4/.irbrc",
294 |
"rvm_path": "/usr/local/rvm",
295 |
"OLDPWD": "/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447",
296 |
"GOPATH": "/go",
297 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvs%%": "() { if [ -z \"${NVS_HOME}\" ]; then\n export NVS_HOME=\"${NVS_ROOT}\";\n fi;\n export NVS_POSTSCRIPT=\"${NVS_HOME}/nvs_tmp_$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d\" \").sh\";\n local NODE_EXE=\"node\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n NODE_EXE=\"node.exe\";\n fi;\n local NODE_PATH=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\";\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then\n local NODE_VERSION=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/.*\\///')\";\n local NODE_REMOTE=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/\\/.*//')\";\n local NODE_BASE_URI=\"$(grep \"\\\"${NODE_REMOTE}\\\" *:\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//')\";\n local NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\";\n local TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".7z\";\n else\n if [ \"${NVS_USE_XZ}\" = \"1\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.xz\";\n TAR_FLAGS=\"-Jxvf\";\n fi;\n fi;\n local NODE_ARCH=\"$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/x64/;s/i86pc/x64/;s/i686/x86/;s/aarch64/arm64/')\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCH=\"ppc64\";\n fi;\n local NODE_FULLNAME=\"node-v${NODE_VERSION}-${NVS_OS}-${NODE_ARCH}\";\n local NODE_URI=\"${NODE_BASE_URI}v${NODE_VERSION}/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n local NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n if [ ! -d \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" ]; then\n command mkdir -p \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\";\n fi;\n echo \"Downloading bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI}\";\n if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n else\n curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ] && [ \"${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\" = \".tar.xz\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\";\n TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\";\n NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n echo \"Retry download bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI} in gz format\";\n if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n else\n curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n fi;\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ]; then\n echo \"Failed to download node binary.\";\n return 1;\n fi;\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n \"${NVS_ROOT}/tools/7-Zip/7zr.exe\" e \"-o${NVS_HOME}/cache\" -y \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n else\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then\n gunzip \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" | tar -xvC \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n else\n tar $TAR_FLAGS \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" -C \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n fi;\n mv \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n rm -r \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then\n echo \"Failed to setup node binary.\";\n return 1;\n fi;\n echo \"\";\n fi;\n local EXIT_CODE=0;\n case \"$@\" in \n \"cd\")\n local DIR=$PWD;\n while [ \"$DIR\" != \"\" -a ! \\( -e \"$DIR/.node-version\" -o -e \"$DIR/.nvmrc\" \\) ]; do\n if [ \"$DIR\" = \"/\" ]; then\n DIR=;\n else\n DIR=$(dirname \"$DIR\");\n fi;\n done;\n if [ \"$DIR\" != \"$NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY\" ]; then\n command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" auto;\n EXIT_CODE=$?;\n fi;\n export NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY=$DIR\n ;;\n *)\n command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" \"$@\";\n EXIT_CODE=$?\n ;;\n esac;\n if [ ${EXIT_CODE} = 2 ]; then\n rm \"${NODE_PATH}\";\n nvs $@;\n fi;\n if [ -f \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\" ]; then\n . \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\";\n command rm \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\";\n unset NVS_POSTSCRIPT;\n fi;\n return $EXIT_CODE\n}",
298 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvsudo%%": "() { local NVS_CURRENT=`nvs which`;\n if [ -n \"${NVS_CURRENT}\" ]; then\n NVS_CURRENT=`dirname \"${NVS_CURRENT}\"`;\n fi;\n sudo \"NVS_CURRENT=${NVS_CURRENT}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/nvs\" $*\n}",
299 |
"_": "/usr/bin/cat"
300 |
301 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.564Z] userEnvProbe PATHs:
302 |
Probe: '/home/codespace/.local/bin:/home/codespace/.dotnet:/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin:/home/codespace/.php/current/bin:/home/codespace/.python/current/bin:/home/codespace/java/current/bin:/home/codespace/.ruby/current/bin:/home/codespace/.local/bin:/usr/local/python/current/bin:/usr/local/py-utils/bin:/usr/local/oryx:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/ant/current/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default/bin:/usr/local/share/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/php/current/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/nvs:/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:/usr/local/hugo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/dotnet:/home/codespace/.dotnet/tools:/usr/local/rvm/bin'
303 |
Container: '/home/codespace/.dotnet:/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin:/home/codespace/.php/current/bin:/home/codespace/.python/current/bin:/home/codespace/java/current/bin:/home/codespace/.ruby/current/bin:/home/codespace/.local/bin:/usr/local/python/current/bin:/usr/local/py-utils/bin:/usr/local/oryx:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/ant/current/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default/bin:/usr/local/share/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/php/current/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/nvs:/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:/usr/local/hugo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/dotnet:~/.dotnet/tools'
304 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.564Z] Start: Run in container: mkdir -p '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache' && cat > '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json' << 'envJSON'
305 |
306 |
307 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.571Z] Stop (7 ms): Run in container: mkdir -p '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache' && cat > '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json' << 'envJSON'
308 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.571Z] Start: Run in container:
309 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.809Z] *
310 |
* Visual Studio Code Server
311 |
312 |
* By using the software, you agree to
313 |
* the Visual Studio Code Server License Terms ( and
314 |
* the Microsoft Privacy Statement (
315 |
316 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.815Z] Server bound to (IPv4)
317 |
Extension host agent listening on 37921
318 |
319 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.815Z] Stop (788 ms): Starting VS Code Server
320 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.816Z] Start: Run in container: echo 37921 >'/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.devport-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
321 |
322 |
323 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.822Z] Stop (6 ms): Run in container: echo 37921 >'/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.devport-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
324 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.823Z] Stop (1186 ms): Resolving Remote for VSC start
325 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.950Z] Ignoring option 'skip-requirements-check': not supported for server.
326 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.975Z] [14:12:09] Remote configuration data at /home/codespace/.vscode-remote
327 |
[14:12:09] process arguments: {
328 |
_: [],
329 |
host: '',
330 |
port: '0',
331 |
'connection-token-file': '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447',
332 |
'without-connection-token': false,
333 |
'disable-websocket-compression': false,
334 |
'print-startup-performance': false,
335 |
'print-ip-address': false,
336 |
'accept-server-license-terms': ********,
337 |
'server-data-dir': '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote',
338 |
'enable-smoke-test-driver': false,
339 |
'disable-telemetry': false,
340 |
'disable-workspace-trust': false,
341 |
log: [ 'trace' ],
342 |
'force-disable-user-env': ********,
343 |
'enable-sync': false,
344 |
'use-test-resolver': false,
345 |
'extensions-download-dir': '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache',
346 |
'install-builtin-extension': [
347 |
348 |
349 |
350 |
351 |
'update-extensions': false,
352 |
'list-extensions': false,
353 |
'show-versions': false,
354 |
force: false,
355 |
'do-not-sync': ********,
356 |
'do-not-include-pack-dependencies': false,
357 |
'pre-release': false,
358 |
'start-server': ********,
359 |
'enable-remote-auto-shutdown': ********,
360 |
'remote-auto-shutdown-without-delay': false,
361 |
'use-host-proxy': false,
362 |
'without-browser-env-var': false,
363 |
help: false,
364 |
version: false,
365 |
'user-data-dir': '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data',
366 |
'builtin-extensions-dir': '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/extensions',
367 |
'extensions-dir': '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions',
368 |
logsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/logs/20250302T141209'
369 |
370 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:09.980Z] [14:12:09]
371 |
372 |
373 |
374 |
375 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.099Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] Request to start watching: /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine (excludes: <none>, includes: <all>, filter: <none>, correlationId: <none>),/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/settings.json (excludes: <none>, includes: <all>, filter: <none>, correlationId: <none>)
376 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.112Z] [14:12:10] Installing builtin extensions passed via args...
