No application file
No application file
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- | |
# here put the import lib | |
import os | |
import sys | |
import argparse | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torchvision.transforms as transforms | |
import numpy as np | |
from PIL import Image | |
import glob | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
import pickle | |
import json | |
import cv2 | |
import parser | |
import pandas as pd | |
import random | |
import pdb | |
from torchvision.ops import nms | |
import traceback | |
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip | |
import hashlib | |
from bbox_extractor.bbox_extractor import BboxExtractor | |
from img_feat_extractor import generate_folder_csv | |
from utils import getLanMask | |
from utils.config import cfg_from_yaml_file, cfg | |
from models.vl_model import * | |
class ImgModel(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, model_cfg): | |
super(ImgModel, self).__init__() | |
self.model_cfg = model_cfg | |
self.learnable = nn.ModuleDict() | |
self.learnable['imgencoder'] = ImgLearnableEncoder(model_cfg) | |
def forward(self, imgFea, maskImages, image_boxs): | |
imgFea = self.learnable['imgencoder'](imgFea, maskImages, image_boxs) # <bsz, img_dim> | |
imgFea = F.normalize(imgFea, p=2, dim=-1) | |
return imgFea | |
class ImgFeatureExtractor: | |
def __init__(self, cfg_file, model_weights, gpu_id=0): | |
self.gpu_id = gpu_id | |
self.cfg_file = cfg_file | |
self.cfg = cfg_from_yaml_file(self.cfg_file, cfg) | |
self.img_model = ImgModel(model_cfg=self.cfg.MODEL) | |
self.img_model = self.img_model.cuda(self.gpu_id) | |
model_component = torch.load(model_weights, map_location=torch.device('cuda:{}'.format(self.gpu_id))) | |
img_model_component = {} | |
for key in model_component["learnable"].keys(): | |
if "imgencoder." in key: | |
img_model_component[key] = model_component["learnable"][key] | |
self.img_model.learnable.load_state_dict(img_model_component) | |
self.img_model.eval() | |
self.visual_transform = self.visual_transforms_box(self.cfg.MODEL.IMG_SIZE) | |
def visual_transforms_box(self, new_size=456): | |
mean, std = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] | |
normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) | |
return transforms.Compose([ | |
transforms.ToTensor(), | |
transforms.Resize((new_size, new_size)), | |
normalize]) | |
def extract(self, img_path, bboxes): | |
if type(img_path)==str: | |
image ='RGB') | |
else: | |
image = Image.fromarray(img_path) | |
if image is None: | |
return None | |
else: | |
width, height = image.size | |
new_size = self.cfg.MODEL.IMG_SIZE | |
img_box_s = [] | |
for box_i in bboxes[:self.cfg.MODEL.MAX_IMG_LEN - 1]: # [x1, y1, x2, y2] | |
x1, y1, x2, y2 = box_i[0] * (new_size / width), box_i[1] * (new_size / height), box_i[2] * ( | |
new_size / width), box_i[3] * (new_size / height) | |
img_box_s.append(torch.from_numpy(np.array([x1, y1, x2, y2]).astype(np.float32))) | |
img_box_s.append(torch.from_numpy(np.array([0, 0, new_size, new_size]).astype(np.float32))) | |
image_boxs = torch.stack(img_box_s, 0) # <36, 4> | |
image = self.visual_transform(image) | |
img_len = torch.full((1,), self.cfg.MODEL.MAX_IMG_LEN, dtype=torch.long) | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
imgs = image.unsqueeze(0) # <batchsize, 3, image_size, image_size> | |
img_lens = img_len.unsqueeze(0).view(-1) | |
image_boxs = image_boxs.unsqueeze(0) # <BSZ, 36, 4> | |
# get image mask | |
imgMask = getLanMask(img_lens, cfg.MODEL.MAX_IMG_LEN) | |
imgMask = imgMask.cuda(self.gpu_id) | |
imgs = imgs.cuda(self.gpu_id) | |
image_boxs = image_boxs.cuda(self.gpu_id) # <BSZ, 36, 4> | |
img_fea = self.img_model(imgs, imgMask, image_boxs) | |
img_fea = img_fea.cpu().numpy() | |
return img_fea | |
def main(video_path, save_path, map_path, vf_extractor, bbx_extr): | |
video_name = '.'.join(video_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[:-1]) | |
if not os.path.exists(save_path): | |
os.makedirs(save_path) | |
# video_hash_code = (os.popen('md5sum {}'.format(video_path))).readlines()[0].split(' ')[0] | |
with open(video_path, 'rb') as fd: | |
data = | |
video_hash_code = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest() | |
save_path = os.path.join(save_path, '{}_{}.json'.format(video_name, video_hash_code[:8])) | |
if os.path.exists(save_path) and not args.overwrite: | |
print('exists ' + save_path) | |
pass | |
else: | |
map_path = os.path.join(map_path, '{}_{}.json'.format(video_name, video_hash_code[:8])) | |
if not os.path.exists(map_path): | |
print('map not exist: ', map_path) | |
return | |
video_map = json.load(open(map_path), encoding='UTF-8') | |
assert video_hash_code == video_map["video_file_hash_code"] | |
fps = 1 | |
max_frame_num = 5 | |
select_frame_idx = [] | |
select_frame_clip = [] | |
