import shutil import gradio as gr #from mysite.libs.utilities import chat_with_interpreter, completion, process_file #from interpreter import interpreter #import mysite.interpreter.interpreter_config # インポートするだけで設定が適用されます import importlib import os import pkgutil #from babyagi.babyagi import gradio_babyagi #from routers.gra_02_openInterpreter.OpenInterpreter import gradio_interface #from llamafactory.webui.interface import create_ui import importlib import os import pkgutil import importlib import os import pkgutil import traceback def include_gradio_interfaces(): package_dir = "/home/user/app/controllers" # `controllers/` 直下を探索 gradio_interfaces = {} # 辞書型: { interface_name: gradio_interface } # `controllers/` 以下の全てのサブディレクトリを探索 package_paths = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(package_dir): if "__pycache__" in root: # `__pycache__` を除外 continue package_paths.append(root) for package_path in package_paths: # パッケージの Python モジュールを取得 rel_path = os.path.relpath(package_path, package_dir) package_name = "controllers" + (("." + rel_path.replace(os.sep, ".")) if rel_path != "." else "") for module_info in pkgutil.iter_modules([package_path]): sub_module_name = f"{package_name}.{}" print(f"Trying to import {sub_module_name}") try: module = importlib.import_module(sub_module_name) print(f"Successfully imported {sub_module_name}") # `gradio_interface` を持つモジュールのみ追加 if hasattr(module, "gradio_interface"): print(f"Found gradio_interface in {sub_module_name}") # 名前の一意性を保証する処理 base_name = unique_name = base_name count = 1 # 重複がある場合は `_1`, `_2`, ... を付与 while unique_name in gradio_interfaces: unique_name = f"{base_name}_{count}" count += 1 gradio_interfaces[unique_name] = module.gradio_interface except ModuleNotFoundError as e: print(f"ModuleNotFoundError: {sub_module_name} - {e}") except AttributeError as e: print(f"AttributeError in {sub_module_name}: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to import {sub_module_name}: {e}") print(traceback.format_exc()) # 名前とインターフェースのリストを返す print(f"Collected Gradio Interfaces: {list(gradio_interfaces.keys())}") return list(gradio_interfaces.values()), list(gradio_interfaces.keys()) def setup_gradio_interfaces(): ## #from import gradio_interface as video default_interfaces = []#,demo] default_names = ["CreateTASK","Chat","OpenInterpreter","DataBase","CreateFromDOC","HTML","FILES"]#"demo"] gradio_interfaces, gradio_names = include_gradio_interfaces() all_interfaces = gradio_interfaces all_names = gradio_names tabs = gr.TabbedInterface(all_interfaces, all_names) tabs.queue() return tabs if __name__ == "__main__": interfaces, names = include_gradio_interfaces()