377 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.113Z] [14:12:10] Started scanning system extensions
378 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.114Z] [14:12:10] Started scanning user extensions Er {
379 |
scheme: 'file',
380 |
authority: '',
381 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
382 |
query: '',
383 |
fragment: '',
384 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
385 |
_fsPath: null
386 |
387 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.117Z] [14:12:10] Extension host agent started.
388 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.157Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine'
389 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.160Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/settings.json'
390 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.164Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] Request to start watching: /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions (excludes: <none>, includes: <all>, filter: <none>, correlationId: <none>)
391 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.164Z] [14:12:10] Error while reading the extension cache file: /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/CachedProfilesData/__default__profile__/extensions.builtin.cache Unable to read file '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/CachedProfilesData/__default__profile__/extensions.builtin.cache' (Error: Unable to resolve nonexistent file '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/CachedProfilesData/__default__profile__/extensions.builtin.cache')
392 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.165Z] [14:12:10] Started initializing default profile extensions in extensions installation folder. file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions
393 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.183Z] [14:12:10] Deleting from cache /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache/dbaeumer.vscode-eslint-3.0.13
394 |
[14:12:10] Deleting from cache /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache/vscjava.vscode-java-dependency-0.24.1
395 |
[14:12:10] Deleting from cache /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache/ms-toolsai.jupyter-2025.2.2025021801
396 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.183Z] [14:12:10] Deleting from cache /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache/vscjava.vscode-java-test-0.43.0
397 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.184Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions'
398 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.206Z] [14:12:10] ComputeTargetPlatform: linux-x64
399 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.249Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] [raw] ["rename"] extensions.json
400 |
[14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] [raw] ["change"] extensions.json
401 |
[14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] [ADDED] /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
402 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.263Z] [14:12:10] Completed initializing default profile extensions in extensions installation folder. file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions
403 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.264Z] [14:12:10] Scanned system extensions: 32
404 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.265Z] [14:12:10] Scanned user extensions: 0
405 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.268Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] Request to start watching: /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json (excludes: <none>, includes: <all>, filter: <none>, correlationId: <none>)
406 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.275Z] [14:12:10] ComputeTargetPlatform: linux-x64
407 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.277Z] [14:12:10] resolveShellEnv(): skipped (--force-disable-user-env)
408 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.280Z] [14:12:10] #1: - begin POST g5 {
409 |
b: {
410 |
'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode 1.97.2',
411 |
'User-Agent': 'VSCode 1.97.2 (Code)',
412 |
'X-Market-User-Id': 'e9b26ff1-1a7e-4ca5-a9cf-ea5a43576bbb',
413 |
'VSCode-SessionId': 'bcac30750ae971b6ebe30c59d2ff11acf4b93a8d1d27474154c481a4aabf4837',
414 |
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
415 |
Accept: 'application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1',
416 |
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
417 |
'Content-Length': '357'
418 |
419 |
a: [Object: null prototype] {
420 |
'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode 1.97.2',
421 |
'User-Agent': 'VSCode 1.97.2 (Code)',
422 |
'X-Market-User-Id': 'e9b26ff1-1a7e-4ca5-a9cf-ea5a43576bbb',
423 |
'VSCode-SessionId': 'bcac30750ae971b6ebe30c59d2ff11acf4b93a8d1d27474154c481a4aabf4837',
424 |
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
425 |
Accept: 'application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1',
426 |
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
427 |
'Content-Length': '357'
428 |
429 |
430 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.311Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] Started watching: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
431 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.328Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] >> normalized [ADDED] /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
432 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.348Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] [CHANGED] /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
433 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.424Z] [14:12:10] [File Watcher (node.js)] >> normalized [CHANGED] /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
434 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.538Z] [14:12:10] #1: - end POST 200 {
435 |
'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate',
436 |
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437 |
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438 |
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8; api-version=3.0-preview.1',
439 |
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440 |
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441 |
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442 |
443 |
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444 |
'VstsSession=%7B%22PersistentSessionId%22%3A%22a00d43d5-d53c-4e76-a990-db6cb218e163%22%2C%22PendingAuthenticationSessionId%22%3A%2200000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000%22%2C%22CurrentAuthenticationSessionId%22%3A%2200000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000%22%2C%22SignInState%22%3A%7B%7D%7D;SameSite=None;; expires=Mon, 02-Mar-2026 14:12:10 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly'
445 |
446 |
'x-tfs-processid': 'dafc21a4-d949-4e3b-a354-0ed16aa0a242',
447 |
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448 |
activityid: '012a324b-a4ee-4882-828b-41b7381c8969',
449 |
'x-tfs-session': '012a324b-a4ee-4882-828b-41b7381c8969',
450 |
'x-vss-e2eid': '012a324b-a4ee-4882-828b-41b7381c8969',
451 |
'x-vss-senderdeploymentid': '2663b13f-50e3-a655-a159-22f6f4725fab',
452 |
'request-context': 'appId=cid-v1:84715e31-583a-4723-a46d-946169b2f4a8',
453 |
'access-control-expose-headers': 'Request-Context',
454 |
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455 |
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456 |
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457 |
date: 'Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:12:10 GMT'
458 |
459 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.541Z] [14:12:10] resolveShellEnv(): skipped (--force-disable-user-env)
460 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.542Z] [14:12:10] #2: - begin POST g5 {
461 |
b: {
462 |
'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode 1.97.2',
463 |
'User-Agent': 'VSCode 1.97.2 (Code)',
464 |
'X-Market-User-Id': 'e9b26ff1-1a7e-4ca5-a9cf-ea5a43576bbb',
465 |
'VSCode-SessionId': 'bcac30750ae971b6ebe30c59d2ff11acf4b93a8d1d27474154c481a4aabf4837',
466 |
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
467 |
Accept: 'application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1',
468 |
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
469 |
'Content-Length': '261'
470 |
471 |
a: [Object: null prototype] {
472 |
'X-Market-Client-Id': 'VSCode 1.97.2',
473 |
'User-Agent': 'VSCode 1.97.2 (Code)',
474 |
'X-Market-User-Id': 'e9b26ff1-1a7e-4ca5-a9cf-ea5a43576bbb',
475 |
'VSCode-SessionId': 'bcac30750ae971b6ebe30c59d2ff11acf4b93a8d1d27474154c481a4aabf4837',
476 |
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
477 |
Accept: 'application/json;api-version=3.0-preview.1',
478 |
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip',
479 |
'Content-Length': '261'
480 |
481 |
482 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.744Z] [14:12:10] [][68a3d1e4][ManagementConnection] New connection established.
