import gradio as gr import os import time import openai import pandas as pd openai.api_key = "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" model = None tokenizer = None generator = None csv_name = "disease_database_mini.csv" def csv_prompter(question,csv_name): fulltext = "A question is provided below. Given the question, extract " + \ "keywords from the text. Focus on extracting the keywords that we can use " + \ "to best lookup answers to the question. \n" + \ "---------------------\n" + \ "{}\n".format(question) + \ "---------------------\n" + \ "Provide keywords in the following comma-separated format.\nKeywords: " messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": ""}, ] messages.append( {"role": "user", "content": f"{fulltext}"} ) rsp = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages ) keyword_list = rsp.get("choices")[0]["message"]["content"] keyword_list = keyword_list.split(", ") print(keyword_list) df = pd.read_csv(csv_name) divided_text = [] csvdata = df.to_dict('records') step_length = 15 for csv_item in range(0,len(csvdata),step_length): csv_text = str(csvdata[csv_item:csv_item+step_length]).replace("}, {", "\n\n").replace("\"", "")#.replace("[", "").replace("]", "") divided_text.append(csv_text) answer_llm = "" score_textlist = [0] * len(divided_text) for i, chunk in enumerate(divided_text): for t, keyw in enumerate(keyword_list): if keyw.lower() in chunk.lower(): score_textlist[i] = score_textlist[i] + 1 answer_list = [] divided_text = [item for _, item in sorted(zip(score_textlist, divided_text), reverse=True)] for i, chunk in enumerate(divided_text): if i>5: continue fulltext = "{}".format(chunk) + \ "\n---------------------\n" + \ "Based on the Table above and not prior knowledge, " + \ "Select the Table Entries that will help to answer the question: {}\n Output in the format of \" Disease: <>; Symptom: <>; Medical Test: <>; Medications: <>;\". If there is no useful form entries, output: 'No Entry'".format(question) print(fulltext) messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": ""}, ] messages.append( {"role": "user", "content": f"{fulltext}"} ) rsp = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages ) answer_llm = rsp.get("choices")[0]["message"]["content"] print("\nAnswer: " + answer_llm) print() if not "No Entry" in answer_llm: answer_list.append(answer_llm) fulltext = "The original question is as follows: {}\n".format(question) + \ "Based on this Table:\n" + \ "------------\n" + \ "{}\n".format(str("\n\n".join(answer_list))) + \ "------------\n" + \ "Answer: " print(fulltext) messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": ""}, ] messages.append( {"role": "user", "content": f"{fulltext}"} ) rsp = openai.ChatCompletion.create( model="gpt-3.5-turbo", messages=messages ) answer_llm = rsp.get("choices")[0]["message"]["content"] print("\nFinal Answer: " + answer_llm) print() return answer_llm with gr.Blocks() as demo: chatbot = gr.Chatbot() msg = gr.Textbox() clear = gr.Button("Clear") Initialization = gr.Button("Initialization") def restart(history): invitation = "ChatDoctor: " human_invitation = "Patient: " return [[None,invitation+" I am ChatDoctor, what medical questions do you have?"]] def user(user_message, history): invitation = "ChatDoctor: " human_invitation = "Patient: " return "", history +[[human_invitation+user_message, None]] def bot(history): invitation = "ChatDoctor: " human_invitation = "Patient: " question = history[-1][0] response = csv_prompter(question,csv_name): response = invitation+ response history[-1][1] = response return history msg.submit(user, [msg, chatbot], [msg, chatbot], queue=False).then( bot, chatbot, chatbot ) None, None, chatbot, queue=False).then(restart, chatbot, chatbot) None, None, chatbot, queue=False).then(restart, chatbot, chatbot) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()