for i in range(len(video_map["clips"])): | |
clip = video_map["clips"][i] | |
if clip["cliptype"] == "transition": | |
continue | |
select_frame_num = int(min(np.ceil(clip["duration"] * fps), max_frame_num)) | |
clip_total_frame_num = clip["frame_end"] - clip["frame_start"] | |
frame_duration = clip_total_frame_num // (select_frame_num + 1) | |
for j in range(select_frame_num): | |
select_frame_idx.append(clip["frame_start"] + (j + 1) * frame_duration) | |
select_frame_clip.append(i) | |
print(len(select_frame_idx), len(set(select_frame_idx))) | |
# Capture video | |
video = VideoFileClip(video_path) | |
video = video.crop(*video_map["content_box"]) | |
fps = video.fps | |
duration = video.duration | |
total_frames = int(duration * fps) | |
width, height = video.size | |
print('fps, frame_count, width, height:', fps, total_frames, width, height) | |
cnt_frame, step = 0, 0 | |
for frame in video.iter_frames(fps=video_map["sample_fps"]): | |
if step == len(select_frame_idx): | |
break | |
if cnt_frame == select_frame_idx[step]: | |
bboxes = bbx_extr.extract_bboxes(cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) | |
bboxes = bboxes.tolist() | |
fea = vf_extractor.extract(frame, bboxes) | |
fea = fea.squeeze(axis=0).tolist() | |
if "feat" in video_map["clips"][select_frame_clip[step]]: | |
video_map["clips"][select_frame_clip[step]]["feat"].append(fea) | |
else: | |
video_map["clips"][select_frame_clip[step]]["feat"] = [fea] | |
step += 1 | |
cnt_frame += 1 | |
# while ret and step < len(select_frame_idx): | |
# if cnt_frame == select_frame_idx[step]: | |
# _, frame = video.retrieve() | |
# bboxes = bbx_extr.extract_bboxes(frame) | |
# bboxes = bboxes.tolist() | |
# frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) | |
# fea = vf_extractor.extract(frame, bboxes) | |
# fea = fea.squeeze(axis=0).tolist() | |
# # save_path = os.path.join(args.feat_save_dir, video_name) | |
# # if not os.path.exists(save_path): | |
# # os.makedirs(save_path) | |
# #, '{:0>8d}.npy'.format(cnt_frame)), fea) | |
# if "feat" in video_map["clips"][select_frame_clip[step]]: | |
# video_map["clips"][select_frame_clip[step]]["feat"].append(fea) | |
# else: | |
# video_map["clips"][select_frame_clip[step]]["feat"] = [fea] | |
# | |
# step += 1 | |
# print(cnt_frame) | |
# | |
# cnt_frame += 1 | |
# ret = video.grab() | |
# video.release() | |
for clip in video_map["clips"]: | |
clip["multi_factor"] = {"semantics": None} | |
if "feat" in clip: | |
clip["multi_factor"]["semantics"] = np.mean(np.array(clip["feat"]), axis=0).tolist() | |
with open(save_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fp: | |
json.dump(video_map, fp, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
# python --frames_dir ./frames --vid_dir /data_share5/douyin/video --vid_csv_path ./vids.csv --feat_save_dir feats | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument('-src_path', type=str, default='/innovation_cfs/entertainment/VideoMashup/video') | |
parser.add_argument('-dst_path', type=str, | |
default='/innovation_cfs/entertainment/VideoMashup/video_map/transnetv2_duration_frameidx_moviepy_feat') | |
parser.add_argument('-map_path', type=str, | |
default='/innovation_cfs/entertainment/VideoMashup/video_map/transnetv2_duration_frameidx_moviepy') | |
# parser.add_argument('--frames_dir', type=str, default=None) | |
# parser.add_argument('--vid_csv_path', type=str, default=None) | |
parser.add_argument('--feat_save_dir', type=str, default=None) | |
parser.add_argument('--cfg_file', type=str, default='cfg/test_xyb.yml') | |
parser.add_argument('--brivl_checkpoint', type=str, | |
default='/innovation_cfs/mmatch/infguo/weights/BriVL-1.0-5500w.pth') | |
parser.add_argument('--bbox_extractor_cfg', type=str, | |
default='bbox_extractor/configs/bua-caffe/extract-bua-caffe-r101.yaml') | |
parser.add_argument('-overwrite', default=False, action="store_true") # whether overwrite the existing results | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) | |
cfg_file = os.path.join(abs_path, args.cfg_file) | |
model_weights = args.brivl_checkpoint | |
vf_extractor = ImgFeatureExtractor(cfg_file, model_weights) | |
bbx_extr = BboxExtractor(os.path.join(abs_path, args.bbox_extractor_cfg)) | |
if os.path.isdir(args.src_path): | |
for root, _, file_list in os.walk(args.src_path): | |
file_list.sort() | |
if '周杰伦mv' in root: | |
continue | |
for file in file_list: | |
print('processing: ', file) | |
try: | |
video_path = os.path.join(root, file) | |
save_path = os.path.join(args.dst_path, root[len(args.src_path) + 1:]) | |
map_path = os.path.join(args.map_path, root[len(args.src_path) + 1:]) | |
main(video_path, save_path, map_path, vf_extractor, bbx_extr) | |
except Exception as e: | |
traceback.print_exc() | |
else: | |
main(args.src_path, args.dst_path, args.map_path, vf_extractor, bbx_extr) | |