483 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.785Z] [14:12:10] #2: - end POST 200 {
484 |
'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate',
485 |
pragma: 'no-cache',
486 |
'transfer-encoding': 'chunked',
487 |
'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8; api-version=3.0-preview.1',
488 |
'content-encoding': 'gzip',
489 |
expires: '-1',
490 |
vary: 'Accept-Encoding',
491 |
492 |
'set-cookie': [
493 |
'VstsSession=%7B%22PersistentSessionId%22%3A%220af765e2-4198-45d6-886d-3b270b6b14e3%22%2C%22PendingAuthenticationSessionId%22%3A%2200000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000%22%2C%22CurrentAuthenticationSessionId%22%3A%2200000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000%22%2C%22SignInState%22%3A%7B%7D%7D;SameSite=None;; expires=Mon, 02-Mar-2026 14:12:10 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly'
494 |
495 |
'x-tfs-processid': '1575c8db-c9e6-4603-ad84-c7690843b84a',
496 |
'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains',
497 |
activityid: '6429e82a-b5ba-4323-a4b3-a5298139b6cf',
498 |
'x-tfs-session': '6429e82a-b5ba-4323-a4b3-a5298139b6cf',
499 |
'x-vss-e2eid': '6429e82a-b5ba-4323-a4b3-a5298139b6cf',
500 |
'x-vss-senderdeploymentid': '2663b13f-50e3-a655-a159-22f6f4725fab',
501 |
'request-context': 'appId=cid-v1:84715e31-583a-4723-a46d-946169b2f4a8',
502 |
'access-control-expose-headers': 'Request-Context',
503 |
'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
504 |
'x-cache': 'CONFIG_NOCACHE',
505 |
'x-msedge-ref': 'Ref A: 40DAE1FFAACD4665979BE07007B4DFEC Ref B: SIN30EDGE0116 Ref C: 2025-03-02T14:12:10Z',
506 |
date: 'Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:12:10 GMT'
507 |
508 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.813Z] [14:12:10] [][93f624fe][ExtensionHostConnection] - startParams language: ja
509 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.814Z] [14:12:10] [][93f624fe][ExtensionHostConnection] - startParams env: {}
510 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.816Z] [14:12:10] [][93f624fe][ExtensionHostConnection] New connection established.
511 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.818Z] [14:12:10] resolveShellEnv(): skipped (--force-disable-user-env)
512 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:10.825Z] [14:12:10] [][93f624fe][ExtensionHostConnection] <2159> Launched Extension Host Process.
513 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.002Z] [14:12:11] ExtensionManagementService.updateControlCache
514 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.002Z] [14:12:11] resolveShellEnv(): skipped (--force-disable-user-env)
515 |
[14:12:11] Started scanning system extensions
516 |
[14:12:11] Started scanning user extensions Er {
517 |
scheme: 'file',
518 |
authority: '',
519 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
520 |
query: '',
521 |
fragment: '',
522 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
523 |
_fsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
524 |
525 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.013Z] [14:12:11] Log level changed to info
526 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.676Z] [14:12:11] Installing builtin extension 'github.github-vscode-theme'...
527 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.678Z] [14:12:11] Installing builtin extension 'github.vscode-pull-request-github'...
528 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.679Z] [14:12:11] Installing builtin extension 'github.codespaces'...
529 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.681Z] [14:12:11] Getting Manifest... github.github-vscode-theme
530 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.682Z] [14:12:11] Getting Manifest... github.vscode-pull-request-github
531 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.683Z] [14:12:11] Getting Manifest... github.codespaces
532 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.698Z] [14:12:11] Installing extension: github.vscode-pull-request-github {
533 |
isMachineScoped: ********,
534 |
installPreReleaseVersion: false,
535 |
isBuiltin: ********,
536 |
installGivenVersion: false,
537 |
isApplicationScoped: ********,
538 |
installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack: ********,
539 |
profileLocation: Er {
540 |
scheme: 'file',
541 |
authority: '',
542 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
543 |
query: '',
544 |
fragment: '',
545 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
546 |
_fsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
547 |
548 |
productVersion: { version: '1.97.2', date: '2025-02-12T23:20:35.343Z' }
549 |
550 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.702Z] [14:12:11] Installing extension: github.github-vscode-theme {
551 |
isMachineScoped: ********,
552 |
installPreReleaseVersion: false,
553 |
isBuiltin: ********,
554 |
installGivenVersion: false,
555 |
isApplicationScoped: ********,
556 |
installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack: ********,
557 |
profileLocation: Er {
558 |
scheme: 'file',
559 |
authority: '',
560 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
561 |
query: '',
562 |
fragment: '',
563 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
564 |
_fsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
565 |
566 |
productVersion: { version: '1.97.2', date: '2025-02-12T23:20:35.343Z' }
567 |
568 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:11.703Z] [14:12:11] Installing extension: github.codespaces {
569 |
isMachineScoped: ********,
570 |
installPreReleaseVersion: false,
571 |
isBuiltin: ********,
572 |
installGivenVersion: false,
573 |
isApplicationScoped: ********,
574 |
installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack: ********,
575 |
profileLocation: Er {
576 |
scheme: 'file',
577 |
authority: '',
578 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
579 |
query: '',
580 |
fragment: '',
581 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
582 |
_fsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
583 |
584 |
productVersion: { version: '1.97.2', date: '2025-02-12T23:20:35.343Z' }
585 |
586 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:14.701Z] [14:12:14] Extension signature verification result for github.github-vscode-theme: Success. Executed: ********. Duration: 2616ms.
587 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:14.857Z] [14:12:14] Extension signature verification result for github.codespaces: Success. Executed: ********. Duration: 2754ms.
588 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:14.858Z] [14:12:14] Extracted extension to file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.github-vscode-theme-6.3.5: github.github-vscode-theme
589 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:14.886Z] [14:12:14] Renamed to /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.github-vscode-theme-6.3.5
590 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:14.909Z] [14:12:14] Extension signature verification result for github.vscode-pull-request-github: Success. Executed: ********. Duration: 2515ms.
591 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.139Z] [14:12:15] Extracted extension to file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.vscode-pull-request-github-0.104.1: github.vscode-pull-request-github
592 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.174Z] [14:12:15] Renamed to /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.vscode-pull-request-github-0.104.1
593 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.401Z] [14:12:15] Extracted extension to file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.codespaces-1.17.3: github.codespaces
594 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.438Z] [14:12:15] Renamed to /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.codespaces-1.17.3
595 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.454Z] [14:12:15] Extension installed successfully: github.github-vscode-theme file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
596 |
[14:12:15] Extension installed successfully: github.vscode-pull-request-github file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
597 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.454Z] [14:12:15] Extension installed successfully: github.codespaces file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
598 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.459Z] [14:12:15] Extension 'github.github-vscode-theme' v6.3.5 was successfully installed.
599 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.459Z] [14:12:15] Extension 'github.vscode-pull-request-github' v0.104.1 was successfully installed.
600 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.459Z] [14:12:15] Extension 'github.codespaces' v1.17.3 was successfully installed.
601 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.483Z] [14:12:15] Installing extensions...
602 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:15.766Z] [14:12:15] Installing extension 'ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja'...
603 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:16.004Z] [14:12:16] Getting Manifest... ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja
604 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:16.022Z] [14:12:16] Installing extension: ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja {
605 |
isMachineScoped: ********,
606 |
isBuiltin: false,
607 |
installPreReleaseVersion: undefined,
608 |
installGivenVersion: false,
609 |
isApplicationScoped: ********,
610 |
installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack: ********,
611 |
profileLocation: Er {
612 |
scheme: 'file',
613 |
authority: '',
614 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
615 |
query: '',
616 |
fragment: '',
617 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
618 |
_fsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
619 |
620 |
productVersion: { version: '1.97.2', date: '2025-02-12T23:20:35.343Z' }
621 |
622 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:17.045Z] [14:12:17] Extension signature verification result for ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja: Success. Executed: ********. Duration: 672ms.
623 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:17.127Z] [14:12:17] Extracted extension to file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja-1.97.2025021209: ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja
624 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:17.133Z] [14:12:17] Renamed to /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja-1.97.2025021209
625 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:17.141Z] [14:12:17] Adding language packs from the extension ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja
626 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:17.188Z] [14:12:17] Extension installed successfully: ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
627 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:17.189Z] [14:12:17] Extension 'ms-ceintl.vscode-language-pack-ja' v1.97.2025021209 was successfully installed.
628 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.891Z] @microsoft/vscode-dev-containers-cli 0.93.0.
629 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.891Z] Start: Resolving Remote for VSC start
630 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.893Z] Start: Run: docker ps -q -a --filter label=Type=codespaces
631 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.919Z] Stop (26 ms): Run: docker ps -q -a --filter label=Type=codespaces
632 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.921Z] Start: Run: docker inspect --type container ebceffe8415a
633 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.966Z] Stop (45 ms): Run: docker inspect --type container ebceffe8415a
634 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.968Z] Start: Inspecting container
635 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.968Z] Stop (0 ms): Inspecting container
636 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.969Z] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh
637 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:29.973Z] Start: Run in container: uname -m
638 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.047Z] x86_64
639 |
640 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.047Z] Stop (74 ms): Run in container: uname -m
641 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.047Z] Start: Run in container: (cat /etc/os-release || cat /usr/lib/os-release) 2>/dev/null
642 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.050Z] NAME="Ubuntu"
643 |
VERSION="20.04.6 LTS (Focal Fossa)"
644 |
645 |
646 |
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS"
647 |
648 |
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
654 |
655 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.050Z] Stop (3 ms): Run in container: (cat /etc/os-release || cat /usr/lib/os-release) 2>/dev/null
656 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.050Z] Start: Run in container: (command -v getent >/dev/null 2>&1 && getent passwd 'codespace' || grep -E '^codespace|^[^:]*:[^:]*:codespace:' /etc/passwd || ********)
657 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.053Z] Stop (3 ms): Run in container: (command -v getent >/dev/null 2>&1 && getent passwd 'codespace' || grep -E '^codespace|^[^:]*:[^:]*:codespace:' /etc/passwd || ********)
658 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.054Z] Start: Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote'
659 |
660 |
661 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.055Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote'
662 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.055Z] Start: Run in container: test ! -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' && set -o noclobber && mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && { > '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
663 |
664 |
665 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.056Z] Exit code 1
666 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.056Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test ! -f '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' && set -o noclobber && mkdir -p '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine' && { > '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.writeMachineSettingsMarker' ; } 2> /dev/null
667 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.056Z] Start: Run in container: cat /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/settings.json
668 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.058Z] {
669 |
"go.toolsManagement.checkForUpdates": "local",
670 |
"go.useLanguageServer": ********,
671 |
"go.gopath": "/go",
672 |
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/home/codespace/.python/current/bin/python3",
673 |
"jupyter.kernels.filter": [
674 |
675 |
"path": "/opt/conda/bin/python",
676 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
677 |
678 |
679 |
"path": "/bin/python2",
680 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
681 |
682 |
683 |
"path": "/usr/bin/python2",
684 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
685 |
686 |
687 |
"path": "/usr/local/python/current/bin/python3",
688 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
689 |
690 |
691 |
"path": "/usr/local/python/current/bin/python",
692 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
693 |
694 |
695 |
"path": "/usr/bin/python3",
696 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
697 |
698 |
699 |
"path": "/bin/python3",
700 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
701 |
702 |
703 |
"lldb.executable": "/usr/bin/lldb"
704 |
705 |
706 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.058Z] Stop (2 ms): Run in container: cat /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/settings.json
707 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.059Z] Start: Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
708 |
709 |
710 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.060Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -d '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
711 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.060Z] Start: Run in container: test -d '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
712 |
713 |
714 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.061Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -d '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
715 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.061Z] Start: Run in container: /bin/sh
716 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.063Z] Start: Run in container: test -x '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
717 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.063Z] Start: Run in container: touch '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
718 |
719 |
720 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.065Z] Stop (2 ms): Run in container: test -x '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
721 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.065Z] Start: Run in container: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
722 |
723 |
724 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.137Z] Stop (74 ms): Run in container: touch '/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
725 |
726 |
727 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.148Z] Stop (83 ms): Run in container: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/helpers/'
728 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.148Z] userEnvProbe: loginInteractiveShell (default)
729 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.149Z] Start: Run in container: test -f '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json'
730 |
731 |
732 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.150Z] Stop (1 ms): Run in container: test -f '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json'
733 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.150Z] Start: Run in container: for pid in `cd /proc && ls -d [0-9]*`; do { echo $pid ; readlink /proc/$pid/cwd || echo ; readlink /proc/$pid/ns/mnt || echo ; cat /proc/$pid/stat | tr "
734 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.564Z] Stop (414 ms): Run in container: for pid in `cd /proc && ls -d [0-9]*`; do { echo $pid ; readlink /proc/$pid/cwd || echo ; readlink /proc/$pid/ns/mnt || echo ; cat /proc/$pid/stat | tr "
735 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.564Z] Start: Run in container: cat '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json'
736 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.570Z] {
737 |
"SHELL": "/bin/bash",
738 |
739 |
"NVM_INC": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/include/node",
740 |
"rvm_prefix": "/usr/local",
741 |
"HOSTNAME": "codespaces-9cefb6",
742 |
"JAVA_ROOT": "/home/codespace/java",
743 |
"JAVA_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current",
744 |
"DOTNET_ROOT": "/usr/share/dotnet",
745 |
"CODESPACES": "********",
746 |
"GRADLE_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current",
747 |
"PYTHON_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.python",
748 |
"rvm_stored_umask": "0022",
749 |
"NVS_DIR": "/usr/local/nvs",
750 |
"NVS_OS": "linux",
751 |
752 |
"MY_RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4",
753 |
"NVS_USE_XZ": "1",
754 |
"SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates",
755 |
"RUBY_VERSION": "ruby-3.3.4",
756 |
"PIPX_BIN_DIR": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin",
757 |
"rvm_version": "1.29.12 (latest)",
758 |
"ORYX_DIR": "/usr/local/oryx",
759 |
"rvm_user_install_flag": "0",
760 |
"ContainerVersion": "13",
761 |
"HUGO_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.hugo",
762 |
"NPM_GLOBAL": "/home/codespace/.npm-global",
763 |
"HOME": "/home/codespace",
764 |
"LANG": "C.UTF-8",
765 |
"LS_COLORS": "",
766 |
767 |
"NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT": "********",
768 |
"PHP_PATH": "/usr/local/php/current",
769 |
"DEBIAN_FLAVOR": "focal-scm",
770 |
"PHP_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.php",
771 |
"ORYX_ENV_TYPE": "vsonline-present",
772 |
"HUGO_DIR": "/usr/local/hugo/bin",
773 |
774 |
"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
775 |
"SHELL_LOGGED_IN": "********",
776 |
"PYTHON_PATH": "/usr/local/python/current",
777 |
"NVM_DIR": "/usr/local/share/nvm",
778 |
"rvm_bin_path": "/usr/local/rvm/bin",
779 |
"GEM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4@global",
780 |
"GEM_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4",
781 |
"LESSCLOSE": "/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s",
782 |
"NVS_ROOT": "/usr/local/nvs",
783 |
"LESSOPEN": "| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s",
784 |
"USER": "codespace",
785 |
"NODE_ROOT": "/home/codespace/nvm",
786 |
787 |
"NVS_HOME": "/usr/local/nvs",
788 |
"PIPX_HOME": "/usr/local/py-utils",
789 |
"rvm_loaded_flag": "1",
790 |
"CONDA_SCRIPT": "/opt/conda/etc/profile.d/",
791 |
"MAVEN_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current",
792 |
"SDKMAN_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman",
793 |
"SHLVL": "1",
794 |
795 |
796 |
"CONDA_DIR": "/opt/conda",
797 |
798 |
799 |
800 |
801 |
802 |
"MAVEN_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.maven",
803 |
804 |
"JUPYTERLAB_PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin",
805 |
"RVM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm",
806 |
"RAILS_DEVELOPMENT_HOSTS": ",.preview.********,.********",
807 |
"RUBY_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.ruby",
808 |
"RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default",
809 |
"PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin:/home/codespace/.dotnet:/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin:/home/codespace/.php/current/bin:/home/codespace/.python/current/bin:/home/codespace/java/current/bin:/home/codespace/.ruby/current/bin:/home/codespace/.local/bin:/usr/local/python/current/bin:/usr/local/py-utils/bin:/usr/local/oryx:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/ant/current/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default/bin:/usr/local/share/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/php/current/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/nvs:/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:/usr/local/hugo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/dotnet:/home/codespace/.dotnet/tools:/usr/local/rvm/bin",
810 |
"SDKMAN_PLATFORM": "linuxx64",
811 |
"NVM_BIN": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/bin",
812 |
"IRBRC": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4/.irbrc",
813 |
"rvm_path": "/usr/local/rvm",
814 |
"OLDPWD": "/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447",
815 |
"GOPATH": "/go",
816 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvs%%": "() { if [ -z \"${NVS_HOME}\" ]; then\n export NVS_HOME=\"${NVS_ROOT}\";\n fi;\n export NVS_POSTSCRIPT=\"${NVS_HOME}/nvs_tmp_$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d\" \").sh\";\n local NODE_EXE=\"node\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n NODE_EXE=\"node.exe\";\n fi;\n local NODE_PATH=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\";\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then\n local NODE_VERSION=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/.*\\///')\";\n local NODE_REMOTE=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/\\/.*//')\";\n local NODE_BASE_URI=\"$(grep \"\\\"${NODE_REMOTE}\\\" *:\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//')\";\n local NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\";\n local TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".7z\";\n else\n if [ \"${NVS_USE_XZ}\" = \"1\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.xz\";\n TAR_FLAGS=\"-Jxvf\";\n fi;\n fi;\n local NODE_ARCH=\"$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/x64/;s/i86pc/x64/;s/i686/x86/;s/aarch64/arm64/')\";\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCH=\"ppc64\";\n fi;\n local NODE_FULLNAME=\"node-v${NODE_VERSION}-${NVS_OS}-${NODE_ARCH}\";\n local NODE_URI=\"${NODE_BASE_URI}v${NODE_VERSION}/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n local NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n if [ ! -d \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" ]; then\n command mkdir -p \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\";\n fi;\n echo \"Downloading bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI}\";\n if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n else\n curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ] && [ \"${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\" = \".tar.xz\" ]; then\n NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\";\n TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\";\n NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\";\n echo \"Retry download bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI} in gz format\";\n if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then\n noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n else\n curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\";\n fi;\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ]; then\n echo \"Failed to download node binary.\";\n return 1;\n fi;\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then\n \"${NVS_ROOT}/tools/7-Zip/7zr.exe\" e \"-o${NVS_HOME}/cache\" -y \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n else\n if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then\n gunzip \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" | tar -xvC \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n else\n tar $TAR_FLAGS \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" -C \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n fi;\n mv \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n rm -r \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}\" > /dev/null 2>&1;\n fi;\n if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then\n echo \"Failed to setup node binary.\";\n return 1;\n fi;\n echo \"\";\n fi;\n local EXIT_CODE=0;\n case \"$@\" in \n \"cd\")\n local DIR=$PWD;\n while [ \"$DIR\" != \"\" -a ! \\( -e \"$DIR/.node-version\" -o -e \"$DIR/.nvmrc\" \\) ]; do\n if [ \"$DIR\" = \"/\" ]; then\n DIR=;\n else\n DIR=$(dirname \"$DIR\");\n fi;\n done;\n if [ \"$DIR\" != \"$NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY\" ]; then\n command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" auto;\n EXIT_CODE=$?;\n fi;\n export NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY=$DIR\n ;;\n *)\n command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" \"$@\";\n EXIT_CODE=$?\n ;;\n esac;\n if [ ${EXIT_CODE} = 2 ]; then\n rm \"${NODE_PATH}\";\n nvs $@;\n fi;\n if [ -f \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\" ]; then\n . \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\";\n command rm \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\";\n unset NVS_POSTSCRIPT;\n fi;\n return $EXIT_CODE\n}",
817 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvsudo%%": "() { local NVS_CURRENT=`nvs which`;\n if [ -n \"${NVS_CURRENT}\" ]; then\n NVS_CURRENT=`dirname \"${NVS_CURRENT}\"`;\n fi;\n sudo \"NVS_CURRENT=${NVS_CURRENT}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/nvs\" $*\n}",
818 |
"_": "/usr/bin/cat"
819 |
820 |
821 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.570Z] Stop (6 ms): Run in container: cat '/workspaces/.codespaces/.persistedshare/devcontainers-cli/cache/env-loginInteractiveShell.json'
822 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.570Z] Start: Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/product.json'
823 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.575Z] Stop (5 ms): Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/product.json'
824 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.577Z] Running extension host agents:
825 |
826 |
827 |
"pid": "2128",
828 |
"ppid": "0",
829 |
"pgrp": "2128",
830 |
"cwd": "/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447",
831 |
"mntNS": "mnt:[4026532185]",
832 |
"cmd": "sh /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/bin/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447/bin/code-server --log trace --force-disable-user-env --server-data-dir /home/codespace/.vscode-remote --accept-server-license-terms --host --port 0 --connection-token-file /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447 --extensions-download-dir /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensionsCache --install-builtin-extension GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github --install-builtin-extension github.github-vscode-theme --install-builtin-extension github.codespaces --do-not-sync --start-server --enable-remote-auto-shutdown --skip-requirements-check ",
833 |
"env": {
834 |
"PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin:/home/codespace/.dotnet:/home/codespace/nvm/current/bin:/home/codespace/.php/current/bin:/home/codespace/.python/current/bin:/home/codespace/java/current/bin:/home/codespace/.ruby/current/bin:/home/codespace/.local/bin:/usr/local/python/current/bin:/usr/local/py-utils/bin:/usr/local/oryx:/usr/local/go/bin:/go/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current/bin:/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/ant/current/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default/bin:/usr/local/rvm/gems/default@global/bin:/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default/bin:/usr/local/share/rbenv/bin:/usr/local/php/current/bin:/opt/conda/bin:/usr/local/nvs:/usr/local/share/nvm/current/bin:/usr/local/hugo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/share/dotnet:/home/codespace/.dotnet/tools:/usr/local/rvm/bin",
835 |
"HOSTNAME": "codespaces-9cefb6",
836 |
"ContainerVersion": "13",
837 |
"CODESPACES": "********",
838 |
"LANG": "C.UTF-8",
839 |
"SHELL": "/bin/bash",
840 |
841 |
"DOTNET_ROOT": "/usr/share/dotnet",
842 |
843 |
844 |
"HUGO_DIR": "/usr/local/hugo/bin",
845 |
"NVM_DIR": "/usr/local/share/nvm",
846 |
"NVM_SYMLINK_CURRENT": "********",
847 |
"NVS_DIR": "/usr/local/nvs",
848 |
"CONDA_DIR": "/opt/conda",
849 |
"CONDA_SCRIPT": "/opt/conda/etc/profile.d/",
850 |
"PHP_PATH": "/usr/local/php/current",
851 |
"GEM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4:/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4@global",
852 |
"GEM_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-3.3.4",
853 |
"MY_RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4",
854 |
"SDKMAN_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman",
855 |
"JAVA_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/java/current",
856 |
"GOROOT": "/usr/local/go",
857 |
"GOPATH": "/go",
858 |
859 |
860 |
861 |
862 |
"ORYX_DIR": "/usr/local/oryx",
863 |
"DEBIAN_FLAVOR": "focal-scm",
864 |
"PYTHON_PATH": "/usr/local/python/current",
865 |
"PIPX_HOME": "/usr/local/py-utils",
866 |
"PIPX_BIN_DIR": "/usr/local/py-utils/bin",
867 |
"RUBY_HOME": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/default",
868 |
"JAVA_ROOT": "/home/codespace/java",
869 |
"NODE_ROOT": "/home/codespace/nvm",
870 |
"PHP_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.php",
871 |
"PYTHON_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.python",
872 |
"RUBY_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.ruby",
873 |
"MAVEN_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.maven",
874 |
"HUGO_ROOT": "/home/codespace/.hugo",
875 |
876 |
877 |
"ORYX_ENV_TYPE": "vsonline-present",
878 |
879 |
"NPM_GLOBAL": "/home/codespace/.npm-global",
880 |
"NVS_HOME": "/usr/local/nvs",
881 |
"RVM_PATH": "/usr/local/rvm",
882 |
"RAILS_DEVELOPMENT_HOSTS": ",.preview.********,.********",
883 |
"JUPYTERLAB_PATH": "/home/codespace/.local/bin",
884 |
"VSCODE_AGENT_FOLDER": "/home/codespace/.vscode-remote",
885 |
"NVM_INC": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/include/node",
886 |
"rvm_prefix": "/usr/local",
887 |
"GRADLE_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/gradle/current",
888 |
"rvm_stored_umask": "0022",
889 |
"NVS_OS": "linux",
890 |
"NVS_USE_XZ": "1",
891 |
"SDKMAN_CANDIDATES_DIR": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates",
892 |
"RUBY_VERSION": "ruby-3.3.4",
893 |
"rvm_version": "1.29.12 (latest)",
894 |
"rvm_user_install_flag": "0",
895 |
"HOME": "/home/codespace",
896 |
"LS_COLORS": "",
897 |
"SHELL_LOGGED_IN": "********",
898 |
"rvm_bin_path": "/usr/local/rvm/bin",
899 |
"LESSCLOSE": "/usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s",
900 |
"NVS_ROOT": "/usr/local/nvs",
901 |
"LESSOPEN": "| /usr/bin/lesspipe %s",
902 |
"USER": "codespace",
903 |
"rvm_loaded_flag": "1",
904 |
"MAVEN_HOME": "/usr/local/sdkman/candidates/maven/current",
905 |
"SHLVL": "1",
906 |
907 |
908 |
909 |
"SDKMAN_PLATFORM": "linuxx64",
910 |
"NVM_BIN": "/usr/local/share/nvm/versions/node/v20.18.1/bin",
911 |
"IRBRC": "/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-3.3.4/.irbrc",
912 |
"rvm_path": "/usr/local/rvm",
913 |
"OLDPWD": "/vscode/bin/linux-x64/e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447",
914 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvs%%": "() { if [ -z \"${NVS_HOME}\" ]; then export NVS_HOME=\"${NVS_ROOT}\"; fi; export NVS_POSTSCRIPT=\"${NVS_HOME}/nvs_tmp_$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d\" \").sh\"; local NODE_EXE=\"node\"; if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then NODE_EXE=\"node.exe\"; fi; local NODE_PATH=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\"; if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then local NODE_VERSION=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/.*\\///')\"; local NODE_REMOTE=\"$(grep '\"bootstrap\" *:' \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//' -e 's/\\/.*//')\"; local NODE_BASE_URI=\"$(grep \"\\\"${NODE_REMOTE}\\\" *:\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/defaults.json\" | sed -e 's/.*: *\"//' -e 's/\"[^\\n]*//')\"; local NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\"; local TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\"; if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".7z\"; else if [ \"${NVS_USE_XZ}\" = \"1\" ]; then NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.xz\"; TAR_FLAGS=\"-Jxvf\"; fi; fi; local NODE_ARCH=\"$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/x64/;s/i86pc/x64/;s/i686/x86/;s/aarch64/arm64/')\"; if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then NODE_ARCH=\"ppc64\"; fi; local NODE_FULLNAME=\"node-v${NODE_VERSION}-${NVS_OS}-${NODE_ARCH}\"; local NODE_URI=\"${NODE_BASE_URI}v${NODE_VERSION}/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\"; local NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\"; if [ ! -d \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" ]; then command mkdir -p \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\"; fi; echo \"Downloading bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI}\"; if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\"; else curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\"; fi; if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ] && [ \"${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\" = \".tar.xz\" ]; then NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT=\".tar.gz\"; TAR_FLAGS=\"-zxvf\"; NODE_ARCHIVE=\"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}${NODE_ARCHIVE_EXT}\"; echo \"Retry download bootstrap node from ${NODE_URI} in gz format\"; if type noglob > /dev/null 2>&1; then noglob curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\"; else curl -L -# \"${NODE_URI}\" -o \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\"; fi; fi; if [ ! -f \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" ]; then echo \"Failed to download node binary.\"; return 1; fi; if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"win\" ]; then \"${NVS_ROOT}/tools/7-Zip/7zr.exe\" e \"-o${NVS_HOME}/cache\" -y \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1; else if [ \"${NVS_OS}\" = \"aix\" ]; then gunzip \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" | tar -xvC \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1; else tar $TAR_FLAGS \"${NODE_ARCHIVE}\" -C \"${NVS_HOME}/cache\" \"${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1; fi; mv \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}/bin/${NODE_EXE}\" \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_EXE}\" > /dev/null 2>&1; rm -r \"${NVS_HOME}/cache/${NODE_FULLNAME}\" > /dev/null 2>&1; fi; if [ ! -f \"${NODE_PATH}\" ]; then echo \"Failed to setup node binary.\"; return 1; fi; echo \"\"; fi; local EXIT_CODE=0; case \"$@\" in \"cd\") local DIR=$PWD; while [ \"$DIR\" != \"\" -a ! \\( -e \"$DIR/.node-version\" -o -e \"$DIR/.nvmrc\" \\) ]; do if [ \"$DIR\" = \"/\" ]; then DIR=; else DIR=$(dirname \"$DIR\"); fi; done; if [ \"$DIR\" != \"$NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY\" ]; then command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" auto; EXIT_CODE=$?; fi; export NVS_AUTO_DIRECTORY=$DIR ;; *) command \"${NODE_PATH}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/lib/index.js\" \"$@\"; EXIT_CODE=$? ;; esac; if [ ${EXIT_CODE} = 2 ]; then rm \"${NODE_PATH}\"; nvs $@; fi; if [ -f \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\" ]; then . \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\"; command rm \"${NVS_POSTSCRIPT}\"; unset NVS_POSTSCRIPT; fi; return $EXIT_CODE }",
915 |
"BASH_FUNC_nvsudo%%": "() { local NVS_CURRENT=`nvs which`; if [ -n \"${NVS_CURRENT}\" ]; then NVS_CURRENT=`dirname \"${NVS_CURRENT}\"`; fi; sudo \"NVS_CURRENT=${NVS_CURRENT}\" \"${NVS_ROOT}/nvs\" $* }",
916 |
"_": "/usr/bin/cat",
917 |
"CLOUDENV_ENVIRONMENT_ID": "b94e1d6c-1584-44f6-b1d4-7f7d0afbf290",
918 |
"CODESPACE_NAME": "********",
919 |
"GITHUB_SERVER_URL": "********",
920 |
"GITHUB_API_URL": "********",
921 |
"GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL": "********",
922 |
"GITHUB_REPOSITORY": "********",
923 |
924 |
925 |
926 |
"GITHUB_TOKEN": "********",
927 |
"GITHUB_USER": "********"
928 |
929 |
930 |
931 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.577Z] Extension host agent is already running.
932 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.577Z] Start: Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.devport-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' 2>/dev/null
933 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.580Z] 37921
934 |
935 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.580Z] Stop (3 ms): Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.devport-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447' 2>/dev/null
936 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.581Z] Start: Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
937 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.583Z] 98178c1e-07ba-44dd-b57a-ebd618207f3f
938 |
939 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.584Z] Stop (3 ms): Run in container: cat '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/data/Machine/.connection-token-e54c774e0add60467559eb0d1e229c6452cf8447'
940 |
[2025-03-02T14:12:30.584Z] Stop (693 ms): Resolving Remote for VSC start
941 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:43.793Z] [14:14:43] Getting Manifest... github.copilot
942 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:43.844Z] [14:14:43] Installing extension: github.copilot {
943 |
isMachineScoped: false,
944 |
installPreReleaseVersion: false,
945 |
pinned: false,
946 |
installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack: ********,
947 |
isApplicationScoped: false,
948 |
profileLocation: Er {
949 |
scheme: 'file',
950 |
authority: '',
951 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
952 |
query: '',
953 |
fragment: '',
954 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
955 |
_fsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
956 |
957 |
productVersion: { version: '1.97.2', date: '2025-02-12T23:20:35.343Z' }
958 |
959 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:44.331Z] [14:14:44] Getting Manifest... github.copilot-chat
960 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:44.358Z] [14:14:44] Installing extension: github.copilot-chat {
961 |
isMachineScoped: false,
962 |
installPreReleaseVersion: false,
963 |
pinned: false,
964 |
installOnlyNewlyAddedFromExtensionPack: ********,
965 |
isApplicationScoped: false,
966 |
profileLocation: Er {
967 |
scheme: 'file',
968 |
authority: '',
969 |
path: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
970 |
query: '',
971 |
fragment: '',
972 |
_formatted: 'file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json',
973 |
_fsPath: '/home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json'
974 |
975 |
productVersion: { version: '1.97.2', date: '2025-02-12T23:20:35.343Z' },
976 |
context: { dependecyOrPackExtensionInstall: ******** }
977 |
978 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:45.964Z] [14:14:45] Extension signature verification result for github.copilot-chat: Success. Executed: ********. Duration: 1200ms.
979 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:46.008Z] [14:14:46] Extension signature verification result for github.copilot: Success. Executed: ********. Duration: 1223ms.
980 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:46.605Z] [14:14:46] Extracted extension to file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.copilot-chat-0.24.1: github.copilot-chat
981 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:46.616Z] [14:14:46] Renamed to /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.copilot-chat-0.24.1
982 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:46.858Z] [14:14:46] Extracted extension to file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.copilot-1.275.0: github.copilot
983 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:46.865Z] [14:14:46] Renamed to /home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/github.copilot-1.275.0
984 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:46.889Z] [14:14:46] Extension installed successfully: github.copilot-chat file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
985 |
[2025-03-02T14:14:46.892Z] [14:14:46] Extension installed successfully: github.copilot file:///home/codespace/.vscode-remote/extensions/extensions.json
986 |
[2025-03-02T14:16:42.869Z] [14:16:42] [File Watcher (node.js)] Watcher shutdown because watched path got deleted
987 |
[2025-03-02T14:16:42.870Z] [14:16:42] [File Watcher (node.js)] Watcher shutdown because watched path got deleted
988 |
[2025-03-02T14:16:43.176Z] [14:16:43] [File Watcher (node.js)] Watcher shutdown because watched path got deleted
989 |
[2025-03-02T14:17:10.118Z] New EH opened, aborting shutdown
990 |
[2025-03-02T14:17:10.118Z] [14:17:10] New EH opened, aborting shutdown
The diff for this file is too large to render.
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5 |
6 |
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13 |
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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File without changes
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
[{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_SERVER_URL","value":""},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_API_URL","value":""},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_GRAPHQL_URL","value":""},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_REPOSITORY","value":"kenichimiyata/evamaster"},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"INTERNAL_VSCS_TARGET_URL","value":""},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_CODESPACES_PORT_FORWARDING_DOMAIN","value":""},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_CODESPACE_TOKEN","value":"BJ4G3YBI5JARNMP4GTNT55DHYUH6ZANCNFSM4AMDKYZQ"},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_TOKEN","value":"ghu_QdUUndKrDw2lvVB7MylpCOb1ckskKS1EAYRa"},{"type":"ContainerRegistry","name":"","value":"ghu_QdUUndKrDw2lvVB7MylpCOb1ckskKS1EAYRa"},{"type":"ContainerRegistry","name":"[email protected]","value":"ghu_QdUUndKrDw2lvVB7MylpCOb1ckskKS1EAYRa"},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"GITHUB_USER","value":"kenichimiyata"},{"type":"ContainerRegistry","name":"codespacesdev@","value":"df0ee6ad-f9b2-423c-878f-635d0c94dcc2"},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"CODESPACES","value":"true"},{"type":"EnvironmentVariable","name":"CODESPACE_NAME","value":"vigilant-space-train-jj4gq9964jxg34w6"}]
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
1 |
2 |
"environmentId": "b94e1d6c-1584-44f6-b1d4-7f7d0afbf290",
3 |
"hasDevContainerJson": false,
4 |
"isDevContainerJsonValid": true
5 |
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
1 |
2 |
"CODESPACE_NAME": "vigilant-space-train-jj4gq9964jxg34w6",
3 |
"ACTION_NAME": "create"
4 |
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
👋 Welcome to Codespaces! You are on our default image. This includes the latest versions of:
2 |
- Python
3 |
- Node.js
4 |
- Docker
5 |
- And more! To see the full list, go here:
6 |
7 |
🔍 To explore VS Code to its fullest, search using the Command Palette (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P)
8 |
9 |
📝 Edit away, then run your build command to see your code running in the browser.
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
1 |
2 |
"remoteUser": "codespace",
3 |
"image": "",
4 |
"runArgs": [
5 |
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9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
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23 |
"settings": {
24 |
"go.toolsManagement.checkForUpdates": "local",
25 |
"go.useLanguageServer": true,
26 |
"go.gopath": "/go",
27 |
"python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/home/codespace/.python/current/bin/python3",
28 |
"jupyter.kernels.filter": [
29 |
30 |
"path": "/opt/conda/bin/python",
31 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
32 |
33 |
34 |
"path": "/bin/python2",
35 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
36 |
37 |
38 |
"path": "/usr/bin/python2",
39 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
40 |
41 |
42 |
"path": "/usr/local/python/current/bin/python3",
43 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
44 |
45 |
46 |
"path": "/usr/local/python/current/bin/python",
47 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
48 |
49 |
50 |
"path": "/usr/bin/python3",
51 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
52 |
53 |
54 |
"path": "/bin/python3",
55 |
"type": "pythonEnvironment"
56 |
57 |
58 |
"lldb.executable": "/usr/bin/lldb"
59 |
60 |
"containerEnv": {
61 |
"CODESPACES": "true",
62 |
"ContainerVersion": "13",
63 |
"RepositoryName": "evamaster"
64 |
65 |
"remoteEnv": {
66 |
"CLOUDENV_ENVIRONMENT_ID": "b94e1d6c-1584-44f6-b1d4-7f7d0afbf290",
67 |
"CODESPACE_NAME": "vigilant-space-train-jj4gq9964jxg34w6"
68 |
69 |
"mounts": [
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
"workspaceMount": "type=bind,src=/var/lib/docker/codespacemount/workspace,dst=/workspaces",
76 |
"workspaceFolder": "/workspaces/evamaster"
77 |
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
1 |
2 |
"steps": [
3 |
4 |
"name": "Finishing up...",
5 |
"status": "succeeded",
6 |
"description": null,
7 |
"stepDetail": null
8 |
9 |
10 |
"name": "Detected Python 3.12.1\n , /opt/python/3.12.1/bin/python3.12 -m pip install --cache-dir /usr/local/share/pip-cache --prefer-binary -r requirements.txt --target=/home/codespace/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages --upgrade | ts [%T%z]",
11 |
"status": "failed",
12 |
"description": null,
13 |
"stepDetail": null
14 |
15 |
16 |
"name": "Running postCreateCommand...",
17 |
"status": "succeeded",
18 |
"description": null,
19 |
"stepDetail": "/usr/local/share/"
20 |
21 |
22 |
"name": "Done",
23 |
"status": "succeeded",
24 |
"description": null,
25 |
"stepDetail": null
26 |
27 |
28 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
1 |
2 |
"steps": [
3 |
4 |
"name": "Running postCreateCommand...",
5 |
"status": "succeeded",
6 |
"stepDetail": "/usr/local/share/"
7 |
8 |
9 |
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
1 |